HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousing & Redevelopment Authority Packet 05-16-2002kl HRA STA" REPORTS MAY 169 2002 AGENDA PLYMOUTH HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2002 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Medicine Lake Room Plymouth City Hall 3400 Plymouth Boulevard Plymouth, MN 55447 CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner, citizen or petitioner so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in normal sequence on the agenda. 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CONSENT AGENDA* A. Plymouth Towne Square. Accept Monthly Housing Reports. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Plymouth Town Square. Update on the opening of the waiting list for two bedroom units. B. Uncommit funds for the Harvest Hills development. C. Continue discussion on funding options to acquire properties that contain right of first refusal. D. Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners. Request for additional funding. 5. ADJOURNMENT 7 ACBNDA PLYMOUM HOUSING AND REDRVZLOPNMW AWROIM 1M SWAY, MAY 16, 30M 7.00 paL V IIB Medktn Ldw Rens PbasortIb Clpr Bt0 3100 P%saa101torkmd Prj - &, MN 35117 CONSEM' AGENM All ma-Beted wilh ea aatetist (') are oomideeed to be m by the Hausiag aad Roirmei p m Awthoeid ad wM be eaaaed by oae maim. Thae vM be ab lioll, -1 ll, ld of lheaeb=:nolms a , A' —or p I'd. Igo requests, is which eves the item will be eemoned P+om the Demes aBwds sed aomidered in noeaad aeonmee m:lhe aaxoda 1. CUL TOOPJ=-R00PdtO. L APPROVAL Of MQN TU 1\ r 3. CONSENT ACEIMM A. Pbmaath Ts Sgmnm Aooept MoW* Housing R aft 6. NEW A. P% - - - To Sgwra Up&ft an the opmlog of the waiting list Por two bed<oom molts. Ili U000mmit fbaft fm the Hoeveat !rills deyetapment. C. (kcA meeiaemimo on fqmft optiam to aogon peopeeeiea that =01da eight of fiat ntm. . D. hftf1AM Oatreaah gad Co =Wft FM IMs. Regaea Rr additioed L A* PLYMOUTH HOLING AND RZOLNELIOPKINT AUTHORITY Apron.= PR6SEM Commndm=SWnLu&wnoKSw*HmkmdlmnWvMbA ABS!' n Chair Salm Ib:adeeaoa and mrer rim Bmm. STAFF PURNMr Hoeastive DuaMr Ame . Hnumiog Mmw Jnn Bamma. HRA rtagr Jmea and OA'ice Snppott ReptaceDtive Baeb Pstetaon 1. CAW.TOORDBR A meeting of tie. Pgmomh Homiog.and Redardopmmt Avdmidrvm called to aider by Vme Chair Ludoride an.Apeil 1g.20M at 7:aZ.pm. L APPROVALOF11ONU U MOT= by Coammiuieoa Hewitt, ae000ded by Cbmmisda m diag app a wl atom Nkmh.21.20M mim ftL VOW 3 AjCL Maim Woved menimousb CONSENT AGENDA A. Pd nwdb Tema Sganme Hoang FApmtt MOTMN was made by Commiui o llwmk aemnded by C m ', 11 ner the Cboaeat Ageadd Vale: 3 Aym MI'm ndoptedmmAmou*. Dum mm ON PLYMOUTH TOINNB SQUARE 1NBnum Honaina Mmager Bamea aoplmo ed the ptooems Ihat ataff nmd b aomnalr to the seat slemtm and pdides m taideata at Pbmmamh Tawas Sgaare. He mid tees meetimge was bdd v*M was wdl amended by the nddaft Dieeaor Malbmt abmd the dimma dm of iu ma teetedm mdicddedaetiom memedmbeOampie t at an dteaamoataooeetn wehthe modeaw Ditmtor HatZw mid tees wb about balfaf teo tesidema bare WAdo med'ieal espKoaeaabmft 3%dffaboUa beamed ado&xdm DkourHw bmt and test the mdoeigt of teaidem I bed= pta',m with the naw teat bowerar, for asset cello m. being cbw4 d m S%waa ofa000em toa kw resident:. Commismiaoer Hewitt m&d bons it waubi be banded if tesideam t -0 i ' eased. 1ler I Mmnagee Bamea mid tory world ams ftomath Hooft and Rmdewdopmeat Auaboeibr Ape 18.2002 PW2 ate motet wine two hems after the mwads the met pladeot3oq wh3dt h inrludd as isooatte. Director Mdbmt also mentimsed a meeting was odd Por aingte raideama 6viog in two beioom kL Direct Hualbat iRd3camd.*A for dhm moat pmt die RaideM nOdvd 1632 Pmligr ohmage wilh little otljectioo. She acid etas are some tempts dtaotma8raed to star io a two beicom unit due to hedioapped 6nm Commioiooa Hewitt ednd boarma ny bealkgged amoeasibk apmemea I alae are at PblOW A Towae Squme sod quadOWd it we need to ma6m mere apaalmar- bumfiic"d aooesa'bk in tbm titme. Oommimiooer Ludmvhdo stewed diem du: beimofda bulldog h idepedem fivbg and how hrwe wenttoedeod Got v#M and to be dismu d Inch fulme. Housing Maoaga Bones said the apeoft of arc wait list In two bedroom wits Aad ban documd atpreAm msedogs and wilt the new poky oho S a nu mbar oftwo l P I a m -mob will apenup msdace resideaoos move b 000 ole bedroom whL Homing Muga Soma stented that the temsttios hr singles raiding in two•bahoom umis should begin w An do swat month. Hooting Manger Banes updated dte Bond ahem the entaee- vtd ag list and b&md dataB d%ftk %Vfimabs hd ban ooamseted about vaoam amts and bed opted sot to twat Pbmoutb Towne Squme at dds dmL Dbmw Hadbwt atpleisd the poosss rho would be need in apem3og the waidog titot ke two bedroom voity. Sbe.asid we would advathe within the Pbsanth soca using da Slim Shcw. fbras ad da CWs web page. the waitlit wM be open far ane ae two dq s and i2meRamd puatiea nen call io and reouw m applicamlos w amp sen clw Hall and pick ase up. Qommimi=w Hewitt admd if the wait list at Pbmeu& Towle Sgame h separamed between ane mod two l A 9 9nui. Dnecmr Hmibm vdd daym ostteptsepsaame. llaweaer, the ottmber ofbeioam leaded sad tar which day would gnatifjr 3s identified by da sssaaber of bm oehmM mambas os da applitmt3os. DLeetorlAnlbmt said da vae3t list wBl be handled similar to the Sadsn 8 voucher ft bowavm. da HRA -:m act their aro= rAddia m 11 , Maomger Bona cvbimd bowpeople aft mmra d fiem da waiting Get. He said them aBa dW bove baa offend m apmtmem tmee dmm fty aro Rmovd fioms the lbL He aid tome ate 78 acmes on the Est now mad 21 an Agibk Px two I ,1 1 me 1 Di ftw Hadbat dad shat tome will not be any ole I , I m mm malls available hr Rat AM to waiting Het hr gaits same dowdoe to the fbet*A the two bed<ooms nddeamv ffl be mo ft i2mo dean I A m Nmunitsadtaybo mmevacwL. NKMOM byCoamdadoserMicbStob,amendedbyOommisdomerIIa - 1 aodrm1 1 Offto open do Pbmautb Towne Sgvm vidit list a000adiag to da g 111i es is da memo looted. APB 106 200L oL 3 /yea. Mmdonadmpmdvoammouml) RqAm m qpdm 1be saki , --loom dam a f fMet send damse rbVAWr Hooft andRek%vk*WAOI Alb0ft Apd10.2= Aaga 3 Honsiog Mmegre Btmms mined deaf Comminiooer SUM bed regm ted Sh staff aepoat to be paepmed and adbedthe ooamioaiaspraaw ifthay vrasted mdiscusalbbmpic toanghtae tablait mail tee•a= meetiaag vibes Commissioner Bilddoa vias paeseat: Qommildmor taadariaie alg ted daw we go offer me repoet sad ifteme me mly goest;oaa. ataffan research them and aidthaw mthe npoitPor.the next mentiag. Caiooa Ladavtssio uloed wbtthe time seme.rae Por reparmem ones vie pmcI tea mefr. Haelsiog hlerrgv Bmaes acid it vianld peobaw be a 90 day ties aama, sad cghined teat the app wd psoas Por potmtid beprma who qob awhile to ow AM given tea scat Say may bone aedit isso m Commiseioaer LudovisdamloodcawaldolthereoervemalumisthatteaCkyvimmstomak ain Dhootor Hmmeatadd ie depeada ontea timing ofwbm we mod" p opeat r in rarII-no !ming MamgerBaeoaaidthesemaybe other 0 -i m a, whichmayooaarvochserheeiiogtheproperty looser them a kkwoA tel would tic qp these Ponds and acid Resta rands cash Saw ismes, Coadaaissiooar Howitt aid aha hk tea HRA may view to tpbe the riot Commiaiomr e asbed.itbe HRA doesn't aoercise aw sight to percbae the paopuly an the owner yen ie set marbet vdm Haoiog Mawr Beaaes aid these b = kcomo restriction limit At the VMgp sot Baan Qee! ifdw HRA does wt puecbaa d a bova%tba awmr bchaseda penaby to remora tea coansab from do p "uty. Commissioner Lolo' ole M that itis a nice vehicle , it n - a lot of obftr. Dhector fholbmtsuggemedGat n eqft ellen migiw be med asashattam 8oseeM tod mel =Wood NUM withabamtabomthe ihesi6ft ofdds action. Commiaioner LadwAssio mind iftea000nal viotdd peed to opprar 1, it Dhatow Ho rvm aid *a bond be tha mobaft to do teis widaaw City Coandl action. Diswdsion was tubed omit tba next mee8og. Hoofing Manegar Bamea staled that deaae A aamt bas been lying Iheir maabbr mreetive tothe 8mndsbafdo oma mown wAad and iftent b howthe Bond vraaws it to bo dace. Oommiaiona Howitt aid abs !ices !hem m mstl:d Osmmissioner laadm iaia suggested that asce Mwaipmut be repeaaooed m the Bald vowdoracculooft. Commissioner Hoviitt @It ft sbould be at emy mxtiop. Mader lbngm aid Vvie had aaytbOg pabdbmg to Plyw. wh 7baasa Squ m do teen dray shwAd bo at tbo meeting,. Disomaion was bold segaard'iOg helping tea amass more nom two bedeoom evil to sae bedroom mvUL D'neetoe HmFAM aid Ibe aae1 1 of the bdldiog ww M be eaed a bdp viith tea move. AD OUaIYIEiii'1' MORIOI'1 by Commiaioner Miehlitok aoaded.byCommmaoner Head aiaenaiog tee o>eef mT.30p od. aa+ass.awasod As of Apd ts' we have 9 two bedroom (114.215, A 212) apartrnents ava2m . Pearl SdW, dam apwbmM 118 went tdo an aubled Ift dry to Bmolgn Perk Her two bedroorm apwbmd wA be enaleble hone 1'! The two etrgle residents In apa I in, 215 IL 218 have natal to one beshoorm anile. We also had an in house apareme d UwWw, Lola Ctaietensorr meed dam 128 to 906. Al aouptas on the wellrg la were caned a9m cNg the available two tiedroom apartrrrents. Out of al the couples who cam tong Ihern onlyone couple is' to note In renmg 218. Utters. i raft g e semdressed stamped poet caK were sent out % e mVm an the waling bt. The poet cards were to have been rebased by May 1" kdc@ irg d May would Mae to remain an the waft IM or be W= dl. Apprordna * 58 care out at 79 were retuned. The ares who d d not respond by retrurdng Meir rete wM be removed dam the waAbg let. On Apel 501 Anne Hurlbrgt and Jkn Bames held two nreetirgs regw cl Me naw rem Wudme. On Aprd 801 Anne and.Mn held an dw mrsaft for al residents In two bedroom epartrrrers regardlrg Me new ooar mW standards. A vdw tea let at residents who would Moe to mae to a one badroorm has bean started. The rerneAdtg singles tivirg h two bedroom apartrrrerds air go Into a lcmdarl system. Metro WM has been called about the sld6g and Reda an the bdldr & Because of have give mft more and dtada that that has blown otl dme May were 8"'P ditd aparbnerde 908 924 and 12L Aparbreard 906 had ft avW and tAa r opleoad: Apardneereb 92t and 196 Aad flee asipeb dsaned. Th leak and In ft brat flm mM hsllwq has bean Reed; The leak in tlee l l he Wft was tburrd by 8reM and was f8eed by a pWrnbhep anrpeny betlaems. of the position it was be. T& D. au landecop m were here 10 rsneae the craw terse and lo sweep do.ps -i lot atter the wide' Owens was hereon the 18'" to repair the O gm AC dram Rre the was ph oed and tleraph the 9i0 Aoor etalrwe0 a ep. Root 4D4Aedc Sewer SwAm area bads boom m oparbn" 124 was having suds bbad&4 up In hw lAldren stnk apeke, lteey cleaned Aar Idtaeen Ibex down 10 the metre Rea' -a-1Sarrines Noon lundet an the r was dddoen rm Amesandwidies..E,neployeee from Gaaoa dft VM PO kXk 11w latohan tout !fie cerree to ordertain reeiderim Md. 1p+areceloa a vras an the 2r. r srx PLYMOUTH TOWNE SQUARE BALANCE SHEET MARCH 31, 2002 ASSETS% 0"Y MY" SOO CHECKING - OPERATIONS 96,842 SAVINGS -SECURITY DEPOSIT 35,289 INTEREST RECEIVAB:_E 2,007 PREPAID WORKERS C%NP 674 PREPAIDS - OTHER 207 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 135,919 FIXED ASSETS LAND 459,247 LAND IWROV=-PENTS 57,648 BUILDINGS 5,652,875 FURNITURE 8 EQUIP -GENERAL 175,130 FURNITURE & EQUIP-HSKPG 1,015 EQUIPMENT -COMPUTER 7,058 ACCU'gLLATED DEPRECIATION% AtD FVRN 8 EQUIP -GENERAL. 1,546,581) w TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 4,806,992 NON-CURR'_HT ASSETS INVESTMENTS-CONSTRUC FUND 13.373 INVESTMENTS-OIORKINB CAPITL 449,519 IHVESTKENTS-DEBT SERV FUND 599,044 INVESTMENTS -CAPITAL. IIwRV 202,565 UNAMORTIZED START-UP COSTS 2,930 UHAKORTIZED ORGA4IZ COSTS 155,.167 ACCUM AMORTZ-ORGANIZ COST 90,721) NON-CURRENT ASSETS 1,331,877 TOTAL ASSETS 6,274,388 ooM-cncsn Pri PLYMOUTH TOWK- SWARE BALANCE SHEET MARCH 31, 2002. LIABILI.TIE$& CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TRADE 31,948 ACCRUED INTERF-S.T 71,034 ACCRUED REAL. ESTATE TAX 33,387 ACCRUED MISCELLANEOUS 11,786 ACCRUED SALARICS/bIAaES 1,117 CURRENT MATURITIES—i-T. 112,750 TENANT SECURITY DEPOSITS 33,446 TOTAL CURRENT LIABLITIES LONG. TERM LIABILITIES MORTGAGE PAYABLE 27,552) BONDS PAYABLE 4,,786,750 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES 4,739,188 TOTAL LIABLITIES EQUITY& CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL 1,000,000 PARTNERS' DEFICIT 185,267 RETAINED EARNINGS 33,664 TOTAL EQUITY ~---— CURRENT YEAR INCOME (LOSS.) TOTAL LIABILITES & EQUITY 295,468 5,034,6%6 1,218,931 20:801 6,274,388 axle P ao,a raa.a sial w astnau 111111=101110 mellow MOM am off Hoar Mas soa am m 1ara1 urra saes aeuo m arat a11eWan aaerr 11101011 111101 fat mre m1 r a& Male f>ms.:Kaaa1 lfiueaarrarsa, • iloss i,s$ 161688'66661r sas aaeal Mame 1 LTA ar sora w m us boo am foie T to a fart nal 1191 7A am fail fun 1116n am oul m Moa WIN IMA., of"" !Mae ww nu Mow 9 i• am 111,,1! mom 0Vill m w f0 all a mom fm am n1,ea moat sofa W 11,291 as1 no nal 011 n+M 0 Ifa ar m SOu MISS fWAI 1n,»n 1" Inman aa t 9 i• If1N fOlBlrf IN1 t111111/m11911 IIIIIII1111 IIIt1i1111/I a::It111f/111 N111Ipl ups= 1lIMIIB. {NIIBi arB{ fM1111,011111 l w NNA ha 001171 01. 111ambmttmmoam lnumm Illt 1111 VA) MIS b bNI II 1BmmmDbBSAN OUR IAN I IN ! SIN 30 1111 JuA) pti0 Miff W NI 11111 1111 IWAI of" Ian wit Ip1A1 000111 1M.11 0t IN SMA #Wm 11mim; l.NI 1611 IM.II N,N1 UlmIAMI 11{.11 110!1 MptIfNNNb ma MAPS 1 01101 11mOwn N. NAI 111.11 111 B Owing!N N i0 N WI MI 111.11 In IM) all MAPaNOL" B1BIr11U 111t h N M.N N.{ q1 TM N1 N.1 i1! funIf" N1 u1 11.11IMUS mosam" maw N M MIA) 1 M 11!11 r116N a n immuft a w 1 t'a f,1 M11t I mAN.I 1LML n fol UM w INN 11611 m 1 Is 1111 IIIIII AI 1 r x110/ 4101 ti!N M NAM NAM lun 11116/ 1) Mn1n1 Ap111t1n{r1 Law IN) NII IIIMI 11/A1 Af fall 111611 pip Ilerorl 111 In Nl 1 sdb 111 In) Mail . WOA! 111 IWA INL 11111111!1 MTM i pi 1,111 boat I,f.N Iwo tl.Ml uAMI IN.N Wonsan* M11{ O11In1 MI11N111 o up 1171 IMA IMI.11uNl fN IIMA) 0 IMI 1NtAl p INN MA) fun IMM) uAt rr1111 I<r11,1 41101 1111AI m IMN 111.11 111 tam r t11a tOgltl 1t/1 ta11a a 1101 111111111111 11191N 11111111111 1111.1111111 I1ap11111! 1111111111 { 1teat11111Im ars 11 alas use 1r 1 11 1Rulfuh atuloqui m AM 1111 Nlll will 1#1111 fN1101 NMI IM.11SaimfM1OaPlatMIlMfillIN." ton I'm 11!01 10.1111161i111.1M low low Pop It1Al 6111 11,111 Np01 I1a,11 ML 011lialt 111 II.WI INfi N,OM now OAM NI.11 ONY1N wkff 0 1110 IMI NMI US 1M INTI 111011IL(al A • q 1.101 Itl 11.1111 11.11 11MA1 IN 111 1 INTI Ndal lam IMMI MAL no" Ida IN.l1 111 1111111 W.11 WIMP 1 A1119t1111s IMI NIAI 1i 11M 1111) 11.11) 11aMN Y111B M W a11 MAO IN Shot MAlalNpl / 1 I1 40 111,61111 1116411 16111 low Ib1011 AP17QII 1M 111 I1111 lom 0 NMI 1MA1OPIUMIltsRIINI111.11 111 flow) PIPPIN am m 1M 111M1 11611 1,111 1" 1111 fM[Id a101tt 1M IAM1 11111 film IA 1111/ N,M11 WAS IaL larlls 111111 11,111 low i E IMM) 111.11 SNI now INTI ' 111.11 o coos:r a tit NIIa M Utlt NIIN au Nm go NIt 1111 1 1111 11111WM ININ 11111111111 ata glfN wives 2 1111111111111NR111111/111.11 ata W' NIIIg1 i 191s1aNulOTlmlgr oan121ra1low T11N N ow Ma1mN1 11161r g N.1 m . MIL TBW/1111111 I/6W she N l N,N2 N,N2 Tg91Nli/1 i1 l I IN1g1 N LIN M NV AN I'M long Aim r!p 111sm 0118 11,01 21,E 111 1 1 M,t#1 4 Aim M/a111l 001 IWAI low MIL TlQ1 IN N.NI t1.u1 INII 11.11 11.fN mill lIM tNI11I/ WBQ41 NEIN N,m IIIAM 111.21 1T/og1 1,1p T t+1a11t aat A21 11.1N1 four 2N.2 Nolg IT 1111 i 1>r MIA OoN I IWAI N,Ng 11.21 Ibf11) It0A1 1:I:IIi J 2 eTK ii l t _ E- AID YOU KNOW? It helps to have the correct change when purchwing an event ticket. ne results of the candy count will be posted on the bulletin board on these Fridays in May -10s',17&&.20. We keep only one wheel chair in the dining room, not in the fireplace room. Please put them back where you get them. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened." A rabbit can eat a mushroom that would kill a man. A fast way to peel tomatoes or peaches is to cut an X through the skin and zap it for about 15 seconds in the microwave. Venus is the only planetthat rotates clockwise. Walt Disney was actually afraid of mice. SORRY MICKEY! It takes 4 tons of grapes to produce 1 ton of raisins. Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he didn't wear pants. There are still spaces on thesign up boards for you to sign up for your re -verification. The only wasted day, is a day without laughter!" WE WILL END MAY MONTH WITH "BUILD YOUR OWN SUNDAES."" MEET IN THE DINING ROOM AT 2:00 P.M. ON MAY 31 ST. 1-9 OOIYORATDL1tT1Q1 31Y111AF RESIDEi7T DOUI4CIL 1rIL1yB RS Lee Olson Lie lYigge%ar MarAe Johnson Delores Iskierka AI.TERMA7' lois Brant 0411 -- I;i CY i .-MORIAL DAY Memorial ii,GrIgiraftcalled Deootatton Day, is: a dayof W for those who died In our nations service: Them are sevezal stories as to its actual begluolimm but it was &u. pv+odaimed on May S. 1868 by General John. Lagan in his General Order No. 1.1 and was Brat observed on May 30, 186%. when Sowers wo+e placed on the Paves of Union and .tedewm I soldiers. 7be South refused to acl nowledge Decoration Day and honored thele dead on separate days until ager World War L Memorial Day is now eddmated.In almost every state on the last Monday in May (passed by Dongrew In 1968 as a. Federal holiday to ensure a w , thou several Southern states have an additional, seperete day for honoring theConfederatewardead. U1.ESSED. ARE MOTHERS J r;r m ; 10 V M be moante& S1 SSTD ARB M 7 t'ti13RS...voho last sleep vpbm v0e v0em sick, they v0ip jltrd rest. 8111SSED ARE MCr1 S...vvho 1= 0* in low to pray, tls W slurs God's bb%dmL ARB Mt-i'HBRS..0%dw comforled us, 0" dM be aid. I iSSBD ARB MtYI'<iXiS...voleo tagght us liFs b'4 esaanple, the4 in fAft toreoe.. Blss$SRD ARB MtYI S...tlt boo* us rigfit iron v mxs SLBSSBD AM' alwr®d vvph us the n emti df P,11ie4 sly lass peace• BLUBM ARB Mt71'tiBRS...vO>to tap t us r" finp0- lance of %**ttig God and aadt other, an God. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. T Mt)TT!-1E t'S. DA2 TO A M • R'S, AUS, 051l M RS, SISTERS, GRANDKOKTER'S AND SPECIAL. Me Plymouth Town Square rrouaty ria Y/OW'S TRIX" fie Magic and moaim shm. of The Halbrooks May 14, 2002 1:00 PM in the Dining Room GUESTS ARE INVITED! MAY 8/R1i uff OT1 N PAT M/f,llOiLs ALICE l iff HAROLD JON arRv area T00 SOLLO LILLIAN AONIII AmRrraysxc MIIIM N AIM APT 130 APT 113 APT 322 APT:.Z1y APT. 233 APT $28 APT.310 APT 320 APT 315 A MMM FROM YOUR CANT1 MMI ff"N MW UWN Sr Yff MWI OOXW AM MR JUNK MAIL ONLY - NOT LQUA SII MINIS m RSP NI ArM/NB MEN IMM WN M UQUIO /N IE BOY MI BRRIIT WU PSK UP AIR 60IND COVERS MAY IR. man P(m Ymm. Sr YOUR DO SAY MOINTH ACTiiiITl,s Cw* Jar count week. Remelts eevenrvery Frlday. The jar Will be sitting outside of the office with paper and pen for you to write your guess MAY tad — RESIDENT COFFEE. MAY 61 - CAMDY COUNT -The jar is on the tabie by the offioe.. MAY 61" - SALAD L%1NCH nami There will be a sign up on the bulletin board to bring a salad or you may pumbase a ticket for S&OO. MAY 90 =RESIDENT COFFEE MAY 9t° - RESIDENT CO=L LUNCH – incoming. and outgoing membom JMAY IP CANDY COUM`F – The jar is on Ole table by the office. MAY 141° — —0-0) Guests are im itedil l REAP— ? I' COFFEE MAY 20P - CANDY Col _The jar is on the table by the office. MAY n"—TRERI. TAM JJMI- SLOO admission. Guests an invited MAY 23'e– RESmErrr –1:00 P.M. MAY 30'A– DESMTM COMM MAY 31i1- BUILD YOUR OWN ICE C FeM ct Nps . t2;001 D -U.NCHisoLAL MONDAX ' MAY BTM AT tbW BRING A ZALAD TO 1HME: THERE It A AGN UP ON THE BULLETIN 'BOARD. IF VOU CANNOT MAKE A fAlAD, TICKETIVILL GO ON IALE. MAY 1n, 2ND & 3RD FOR $5.00.. A A01 A d A; A IPEC. lAL. MUIIC.~ L.,E T WEDNEUDAY —MANY 22"0 IAO PA* PLEAJE FEEL FREE TO :INVITED GUElTA THERE WILL 6E A $1.00 ENTRANCE FEE! W BN SERVICES POST apples sox ea SLT. MINN. 63731 sluses•aua Please post th. schedule a weak. at two prior to our visit. SEASONAL WINDOW CLEANING SCHEDULE To all residents: This Season's window clamming schedule is as follows: Webelift, May 1S&. Yd floor 7bzs ft. may Ie, 2nd floor Friday, May l7°, la flow The work moves from the top of the building downward. We begin at 7:00 A.M. with the top floor scheduled for that day. We will do a Faw of theearly rigors first. It is not necessary for all to rile early. We clean both sides of the windows from the inside of the apartments. Strauss aro 0130 CIe00td fOr Font 9001ve01e000. Residents ate requested to remove all objects from in front of the window area to that we will have a these foot deep work area. We will move heavy items for you. It is not necessary to remove lost drapes. You may tic them to the side if you wish. We aro earefbl about gattiag water on your carpeting. Likely we will be provided with pass keys in order to eater unoccupied apartments. We are very trustworthy and be" a fine reputation serving the elderly over the lean. if you have plans for the day. do not feel that you aced be present when the windows are cleaned. We aro very most and careful. to there is no mood for concern. Thank you kindly for Vane cooperation. We are confidant that you will be pleased with your sparkling class windows. We sincerely hope that we will brighten lone day. ww:.,re.a.d Sao you seen.. Keith and John ftonknof91WW ormtps May 2002 Monthly Planner P1Na0greradver ommiam0aR6/m 3. 2 3 4 M IOAD AM Oi6M Sm6r IOAD AM RaiOpq IOSO AM Paiw Oroup 6AO PM Ca+M(8rL) a 11 n O Ifi li n i f sMNrIfrNO IMPUT0804119010 1a0 PM 3111 cw&DR Cute 7A0 PM OINOO IAOPMCmb 1 IIGALAGZd10 s r r r Accera. ALARM CNECR NATIONALDAYof PRAYER S 6 7 8 9 10 I1 m AM ckvo IM PM SALAD IM AM ORM IOAO AM Kamm I0100 AM ftW &0w 6A0 PM Q ds CU.) ervfa LUNCH OAMMasClb 1:10PM3111C&,&DR Colla PM RESIDENT 1:00PMCrede(ft) 7A0 PM ERGOI1a0SAOPMSOL) COUNCIL LUNCHCANOYCODNTNMPYPEURWCAN7:00PMOINQo 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 OAO AM ama 1:00 PM SCIWAWS IO:SSO AM BM SN* IMAM RaWW IOSO AM ftW 0r@W IOAO AM B!wif f1a v0sawn70101010011010 9W AM Malt Cub 1:10 PM 3111 Cndr DR caft IAO fM Qw&(fd) 60 PM Car&Oft) CANDY CODPR WINDOWS WASHED 70PM MW wlNOOwB wASIIED MO)fMI DAY Im m MAWCUX WDIDOWS WAMIED SAO PM CMA TOL) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7A0PMOINOD L IdOfMWISIDIM 10:00AMParywOmw SaoAMPOOM rill 109:ODAMC4a11 CANDYCOYNT 9J0A CbA 1MPal MEETDIO IAOPMCahoo.) Oauddlul ORNIO 6:00 PM Gfdr(sr1) 5:00 PM CrdK m) ND7 26 27 28 29 30 31 4A0 AM 0W* 1A0 PM SCMWANS 0111AIIA IMAM ORM 80161F IOAO AM ROHM IM AM PIu7a Omip 7A0 PM offm Ia0 PM YI) Cady DR Canis IAO PM Cady (Pfl.) MEMORIAL DAY 9:10 AM Maly Cub 7:00 PM DINGO 1s00 fM N:R CRSAM SAO PM cbmwEL) SOCIAI. OpnmCLOSED IIAP"FOFFFOOTCAM P1Na0greradver ommiam0aR6/m 3. 7#q 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD; PLYMOUnL MN 53447 DAM May 6.20M for i%using and Redevelopment Auftdty Mooting of May 16.2002 Tft Pbmwo& Housing and Redevvinpuient Au tmity FROM: Jim Barnes. Housing NOW. Through Arms Tete bvM Executive Direemr SUBMWP. Update as tee epaalag of tee P"ootb Towne Square vnd tg lbt BA©CCROUND At the April 2002 HRA -Board meeting tea Comminioem directed StaB'so open the waiting list lar two4e60om Units a Pb=utb Towne Square (PFS) because of tee uft*aed vacancies teat will be ocauring as a molt of tee policy change relating to aiagle residents occupying two - 1 0 1 m a wo. bedroom mita. Ova tea past mode. Staffbas been wafts on tea timeline Re moreating, opening and setting a deadline Por ween apph=dm are to be mosivei As was diocand at tee April HRA Bond a apart 1 complm IS and Pbrmome ON& venter mailings tato IOCP ad PRLSM. Posting in onflon on ft CiWs Web Pagq ad placing a P&k Nodoe and New Relasae in die Pbrmoute Sm Saft. Tee scbedde we bove laid out lar this proses is as.Ibllmm M4 S Public Notice is pablMW sad tbras dWn'bute& mo r 2e -2 bkm ted parts may request an appliadm by plmaa at m Jane 19 AN qpplications aredaa at Chy Hall by 4:30 p m. Jame to Appliatioos are sent to PIS Por opening and priariW plsceaaeut an waiting fist. Ouse them site maoaga and Greco M&Bgpmeut bave bad m opportunity to plane tea eligible epplieants an tee wait'mg NO they will begirt to MI the units. 11 is our bope feu me Units will be lased in June and July and we should be at iitll occupancy by August 1. I nmmmead test tee l4rmsa10 Haaf>btt nd Rodevelopttseat AmdmVyr Board of Cbmmdmas nodve tab report aamm ubkg tee opeaetg of ten Pb o owb Towne Sgoatre waI fit J AT1rACWARMS I. PTS Waiting List News Release 2. PTS Waiting List Fbw aaeadmvstloo,1 uruw atmwravr meuaupe.s.:saoaoe News Release Far hona iera Release gnat Jim Bm= 763•s0M12 P4rmo-0 IIM 4o Accept App for Two Bet6+oom Unita in . Apartment Camplz For tetra fts in. May. the Pbm a Housing sad lledr4dapmmt Am aft (MW Will aped the waiting. !nt Por twin ser oom trails in Pl mouth. Towne Sgma. P OWN& Towne Sgwn. 13300376 Ave. N.. is a 99at senior apattme I complex whim the HRA Dara. Ibis n the first time due the building' was bdlt in 1994 that the waft He hat ban opened. Tie PWmulh Hanning asd Redetrelopmest Amhoriq will aooept nqom for mucitiona for twa-bedroom Unita ONLY at Pbmmwh Towne Sgwre 6om Mqr 20 through 3:30 p m, an May 22. Applicants must meet d4A ty reguiremmla. Pbuoulh Towsa Square is open to all iv&vWbata whose had of household or apome at at leant 33 yarn and Older regof imcome. However, preA will be given to thmsm mdividolls and families: Whose bad of household or almost is at but 62 years or older. Wbaem um d ioomme figs below the eaubb" bw u mmme Imo; or Wbo reside In Ply comb. Tlwo4aboom units amort have two occapm raiding m the until. This as be a married. couple err two ne"elesed IMIft who meet &a amapancy regnuemmts lisped above. lesideata at Towne Square we requited to pay 3s% of tbdr man" mama or SM Or two4admom Usl s). whichever is greaser smwatds mambo rem. Requedhe m Appocatim 11MM moa aessrds lbr aoo8aotiooa WE be taches betwess 9 a.m. a• Moro.. May 20 asd 3:30 n m. as wed.. Mu 23. Appliamta any all (763) 309-3418 nydme. 24 bmmra par dri. am% this time period to m appliatims. Ap#h= a may do come to me P4rmmnth HRA office located at Pbrmmwh Cky Hall. 3400 Pbuwxh Blvd. to regom as appliadm ln-paaon regueats Por apO adorn a* will be Wm a City Hall an Mon.. May rN 20 and Wed.. Myr 22, Som 9 am. to 3:30 p.m. and an Tom May 21. Rem 9 am. to 6 p.m. No aewau to uM be seapted alter 3M pin. m Wed., Mq 33. Appikadoos will be mailed out no lair men Mq 29 man pasom reqtiog mem by de MW 22 deadline. An. appliatioea meat be returned to me Pbrmnute HRA ao bfer fees tM PAL an Jure 19. iE>igmle applicants we selected Sem ft Pbrmnum Towne Square waiting list. The dame of applic dos docs not determine an appliaWs position an fee waiting IM. An applian's place on me waiting list is detamioed by lottery. ankjeat to me pr lop , s idasifisd above. Tee P4woo& HRA has slog reoogoiaed me seed to crate and mdatoio affordable senior renin bossing in me Ctigr of Pbrmomb. Over me past Eve yesm renal we in me Cky of Pbrmoum have banned 33% while vaangr rata are at 2%. Not only has senior rural horsing become inose cgwwive. but if abo has become more ddfrcu t to find. However, during oris time, me Pbrmaath HRA's Pbrmowe Towne Squne bas bas helping seniors to afttd renal housing in Pbrmentk according to Plymouth Housing Program Msoaga Jim Berta. 30- Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority to accept applications for two bedroom units in r„ Plymouth Towne Square F'or teles mys ib IW lee ftMWm Housingmld . waiting list Ibr two-eeal oom uaila ie TWWsa=M ftmus TMW Squar413S00,i7'Aws. N.. a99 senior ape tillent omlpe:x weice tee HRA """• owns. 711is is tee Post time aiooe tee - .. - •- .. Y . • bm'Wiag was bla'It io 1994 tett lee waiting ; list eas been opened. o ` . 6 Som 9 am FJgibi6fy R"vuft=AppNeafi= 0 b ea io eidueY whose teed dhesdodd ar osesieeebesSiyaessolatlas em 14osoesaiesppY+iesw heWmeldlerE dmoome. ebphersrbpeelol O 7Ms0ediemsdsmelhseeee 000a see 1Mepheseee seeAwi4seheor esid'sabdfeeait7hieemhesawnied • htendektdpSY,9aaldeed eovpberssoaossl eedadtbwhsesadoo ahb,hq-M r22,33apm1 smO pmQiioomletioeedohsre. • yplira at17KS7o9,142 lovsad esoaoeemafirm. plelsaoe nllbeOnmisbeeidieidek e dboaiex taeNerpww•san tYhoeeheddhssehddQeposRieet ApptiaeeeoegmmeeopbmsAMlAelHoe; bea62psesaaNr. pb ACI rlbg310apbmarhOWL doobjdo whersoe'lioo•eftilhhebvths ,,,ty.,. a olhihedlosimmeths'locee • hto.dop;M4r20.mdYkbadekMey22, whseside pbemd aes9aaa3:30p m.ar Iedgt Mey 21. tlom9aea eo6 pea Iteeidmsmt mabtbmeSoeass aeappr33li~moMi == s pisnpoomwiheseeepaddloe3e3ap m eeti100tlhrlwe hedtoo.00bL ieheeoete WebmdgaUNSL @W WO &U= t ML Appbermw7hemeibdsolmkWd =MW24gd t *=lpdeemwndmdW&Ae jpliosi ==weent= dwtheh=ashHRAm IslordlmbUPMLW =19.9iObepptieMM mdesed tlam the Pim o 7bw e 8pe s+aet Y the dee dsppiseim docs m1 daaslee m epp moel paiimmlhsw+s lls plirae phrxm e wed Ga is delsmimd beak mqjes m me poedenstem idmoiaed ehoee 74J MBMO CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUfH..MN 53447 DATE: May S. 2002 for Housing and Redevelopment Authority Medina of May 16.2002 TO: Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: Tracy Janes. HRA Specialist and Jim Bamea. Housing Program Manager through Aare Huelbort. Executive Director SUBS JCI : Status Update and Ulocommitment of Funds. for the Single Family Consolidated RFP Application hr Harvest Hills At the Felmmy 21.2002 HRA mediog, the HRA Board of Commissions authorized a commitment of local fiends to serve as both b vw,-e and support of dkO Single Family Consolidated RFP Application for Harvest Hills. The Board agreed to commit a total of 123.000 in local iimda, with.U%000 in CDBG Funds and $85.000 in HRA General Funds allocated toward dre prgjed. The project was intended to provide gap financing far owner - occupied bousing snits in the Harvest Hills Development. HRA staff was recently informed that the Single Family Consolidated RFP Application for Harvest Hills. submitted in February. was not recommended for funding. Based an this ioBrmation. staff propose to uncommit the 540.000 in CDBG Funds orad $gS.000 in HRA General Fwvk committed toward this project The fiords will be returned to their respective amounts and used at a later date to assist with dforddde housing prgjeds throughout the City. I reeom and that the Pbmoatb Homing sad Redly kpmmt AutharltS+ Board of Cows rraoommlt bol had: toward the Harvest Bob project e) cr Y OF PLYMOUTH 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUTH. MN 33447 DATE: Mair 8.20M fiff Housing sad Redevebpmmt AWhoeity Meeting of May 16.2002 TO:pboraftHousing and Redevelopment.AuthoeiQ C-142 dw FROM[ AMEM Housing Manager. through Anna RAWL Etoodive Dirator sU826CT. FdkwopdbtmdnrqprftgfbmftGpantbacqdmpmpwdn sa4jeet tw tee Rigel of Phut Rdlesd daasa At the April 20M HRA meeting, the Bomd bdd a brieftnesdoh reSmg possible fined sig options to acquire pppmdes that give the HRA the riglu of Seat nkuL Attached is the original Staff report from the Apil mooing. Tbo Board sated Staff to loot into the pmodbility of nun up a tine of axed t with a !tool hndiag insthmim Staff ooeucxed Anchor Back. which is tee boot the Cityuses for its accowtts, and disconed the poastbitity of suing up a lice of credit under do Hlw$ name. TIM repewmlu a uww mrd that it cmtsinly was posuble to create a tine of credit and povide some pudiminmy infarawtion an what it would take to at it up as well as what the tine of credit would cost the HRA. The HRA or the City would have to povide a guanotee in an amount equ d to the Has of credit beemme there would ant be my collowd for *A line ofcredit. The Nader cWhined that since the HRA would only be briding the proputy(s) for a short time they would not be We to some the finds borrowed with the property. The Cost to art up oris Smiling semce wouU vary depuding on the sine ofthe liaa of crWk If we sgyed below $2306000 we ww'd save as wound fee of 6100. Uwe choose to go higher the s m ld fee would increase. It would anal $230 amudly far a lino of credit of $300.000. Both of hose Ra we tether nominaL The interact raoa we would be charged an fiords outstanding would probably bo prom (cta sift at 0.7596) orpine 1. AlC A secood qpfim the Bond mer want to conddler b dw MY appma dol -ft BRA my me 60 Coll$ reserm to ampke pr m I met m ntjm to do ftm of SO mkd C10030. Eunddly. do MY would And So thaft to do HRA and act.a So Bad. As wild a vaditlood buk Ov HRA woaid bra ft PIW do Chy k%M an &a hub bortmond. which would beequeltodkerate dmCky recalmanamen byestmemm(cones* wand 5%). This option however. m add con&lm on Me m of hub a who mdm do MW decision to qWm pWaft that So BRA mq no wont. I mmwmmd that tb* ftINGES ROSSINI old Rldaftmot Aufterby Board of C%umdukoon domm the have In Sh report and pm*k. Us diredlum. ATTACHNMNTS I. Staff report fiom ftApd HRA Baud moefing Its. 0) llll',i i0 Cr Y OF PLYMOUTH 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD. PLYMOUTH. MN 3507 DAZE: April. 12. 20M hr Homing and Reftydopmed Amboily Meeting of April 18. 10M TO: Hearing and Rmkvdopmemt Anilaft FROM: swiftft Meow- tltone0 AmIFK&m Damr6ve Director St1 uWr Options Rw properties tiabjlef N t>Id t of Fbnt Rd4ta1 Clause At the regnmt oftde Hootingand Redevelopment Aut uby (HRA) Board ofCounisdomm Staffbas pulled t inibmeatmn regarding oertain properties alb the HRA bas provided asaistaooe and bas mtecuted Dotbre iom of Coven ms. The Covenumb provide Rtr ettanded atlozdah ty of11e bonabeyond the iuM sok. A Doclention of Coves is a legal doaunwt that is MM with the county acrd provides for certain eastriatiom against spared or pataelsof land. Maugy iioowowmm Aesoeiatiom have restrictive mod, as put of the emendation in order to ensue eonaistmay, and voiftnnity within*Adevdopmant. PW"dersofablehomingoRennae1103tecb=q=mweltin order to place caeUd res! I Ii I on the property. arost notably to provide hr a>3brdability over a Permoftium. The Plymouth HRA cumadl y is ming restrictive covmo a on two devdopmmh, tha Village at Dome Creek and the RmmM copies c fvNcb we amakkd and mnbed hr your review. Once Wa Reams devdopmeml is complete tome will be 32 vena wilt Coveomb an d m. The primary restriction on the Iowa Coves mpn" esu -& existing bomeowner to sell their house to an iaaomr gnelilring betyM The Covamnts alto ooaaio the pwvimian affldiag rte HRA do Yt & of First RetimC', whist mean b A, a &a cmumt owner can list and all the property an rte open market they must Brat oiBr to sell it to rte HRA at a price based upon a bmvda in rte Covenant. DISCUSSION J Ramtly the HRA was iduamed that a current owner at do Village at Bassett Cmeb was selling their property. Aceordiag to the requiummems m the Covenant, the owner offered dna HRA do lOeM. eAi, V iLLAG.E AT 3A5sETT CREEK . WWWR THIS DBCI ARATION O3' RBSIRIC M COVENANTS (ft sAgreematt`) dated as of . e. Tour '1>IaRstdmed moo. tae: (cMaa •ruhw owtoe is t • . do COY ofPy, Mtge op(Seaj. NOTAL4 WMMMS, OR C catered into that 01211112 CW= hr MIA Development betwaft die Grand dO htW Owawr, ddad a of Aura 11, IM (d*NCoeanad k wad NH6R6AS, pwntwmt.to da doe.trddd owner is ubli ted to . asta+utiaa of aeiuin howft ttwits an ae116o peopap i4 as. Chy end to amuse aamplience maids eatwia housing afibtdMV aanrJoenis desadbad $s Secure 4.3 of die Casal all is o Vanden of mama ax inueme t finaft aselonee PONvided ?q *A Chris doe bm Ovgeer to descaw. is doe conaacf; ad WHP-MS, doe Peopar (at; buds defined) has been. pubaeed wida "enhenced fiaenCW as defined in Sedan 4.3(4),d ft Comm and, doere&M dta b*W Owner is MWIted by do Contract to exa de tris Areement in aoanecdon with doe sale. of Propaq:,. a'MEAS, doe Ioidwl Oavnei inoda docs Agremuat.Utaft deolates and covenants %Udreres"ve ooveasr M at. fW& berein goremhq don t[waat of doe PMRV shall be and ace owmanu nwzft V4& dA Propeegr lbr the temp dUWbed hada (hr doe bWAM of doe Cir andallfumeOvM= of *A PWpaer) and biaft upon all Owners of die Prop M fw suj. teem, and are not merely personal ooveaaab atom bddd Owner. _ . NOW. TH REW& in ooadder &o of dos promise: sad aevwoinu loaeinaRee at tom. and of adrer vdubte co=bW"o% doe me* and vjfMmq of whM is herebyadutowiedgad, the teddel Owner 9j , as qM ws: Secdoa L 21WIM In lois Agtem eM vNass a diem mumag appears Somthecantor: Additioaal D• assn the dOft vdWAOft of aqy wmounb disbursed by dnaGHrtoprotectisimerestorthebluestofthe =A is tha Propagr, dal bove not been reimbursed by Ge Owner, plus int , oa weh emowmt u a ate of eight puoent (g%) Per annum. Avawge. Peeoaat'menta` iw dm tout Petoed unease iu Avaeage Sales Price from thefustyearoftheCdadaeioaPeriodtothelastyeeeofdeeC*Wation Period, divided by the f number of yeas in doe Cehuladon Parted, Selling Pew amosams dee cost ofacgnideg the Peopow flom dee Owner and bKnuda da follawiag; dl amounts paid, fiber is nam of is Boar, bW da ptncdesar (or Is related partir of fbrthebwAtofdopxdnm) to Ilse Oaamr (a a nbod"or fbr da benefit of the Owstas) q 0001111111211101k hrTraraAtofdeePIVIII a the petd=a. iadoft alpappliaoa In-,-' and to the eoeepaagr of tla homes I!: as pace of fire sale of the Propapr the pwelvser agree to pq orassumeWbiliWhradebtoftoOwom.*eptiaoipd amasatt of arch debt neat de iaduded as part of fire cost of aoquia;ag dee Properp• If the tams of tM ham provide !br ia:ealhtsene PINVI ants IW dw PM&UW to ilea Owner. the Shcft Pdoa shall be deftwh od bp bAbAing filapeim*d amauae owing to tba.Owatr a of the dote of T ands. or, Eno pdaoW r,nas. is. stated trader wW hs:tn>meaot of TiWA&r. dem ilea Stdiesg Pd a a>sell be data dmd by aladadag equal to Pum vel ofthe I I - a of the data oftba Tauter, aswmiag a dbwmt praft et &*A eats hr owmer oowpiad re:;deatial moetgsge loses 11111110 iWoneepolis a Aad metoopolime ata sa of fire do of the TMIfhr. as. approved IW the CV. For the ptatpoms of ft ddbbk% to coat of aogtd in the PsWul r doe eat i Awb dke and nail ra:oaable aesdesmeat aril costs. S costs itedttda deliag and ttamfhr cash, title Wmnm % my fie:; ar odear aitnibtr ems. Fipmeiag costsieeedrde eme eeAtmeoo lem, IqPl fes. appsdpl a9,01peaeittd adgimdoo Ra drat are paid dee buaroe, or odtaf otats oftimmdngdwao"i*iw Transtttr' mans riot tots) UK advammommyam. w uensfitr in ow odea anode er foam of or with respect to the Pwpad. or ay Coatraet or ageeattent to do MW of toe lune. A lease of tl:a Ptoperpr vrithostt patrcI ' carton, ora lase with Wdoa to pmdtasa at fhir marks du% shall tut Coouima a Thmft. Amy baso with option to putchose at las Man fhit mantel dm shall coradom a Tumbr. z7 a) Upon eta and ddimy by the Initial owner, the Initial Owner shell cause Itis Agreement to be receded nail tiled with the CWAW Recorder at Roglow of Titles, as appropriate, of Hampin Oatmq, ad *A pay all ha sad elrorga incomed in cot nudon Iherew111L Upon recordML dna lfMd Owner shill inumadiat* awmdt to the Cige a esoarvmed o:;giad of the recorded Armament showigg the date and daatment wanbas of mooe4 or a duly ctgdW Copy OUR aosasted ee IWI, b) The Initial Owner iatads, declare and covasa% on behalf of itself and all Aftm OWaers of the Ptaparpr daft the tam of this Agreement, that las Amt and the CG%vumsth fm& bbaeia ret g the llmsfer of tla Pwpapr CO shaft be and an covemma anterft per% aoauetlaiag dw PROMW ON the tam of las ApeemoM binft upon the ldtW Owmft areoasors in lith and all subsequent owners of the pmpaty. (ii) are not A* personal Covenaaes of do Inbar Owner. and {sin dWl bind the Initial owner and all rotate Owaas dueing to tom of filo Agretmmt. The Initial owner hereby agmw &at atgr and all requirements of dun laws of the Stats to be satisfied in order fa fila provisions of dtis Agreemet;mootastitute deed ratrirdoas and oa vrtants cunning with the land shall be deetssed to fu*216M ass 3734M r) Upon or 1 11 abet an ap TlwaPor that is Wiled to tastekeion wader Poh Agree M% the 04SW AM ddhW to dee CIV vedMM avtdneoa reaaoa W MI&M rY to flea aq that the sutijea Tirnatder oompiies sill do provlsiom of Ws ApeematL UWw otherwise agreed by the Citi, evidaooe of do Sd ft No doll hChAt at kM flea Poltowlap,ltams; an aeMMW pu dmn a pummtlt ad a aesaeed amdnads of rat estate value compwag wide Stats lave , d) Prarop* Ift sacdpt by 60 Cid of avtdmoe of oompfiaoe wide *A fasces of tteh Section a: to the anbm4wdYi mor oft s Peeperdr atter flea hOd Ttansibr. des ClW %vM l4eenitle lea Owabr with OR aI I I I I bq MMM so omd6ft Sah, ftafte tion by lea Oipr doll be (aid it dmM be so penM11 1 in def aadnadaa hdlg a oondolve dolomiaatioa of s d*tdoa of dee m=eats In tb0 Apeaom vd& talormeoe to the obligada m of dee Owner vride eeepeat to the ntjdct Ttmes@t sod sora be auba ndlb in des hm attaebed hereto as It"t & If the Cip'.*A RAW or 8i[ ta•Ponide m0 aedHcadon is aocotdmoe with dte Povilons of this Seed^ toe Clr dA vi -5 dip tiler vrdum request by On Oww. provide des Oamer wfih a vtiktat dbmemtat beioft to adoge dem? In who nqm is dee Omm has Bdled to compo edlh die temidadae on m me I ttoder lois Sadioo ad who meesmes orate will bo aeon bodes gkJonaf tre 0th. der aha Owam to edea or p 9, -in radar to obtda shah ead&atift e) ANY TRANSFER IN VIOLATION OF M TERMS OF THIS SECTION, INCLUDING A TRAivVER. WITHOUT PROYMING PRIOR NOTICE TO TIM HRA IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBSECIM (b) OF TEI[S SECTION a. SHALL BE VOID. t a) Prior m spy proposed Tkaa6ir sacs Propend, lea HRA. amm on amm of dee Cigr. still have dee opteoa to purchase the Prww Poe In Mmdmum Sale Pdee in ==do= wife subseedon (b) of this Sadian L Man to A aodna the Ohweer in wiidog of its MtWAM to aeteMM the PutdedseHR Optido wimia tweaq (20) days of ro*pt of written nod8eadon Bum dee Oester of des I1111 - I Trwaft pwsuau. to Stadion 4(h) above. On Pa chm Option shall hire and dee Osier mq plotted to all the unit in eeeaWsom with tae pravidoas of Sudan 4. Deft dee Baagoiog te+e W (20) day option PtIA die HRA may. at Its egeme. have aha Pt *uW iaspacad sad mq dsa. at Its expanse: cawhm snob ptdhniaary Me aorta as it may done appapdd% ad dm Owner will cooperate v4th the HRA in sueb uadeealdng:, Secdoa s. b) If the HRA clads to aopha dee PeopetV in accordsme with the tents of the Punk= Opdon. the HRA sbdl exemte a puaI agv@nmm for the Pagtft in Pone and dubsmee ressam* sadsiiatM to lwHILAandria Ownersad still proceed to close on the peacbase of the Propaq wimis dixq(do *pdon MA's notice of its election to paedease. Proceeds of the sale of the PiepaQr m tip NRAshdl tis disbursed inttee Poltowiag auaner ( To pgoQ dhe balance owed an the Fiat Moop p and epi other outstsaft moapp Ham; (ii) To payoff any emcee sad asommoosti6whorsommobiamon on the Properq deemed to dfbct the qt{i , ate': • glZ 'P.li' iad moudl BRA 2406PbMWA 8oubrra & Pbusuk w sma Atm a DltlemW of at. such *thee adds vas0 to d&w tab p 1w a *A p m fit,. 0tbrsatd1e6MObitptoidtdbk6drSigiea, ' Tbls AgeeesM Mall be govett d b of 6te State of Thi: AVeaoau..atq be wwAd in azW at kt u of aouwcrMMvdti ooasti e e and dee sante t bo ae indN6SSN S W IEOF. die Joititl OY ver CWW 6d: Agiammm to be sVAd bysspsentadvs QttkdWwApwlm*mwnum COMPANY. INC.. STATE OF mDwum^ 1 COUNTY,OF ) iafhlnllaOt T=adaeft4 d bda m this . b d4y of of The Rottlund M 1w as i du ftm. vices _pre . CamM. Imc_ a.Mimasov on belal[of the ootpotrtion, Nobly tom ilei,$ document vents *aPAd by: . 1 Qmw & Wbiuw LLP (JD1QPluttwcomwtauth ao es220Sou6t. Six& Stew$ ++m+r. aoos MnttMPlis. eta S3402TelepbwL- 612.340,S662 ft a s+s aeiri is:v zxmmlrB p 62 343 UIl P. telt; , ' , CEItTMCATS OF OOIGUANCE SUBMU RU TRANSFER) WZXAS* puesumt to Section 43 of *A Contend of Pdvate Devabpm ak dated ho MI. between the Cipr of Pbrnt WN MhsrseM (dW -ppb and The Rationd Compaq, term (00 •U, Ove die milia[ OWN has OM=d to be emmtfd' a Dadaradan ofRaattidive. Lova nu dated as of _. (a'Ded l and Bbd VA& da (Camel R e corder][Registeet; of Titles] Ar Hmmepio an Doannmt No. - ONNIM da fo0ewing deco abed eel atone and the ma bead thtaeoa.(the'Propetpr"]; and T4=M % Seaton 4 of dee Dod" n ooaMm oteatn'eemietiom an Tronshr of *m ` PeopaaT teiaft so priorintim to the HRA WA the MactoamSaie Pdo *me. cad WHOWAS. on else data hateof else olnelat owW ofdrePaopetty ftbg tela M@d as ransAt ofSte Ropeegr las been made is ha Mottled flat die Ow at* *A aTaosgpliaocewideSaxton4ofdwDeoltaadoa, NOW. THER WML dais b der l.. A Transfer of the PMPOW wilt be made by said ma eat Owner tbf a Selling DeiceofS • . wbM Sonia; Pd= is baa than or eqW to the .Maximum Sele. Fdwibrarils. Tcan*r a; computed in a000rdmoe wilt dsa Dedaeadon. Flerdtet. said emimt Owner has provided the HRA with des nodee of ttaasRt required by Sudan 4(b) of dee Dadsmdon (of the HRA has waived the regtdfemeat. for assets notitce). 2. This imometeat is a ooaednive datmWaatiat of sad&t&a of dee oovmams as to the Tmwbe of dee Pfomw. if mads Br &a fmpwg Sd ft Price, is a000tdsnce wide 1ha ARer dee data bacon da P=M rennins Ujax to the tft= of theDeelaa>ioo wd dds intde=m stall eat ooaa n to cv deam of eampWeoa with or mustiscdon of my ohl Adan of mW Owner vAth respect to al wbompA t Tcmfa.of dra hop" dwbgdeotwmoftheDeeWW40a, Dated: _ THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH. MINNESOTA By its Mayor By its Cfty Maaagee .. THE RE SERVE CLUMMM of RbYSi'RXMW eovEl M as of .- Z00 by tha biotoiog and Redevelapsmmt AuiAaripr bn and For eheCq 0fPbIn0 _ ^la W 0Dmal man RKffAM WHutb %the Faopetpr (as herein dam) bu been PA&Mad by the Dechr at underaPmgmendedtoassistbayandmodmte4acome ®rmMm to agbadtheChyofPbmovkMimasote; and p wiehia WHERIMA cher tams ad condition be eof are intended in pact to eohanae the FtopaWbytagitaffordabletobowsandmodaate-mom families who,. abom such ptoviriav4would-be tmabbeto dF ad to pmdrate the hopaq. WRCR"&*ADaclm==dwQu Agreement inteolk declem and coveamts that tho. cubic" covaoams ant. !bath htaeia. goveroigg *A teats of the Properly shall be and weeoveoarebvmubgwHhthePtoperlr (Ar the barest of do Decbms. ad au future Owvms ofthePmpwW) amd binft qW all Owma of the Property, ad are not merely personalofdheDeclaeaat 4 and eWf. • In °0am0n of the pwmise= surd coveoants hMeWdkr setbboomiderotioo. the rem* mL7of which is. . a*nmkdgK the Dedumm agien 4m &Uaws;. haft SecdOa L DAMIMIn thin Agtammk volm a dig vealthecontext: meanirt6 appears from pmcha'e i the m w mOlVF m by the a' at or prior to the time ofAGWIYtohadapmdmofthePumbmPrise. aaaaa An.-IMMI b) The Deem of this Agreement doU be 20 years from the recording hereof and thereafter, this Agreement shalt be null and void. R,._ _i_ <<_ X77 7, a) The Dedamat is a body corporate and politic aq pmud and qualified to transact business under do laws of tba State, has the power and authority to own its properties and assets and to carry as its business as sow being conducted, ad bas dye f X kpal right, power and authority to execute cad deliver this.AgmemseL b) The =wAtion and pee6orsneoee of this Agreameot by the Dedamot will not violate; of as applicaw have not violated any provision of hM6 colo or Madedw or ally alder of any court or other agency at govaomeoW bob, and will not valeta any provision of any indimane, agreeiseat, mortgage, mor18e soot or other inshwee t In vAM the Declarant is a party or by whieh it is bound c) The Dedamat warrants that it has not and will not atec ute any other augie with provislons contradictory to. of in appositoa to, the peovishers hereof; and dhat in any event the requirements of this Agreement are peeemoa -and cowaftft as to the eights and obUgetions herein set Porth and supersede any Giber regttitemeaota in conflict herewith. Stenion 0. Fhmmciom a) An Owner may uwrWg% pledge, or encumber the Property or any portion thereof or interest therein only pursuant in a Formitted Mortgage. "itnoitted Mortgages" shalt be WMW8es which: 1) run in f mor of either (1) a socelled' insdadond leader" such as, but not limited a, a fedeal, at ft ar local hotniog snaaae agency. a bank (mel ding savings and toad association or insured reedit. teat), an insmaoee company, a passion andbr profit- sharing find or trust, or any combination of the foregoing, the policies and procedures of which matiwdoad leader ace xokjeet to direct governmeoml supervision, or (2) a N mmund y load fnhd", or simnTar ooDVoflt leader to housing projects for tow and moderate income peeaor 1 (es defined by reference to tha membership criteria for the National Association of Community Development Loa Funds. a son -profit corporation with its principal office looted in Philadelphia, PWMNUMi The'imtitaeioaal leader" and "bommunitr loan fund" dumbed above ane hereinafter referred to as CTermitted MarWpe'T; ii) is a first lien on all or any of the Property (the "Property"): iii) provide, among other things, that in the event of a default in any of the mortgagor's obligations thereunder, the Permitted Mortgagee shall notify Declaront of such fact and Declarant shall have the right (but shall not have the obligation) within 120 u4MA Rortoesoh Wm now sndt assumption the Permitted Matgsgee dmR mntou satiny be rebmd frac Perso W liveft haeuader; c) Provisions SubjW tD FGfCd sm la the event of fineciastne sole by a Permitted Matgagee of the delivery ofa deed to a Permitted Mortgagee in lien of foreclosure in accords mce with the pmvisiorm hueo£ at the election of the Permitted Mortgagee the pavhIm of Sections S(s) throogh S(h) shall be deleted and dtaeupor shell be of no further force or effect as to only so much of the Pmpmw so foreclaoed upon of teansfetre 1 d) Nodoe: Whenever in this Article notion is to be given to Permitted Mortgagee, such notice shall be given in tba manner at forth in Section 7(b) baeof to the permitted Mortgagee at the address which bas been given by the Pemtitted bduipgee m Dad== by a W. itten notice to Dedaeant sem.in tats u mer set forth in said Seeder 7(b) bumE a) The Owner may sell, unmet ,, at ctltawise dispose of its kleeest in p' p" a* to someone who is a Ub&m a hteome Raddeat (heedn defined). However, sub tIera shall be antjeet to the Ptnchase Opdou dglds ant Rtelh intros Section. Any ptrpmted ask I a id p or athar disposition to may abler person or eo* dome wlthart mowing the procedures set forth below at in violatiaa of such pine , camp in the cash of a sale, tee 6 r or other disposition to a permitted Mortgagee io lien of I m pl mmuPara disposition to boles umder Section t S(b) below, in accordance with the tonne baeK aleft be mall and void. b) Upas moeipt of aotioe firm the emecutor of the decedent's estate given within rioety (90) days of the loth of an Owner (or the last surviving cowmer of the poperty) Declumat shall, no= Air good came aommt to a 1eati.6 of the Property by one or more of the following possible heirs of Owner: i) the sptrse of the Owner, ar Qi) the child ar ahiMren of the Owner; or AH) memba(s) of the Owners bvmehold who have resided upon tha Premises for at leant ane year pier to the Owner's death. Arai other Person at persons who are beiea, legatees or devisees of the Owner must tease to DecWaot's re I IIA mon that they meet the definition of Moderate Income Raddems bunk and if aqy such person is unsble to do a% that such person atoll not be entitiad to possession of the Property but mune atmsfer the Property in aocadance wild the provisiorm hereof winch rdame fb the oak D ar disposition of the P mgmV to a third part% within 120 days of the date Dederaas determines that they do not and the definition of Moderate Income Raddmm c) Notice of Inteiit to Sell Prrn =. saaseoa a..aomeot Movft mamrer; Ca To payoff the bdow owed an to it tat Magage and say oddMM" 1000M fieng' M TO payoffMY Imus and msasmen% new eacanbraaoea on thePropertydtrmtedtoaffectthemarkstaMiigrtherad(other thou this ASMMW .end (iii) To payW'Yg Pmt ao the elft Owner. ar his err her elft- Pachme of the I'mrsty by theDedarantdial! not act as a discharge or mh:me of this Areement. Q) Upon or belbre closing on any Tk *r. other than a Tmmfw so the Declarant. that is aubjea so ratrictim under this AgmemmL the Owner shall deliver, to the Deehueat written evidence remonab(y satisfactory to the Decemam that the n4ject Treader crimplm withmeprovisionsofthisAgreenreat. B) Pmtq * after moeipt by the Dadarm t of evidam of comptiaooe with ma termOfthisSectionasmtheairequantTnmhrofthePeopmV. the Decleramt wil! furnish the. Owner with an appropriate WWJMeat ao eartib*i Such cardficwtiuon by the-Declaaat diad bedeiitdimffibeanprovidedintheaaetifictionhuMaaonclmivedetamimtionofmonofthscoveomminmidAgreementwithrelbrmmtotheobligatiomoftheOwnerwith. rte; ,, WtheslothTrON. and dball be submanfi ll)y in me Earn wMcbed hareto as Esq D. if theDedarentshallrefirseormiltoprovidemyaertifimtioninmardanoewiththeprovL*m of thisSecdMIliaDeclarss< d WL within S days agar written mq" by the Owomprovide the Owner with a written statement iodiofg in adegideme detect in whet respells the Owns has thiled Looar * with the ratrku m an T1ienaRr under this Section ad what meastues or ads will be11100001101Y. in ft opinion of me Doelmm% for em Oaac to taloa a perform in order to obt insuchcardfication. THE TERM OFTHISSECTION. CL BYANSFER WITHOUT PROVMMC1 PRIWNER IN VIOLATION OF OR NOTICE TOTHEDECLARANTINACCORDANCEWITHSUBSECTION (c) OF THIS SECTION. SHALL BE VOID AND THE DECLARANT SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE ALLOFTHEREMEDIESSETFORTHHBRSQI. Section C go, Owner 71* with ee Owner caw s that the pnmery puepo®e for requiring eomph'anco by meprovidedinthisAgtaemeotistomaWmthetoe4ermaffoedabitity of me Property to low- and moderate inooaro fi+aWiessuch as the Owner, who. aliment suchprovision. Would be unable to afford such homy& hereby agrees and eonaeota that theDeclansntshallbeemitied, for arpy breach of tit: provisk m of this Agtemmt, and in addition to all other remedies provided by law or in equity. to eofitca Wdfic Puffirroance by ma OwerandtheTaiahmofitsobligetiomunderthisAgreementinastatecourtofcompetentjurisdictiontotwitpossessionofPropertyandseerinjunctiverelief. The Owner brreby Audw specifically acknowledges that the Declarant cannot be adequately compensated by monetarydamsgaintheeventofanydefaulthaeunde- The fcregoiog instrusam. was acbowledged. before .. , dy2002. by Sum L. Hatde and Annie W H of Chsirpeeson end Euerwive Director of the Housing and udbur 'the 3w.:Of Pbumdk a public yqmm and Authority in and for me an behalf of said Housing. and Re&.vdop me wu uoda:the. Iaws of the State of Minnesota, Amity Notre.- Public This document was draftl by: 31.7 pie CenW 138OCaMomeCejCurie BRIM Dote SS 121 GSI) 432,5000 mum a..aoAmm. ZXHMI NBM NOTICE OF INTENT TO TRANSFER. PROPERTY Ta Pbatoue HRA 3400 Pb=A 8oakvnd Pbwmtk Mimtesota 33417 Date: NOTICE M HRRUY GIVEN that pmsmoa to Soaim 3(c) of the Dwh adm of Resdahe Cowmaemdined . 2001 CDn m dooah eaeotded V 181ly dmtxfhed m the aaaehcdF*it'A' PM* w1 Propeink tha Is Owaer of De D*jea Rawly, emaempkmm as of b mammtio1heStdCtPtttpaprraask, tteasDr ora" or' o[ths ptepetpr to a third patgr wtih aonthemsWummasktraoaIordiapoahiman PLUM CHECK ONE OF THS FOLLOWING AND PROV13)E. THS CORRESPONDWGINFORMATION - Me p agactive h4yr or =%pa b Ddlawmg loam m tagaired wader Satin 3(0M oft s this Naiee iaeNdm tAe 1) tats Min ofthe maigom or payer Dr the ktme bml y paecoft 3ar2) C4"= affi=dnofasis P arbgeflmpbycn% 3) vW oft of the aaignee or lager Ibr the boas mauhs immediately peecedhtg the mom& in which this entice b given; e) a Later of Sdp dodos and Aeko-- I Igtatemt Dam the attagaae r hww. and3) a>mtemmt offt tams ofask. The P=Pe mve buyer is aolro0w L MW Notice CDM= a dashed bstulg of the oasts and conditions of the iced sale of tde Wim Pttope ay. OWNERM FAV:lowml 11 I.B MM OF nVMATMN AND ACMOWLUQMNT Ta Pbuowh HRA 3400 PbMW A 9omk%ud Pb=ok mbRu h SM7 Dace Of 7Ab kma$R abllm+ttaoaitadmderthetaakohhaDeektaiaatRamiotireCarertaasdateda A.lwGmaota e A 01 bad lbr*&CVaf A pqww-), tkad 711 amproftlieP opeep kplp dem iAedml6eebr edblddeltptnaAete.tlteSAddOtpaw 1rm6da131d1jaotPtap to andR00b6pesmoSamaAerArlie; ad WA 6a k mt at aoel img aeegia pae dbmtoDeftebmwehmmdae miascudAWwdmdswadaDieoa=mdamWm IAwaAadaappoeo mlprb a Iandetstaddta _P fw_tkbmyieemmrllrlAepar atsatdtias 1AaaadbatpadthaatamaandaoadaiaswhAftdaoad0ioasmap ofaaoaddpattAa Ibr*A atud mofdmU a daoodi W mdersdod dmt ma dmab " ' 1 l die tpeeid @errata afda pan I Qf*A q*jM 10 ftbawatoodtdo4 b) *a ftchm Asmo mat Ibr aoRdnam ofU pram. Q aDeedb*eSAJMPIgPftaadakwftiel0VAeAW. to de Daebmioa b on Stdjaet p q". dmt i underatiod ofthis Lowaf wpandon b to dew to awm who axamba dda traaatgim in do &NMbthebmoe. and abAlioos m ain ie.dKae dots go a laliaaae IIonR. termJU m!0 0°d m0 baa Pa b p4mamh HRA b derakp andRtrpeapkoflimitedtataatoar. p afm deea god attAe PbmgaiA HRA b m moom'P *A ofdNW4 dlWddde henaeeo Prnided anter daz tAs the atleatbad angjeat b the ntaietiom 3. 1 a Ift and 80*mop dte at*m wjm ptopap, m doers Lama and em&dom 4L aft 60 pbvama tee Rome aoid a HRA and i agree drt drc tamsand aoadkom will ache A mora Mmly &,% if pasm it will heaold, d&w dire* err bd Kft to WA&W moderate u+eoate amss.as RMIW sim 13 3!!`A• To Ltr=OF Sa UI ATMm AND A Lnd Domptm of h p V: 9T xas S!'AMOFMmWr, ) COUMYOFHfitt MPOI a e and pohl L Ran3 A°Ma b WA tar dw Oj'afftwmwk MAaa jZ a THM-D SiRUMENT was DRAFTED BY: CUVW KMMN Rahsdud Assn b*n Salb 317 MocommacmWosm Elm wbnmu ssm u as ftctaml 17 40. M8M0 CI1Y OFPL1 011'!1$ 3000 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUnL MN S3447 DATE: May 10, 2002 for Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting of May 16.20M TO: Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment FR04\I:. Jim Barnes, Hemag Manager. through = n& Encolive Director SUBJECT' Iaterhilb Omtrench & Crmmnall y Pawners ruse for addidaaal assbum for the Anderson properly related to the:Comaty Road 101 times BACKGROUND Over the past few maths, Staff has provided the HRA Bond with Mromtian elating to the Qty's acquisition and dkpodd m of homes that -were aogttiredas pmt of dee County road 101 reconstruction At the Dec=mbw 2001 HRA Bomd mteniag, a motion.was approved setting aside 120,000 from the HRA's First Time Hamsebayer program to be used by Iaeerfoith Ouch & Comuounip Partners (IOCP) in their efforts to purchase the popagr [=led at 17913 — 30° Place Note for the purpose of febobiGtatiaa and sole to a first time homebuyer. The City Coaacg original had amblisbad a sale prix of $189,545 based on istbrusidom Staff had at that time. wblch was show U0.000 mar am the IOCP age of $170,000. In order for the project to be fin cli ft fbasiple to TOCP they applied to the Minnesota Houdog Finance Agcocy (MHFA) for an additional $20.000. We were recently iafomeed that the applicadon was not sacxssftel. Since the original dirtatasiona wl& R7CP. to Coy remised a real estate agent. wbich has evaluated an of the bases involved with this project. Based an the agem's recommaalatim, a fhir madmt prix for this Properly is tame in the naighboehood of $179.900 (Ash. Gives this new ialbromion. IOCP has submitted an offer and Ch y Staff will be recounneoft that the City Council accept ehe offer and sell this property to IOCP at the lower price. Simco RxP was not funded dnagh the AMA. they we meholl additional funds to assist with this project TOCP has submitted a request (attacbed) for an additional $5,000 to assist them with this project. The HRA Board dould be asu t: that this peopaty. aRa rdmbihmw would be affordable to households at or below 80% of the arm median' However. IOCP's desire is to reach a homebuyer with a much lower income. Tbey are anticipating the new homebuyer will be coring between SO4M6 of the arm median imcotme, which is why they need additional subsidy far the project I recommend that the Plrmoae Homing and Rederdmpmad Authorh y Board of Commissioners dkmu the regom from Interfa th Omen& & Commaall y farmers. J ATTACEIMENTS 1. Letter of request h m TOCP lh le2mddc1lCt,ga randapmanYgllSs . srAF ru w uaortoersmooaeaAmO m, aV, % Im, Mq$ 2DM Tamm Sam Dawb*. Jim; As you kww'DgvdopwAMQqwatm limded by the TOCP . au.o the afP4 mou io tba anloumP'blocatedat lA1Spltoe.N mph aurpupoee is m.mahe P a oomemhetp diown the ost. cen then beP od jjK. We WNM BM m PEwm the pmt ofan HRASbPmtad &r tlo:puQ2 a ll Wei the. m amomrt of lTy00o toward do MOW Pd'afm g mptmerwdhl mawhomeofauroWn" q ewiso remain ae impos te- iblelbralAM' fer wgom: aft8 w yo mqug 7"aa land aot dgetian We look arnd.m SinoerUp, iiey. F.loeevtive Director MFAlrli OUMUCH a NnY PARTNERS o 110 Grand Arenas Sour4 WAY=& Minnesota 35391-1872 9SM73-2436 Fax 9SV4734137