HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousing & Redevelopment Authority Packet 03-21-2002v HRA STAFF REPORTS MARCH 21;2002 AGENDA PLYMOUTH HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2002 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Medicine Lake Room Plymouth City Hall 3400 Plymouth Boulevard Plymouth, MN 55447 CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner, citizen or petitioner so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in normal sequence on the agenda. 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CONSENT AGENDA* A. Plymouth Towne Square. Accept Monthly Housing Reports. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Plymouth Town Square. Discuss revisions to 2002 Budget. B. Plymouth Town Square. Revisions to Admission and Occupancy Policy. 5. ADJOURNMENT AGENDA. J%V MOUni HOUSM AND NsDKVZLGPNWNT AUTINORITY THURSDAY,. MARCH W. MR 700 p m. Wmm moss o l+am Room Cky na0 340P% --- bmbvaed Pba, UNS5447 All Iamm lisped wiW m astaiat.(+): ata considned to be routine by the Hoag sWRedeselapmentAWhmiWandvrilleeenactedbiraaemotion. 7hete wR1 be no aepar meoftheseikmsuohnaCoopen, dd m oe.patidom so reouesm,. n ubm aaeot ihaitem willbeeemoved6casthecormavandaandaomidendisnormalsegmwontheegaodL I. CAiLLiroomm.-7.00 m. APRROVAL OF MINUTES 3 CONSENT AGENDA• A. PbMWh Towsa SgUM Accept Its m ft Hmi ag Rq=tiL A. MON Teves SWAIL Disness wvid= tD 20M. & da& IL >rbmaipt+ Taws SQNM ReauWm m A* mtion and OoeupaoW pdky L ADJOURNMEN'1" r NOUTES 1 PLVKOUM ROUSM AND RBDRVZLOpta MI' ALgMop I7r Fiebroaq 21;.na Chau Wi n' Commismoaers Stm. LuivduvA Tim Bibboq and LeonWWhWACh AUNT.- Comobdow Std Hewitt STAFF PRSSWM lbo w&m Diieator Awe Hw&m% Houdng lNaoaget Sm garaM HRASreeialistMe[isaa.CamioelH and OMoe Support ve Cmb pdum OTHRR.4 Pah Jodi. ®ommoamm. areae bkuvuml % Wel Vn% IMM LhrPdd* RawM MM &Peas, Dave Mmj*W. F ib RVe. IAMY Nelvosb YMCA I. CUL TOORM A meetkg of *a Pbtm u& Haug wd Redr-+dgm= Awhaibr vms.ee" to alder by ChairHermonanFeseaey21, ZDOQ at 7;04 pm. 1 A"WVAL OF MDq7SS MOT= by Dommisdow Soho% aeconded by ow to veoommeadapprovaloftheDeomsber2% 2001 mimom Voce, 4 AYE*• Malian qpproved om dmomly. A CONMT AGRNDA Man= vm made by Goner MkWb* sxanded by Commissioner Bildeoe; approvingIMCommentAmbtoindukthefollowingitML A.. pbraanib Timm SIWS Maw R e• Bluest Lxvenw Fhab rW Harrel um Derdo pmeM 1FA Apptlnlisa Q IOCP MHFA AppEwAbm Provide kUw of =PPort Rn appticaioo. mvolvn ase of thetaco* Rad 101 pgjm b wn Q Apprtmve the Seaham 8 Ma.gplI.l Arse MMM peagna (SLX&nCama M VOLSobmbdmL 4 Ayes, Motion adopted mmoiodo *. J a. Pt -WA Homing and RedaMdop rAuk Atethemty Febnamy 21, 2001 Page 2 dA. CIO ofPb m dL Pathic hearing on allooaaao:of funds fordo 20M Community Development Block Grant HRA Specialist C rnicew eapladned the process of die pabiic lancing. She &tamed tam the HRA conducts We public hearing Nat the City of PbvwA approves the CDBO Action Plan end Vial dating. Staff r-aoronreade I Ode m no change to the OzAng kv fn We First I me HoodoVer and Hooft Rebnhilitatian ban progemna with a deeeesea in Wes fm .nag for administration because tone will be sem mnreed fimh Som 2001 in cover administrative coat. Staff reconhmmded inmeasing toe finding hr Affoadable Horsing Dee,lopaeeam m 3107,830: These funds would be available year wand on a pipefin bossy. HRA Specialist Cookelli explained tea Wit services" activities, and she stated lost the HM sbffde WV*d a now application and instroaion fam that clarified dee evehanion criteria to bout toe applitmam and die sta& DA application won no to 13g - Ap 1 woiab are con eptly reoe+v ung Unlara meal s these n enae an of all of loam. The gwfica ions were canoed by the eft-ia listed on the fawn. HRA Specialist Caroi=M state' mat tea a belt N meopolis. Daily Cmc b mot -w Pip mfid. but aepreased their gisdarde to toe HRA and City for their coodowd stag w Chair 11md-son ope ed toe Pudic Hearing. Chair Hende11011 hit rodnoed Michad Vres. woo a Is - -,ntad HOME -Lime. ' . Vrm atamed that HOME Line talks with thousands of tewanes rosy year rg - their right. 7bey also go to NO schools and peeseatt serosinats about becoming sueee ss id reset -s. He said they wee fooled but year and appreciate the continued fimdmg. Chair Headman asked if the progtanh is citywide. _ Mr. Vran stated that it is statewide. Chair Heodeeson introduced Lorry Nelson, re- — -' YMCA. Mr. Nelson said dory awe beer to request 37500 in support for the Point NadmM program. He explained that talky have also stained a transitional living pwV= for yo mb ages 1620. which provides aceto --'site hox>sing in ire area. He doenked doe Board for door support Chair lend -son introduce' Ptd Moot wbo wepreseota Famibr Hope. He stated.ew shay awe the only group not an the Use to receive fending. He requested abaft the fid to incbde Weir ado. Their regnest was for 38000. He said Wry have worked with Plymouth, since the earl 80'3 and War office is on Fanbrook Avenue Narth in Pl moath. They provide services for 01-dSk teen&, inchodueg teaaspoeI i Is and fian dye , granh. He provided emv tea of the types of mom dky handle such as suicide, eompmodve 4 ls& eating d13oad-s, etc. He said Wqy do not collect any data when first meeting with team because of omrRdemMy rlasOns They do require dace firm the powenI otter the teen has been aneuding a few sesdooL Between Nov. 1, 2001 and Feb 6, 2002 the progeem s-ved 22 teens fiom Plym ouW. Fran twenV households they lore received 12 dam fames back. Of thane 12, 8 are income e6ga'ble. Mr. Mmplyr apoNgizeed for not filling out the line on the application form w **dog biegmphies of the staffand stated Wart they have far ihll time staff members. Tbey cry to kap teens from ending up in juvenilebones, eaWest is very costly. He suggested putting the 1396 we are holding buck iwhto their program. Commissioner Bddsoe stored dat he was disgp uated to we that Family Hope was not funded and reoorommdea Wit the HRA do so at Wis time. Commissioner IAdovisde asked about the concerns sniff had regarding Family Hope. HRA Specialist Cmai`dli stated that Pby=Wh Homing and Roodow ftmaat AV*Aft Feb=721, 2001 P01113 itis doe kg lima Ghat' Uttur io pl e' log ado tepottir g iolbemetiaa we:tieed a env re compliance with the CDBO regulations. Wbm we rqm dam at the ed ddoe yeas we don't bave all their std. Mr; Mugft said the pr Al is the eaafdemiolity of aha program. CI Ioser LudwAssis asked about the pmslties incurred if the moue. is net all. used and HRA Spashot Qaroicdli sated Family Hope would need to retina the MAL Mf. Murphy stated Gass his mWaknot is drat the program 6 Minded at tae back ed. HRA Spedolist Camicdli said tial Family Hopedoes submit 1r3rmea1 for oasts incurred drouuabout the) ser. Chair Henderson boodaced t'aAck Raman re meoft PRISM. He doskad the Board for tae fandiaggWesindisput. Tbds hub are used p limy lior driving people tD doctors appoiahrreats, etc. FGDft drives is Gbdf biggest.aupaalitme. chair"i clamed the public keening. i utdovi m %gmvd about spending the reserve to suFamily Hopds request. HRA Spedahst Caasicdti soid.t o HRA has new allocated dye maximum allowed for public savioes. Wbm HUD reviews the year end.nport they are kod ft to vain that the HRA did not allocate mors: then ISA of acad CDBG funds apeot toward4 nodal services. Chair IVeesm asked born mndt is usually unexpended. HRA Speaali:t CuWAdH stated that it vaAa quite a bit. HUD does eat womb the HRA or sulnuiepiams to carry burgs bobn oto Commudona Bildsoe made a motion a direct staff to review agsadium and bind Family Haps Services. Receiving so sowed do motion died. Commissiotaw Ludovb* sorted that be rdks on staff and if staff Rrh that because of tau: timing issue day should act find them he is fore with their dads as. Chair Heedason asked what is different this year with the funding than last year. HRA SaMist Comicdli said dot TRAILS did not receive any Grading last) w, but they will seed aditmd Grads this year. GMDCA bed carryover from 2000, but tky will not have my carryover at the end of the FY 2001. Commissioruer LudwAsde admd if Family Hope Services would accept a smells amount of funding, Housing Manager Bums said the Board can look at adding the 15%of program income butt Ghee is risk in doing so. Duector Hu dburt said that if the Board wishes to no adw priorities an rather tees due ones recommended is the repot, they could chop them Comommonar Biline said he would rather tole the most;• Boa adter aegaoi>atio IL HRA Specialist Comiedli askd for a wooammen6don. Commissioner BiMm made a mesion to tabs 54000 out ofthe AffbrdMe Housing Developmem omov a. Clair Hendoson seconded. CumminionerLudomvissie dot we kook at Family Hapds reporting atatas again in die Gare. Commbdomr Ludovissie expressed his cancan that the Board will beve to main ha ding eels or sea funding reoomm mdado s in the future and Ibis AMM sot set a peoedmI AMON by Commisswner lfiddits* saeade 'by Commissiasa Ludovissk. eecasuaAnding that dye Board adopt tea oneclred resobdon, as once 1e 1 to Wdwk adding 54000 for Family Hope Services and reducing the Affordable Housing Development awwy to 5103,85% pov&ng a reeommau I - to tt . City Council Guy allocation of the 2002 CDBG pograa funding. Vote. 4 Ayes Pb=Wh Homing ad Rodevelopumo Asttb0ft Febnm y 21.2001 Pop` 4B. ftmottAh Tows Squ mo Request Hbr waval and fineadel mad aoco hr kitebm cobweb. Tea Resident Bond at PbmAwh Tawo a Squme requested ms usuame Poe three new ahima a the common kitobm. Hiotts' WMW Bmnes =himc th of the cobimets willboa permanestt pmt of the bonding and Wad if the Bomd wanted than to be prolsimooil ivsale& MOTION by Domrmisdoner BtOdsoe, nomad by Goner Mieblitsch reoommendiag that troee latcbm abioats be p ahmicaft.irutmlted at PWw A Tbwom Sgtore, vat to rraaed SIOKOa VOL 4 APm Motion oppaved u ndoma tsly. 4G Pb mowtb Tants Sgms HbtmI% Bot Sabddk% Btr IV% Oavop—M PWft m d VJdft LINIt Oiteemr H orbO said Od the sniff reoommaodamim wm to build an 60 discussion that wm held lost Jubr. At that tuna the Bamd agreed with Satf reooromendmvaaa io move "ddl revots" m01e m hne with Section g " hir moW mcrap The Bond also agreed to mate towmd ams lave! of tmrbaAr Por all Unsg% mad to consider ami6ties in ommot rem aleuledms, Director Hbmlbtmtstamed thadmassooll bas am ohm over at 8 1 of Ptymalgh Towne Squme, the dine Sam the Jahr pact hat has updated and Ikea are ecady m intro reoomtveahim s to the Bond an the issues Itease I in *a report Director Hbmlbrttt said that She mld lla mag ildaaager Dam apohe vOA C mover Hewitt, wbo wm amble to attend this meeting, and have her commend b Share wade Bond Commissiaaer BildSme Statad that ai a reading the report be wm umwe what dee mission for Pb'matvh Tama Squme is ad what are we trying to occompiiab, He said that once he has a dimer um&m aodiag it wea'`d answer the gjmdm shout how to suatto a aha renes. Chair Headersmn asked if there is a W.Shnion Smum far Pbwoudh Towne Sgam & Director. H WOW said these is mot a foramol:teme omen ow that ice mission win demft to provide atfadoble hausiog Por smimrs. Tbat led to peRrmees for bw mad vay lar income tensors. Director Hurlburt said that when the sobiddies were fist set, soma units were teamed to people who could amt atfad dee rem at their smignd level of atter, berg of rami famfies were willing to pick up dee diff comm above the mi -1 ft revel. ser dee Bomrd allowed residents with very low incomes to move in and u* receive a low stdesW m tang m they did not pay more dna 40% of their irwonhe tehword tem. Cavmmismi, aar H v&Msda amid teat at dee time Pbma nb Tawme Squme was built they could have used a sabaidiad program t n%b the federal gove maws. bin dee HRA chose to get awey from dee 0eeml rgpkdmes to assist the ddabr people living in Pb1m ak Commissioner WwAsde stained tat the Dowd abmo hat as obligation to the tamers to heap dee rasa in line with tenlity while them mHardabe to the smiara. Disconion wm bold g I singles living in two badioom ansa. Dimetor Hutlburt said when this imine bas previou* been brought up before the Bomd, they chose not to require a single paean, residing in a two4edtamm unit to move imo a me bedroom unit. Director Hurlbmt stated Pbmanb Hooft amd Redmlopment Athotid Ftbnaay 21.2001 Page S 1 mamma HRA may bave ban &4 m11re aboutummoftmapartmembuildiv&md was hvmn8 de t=wAs rasher dam making mm d bmom docb=s. Tire Board sh a fklt if amts were raised, we would have to aerial datum of r dimms of Pbym u& She maimed drat rets do mot meed to be mind to g do' nonan vee need, but vee and to mob Bare ma people 6viag Brae me paints tnamloet amt if dray can affold iL blarbet nate does mat dctamime de amotmt of sd midy for the prgjem Du mor Haulbaat stated.daatCa mmasdoner Hewitt had it aged dm shebdi wed Plymouth Towne Sgaere should aaasia a mom& d buildbW Ifthe boDd m' g a opened to amI name a am it may be perceived as aI of the goof to provide oflbtdble bouft Commisd ner LudaAuk add do lad convol was vary imps mat at the time dk building vtm built. He stated dam submidift aha building has always been oft- 1. , a iaapomtaatx. Tire question is baw lao% lr vAddi ed It seeds fa be. Ditemor Hurban pouted of mat the aabsidin have not ban wised timer. Commisdiomer Bildsot stated mere. ore some people living m Fly=& Towne Sgeme dam should mot, becons tbey bane wAOMM assts. Chair -11 I su6Besoed On da HRA dmuld provide bousIag for maniocs them tabes ho aeootmm all of their income. AD oc=pams are under a% of madism booms: tight no - - Commbaianer Wd&oe said dam people vt a snob a lase amousm.afassets dkwdd not be 6vimg in a sd bmikb& Commisdomer Ludovisde said be wouldnR have a paobfem wilb 1096 of units being at msmbet rote. Direeso: Halbert said the abiliq to use a Pbmoth t IdAMq pmt is aataaly limited. Chair lteders I stated tam if people cam Mad umalm tete amm they should live is a senior ttaar. rete apartment. Dinner Mulbutt said that dare are a lot mate options for maim living in Plymouth m"time dam robes Plymouth Towme Square was bail. Dneesor Hw% m acid toes the Board cads to addles da question of aeddeom`s rivets. She said dem UrAft mbsi mere not gamed tovard people rola have base omoums of mamas, bmam, a bags p men age of de res" i Gving of Pbuoum Tonere Square but considerable asset9. Director Hbtle mt gnmdomd vft we would subsidise trots with ptopertty tams so dm ts" , I, eon beep Mair assets to one toward musing bums costs or leave to Mair 8unilim Comndssioner Ladmissia said he admggled with the 33% vem s 40% of bom*AM incomes to use far cdnmlaft mems. Maw HmM mt said team is why we meed to take de risco into swam wbem 6gnriag uommt terns. Cam' ioner LadwAide said we and to mdm moves at dim time to heater dbm da praperp firm a quindsl stamadpaiat for the Ram Housing Mmmger Banes said we need to bob m aha amtoaemm of subsidy we wast to use and hater we ate going to treat assets. Director Mulbwt mWested dont the Baud go duough the reooaonaaadatiosa amde by staff. 1. Adopt tsar" to sent` Por PTS cut wld Seetiot, 8 FAM (Optioa 2a Dimector Mutbmt said rants are below de temeleet level, specially for the two bedroom mails. She acid dm in July we tapped about using the Section 8 air market taco, which is Will a modest met j for Plymouth; She also kdkomed that Section 8 does not mcogaae diffetenaes in sire of apmhnets but Sea by mmmber of bedrooms. Staff j , , two optiom Director Hudbatt said the closer we gat i o the mabr rate the better. if tenants don't cooperate withincome verificodo o day would mad to pay full markea resat. Chau Headman a dad if we could make a dLvnw: m Pbrmaath Housing and RakVdopmeat Au*Aft February 21.2001 Page 6 IM , P - the bedroom sins for Section 8. Director HtPAP add we can, hoarser, all ails 1 bedroom units would have to be below the FMR of 5781 Commissioner LudwAssia asked if it world affect our aocuponey criteria. Director HwIant mid it wouldn't. Hong Manager Bones aid that evenif we cluon to use prgject awed Section 8 tubsidia, which mes the voucher would stay %v:,1 the building, it would be treated the some. As HUD adjusts rhes FMR's so would Plymouth Townie Sure an a reguar basis. Commisdonar Bildsoe wain firvor of Option 2. Hou , Nlemger Barnes stained rho Gommigsioaer Hawiu was alio in ftvar of Section 8 Fair Mather Rema. The Board deeded to select option 2, which would adjust Section 8 FMR's. carentl7 SM tar one bedrooms and 51,001 far two bedrooms after utility adlenwa0ces. 2, Adopt naw mioimom rents of= hr saabedrooaa sportments and 53001br two badnoaa epwrtmeaft (Option 2) iknm rent means the absoNte lowest rem the teams could pap. Director HuAant recommends ant distiagWsbing between aiparI I sins but going by mmsber of l el nom Under Option I all oxunms weld pay 5150 lar a oen l -1 a a and 5250 Por a two bedroom. Option 2 would raise the amou sto to 5200 and 5300 vespeotivebt. Director Horlbmt avid tha mioimmffi aflha the cost to sehu&= Pbmaatb Towne Sgnme and h dbft the teas of the people paying thelowest aMWJRI. 0017 one I ' ' tans would have m pay the fidl $50 increase. She also said that do' in thio two I , I can units could be offiet by people movatg into a ateabedroam unit. Choir Henderson asbed bow that is determined. If the ienome calculation shows the omma could ody pay 5150, they would bavc to pay 5200 if tha midmnnn is raised. These am=% would be good randidemes for Section 8. Chair Hendaso0 asked whet a Section 8 wow %%mM pay. Director Hanlbaat aid it would be 3011 of income including uWities. and assets would o* be counted at 296, with a minimum payment of 535. Director Hurlbort said that staff recommended Option 2 and that was also the consensus of the Boand 2. Adopt 23% as the "a ft sdadasd" Por ededdlog neat Poral tenets. Director Hudburt said the asod affadabiliq standard is that people should pay 30% of their income for honing casts. The HRA varied flan that when they set up PbmwA Towea Square. 3091, is the Federal standard, and 4096 is thio top end tot we on probably go in keeping with Many standards. At 3346, ones utilities aro calculated, even the very low' people would come out about even. A number of residents get decrenses at 33% Only two would end up paying over 4096 ofthan income. Some are singles in two bedroom units that could move to a one bedroom. Staff recommended 33% in keeping with do philoso ft of provid'mg affordable housing. Housing Monega Heroes said it becomes an inns with the very lowest income levels. Commissioner Ludnvissia said be is co0carue I with the concentration of very low income tenands in the building. He feels dust a senior could adapt to a 40%' easier tired a Pomily could, but be would Dat wane to go over 409L Director Huribunt aid at 33% the HRA will subsidise Wrote tenams at a deeper level. She said if we could get even 10 tri an Section 8 over a period of lima, we would main up the Memomo in subsidy. Housing Manger Dames cwhined the proposed user of u=Uocuod reserves and the toot levy to uhddise PTS. Chair llenderson asked if these are capital improve sow reserves. Housing bdoo fter Bum said this is - - — nuoruay orer a period of time tbo bas accrued. Cbav Henderson asked wbere the revenues came fiam. Director Htxlant sad shay made money in the earlier years when operating expnnes were lower. Plymouth Hooft adRedeiwelopmedAV* Fdomy 2l, 2001 Page? 1 Commissioner Bildsoe asked about the eeladonahip of Rost dtxreaaes end assets. Coamsisaioner biliichh'tcb add be feels 33% vwuld be good but we d=M aunt taking the assets into a000umt. Commiwiner i udovissie would like 35% and do look at the assets. The other aammbdomers was in favor of then. Chair meson asked Eby the next meeting staff cold look at the rents based on whet decision is made for the asset atlocetiatn Director Hudbuht said tact could be done but cau oad ulnae were manly dues that came to light ween Grace Maawgiahent tools over. Ccmmisaianer Bildsoe inquiRd as to when the Roords much pason will be cIoe I DiRctor Hadbuat said they ate proposing to review rents for dl of the resident atone time rather than waiting for thdr annual moetifisatim time. The Board came to the ca<veaws fret we should adopt a policy of umag 3596 of income as the affardsbitity awAard. L hued the near seat and subsify waetaro hee iatebr f rr naw ub and Duos• • IbraamerA period bglsmleg Aopd 1, 2M far addingtaut. Dbertor Hurlbuat stated that staff is suggesting recertification for a third of the tenants at a time and doing it by loamy. at by Boor. Commiesiooer Ludovissie said be does not agree with using a loamy and thinks it needs to be implemented acwta the bond at once. Qommissloner Biddsoe bad a comoen that the residents who are first will convey tha information to other tenems and it may not At *A& showdon. Houaiag Manager Hames sapted addressing the resident in person to tell them went is going to happen, and teen take two months or so to do the tecatifications and implement the change for all resudent on tea same date, Commissioner Ludowissie said we need to give tea rarest enough lendotime m p epee fnancift or to move. He suggested that we try for September 1.2002 with evemme having the some effnu%v date. The Bond agreed with this Roomnhend L L Give staff dbw dao an the preihnod approub to teatmmt resat stet io teat alcalatie Adopt, at a mhdomm, a.dandand u13% of asselo to be h aged as Income to lbdt uncial hopnet an PTS and naddeat. Consider rakes the standard to S96. Director Hudburt recommended chwaing to policy to count at least 3% of assets as income. Right now we am !bellowing the Section 8 guidelines and shay an at 21C C.ammissioner Bildwe acid hethinks it shouts be a least 59L Chair Henderson said it should be mate than that. Housing Meoeger Barnes said the redox de for using a dower peronnma is that you don't know what the person is going to need *weir assets foo in the 0mdtre.. Jodi Boedigbeimersaid we don't require review aft= return at this time, but suggesud we should. Commissioner Bildsoe said red estate shaurdd be included as assets. Housing Manager Baron,. auggeted imp the mmeme gedw*. such as 5% this year and 7% tat ye+a 7be Board dcdde'do tax ratans should be used as vaifi adon9 and if they are not wilting to share that information they have the option to pay markt ram or move. They also decided to implement a S% standard and review it annually. A Direct alae to draft a Polo regdit shoo ocerpyhag two bedroom stirs t maws darn aae4m droom omit, as they become awald& Director Hudburt asked how the Board fdtabout helping people move, or such things as paying to have their phones hooked up or utility cI get. She suggested using a lottery far the people who sue thee now to detera a the order they now Chau Henderson suggested letting people sign up. Commissioner Ludovissw asked if the Board would wast to put a cap an the amount of PlynoulbHomdagainditedavelopmestAulbaft Feb msy 21, 2001 Pqpg finudd assiauoeo we would povide. Director Hudbmt deo emphasised the ata theot people meed to bmw fty an have a nuounooe and atop in the two I p Inn - as bag as dity most do age gniddms. Commimnioner Bihlsoe said we used to have two people in two bedtoosma m meet the effavdabb housing goal. Me Board agreed that we should pwAde assistance in helpag opus. 7. 1levitw the wdlbtg 11011 10 sad give deft ectlsm am map cbalgp dbI A Csaaider a 1 .01 -a ar tmeah wpb Inmos aapponihmg to umrbd reefs. Director Hudbort said it will be a bag time before we have a pohlem with one bedroom vacancies if sisgks in two bedrooms are required to move. She sold we may not meed to open the waiting list iauadia * 10 6111110 amrwam two bedroom vmaegr if the Went stnrelme is dteaged Beane opening the waiting list ser two t , a M M - we need to a da see dre prethences are ehmr. Commissbaer Lnrdavissis mWated tabling this item until a femme dale when the Went shncuse is Snalised. L Bhred def is pvgp a plan In open the wailing lister 21moaa bouswbolds a*. lbs Board decided not to open do wilting list at this dame but to de&r this discussion undl a farm meeting. 26 the PTS uaaBoamed reservws to bdomee the 21U bumdgd and phase is the mew cent aabddl pdkkL Director HmRM said the budget will need to be re^alculated based on the decisions the HRA made tonigbm. She recommended that changes :s expenses come out of reserves and would not propose a tax inaeeaae soon. Commissioner Ludovissb said the building is aging sed expenses will iacu!es se. Housing Manager Banes said we need to be envious with the reserves and will recalcubme the %pres and puss- them at &e Mmcb board mating. Daactor Hnrlbmt stewed them this eonchrdes discussion of the oine items on This staff report. She said that cuff will be revising the Admission and Occupancy Handbook for Pbrmoumb Towne Squme and presenII the mevisiooa at do Much bond mewing. FebrAW 21.2001 md Page 9 41L plb Tow" Sgwe 2u R. b 0 Befta Diiecmor *Mbuet aged *a rew=meraled tl msk from reserves to subsWm mft vrm based onBre33% soonario using 3% of asoft Dhaaw Huribmt steed r until fAe next m to discuss ft alter the r mkukierwa a dose. 7bb isem eras mbW unW Marek. 4B. P"P=d HomingFw mHmn. g MWW Rum acid Memb 1.9.200@ is *a dame. faa ft Housing Fama bviudmvreremailedmoover300amkblders. ANN"L zLmc m OF aFF cm MOnON by Cemmivsiener Wmblib* neon" by Comm= r 1.adovis % *em vie renin mbeaame. offs= far me aomioe y Vole. 4 eyes, at at 9:4S. QUOS J MEMORANDUM 14 202 To: Ane Huribuit & Jim Barnes From: Ka ft Boer Managing Dhwlor, PIVm Towne Sgnare Date: March 136 200 RC: PTS Moo for Report for February I= Marden Newsletter (attached) March Calendar Monthly Finandal January financials attached February began with 96 units occupied in addition to the two caretaker units. We still have apartment 114, a two-bedroom unit, available. We are waiting. for direction from the HRA, before proceeding further. One of our residents, George Miller passed away. His wife Mary seems to be doing well. We received notice from two residents who will be giving up their garage parking spaces as of March 1". That leaves as with 9 available garage spaces. Phmt Operatlens Root-0-Matic Sewer Service was here to give us an estimate nn water jet cleaning all kitchen lines, in hopes of eliminating the back ut of suds in several lu floor resident's apartments. They will be here in March 5 for service. The vinyl flooring in the Beauty Shop was repaired at a cost of $100. Jim Barnes and Joe Gum the City were here to inspect the roof leak in apartment 313. Resident Sam The residents had their monthly Noon Lunch on February a and their Get Together dinner an February 2&. The dinner was changed to the 2& because of Ash Wednesday. The breakfast on the 23`d was an egg strata bake rather than pancakes. These events were reported to be profitable for the resident fiord. Their Valentine's Day Party was on the 141° with dessert served and Ruth Johnson entertaining us on the piano. Washburn McReavy presented a pmogram on funeral planning along with question and answer time. The HRA has given their approval to install lockable cabinets ander the counter in the Party Room, provided they look like the original cabinets, are built and professionally installed and do not exceed $1,000. Administrative We continue processing resident rent re -certifications so they can sign their yemly leases. im l i i l i l lflff 8t. Patrick"'s Dag Par" Fufaay, Manch 1S`" Loo p.m 1: FR to ent y,nbm GuVFfo on the guttan. St.. Patrick's Day is a, religious holiday in Ireland, celebrating the. Ufe of Ireland's patron saint. The Irish do not celebrate this day by drinking green beer, wearing shamrocks, or marching in parades, unless they are humoring tourists. The first secular celebration held In honor of St. Patrldk was held In Boston in 1737. The first St. Patri k's Day parade (an American invention) was held. in New York City in 1766 when ,.platoon of Irishmen recruited. to serve in the American colonies marched through the streets of the city. St Patricikt Day parades have became a welcome tradition for many cities, towns and communities in the country and have spread all over the world. JOSeRhine" sMonday,, March 25thrJ I7 1 12:00 in the dining • • DID YOU KNOW? Aq*& The May Month T-shirt order form is in this Towncrier. Please return to the Office by March 311 Sample shirt and color will be hanging by office. 0 GROCERY CARTS NEED TO BE RETURNED TO THE GARAGE LOBBY WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED WITH THEM DO NOT LEAVE THEM SIT IN FRONT OF YOUR APARTMENT OR SEND THEM DOWN THE ELEVATOR BY THEMSELVES. 0 From space, the brightest visible man-made place is Las Vegas, Nevada0InShakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes and when you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened. Hence the phrase "gam night, sleep tight." 0 There are many washcloths missing from the kitchen. Please wash and return thein if you have. them. 0 The most popular snack in America is potato chips. 0 Staying calm is the best way to take the wind out of an angry man's sail! 0 The City of Plymouth HRA approved the building of new cabinets under the counter in the Party Room/Kitchen area; O Honey is the only food that will not spoil. 0 There are about 70,000 Centenarians (a person who has lived over a 100 years) in the United States, O In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts. So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them "mind their own pints and quarts and settle down." Hence the phrase "mind your P's and Q's. 0 I really appreciate everyone who helped in any way for the Valentine's Party. THANKS A BUNCH! 0 It is extremely important that those of you who park in the garage, STOP as you enter and leave the garage to see that no one is entering through the garage door as you drivee in or out. THIS BUILDING IS ONLY AS SAFE ASYOUMAKEff! 0 The office is open from 9-4:00 p.m. Monday — Friday and if you need. assistance please call the office first before you call Brent on his cell phone. He is in class every morning until 12:30. YOUI Thanks to John Hackett for the donation of kitchen utensils and for the hand mixer. The FTS Cookers really appreciate it. NEED -ED - V VlPM As most of you know we have a donated computer for E-mail in the Activities Room. ibis computer is quite old. if you hear of anyone willing to donate one, please contact Fat Michels (577-0256). h could possibly replace the one m the Activities Room. Also if you are in need of private E-mail lessons, Fat is willing to instruct you. Just give leer a call. CREATIVE ME MORIE S PRESENTATION Terri Neby, daughter of Helen Thompson Will host a Creative. Memories Presentation for yo:i on March Ir- at 1:00 in the Activities Room. Create Memories is about preserving your family photos that are sitting in a box, drawer or falling out of your album, . Please feel free to bring a family member or friend. There will be a sign up or, the bulletin board so Terri knows how many to plan for. GetwTomether. March 13* 5:30 p.m. Tickets $6.00 Mena. Co'n Beef and Cabbage Potatoes, Carrots, Rutabagas Pistachio salad: i1rish Soda Bread° oessert - Blarney stones coffee Tickets will be on sale March 60 70 & 81% i THE GOLDEN: RULE OF MtNDSHIP IS TO L.,LISTEN TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE I THEM LISTEN TO You.• II REY iirROHG Y APL220 JOANflpt. SOY MARGARRY.4 APL. SYO RHODA Y6 APLI27 GAMb. NORMAN IS ApL 204 AI-NOOK LUNCH Wednesday, March 6* 12:00 Tickets $.5.00 Menu, Grilled Hamburger Cheese, 4AAWc%, Tomato, Onion. Baked Beans French. Fries Cream PtIfs Coffee . T-,--"- - 9s AMca11a11 Renin 10 4A0 AM r enndl aemre 17 9.,M AM Cf web Koalas lot. PalAeb4 Osy 9w AM [7we11 ewirr Isle Sadat' l . 31 71q AM L%Mb Aenlee K.Rfler March 2002 Monthly Planner 4 S 6 7 100 PM RCHWANS 9•.30 1000 AM Bibb Resly IMAM Raidpq NO PM OINQO ON 1taDO PM Rrs.000 Coffer s 0:3030 A Clab NOON I.tINCII 700 PM OINCO j Pnl S:WPMCJrde(Tim.) 1007MTCF ffignUM 100 rM Cads (rrk) 1 ul PM UI t 1'wlls I1R Mr"111r ICO PM 3/13 Cnds OR 11 12 13 14 AO PM OIN(f09: s wN rt1 1.A.aiee 10 10 AM IN* ftWy IOW AM ResWM 1 9:30 AM Meds CWb 1.,Nl PM 3/13 Cads OR 5136 PM arr Cw- gas I"REiIOR W PM CaWOL) wwrnern MINCIL 18 19 Ial11PM4C11WANY1 to 100 PM "Woo 9•.30 UAmyIomFoornais It00 6.30 PM orad ON 700 PM Olmw 5011 s 26 1000 AM -1200 PM 7.w j Pnl q•31tI:IIf/JDwg1'M UI~N iI I31;(i 100 rM Cads (rrk) 1 IOW PMCw&(FK) Sao PM owes 8 100 PM Cads(rri.) 0a0 PM area 15 Ito PM Rt. IatsWO SO PMPM 0a 20 21 22 11100 AM "ft Rely 1000 AM Reeidem 100 PMCads(rri.) 1:30 PM 3/13 Csrds m Colles 6.30 PM orad 700 PM Olmw 27 + 28-- 29 IOMP AM Oft Des/y I M PM RMIPM 100 rM Cads (rrk) 1 ul PM UI t 1'wlls I1R Mr"111r 10.10 PM CYaales tq Mrd (: hd 700 PM IIINCQ C.aod IeNaynIt.Qs(Tne 4elsWry o,llreserCmomc,aswvr smummm A/AI NTw r v_x I s s a n M n w000, NM to nt1 to by 0 20.0 2 m Pla cad.OWL) 9 S00 PM Geds(BA) 16 S00 PM Carb(8st.) 23 M AM /reesRa Orsallbst IOIDO AM Bleed Psssaes SOo PM Cads(Dat.) 30 SAO PM Ckro (8a.) SENIOR MONTH ORDER FORM Forms must be turned in with your money by March 31. Make checks ,payable to MHHA.) Name Apartment. = T-SHIRT (Khaki) $8.00 for sizes smell to XL Size Quantity Amount. T- SHIRT (Khaki) - $8.75 for sizes XXL to3XL Size Quantity Amount CAPS (Khaki with logo) - $6.00 Quantity Amount TOTE BAGS (Natural canvas, 10" x 1.3" with logo) $6.40 " Quantity Amount COFFEE MUGS - $4.25 (white, 14 oz. with Gd and logo) Quantity Amount SWEATSHIRT (Khaki) - $14.00 M - L - XL Size Quantity Amount XXL - $15.00 POLO SHIRTS (Burgundy) - $12.00 M L - XL Size Quantity Amount XXL - $13.00 TOTAL CHECK OR CASH AMOUNT 1 Passover has always been one of the happiest and, busiest seasons of the Jewish years. Not only does it celebrate the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, it also brings the. promise of spring. It usually occurs in the month in the Jewish calendar, which generally falls sometime In April. This year, Passover comes early, beginning on the evening of March 27th. Preparing for Passover begins long before the actual date. Some families see to it that everyone has at least one item of new Nothing to wear. The home is thoroughly cleaned; all the cupboards in the kitchen are emptied and dishes, pan and silverware are all replaced with a set exclusive to Passover. Some families re -kosher kitchen items by placing them in boiling water, while others use disposable eating utensils during the eight day of Passover. Easter is the Sunday that celebrates the resurrection of Christ and is one of the most holy days in the calendar of Christian churches. The Easter message is one of hope and victory over death, for it recalls that Christ rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter symbolizes the love of God and the promise that men's souls are immortal. The name Easter is from Tostre," the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. A. festival was held In her honor every year at the vernal equinox. Some Easter customs have come from this and other pre -Christian spring festivals. Others come from the Passover feast of the Jews, observed in memory or their deliverance from Egypt. The word "paschal' comes from a Latin word that means belonging to Passover or to Easter. Formerly, Easter and the Passover were closely associated. The resurrection of Jesus took place during the Passover. Christians of the Eastern church Initially celebrated both holidays together. But the Passover can fall on any day of the week, And Christians of the Western church preferred to celebrate Easter on Sunday, the day of the resurrection. PLYMOUTH TOWNE RWJARE. SA1.ANCE SNEET JANUARY 31, 2002 ASSET8v. CURRENT ASSETS CHECKIN0 - OPERATIONS 39,5PREVIOUS -MN OPERATIONS PREVIOUS -SECURITY DEP CASH 35,207PREVIOM-PETTY CASH 1,255A/R - TENANTS 15). INTEREST RECEIVABLE 2,007PREPAIDS - OTHER 207 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS N 95,814 FIXED ASSETS LAND LAM IMPROVEIQ mn 459,247 57,648BUILDINGS5,652,876FURNITURE & EMI 175, IM FURNITURE 8 EQUIP+-HSKP'O 1,015 EOUIP"ENT-CONFUTER 7,.658ACCUh-IL.ATED DEPRECIATIONS A/D FURN & EQUIP- 10510,581) TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 4,$42,992 NOWCURRENT ASSETS INVESTIM NTS-CONSTRUC FUND 13,375INVESTMENTS-MORKINB CAPITL 449,520 INVESTMENTS -DEBT SERV FUND 589,043INVESTMENTS -CAPITAL IMPRV 190,190UMORTIZEDSTART-UP COSTS 2,930UNMIORTIZEDORGANIZCOSTS' 155,167 ACCUM AMORTZ-OROANIZ COST 90,,173). NON-CURRENT ASSETS 1,,320,050 TOTAL ASSETS 6,.25ap856 gin 1 PLYMOUTH TOME SQUARE BALANCE SHEET JANUARY 31, 2002 IiABILITIESa CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TRADE ACCRUED INTEREST ACCRUED REAL ESTATE TAX ACCRUED MISCELLANEOUS ACCRUED SALARIESOMAGES CURRENT MATURITIES-L.T. TENANT SECURITY DEPOSITS TOTAL CURRENT LIABLITIES LONG TERM LIABILITIES MORTGAGE. PAYABLE BONDS PAYABLE TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABLITIES wR ERUI.TYa CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL PARTNERS' DEFICIT RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL EQUITY CURRENT YEAR INCOME (LOSS) TOTAL LIABILITES & EQUITY A 7,917 71,034 31,636 15,542 697 112,750 33,.414 9,187) 4,766,750 4,757,563 1,000,000 185,267 33,664 272,990 51030,553 1,218,9322 9,371 6,158,8$6 scssaasos nasm mas wrs upas snusm ru ! wnr r as was ran /roar s1, ua rrrrrrlrrrrrwllas.rrpas rrrrrrrrrrr r•rrrrrrrrrrs walseiatrrrrrrrrrrrlTetergramrrlrmssmaawlsawant s • C alua 66M t1,Oq 1100201 IMI lam! iarllr . m11en Tom IIAr11dummu TWL Nrel t aara rsrrr wM C wean MMKW e wtslr r QN 1101E On NIN1srn 8N IN M w a s+e:las Ono ONO 71/ 1,88 r(sr 11/EIfl slrstst KM eer MA 197 r URL 61111111111111011111 In almimmew "m alawruis om 1,111 Irlslrrl! ams 1,11!1 I,qi mrL M RW std[ C Ir(L Tuan c AMD lA I,1N 16.21 1,116 0 oil 0 w Mtrf nasm mas wrs upas snusm ru ! wnr r as was ran /roar s1, ua rrrrrrlrrrrrwllas.rrpas rrrrrrrrrrr r•rrrrrrrrrrs walseiatrrrrrrrrrrrlTetergramrrlrmssmaawlsawants • 12,M N,N! 66M t1,Oq 1100201 IMI It.tl Itwl N,tA taMl u rr1 lI,OO IIAr11 17.81 1*1 1lwl I31111 11,801 8N IN 1NA MA Ono ONO 71/ 1,88 INA INA11111197INA11171InINA 110pil 1,111 INA 1,11!1 I,qi IrOA rb Otto AMD N lA IAN IN I,1N 111101 16.21 1/N 1,116 on oil I,lu w Mtrf 161 sa N1.11 1100 IN 1,116 IN rp 181.11 81.0r111 1110u1 11NAI IMAI r MR pl 1164111 luuj IINAI 1!,9711 MAP 0316 1,115 PIANO NAI 6690 nrM O,BNI 11.16 n,Nt Ir,2N1 17A1 Earn lees asEq mRtifMeEar .. Is pt Iue1 o s sx>f11 Ilse si..lm, sea 1 1 11 101 1 1111 {a11110Ep01 0 011 11/ 1 1 1 1 11111 1 11 1111 r leilL 111 11 111111 fIpOL111a1F1ts111atsMlalIra1DaiuMess 1m lora hers? IMAI r, ram111 11011111 11ens1 Neil 11see:l ED9S(b els11E1 tw,Em osucsItsrlss se/eIa 11111I Y[•IEE M011®la IAIEma dR01E1 owls amolikuln now Items 11O 0111Es1a Ia11 C to I'm IINI 1 WI 1mL OFIIIOeE1 EOEMN C IM 11111 ueml) nralr 1eIWf1aflNt rI1Lt Y)Ila E ErEEIEI laE arlia 0111 saa EaV aM1111alIrAEE11 m d{Ela EGEii 11 18011! m LEL 1 ass 0E00IM= a Ms1111t 01111 sem 11111'111 /Fears • em Iafgl errrMn rms tAm ranr/a1Eellaa a1IAn lames so 111111a fOIIQ! EUIM[ m elll[111tA6 rsoranr su 0 N mla 110 ofom fm a A lul la Issarla GLUM W M1111M timil { 1 sen ass ons Meese IOfa MpN HEMI a nu IWAIIaIMAI Earn lees asEq mRtifMeEar .. Is pt Iue1 o s sx>f11 Ilse si..lm, sea 1 1 11 101 1 1111 {a11110Ep01 0 011 11/ 1 1 1 1 11111 1 11 1111 r leilL 111 11 111111 fIpOL111a1F1ts111atsMlalIra1DaiuMess 1m lora hers? IMAI I1E en1 11ens1 NeilIeaE I'm flow) fit=1 tIMAI INA) sQ s n Ie111 now Items I" WAI sI to I'm IINI 1 WI 1101.a II0 of IM 11111 ueml) ULM s s I lull It11AemIN11swomwas1A sem elm—lowIafgl111A1tAm b»• IataIt U1.i1 so m m It.1 su 0 N 11.1R 0 a A lul la ISO." 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V—Al goal 11n pro, Am a,ll11 12ra now mom 1,311 11,11111 IIA1111 lM tom 12.alt a uA IF 12du 11111.) Nq tulip lel MAO UAH 0.0 Ilk ACCOUNT NUNWR 104759"4164 BALANCE PER BANK STATEMENT CHECK= 41.758.53 LESS OUTSTAWNG CHECKS 2.172.04) BANK BALANCE 386586.59 BALANCE PER GENERAL LEDGER 04.048.59 BANK BALANCE 04.588.59 IXFFERENCE too LESS RECONCILING ITEMS OUTSTANDING CHECKS OUTSTANDING CHECKS OUTSTANDING CHEM 1011 2.172.04 PUB TOTAL 2.172.04 SUB TOTAL 0.00 TOTAL 0.00 2.172.04- H2MO mei oee+s r. CITU aF PlY1g11T11 PLVNDUTN Tom agvAm aPduTiNa. ao=mT WO aAAw:E.OMWAMNT INC HINNEAMILISIIN 55422 -IS j OH JP11 S: • Oiss Pam 11 OmIlle0diiimm Jow9k1009 AAISLFS 187im 4AOlA7- i 41,70181 mushouslafteme t 0759774184 S>tlenwnt Pnbd Jn 9,1009 prougn JUL 31.2002 p pa1d2 f IJ4aoImNlMst btiilNrls: 1 f:80p,ei79,1 5 010do 861,AN-7718 MA111P! tJN.S00S LIs JUL AlatAsresar JAl 7 AMM 1 1[061 10600 I91fl1AiRdar Analafl 9 59e1058708 1,754A0 ChIiii NIR it 094mm57 JUL 11 0949912121 Tm 4JUL " 7 11Aa800 Nn 11: 0149x89 pa. Tr1161M1onQpl ps6se • 40r1167b JUL as ow IB.90ChIiii 19.95.. T01110rnrwMle 6 Al2 = 197A5• Chum rddWin. 1981 J6L29 02/58188/2 tOa JUL 8245877074 4IL78 ULM 1887 tars JUL 19 nonso 2 i198aJUL24805100418D.50 1000 JUL 19 8900312102 Jna 29 69g114M9Ais814199989810058809 99.90 1010 Jon 18 09@915415 2.11209M99.19 Lm SNYIN191>/ 4 JUL 11 46.020.75 Tow ill i chwla laic : . o5a w% I JuR 18 E+it4BaAu Osb 8a ae Jon, 29 449.292.14 Am 41.75069 Plymouth TowneSquare Monthly Income and Expenses as of January 31, 2002 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Jen Prepared by Grace Management, Inc: InoOme Operating F.xp. J Plymouth Towne Square YTD Income 8t Expenses as of January 3192002 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 J-- 30.00030,000 10,0001 0 Adusl MAN 18M3 Prepared by Grace Management, Inc. MACWW OaudgeW RMIll um 41141 at 101141 MUM= at Im111wn am* Uallra a Ral a 821111=1 411 1 R® R1N 410111 to K Irl M data/ Em Gala R#N NIM rt 112E no a on a Na M 181E 11 alamM alm un atm 4111 as an antis wm a Will Noting 11114121141111 alp N a Ras Rum. au a 1m rala VA 1111 011211111112111 It` Will ISI Will 1aa23I Will N a Ria 11115: Will N Nm a® M 1111 W2Y11 MW 16 WN Na 1t2N1 rua1111na all lI a Rrla MK1S NN N 14114121 a111r dal aa41 umm 1182111 22 WN Na mm nnla {4111111 41411 N a' Rr maUS 11.11 N Ia11a1 alga M Na3 am umm Wa111 DOW Na 41211 211412 21.41 N a 11oa mRh 11.41 a aaa m a1 NW 41141E mm umm am Na luta man ma 11 acral 1 a Nat =11 umm wmv 24 an% 1111 luta 114111111 V.11 N. a RaI atKl: 3f.N N Alla 11111 rLLaq 1121111 W21112 21 WN NII OM MM 41LO N a Ida mKR S 411.03 M rr r111 NUI malt unim on4m 14WN Na luta mm"m ma N a Ria a1KUS 41.0 N m1 M Ilaaa m 21xl unum unu11 21- Will Na woo IWn 412.22 N a Rra umb 412.32 N un a Itiaa um aRa1 alum 42mm 22 WAS 1111 min 2211111-t2 441.ri N a RYAt MOUS 441.15 N N111 1 1101 mm 111)/11 W121a 12 am ISI 34412 U1 tans oaa 333.03 N Is Ria MK1: 333.5 0 111 1141 WU 41n111 W0112 1 11114 NII 4115111 283 is M 04.11 0 a Ria MOUS 414.14 N N 2oz, N 31.11 N 74.11 N 411.13 N 411.03 N 113.0 A 113.0 N 132.32 N 10.32 I -N as.r Kelm art art m t Iia Ner11s ItN11 m a>awlw t3tplp a®n at a 1m I la 1 ra : SN INIMR 0 0 R. a WE w Na IRt tw am mum SuiIl M1I' Na RINi NN' Nm NMI emu WIPM 9 MA Mtl am 1 N 11 3,111.11 N N: i,tll tl N eN MLU 3,111.11 N N 3,111.11 MLIUO. Nel am 111111101 ave Isom no N111131 i8T ellen 111.30 N N 111.31 N M aaLU 111.31 N N nix am ra Net .q aal 411111110101102 1 am NIINIIII awND4 R.Q N N 9.4 N Lusa aaw 9.4 A A 9.111. lotus= no. WO Rn0 Me 1/ am Na a a N•1N NLG N N 317.N N eN a111R 81A1 A N. MA N WRI rN m eaila sum WIIM a am Na N11M q&1 160 N A. 1611 Ne om 4169 m N 11.01 III saw Ntl 118811 Il/m RAIM a R1N Na 1138 w4st-194al I'MA. N N 1,131.11 WHIR wM 31 Wilms am aN-4F61 6N N N 611 a Balt aTlllt I,IN.N N N 1,81.10 a 1111111 ion mw al" 1,111.10 N N 1,111.14 a1R tomb 1,111.11 N p 1,011.h a1T11L MIM womb 80111.11 IMno= w e III 11 1) PLV 4 Owm Mom alp. oo Avow 802-1 AN DEBT SERVIc, 31542.13 I1S41. 2rzam -QacK TOTALS, PAT nn 0, 1L 80UAW - VWA,t go U 6=0 a**xx„Sax DOLLARS AND 13 CENTS 1.1541.13 11541.13':11 c AV%w meow a t,q. N vctto,. r 024'-R/02 001048 PLYMOLKA1 a rnesiwo rr. .. , a%Rxx,aRi.15 ally Of PLYIJOUTH 1FINANCEDEP-1 3400 PLYPIOUTH BLVD F`LYFOUTHs MN 55447 FGRGnqmunVIWY: f- 400 CM OF PLYMOUTH 3400 PLYMOM BOULBV"A PLVMOUM. MN 59447 DATE: Felonry 2C MM for Housing and Redevelopment Atnhority Meeting of Mach21,2002 1110: Plrmoht6 Housing ad ROdral0pumat Authority a 10 MK-- rim Bamea. Harting MWAW, tnahelh Are a, Exectitive. Director SVBJWP Pl m "Tbw" Sgahatra 2= RnW salts BACKGROUND At the Febnrsry 2002 MCOW& ataffpresented m aW mas ming the almadona, of pbmwhTowneSquarefortheHRABoardtohider. Mast notably, issues corheee mg rents, anbudia and. assets Asa nub of the diserhssim the Board tabled amending the 2002 operating budgetsostaffoouldWoorporatethereeormmc .,led c =VL DISCUSSION Staff has made the necessary changes based an. the direction provided by to Board ad has prepm e a revised budget for 2002 (attached} The revisions include some drat wilt need to be made regardless of any policy ar procedural chaages to the way resident rents are determined atFMTheseNOWstab`s review of the budget and changes rhes bave occurred at PTS since Grace ManWneat bas tarn over management responsibilities eft the &dlity. On the e%andibm side, gaff has made adjushneats to salaries in the amount of (SUt 114) refla ft the reduet W of she full -tine employee. Staff has also made two adjustments in the Add Bask Nan -Cash hens category. The first a4ustmem was correcting an error in the ReserveReplacementUseitem. The memo presented to the Board an November 13, 2001 indicated an urease in the amount set-aside for this lime item, however the adjustment was not made ea the p UMeet. Staff bas made this adjustment and the 549,900 indicated in tle WW is nowConner, The second adjustment in this category is a reduction in Capital bnprovemuft After ng the recommended capital improvements for 2002, staff removed item 44 (Replacefimutsidewalkthatisdeteriorating), im the amount of S 10,000. Repairs were made to the sidewalk, which will allow this improvement to be completed at a later date, Alan, m &a memo presented at the November 15, 2001 meeting staff ince rally reported theamamtoffiordsthatwouldneedtobetransferredfromreservesinordertohaveabalanced bdget. de Sd mtamo staff indicated them would be a sbmttA m tea overall budget of SI3.8SS Ager Gutherreview. staff discovered that tea sbarW would be higher than aspected. Talong into coaddendan the above changes in expendianes. staff is now prtgecft a smmeGtll of approtsimeo * (541.466). The now 8gate represents an iaerease in.the annum of 27.611 needed Goma the reserve accomat. It should be noted that the reserve acooums curtea y have an excess balance of 5418.116. which is cats* sufficiect to cover the dddL In addition to the above d mgt the Baud's direction on changes to the way rents mbs* and assets we calculated will result in the following changes to the budget. The prayected revenues would chapp based on using a 35% standard for determining tea" - I no levels; and the phasing in of this new no stmctum.in September. Staff is estimating that rents will decmase by approximst* 52.000 Gtr the 2002 bdgat year. For the 2002 budget. suff proposes that the decmrsL Q residaat van be made up by using the exons balance carre aq m tea reserve aceormts. The Board should be aware test them are mm W variabhw that could effect the budget once staff has mcerti6ed &a residem's income basad on the policy change. When all.ofthe mvidom are taken into acoa n% the 2000 PTS budget would have a prgjectd shortGtll of approxi ostab (543.466). As mentioned above, the reserve sooana has an excess bahmce of 5418.1 l6 sad s>affproposes dent the budget ba balanced by using ibis exons. I sreeamma d so the Pbrmsalh Howdeg and Redehdopaemt AsIbe r Bond at Commimoaas approve do a-1 1 ' .Revb d 2000 Opp Bafor P4 mems Towate squam AT[ACHl1 MM I. Revisod 200a Plymouth Towne Squam Operating Budget (with a change in rem subsidy calculation and asset determination) WAFER :rwaaoaUM a.wea adW "142*c OPTION 01 REVU*A. AM PT8 BUDGET l6/1002e i1 YMOUTNTOINNESaWiE OPERAT0IO SUOGET Fii 17M 0Z - EST01ATE0 ACTUAL _ F1!E 127NA11 SUOGET iYE 126141 PROPOSED VARM ICE BUDOET02 V9. EST_ACTUAL _ 7i VARIAI E VMOIINCE MUDOETs _ Vs, sftwKGET OT 7i EIAGET M 12MUM BUD== Ve. oL xw of REOMMUTREUTS - VACARCVFACTOR • RE6f0ENTRENT EUPSIDYMMENT VACANCY FACTOR. S1MVV PVW CARETA AAVARTMHAs BFAUT7!SHOPRFMAL__ _ GARAGE GUEST 80011 _ - LAIAIORY01COA4E olUE811ENfINCOME . _ MIBC.INCOME GROSBREVEIIUEB:, _ _._-- _ OPERAT01O EXPENSES: _ ACTAATIEB AND _ ENT BERVICEs: NES ENT,PROORA1o388EMONRB BUPPIJEB•GENERAL - LLAMEOUB TOTAL A4:TIVRIE8AiE8OENT SERVIM eALAREB . _._ . . _ awns PURCHAMSERVICES REPAIRSANDMMNTENANCE BUPPIAEB-GENERAL FAL NOUSEKEEPWO EXPEN4SES SWA12 261400 016AN) f1,20o 21.120 140 410,000 71467 160 11070.071 t 62461 SIAN sm WAX sm 120 12.700 sm 12,8 0 Is.= 4AN 2Se,M 2.116 46AN 1400 MAN 2400 f0A00 e7.717 100 An 2"A00 lm 45M 2 26A00 Om0 1QOA Z 0 1a e7Z 0 1.100 720 Z11100% 0.0071 48AM AA P% 1 .0D 4A0% GAO% AM"4 Y 1e 1e 0 100 44{10 0 o 1 oAnj 0 omw adosi 0AM g000 r1M A92 40 41AM AM t_717 0 fe7I.116 fe70,eN r 0.00% e 4 SIA90 it60 2;160 1,771 100 IS ea X160 SAM a.001i 42=11 4e0 NAA slid 200 12.700 600 2Ae0 617.= NA2a 0101 0.00% 4110) 1100 m 1s= e10 2400 1,000 170"6 ISO 2,200 0 120 N.200 110.00% Isom% 2640% IA07 k' 214 fa 0 2,200MAMd 120 1$420 1 10 OPTION 01 REVISED 2M PTs BUMPT MOM "I EBTWTED PROPOSE° j!?1n HTOWNE89LAW_..__ ACi{ 111L1. VAlnwm vApMA1C i TuioSUCOETiYEItrJflOz -- PYE19g1A11 iTE12U7fA11 EYOOET P1rE12171Al2 KWU02 VB EBT.ACTIIAL 7i B pETp e11D0ETOZ VARIAfICEVs, BM10ET01 VB BUDOET01 PI w taTKW& 4WTEWJCE; IEafB soars s92.u6 tf 9Y7 APARTMW RB A WATION 6.180 1,800 617 t6 710 700X m i VA00 Sm 777.00!7, CARETAIERALLOWANCEB ___ t80D 1 PIRICM_6ERVICEB BU0.001OIORp1118 - - - 600 000 0 OAOlr, i10A17 7 M6 TSm OAOK 0 2Ar6REVAOiBMIDMAMIEMAAICE 27,. 7/Ae6 BUPPLEB. AL i27A00 f1 11A S ti 110 TRABN REMOVAL. — - iA00 P AK 600 AEIlAIE0U8 ao66 1.700 x,000 11100 7 0 DAN 0 0 AL PLANTOPEfbIrgl __-- Saso= m SfO6A96 tl6aii 1122 i16A66 11A0!< 127A06 27 UTOJTEB• -- -. _ _ .._ . _ OABANDOIL 70.000 ti0A00 s1A00 4A0X itA00 WATERANDBEWER ._• _- ---- i70A00 A67 Bf6 0 OAOli 2pp B611.776 17,700 6610 100AOfr; 710 i TOTAL UMJTIE8 E7(PENBE 1100MASSp10 p;710 6 RELATED• OEPMMTION --- itf6,0 S 210.106 21SA07- 10 OAOfi t0 B ia9 OAft OfrENEBT E7PEJf8E BOI®8 NOTE111262,071 OAOfi 11 B262,81 970A60 2/A10 1X071 100lj X01/ EPILOTNrLEUOFPROPTAXI521A1i21.960 470 TOTAL PROPERTY AND RELATED t6Q8.710 M'iAN 4AOK OPTION 01 REVISE.. AM PTS SIX)= r. GWORUI ESTMTOD PFWO VApW07E __ VAN_ _IANCE - 9i VMOUMTOWNE BGUARE ACTWIL BUDGET BUDGETE0 _ 011 GETQt Xr BUDQE7Q0_ 6UDOET02 - OPERATING BUDGET FVE 124110 FIVE 121JIIM FVE 12.01111 FVE 127J1A11 VS. EST. ACTUAL VMBANCE VS. BUDGET O1 VS. BUDOET01 GENERAL APO ADMINISTRATIOM SAARIES•AIANAGER _ SJDA50 WAN 610000 gQ55 4A0% Nf!_ 4016 SALOOM-AOMp08TRAT1VE0114ERS Min 19160 0.--- 7 40100-' 4OOAOlIr 40,JW _ 4 eENI siTs . -- _ •---_. .. fasra 2Ae1 6.0Ma ea_co+r Al105 lr000 00nnoADyERrISOiG=v_ENBo1WEL ___----- _._ . - o m 420 AUDI 11.[00 200 AM 410AU70aNOTRAVEL6720 r 720 000 41M 41 100 475 44AM 4100627530o 47 COPIER! e — --'- •' " 1.00!01.116 SIAM aAOMr 4m 705 _ 350 300WESANDBGINS1,100 ztpox 2low INTEREST EXPENSE4E(%I1M DEPOSIT 1555 IAM1,000 66 105 12A01i 0 LEGAL 60 6500 650 10 OIVAN 20% 0 oLICENSESANDPERMRS26101650 MANAGEMENT FEES 51o26o 10JoO 16000 7 SOD 1000% 10 1!11 NG6 5 BEWNAAB _ _ _ _ _— f—M 612[0 2.000 710 56.00% 710 M7 27 OA m 467POSTAGE _ _ _ 4t- N/0 1500 40 2O0PRINTWGCOMMUNICATIONS00600 50.0016 0 0PURCHASEOSERVICESSIAMIAA1.015 ZM 15.00% 201 _ 10' owREPAIRSANDMAINTENANCE - 1500 w V475 So 100 20.00% 100 20_----- 425 rTAO% Iii0-A6EVE-Wi--.. _ .- 1175 150 416 17 4r- 160SUPPLIES- OFFICE SIA76 IA75 1,610 10.00% 150lowd 232. TELEPHONE 55.570 5.525 SAN 2722 1.00% 4AM WORKERS COMP. CLAIMS EI(PENSE 10 So 0 0 owim 0 omm 658CELLANEOUB 1875 f 5675 26 1A0% 25 1 TOTAL GENERAL AND ADMOI 125.010 li $126.791 MOl.006 X. IiteANl 4-,4—m% 016.726) ISAM GR_AND_TOTAL•_OPERATo1GEXPENSEB: _ _ 64:65.07/ i0"= 56,11 MA60 1AD% 611,562 OPTION 01 REVISED 2002 PTO BUDGET 2/18/1002891 PLY810UTN TOY81E 80UARE TRIG BUDGET iYE 17A1/02FYE ESTR ATED ACTUAL 12R1AH BUDGET RE 12/3141 PROPOSED BUDGET RE 17A/Al2 VMIAIICE _. - BUDGET 02 % V8. EST. ACTUAL VARIANCE VARNNCE_ BUDGET 02 VB. OLF)WT 01 BUDGET 02 _ VB; O1BUDGET EXCEMMMINVOMOVEIIIEWEIMS r T- FROMOPERATIONS _ f/0A27 57 7 f10.bD M 002) 40.00% IOWA= 41AM ADD BACK NON CABN ITEMS:.• - - -__ ION - AMORTIZAT. -_ - DEPRECIATION SNELTERTAXACCRUAL•PLOT OTWRCASHREOUNNEMENTB—:-__- T f0 r OAOli 5052,906 2.965. 2905 210MY OAOli 2/6A26 210.103 bbl OAA 16902 3A0li 211818 21,160 21A10 420 4A0% 4.0051 46AN 46IOb_ 41,851 0 OWN 7,607 40m% f0 ffbb WNA11 4A08DESTSERVICEONFBTMENTOICOMIE . -- -073AM_ BNELTFF AXPAY-MEIIT-PLOT ACCRUED ST _ _ _ _ PROICIPAL PAYMENT ON BONDS 01TFREBT PAYMENT ONBONDS RZ2.7b1) f282A31 22MB 282,884 278 Q30 1A00 4A01i 4,071 4ms f1A77 4A0li bA71 4 5106 600) 0Ob2A31 700 513929) 0)8AI11 50 108,600 2b2As1 29.700 43900 f0 9189371 f0 112,760 27bd00 r9A00 41,232 0 531.201) 4200 b 0011 SA71 4.00% 13.800 67A00 28912 1870071_ 0 . BDNAX 518.280) 573.20% bA6 f0A71 419AOMb7 f0 baw 2 0045 177 IIDIVAII RESERVE FIF.PUACEMENT - - --- - CAPITALRF.NTB CONSTRUCTION F1AOD E70?E DITUItEB SUBTOTAL 7211) 8819071 TRAMM 0FROMRESERVE8 - _ f7A90 526,206 50 4860041 (533772BICREABENCNN • 472 6K a F I., CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD; PLYMOUTH, MN 55447 DATE: March 6. MM for Housing ad Redevelopment Authority Meeting of March 21. 2002 TO: Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment. Authmt'tx FROM: Jim Barnes, Housing Manager, through Anne Huriburt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Proposed Changes to Plymouth Towne Square Admissions and.Otcopancy Handbook R Transition Timeline At the February HRA Board meeting, the Commissioners directed staff to revise the current Plymouth Towne Square Admissions and Occupancy Handbook to reflect the charges recommended concerning Rein, Rent Subsidies, Budget, Occupancy Policy and Waiting List. Revised Admissions and Oocnpancy Handbook Attached to this memo we a redlined version and a clean copy of the Handbook for review by the HRA Board. Stall, akang with Grace Management reviewed the current Handbook and made the necessary changes based on thedirection given by the Board. Staff feels that the changes incorporated accurately reflect the Board's wishes and also stay within the original mission of PTS. The following provides a summary of the changes being proposed to the Handbook. New tlrli remts and minimum rents 7771: -7—%T -1i1,7,17 1;erl:-77 e Beat payment standard — The new standard for determining the residents rent will be 35% of their adjusted monthly income. Pty ftp of asset for intome determination — PTS will now use a standard of 5% of the total assets or the actual income earned, whichever is grater for determining income on assets greater than $5,000. For assets totaling 55,000 or less, PTS will use actual income earned on the assets. unit film Mininmrn Rent UUMAllawancia Full Market Rent I Bedroom $200 $a $782 2 Bedroom sm S33 $1001 GarNe Dental sm e Beat payment standard — The new standard for determining the residents rent will be 35% of their adjusted monthly income. Pty ftp of asset for intome determination — PTS will now use a standard of 5% of the total assets or the actual income earned, whichever is grater for determining income on assets greater than $5,000. For assets totaling 55,000 or less, PTS will use actual income earned on the assets. Z SIVO peraoas Meap rg "Maeavent Raft — Siogie residem oaatpyrog Webeftom units will be required to move to the neat available aw+bedmo n unit based an either their willingness to do so or then position on the waiting list, which will be eatabtiabed by lottery. If they decline to move when it is their tum within tha N day time period and' no one else an die list seloets to nave at that time they will forfeit any subsidy and their no will be adjusted to the full marlm.rent for two-bedroom units. Implementadca date— The new rent standard of 3596 of ad justed monthly income will becoame efkctive for existing reaidenla an Septendw 1.2002. For new residents the rent standard will be ethctive as of April 1, 2002. Wafts Wt prefavotees —Mm will be no I S to tho waiting list preRrerrces at this time. I reeommand that the P"onth Haudpg Rad Rederdopmaat Anlhority Berard of CbmmBdoners adopt We rev . Pbaoome Taarae Sgoare Adm sdo e and OKvpangr Haadboob. ATI'ACHMsM'S 1.. RedUnd verdm of the Poo atb Towne Sgaare Admisd= Rad kceap mq Handbook 2. Main copy of revised ftmostk Towne Square Admissions and OccnpmM Handbook. N-VWAUMb a+ OsoMv+MWAffREMw\tao.+ M-H=Qa* Raft= 3.214i ax 41 ADMISSION AND OCCUPANCY HANDBOOK FOR PLYMOUTH TOWNE SQUARE' pt"math, Minnesota JANUARY 12,1994 Adopted March 21, 2002 MWW bal PlymdWh HOwing and ROMWopm w Anthwily Afangpd by iiWiw QMMAfanagemmt. Inc. i 5 ADMISSION AND OCCUPANCY HANDBOOK FOR PLYMOUTH TOWNE SQUARE TABLE OF CONTENTS AND PURPOSE....................................1 APMCAIIGN PROCESS ... ...............................:........ 2 ELIGIBILITY REQUIRENRNM................................... A WAITING LIST.. ..S I. INTERVIEW MOMS.............................................92 DIM .DE M M1NATIONE............................................I% I. Lew k Wits W-%li tiG' lalmr. e e r--r..r.r,—r.r..re . , e ... , e... , e .. s ... I OCCUPANCY STANDARDS ........................ ................10 VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES ................I I SUMPRESENTATION...........................................4919 I RMI&W ANDkMKND11EN'-Ar. "^ n rc .... .......... e W I DEFIN IONS ................................................. I. i 2 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE. Tho @Philosoplw of Pb=u& Towoe Square IPTSI Ra m M qty is to povkle . afPodabie bousing to ddaly pasoos living in the City of PbwAoft MiumesoaL The Facility is owned by the Pbymou& Housing and Rednelopmmt Aa*mily (HRA) and subsidized by ft!e! IzofPlymouth. Minimum W Maoagmamt. Inc, has bus caateactad to povide management savioes. Pbvawith Towne Squaee is located on Plymouth BodwmK% 2 bkueka am& of due Plye mA City C-eate d_I. R is a 99 -unit. 3atwy tct =cnt community WAffeensirmefetAlims 6 Tae building has a community morn with aljaan kitty guest room, bm dy slop and 6840H tmdagmund parking. jMR PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK 15 TO PROVIDE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES FOR TOWNE SQUARE STAN TO FOLLOW DURING THE ADMISSION AND OCCUPANCY PROCESS. THIS HANDBOOK IS TO BE USED BY STAFF ONLY AND NOT DISTRIBUTED TO THE RESIDENT COINMUNITY. All duntgn to these policies wilmmus be approved by the Plymouth Housing and Redevdap est Autbority (HRA) Boast of Directors and WulLw 4MWemented b Managaaent. Inc. The Plymouth Housing and Redevelopment Authority. M• writtem direction APPLICATION PROCESS a A written application is wired for admission to Plymanh Towne Square or ptacemm on the waiting ub: To Wficadon inctudes meq prefuenceI inI ukdon, soun*s) and estimate(s) of enbcgmW annual income and assets, and saeating Tuft oration (prior ta lardlords and credit historyl P. on who wish to receive an app4meion for occopmay may call or write to Plymouth Towne Square and regaat as app4 t be sem to them. All applications will include the f allowing: bbodlm tmy Getter Application U111101ft Brachia Sel"Mkossed R &m Envelope (ace stamped) App4catiams will be returned to: Plymouth Towne Square 155371° Avenue North Plymout4 MN: SS447 Atm:. Manager Retuned applications will be date stamped as they are received. Applications that are not completed in full will be returned to the trader with a. letter stating where it is incomplete. Staff will net process incomplete opplicadoas. The Mann= will conduct m ikdtial review of the application by the Mwftw determine if the applicM qualifies for Plymomh Towne Square. is am Is all M%MMIS Whm Read OF Newielold or speum 09 al IOM 60% vm and side If an applicant DOES NOT qualify for housing, they will be notified in writing the reason for ineligt' NW. ff m applicant DOES qualify for housing helshe shall be assigned Map hop apkm on the waiting list based on the date mid time of receip ol'thr agglication the following preferences:;. 10 1.01"N PN6F RBNC&R; 1. AppUtat..s 62 y or okkr =4 a residue of Ppntt v& drat 'Withe income fimrits established by the HRA. 2. 6stmediate Family five in Plymouta and applicant is 62 years or okkr sad n io I limits as established by the HRA. 69w or Ww. Lew4ncomL 3. Appficant .is b etweeo SS and 61 yeans old and a resident. of PbwwAb and %r IieoomselimitsasestablishedbytheHRA 0. Immediate Family five in Pbuou& and applicant is between SS and 61 years old and me c %v income limits as established by the HRA, lrew a — I S. Olber applicants. Pb=utb Towne Squane comphu with all Federal. Store and local Fair Housing and Civil Rights Lawn. Pbrmoum Towne Square is as aqua) opportunity communityity and will not diaaiminame based at rate. colm aced, rcfigieet, on, national aright, age, family :teens or bmdm* Civil Rights laws and equal app runty mquirunem ariYr gplitadon m aht, resident sdecI'm ar and unit assignuum Plymouth. Towne Squmm is open to all individuals whom Had of HameboM or Spouse is at heat SS years and older regardless of inane However. prt;titremce will be given to those individuals and families whose Head of Household or Spouse is at hest 62 yeas or ohler, IAnnualbmwill; below the M" tow aml-Low inanelimits or is a resident of the idly of , P4nnatth. Applicants detemined to be ineligible :ball be notified by hater within 30 dmys of the determination by the Mamaer.' The letter sball atm Lbs mason the applicant is ineligible. amd that the applicant has the tight within a reasonable time specified in the letter) to request by the H I& after the review. 't is deteemimed that the. appliarr is still bw§S bk, the applicant shall be so notified in writing. An applicant may be ineligible for participation in the Plynourb HRXs senior a8ordable housing progam i(the applicant or another member of the family; 1. Does tot age qualify: 2. appliewt-yeas evicted for noupa)mam of hisRm shareof rent or for damtages done to a unit sanewbere else and the coat required payment and paytrtiwt-was tw made by appliartt; or. 3.—Oheapp{ieant emgsged in conduct at previously leased premises which; a resulted in physical injury to other residents or other residents' guests, b, endangered the life, satiety and welfare of other residers or other residents' .finest, or, C. caused substantial and extraordinary damage to the leased pretnises or the property of other residents or other residents' guests at the leased 4. Has committed drug-trlated ctimiiutl activity, or violent criminal activity. S. Has committed hriher?., fraud or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with anv fedeml. stats or local housit a pr umm. EW WArfING LJST Applicam will be notified by mail and by tele:Q tW wbm a Wtebla trait become avaRable. My, for which the MUM unaliBes. Towne Sangre will doettmtat the day. tints std type of commmicatim teed m the etlbrt to math the appy and no* bkober of the available trait. When an applicM bas tefusod the offer of a unit, it will be doamitstted: If arty eligt'ble applicant refuses three time% they will be.tetnoved.from the waiting list. Q,gWo with a disability. If an RMlicant fails to nesMW to a mailing I'tam PT& the applicant wilt be pmnto%vd from the waiting list. If the mmlicant did not MMEW to the PTS reattest_for information or updates because of a family ms 's disability. the Manager will reinstate the applicant in the applicant's lutmer position on the %%aiting list. K an applicant is removed from the n siting list for failure to r Mm j they will not be entitled to reinstatement unless the hlan.3W detemtines there were extenuating circumstances he.Lvnd the person's control. The Waiting List will heuguDa not more than one time each year by a ntailine to all applicants to-mumthatthe waititte list is current and accurate. The mailine will ask for contimtation of FMVAVSd OWN *10 "fm k%-Qaw the updating is complete, eppl emb will be n W&W in I writing of their new position on the waiting.list.. It Is the eespwm bft a<ft appOmt to soft Town 3gaare of my address and pbane dmgp& i1V MVIEW PROCESS When an appropriate unit will be available in the oar future, do Homing Manager will interview the applicant and obtain cuum infiianation sham rho famibr'a circumstances. The Housing MsneW may ask applicants to bring certain @e00rda and documents to the cattification interview. At tbe interview, the Housing Manager will: A. Confirm and update all information on the application. IL EVIsin program requiremeata.. venficathm procedures and penalties for filae infarmaticn. C. Review do financial infamudon an the application and specifically ask Applicant wbetber arty member of the bousebold: 1. Receives tbe types of incomes listed under income defnitien and if due applicant is receiving a form of iacarK not reported an die application, ask the applicant about due source of income and document die applicant's response in the file. 2. Has any assets. D. Ask the Head of Household and/or Spouse to sign the release of information consent portion of any verification request used for diem: E Require the Had of Household "or Spouse to give a written certification as to whether any family somber did/did nnt dispose of may assets for less than fbir market value during the two years preceding the effective date of the cad ficmuodrecertificmion. The certification will include a fist of all assets disposed of for less than fair market value, the dates disposed, the amount reoaived, and the asset's .market value at the time of disposition - F. Require the Head of Household ander Spouse to disclose and document all social security numbers or execute a certification when a social security mtmI has not been assigned. G. Tell the family then a final decision on eligibility cannot be made until all verifications are complete. H. Inform the (family that Federal laws prohibit Towne Square fiom discriminating against indk iduals with handicaps. In summary, Towne Square has the responsibility for making n aianable. acc' , ,dations in policies, providing auxiliary aids, making units and facilities accessible and permitting handicapped persons to use assistive animals wben the, provide Applicant with equal ham % appotumum L Inform applicants of housing nda and amenities. RENT DETERMINATIONS The smctmt payabb ntonft by the Fwdly os trot % ft Homing ad Redevelopmo Au*mity IRW is detemsined by their Amuai tacome. In all caeca, R+ are tesponsibb for then phone and ebebic bill and garage trtnal addi>ian to their motuhbr teat dtatge. Existit g Residents through Ananst. 2002: Rent fbr.Residems occoying PTS as of January 1. 3002 shall. be detemtined as follows, thmugh the month of Aumst 22002. Very Low b= me PwsW4 For those Families or persons receiving a of Very Low Inca= Subs Residw Rent will be bond on 30 percent ofthe a4usted moaft ibut the Subsidy Payment will no exceed $435 per amaath ad emVle SWAM Lowsv Incoma Persons). For those F4=hm or pewees receiving a wem Income Subsift Residem Rent will be based on requind le y-33 perem of 6* adjusted m=My income but the Subs* P07mmem wilt not memaod Sl6S per month. Minimum RentssA Unit sitz Ym Low Ids Full 2 BR — 2 Bad 5305 S57S 740 2 BR —1 Bath 5255 $525 5690 1 BR —1 Barb (large) 5200 5470 5635 1 BR — I Bath (small) S I SO $420 5585 Garage Rental: S3%wnth New Residents as of Match. 2002. and Existing Residents betiaping September 1.2002: All families shall pay at ieust the minimum monthly rent for their units or 35% of their adiusted monthly income for their rent and utilities. whichever is ta+eater, uo to the full marker rent: Unit Size Minimum Rent Utility Allowance Full Market Rent LS S200 SL6 BR S300 S1.001 Garaee Rental S30 8 Cosywtatbn of A=vW beame: 1. All. paymcm Flom all sources received by the family h`He ad .of Household (even if ftMPaMdlY absent) and any additional member of the hu* hooseboM shell be included in the atmualincome of a fatuity, (See ANNUAL INCOME ddaition) 2. I dMimtstenees arise where it is not :fessiMe to ands pate a level of income over a 12: month period, a shorter period maybe used bat subject eo a. recertification at the end of Much period; DO NRA renerM Me rq* to a*w Watts based are hd&& g opera ft andOuseandannealchaxgwwaeedwnawwe, brtAe A*&a pliedne&q ban area., IasdcaarmiiwtbyMCIDfibrorimatorime OCCUPANCYSTANDARDS I The housing Manager will tale into account &a need to avoid overcrowding with the need to make the beat use of available apace and to avoid ummessary subsidy, the number of persona in the household, and the relationship and sex of those pardons. Typically, unit determination will be as follows: Single applicants would have their choice of ene-bedr+eemone-bbedroom units, as available. 2. Married applicants would have their choice of one or two bedrooms) units. as available. 3,3. T%vo ULtmelated adults and persons of the opposite sex may occupy a two. bedroom unit. separate4edteema: 4. Singlea gMlicants may be allowed to occupy a two-bedroom unit if a written certification that a one -bedroom unit is insufficient to meet the medical needs of the resident and a larger unit is necessary must be obtained fiom a reliable, knowledgeable professional. Justification for the larger unit must also be provided. _Assianment of a larger size unit is only to be made at initial occupancy or annual recertification. The Housing Manager will coacder the following liddelloes when determtoiag appropriate Oak sites: 1. Every household member is listed on the application is to be counted. 2. No more than two persons can occupy a bedroom. 3. Unrelated adults and persons of the opposite sex may occupy separate bedrooms. 4. e. 34. Towne Square will not provide bedrooms for permanently institutionalized family members 5d.. Effective April 1.200?. if the number of occuants in u to -bedroom unit is less titan two and this situtudon is considered to be nennan:nt and not medically necessary, the resident must do one of the following: Find antimer "oualified" resident to move in with them. Mow to the next available one -bedroom unit. The Manager shall create and maintain a list of single occupants of two-bedroom units. Available orwbedtoom units shall be offered to the residents on the list in the followine preference order: a. Residents who indicate in writing their willingness to move to a one -bedroom unit. in the order that requests are received by the Manager. k All other single occttpaQ of two-bedroom units in an order determined by lottem A resident offered a one -bedroom units shall have no more than 60 days to complete their move to the new unit, and shall MWrate with the manager to allow the occupancy of their current unit as soon as gggible to avoid prolonged vacancies in the building. Residents requested to more under this policy shall be tmermitted to refuse the offer of a one - bedroom urdt. rtrovided that another resident on the list is willing to more to the unit. If the list has been exhausted. and the resident. still refuses to mom am• rent subsidy shall he terminated and rent shall be adjusted to full market rent at the next recertification. Stafshall also provide reasonable assistance from caretakers and/or equipment to facilitate such moves. b.19 ate! obligated in Would nal he vinva ' - gettte-es: II Seeark Dgmlts: Prior to occupancy a Security Deposit will be collected: The Security Deposit will be equivalent At the termination of the Lease. Manageament may keep a0 or part of due Security Deposit for (a) damage go the opmomtemt beymd mtliaary war and tear 6om careful use and (b) for the rem or other money owed to Managanent miler an agreement. Interest shall be seed on the Security Deposit at the going rate and returned to the resident vitltin (30) days after move -out. Pet pow. Pets will be allowed in Plymmilt Towne Square if the following et-heda-iscritcria are met: e Applicant owns pet prior to application to Plymouth Towne Square. Manageneat requires a pet lease be signed and a separate pet deposit of $100 be paid prior to move -in. e One Pet per apartment. Pets may j&t exceed 20 pounds. AU pets must be neuttmW for spaycM before moving into due aF lumens e Pet must be an a leash at all times wbet our of the sp>wnent and never allowed to freely roam the interior and exterior of the premises, nor shall pet be allowed to ewer On indoor or oudoor amenities. Residents must immediately clean -um oiler their rm. 12 Upon lease vammmd. all cram rs atoll be required to reregister dw r pOW and OpW aU pet fhalariom m t as vain Whom and All uldabd infimmgiondullberetainedintheresident's file. 13 rw VERMCATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES j The Homing Manager will vert* all mcom% expenwai asset% household cdtractaiatics and arewr the eligibility or nmideat tem: All veri6miom moat be documatmd Iintheappticamhesidmt61. wee methods of verdicabon we acceptable. They are, in order of q k A. Third-P attya ' 't B. Third-Panv Oral C. _Review of documentst a s abank , award letters m stu w- 2 forms, tax returns. receipts etc.l 6A. Certification! Self -Declaration. t ed statement from the resident only when third patty verifications or review of documents is not possible.) Verifications an to be date stamped when tetnive6 and are valid for 90 days baa tho date of receipt by Towne Square. Fordo text 30 days, management may update the veti6cauads, orally with the source. If verifications are spate than 120 days old, am written verification must be abtaiwd. Time limits do not apply to infamstion that does not teed to be revert flied ( age, `°• handical"Sability status, birth cerdfcate For interim recati6taum only those fhctors that have daoged must be nevaified, even if depmvwn verifitxd are more than 120 days old. Ut1ITIA1. cEKn (CATION A. Anmlicanta signature is an acceNtahk form of certification for family comm- hion and cunni residatce. B. All ea ed income shall be verified at the time of admission or anmal r unmwti M recertilication through employets, W-2 forms, annual federal irugme tax foram check stabs or other means to assure accuracy. C. Assets shall be vaifted by savings account passbooks and other, photostatic or carbon copies of documents in the applicant's peawssien whieligmession,which substantiate hie h statements. (United States Treasury checks will not be pbotocopied) D. Unearned incomes shall be verified by viewi ter checks, eati6twtes of award or other means to assure accuracy. E. Applicants shall be required to famish proof of their statements when nequined by the Hotmsimg. Manager to reasonably assure accuracy. F. All determinations shall be fully documented in the applicant's file. 14 no following will also be verified and domomod in Resident's trot:. Criteria providing the basis for denial ofeligibility. AN treed eayin- kss than bO mubet rent shall have their incomes mttnl r. Recatifioution of the hm0iWs oomnposiU^ iacome, and medical atpemes incurred by tee &mify spank eombided by the housing Manager. At that dine. the amount of taidett tent win be radetemined. Generally the receitifieation effective dente d=U be the ammivamy of the Brat day of the. montb Resident ues admitted to the pr* t. for example: Re identwas 1 1 '-ted X12. Recertification effective date is FAFAMMISLI. metal reeerttlkatioe elRedva Sentember I. 2002. Normally, nwMitication will scour annually on the anni i=n date. However. in order to implement my rent policies Idgew by the Plymouth HRA all tenants shall undergo a sl}ccial tewtiiication of their elisibitity unci income to be effective ftl=ber 1. 3002. After that. date, the noxt recertification shall he eflecthyc on the anniivM= of the first day of thr month the R%Nident %us admitted to the Wject. provided that the next rece"ilication shall not lw effectiL%, min r than Match Maintain a tracking system to identify residents to be recenifted and monitor sampled, k of an required activities, (ter be developed! Notify Resident. 75-90 days prior to the effective date that the recatificatiaa is due. Interview Raident and obtain intoe Mon on income, assft family c and allowances. Provide written notice of any changes in rent resulting from recertification (at least 30 Clays notice for increase). blitial of remiification is amt 75-90 days in advance of the vam fication anmva rr. ,e N The: untie, should amts that Resident. Aces to contact the ofi3e6 the ot6ce hours, what is to be brought to the interview and who should be oarttaae'to make the appoint mart. Folbw-Un Notice is sent within opptoximal* 30 dep of the initial usafice to residents who have not responded. The Maw -W notice eouIn I the ocean inbrmation as the initial notice and mast state that if Resident does not respond by the idh of the mo a p aw ttg the reoatificed n dRctive daft their subsidy may be terminatedted and their rent may be imteased to the fill market exon the tares ficafion eff adve date. Final Notice of Intent to Taminate Assiataace is given on the first of the month P=efttg the dRative date to residents who have not yet respooded. The Notice must state that Resident has 10 drys to respond. If Reddmt does not respond within those ten days, assistume-" be IFMbat ".he i d to market rate dfactive at the rec;rdficafion dRetive date with no 30 day notice of increase. Exmrple: Reeertificatian Et?axive Date Am4jMntctnb l Initial Notice AANX44,lurnc t Folbw-Up Nice April-1as 11 Final Notice of ham mav4 4u Assistance Taminated MtW+l Auger 11 MmW Rata Rod begins AM94—swumbMil New Resident Rem Once resident rest is established. the rate shall remain in eRect until the tenet annual recertification or moil cucumsta occur that warrant a special reat and income review interim certification W-- &M FM GO—MMA-M. eeesiftme-wft r - Residents are to be notified in wriq of my cbaup In rent resulting hv=Hb&a rent review. A. An increase in rent requires a 30 day written notice to Resident. B. A decreese is dfa dve an the next Rats paymeat. 16 A" N. vettrtcartom errors for at teat cense an erten tee etaectnY ears or tee I U'I'EBIM RECKFaMCAMON Residents slimm K mmirtd to immediately repots the tbtlowing change: A. Any household member moves in orout of the unit. L The household's income cumulatively meteases or decreases by approxhaftly S40 or mote per mouth. Ummgememt most process an ble tto rawd1leaden if Resident reports 1) a change in IheaselroNcomposition, 2) an increase in incomq_p 3) an increase in sloe — mc+lical 4) decease in income. Maoa g ment may nftn to process as Interim voterdfkadom when Resident reports a deaeale .in interne if the decrease will leu leas than as mot it or the dame was caused by del bare t atelon of Resident. The following steps we to be used in processing interim new fication: A. Interview Resident to obtain new information an household composition, income, asaft and.allowance. 8. Verify only those Wenss that have changed since or were not verified at the last tecatificstion. C. CWculae new resident tent D. Send written notice to Resident of rent er wsimw*e-payme nt changes and their IetTactiveasfollows: 1. For rent increase: fust day of the month following the required 30 day advance notice. 2. For rent decreases: first day of the month following the doteof the change. If Resident does not co nply with interim reporting procedures. notify Resident, in writing, of the J mad to recatilj, giving 10 calendar days to respond.–tNtesidtwFrxn.{s-pweess-tt e-intewnr. If Resident does not reword, require Resident to w market rate rent at the next rent period. As 17 soca as the required ighmwlm is provided, reduce do no to prevwm level, dkttive lite am r" 1 awn& f 18 11 LURPRESENTMION AppHcam and Residents are to be nodal in waiting of my mia— mtiam. ar k= vicladm avealed through thaannual ieeadficanan or adm oacvn mm end my other. macdve action enquired by the Pbuouth Housing and Redevekp rAnt Auftdty.. U Rddeat tstiom, atthedm of admission, anoaai nozembadom, or rent ravkw, came a hmib to pay a borer rent eban calkd tbrt. Resident wM be ragttbred to psy the dgk lbid , Do the tit pdd and what sbadd bm been PSK Any attemp by RmddM m w8ff tlb dell ad Se (3v of Pbmseatb ar Pbrmootb HRA w® Tema In m dvcstig tlon and dbpasitlbo as needed. . 19 20 I DERNMONS Adlasted laeogne; Annual Income las Medial Expenses m excess of three percent of Annual Income for any Family (refer to definition). A. Annual Lzcome is the anticipated total income frons all soueces received by all Family mernbers, including net income derived from assets, for the 12 month period following the efRctive date of initial determination or reexamination of income, exclusive of income that is temporary, nonrecurring or sporadic. Annual Income includes, but is not limited to; 1) The full onuowd, before wA-mxja ro0 deduction, of wages and salaries, overtime pay, commission, fem tips and boomer, and alba compensation for personal senrica; 2) The net income ficrm operation of a business or profession for this purpose, expenditures for business expansion or amoutinfion of capital indebtedness and an allowance for depreciation of capital assets shall not be deducted to determine net income from a business); 3) Interest, dividends, and other net income of any kind from real or personal property (for this purpose, expenditures for amortization of capital indebtedness and an allowance for depreciation of capital assets shall not be deducted to determine the net income from real or personal property} Where the Family has Net Family Assets in est of SIQAAA9,,, M Annual Income shall include the greats of the actual income derived from all Net Family Assets or a five of the value of such net family Assets dewmined by the 111 me rA-1RA-, 4) The full amount of periodic payments received from social security, annuities, insurance pr'kies, retirement funds pensions, disability or death benefits, and other simil r types of periodic receipts, including a lungmRan payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; S) Payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, aorka's compensation and severance par, 21 6) Welfare Assistance: If the Welfare Assistance payment /'-N inch des an amount specifically designated for shelter and Utilities that is subject to adjustment by the `.lelfate Assistance agency in accordance with the actual coat of shelter and Utilities, the amount of Welfare Assistance income to be included as income shall consist of L The amoum of the allawance or grant exclusive of the amount specifically designated for shelter or utilities, Plus, b. The maximum amount the Welfare Aloe agency could in fact allow the Family for shelter and utilities. If the Family's Welfare Assistance is notably reduced fiom the standard of need by aPPlYift a percentage, the amount calculated under this paragraph bill shall be the amount resulting 6om one application of the Percentage; 7) Periodic and determinable allowance and regular cNntribwions and gifts received from persons not residing in the dwelling. 8) My earend income tax credit to the extent it exceeds income tax liability, Annual [tome does act intdade: T001MMY, rtotuecunirtg or sporadic irxx me such asthe following; 1) Casual, sporadic or irregular sins; M—Amount of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or to the educational institution, and amorous paid by the Government to a veteran for use in meeting the costs . of tuition, fees, books, and equipment. Any amounts of such scholarships, or payments to veterans, not used for the 22 J purposes tial are available for subsistence are to be included in income; CD Groceries received as a gift on a regular basis. Antmea f/5ubaidv The difference between full market rent and tenant rent. RRA pertien-ef IfaN-Rear affadke Date: The `affective date" of a certification or recertification refers to (1) in the erase of an initial catification for aboission, the effective date of initial occupancy, and (2) in the case of recertification of an existing residual. aha effective date of the redetermined Total Resident Real, generally the anniversary of the first day of the month lite resident was admitted to the project. FOAG Family marts two or more persons sharing residency whose income and resources are available to meet the th=Vs needs and who are either related by blood, marriage, or operation of law. or have evidence of a stable family relationsbip. SMOVIVI A family whose Head of Hemseheld eip Spam *9 at lem 66 years eF age of QIdM Elderk Ramsebom: A family whose Head of Household or Spouse is at. least 55 y'eers of are or older.One or mew eldet4y posen(O Ii MOM eere And-4velllKi MIend HIS; The Head of Household is the person who assumes .legal and mesal IfinmKialresponsibilityforthebousehold. Ekwft and lNedevelonvaeo Ant mft CMUI: This is the Plymouth Housing Authority which has decision making authority as to changes or modificaticas in the Admission and Occupancy Handbook for Plymouth Towne Square. This agency is under the direction of five commissioners appointed by the Plymouth City Council. The agency, itself is staffed by City employees. The agency staff head is the Executive Director of the HRA. Random Manager. The person hired by the Plymouth HRA or its management consultant, to manage the day-to-day operations of PI)mmth Townt Square. This person willhave an office in the bowing project and will approve 23 applicants based on the HRA's preference criteria and other regulations outlined in this document. Immediate Fimfw Includes brothers,. sisters, children. grandchildren, nieces and nopbew& A Family whose Annual Income *a ymNeF dm SWA4vmloes not exceed 80 percent of median income for the area, as d ended from time to time by the Depanmea of Housing and Urban Development HUD) with adjustments for smaller and larger families. edlalts toeeses• Inose medical out -of -podia esPmse. including medical . ...a . premiums. that are anticipated during the period far which Amoralincome is computed and are not covered by an outside source, such as insuuance. The amount glowable as a deduction is the amount that exceeds three percent -of annual income, as defied below). A. If the household is eligible for a medical expense deduction, the medical expenses of all family members residing at Plvmout Towne kwwe counted. a Medical expenses include, all exp-mes anticipated to be incurred during the. 12 motuhs following certifcationlrecertifcation which are not covered by an outside source, such as insurance. They -^ may include: 1) Services of doctor and health care professionals; 2) Services of health care facilities;. 3) Medical insurance premiums; 4) Prescripdan/non-prescription medicines; S) Transportedon to treatment;. 6) Dental expenses: 7) Eyeglasses, hearing aids, batteries; 8) Live-in or periodic medical assistance; 9) Monthly payment on accumulated medical bills; and 10) i;iieed—iawfily C. Medical expenses shall not include personai care items. groducts or services not considered eligible for medical expense dedu^tions by 24 fn 1l. OLlY lenses from the DM*OUS includedshallnotbeL=iwtimatinje medicalit next lC J MautNv Adiusted INICOMMIN One-tweltih of AUpated hxame. Net ftmBN Assets• With respect to any person or family, the aggregate Market value of all assets which are owp, v such person or family or by any entity which is related to such rA,jL•• rr family, inchrding but not limited to cash, securities, aceou...: .ivable, chattel paper and other intangibles, other real of any nature whatsoever, less the aggregate amount of liabilities of such person. family or other entity. In determining Net Family Assist staff shall include the value of any assets disposed of by an applicant or resident for hss than fair marI value (including a disposition in trust but noting a foreclosure or banhuptcy sale) during the two years preceding the date of application for the program or recertification. as applicable. in excess of the consideration received thereof. In the cue of a disposition as part of a separation or divorce settlement, the disposition will not beconsidered to be for less than fair marltet value if the applicant or resident receives important consideratirat not measurable in dollar tents. Rent. Full Market: The full market rent for the unit. which shall be based an the, Section 8 Rents aggroved by HUD for Plymouth less utility allowances and rod+ ved by the Plymouth HRA IlTom time to time. Person(s) named on the lease for a given unit. Resident PhWMIh: Persons or families who have lived in Plymouth for at least 12 months shall be deemed to be a Plymouth resident. Resident RateRent: The amount payable monthly by the Fancily as rent to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), based onUse minimum rent or -35% of adjusted monthly income for rent and utilitie& whichever is greater, up to the full market rent. -In all cases, residents are responsible for their phone and electric bill and garage rental (optional) in addition to their monthly rent charge. The husband or wife or parmer of the Head of Household. 25 Welhre Auk am, Welbm or other paymeats to fwWiies or individuals, Dared an need: that we made under pop= fooled, sepnmtebr or jowbl by fedemk stm or local pvammnts. 26 kil ADMISSION AND OCCUPANCY HANDBOOK FOR PLYMOUTH TOWNE SQUARE Pb%mth;. MhmesMa JANUARY 1Z Iia Adopted rue 21, 2M Owncd by P{yaeor l No suQAkneedgmdRedneloprAtK byGmv Af=WnmK 1w. ADMISSION AND OCCUPANCY HANDBOOK r FOR PLYMOUTH TOWNE SQUARE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE .......... 1 APPLICATION PROCESS 2 3 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS i WAITING LIST s IN7ERVMV PROCESS 6 RENT DETERMINATIONS T OCCUPANCY STANDARDS ....... 9 SNCURITY DEPOSITS 19 PET POLICY 1p VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES 12 U41TiAL CEKMCA71ON ..,.,,,. 12 ANNUAL RECERTIFICATION 13 INTERIM RECERTIFICATIO\ ..,, li AT1ON 16 DEFINITIONS .--.—... 17 INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE. The philosophy of Plymouth Towne Squmc (PTS) Retncment Community is to provide r affxdMe hoaft to elder persmts living in the City of Pbmo tk Minesom The Facility is owned by the Pbwwh Housing and Rebvdapammt Authority (HEN and a bddmd by the ugmym of Pbuouth. Minnesota. (have MwApmm% Int. has hem condatmed to provide m00aglmint services. ? Pbanouah Towne Squwa is locamed an Pbrmomh Boukvard, 2 Mocks north of the Pbmoudr City Hall. R is a 99 -wit, 3 -story retutrrriart community. The building has a community room vhth a*ww bWk% gum room bout dwP and 66,stA uedaVvwd Pwkl06• THIS PlMPOSB . OF 77143 . HANDBOOK 15 TO PROVIDE POLICIES AND GUHlEL> M FOR TOWNE SQUARE STAN TO FOLLOW WIRING THE ADAMON. AND OCCUPANCY PROCESS, THIS HANDBOOK 13 TO BB USED BY STAFF ONLY AND NOT DL-7tmnw TO THE RssinimT CommuNITY. All I g, to these policies must be approved by the Plymoamh Housing and FbAevdopment AWhodly (HRA) Board of Dhwtors and in0wowOed by Grace Manwmeru, Inc. The Pbrmoumb Housing- a d Redrrdopmmt Authority, by vm m direction to the Housu% Managa, map grant aioepdcns to these policies when ju dfred by special circwnsuaoeL APPLICATION PROCIM eIN. Th HRA maN fian time todme, autltorin the Ma»W to open applicolm for residency at PTS. Applications will be acaeptc 'a* if duere is an at I ,-tat them may be a vacancy in to building within a musettable bane; and the waiting On has been reftad to the pair.: to the MeneW will not be able to fill vom units from the cement list A weien application is required for admission to Plymouth Towne Square or pbmmmt an the waiting list. The application includes family ebaracteristie iafaemWk% 1.1 A -ttoe in wn%dW soutoc(s) and estimates) of wacipsted arcual income and assets, and weemag taf rmadon peiorlandkoft and credit history Paesoos who wish to receive an application for oeatpancy map call or write to Pfymou& Towne Squme and request anapplication be sent tD than. All appCrmtioas will inettde tiro fes: maoductory, Letter Application Marketing Brodane Setf4h essed Return Envelope (not stumped) Applications will be rew aed to: Plymouth Towne Squme w 15500.37° Awnue North Plymouth, MY 55447 Atta: Manager Returned applications will be date stamped as they are reoeivtd Applications that are not compkted in full will be cetmaed to the stir with a Icer stating where it is incomplete. Staff will not process incomocte applicmdons. The Manager will conduct an initial review of the application to determine if thelicant qualifies for Plymouth Towne Square. If an applicant DOES NOT qualify for housing; dwy will be notified in wzift the mum for ineligibility. If an applicant DOES qualify for housing belsbe shall be assigned a plan at the waiting list based at the date and time of receipt of the Mucation std the following pref Maces: 4 1. ApplicM is a years of age or older and a ees dent of bmw Raftestabiisbed by the HRA.. mom fht low 2. k modiste Family h%V in Pbuouth nerd applicant is 62 years or older and meas the low iWa se limits as esWisAed by the HRA. Income. 3. Applicant is between SS and 61 yews old and a resident of Pl)taoutb and meets the low incomte limits as establisixd by the. HRA Income. 4. Immediate Famib live in Pbmwuth and eopliratft is btftven SS and 61 years oldand MOM tha low income limits as established by the HRA, hfaome. S. Other applioMIL Plymotftb Towaa Sq we complier with all Federal. Stift and local Fair Housing aid Civil Rights Laws Plymouth Towne Sgwe is an equal OPPOZON&Y community and will nat dbMu imte based an root, oolM aced, whgwo, sex, natioml origin age, Emily statffs orhandicap. Civil Rights laws and equal apponunny tequieemaftscover applicasion intake, tesideos selecdoa and unit MOPMCML J RUGUIlUMBE22—H—M—M.An 4011% Plymouth TO%Me Squats is open to all individuals whose Had of Housebold at Sponse is at las! SS years and older regardless of income. However. PreferaM will be given to loose bAvidtmis and lendlies. wbose Head of Housebohd or Spouse is at km Q years or older,. Annual Income tolls below the Low Income limits or is a resident of the City of Plymopo k Applicants determined to be ineligible shall be notified by letoer within 30 days of the dderminsdan by the MINWIRIM the letter shall state Sc reason the MPUCOM is ineligible; and 0 de applicant has the right within a reasonable time (specified in the letter to request areviewbydeeHRA's Housing. Program Manager. It after the review, it is determined Hest the applicant is stfil 1111W'ble, the applicant shall be so, notified in wii ft An applicant may be ineligible for participation in the Plymouth HRA's aetiar ofi'ordable boushgpogrant iftheapplicant oranodwmendwOftbe Does not ege qualify. 2. Was evicted for nonpayment of hisiba share of reef or for damages done to a unit somewhere else and. the court required payment was not made by applicant; or, 3. Has engaged in conduct at previously leased premises which: resulted in physical injury to other, residents or other reddeaW guests, endratgered the life, safety amd wrltbre of other resideae or outer, residents' guest. or, C. quad substantial and a taaordbu" damage to the lased promises or the propety of other residents or other residents' guests on the leased lmmbm 4. Has committed drug-related. criminal activity, or violent. crimiml activity. S. Has committed bribey, baud or any other corrupt or criminal. act in connection with aqy federal, state or local housing program. WAITING LIST Applicants will be notified by mail and by telephone when a saitable unit become available. The Manages will offer a vaunt unit to the first applicant on the waiting list qualified for the size of unit available. based an the time and date of the application and in order of the pnef —m if any, for which the applicant qualifies. Towne Square will document due day, time and type of oonmmnmi ons used in the effort to tract the applicant and notify him&w of the available unit. When an appiicmtt has refused the offer of a unit, it will be documented. If any eligible applicant refuses three tithes, they will be removed from the waiting fust Any amilinp to the applicant which require a response will state that failure to respond within ten days will result in the applicant's name being dropped from the waiting list. An attansion of ten days to respond will be grant4 if requested and taeded as a reasonable accomnnodadon for a person with a disability. If an applicant fails to te11 1 to a mailing fiom PTS, the applicant will be removed from the waiting list. If the applicant did not tepond to the PTS request for information or updates because of a imaily member's disability, the Manager will reinstate the applicant in the applicant's farrier position on the waiting list. If a letter is returned by the Pas. Office without a forams ttg address, the applicant will be removed without further notice and the envelope and tetter will be maintained in the file. If a letter is remhncd with a forwarding address, it wilt be re -mailed to the address indicated. If an applicant is removed from the waiting list for failure to tespo 1, they will not be emitted to rem unless the Manager determines there %%sere extenuating circumstances be)vW the person's control. The Waiting List will be purged not more than one time each dear by a mailing to all applicants to easche that the waiting list is current and accurate. The mailing will ask for confirmation of continued interest. Once the updating is complete, applicants will be notified in writing of their new position on the waiting list. It is the noponsiblilly of the applicant to nosily Towne Square of any address and phone 04TERVEM PROCESS • W'ben an appropriate unit will be available in die sear fnwne, the Homing Manger will interview the applicant and obtain current information about the family's circumstances. The Housing Manager may ask applicents to bring certain recce Is and documents to the certification interview. At the interview, do Housing Manager will: A. Confirm and update all information on the application. B. Explain program requiremeols, verification procedures and penalties for Use information. C. Review the financial information on the applicatim and specifically ask Applicant whether any member of the household: 1. Receives the types of incomes fisted under income definition and if the applicant is receiving. a farm of income not reported on the application, ask the applicant about the sours of income and document die applicant's response in the file. 2. Has any assess. D. Ask the Head of Household and/or Spouse to sign the release of informarmn consent portion of any verification request used for sem. E Require the Bead of Household and/or Spouse to give a written certification as to whether any family member MAN not dispose of any assets for less than fair market value during the two )ean preceding the effective date of the artificationh ecertification. Thecertification will include a list of all assets disposed of for less than fair market value, the dates disposed, the amount received, and the asset's market value at the time of dispositim. F. Require the Had of Household andlar Spouse to disclose and document all social security numbers or execute a certification when a social security number has not been assigned - G. Tell the family that a final decision on eligibility cannot be made until all verifications are complete. H. Inform the family that Federal laws prohibit Towne Square from discriminating against individuals with handicaps. In summary, Towne Square has the responsibility for making reasonable accommodations in policies, providing auxiliary aids, making units and facilities accessible and permitting handicapped persons to use assistive animals when they provide Applicant with equal housing opportunities. Inform applicants of housing rules and amenities. 6 RENTDETERNMATIOINS The amount payable moalbly by the Family as vett to the Housing and RedevelopmentfAuthorityMWisdetnmifAdbytbdrArcuaLome. 10aUeaesR aer orhear phone and electric bill and garage rental in addition to their monthly no dwge. nth g Ruldwb through August, 2N2.- Ron 082: Ron for Residents oa t"ing 97'R as of January 1, 2002 shall be determined as follows, 6rough the mouth ofAugust 2002. Vary Low Income Ple son(s): For those Fwailies or persons receiving a Very Low income Subsidy, Resident Root will be based on 30 percent of the adjusted mo nhly inaomre but the Subsidy payment will not axaed $435 per mtsath. Low Income. Person(s): For those Families or persons receiving a Low Income Subsidy, Resident Rest willbe based an 33 percent of their adjusted monthly income but the SubsidyPaymentwillnotexceed $165 per month. Minimum Reals Unft Sirx Ven; Low Lover Full Reset 2 BR — 2 Bath 5305 5575 5740 2 BR— t Batt $255 5525 $690 1 BR —1 Bath (huge) 5200 $470 $635 1 BR -1 Bath (small) 5150 5420 5585 Garage Rental: $30e'ntonth New Residents as ofMarsh, 2002 and Fakting Residents beginning September 1, nU. Ali families shall pay at hast the minimum monthly rent for their units or 35% of their a4usted aconin income for their vert and utilities, whichever is greater. up to the fall market rent. Unit Size Minimum Rent Utility Allowance Full Market Rest 1 BR $200 $26 $782 2 BR 5300 533 54001 Garage Rental $30 7 Omp bdan of Ann=l Income: L All payments .from all sources received by the family Head of Household (even if lempunwily absent) and any additional member of titre 8mily bw=hoid shall beincludedintheannualincomeofafamily. (See ANNUAL INCOME ddmition) 2. if ci 'Cumstences arise where it is not feasible to anticipate a level of income over a 12 month period, a shorter period may be used„ but sjim to a tec d&a* r attheendofsuchperiod. 1hs HRA reserms the right to ataw rsift based on bari dgg aperarft espmw and Ovahcadand awwd deranges in median iwa t fw the J*Le pad seetropolUan MtasdeterminedbyHUDfnosrtimetotime r OCCUPANCY STANDARDS The .dossing Manager will taloa into a000ant the need to avoid overcrowding with the need to mike the best use of available space and -to avoid unnecessary subsidy, the mtmber of prions in the household, and the relationship and sac of those persons. Typically, unit determination will be as follows. 1. Single applicants would have their choice of one bedroom units, as available. 2. Married applicants would have their choice of one or two bedrooms) units, as available. 3. Two unrelated adults and persons of the opposite sex may occupy a two-bedroom unit. 4. Single applicants may be allowed to occupy a two-bedroom. unit if a written ceet.6 .ion that a one -bedroom unit is insufficient to meet the medical needs of the resident and a huger unit is necessary must be obtained from a reliable, kaowlodgable professional. Justification for the larger unit must also be povided. Assignment of a larger sinunit is only to be made at initial occupancy or annual recta ficadon. The Hoeft MAnW will. consider the following gale- when deter ailoing appropriate umu sins: 1. Every household member is listed on the application is to be counted. 2. No more than two persons can occupy a bedroom. 3. Unrelated adults and persons of the opposite sex may occupy separate bedrooms. 4. Towne Square will not provide bedrooms for permanently institutionalized family members. 5. Effective April 1, 2002, if the number of occupants in a two-bedroom unit is less than two and this situation is considered to be permanent and not medically necessary, the resident must do one of the followinW. Find another "qualified" resident to move in with them. Move to the next available one -bedroom unit. The Manager shall create and maintain a list of single occupants of two-bedroom unit. Available, one -bedroom units shall be offered to the residents on the list in the following preference order. a. Residents who indicate in writing their willingness to move to a ore -bedroom unit, in the order that requests are received by the Manager. J b. 411 other single occupants of two-bedroom traits in an order determined by lottery. A resident offered a one4ndmom units shall have no more than 60 days to maplew their trove to the new unit, and shall cooperate with the manoW to allow do occupancy, of thtdretarent unit as soon as possible to avoid pm!onged vacancies in the building. Residents requested to move under tins policy shall be permitted to refine the ober of a one- bedtoom unit, provided that another resident on the list is willing to move to the unit. N tie list has 6, t exhausted, and the resident still refines to move, any rent subsidy shall be terminated and rem shall be adjusted to full market rent at the next recertification. Single residents moving voluntarily from mv-bedroom to one -bedroom units shall be eligible for assistam from PTS for their incidental moving cgmn:xs such as utility hook-up charges. Request for payment of such expenses shall be accompanied by copies of bills or receipts for expenses paid, and paid by the Manager subject to the limitations of the approved PTS budget. Staff shall also provide reasonable assistance fiota caretakers and/or equipment to facilitate such moves. Seew ty Deposits: Prior to occupancy a Security Deposit will be collected. The Security Deposit will be SS00. At the termination of the Lease, Management may keep all or part of the Security Deposit for (a) damage to the apartment beyond ordinary wear and tear fiom careful use and (b) for the rent or other money owed to Management under an agreement. w Interest shall beearned on the Security Deposit at the going rate and returned to the resident within (30) days after move -out Pet Policy: Pets will be allowed in Plymouth Towne Square if thefollowing criteria are met: Applicant owns pet prior to application to Plymouth Towne Square. Management requires a pet lease be signed and a separate pet deposit of S 100 be paid prior to move -in. Ons pet per apartment. Pets may not exceed 20 pounds. All pets must beneutered or spayed before moving into the apartment. Pet must be on a leash at all times when out of the apartment and never allowed to fieely roam the interior and exterior of the premises, nor shall pet be allowed to enter .r the indoor or outdoor amenities. 10 e"N • Resideems must iamsediem ly dam -up after Ow pet. m Upon leas$ renewal, all ownaes shall be mquhal to regegi w thrix pets and upddte all pat infer aW= aub as verifi=fm of shots and weight. All updrml Wftmfim shall be retained in the resident's fil& 11 of d VE111MCATION REQUIREMEMS AND PROCEDURES ./0-% 71e housing Manager will vertu all income. expert I I assets, household characteristics and circumstanceii that affect eligibility or resident rent. All verifications most be doctmsented in dne applitaMai eat file. Few methods of verification are acceptable. They me, in ander of acceptability: A. Third-Pmy Written B. Third -Party Oral C. Review of documents (such as bank statements, av atd letters, pay stubs, %v-2 fonnsa tax returns, receipts etc.) D. Certification/ Self -Declaration. (a notarized statement Som the resident, only accepted whin third party verificatim or review of documents is not possible.). Verifications are to be date stamped when received and are valid for 90 days Som the date of receipt by Towne Squme. For the next 30 days, management may update the verific dos, wally with the source. If verifications are more lien 120 days old, now written verification must be obtained. Titin limits do not apply to information that does not need to be reverified (age, hatdicaphlisability status, birth cetificat* For interim recertification, only those factors that have changed must be teverified, even if the previous verifications are time than 120 days old INMAL CERTIFIZATION A. Applicants signature is an acceptable form of certification for family composition and current residence. B. All earned income shall be verified at the time of admission or annual recertification through emplo);es, W-2 forms, annual federal income tat fours. deck stubs or other nems to assure accuracy. C. Assets shall be verified by aaviags account passbooks and other photostatic or carbon copies of documents in the applicant's possession, which substantiate hislber smteneats United States T mury checks will not be .photocopic4 D. Unearned incomes shall beverified by viewing checks, certificates of award or other neons to assure accuracy. E Applicants shall be required to furnish proof of their statements when requited by the Housing Manager to reasonably assure accuracy. F. All determination shall be fully documented in the applicant's file. G. Tho following statements will also be verified and d,)cumetted in Resident's file: 1. Age of family members and Sociai Security numbers. 12 r,. I Criteria providing the basis for denial of eligibilby. ANNUAL REC MTIFICATION All residents prgrhrg has Man hill esnn W rent shall have their iaeoves recartif3ed amuw. RwauBcation of the fbriVs composition, income, and medical expanses incurred by the family shall be conducted by the Hoosiag Manager. At that time, the amount of resident tent will be natetetmiced. Generally the recertification effective date should be the anniver.mvy of the first day of the month Resident was admitted to the prgject. For exomple: Resider was admitted Mach 12, 2002 Recertification ef&:tive date is March 1, 2003 Spatial r+ta eriiRation WhLI&O Septembce 1, 2062. Normalkir, recertification will occur amually on the anniversary date. However, in order to implement new rem policies adopted by the Ply=wh HRA all tenants shall undergo a special recertification of dear eligibility andiometobeeffectiveSeptember1, 2003. After that. date, the arm recertification shall be efRt tive on the anniversary of the first day of the month the Resident was air im-d to the prgjec% provided that the am recertification shall. not be effective snorter than Mw-& '003. TiM* COMPledan of 1100rdfitatIOU processing regoira Mat maoABMWntt Maintain a traclung system to identify residents to be reccefified and monitor rompletion of all required activities. Notify Resident 75-90 days prior to the effective date that the recertification is due. Interview Resident and obtain infatuation on income, assets, family composition and allowamces. Verify all information in accordance to guidelines. Calculate Resident's rent. Provide written notice of any changes in rent resulting from recertification (at least 30 days notice for increase). Recerti8ntion Notices to Residents Initial notice of recertification is sent 75-90 days in advance of the react fidat on anniversary. The notice should stain that Resident has to contact the office, the office hours, what is to be brought to the interview and who should be contacted to makethe appointment. FollmW Notice is scat within approximately 30 days of the initial notice to residents who have not responded. The follow-up notice contains the same information as the initial notice and must state that if Resident does not respond by the I& of the month preceding the recertification 13 effective date, their subsif+ may be unnineW and their rent may be iocteamed to the fill tnmdeet rate on the I eatif cation elfective date. F'mal Notice of Intact to Terminate Assistance is given on the first of the month preceding the effective date to residaas who have not yet eesponded. The Noticemust atmos that Resident has 10 days to tespotd. if Resident does not to 11 r I within those ten days, the. tent shall be iumeased to market rate effective on the tecatificatioo effective date with no 30 day notice of increase. Example: Rece dfication Effective Date September 1 Initial Notice June 1 FollovwUp Notice July 1 Final Notice of Intent Avgost 1 Assistance Terminated' August I I INarket Ratelimt begins September 1 New Rcaident Rust and Payment A. Once tesideat teat is establisbed, the mte shall remain in effect until the next annual recertification or until chcumstances occur that warrant a spaial teat and income review, (interim attifieaion). Residents an to be notified to wwkbg of ao change In red resulting from a tent r wiew. A. An increase in tent requires a 30 day written notice to Resident B. A dme= is effective an the next Rent payment P"onth Towne Square will maktaft all certlSca documentation of an varulcatioo Marts for at last am years atter the dkedre date of the certitiatioo/tece dom 1NTER1M Residents are required to immediately report do following changes: A. Any household member moves in or out of the unit B. Tae household's ince cumulatively increases or deweases by approximately S40 or mote per month. C. Management most process an interim recudfieadoo if Resident reports 1) a change in household composition, 2) an inose in income or assets, 3) an increase in medical expanses, 4) deme in interne. 14 ro N ewN Management mq+ set to proeone an Intett. newdlitallos what Resident eepowts a decease in income if the demo will last less than ate month or the dectea9e v= cawed by deliberate action of Resklen. OP The following steps an to be used in processing interim iecatificatim A. Interview Resident to obtain new information on household composition, income, assets, and allowance. 13. Vaify only those factors that have changed since or %ere not verified at the last rem. C. Calculate new Maid= teat. D Send written aortia to Resident of rent payment dtmgp old their effective data as follows. 1. Fer rent increase first day of the month following the -squired 30 day advance notice. 2. For rent deaeases: frost day of the month following thedate of the If Resident does not comply with interim repotting procedures, nodh Resident, to writing, of the need to reoci ft giving 10 calendar days to respond.. If Resident does not respond, require Residentnt to pay abet rate real at the next real period. As soon as the regoired information is provided, adu ce the tent to pravioos level, effective the next month. 15 If MMUM"MMATION ` Applies and Residents are to be notified in writing of any mis epI.Sentations or kose violations revealed tbrougb the wmud mcatifica m or other ooa:rtences and any other corrective action required by the Pbrmaph Housing and Rakvekpment.Aadt city. it.Restdent to s. at the throe of admission, =and mum&adoik or rent m few, caws a .Auft to pevy a lower not that abed. Por,. RaMent will be required to pay the dif a eaca between the rent paid and what ahaold have been paid. Any attempt by Resident to wW hft dd=d the City of Pbrmoath or Pbrawtob RRA wM rant In at favestigatiioa and disposition as needed. 16 D FWITIONS Annual Income less Medical Expenses in access of three percent of Annual Income for any Family (refer to definition). Annual hmme: A. Annual Income is the anticipated total income from all sources received by all Family members, including net income derived horn assets, for the. 12 month period following the effective deft of initial determination or reexatihination of ionone, exclusive of income that is temporary, aameeurring or sporadic. IL Annual Income includes. but is not limited to: 1) The full amount, before any payroll deductions, of wages and salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses, and other compensation for personal services; 2) The net income from operation of a business or profession for this purpose, expeaft s for business expansion or . amortisation of capital indebtedness and an allowance for depreciation of capital assets shall not be deducted to determine net income horn a business); 3) Interest, dividends, and other net income of any kind from teal or personal property (for this purpose, expenditures for amortization of capital indebtedness and an ollo%%vice for depreciation of capital assets shall not be deducted to determine the net income horn real or personal property). Where the Family has Net Family Assets in excess of 5,000 Annual Income shall include the Scatter of the actual income derived from all Net Family Assets or five percent of the value of such net family Assets 4) The full amount of periodic payments received horn social security, annuities, insurance policies, retirement finds, pensions, disability or death benefits, aid other similar types of periodic receipts. including a lump -sum payment for the delayed start of a periodic payment; 5) k%ments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker's compensation ad se%v.mnee pay; 1) Welfare Assistance. If the Welfare Assistance payment includes an amount specifically designated for shelter and utilities that is subject to adjustment by the Welfare Assistance agency in accordance with the actual cost of 17 At '•. shelter and utilities, the amount of Welbre Assistance income to be included as income shall consist of- IL f a. The amount of the allowance or grant exclusive of the amount specifically designated far shelter or utilities, plus, b. The maximum amou at the Welfre Assistance agency could m fact allow tint Family for shelter and utflities. If the Family's Welfine Assistance is natabkv reduced faro the standard of need by applying a percentage, the amount calculated under this pm aph bill shall be the amount resulting from one application of the perce nage; n Penadic and determinable allowance and regular contributions and gift received from persons not residing in the dwelling. 8) Any eomedincome tact credit to the extent it exceeds income tar liability; Annual Incomee don not inteinde: Temporary, nonrecurring or sporadic income sock as the following; 1) Casual, sporadic or irregular gifts; Amounts that are specifically received for, or in reinbunsementof the cost of Medical Expenses; Lump -sum additions to family assets. such as inheritances, insurance payments (including payments under bealth and accident insumem and worker's compeasauon capital gains, and settlement for personal or property losses; 3) Amount of educational scholarships paid directly to the student or to the educational institution, and amounts paid by the Govermnant to a veteran for use in meeting the costs of tuition, fees, books, mud equipment Any amounts of such scholarships, or payments to veterans, not used for the purposes that are available for subsistence are to be included in ineomue; 3) Groceries received as a gift on a regular berms. Assishace Pmrmeot/Subsidv vt The difference between W. market no and tenant rent. 18 The VIbctive dace" of a certifiationor nxettificatioo refers m (I) in the case of an initial certification for adminion, the dfwdve date of initial occupancy, and (2) in the case of recertification of an existing resident, the effective deft of the redetermined Total Resident Rent, generally the anniversary of the first day of the month the resident %%as admitted to dc project. Family; Family mans two or mese persons sharing residency otiose i and resources are available to meet the family's needs and who are either related by blood, marriage, or operation of law, or have evidence of a stable family relationship. FAderb aQg ; A haft whose Had of Household or Spouse is at last SS years of age or older. Head The Bend of Household is the person who assumes legal and financial responsibility for The household BMIXhWIInd agiffimbmmmt Authority MRAk This a the Plymouth Housing Authority which has decision making authority as to changes or modifications in the Admission and Occupancy Handbook for Plymouth Towne Square. This agency is under the direction of five commissioners appointed by the Plymouth City Council. The agency itself is stalled by City employees. The areency staff bead is the Executive Director of the HRA. Riotiduu Mannen The person hired by the Plymouth HRA or its management consultant, to mmmge the day4oday operations of Plyanoath Towne Square, This person will have an office in the housing project and will approve applicants basal on the HRA's crcference criteria and other regulations outlined in this document Immediate FamRw Includes brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. Law Income: A Family whose Annual Income does not exceed 80 poem of median income for the area, as determined and amended from time to time by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with adjustmems for smaller and larger families. Meffied Exile tits• Those medial out-of-pocket expenses, including medial insurance premiumrs, that are anticipated during the period for which Annual Income is computed and are not covered by an outside source, such as insurance. The amount allowable as a deduction is the amount that exceeds three percent of annual income, as defined below). 19 t h A If the household is eligible for a medical expanse deduction,do medical of all family members residing at Plymouth Towne Square are counted. 8. Medical expenses include all expenses anticipated to be incurred during. the 12 months following certiti afteo ffmition which are not covered by an outside source, such as insurance. They may include: 1) Services of doctor and health case professionals; 2) Services of health care facilities; 3) Medical hmmince premium-: 4) PrescriptionhionVenription medicines; 3) Transportation to treatment 6) Dental expenses: A Eyeglasses, litming aids, batteries; 8) Live-in or periodic medical assistance; K 9) Monthly payment on accumulated medical bills; and 10) C. Medical expenses shall not include personal care items, .products or services not considered eligible for medical expense deductions by the QtS. Onetime, nom -recurring expetim from the previous year shall not be included when estimating medical expanses for the next year. Monthly Adiusted Income: One4weeft of "j, • ted income. Net Famih Assets: With respect to any Person or family, the aguegatc market value of all assets which are owned by such person or family or by any entity which is related. to such person or family, including but not limited to cash, securities, accounts receivable, chattel paper and other intangibles, and other real property of any nature whatsoever, less the aggregate amount of liabilities of such person, family or other entity. In determining Net Family Assets, staff shall include the value of any assets disposed of by an applicant or resident for less than fair market value (including a disposition in trust, but noting a foreclosure or 20 F bankruptcy sale) during the two years preceding the data of application for the program or recertification, as applicable, in excess of the coasidetatim received thereof. In the case of a disposition as part of a separation or divorce settlement, the disposition will not be considered to be for less than fair maxim value if the applicant or resident receives important consideration not measurable in dollar terms. Rent:Fall Marrk The full :gado rent fm the unit, winch shall be based on the Section 8 Rents approved by HUD for Plymouth less utility allowances and approved by the Plymouth HRA from time to time. Person(s) nand on the ire for a given unit. ReAkut of phrmouth.. Parsons or families who have lived in Plymouth for at least 12 months shall be deemed to be a Plymouth resident. gsMent Ranh Me amount payable monthly by the Family as rent to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA), based on the mnhmum no or 35% of adjusted monthly income for rent and utilities, whichever is greater, up to the full market rent. In all cases, residents we responsible for their phone and electric bill and garage rental (optional) m addition to their monthly reat charge. SOMMIM The husband or wife or partner of the Head of Household. AMMIRCIM Sohsidv/Assistance The Merennce between full market rent and tenant rent. Welfare Assure Welfare or other payments to families or individuals, based on need, that are made under programs funded, separately or jointly, by federal, state or local governments. I% -r1 LI1CL Onelopme tOJIGt 36MUVAVCO NL%%PISA & O ftudb=k UU tis eW tt dw 41