HomeMy WebLinkAboutHousing & Redevelopment Authority Packet 08-28-2002HRA STAFF REPORTS AUGUST 28, 2002 AGENDA PLYMOUTH HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2002 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Medicine Lake Room Plymouth City Hall 3400 Plymouth Boulevard Plymouth, MN 55447 CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner, citizen or petitioner so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in normal sequence on the agenda. 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3. CONSENT AGENDA* A. Plymouth Towne Square. Accept Monthly Housing Reports. B. Stone Creek Village. Approve Cooperation Agreement and Initial Agreement to accept 13 "MHOP" units. C. 2001 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) and Annual Citizens' Participation Meeting 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discuss 2003 HRA Budgets. B. October HRA Meeting Date Change. 5. ADJOURNMENT I AGLNM PLYMOUTH HOUSUM AND REMMUXWMM AU'1 N11itl'Iif WBDMEDAY,AUGUST 3%M Mp L WHOM Nkdkkt IA k& Reqs Pbrvas b cvv 1 3 0 Ptir atlb Dsdarard PbUK~ AN h m. listed wills. as aaI — (6) are OOIOideled to be IOwin by do Ham adRo&mdgn mat.Aam ft=d viM be easeted by eoe awdm Tbae wM be m a I.. i , dieeast m ate= h=vd=aCommissio ,do= GtPMWAoeraD is.wbiab $V t gybe i=wia L CALI..TOORDBR-7MP.LY1, s APPROVAL OF M1NUM i CONSENTAGEOM A. F%- aTii M SV=m A q* bloo ft , B. Sbw ClUk VOW Anwa Coo WWM ArmoM wA .lam AVoWAat to aooW 13 "WWOr whL C 200t Cwmo y Dnvbpmeat Btoeh Omar. (CDBG) Camdi dod Ammd P, lb a asd Evabdoos Rqw (CAPM ad AsmmlMooftCidsms' Patoppetion A. Dmm 2003 HRA Bi taft L Oemba HRA bfta ft DoeCbwgL ADJOURNMRNT n.% PAkfM vadw Met Council. Eagaa to be sued aver bousive Page I of 3 can ptmaai0 001 Met Come% Eagan to be sued over housing Seeve a - StwTnbme OVISMOM Tbm bousing Wvot soup pho to ae tea UMnpaM n Couad ad *2 ckyof Eagan today, allagiog tepr've ignored a macs b w req dft teem to plan bossing flrr paapk was limited uroome:. Ma soil droned in part by a lawyer u&o pkyed a ty sok a decade ago iu to eflbat to deaegaegaa: Misnefpolis puelie sousing, the alkga viowas of tee too lonowAi0a kw. Tea goal is to' tea mgionh:vppbr of afibtdable sousing — not ady in sabutb% but also is ase t3tka. acid ate often advoaaes.li t Adams. Tee dvocmen uw dmgp% been fhafteiad by mote tan a year of aegatiatiooa wit tea fMet Coto A - to agkal qpoy —ova adeaenoe to to 1976laM Use Pleaniag Act. Tbr selected Eagan as a deRodant parch basaroe tomos dxliaiad m pmticipsme in a ty aormcil progrma tin abet mmaak, goab forme bathing. The tamem b oompkona. vMod is aitatea onp m Eegpq alleges tem to aq'b poticks ditpaopoettooamapt clam miooaitiaaad peopleaa pnDl%af:tance. tea mote aft tin to aamcil and Eagan be aadeeed to fbilaw tea kw sad tem to council ad a to semodid atepofdapiog F aestocidesem fu m fblkwta 4w io tar groat plain. Raft tin Eagfn be based Gam devdopiag had hr iter pmpmu tin Goold Boli of a bk eamiag now a 1 ill to kw. Adams aid be efgeces to fatpact to =end tin of to 2M HolLmm tori, an eftae — mined Aw its lead pbbdff — tem led to tee smog of ewbowbg prdwainblionelpolbandlaagteaotR diced ofpsblie bowing into meso men as aweak. I tick tis will bave a ngiowi ids effaa.tm goes weq bMaad Harems sad goes beyond bmhedf afwib b o to tommds and wM N en bft to king tam." said Adams. e>=Wve direefor of to ooapeofu Agimoa r lMmrapotiten Soabih'pr, Qts p4iaotit6 include tea Metiapobtas Iameetit Coa6dan m ARxdbk Ilouaiog and tee Commuft Stabilizedon Ptgject, weir have asgaoiaed aromid somiag is•iara is Eagm and esarweae: Eagan Manor Pat Awada caped tee suit a pored= ly moduad bid to hem ber eempoiga for r alma auditor. She said do aqua it to be qui ft diamisfed became nerd "spalbaaaaee abaft minas Met Oo mea agiectatiom. Tad ubadek, to Mat Camcib cI iemeo, mid tin SWAY a tea carmen Wd .tl i%d advasmies tine vdm an madtiag.aMxdaek hwa ing a pfioft. ray dif&r on tactics. 11ray wain as a aI N "I tis iu a aoefiQnMd000l m We've appraaceed tis in a wap tin wale warkiOg wit markets and were woakaig wit to mayoes of to c a in the region." ser acid. Prime . vadw Inlet Couicik Eagan to be sued aver bousiag Page 2 af3 Ib mid dm dte aowAfA bm ww1o) ed a varieyr of toobz to atinsttbe prodod m of aHbrd*b bomiag bm to it is.Gmited by political teahVm lie ms ptediccte I dal 1f the mit prevailed, a I&* l wofive response wodd he a amend da Load Use PI, , Aar. Abo n dia law Ilia law costes dm arot dnd use pima, which the Met Caancil wwieats, mmst be specificis providing 4r ammo aid l d - -ted bowft aeads. imQft aatm A ad pleas m praaote da a aidbiiipr of bmd.lbr lowad asod e - m income. bwAft It also mryita an boptmaafioa 1 do Povidea W* ak t sad aavr housing m meet tba C*% score of eegioad bw ad moderaoe iaooma basing am& It dna tat define iocaate levels 4r meb bombg. 7be act tis oat mmaed ft to be afield aV &M Ana Nmw% sae ofda atm =p tepresmming basting advommm gift aetuft a veq bmeficud sad peeper tool.• 71a advoeaoea audit tba law with da of mcb homing is tm dme 1970s aid carp Ik wbm the Met.Camcil med it to doemeim to legion%need and mate core chy pdaa aeom nvwm d It A now Uaimdgl of bamm a stuff don deft impact aver 25 yeses abed do oamdft abmdamtmt of*m e>Port 1 missed mpg a I a ipr of bags p vmwd oL' Jay Saeomea Navane.dt mon of dee dmee4itb CoWftk% mid nae m 4rdm b dot developable dad io do ocean oleo is filling apv *Aw d&debb batft Ad=mid do Met .CwA= s ova fitm dawtmm aflbtd&b coming b bein6 S1 b I cenmive pwgeaaa at ospt aaa`teotb offt and h eltho maL I m l l I mid tmt dace bmnd'va bm leveragd 5334 miffin is a"dood bomiag idwaI , - saddmtbaeamcR.msdad mgiomd ttanspoeeaotoa tpaeoamao mi"bomiag pa4emaaoe. 9 wadd dei sop=% aq va bwmt bm aggressive,' be =L- As a an seaamr to do only 19lOs m was oaa of lv0 bay le sb bebiid the Oatma7lt inoesoava pOgtam and b dao spomowd m a®atdssmm to da law>q give eidas' loetgemtge ply peimaq over =Fft bmL Eagmh doimiaa EMU baa lova dW amoasdoa of drocames sed da Met Catmcit for opting sot to pmdeipaoe is Mor elft incee11 , I pb4 bw d pbo" to mast ewnc i -set dhwwbft 8 dm advoe I odi a ate too bw. R ado ms bed aevmd wdl4publidmad hpums over sppavd ddb bble bwAft lm41a 7% biggest odl cdm of mbaittimd mob in.Eagm b at to Oak Ridge devdopm % v acb apeoad io 1996. Thm ate maw ibex 630 poopb on Debs Coomy t waking list for d2 An* mawnbatees dme. IBM- wbt'le, gmmad is to be bwkm dna 411 os a two4evebper eompdtt diem wM h code SS aSbe bb sob among a saga mmaba of Muktw a WjtL But at least two bousiig drmdopmems in Eagm bave opted am of 9edmlbr mbaidised pwS io mcw iters to awiteb to compel nmW ammuftftmgdoL Ptbeaa version: MO CWMA .EMU to be vjM avec housing Paga3 of 3 To diagbe act BMW k bNOMW Avab uM io d bet d%yho Petiixmaa m %*ut h —im- asking b to mmaa die amara ofdte mMO Qameil..dte. Id - m ofbow cm= get bov*4w !ad* Fhvk=nb,L beloan Poo* wfttono**ba Por..%.Wi*.asvrn tebe dm e a A+naueaSfg;" Thu saic is bring litaioee vridt gtaoRa Aram llrle tPo mddioat, ipeAr g the bdCKnigbt Focttitieat. Md aPeo it Ptesd<h0os P jeetis pratil tg kgd Rptese MUM Nt rite Anieooe !bt Meltapo4lm Stabib'pR cod dar rite Cammtmdpr Stabitiation Plgjeq.. Tb e Mt erO'8rien Rem is dais Gomreil o+ a pa boao bath. 7 e beef teaut uidudes 7'bn 7soa®oq a her attoeoefr indta•HolOposn.br it and saWataeet. 0° P of a arit.bated.at tee Iaod Use Plsomog Act in ritecath 1990a. Adm said do write bnrsvit ptavai3t drae vreWd be +o demotidou of baaiag na3d as bappeaed bt. I tvdboaneae- Sfestlaatrdf8a t w4l34734M S?StarTn me, AUdata tPon-ed. J • ON, 1NI OM O T• M.VMOI'M HOUSING AND RRDRV6I.OPI1lENT AUTHOR1IV J* 1R.31M PRESOM Comm%ioaers Stage Lubwbaie.7lm Bildaoa. ad Sang Hoodin ABSIOM CWk Strains 'l p ' - rsao, and CoamoisaI Wkhhtscb STAR' PRURN1: Housing Progma Manager Jim Banca. HRA Specialist Tvacy Joaea, and OfFm Support Rep =WAodve.Banb Ptetetsort OT PRESBN'1: None 1. CALI.TOORDER Acting Chair Ludovitsie called do l+lltmwA Hntming and Rdevdopmcat Atpd ft am= to acdwm Ady 18.1002 at m p m. 3. APMlOVA1.OF MURFM MOTION by OoaaatissioaerHevrbt, secaoded by Commisdoaee Bildtoe, teoorart> appravd of dle Joie 20. 2002 minima. Vose. 3 Ayes. Motion approved mmaimoody. l CONSENT AGENDA A. Peaa d Twrne ftwo — Aoecpt maad0r Aooft tepoft L Satmlea 8 h paa Approve suffto ap* Pow oOdaod Semon g Maimttemn Votref em MOTMN by Oommbdoacw Bdhm uowAed by Oommbdow Hitt. approving dto Camera AltadshmL Vote. 3 Ayes. Maim adopted umaimr*. 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. ilallea m at3ml and 3012 Caamdo omdepokw aloe! Gno t halt. HRA Spocb t Jones aspltined da dte demand hr Pbm Wa Flest lima Hm t w hopam ad do Houft R*imim Ptgpam Acs dom Sbe said do as of May 31.2002, dre 2001 Rab bih'%"Ptgpambdabalaaoeof5103.09caddo FIM bad abdonoeofS13,3K78. At Pbmomh Hahsuig and Redevdop nM Av*oet'q J* 18, 2002 P11102 the praetor time these m 10 FTHB appHud m and 4 Rehab appOomiaos as hold umil amdoml !cording is nm vet.. HRA Speeiatiat Jeaes Stated dim die 2001 Affirdebk Hots Devdopmem Pmw m emreoft has a bolmo of SM941.83, which has sad avrkd aw Sam die 2000dkmdm amid is saved for dee Stem CM& Village opsnmemm p4jeet She said than :ads are oat going to be used mail die MOM far Stoop Crock village becose of debts imi a mfr die mum" Sm ft for tea pjuL She acid ataff ribald bl a to ndiocata the adm bdmtce of>i23S, I23 imp die FTHB and the Hoioimg Rdmbitiwm ProgRwn. HRA Spedaliae Jona stvaa+ dmiot wheel fumdivig is maeded Por Stem Meek Vilhffe, maff is reooavamdiag uft Tax tiaaaaeht Hotmeg Assislaom Prapam (11HAP) !amts. She add dim Stone clock VMW is ftlk for Inw fids amid that would See %* the las nxeictive cl,Bcl !cell. HRA SDeadist Japes st M that staff is asking to reegoeame $100.000.00 imp dra FTHB Pram and 313S,941.83 iamo dre Hating Rd oldhit doa.Pnigiam leaviog.a sap bdooae in tea 2001 AfleWMk Hooft Dwdopmem Ford, hs 'I'd , staff b te000miaiding tea eeelloadm of S7S,000 Sem die 20tH AHbrdabk llo mf Oavelopmem Ford bu diaF t Tlma llomebou Program a wdL flue wovM be m addidod ndkeamiomi for the Rebobilitmim Pmpam Sem dem fiord. Cm daiioaer l admisdo tared obom die impact an Stem Creek vtMW=d if these was any veavon to Wave diel woaM me get funding uta TRW fids. HOmM bb"p Banes teptied test die toe of T1HAP bids VM M mare it easier for dam to peered as TUMP fiords ate less veattitdve imi dues ase add tier vhaidd pot hay a so lbSaw dre kdad CDl3(i r iom. Cammissiooer Hewitt adwd sb= tea dd@ys. Hogg Msmiagee 8artha said the reasomi fere the dela+ b die coav 1, 1"n of ap of dna haft saurtiea, mat anateivniomi debwa. Com aiomier Hm t adnd if we tie eomeamd aboam die tiaancid delav s. Homddg Memieger Barmy aid $bell are bolting m is m h $aha move lima, MUM t wIn aow loolisg m a start demeof2M Com Ludoviods awed if itvxvA aesae a poblesm if tba ptnect was deh>Jed koga dim Ocmaber wkh vegerd to eomJ f .-,q cost;. Ho ping Mmiw Barnes add deem if h doem`t begin ug qft their pft vm M maree m huty vaasia dome, Acoog Cbair landovbde opemd the Pvslic Homing m 7:10 pm. No ant wss pesenm and m -lop c o mints wave received.m the pdk l iag vm. 11 A Comrnisdoaer Hawk doed bow tea s moimta meted were detamid fareach pv0g HRA SPeddist JOoes acid tree are more FTHB app6adoes d& claw thea Rehab appliudom. HRA Jana ahho vemimded tea Dowd dim if we are saaoesdw in ovr appliamim to tia Some, the Ho w WHa devdopso m mmid me some Mm imds. Cvvomissioov Hewitt load why demand for rho RahalbMisdm Program is so bw d& navy Hovsimg MwwW Banca std we waist peopk who are is the kwer inooma range m we ksa a few peoplethere aid the odea Pbuov& Housing and Redevelopmem Authority Jute 18.2002 Page ON *ft is wa have sot mnkcted tha RdhabWWm Pmgena Dune of the limitemioa ofdooaH. He said:toff is looting at odrer pragravrs to 1080 in cogjtmcdon with d* ReIffibWARGOo Program. Qat sudu puma Staff is bating as is do vgh MHFA and the HRA aomN be an actrml lender. 2h beat- 4nld be wed for mmW hwmabold incomes up to WOOD amd we nand fend up to 1DS.000 per lam. Housing Manager Berraexpbimd how the pmp m vmM war vasm to peg am.wa now use WN=dmg due MHFA program wand vmdaoe We aahotm of titan we VwA vft mach bomeoww. Am*w ides is to merles this with mother leader who offees dus s VkL Commissioaa Lu6missie suggested doing a small W of whoa the and bad target than areas. Hauling Muer Bataan said tbae bobeen a nmy dme is t1rr: pmt and the Elmhum arms was the prime am for rehab. llouaag Manages Barna stormed dmS after *Avirvay was comV m l it was deumbed then there was ant mmcb kmerat anmog due resideota of Ebehuast. Hosing Manna Bases avid wa co101d also do our ova hang. Dis mdm W wed and Cammisaiooee Bildsm suggested putting this topic an a but agenda for MOTMN1 by Tim seconded. by Study. recommending that ton PbmwA and Redavebpmmm Authority Bond of Coraoi oaas approve Raaolumiaa 200207 reooatmadiog the reaooactioa of finds fiam num Af aftle Housing Datidapoem Prop into ton First Tune Hometagw mdvlog .y Tu I HlousiagAssistamlPrmgm oaf Glreet Village paq ect Vote, Ups. Molina adopted mmimanb. mm BUS1N63S SA. Update m PbraasNb Tweesquoureaumma"Retwokedems HoaM Mmaga Bales atamed that keret: bave been aem out to all rhe rmsideals of Pbmotmh Tawas Stluara iaPorming them of wham that naw Imam amoum win be. Houaiag Manager Braes mid than for fire moat part dye resident: mderstaad why we had m mate a vsuaenma to the rem moon but be mid same colts were vmeived vokft eoaomm Housing Mmega Bon ea aa0mnised the effects ea residenm's rams sad mid *ode SW maximrmr veal iocrmase was bxaase ane reaidat1 has not tamed in all drat data. Hes mid Wsm tba mmimrm inermaae ovaoo abadd be abort SM Commisdooer Bildsoe asked if many incvmases wadd be ava tM Hauw% Meanga Banes rmpbW appoxim ft five, Housing Mmaga Barnes mid tbn ager the mdyais of the ventI plvessfinishAditlooksMaPbuouOtTowne Sgrme vio be is better:hope financially Om we had an icipa st This chow vras becom soma boomes warn bangcokutemed moon c* in thepast, m, in vesidem income when oft 3S%of the iacema and the iecmm in assetedadndan Commisaiooa Hearin asked how many single pasors are ado is taro bedroom mita. Housing MengW Barnes vmpbed that only four raidarots bava moved roma aoabodroom min. The Plymouth Housing add Redevelopmaa Audwily duly 18, 2002 Page 4 reddem in the two Bedroom Snit are gdtmg a goad del whik in *An unit, because dm* tem VAN remsindo some who they move to a an bedroom. Cammis:iomer Hewitt asked whether the vaaont two beioom uaito haw: bmm lensed. Haudog Mmager Baema said two mm torsed and thRy are going ser dD edditianalI Il ginawmer ams. Ile also said they 8nmd dant people who applied rmamb atm not nod, to move so they will ask that questmn before accepting appmardam. Commissimor Ifew asked if them is a check and balance quo as in place at this time so net amd groes mm mot being used immerchwaaft. Housing Monger Barmy said Pbm outh Towne Squnm Manager Boom is doing the initial review and Otace Memvguwnt also looks at tin figura. The Bond waned the HRA do paiodre checks altm se. stoma Creek vmmp Dwdopmm - Ibrplammm of CDBG hada wm Tax a me umm Nemaleg Asdtamoe Pregra.OINAP) W=6 Housing Manager Bmmes aid that staff is asking to take funds from the rallocation of the CDBO Action Plan sad me than 8rr thm First Thw HameboM and Rehsbi ud m Progrann. He aid he bas ben broking at what would be dye bat meofdolhn avoilaela to us. laming Manager Bona cghbmd the Tax >io tum of Aua amoe Program ( nRAft haw it woo set np im 2000 aro is 8mded through the: aace41 ioaranart we Motive Som two at ift Tff district. How w, the TOW am only be used to asset rmml prquft Ws nam comsuintive tmm LOBO in this re 11-1 Housing Monger Buttes aepkiined tort we have am iocreem in applicudons 8rt bath the First Time i omebuya and Rembilitatim programa, so Thee n a mxd m switch the CDBO Brads out of Stoma Clack Vdhge, m conalft t236 W 8mm the TOW fund we will have a bahmce ofappoximruy W000 in tort accoum wA TIF District 7.6 alert madving im mwmt CommissionerHewitt abed if them is a lat ofreatd homing cammg in do 8mme. Housing MmW Banns aid torte are 1000 unit undercoostiurctiom a beginning in do meat 8:w 100011h. Hounieg Madwgear Bamxs slid of thus 1000 um't mat are musket rate. Ont two buUmp ate ofi2eing Wfw&A b uw& Stoma Qeek VOW and The Rgpm at Pbmouth. Coof' ssiomer Ilewitt asked mboW the Cb mq Rad 73 ppjm i[aeiag Manager Bayma sold thea is a pmsibft fw same mwebm dndopmmt in tmt arms He aid if the traasit smtiam is bait tort would do make a difikrmce. The plan mw leaves the nip mall where it ia. MO'I MN by Commabdomer Howie, oecoaded by Commissbaar Bikh e, moommeadiag that the Pbmoah Houniog and Redevdopmmt Andoft Bond ofCommisdomans approve. Raahnion 20m -ft recommending the MY Camad approve: the alloodi m of 1236,000 am the Tax Imcremem Housing Assistance Program far due Stene Crack VMgp p wjwL Vote. 3 Aye. Motion adopted umemimo mb. 1.0. I hear 1a. 2002 pops SC. Aag mt NRA aeeting date dumim Hotaing Maemger Bamea agtlained that we might woo to with a ebeetge is the aext meeting deme to cAmddewAb bdgets, h was mgwwed them the meeiog.be ebaogod tD Augmt 29F ,m the brdget, would sot be ee* by Amy= 22'°. Commisdaner Bildsoe macatsd meetiag as Mo ft, Augmt 26th, R w n dwMW tem August 2O would be da: am meeting deme. FalAm fg da waft At dace vws dlmegadto daunt 286fw dk inn wuthg SIL Neaaepae C=W to pa.utlpata is tee Stole Ctialt Housing Maeueger Heaney atamed that in 2001 Dominium Daadopmeam wadved fi==Wg SomHennepinCoin in tee amaum atS400.000 to be mad for Shone CM& village apeelmn I pwjeet. Th* Cmmly mgwm tam tee HRA adopt a iasolttdm giving em pmois" to paelieipame iA this p wjeat vnwm the aar of bmadL Housing bang Be acid we ootid adopt a five ym mil of understanding m we WORM not bave to de taeae resol Wan as em iadi%J&d basis. The 000smam of thea Booed. was m approve e=b am a they me renewed. MOTION tW Commisdooar Hew* ae000ded by do=nbdoner Bibhm .reoommmdi B diem the Pq=v& and Redevdopmem Autmiq Booed ofCommissianaa adopt Resohuiao =-a dla%* the limn& CmmW Homing.and P Vevdopmeom Autl Aft to poetiaipme in dre Stone Creek p be" built by Dmum DevdopmuL Votes 3 A)es. Nation adopted emanmromly. MtWmg a*umed m 7:SS. loWas mmuoa P. PLVMOYrN TOWNE SQUARE YEIIORANONY 7bc.Iiva e:Mufburt a,5rnlflaensa K 1 Oheota, Plymouth Tbsrne 00% AtWwt 226 M RE P1[S.Non1Ml Rspwttwj*2f10! AIIFpM fflewelsmsraed Ae2wt Ofti dr atl aMa duns flnanslal eattecAad oaupara0% Each of the amdft toatedm m apatmants (110.11a,119 and 215) has been ranted. AI Mddwft except 215. wtl move in during ftmonth of A VAL The residents for 215 vA be moving io S'eptanber I0 dlsr theydoes on the sale of 1plrhomeInHMA We retwived a rgdoe to vacatefrom a. residsert in a als4madreom. The aside m Win noedof mons Dare and has moved inwith ferrlBy rnerrd are, The next vdunteer on our s6gle to a twaboaaw K was notified and she wR transfer to the navvy avatabiseperhrlaitHarlwotedM= was ranted and wtl be occupied by nu 4Wgwt, AD rent feANdIcaftshmbemp, iFIaInrandn9wkemar9Inftprocess of Au w*, we reoatved no MUM to va=s as a nevelt of the rent We G Mti M ID Mwft =ft hen. Merested parties for au bn bed nwn waft flat. Apptloslt M for P?S was rneflad 10 aq interested PS*L Wean in the preoess of I MI al waft gets for PT'S after receiving yr on from fist manbers as to their interest in ranaftdrip on the wait fiat Pisnt opwdlona July 21P Sftanen 81 ni is Grdahed kwtalng heat Upon the roof when we have been havtnp water dMWe The redit is use tie part mm 1114, en very frequency for twin mail" blealdasbo larlchn and d'nnwL. The Icftchen emeus pameata tuoufth the beading because there IMO X111 l hum 140111 • Plymouth, MN 53446MM Phaoe S731-0144 u.+sKv.,a tt.rti w tri.+.wa.:o JA is no ventilation in Mat area. After many manila of connplalnning and dboweion we dvxeM 0 would be best to get an idea of the cost to put in ventilation. Owen's and Vogt HVAC were contacted to On bids for the waft Owen's bid was $2.766 and Va9ft bid was 52.740. 0 In hoped this work can begin betas yearend pravid'ang two In money aveleble In flus years budget, olfiere lam 0 will wait urd nod year. SbMan Elactr% halalled a Unman the water beater and did repair work an the drainage from the ground to the electrical boons In the gasps. The repair work In not working and 0 is SOanan's opinion. Mat the aMngles are loft overthe gutters therefore rarnfinring them useless. We are broking into this theory. Our contract painterhas lndelred painting the fined spartrnenta Since are and of May we have palled all of or part of 20 qpa WWft of residents who have Ived to them since span' a The apprmdmate cost far these has been 55.600. We have about a dozen man apartrnerofs thM are sdneduled to bs petit o andwill be in nod yonCapital ajdpt Northam Landscape ftnishe'the boulward repair work The Ines to the oplift eyallein-whbdly --min Th farr ftVISs' ere cif the City of Pymouft Cn the O of July the tesidenb hada picnic. PTS provided brats and hamburgere and the reaidenda prepared the real of the food. About 75 residents attended. They were appreciative d the dlurer Josephine's apparel was here on July 25°1 with all al her sunnner sale 01 1 a The ori notable Dem an the furenrcial ddwnwft In the unit turnover category. This. Includes 111 1 9. as nnentlornsd above and also the cost at carpet and vinyl for some of the 101 1 ads that sore being to am. With the now occupancy it its we have to turn ower two apartrrnerds br every orne•bedroom that becomes avalable as this results In a twobedro m avadetielly dare to Internal Wanders. TOWNE CRIERAugust 2002 AUGUST BIRTHDAYS VI SPILAHE LOIS BRANT BEVERLY BUSE" LO'I7YE WEGENER JOHN CHRISTENSEN JOHN GOODACRE ETHEL MARTINI LEAH JE1 I14INGS RATHLEEN PHILLIPPI IKIIASYA PLOTKIH ROSEMARY KIRLEY GER7S LTUBAVINA MARIAN GOODACRE 1 7 9 11 12 13 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 Apt. 330 Apt. 208 Apt, 120 Apt. 317 Apt. 129 Apt, 311 Apt. 108 Apt, 234 Apt, 316 Apt. 217 Apt. 104 Apt. 203 Apt. 311 ba O NATIONAL 1 IGST 0'F PICNIC s:0op.m. sanmA%t Rot dogs, Chip, & Rood Beer Floats TICKETS - $1.00 GISTS - UQ0 IIPNI I c 1 c i'l 40, LOST BBSS T — DID You KNOW? John Christensen in apartment 129, received a certificate that states he is a Master Angler in the Province of Manitoba, Canada. Good going John! I would love to put special notices, achievements or any newsey items from you in the Towne Crier. Just give them to Kathy. j The Pool Table can only be used if a resident is in the mom. If you have a door decoration that hang outside your door and it has not been sprayed, write up a work order and Brent will spray it. There are 10 trillion living cells in a human body. The human brain is 80% water. It actually is more watery than blood. The safest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it in your pocket." The world uses over a billion gallons of petroleum. per day. Minnows have teeth in their throat. . We are very excited to have new families moving into PTS and want 1 to thank them for the little bios on them. 1. Happiness is found along the way. Not at the end of the mad". f Please make sure you tie up all the garbage bags that you throw down the trash chute. If they are not tied up, garbage gets all over the trash room downstairs. Please tell the caretakers if you spill anything on the carpets in the common areas. It is much easier to clean it up right away as opposed to later. wC."ibEpaANr sw". OG%obeF- 5, 8008. 0 9--5:00 pj& 80aare tables - $&00 gables $zoo Garb tattles $4L00 81 a op an the bear&. Please "a loop 14mo t am heads about tits table eeaML A DIFFERENT FERWECTIVE Author Unknown 11 Itno Isn't wrinkled or drawn. The cobwebs are gone. My garden looks lovely And so does my lawn. I think I may never Put my glasses back on. August 2002 Monaly Planner I7 A M T w T ,111 9 94 Raidml 190 VM cff&vK) 310 6 PM CNrdr(1) ih Mi nOft N 1!0gloom,MnaMDa Vo Fm so= nnounsr nbaprni nf leH f/• 4 S 6 7 8 9 0 M M C wm* 79O VM SOMAIi1'8 BIl,AI!l d:AS IOC AU Oft m* 16 AM RaVW 1 O /M Can1t(Wi,) MPM Cff& !wL) 790 r'M go=(OO 9130AMMaliQ6 PAD/M TOBANO 1O caiu 1:lOPMVjjCff&BII IdOp/MWI Wr GM /M NATWXAL COMM N1611T our 7N iM BIWOwnrrvrraoTCAwa 1 12 13 14 3 16 17 MAUCkx* 7m m omm 0.24 AN BMAORIIAL 16 0AM e" Na* I000AM ROW" ILII m Farah 4 6A F" ca* (f 4) 9IOAMMa19 Cltb Imm3IIjc&* R Caft 7000 pM OINQD W VM Grdam) 18 19 20 21 22 23 214 MAN an* 7AI0PM smwmn IOAO AM 81Mt Bpdf IM FU RO$IMW IA6RM cud1" IONAM Bktd ilt i 7 O VM enrooIaO 913OAM MartcW6 VM Ulf c&* Im 60O rul ca6gML} f 0 PM CadgTia) 790 /M 0=0 MO.AM COFFOO IIA/YiLETfOOfCARE 31251627182930 C6a,<a 7A0 PM BBtQOS.I A i101 IODO AM Bitot ft* 1O00O,AM RmUm 1 X10 VM Grdt(Vii. 6000 PM Cprdr WM ) 4130 AMAWSchb Ia0PM7 gC rdt011 Oft 7 D s ovMct alrl.) iii"""~Cmmgr wtmww g anulus. IMIM.arenn alullit" I few anIB946 Mown ANNE aum apm LaTrKi um MIL aam ay.W / Nuhn( alp . mw IMM I GNINN IerlilM ffivo / aplme = m seTlill o mm offa w III ORM of MI MOMM LNe a wm em Tai own I low P -j I6III8101111 ( oft Kara r lw in eNII m ire g repr a. m e........... aular.ala ..III...... on NOW owlam % I'm 1#0 Is Im 40 Nowho NJ WA vow I, q ou Irk too MR NA I,INII. IN aIA Is a a WA aA 0 III MA am In IN INA 111 W 1n NJ IAII IN I,) GA Off.+ in so= so tell slow flo to 11,1 t la r m TI1 w WA 11A INTI 1 mow. paal (IIAI e.M. ..... P -j I6III8101111 ( oft Man eNII m f Ida XMIS un a.I 1#0 so Nowho WA vow a a1 low 1.. IN I,IN In W Is N 21 aA now am INA as flow NJ f IN NI W.1 in so= so tell slow flo III IA l,IN 1,111 on WA os 9,0 fMA A 1,1N N1 Now 6^1 ah now Mr>v. IFJU N.1 ft a =f aas IMMIa MMO Neff MMfi,m 11/111f11111 1 I0Ii111f1// 1111111/1M loppm11f111111i1f xft 11111M KWOM t am Now MOM f Inlsmalnwraisal, mowill Now 111 fN an $00A MN ho IMI INA" WAL aI,1)1 Ibfll Hq 1.11 mom aw 111 to mpm l m 1 7N 100 Okla 114X11VIA1momfRawallisstfy1Nsonfr111MN1L! WIL 1ommai DAN MN IM 1 1l/.II/ 1x111 L1 1f1R amran lalslf Now p,q1 IAa 161 Y•1 1tt rafras ams rw in 11:1 Pit sf NOW wow mm j lars m. alis,aa IIII III/Illaawrl 111111111.1/ 1/11 11f1111faaliMar/1111111/11 MINOR f IML WIMP Wpm am1IM umisl f9aMlt tAMIM Mi na s 1w nb r.1 aoa a 111 I,W f s41101101111M01101111oalAaMIASIX1sfq111.1flamlRt111Ua/ Ian! tow la all 1000 1w low oftmowl" I,w 1 ni too Now 00 MSA N O FEM aa/ to a/ In w INA sA lost low 111 ion IWI WA 5.11 ma room OPENS low b!M MIS 11.1 now aia X1011 A.f bran arASq Alla wan 1 gwas M ill m ASA ill low on WA arms leu ll is a a iNA In. ill f1.1 aa W 1wRMAM 11 N I a fro wr m 1111 IaAImeMMIAMatolw11.1 a w wr IRAon=== u INA a al ar NA mom1UM i alrf f a al a" 40> m MAaafnom l IB al 411 INA w 111" slowMall fall! 4o IoN SAM 1M AA allRii O a ASIA t3 ASA w w INA la for not NoaInINSIAto= p lap IPA011111111111115own1MMINA411alINA wa m f1slaal 1,Iq MI71 I.lw ASA a,ra wfa s a.f 011110110 1 6M Nmmm frllaaa $ app O N a a p INA a JIM 111 ai NI ar ASIA aroammoonaaASMvoinwoo T1<N AIIM 6 lfafw la Ir aro foil lore ASIA a o1s a11em rra waio1lp41s11,f137 . 4IIII44II4411rrtna.rspl4IIrrrr4rrr4 rrII4II4lr1rr1.111MMIR..r4II4rrrIIrIIII4 alll IIB rlugrlq ; aim i1IrRM r119r(e In f 1 1o11a al le 1[fIRIA Im1n NAIL uai M/HI MAI men 1u," Hr011 1 d0MII/u11Nr 26M now 11371 14000 win 37 ow II.IIM Ofi on= R1110< 100014 111111 IIIA 371137 910010 r. Mrifl! II.f1 af11 two I Nam am m x111 9r 304 10011 1,371 1 Aamon m a1 o I 1/Ir w M70 I9 MMI u/1 lf11 837.11 lOri I 037 upf10 low 64m ILII Immor eim toa Ij/M M/1 f3 IMAI 1.11MIMIN111M40 gf111tB1 RI[IIR 1111111II,m 10011 Ip 11o137I 1NA1 alto now p VOW 1/p mom$ RaiIOIQIBn 137.11 11ra OIRO MR IdHt lif41 l,IM_ MIM 11.1) Now lb911 Illi) Im aft Rom flap 411111 1.11 ar'1i mom 1200/11 Om PLYMOUTH TOWNE SQUARE BALANCE SHEET DUNE 30, Row, t CURRENT ASSETS. PETTY CASH SOO CHECKING - OPERATIONS 65,931 SAVINGS -SECURITY DEPOSIT 35,289 AIR - TENANTS 608 INTEREST RECEIVABLE 31,542 PREPAID WORKERS COMP 207 PREPAID$ - OTHER 207 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS LAND 459,247 LAND IMPROVEMENTS 57„648 BUILDINGS 9„652,.876 FURNITURE & EOUIP-OEWERAI. 179„129 FURNITURE a EOUIP-NSKPG 1,015 EQUIPMENT -COMPUTER 7,698 ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION: AfD FURN 4 EQUIP -GENERAL 1,600,Sid1) TOTAL FIXED ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS INVESTMENTS-CONSTRUC FUND 13,373 INVESTMENTS -WORKING CAPITL 449,520 INVESTMENTS -DEBT SERV FUND 599,043 INVESTMENTS -CAPITAL IMPRV 217,323 UNAMORTIZED START-UP COSTS 22,930 UNAMORTIZED ORGANIZ COSTS 155,167 ACCUM AMORTZ-ORGANIZ COST 91,543) SIT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS 134,284 4,752,992 1,345.,813 6,233,089 s PLYMOUTH TOWNE SQUARE W-ANCE SHEET JUNE 309 2002 LIABILIT1ESs CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TRADE ACCRUED INTEREST ACCRUED REAL ESTATE TAX ACCRUED MISCELLANEOUS ACCRUED SALARIESItIAGES CURRENT MATURITIES—L.T. TENANT SECURITY DEPOSITS TOTAL CU, -RENT LIABLITIES LONG TERM LIABILITIES MORTGAGE PAYABLE BONDS PAYABLE TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABLITIES EQUITY& 30,709 69,932 4,970 6,418 2,097 1.12,790 33a"g 49,129) 4,766,790 4,711,629 260,271 4,971,896 CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL 1,000,000 PARTNERS' DEFICIT 189,267 RETAINED EARNINGS 44,286 TOTAL EQUITY 1,229,993 CURRENT YEAR INCOME (LOW) 31,640 TOTAL LIABILITES 6 EQUITY 6,233,089 aaaaasaaa If I D LY1YECi 9O 1[.$V i?Lv4ouni.wt DAT& Augmt 14, UM Poriiovft and Rz&mAopmW AM*Ad r h ofAvgmt 2%200Q TO PlymaaA Houdag and Rodewelapmem "' FROM Ji a. Nftw thravo Aaaa Mm -j ive Dhedw SUBULT: Appmn Rud ad= AvMorit tnadka of dm Doopeevolia Agrnuum a laved Agmtow t helwesa as Pk=u& Hoeft sad Radaodopm m Aath ft nerd the Nboupdh PUM Romft Ailsa ft hr Ise Sterne CR"k vap 1. to 2001 Dom kdma Dowkgmem applied tD the bG mai db PAA Hmft Avftdl t OeHA) to kthwit 13 wwoopomm Heusi I Oppotumiq Program (NMP) units in *e Stone clot Vbge epaemsem p qjW blamed at d w Nmdmest gvadremt of highway SS and West Medio late Dove. TM p cim oomisbofatotal of 130 Rural x:.34 ofwhich vA bo made avaMktobwm Aoldaaterbd mSWAofdtea medtmino=L As you are avwrethe Pbwm& HILA and dte Ciy ofPbrmov&m do peovidiag fimmatd ambom to ft pwisc . 'Rm PbrmaalA HRAhat oowxoiutd a WA ofMOOD and theCity of Pbmwv1A Ata created a Tu bDaemmm Financing Hmft DisMa in wlnm that will provide SI'l 51k000 in a pay-=,.yauyD nate. FVkI-, 1"a IU Wmampofis PdAW Houft AWhoWs MMmpdbm H==Q OPPMUft Pam bMM provlda Burda Som dna U. L Doutma t of 11 sod Uebm D miopmtnt (HUD) ID fimnoe the 13 byatii000me pubUt housing adds dart will be eooaducted and e111 1 by the deaeloper. Thane amb = made available under dw tams of die sad== of the Holhom vL Cistraos hnamit Oo Ooosw Deaee) dm is uncoiled tD Rdma blo 0000emmra- of web umib by 6 them iu smell mambas bolo nooeenoarleamed alias of dm Wk%apoKlm ARL Mme of these umib would be availebb tD persona from MPHA waiting oft PbvwAb ra" - wadd bane &a appotmmty+ to ap* tD dna bem for dress vote. If no applicsmb vme aysihrbte *am the wpm Por don =W6 applienaots would Dome am the MKS own waiting leaf TM other foar m b wadd be O d esoety Vdy Sam the IGWs waiting list. All appliemb wadd be tired to the do'-dopm Por appmvd. Mo deveopm will bo Pop m All Por mantaft the units ad meaft and app wg an appaemb for tettenay. "1 Under HUD m*d mob the Cby and the Pbmoath HRA mutt aeeoume the ataaeeed Cooperation Apeemeat and d e bM Apeemeat with the Wmmpogs Puglia Ho— Au*a t'qt OeHA). '!hese apemoaots atWhlishthe bait l%d rdatdom)ips among the pmtia wptediog the tin 4 mipt somas of these 13 oda under APoatrseas &MW 4MM the CWs aooeptanoe ofpgymergs in mm of propeedr tmaes Pot these WA16 the provision of Cib SWAMIA the peopeeq, and 000paation.among the pmtia regrading the derdapmmt of these intra. The trams of the agreement are similar to the teems undo which the HILA and Chy enmetad damn Por the UWMdoab Woods.ApmUnM pt*ct in 1997. In addition to the Cooperation and hutial Apeemena, *e Pbumah HRA win aero enact ho a aepmame agmasmt with the MPHR regm " rhes ii n&& admitiatea&% mmapemaa. and mooitoeiog of tpe MHDP unit. Te Coy Attorney has reviewed and approved these ogm meab m to their Poem. By anI I bft these tipeana 1 the City win mate poss<ak the dmb*mmut of the affmd*b =its at the. Stone Cm* Vt'nage Apmlme w and pmtiGpame lntkavuft%of*AMWA8=mMaf&m Moira. BUDGET DIPACT The it' i m m b vrin be exempt tam prapeely taxes as required prasumt to bfiOnaot• Stlbft 000. 7be pegiact win howaw be requdmd to melte aemml psymmb is lieu of== PUM) to cover pulmo am= and hubda. lite PILOT win be eWd to the. Maser of (i) S% of the shelter Rent eI gad which babda an dwdliog and nm4Mdit reins A V I m dte 13 .. WHOP nadaerCtothe smoaom.permdtae'to be paid byappbmbb Stame k v in efhd anthe date such pe3 is made. I aeaommead'that the Pbsaaf, ®atohtg aad FAdmdopaeat Au*A ft Beard at Comobaioaas approve the agaehed R=obdim and mtft cma ko of rhes Cbapmmdm Apraumo! bMd Agman0 b" m the Pbmaath Nomft=d Dedardmp> em1 Aath ft tad the Mivaai wlb Paella HaaaI Au &oft tar the Stoae Clea! Vildp aparbm m ptojuL ATTAR'S: 1. Remhdm2M-10 2 Coopumdm Apeemet 3. hitid Apew%M PLYMOUTH HOUSINu AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ON RESOLUTION NO.2000-10 J RESOLUTION AUTHOR11liG 93MCUTION OF THE COOPERATIOIN AGREEMENT AND uirmI. AGREEMNT BLlr%l r THE PLYMOUTH HOUSING AND RBDZVRLOPNMW AUTHORITY (BRA) AND THE MWNBAPOLIS PUBLIC HOIHRYG AUTHORITY (MPIW TO IACATB 0 METROPOLITAN HOUSING OPORIUNITY PROGRAM UNITS ]FORTHE STONE CREEK VHd.AGE APARTMENT PROMBCT. WBBRSAS, the Mimspdis Public Housing Authority in and for the City of. Miunspolis Me MPHA') holds an Amaal Cootr'Eutians Contract (WM AOC") Som die United States Depatomamm of iiousiag and.Udm Dmdopmmm f `HUDI fa huft this capitaland oI ling Costs of low cunt public boviong units and pjuu dnaugbmA die Mimes. Paub Win Cities metrapo6tm area pmsumm to a Comma dxtee entered in United Stamen Disttict Cams (the"Com m Dena"); mid WMWJU 3. the MMA has establisW the Metropolitan Homing Oppw mby Program YIOMn puesumm to which it will coopu me with suburban counties and muniolpolites into c ouatnidion and opaetian of gimtificd homing units (WNHOP Unb"x and WHEREAS. Domiuiam Dardopmw4 Inc:, on behalf of Plymouth Leased Hoaft Asu mimes, Limited Pmmeea1, (the "Ownwvl ho applied to the.PHA and toga Homing and RedcrdopmM Autha ft in and for the Cir of Pbrmooth ("HRA'I, to locate thirteen (13) WHOP Units in a 1304mit makibm ibr bemiog developmmm to be ktwwa as Stone Cask Village (the' Desdopmmm") to be bicaeed willun*n Ciq of Pbrm db6 Mmnesam(t woGW"X and WHEREAS, the MPHR and die HILA wish to enter into a johd,wwas agreement swaming their respective tabs and responsibilities with aespect to the MHDP Units: afad WHEREAS, a part of dm fiumft of the MHDP Units, HUD eequirp m *A the City agme, pmwaom to the mohorin granted the Cb by Mi mmu Smuts, 469.040` to errempt the WMP Units fiom properly tamed in comidesadon of by the beHA tad the HRA to w&jm said units to p"u mb io liar ofawK and WHEREAS, do vehicle for approving such tax tremmeo I is a Coopmdon Apeemeom between and among the bdPHA, the HRA mhd the Cil NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE& 1. nam the HRA mall enter into a Cooperation Agiameom and iridal Agreement in submandaft die amtochad h m. 2. That the Ch* ad Exacw a Directorofdie HRA are aighotiased to eirecii1 add Cooperation Agreementand iaitiai Agmement as behalf of said HRA. 3. That the mar sad Emocudve D'necmr aro mdmimd to make such ehemgs in said Ooopmatim Agmemeam and Initial Agremheum as are not in000mmo with the spirit and 4. That this Resolution, dmil Ube effid immedhmebr. Adopted by die PbvwA Housing and Redevelopment Authmty on August 2% 2002 STAT B OF M OMOPl;A) COUNTY OF HE MN" SS. TM Vdnaign4 bft the d*gaafi W =d appointed EnwAdve Di odw afthe Houft ed Re*rrdopmm AvlA ft in and Por the (Syr of PbvAoi , hbmmoW cermu that i ampmed g e fOnO iogaesdetion adopted d a.a Adb. g -of the Piymoeth 2'- a - and R@&mdopmeat rit, Av&oam 28..2002, with the aWmd lh dbm m f Ue in my e Goe, and the aeme is a coaIsIMME t>tt aiptioo WITNESS my bwA.affid* as.a ch Eeecntive Dkedw ad the Cogmate ad of the AuSmiar this _ Aone W. Hwft% Emwj ive. Dile W 0785102 C--PMTWNAGRMNZW This Agmxmmm made aed e, mcred iamo f dor of 2002. by ad between *a Wmvmpolis Pdriia Ho aft Autl D ft is ad Por *A OW Of Miaaeapolis (IAe OhMMu). *A Pbmoetb Housing and Redavdopmat Au*A ft (die •HRAM) Md the CiV of PbrmaeuA, Same of M'moesota (tAo `Muoieipelity"). In ooasideeedioo of ft mwmel oovemot. baepiadber act PoAA, *A parks baeto agree as tbllowa: Whmma used in this Agmm t: a) The ram "MHDP UmW mems daietem (13) waft of bw`rmmbwmft huufkr b be derelopad wAb die ffomeiel asusmeoe of do Uoited Samos of Aa MAM atft MV& *A Seaeday of Ham and Uebm Davdapmem (do "Goveaameam' and based wkbin a 130 mh multibmib bmft dnvek I , I (IM "Developwa m7 to be awned by Pbv&w A Wad Houaiag Amodatm Limited Prheeaahip (`OWWN) and loomed is *A Ckr of Pgnoaatb..Minneseea. b) The 1.. wrueiag Boear"' ar'ruft BodMa• mans do Same of Wim =% and MW and all pol0ieel MOW= or wxbg waits daamf is wbieb *A WHOP Units = situs td and %*Acb would have au*Adi r to ams ar levy ad at pasoo 1 prwpagr mm ar % an* nch tam to a taxing bod at public of m. tD be levied Por bs tae and baaedt with mile t tp dea WHOP Units if *Ay was not camp fiam awda undo L e) The tam "Sheloer Raaf" orcein *A told Fall dauges to all MIWP Uoit Womb far dwdit amt and nmdwdliog rats (eae wft all G*w bwome of We MHOP Univ) less *A coat of an dwdliag and aandwalft adudeL TM MPHR aball endeavor: a) to secure a aenhaet with do Govarmi m Por eopitl genet sad ammel caoubudow Ar *A WHOP us,"; b) to ewme dee deselopmwA of We WHOP Uak% and e) to assign to dee Weuwpolitm Cawodl as mvommmn order dais sad ocher aWasoeama aedemieg to 6a MHOp Um s for lamposes of aagoiag admueistiamioa tAaeof. ftnuMfWffmm=2MMSmtm4G9WtMWMWUnftm exmept am all rel sad paamel pralmly teres levied or uopoaed by OW Tlxiag Bohr fbr so croonsmesms war bag as either (1) tlo bGWP Uab ere eo -am d by a p6k botr or govaammw ap mw cad ate meed Por bedlam bomlag pmpaea. (to do MHDP Udt we anlbed 10 *e ngdMMUt of 3104115 Gf do Uaded SOM HGMbG Act: of 1937. (iib die 1111.11 mi 'm the MPHR cad db Gamer in ootmeaila wish die kow Unit cemtbafa 10 obligat do Oaata 1a opemae dw WHOP U1it as a bw kWO= baebig ptgiu% ar (iv) aapr abli pdm baled is oomwdim wish dw MIWP Units ar wW mamp due to do Govaammt.Is cowntim edit nth IAWP Units lemak mpw whteheverp dw b dw bap st (We `6leaapmill Period'); b) Dining do bmq dm Period, do Mmtteipd!Wv a1 behalf of db Taxbtg Bodim epees dwt It will eat levy er b*M alW tai of pa=od pepagt trofa npm On bGW UAIM err Wm do MFM with le 1111 It I I ,. Beeaese do MHDP Uatt aoeaist of dtittee (13) iait loealed wdhia and order txI I pivame aMeaft with It? addidoml homing mtit wM& oon hl da Dwelopmer4 do paptgr tlM and papapr tx cmapdm:toll be ddmni wd as tbl wa&- (i) do int cepa by of do tall Vwmkpmu t dbdl. be mul*W by a l -d — dw mmt uw of wAieh apob dee 1011 mgaba of UHM Unit and do dmAmimmor of which: eopab the mal mm *w affmomiiog mtit: to del Development ad (to dw I , b ffin - dmd be dedaeled Sam acid me c p ft. a) Dueing the Ib=qpdm Peried. do MPHA ad HRA *atl cause a be bcbded i1 apeaael I with do Oum do ablip dm of do Oww ft mate mmud peymenb to Um of tows (`PUJM 10 pgmaet hr dW PWk services cad SdIM s tiaai:twd f m thin ee dm witbmm adwr coat err chap Mr 1r va mgna ea the j WP thaw &A PLOT:hail be made at do dine whet fed rWaq moa an. do WHOP Uaft amid be p+M if.it was autim to matiet- cad ds oll be in int ama m epal to eider (i) be I 1 (S% of do Sheher Ream uUmBy cdb d hit In 10 avers 1a mad Eve pas m (no of do Shdtw Rot charged. with tewI a oa a" NNW SWM duaiog the preoe I plemd r yaw, or 00 do awm t pwAlftd to be paid by apptioabb Stage bw in OEM m the deme mb pgiment b made..whioMm b bee' d) P nuM for Adlu afa Raftem Sedim a0. mbdivisim 3. the Oouq of 1 Il doll BIN I, do PLOT ammg do Taxbg BoMm im do .po14 doer which do red PWU13 moa which wedd have bee= paid fa 1116 Taxing Body Por ouch year tf do be" Unita wem na m empt Sem mmioa: peevided, hoverer, therm no py mam hr any yaw shall bemode a atq Taiag Body 11 e000esa of do ammatt of do fed pepxgr ores which I hate been paid to emb Toft Body Rr each yaw iilbe MHOP Unit was let etwmpe Baa txrim, e) b do Greet the PLOT b cat piid. to 1411 apdast do WHOP INS Gr met Of 68 MPHA at HM *M atteh, w Shap atd Inum ow pmahia am= a aft& m aacomm mefelI 0. Dwn do fampdm Ilk" do Mmae%nft. or wirer appopbt Tatmtg Body, wM. CM err dimge to do MPHA. HRA at Nawn of do MIWP Unit (adww dol PUM bat cotaiffmm with Pbm appfGve, by do Mueiap ft In do 1olmd eaaese and in aceowd wilt applieeble pooedmashsll: 40" ( a) FWnisA a ansa a M ILmWeed to dte MHDP Uafs p iMk aeevka mad t dNu of dee same I I cad to da same ax1 ms aces timeWtad flaw dme to time wMoe oostarchmrga to adeerdweRiegp mad Wathfasets io the Waddpmllpr. h) hrsof r as dee itdemiedpalipr mtgr do aq vaate east steats rods. Bred aRtOrs wMis the mea otthe MHOP Usefm as mq he aeaasssry s4 the dsvdopmat dm;sae and mog wMeut cloW a the MPHA. HRA ar Owaer of dme ?AHW Untie mach WIMPIN U dee l WACi$ ft. Or aher 7Aoeing Bob MW have in sada va=ftd mama; is ma 8r a @ is low i ft ahk to do mo vrWo m cost ar eapeme to dee WPHA. HILA mad the Owner of dee MHOP Unite at in die Mmicipdipr ar wear leaft Bod). wase m he raamrd Som mads vmcmmed areas. in ao fir a f noW he neoasae3 mR pddk ar pivsma Oft lees asd.agoipmWA c) 6s ma dr as dee Mmddpmh'tjr ar aleer ladng Bad1r map b do sq (i) gnat mads deviations gam dee hdldag code of tte ?Awdtipdfr at v Am 1lxing Boft w mea raeemtla mad neomem to promote eDO and effi ck y is the devdoI I end admieisaatios of dee MHOP Uaits. and at tine acme lace se&gmsd haft mnd soft end (d) meta such chw4p is mW soolog of die arta and mmrmmdiag to homy of dea MHOP Usfs a are me mommlW sed aeoes:ety Ar dee daMdopsseset and psaeedm of dm MHOP Usfs tad to emraae I tem'tagr d) Aampgmse ofamm maeo many hrdee dev -',I eat oftea MHOP Uafr~ and e) Ooapeame wM dee MPHR maid HRA by mast aster Is- action or vxp as dee Mmsidp t or aher T oeiag Botr and dee MPHR mq Rad ammum ry in ommeCI wM da3 develapm I ad admialmaaoos otdea WHOP Um'b. lla dna tsfW devdopmeat of dna WHOP Usfe. do Wmichaft fm*m *am:% an b&Wof dl ltdng Bodies. dna widas a swomtle time ager raoeipe of a wrimen agmest dna -6 SamtheWPHAarHRA: a) That h will incept all tateeior sheets, roads, dh3% and e ddowalks w tido We aea of dee D alopmast. teg<ther wM di storm ands 1 3 sewer maim is matt dediosted NICK dM the Owner of dee WHOP Uohe6 at ib Own a WM% hese completed den guft improvmeesst, pffles and hounados thereof is moon dome vM gmdfiud m eooepmhie loft btmk*ft ar alar lasing Body; h) *test h wM aocept necommy dediceal m of teed tar, mad wM geok impove, pie, mad pavide ddevedb tar. dl musts hmm t dee Devekpmaas we see sec my to pavide mdegmte sones deeset Ron Coedderation vehereof dna Owner shell py to dee Wemieipolpr ar ather Taft Body mach amamt as mea or Dodd he mstested spimt the Devdopmeft rand C) tint f wm peovide, or Came to he Prod" water maim, and alarm and smitaq sewer maim. haed'mg to *A Davdapmae and sawing the heading steeete d - e m (is cmewesasiuoa ml I" Il whaeOfWQ Oatoar Gfdre MHDP Uaitl *M pay b die Msdeipoft a adraTWft ®off mscb amwmam is amuld be assessed opi mtOre Davebpmm* —11% 6. Why tteasos of Ore Msd ao&wTad* Book h tte amtod b timbA to be tim dd ed mW ptdrlie sesrkaa or bt0kies wbM it has agreed Aaamder b tbwA A or w b be fArAAed b die MPHA. HRA, dte Ossaer a bmttts of Ore MHDP Uaibk and Ore MPHA. Ota HRA a Ora Oatsa of dm MHDP Usds brows mW expame b Gama Mb aavbxs a Adllti drar dm MPHA a HRA asq ease b ba deducted the attaomtt of mreA oxpama ften oW PRAT due a b btxasae dim b Ore NAmie ipr a adrtx 7lonttg Bose bt sraspeot b Ore MHOP Ussiet psostided Orel dm MBIA :hall eiod tia.,MtmisdpNp a odme uxft boar of *a aptDed Uma In wttbbtg at last ddtpr (30) Ogle pita %a de&ting each come thmr mW PRAT 7. No Coopaalioa Agmasrart bacialm atatxed btb eetweea die Mmddpali wd Ore MPHR a HILA sAdl be cottstlued b q* b app MHDP Usb ooraod by dna AgvowmiL L No nmdw of dw garaabrg body a sept adra public ot&i l of Ore ktrA pdipr a odaw Tgbtg Bob vft also,,, sept mpomDilida a Imiom wdh respat b dw MHDP Ua& doing bb &w Deane at Rsr sae par draarfl, e shill bows sept btamA thea a bili n% In de MHOP Who a avW prapesq A dwbd or pkued b be incloW. is de MHDP thdti6 at avw oosmaces in ootmaaiea VA& de MHDP UA is a pnopergr, if apt such gowsmbtg body member of mch WAw pub& ot[b3a1 eta Taxing Body bw"wWj aotI a' had ugobed PAW b do t si a tg of I 14 , r saaae MW =cb ' I I heft" shall brmeedi,aep db ckm such btI I tithe MPHR, HRA. A Daring do S mtom Period Otis Agranraas *AN sot be aAro@sted. chuVA a moA&d vkhow do cone of tAe Oawaemas. The pririlt ger sad obligsosiom of dw Mmadpsft ad o6w Ting ®odic I - o I - r *dl ab+o mmWkr In till Rrtao and ofta wM stespect to do MHDP Win a long as Otis bmdiCid dth is Ore MHDP Uabs is had by do MPHR a tW sept odw pudic boar or gattameoW gpmW, lode Gog We Oemaamatt. audmttbasd by b w to atgege in Ore ler plopmeet or admWiuWm of lost m booft pto3ecti Uat sept dw Ore ben S' 1 tide 1% a possession af. the MHt1P Units is bind by mt h a&w public bob ar ps m=M agar 13 Ore Govmmw4 Ore porisio I'M ON Aeq bans b do WAS of and m rj bearDroed by, mach ads, pu t: bo fr or gwmwmwW agar 3 b CbdbQOreQovam= L 10. TAe Oostatsmart. dm Mtmidp ft and dre HRA b tW somal b tAe Mase assigsmart of tAe MPHR%hems in OtisAgmu aatbthe MoopoMm C==L cmocmaonsam mnvwmuffoawtxsmar war EWA IN WcMMS WWWW dro Mt P&ft, dW MPH aad die HRA brae sespae ivapr aged th Agiea m aad carred dAir mb to be a8imed ead eaoeamd as dee ear w d yea b ebeee IN - NONNSAP'OLIS PIS ROVSiNG AUIMDM V IN ANDWMTM CRV OR NM04 APOIA Cowan L, Moose b Ceo3e A Can McOoe44W b Rapaiin Dbodw CRYOwPLYMOU1a NAINNUMA b b PLYMOOM NOUSM AND AUIUOWff b And by its oaaoaaao a aYonanar .. 07aM N vanAL AGRELMZNT THIS AOREEME14T, ma& Ida _. doW of . 2M by and I m- ,, We tAbmqpb Pik& Housing Autnft in and Por Ibe Cipr of bfmw@olk a Pntdic body oaepoede and poMk (tM MPHA*)and the PbmwA lioaaiag and RederdWaseom Av*Aft a VA k b*,, 1, , I P and po4de Me "NRA*) is adee,d bmo puesvod>b efheaeaoaa sem, 47139 and $ 46A01Z, SaW 1(11) and & WHEREAS, the MPHA hes esm d into as Amari Cooftbjdom.Cm*M ('AGC*) w'h die thud Stats DWaetmeam of Homs and Udm Drm4mem (`HUD*) Por fAdWa the capias! and opening nod: of bw eem puM W bmft uo's mid I d e cls it ql I the U&MOpolis,SL Pad mdmpolk nmmmal WHEREAS, rice MPHR bs astabH" do MmopoMm 11 ' e Oppoedmbim Propma CN IHOP*) Pmaamu to wM& it will aoopetd - with =bob= oowdu and mvnic%mN s !ado ooaatnrnioo sad opaaaion of gmKW boo ft units (do `ham UmV% and WHEREAS, Pb Lmsed Hain Assod om !,Ailed PoeaeeesOil a Wbnmft limited pmtaerahip (the " Owdee*) has applied tD the MPHA a bode dmteen (13) MHDP Um'b whin itsdeMdopmed of a 130.=k muNhm* housing pwm to be bmm as Stm Creek VMW ApAtmeom (she "Devdgnmmn to boboded io.da: CiW of Pbasarb (*A "GW% nod WHEREAS, the MPHA, do HRA mal do My ba, agreed to aoopmeme in do bud= of dueoeea (13) MHDP Unib b the Dmbpwmk% and WHEREAS, tba I I -1 of dais Agredmmm b to define do eeledoosI h of do MPHR and HRA, with tatpaet to the phooba oomtrueti m awns and apeedion aft* MHOP MAL NOW. THEREFORE, it bagnted byme pada bomb m h0wa : PROPOSAJL 71,e pmdes wM job* pqm mai sbmk to HUD a p,poad Por drakwoenm t o& in dieappoodmtme mom of:1,773 8d0 (mchaft aeon PM" and =oft opcambg wAo* ender a MPHR ACC Por to ,00atrtrdm nerd pmdioa of 9 repleomud mb CNIHM RWisoemeom Uaib-) sed 41 weoetWe unit NNW boom" thfto A. AD raga',' Dovdapmm fi mwM pe Poems and ded p and ,ommrotiea dow mmm, win be gathered oad assembld by die HRA and de ivua to the MPHA. unmumna"T om a Find dowA met prepa[ation. iad t bM aq1ag ba ftaas. ad caa1 113 vft &&M repdmliom gad HUD requiraomts vM be tea req ndbft ofd m MPHA. C. no MPHR droll be all Blow ado staiag tee pooesdag of the Peapoad ad d t bbg its approad by HUD: Q Tse HRA asap be m*oosibk Por OR Bob= wife tee MOopohlm CMMCD and tea Rio mft Housing Fba Agmq CMHFA7 v to tD aU a&a L Ma HRA wM provide fa do MPHR a copy of the MRA's Eqmt Opprur* Howft Plan and tea WHA wM peovde the HRA with a calf of deo ameot MPHR pkat MW pmtia wiU maito teaaoerabte pffilla to coordiro- We aakom mid mon of tress pkm is do drakpmerm and ll, -1 of tee MHDP Unim F. Iso NNW wM mordaor do appbcodm of II, d Dwb43s an wage re l immenta vM A doll op* a the Dnekpmam provided that *A liausiog Darekpmmot Agmum m between and mnong the HRA. MPHR mid tae Owm asdl lephe to Owns and coosunwm coatsa -I lb provide tea MPHR sob ktbeeaetian as a am teoaonesbr regvin in Oder to meet b oblipdoa eee ander. Q Upon completion of MHDP UaN6 tet MPHR mq. widant 0 d , scats by to HRA, aadgp aU doeOoeoft reteme 1 0-1 etc to *e Nlarq bVn Conocil for a gpbg admioimetim.af tea gaatiag. aubai* and rim w P, m pooedtne 1 as wd o mmmpmat of tso wilting fists (tea •AssW m= and Retbrmnbtim"), into even% MHDP Umb *AD be meoaved Sem the MPHR ACC mid added to the ACC of So Medopobtm Cam R OM "Metro ACC" Submqumt to tea Assist and RdWmrdatioo: AU of do *sties of the MPHA deaaibed hetdn that sea yaa m be pelbemied shill be paPoemed by tae Meugolitan Coimoik 2 AU of tae rigtms of tee MPHR &MIW bulla dA be dtgeta of the Mdmpolitaa Caimcih and 3. 1% Op m*g Sabft dwedbed to Section VQ wM be deaaeoioa'Gr m. detetmiced is a000edanoe with 'tsa Meso ACC and based q m tee Meacapolkm Coated F=d Yew. IL DEVELOPMM. Me MIA sad tae HRA *a amen iota a Hauaing DeMdopmeat Apeemmt wish tae Owaw. wMcb wMi coo Am awoa aaaw ra wvs+axnoan ume turn A. RON& *A dear ad conatratiooa sp cfficg om of tea 111114 r (13) MHDP Untts m twelve (12) two-bedroom vara and ane (1) tbreaed<oom emr R DoaBem tee amme'da to be providd witbia and aeamd lee Davdapaing G Proviso *Ad* lord of WHOP fdoft Lae tee DaYdopmmt will epd. oati6ed aoamnclim nosh (po =a based an bedroom arse but not to encored. allowable total davelopmeot oasts efabMed by HUD)g Q Provide dem tee opadiog s Eft name tied be dmon Was In do event apaatiag aabaidiea paid by Iba MPHR me ioedequme to pay On diHbenoo between MHDP Unit' and eqn sm as delbod bal w; E. PcwAdo Poe tee dmwtidowo of paMk boawg dardop ow haft an a po ma bars with other Davdopment funding sources; F. Eavbrob a system by vdticb the MHDP noun within tea Devdopmem will not be p idmdBK boot ember will '"80s" tbrGV#Arnt tea Dardopoms d*mdwa wm vaemrdes and avwbbi6tlr. O, eleso* an a3m hr mm al rctioa bgmd om, coat aelitiadiom ad IN AIR mes-Mfr H. Ragdm c oecadoa by *& Owner of the RagdatoW and 01 - 1-1ng Apumed and a Declension of Ramiedve Dommmas eating a mvemnt em bg with tee bed obtipft len Owner of do Dardopmem and all ummuoea is interest to nsaiosain and opsaae lea MHDP Uems in compliaaoe v tb all applicable eek of Seedoo S of lee United Stores HoaioR Act of 1937 ad die ACG Md L Ragnire the reooe I of 1ba Declension of Romookbve Coveomds age On Pup, 13 OL 'Its Rowley and Opasiog Agmemeaot sell pwAde tem tea Owner ar its ages (tba'Mmgog Agent') shall mamge cap Ibe units at the Devdopment. indaftes MHOP Unto md: A dmq am* wilt all tbdad law, re®aWoos and policies and tea AOC. K sedl povide do NlpHA11it1A mdAw HUD vitt aocesa m all boobs and records mdaWoad by tea meager armaos era with respect to d a MHDP Units. G aeall be aniect tD tamiomioa and eeplmement as to lee andm Developmms if it is determined by tea ROSAl1 & =*J t ra appropriate jndiaiel eoviaw by appy coact of aonrpetms jmisdiaiae that me Mamgiog Agent or aspr suooessor bas cmoao mm Imnaaenereeugwrauar Omb m u dit vioklA I ,1 -1, k or h" is =M* vft day peaddm of hdeed kw. tegdeodm poUcy, or tee ACC. M shill modes Dom dte be%IAN RA ere names of prions dad Amities wbo meat A inooase ad waYn list eeitak Ar admission lama *A bGW [ham and *mH my out rice a&WokuWm fdntdom as (bat net limited ID) applicant ioseeviawa and ataemi= vaeifmmd a. datamialdw of WNW Por admission. mat rids meot.moeomionof k mti taminatiaetaandavictim- IV. WArl= LIST MANAGBM M. Tea HRA. in aopaatI a v to tee Metsopohun C=dl :bell meiatain tee VMft Iis- Ar tense appbiag Poe buft in tea MHt'>P tbtb. Oft applicable 0 1 L UMP and bed pI Id' . A. A~ for tea nine (9) MHDP Rapkoemem daft (as ddmd in tea Rqpbdwy and 0" lig ) wilt be sdaatea Sam lis- based wwowhuowftpwddm Fast. to Amities displaced by tee daa Mm of Wumempoft public eonsing:nib pmt to feet stain Coss m Dasa eoseee 'in aetdmoo t oftbRfi or at Y& CYseteros m aL. U.S MQ (Wm Dist. 41e Dora Civil Casa No. 492--712 I Sc000d, ID Amilia m an MPHR wdtietg and 1 —6 Gs- V&D five in r aainoeit or pwmw oaoeentrese . meas in lee mdmpowm lice I Tbied, to &MMU an lee MPHA waiting list. Tbb vM indole A Ami4a wkbiog fa pee11 % Ie in NNW. iodud'mg bale Nkmqpft waiting He Amities and WOUM Sem lee HRA. The MMA will aetoaea Wft pbae dl app§cmb Sem tee HRA an its waift fist, teas makkS bate bomapolb and Ciw of Pqm Wh teaideob a pft d4ob Ar tela piaft. B. Tee MHDP looediv, Unib (as ddWd in die Rgplauq and Cpom ttg Aym moot) will be Shed penateemI to tee HRA`: waiting Cnt peooedueee Tee HRA will have All bad aompkte aonsto1 over the mmagemeat of tee waiting list: and the Agana well have compkte awAnd over do mind= of eaidatb6 m b% a tee MHDP piodtie I and all Adad and Oft baa sae Sdiaaed. The MPHA will prompdy and 000-1 1, m 11b mhr all Nksupolis appliaats to the HRA Por pinoemem on dee NEW wdit list. if ten eeI I aped m caul- in m cl4ftb am m Wbb -mat vette Consent Detsa p I ides. to wait can be OW web other spplkwAs on do waiting list. Tee HRA dwU psovide HUD a o ndfiodkm in tee foam atesdtad betato as EAM A. cadbing bst ks waiting No peooedtnes will c I I L ave applieebb bw and tee8okfo m ao MMMUWGUWoeeeuoReavmouu oaeowme oxer V. FM CWMRUC nM DU nZL As a putt of the HUD don -as nVAmmms wft nape- to 60 MHDP Ute, the huDvromg mtpoodbilm a VM be as k=& ' 1 A The MPHA dn0 deaigname the End of tee b Ml Opaaming PI 1,1 CEOr) wA shell aoowk me.the wdwi n aftAe MHOP Um'Is io the MPHA Amaal Operating BodAFL L WMbin 12 m *w of EIP. the HRA shell gadur ioRrmatien and provide HUD with the A W Dewdopmant cost Cadsede CADM-). C. The hffl?HHA scall be rupoosibb Por the peea1 of an soft ey m iadepeodeoa p Mk amw otart os a past of its ubmbdm of the ADCC. The HRA dmU pravide such Mfbt adm m M in its poa udn w as be reosooaAb obtained in oder tD asset tAe MPHR wilt Voce audit D: Rte MPHHA *au moaimr the Managing Ageat'A p000&m and temb in aaeaiiog appliomb provided fiam the HRA waiting lata and upoet the malt d mof to HND as mmW be regtreaI - or mgAn& VH. TAXCERTOCATKIM IU MMA and HRA shall provide in it4 agrameams VAh tee Owner *A the Owner. or ib Manigivg Agan% don aemdb prepare and pressen to tee HRA a aetd&afim to tee mnubq alBciab of dose number of MHHOP udb loaned vibbin tee DaYdopmmat IU HHRH. VAdI awmelly am* to do app mpame amoftttg aWmbb do amaw of WHOP wAm boomed wbm the Dcvebpmmt, pumtaem to M'momm Stomates, Section MM o i I l Isioa 0. VIL OPMATDW SUHSH W. Undo die ACC, HUD aormects to povide eo apuatittg snbaHdy tp the MPHR Por all tmbs sats t to tee ACC, wMm vM ioelo b these MHHOP INN Ht M thetdae nooeseegr to adhM a madtod &M by whine the MPHR will pW apardng sub ft to the Owner, of the WHOP UAL Than system, b be ducr had mom Aft in a Rmgdd y ad Opeea ft Agmemeum between the MPHA and the Owner, vM bogmuftuhftm A. As need in the Sad= VB, the hBowing terms -hall have tee ammbw ABowad Prgjaot e0aes• neem all eeoessny and rwOna11 Opeeamieg offie Davdapono fbrawt q1 all admrry amd ==my cwm of aparatleaa of tee On --d mean sI aAM m Um items an Fam HHUINM7-A (Budget Wo&im4 =*adve of rel estame mannas and debt aervioe regtrireaamma of asp hoder sad exchom of st ft atpeoses..hicA Mfr mMmtaearmoosamanrammwmoom On. are the direct respo=Wft of tmenix provided, hcweva. *m if So Owner *AN be required to bomow finds Por repairs, replacemmb or impwmemmts act lhaded fiom a Devdcpmmt reserve fund for mpbomrem, debt service requiremeots for any such borrowing approved by *a MPHA (whicb approval dwA sat mommoft bewig dmH be inducted in Allowed Project rpensex provided. An&w, *et MHDP Unit Fgesees (as haeimRa deffood) Ad be reduced by soy awm is aonu b mad by the WPM or HRA, an a gram Aerie, for repairs, nolo mon ar kvmvamnm b) menegesoem flees payable pavement m On Praperdr Mmengtomeot Agmmmt c) legal expenses associated with the o j 1-1 m of the Drvdapmmt as well ag accounting end alit exposes, including tar return preFndm upmm pmiftd m be as pwim expenses pmmmt to HUD Handbook 43702 8611-1, Almancibl Opwad ws mrd Accormfgg Pleoedlonfir beam d 11lY i#mm& PhgWra, ar apr sueeessordwdo: and d) reserves at replaememb and for any tuber purposes, as required by soy leoder and appraved by die MPHA. l 2. WW Pbamfage' shall mem tAe bgpar of M the mumber of WHOP U,nb, divided by the tend member of milts at the Davelopmm% or (d) the met rentable square flit of the WHOP Um b (mooft 12 tw&4edtoom noib and I domm bedroom wft divided by the met remable aquae Poet of aA the wits at the Drwelopm a 3. "MHDP Uo t seat/ seam (A) AAowed Project Entente mndtipaied by the N MW Pe[amis, , Phu (B) the payment in lien of real crease tans meds an respect of the be" Units, if any, Phan (Q amou is paid to WHOP Usk oocupemot as aft reimbtnseooant (Lr, abNo ve O'k provided. however. that if any an item expense shell be lnduded In Embad d WHOP Unit Drpemes an Poe bub of a peroemage other tem do WHOP Pico Po mp pmmmt to the second semamee of Sadao VII B n) baso$ such expense eheA be b dwbd in NEW Unit Rommises an tha breis afow same pereagage; 4. •fiGW Usk home• shall nam all inoome wceived in reapeat of MHDP Unite. teamt roma (Mosm Rmoa" as do6oad to 24 CFR 4 913.102) and my alba sources of boome received in nand of NQWP Units, bubAng aA types of revmoe shown as lion items an Fam HUD 92547-A, but ar*Am of spectating sub ft e+aaa®na aeroM®amaa.w aw.Nsrwmarsroanruaoe can. Fatimamed Alred Project Dtpenaea." Tssdmmd umm Unit `1 F tpatses." sad "Em mated MHOP Unit Income" shall mesa the estimated amattms of saeb items for wW period dd mimd in a000rdeooe will, subse dm (B) bmaoE 8. Not blas dm 90 days prior to the aaWpeted Date of Full Avdkbirdy ("DOFA' for occttpancy of mW unit of the DeYdoposesk wd not beer tbm t50 days before the &aa day of mW m*oequmm UM Find Year. the Owner aball prepare and submit fa the leM a proposed budget Por the felting beHA Fiscd Year (at, in the ease of *a year in wbieb DOFA occurs, *A remabWer tbaeoQ Mpmft "). no Operan8 Budget dM project Estimated Allowed Projmt Esqeases. Estimated MHOP Uaat Mwenses. and Emu mad MHOP Unit tnoome Por the suojact.paaod,. subject to the,shouting ooaditiom. Eadmated Allowed Pnim ECpeom shall be as mwooably esdusamed by the Owner. 7be wpm mqy oommmm upon and propose ea to dee Esdmmed Allovied Project Weem as provided by the Owner ad at forth in the Operaft Budget submitted to the MPHA. but the Owner, shill not berequired to reduce a w admafadexpatse below the Devdapmmt wade amounm far such atpendiame ma omw mucipemed by the Owax for the period. However. the portion of a w lim item wMa do EsbmafAd Allowed Project Emesm included in EaMaoed WHOP Unit Warm daq be aboetod from the WHOP Percerage if the bee demoasteames sadafi ctorft *a allocation of such item to the MW Units on We buss of the b*W Pr:roenl mg m as iaapprapeame (col madmoing and advadft awl% of such mbft sol* or prepoodaeady m the OUR MHOP units} t Until the aomplatiaa of inial =MV of the MHOP Unit% Eked UMP Umt bsoome andl be dammmined an *a basis of assumed temam rem collections for eacb mb sine equd to the average MAN NO oollxtions for dl coats of aoosvbk aim awned sad adminimered by me DeHA in die most now aminal or sal period Por which ands dwidics are avdMb at the tame of the OwnWs submission of the Operaft Budget for snob period to the beHA For eacb subsegttenm beHA Fiscal Year. Estmesad ROM Unit Income dell be determined as the bads of the eggpegama temam roma actseft collected for ad WHOP Units &aft the fur six moths of the preceding l em Fie acd Year. the foregoing, with moped to any NM Fiscal Year. the NM mw agree to pr41ect Eadmsted hOIOP Unit It o at a kvd difdmOm Som the wbicb wound adwwise be adMidod ptttsua I to the preoedirtg saw00% tilting into account (a) there monebly amoapsad kvd of incomes of tastes anticipated to be admitmed to the MHOP Untie daft each period. bard an aatidpme I turnover ad the admissions Polities. and (b) noonft amacipemed increases in kc me levels of nm croocm mw asnmmroao.".lraneuaraasowisacauan cam f adsdm. tenant basad an UuM pwdcOodm in ewfbymeot tedft and Geer ahppordve saviors . Cl During ecce MPHA Fiscal Year mmmmeing wile the first MPHA Fmd Year ager DOFA, and subject to any lWdtctions wife fiem applicdm of SeWm 20 e) of tee Act and 91 of tee Devdapmeom Opwadog Subs* Cep, tee MPHR shall pay to the Owner m emoemm egad to (1) Estimated MHOP Unit Ew mss for such period. kss (2) Ed maaad WWW Unit become far tea period the "Opasong Subsidy Requffuneft"). Ther. MPHR dWI pair tD do Owoer, on do Best day of emcb moth of an MPHR Fiscal Year, amkwdit (1112) of the Operating Subs* Rw emmm for such MPHA Fiscal Year. peovided. bomm. that the Owner sed the MPHA may agme. upon dean of the Operating Budget and Opaam* Subs* Regmnom nm icor my MPHR Fiscal Year, to peovide fir unequal mooft payments for such yam VHL REGULATORY AND OPERAT<riG AGR1BBl1IBN1' RESIMNSIRUJTT. The; Regulamo y and OpmMog Ageeemmm provides for aehgoiehg joint monitoring cad decadou- md ft by the HRA and MPHA. N the two and ies cmmt agree a a my action or m poose celled for m said Agmemmm, of my Cher agreanam bwdvmg dee MHDP Unit, do decision. of dee MINA shall be m eolliog widh respect to all matoas which dm* or iodiraagr efea either its fimad obhgmom with respect m the MHDP Units or its nbdamWp with HUD mift fiom dee ACC. In all other metiers, dee destision of the HRA shelf Goahol. IDL RESERVE !?UND. An epaa- msem will be cheated by the owner from its fimds. The reeeeve will equal theca yews' admamed operating atb ft for the MHOP Units, but wM be dbwad to grow tbsough bAmat arningi and w is o1 11 webs* edmbuese amp if mW. Shortfidb, either becmete of the arakvda m of these yeses! atimamed Gperaft aebdit at bocmese of aecanmy withdmvml from the mom carry be made up byd o MPHR or HRA, but day she not obligated to do so. X ADIMUSTR11TME COMM The MPHR sed HRA shell each bar the Goat assumed with !heir tapecuw obhgsmi and rapoosbhbu daaibed basin or Gtherwise nbad to the Gonsteuctim and operation of tee MHDP Units. Ther MPHR end the HRA dmU sepmat4 agm as in nbabomemmma to do HRA, if any. firs dwwdftH9=dgvkv=eprocodwL A. bs the event the HRA wishes to tomb me this Agma smt it ma do oro as !allows: N aft (90) dupla' native of it boos a to teemineme shill be saved Upon the MPHA by the HRA in wdit cwof71o001 mw A=wr Z. The HRA dwH assume and undertakeall of the obl4pd ns ad rapomx'bititia of the MMM as art Earth in au written agreeooenb relating In Development between me MR& as the arse head, and the HRA, the Ower, the ISA. HUD or say oohs conteatsiog party. an rhe other, 3. The HRA *A become the conwaing party with HUD with respect to the ann d ounub does contract govaming the coosbucdm and opanatian of me Develop pork 0. Subjat to HUD's mvww and approval is writing to such termiatliM and S. The MPHA shall be released from all henna liability wising from and responsibility for tae 8 Construction or epee Id of aloe DrvelopmooL B. AU agreement =00111ed by the WPM with respect to the i)evdopmeat aheU provide ibr the event dovesdescribed in this paragraph 1Q. A. No member, official. at employoe of the MEM at HRA dwU have any v interest, direct air;direst. in obis Agreement. nor moult any such member, offideL or employee 11 1- 4 a- in my decision relating to obis Agreement which arab . his or -bar pimmtd interests or the ro- I of any aorpoeatim panmersI h or association in which be or she is. dimod y or iodii+e ft interested. No mamba, o!&id, or employee of tba beM or HRA dwU be pasor ally Gable to a party to tbis Agreemea% or soy successor in interes% in the event of any ddah at breach by any patty or for any amount which may become due a party or suooeasor aeon sap oeligrmoas ands the lentos of this Agrament. I3. The parties bwet% for themselves said their successors and assign% agree taat during the term of tris Agreement dtq will comply with aU affinowive action and one Recrimination requnmamb of applicable federal. acme at local laws or Cl Any Was of the several peek, Articles, and Sections of this Agreement are inserted hr cons enimoe of eeInenoe aoly and shall be diaregarded in construing air inoteepretiog any of ib pronision.s. D. Except as othanwise a..pesaly provided in this Agreement, a notice, demand, or alba commusticatim undo the Agreement by culla party to the other dwU be att imtly given or ddivered if it is dispatched by registered or ratified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. air ddiveeed pansooaUy: std Q cmoaaa Mw W.9 m twaaegonaun- am air in thecage of dte WHA, is addressed to or ddiv W .petmeft to the MPM st 1001 Nodh Wmbiv*m Avame, ham, WW S5401, Altemiao: 8lre=dw Dhimor, and 2 in. the cave of the HILA, is addressed loarddivaed persomW to the HRA at 3400 pt=Wh Hoakvsrd, ftm ulk NW S5447--1482 Alleoliom inmendve Dkear, or at aueh alba addicts wHh nqpd to either such psty as *a pmW mM6 fiom time m time, deai8 M in wdft sad finwmd to do a6w as povided is os Sacha. L ibis Apanu m may be steamed in =r mmdia of camtcrpaft each of wbidt, whm so areamed sed ddivaed, shall be an adoul, but amcb awmk mft shall 000stitate cue=d lbs same ivmhvmw t. c000 Iumw Dab IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tAe WHA ba seemed *b Apoemem to be dtdp =wA d in its came ad bdWad *a HRA ba caused Ibis Agmemem a be dun mu mad in its name ad bdslfanair aoftAeddeBestabovevmVm. PAUROMPORM Pt.muc HONG AU1R IMV IN AND FatTim CI'i'I! OWPAIMPSApolis Oomll L. Moose Ib Chea bkcmr.ey Ib E madive Dbecmor STATS OF MDMMTA ) SL CITY OF HENNEPIN ) On dds day of .2002.1.6 A me, a noeeq public rritlbo ad hr Hwnapin CiW, pmsood>,r appeased CowA L. Abse ad Coes McCorver. to Owl== ad lbunfive Daector. m pectiv*. of the Miaeepolis Public Housing Autbo ft in ad Por ft Cily of iUmapoli% a public body aoepoeeme ad polWc under dw Divas of dw Stems of Mm =ft Se WPHWI named is -da feeegaiog bemnemamdaacinm eked said iateumeom an bdm f oft wUPHA. NmeelrP lia aooc a mw :tneamoaowvanaaaar can PLYMOUM DOUSING AND AUTROIRr V av STATE OFkUNNE90TA ) COUNT1l OF 1 an deia dopy of . 2N% l , 6 m m a aoomy Public wNhia and Poe cam, tea qwmod and dee and eeapec**, of do Pbmaudt 1. ag and Eedccd*p Anftft, a PaWic b* ooePoeame and poM under do bms of dna Seems of Miooaala Me -HRA1 armedis do iaanummm.mdad im ledgadavid oaeeiA afdw.FM& NotuyPubfic gri WC BMW A walogustcuokmim We 6aeby am* dart the vmft lift of 6a HRA hr the MOopOMM Noasiog Oppottmib Ptao, at die Stm Cn * Vdbp Apo t wft in Pbmote4. b6aae M WM ohm in a Commt Deaee in aadmoem afHdbon at al, v. Cimaoa at al.. U SAC. (Mk& Dist, 46 Div.) Civil No. 440-712 aad 24 OR lett.% Pact 8, 913, .960 and 966 and applicable llhb Noaaiug and E*w Oppwftu t bm and x81 Il Detect: .2m PLYMDU>ffl HOUSING AND REDEMOMAWALITUORITY By. STATE OF MWNE9OTA ) COUNTYOF On dh day of .2M% 1 0 ow a mo&W po6lic vridtio and he Comdr. Pawn* IIII I A and the and tapectiveb, of *a P4 moo& Hoaaiog aad Rednvdopmeot Aulho ft, a pahlic hoer aoepoeate and politic under the hews of the State of Minoemla Ot IMIJ mooed in the isonmmmandoplan ledIgedaaidbnoo seotonbehalfoftheNRA. w alzxammom 3406 PLYMOUTU Hl3UMA)tp; Ply ` snob .. ... DATE: August 2% 2002 fir lRwAft & Rek%vbvmM Authmity Muft of Aug st28.2002 TO: Pl+mm& Hooting and Redevelopmt a A + FROM: 7% Jaoea MA Specialist It WAW and !fie Hwlbt><t. Exavdve Director SUBMC'1: MI Commvmity Davelopmemt Blo* Genet (CDBG) Consolidated Aomrol. Peetanmmoe and Evahmtion Repast (CAPER) and. Amaral Citrons' Pmtickadoo mceft The attached 2001 Caosotidoted Annual Ptrfnsnce and Evalundon Repot reviews the Cagy of Pltnaotrth's ao>:ootplishmmb towards meeting the $-yew gaols defined in the Com obsod Pba6 nities rmeadv ng CDOG fwmfw The % i Devortumeal of off the CatkbonmPlan e) o eeo a've wit goob ftr dye roods Hamepin County Oonsorthma. vdtich includes Hwn*a CounW. the Cibr of M-maniogson and the Cit of Pkmomd Based as Mad huftg allot em s. Pgnooush is tespoasihle far approalummely 3% of the Consortium's goats. The 2001 grmt year consists of the time period Sam July 1.2001 Oonagh Jame 30.20M and is the second grant period of the 2000 2004 Consdidm all Plan. DISCUSSMN no City is its progress toward S -year goals in Rho areas of hourft nebalA t imp hmclosure p w4enum and first limo handmga education. The City a an tract to do progress tamword bousiog far persons vadt dwelopmeoml d'soMtm and behind is da papas toward first time hamtpt 4a assieranoe and 'I "Npmtaa of otPord 11, amW bomb& The Cit has aommiud.aotmidaahle hinging towards the later two gmb far the 2002 gtmt year mrd pogtaas should'xxeava Opificaud y aooe rss:,taace far homehuyc s at The Reserve and reamers an Same Creek Village is aootptaed Vbb the 2001 CDBG fink do City made oo pwgress toward assisting elderly and pbyd=gy disabled renters, *ucally disabled first dine bomahaya% and housutg for persons wiM special needs tangetigg Boil d&*. ahemWjY 1eo 1 - mentally ill, and persons witb MV/ABS. R mdd be noted do the Ch y has allocamed MOOD in local timdv per year for the pmt seven years to Pbmwuth Town Sgamm a au mdmd uq waer apantara i complex far smium Howava, as the City finds fion progeoas. an rent should be made to fiend progransv in so under tinged areas. 3C. Although tbae are m unit gaits for publw SWAM% MWM of public SWAM is oousidacd a hf& pnonly. mwamo CDBG Ank pb=udn unwed fhmft savtow youi services end '1 tian4porottioa set -go in 2001. Given the limited amount of CDBG Amft dent ca be allocated to p hue savica, the Cidr eras mot able to support any senior savioa at mtigbb &WA wvblbmdm savior in 2001. 7ypicaDy. the City does not Issue a moo money to fund emb PAW savica snb•caoegorv, dap for the Chy to find senior services and , IleI I I m , mvmmb=bm services, flus mg wadi meed to be talon fiam another mkcmM. lbwaver, as the City Ands fWare public saviors, an eiiort should be mods as lied services In die under Amded area. The Consolidated Plan acoomplisbmemb also relate to HRA and Cid housing goals. lm *A MWa 2001 Action Plum, whicb is required to mock compliance with. the S•year Comso4dmoed Phe goak thwe are rimae resdt nam. In 2001, CDBG fieded activities addraae 'all dm of thea stemaegies, w*h b&bded: Atfacdthle Housing Redwelopiumak Pabbc Services In the Cid of PlyasmWe Comp ebasive Plan, these me 19 implementation strategies b bvibed to dues Houshe Plon. In 2a01. am sanded activities addressed twee of these ai - gies, which halmdedr Finaaaid S gport and Techmiml Aasiaamoe for Moimoenanee and DevdopmemR of Alfa fib Banning, If;;, Finaoeial Support for hxisMa Low and b lodende become Rental Harping Uvabiftofhousingmadfl,401oeboode HUD regnira sot lent two public meatimgs ao be bald each year m provides oppotsmidm for raideam and i ummed rep meatsdva of local argommboms to be imdved In raviewft program acdv&VM *a local uredo of bw and modaaaaimooma paaoms. and proposed uses for a= Ands. Toa Beat public meeting will be advoai,ed and held in eomrdba ion with dyes Homapin CoaV Cwmrd m in September• Amy anemonol madved at *a b wft wall be m*mitoed to HUD. Toa second mewing will be a pabbe bemnag bald in Februsry as obtain public comment an proposed activtdes for the meat yeah CDBG simdho I recommend that tea lilllA Beard of Commissioners approve smbmakelm of dM 2001 Brmry of Csmadidmled Plait Psr jetta. to Ms Cid Counts and recommend ad it be wbaitaed to aloe Depaalstam •f Umft and Urban Devebpmeat A7TACHMMNT& 2001 CDBO Camotidaoed Anneal Ptrh m and Evdmf= Rtpot I-) C,Wofpb Mianneft fWcD9c Preram Year miIRqporftPtrW:.Luk I.= - Jun 30.20M I TABLE OFCONT UM'S L AnoudIppe -W-.mtjmm*v= 1. Enadvesonammay 2. Anisamment of Five -Yew Goals and Objeclives 3. AfflunWi%*FudmftFair Hous ft 4. Affable Housing S. Coat umftofCate O&wAcdm 7. Leme" Ruouces 10 gm I - m SeIREValundon EL cStim 1PORR mi; 1 d m UL CDWP Win 1. 2. Analrosof DM&dm ofCDBG FuMb Among CONU*ftd Plan Needs I Riammons hr pam-me ama" to Prom 04couves 4. AnmmMafCwadWoftdPlop hVkmuMdm S. Mea ftmoodori "VeGods Dimplaumma and Relocadom of Red ft*" 7. Ricommic Development AcdvW= RelabOadoo. Activities 0. Financial Smommy (C04PR26) N. MM Reports I.. Smamof Aooamplidtmeob.Report(CD4M) I amommy ofComoudded Plan (C04MOG) I AcdAW&mm=y—aMlG Ptogwm (CIMPM) I ANNUAL. PBRMRMANC6 NARRATIM 1. Knoodra Sum movy The City of PWnu* a the rempuft of Commumidr DrYdaptnt Bock anal (CDBM endtkment fundi Orough the U.S. Deportment of Houtswg and Urbm Development (IDJD). These funds we allocated and expanded for aedvides bms6dng Citi Of Pbmouth raideob. HUD require~ the submission of an annuall - S, more report of this , geaos. The lbgovift is an overview of lir the most aunrent reporting perpd. of Jub 1, 2001 -Jnne 30, 200x. '[hese axonal acoomptishments. ate a cumtuladve tepraa>mdon of do 20004M Consolidaoed Plan. aft is the seooad -IMI, g period under the Pan. Table A dbnu mes CDBG program reioomm received and allocated by the Chy of Pbmomh in fyear 2001. T hk A. Plvmn-1 C M Pronn — AMandm et VA ienr mow Pbmov& H RA Ralfabi hu iso of S i4 Hama 565,300 PbmOuth HRA First rime Homeb%w a 592,000 Haannee Rosidmoes Rdrebilitamion of group berme 532.000 Comte Action for Sabnabon Hennepin (CASlQ HHomeowoetahip nod ttvm rounding end admcemian US,000 Fib lope Sae*u . Yamtb Courndiag 55,000 GmW Minneapolis Dry Cm Assocismicn Child alae. maistaaoe 56x600 lama Lima T== Hotline Voin Point Northwest of YMCA Homelasetas pevention rad vAg 57.= P"* Rapoodmg in social Miry Tran9potlatian sarvim Samoa Pb wAb HRA CDBG Admimmafm SK400 mrAL mow 1. J L A=mmnt of Five-Yeor Goals and Objectives The following identifies for each Comolidai ed Plan section. the goals. the staategies. the program yew a000tnplisheaeals, and th- cumulative five-year a000mplishmeaft Table B provides for a ooropmisoo of perfelmmee agairnt RwYear Goals. The Five -Year Goals represent the goals defined in the C-ocomlidated 1"m for the entire Hennepin CounW Consottium. Pbm A is one of We three CDBG entitlement jwb ictiom in this group of 43 suburban communities. Felber nom of, 6, , is contained in the merative for each Pin section. TAhle B. Homier Pam fmmasee 29094M Animt Five -Yew Goals NOUSOIOLOSTOW ram3m iY e1VE.vUR PROGRAM WWWOR ASSIUM UNrr GOALS VUR ACCORUSJ B• MUM ACQOM MW Nuffm Oman Seep F1aDip. Umew d Hie%.m%mn eon ods 23=b so mds kd ViftU! Inge FlW* W* 45m MR 3o Gods Emft W0436l urn 139mds Phmigb Diwaled INAOMM so Bob oweae MOB— I Rdadadedm Hio-GMMP 1.Mmm 161Mds 34m1s 11 4PO.laeeelseee rlaee d.e HWk40%MR 10006mm*AW 26bwmmbdh 40dom&db t,r W--tC%MM 1.300dmmedsW 8bmweeelde 16dmeeddb llipbiotlb Dlmdled lord e3olt mR 3 emmeh" Tutahm 0*430SMA 1.2$0em ftft vb mebmb 142lpmedoids Beeehee Reaem PMsreedesa.IbmdOseeeisa 1Aecamhmmor Saopasse So" 11 seeHemmb am CMWFAPM OMWWRAW mdsleeds Iooesleieeds Reoeee s+aa 8peelel Plee FMEM* too 3o eotdee Cbmdu bDepmdem lace 30mdslbede Mm"i m No I30Goddte b Dvmbpaeee * DkM d Meddm so mdsuft 1 mw4 b@ds 2 milia teft Pkdob DbWd MedAm so mdslleds 1 and 3=k 14essm•dM10WAMS eeedlea somdslseds Oow mlpr Dwelepeem• Relae swdm SedwSovi dF ANs Hina WA fW* sffd=Dp dmu Hipp WA m eomeemds 161 hmaedelds Yada 9wvtws 16a11 MA 3 rated 313umd 11,101 Ra tbrmdm Wo WA Tumoodrigelt. Hm MA 103 Mm 163elder KI Small Families. Unrelated bmvmud% and ilArge Families Raabn rive•Year (goals: Devdop 800 units of new offordable rental units for simall families ova &a nest five yams. r1Daft30nawrentalunitsforlargefismiliesoverdoernextfiveyears• Awmaim Target the use of sompated resources Por the devdopmmt of additional affordable natal bwnft for households with income below 50 percent of median Woom% posticula ft hoar with income below 30 percent of median income, Suppmt eM, - to address Deniers to the wider use of Housing Choice Vouchers. Support use of antigmwd resomoes for the preservation of existing assorted metal bwjuv . Facilitame and promote the use of the 4d Property Tax Cl>ssificatien Pop Ac"m mil homes for publicly owned rental units. ReI m —. dbonvent smaller apomtommts into units with three or more bedroom Ceasouct new units with doer or mere bedrooms. bgdemmt this suamegy through local public • housing authorities (UM). nonprofit argemenaonrs and fom-pmofit argasmaatiaus, ishmeaftffli Applied for wd received 2S adMand Section 8 Hou log Choice Vouchers ftavo tha Public aced bs m Horsing Division of HUD. Sa don 8 flbuft Choice Faucher hgpmur The City continues to operame a Section 8 Housing Choice Vardta prograad. The 2S a elan d voudrers awarded during the 2001 program year brought dna City's total to 177 vembema Me City also has a teal of 147 pmmble vouchers, as of Jana 2002, that the City is administering as the nae VWS MUW8 fib• Small fiaaib. unrelated M&vi wd% large Drib. dd *. and pbydc ft Ambled renters an use *a naw voacbems. the HRA has committed 8366.000 (11'236`000 in CDBG Affardable Housing Devdoptam Rends sad 11130,000 in local funds) to a mvttibmily apaetmem building where 26% of dye utrib will be affordable to households ander 80% of median arm income, Unfat4mmu*. site restraints ad fending issues have ddgW the progress of this project. Staff anticipates that this project will utilise these funds nes later than the fill of2DOL Recently, the HRA Board has proposed iimdiog this project with Tax lowemmt Horning Amidsoce Farads CnHAP) to free up the las restrictive CDBG Funds. If dye Council approves this mequd. dee 11236,000 committed Does dna 2001 Affordable Homing Development Program will be m alixaoed to the 2001 First Tune Hamdv&w Pr+V m and the 2001 Homing Rehabilitation Program EMM* Reaten rnw-y err Goats: locmease the supply of new. effodable dderb having by 150 units ova the next five yeah. Address barriers to the use of rental assistance p mpam (Sawn 8) by the ddaly. Seek oppomtamities for devdogament of am affordable senior housing as pant of neighborhood + redav'alp ment initiative. Use avaihubk f9mulm 10 assist the development of HUD Section 202 house dnough IwA acNouqu, sine wMiovadents add cher eligible ways. Fadlitate aoass to support services that help the dda#y steer in their homes. Services mdude. Moore he®Ith care, meals o®wheelsw coeneMSMle mai4, teaesportation and recreational opporaaides at senior orales odd alba k ations. SqAxe b the potennd of so0iers sharing hugw homes to provide coat savings and other No new housing for ddel) renters was produced with CDBO assiaance. The Cigr of Plymouth. ooatinms to owd and opem a subsidiad senior rental communigr with hxd fimncing. Pbmouth Towle SW= provides 97 affordable motal4madog units. Phyraiealllr.Db~ Renters Fivev Year Gats- Dnvlop SO dew accessible reel units using anticipated Seam 811 resources Assume that accessible and adaptable design is kompotated in. new rental Musing unitssupportedwithCDBOtines. Almusi AM"v* fmdra Ibir busing by WhIlting eoforeememt of The ADA. whiudt prohibits diun against people with disabilities m rental basing, sI M- so that incorporames dennenta of aooesabilr yr into EMMMO ung soeessible housing pact of the program ceiwm. of the Livable Communities Amt6 which poux" thedual concepts of afferdabk and life cycle boudvg. 2001 BMM Yew Ammudablamm No new housing for diaabled reamers was podaoed.witM CDBO assisasoroG r::.: Use CDBG finding to dkvmb aubamodad housing condmo s fbr GN vary low end lowerincomebannownersoverthedeetfiveyeses. Use resomoes anddpaud to be received by o6n to assist additicm160o lows 4m000Moombotda. iock oma funding opt = avoil" for the mh@MHudm of very low and low, Provide mortgage fomcbmm assismnee and other appopieoe support servias 101.000 verylumommomehomeownersfiammortgagefamdoaneovathenewfiveyeses. ammaim Moximiae the delivery of asu m0oe to eligible house lam with msonces avdlebla from The mbon Hennepin Cwn ty CDBO Pregrand. City of Phrmowh s COBO Peageam, City. ofjBloomirnglon's CDBO Program, the DOE we&baizaflen papam add the Mienemota Housing Finance Agency Deferre4 and vanious rehabilitates programs. Where po=bb:, review and amend existing programs to refiect die changing rehabilitation ewivooment. Establish priorities for the delivery of rehabilitationfimds and ensue that altar funds we prompdv aquoded. Hp pevent Ivis frealosur% fimft of mwWw &reclosure pevendon services and other supportive services, to address contributing factors. Provided 11 households witb residential rehabilitation assistance through the City of Pb=wh's CDBG Program. Provided home maintenance: and chore services to S households. The Housing Rehabilitation Program has run caminuowsly dose its first loan in 1975. During the 2000 grant year, seven prgjects was funded drat had work in process at the and of the 2000 fiscal year. Two of We seven homeowners completed their rebabiliudon duiog this grant year and the remaining five prgjects funded in the 2tit10 grant year still have work in 1 —11. Duft the 2001 gram year, d ven homeowners received finding for a vmieW of borne hopmvum>outs p ejects. One of the eleven homeowners completed their rebabiladon during this gnat year. The remaining ten homes have wont in process. A total of 3171,249.85 was expended dnvgb Junes 30,20M. Program income in the amount of $71.715.68 was received tbrougb Jima 30,200L In addition to the funds spam deft the program year. app =imaody 3704932.75 bas been committed through work comms I in progress In 1999, the HILA applied for and received Local Housing Incentive Aseount GGA) scant finds Sem the Mdmpolitm Council to be used qm fic ft for rehab in the Tiburon development. The LMA finds have lewaged CDBG fimds an a one for arra much for five homes requiring. osglor rebabilit wow Omens the 20M grant year. rhes HRA worked with four of die five Tiburon homeowws. The first home wag ex1te I during die 1999 grant year. Three homes were completed during the 2000 gram year and the finb home is aspected to be completed in the fall of2002 The Chy of ft:wuth has designated a percent of hub sHoated for housing rebsbilitallon to be used for a Small Repair Grant Program The City of Pbmouth finds this program and the wuttk is pafo®ed by Senior Community Services. This is the second year the program has operated. Walkg Homeowners V46 Physiala Disabled Iambi Members Ijyg•Year oods: Make significant socesstV ft improvements to 2S singk-Bmily homes ova die next five YML Provide assistance to 130 indivWhmis and families through die Medical Assistance Waives Programs over the oext five yarn Snawa Provide aocasibi ft Wvmvemwm using anticipated housing rehabilitation resources. Comimrc couagr participation in the State of Minnesota Medial Assistance Home and Community Based waiver Programs to provide fumdmg for disabled low 4wome individuals to modify their housing for aooessibiUty and allow them to gamin in chair bona. Er:auq•-e use of the universal design oonapt first incorporates an element of accessibility into standard housing designs. W, Support accessible housing as part of the program criterion of the Livable Communities Act, that promotes the dual concepts of affordable and life cycle housing. One household, funded in the 2000 grant year, that was approved for as additional $10,000 deferred loan through the City of Plymowoh's CDBG Program to complete accessibility modifications to their existing home was completed during the 2001 program year. One additional household, funded in the 2001 grant year. that was approved for an additional 10.000 deferred loan through the City of Pl m=Ws CDBG Program to complete accessibility modifications to their existing home is aspected to be completed daring the 20M program year. First lime Homeburess FW&Year Goals: Provide homeownership assistance to 1.2SO familiafhousehohis over five yaws using MHFA 11 Provide homeownership assistance to SO 6 Ads over five years using CDBG and HOME Ptogtom resornces. Provide homeownaahip, training to 1.250 Develop five units of " accessible, owner oaupied affordable houdog using HOME 2001 Pmar m Year AoconmlislmreoufFin4ear Acoomolislunenta: Provided 8 first-time homebuyers with financial assistance through zem4merest. deferred bans for down payment, dosing costs and/or mortgage principle reduction through the City of Plymoutd's CDBG Program. havided 7 first-time homebuyers in Plymouth with Iowa interest mortgage financing through bWA Program and an additional S first time homebuyers with a second mareeage for down pa4Ym ent or moaft payment assistance. lids pro fit has provided financial assistance to first time homebuyers since 1990. There were eight homebuyers who received a total of $142,350.00 in direct assistance through -a CDBG fimded Plymouth First rime Homebuyer Program. The program generated 517,000 m program income over the boat 12 -month period. Since 1995 the HRA has suceessfW combined this assistance with program sponsored by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MMA). such as the MHFA Community Activity Set- A" etAside (CASA) pograam. Minnesota Cities Participation Program (MCPP). and Minnesota Mortgage Program (MMP). Since 1998, the Coq has been a part of consortium headed by Urban Hennepin County to access MCPP fimdngg MMP is available statewide on a pipeline basis as well. The HRA provides information and referrals to appropriate MEA ig S pogrom end assists in coordinating the various program. A total of 7 households were able to use MOA Iowa interest rate first mortgage financing in Plymouth in the 2001 CDOG year, for a grand fatal of 5757,725.00 in first mortgages. The following is a brandown of the 7 bWA loans: Three first time homebuyers received Minnesota City Participation Program (MCPP) merges through Hennepin County totaling $362,017 in lower interest rate first mortgages. Two first time homebuyers received. Minnesota Mortgage Program (MWW) rnertgages totaling $208,298 in [Wer interest first mortgages. " '1 Two first time hornebuyers received Community Activity Set -Aside (CASA) mortgages totalis„ 5187,500 in Iowa interest rate mortgages. An additional S households were able to use MHFA lower interest mime second mortgage financing in Plymouth in the 2001 CDBO year, for a grand total of 542,260 in second' 'gages. The following is a breakdown of the five bWA. loana: Five first time homebuyers received Homeownership Assistance Fund (HAF) mortgages totaling $42,260 in second mages. The most challenging aspect of utilising the first time homelMer programs is the high cost of housing m Plymoudh. The 2001 Assessors records show that the average single family detached mean cakes price of existing bousing in Plymouth was 5284,000. which is well out of the reach for low4noome households. Another limiting War in use of the .MHFA first mortgage programs is the maximum purchase price. Recently MHFA raised the maximum to 517S.S91 for existing horning and 5199.000 for new eoosstuction. which has allowed moue 60 time homebuyers to utilize these programs in Plymouth. The CDBO program funds do not have this price limitation but potential Piymonuh homebuyers still five the very serious shortage of homes priced at an affordable lecrel. Ho=d FivaYear Goals: Following the Continuum of Care plan, utilize ESOP resources to provide prevention services, rapidexit emergency shelter services and transitional housing (non•eonstnrcttou) to S00 bomdess aundies and youth in suburban Hanopin County over the fact Eve yms. Following the Condmi mm of Care plan. use anticipated resources to be received by others. to provide 100 transitional bousing unitslbeds and permanent supportive bormiog uoiaalbeds for single adults. familm youth and persona with speed needs. Target ESOP resources to homeless prevemioo activides, rapid axil from emergency shelter services and tranaitanal housing for families and youth, consistent with the needs and priorities in the Continuum of Care. Use anticipated resources to assure availability of trawitional and supportive bowing and support services for homdess single adults, families, youth and persons with special needs through Hennepin County, consistent with the Continuous of Cue. Use antis resources to assure availability of emergency abetter, transitional housing and support services for survivors of domestic violence, consistent with the Continuum of Cam:. Support scam to emergency housing services through the suburban human service agency network.. 2001 Proatam Year Accomoli*neets/Five-Ymr Aemmalisbasents A000mplishments to the Continuum of Care are detailed m Hennepin County's Annual .rf Pa6ermance Report. Nom fer Parsoan w kb Spacial reeds Five`Year Goals• FmM EAh* PvwA a fifty supportive bmsing wits, wer five years for flail eldarly. Petrous wfth AkoliolUhrr Drag Abort Pnabb M Comm =M collaboration etlbrta m devdeping public and private resomoes fm supportive housing options and ftemom sevices for persons vrith akoholAotha drag abuse pmbkmL Provide fifty Unnsidood bowing writs over five yeas for pernows with akohoVotbw drug abuse pr M=L P*sour **h Afar Rbaess Fawilitate the devdopmaa of 150 units over five yeas for pasons with meatal illness. Parww with Davalola iad Disobdida Provide fifty supportive mad semi-independent living vents ova five yearn for pason4 with developmental disabilities. Pmom with NOCAWDmtmbllirfes Provide fifty indepaudent and supportive living nous ova five years for persons with physical disabififim Farrar wfdt MAIDS Provide .fifty supportive Was unitsfbeds for families wd single a& is ova five yeas for I ersons with IW/AIDS. J Facilitae the: %Ndopo a of supportive bow" for very kw 4ocame, find ebiety through a oombion im of assisted rental, mhobi imtim of existing units and now Coosuucdoa using fmhmL mate and kcal resources. All amts must bone s4*m saviors appropriate to Wis pop ddko. PW=a wfthAka%*Vdw DmgAbrme PmWew Sapport Couay etlbm in wrorfriag toward aammnoiV arpamkn of soben supportive bowing moist io oogjrmction with outpadmt aeamsent, thereby'naeesiag sevice flexibility wbik at do same time Containing coos. Confiners pmticip nm m the CouM Depaeomea of Human Savices Cbuumd DepmdmiVy Rearoctwiog drar% wbicb is expected in esmbtish a atom for providing suppome barring apdona.as pmt of an overall • _.tom Support efforts of public and private nooprafit argnairxdans to aer -m ovmlable hdeol, state, and hal fhmding a meet the housingmeds of this populatim Vega a poAao of due available resources to meet the goals far this population, as identified in the Hmaepie Coumy Continuum of Cate for the 6orndess. Pomm web Alma d Abuse Facilitate the dadopmemt of a range of dwo offardable bousiag options using vmioniw models with ahang aapport saviors fa persons with salons and persistea mmtal illness, Cetasistea vAtb the bowing developesea and support strategies MeoMad by the Meatal Health Houdog ad Saviors Aedon Group. Emmurage use of the Pablictr Owned Ttansitiond Housing hop as a development resow=(a.WWA Pmgmm} Support devdopmmt of "practice apoetenco " to give people a chance to learn in a "red W aitumdon widwutt jeopaadming their rmsel history and far mensal health stsviors to redisdeaft assess service needs. Support development of a Corporate Adult Fudw model for pessols with serious and petsistem meow illnew Facilitate bomeowmrship undadves among mesial b ft ad housing agencies and oqpnbodm Target a portion of dee available resounds toward rex the banning goal for this population, as ideaffied in &a Hennepin Counts Comdmrm of Care for the Homedem parsos web Dr alma marl deter Facilitate the development and maintenance of semi-iadepmdemt ad supportive living units through a combination of new oc mi rc-d, , molal aidstanoe and rebabi4teitim uft available federal, state, and local reswnamL Support the A a of local HRAs and public and private mooprofit orp Warjom to atxuess ddb Nd=L smt% and local funding to meet the housing needs of dais population. Target a portion of the available resources toward mating the goats for dmfs population, as ideodW in the Hennepin Counly Cormnunmm of Care for the Homeless. Pares wok Ptpa%ad Dbabomes Facilitate the: development of new units and maintain existing supportive living units. Provide: ata indepmdem living MU *"Vgh naw oomteucdm and 1e0111 aasistaaoe programs and main%= existing atlbrdnble houmng umiea far persons that can tive fib• Provide low cost lom and/or grams for accexw'bift improvemments to owaa ooeupmed Win& Support the eM, 11 of loaf HRAs and public and private nonprofit oqpnbmsiom to atom mailable federal, sennet and toad fwWing to meat 1b- Mmig moods of philicaft disabled plamm Togpt a pordoa of the available mmummes Uowaod aseetiog the goals for this population, as iden~AW in &a Hmnesio Coorsq Coodmarm of Came for the Hamelms. Powin with MAIM timet avaibbb resources town&: (1) expamioa and increased operating efcienC3 of am Amor are progranes, (2) addiboml set adde of assisted homing trite, (3) mbdAm m of housing for the: development of supportive communitim and (4) increased homemaker. personal are amtendmi ft and stilled RN ale to moble people to rmtaio in their homes. Tbtget avail" morrces Upward meeting the goals and priorities !ler this popudmdm as identified in the Hennepin Couch Camisuaurm of Care for the Homeless. Facilitemed the redsbilitatim of aero group home for dr4dopmmd disabled adults tI Sl rehseilhation using Chy of PbwouWs CDBO funds. llmrfr W R@Shknmw lbb m pmM aoapoeo Ik L serves devvlopmeaual disabled and otba special seeds person by provid'mg poup hamiog a000mmodmiomin the comm mitres of Muouft Waymmm. and Nomme oelm. Hemmer Residmoa bave provided dds services for over 70 ye=as, In the 2001 Farms Year. rho MY allocated E3$000 toward aocessibi t r improvements at dee Tyler House at 2611 Black Oolm Lm in Plymomh. The rehabilitation work is completed and the home is d semen* occupied. Four individuals are served by this group dome. 10 ran4 Sow uTadmu Eye -Veer Gills Provide mortgage fanclamm prevertdan services to 1,000 bottle AMLIls• Providetenam advocacy and anam hodim svias to 1,000 bwmdwW Provide dtild day am assistance to 750 AnnilieL Provide emergency assI services. job uaiain6 servicm omuemb and talmal services for healdt, bomiag and fiawmat aavds to 5,000 persons. Provide domesdc abuse hu vendon services to 500 bousebalft Provide eanlr tntdvemiorts and oomneliog sennas to assist dse reesatdemem of priors in aftwommilim Provide Boatel& abate sbdta and early intavemion services. Provide mortgage f reclosu a pwvwA oa advicem tmout advocacy and teaem bodiam advices. Provide emagency aaistance sdvices and oubtuh and nfmd services for bedtb, laming, and ASWAN issaes. Provide job uaift job saach and job mua>im support advices to hmift moving. Som wicib a to wail EOCOMW akUTAfi a sppe0clnes to addressing mbwbm uarvport C ja aeadL hscrease cbildcane options fix milies. Candmte yr dmq with GbIDCA to amore drat stadems and wakas.especMlr aiogk-penst bwasholds, boo access to cbild care awmm Use CD13O fimdt Im the provision of mbaidised day can advices. Support the 000rdimttan of finding from athd aoapofit aS es and swipes povidas to auane drat lo;e bomebdb an afford adtatmle child cane sdviaL Provided mortgage Ooredostn a paeveodm swiss to 26 botadtoW Provided Imam advocacy and temat hadin =vices to 217 bwad oW Provided cUd deyeare amismme tc 7 families. Provided emagawy anistence services, job ttandog sviam and otmemeb and refund suvic s for beedlt bousing, ad fimm eid needs to 38 pamm Comm dVAcdmjbr Sk brvbmt fkanrpr (CAMO 71st HRA paovided faW ft for titin nonprofit ageWy is the 2001 program year in the amount of S15.000. CASH povided several pregams for Pl=Wb res;dmu4 iadudiog b mw t w edtmdm and eounse g, moetse farecloatne pevea4an eoameling.and boort rehabilinion advisory servias, In 2001, 87 hots dmfs participated in harmb 4w edtwdm and eomuft 26 botttehdds was assured with hrmdosure praeubon. 9 homdalds Wind reverse mortgage couadmg. and 30 bomdwkb uort'lmd rehab advisory advices. RGM Litre lle HRA povided finding for this nonprofit agency in &a 2001 program year in amerma of 510.000. Home Lina provided a annat bodine for Plymouth residmm. In 2001. do Team Hotline took 217 tnduplicaaed alts from plvraou& bontebabk 11 Greater ARumegpolls Dsw Carr Amniatlon lGMDCN The GMDCA povides fugMW assisfanoe to qualifying families to cover the asst of dl care for their chd&m Subsidy pgwAm ate based an hmily income. This activigr bas been funded with OW CDBG funds tar the last 17 years. In 2001. this activity received t6 OK By Joos 30, 2001.7 bousd oWs, for a total of 11 children, received childcare savica and have been helped with sliding sale auismoce paymmts to their day cmc provides:, 7ir:bftand RwowcestoAnob Lortg-tons &ww ffAA1l.Z) The PlymouM HRA has bem collaboadog widr the Homing Avdwity of St. Loris Park tar 6 yews an a Famft Self.Lul5d cy program encompassing bath communities. In the 2000 gram year. 56.000 m Pb+moub CDBG finding was allowed for this asdvi y and pant of this AwAmg was curried ova into the 2001 grant year: These timds are bang app*ed toward the cost of administering the pogrsta in Pbmargd In the 2001 pogrom year. 38 bads of homeho6ds was assistedwith ding sevum. Of the 38bads of bwAdmlds dot rose served. 27 :amain active on the progeann, 7 gmdaated Som the psogtom, 2 rose taminamed from do pogtam and 2 moved out of Parmou & and ttomsft 'to ditlom pogmmL Samar Five Year ioala: Provide home mare and there suvioes to 7.500 boneblds. Provide opera ft funds to senior saving appoximem ly 0.000 anion sammlb . ProvWe savkes Suppot smi center su does and pogrom modi6atiom to ioeoeporate new seevion. smcb IN meal pogtmm, sad to impttva aeoess to the pl17sially disabled, SMOMIL Use the CDBG in aogju owon with o6 w Hennepin Co my prograim to povidc public service dollop to lad oenpofit agmcia to address senice service needs. Target fnodng team promotes ugadficienw, such as home msbaccanee and chore p paom. Mmis on Wbwk budget cawd*og, job dralopnenm and plaeesnmt, etmagacy financial assimance, e&mdb nd services and corroding services. Funds will also be made available for the devdopment of fhcil'ties in oanmuoiti s where ebae is a growing need. Suppot dna drAlopmeam of naw smiar gamer thccilides where needed, F.o ooaeage efforts by seniors to udHn *reit skills and - v - i, wee to assist with r -Mems and needs witbin the community, induding those of other seniors, youth, one income MMI loam No CDBG loads was expeoM towards senior saviors. Yourlb ServiadFad§dn Fiva+Year ooaf4 10 pmra=L Provide seccoodand and summa park I to 5.000 youth in low ad moderao<ineome. Provide outreach and intervention sorrow fa 1,000 homeless adPa nmavray yank and their lumilim Provide support group ow nselft swam to S00 *a* youAL Target funding to programs such as coy packs programs for y'oum. criminal Jam, >ou& diversion progranzv, sdtool aomPktlooltruanq prevention, and sommor yawl Particular prKmW abould be given to saviors directed to large mulODmily housing development and oder areas wbee there are conceamons of lowerinoome barwdalds. Bnooarage communities to develop andlar improve access for programs gete'to yowl Provide oimeacb and. intavmtiarr se:vicm particularly to booseless and ranaway yomh and Youth at risk. Provided outreach ad kameadon saviors to 281 runaway. and awak yaufh, and their hmibm. Provided support for group aounseft services to S00 at -gist youth. AICA Paim Nwd wvwjbr Rwmwry rawk The HRA committed 37,500 in 2001 funds to the Point Naftwest program, This program sera yooh who are aWeienciag Iea ss or are at risk of homelesmam htmerveamion and Soft services are available 24 bans a day, sesm days a week. Daft Iba 2001 program yar, this progamm served 28 ermemdy lookaeome youth. F®af& MR Seders Family Hope provides year rood support and services for at risk youth through structured Prams. support v , j, and maamaring relatiombips. Pbmwwh provided Family Hope vft 35,000 in 2001 COBO fimdiog. The agency provided services far 3 youth from PlimowML Ndmwbwbnd Fire•Year (foals: Use CDBO hab 10 aoslrma 100 propaliIII fie rehabilitatiea err claeanoe in acmlaedWsita and desigoamed redrretapmmt arem. Provide aff ndabie Mwing opportunities for a min of 20 peromm of all bordng units creamed in CDBO smisted redevelopment activitim Improve err bft and/or provide now public h hna, as opproprimte. to I RI low and modeeams+inooma odghbodmm& and persons. lovestigume the posmaid of improving browafleld sites to provide public WUl. bousing at other purposes. smallim Support activities which promata naigbbodwod revitolimtiaa. bwatporame public focilil y and ane impwAna ts, such as a park of pbagrorm4 in rawbeliadoo of lowh000derstowincomie ndabborAoodL Ism oaighborhood revitalization scmtaedaite and designated area redrvelopmenm actrvrI&L Designate a -minimum paoenmage of bousing seated tbtoagb CDBO assisted redevekVmmt for bousing affbWAle to low and moderate-iaoame fust time bo wdirkhL 13 E camge mvestige m of uohndliaed and bowofidd sites to idwAfj apPopriate temdremediation potential. LYSMASMOhmarafflintAm Aeon— No CDBG fines were ext 1 ' coM'buting to oaighbodood levitalindm Tnmpwftd n Swvku 6V.vmc,00bc PMVWIe 10.000ridesamw*maura.the andto bw-inoomepusom. Support rhes provision of trans mVt m sennoa to segs, peesom with speaal M*ds, ad bw-tocome 6m bes and in&Vubeds. E000uragc the dndopmeot of appiopiaie gmiw smd tamspo udw sennas, peda{abr in amr- iag oommuoidm Eaoaasga ab=Af a approad = ID Oft= k%f- and imea4ubmban teampotod= Reeds. W Provided 103 dda to bw and aeodew- ka me iesideots of Pbimoo& PRISM provides year rotmd trap .11 1 tian seevioa for Plymoua raideats. Pbestauth PWAM PRISM with 34,000 in 2001 CDIG boad'v& The gpmy provided 103 rides ID .law cad modeeat io Rome raideats of Pbrawnth. A Af nmd"Ib Fudoft Fab Bmft Uoder the COW regeW m rhes HRA is R9, 1 , I to promote fhir haaft activities to ad&= iaswes of hawing. disubdoodam b this r gu4 rhes HRA has continued its pard 4 -- in the Menopolon Tvnn Can HUD Co=Msted Phut Bad== Jnesdim m Fair Hawing bids lm TM initiative Povida trending to promote fere eov:iag deo m wft a&= ==% kSmamrion and iehad in *A mdmpotimn area. 4. A13brdabb Homlog Pftft a The Chy of Pb maph hen mad di 2001 program year haft to ao t hamdmkb at or blow B01e of median incomeas defined by HUD. Tables C details the mmsber of bous*mW amb tad by typ of mudemy and iaooma am gory for CDOG assisted homing aetivom M 14 Table C_ CNOPSO&WIM210 of R.wraMld. comma AM&M 2a11r f`nur_.:......w V... Atdb Ib Ina Iwsr mssameCIOU assdmsh moms 111FEW Trrtl It ffiah o Sims FWMb most" 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 11 SnaaRepsitrism 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 S Gmw Nome RdMW-a stun 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 FkaTtitime HOMMINOW o 0 0 1 0 1 0 a Namdfeya Edumdm 0 to 0 31 0 16 0 57 R*AbM edm Advbuv 0 3 0 13 0 6 o is F. pwan m 0 to 0 1 o 3 o 29 TimmAditMWa 7i:nmt 1ledase 122 0 1 31 1 0 T 11 0 190 0 Tune 126 r 31 1 0 17 W 190 In S Coadmarm ofCare . mode to elle Can>vaalm of Cmc goals are ad essed more ctmdvely in cite iiermepin County Conlobam's Anavd P,oe Repoli. Otte smategy eudimed is A* cite condoned rapport of collaborative dbu made ova the lint decade by various W mps in do public and priveme axxors in cautiog a mgmmive network of housing and mppert services for homeless adult% hmdm and youth in Hmmepn County The Qty bas worked co mivdy with edter re i to noI 'to bouidessm eim issues. Plarmins dlrough the Naftwest YMCA and Formby Haps Services, bosh CDBG provide services snob ea crisis Waiw4emion, coemsdW& amd assistaoee to homeless ywA in Pbrnm ak The City has ban eepraenmed on dee Hconq a Taskhm am dee Homelessto exI - srbmb0n u moeems r services fkIrtimehouidess 4 O&w Actium The tbil MAN is a mlmmmy of a000m1lishmen0 made to other sedum ducand is the Donmudated Pbn Obstacles ro Sff ttg ladrnsawd lrrddr: The mast dpffi= I 1 1 are high 10omw d m 100110,11111 NO coat of acquiring property in dee City, do limited availabilit of had stumble fm devAmp mem, and *A lock of adequam tintding ecperienced in nun communities. The Cit bns itemeby apdemed its Compreberlsive Plan and has incorporated strategies to redao0 obstacber to the devdapmemt of affordable hk cyde housing. Fosav mrd mdallak 40w" t horlsing: The City's rental h0 mm beeming program a one example of how the city mann m affmd06ie bousing. This pn* m requites property owners to do essential conative repairs in a timely fmitioo. City staff also meets with oon- pm& offord0bie botmag advocates on various lames to promote and maintain affe dable bwjsiigg Cit staff bas wadmd witb devdopers and property owners to mdm apommon to appropriate and hmders far Rmdiog to mWn% in a m pro&= affordable bomiog. Eh"Aiirera bmrins to gobrdabk Aoxft: The most dgnificmtt In,. a ate bigb 10oRMLdm costs, the bigh cost of acquiring property in ft City,11le limited avail iy of land mutable for development„ the ink of adequate Amft etperieocad in moat communities and the 1S suaug market da000d for higher oast bouasing in the City. The City's nevi Comprebansiwt Pim includes strategies for the elimination of obstocles to the &vdoprmm of afiord*k li&- cycle bousio& Oaverc+osar ggpa m ha dlodiond structwer The City does not face igmfiam gaps in the insdamonol mm mei in the aommuoity, however there are state wAkr federal regulsidom% MM Policies and processes that hamper dkidible houasiag. The WWA bousing program maximum punchnse Peine regaitemmt for first time banebugya applicunts (detamioed by the SmIn l govanmem) bas been a limiting Nocton in the use of this program. In 2001, the maximum puncbase price was noised to $175,591 for existing bombg and $199.000 for new cautrurcd which hos allowed more Sadbility far bugmm- W#mw, it is still fu below the mesa soles prm of $284,000. hrrom pWIc howft and resikw iaeebwhes: The City bos no federal public bousm& The Plimomh HRA; bowem, bas two nddem advisory boards, One foe its Seedon 8 Housing Choice Voucher program and a second for its locally finaoeed 99 unit subsidised senior bousiog development The Section 8 Resident Advisory committee advises the HRA an policy development and nvww. Pl mawh Towne Squame, opened Nor occupancy m 1994, hes a residents' council that advises the HRA on and resident services. gvof mr and redloee Leadiiassd pdo hmwdL Tine City Consolidated Plan delineates its strategy regarding kadA=d paint hoards. The City refers suspected caves of lad4mmed palm poisoning to the Htmepin Couogr Haft Depmmem. The new rgpd dons Nor ked, bead paint was inompoested into the Housing RdmbiHudon and Fust Time Homebuyer programs in September 2000. Sam eoayr ham **h p av— ere easwakdal . pimuft ?"Nomew Comracad agsameoob are established with au grmomees mceiviog CDOG funding City doff also mates ammW mooimfiog Visits to the ofii, P I of all subersomes. Reduce err d ori q ffend it /ibLtg btlbm do pansy levd. City and CDBG fnmdit but L . helped find employmwm training and job pbmmem savin% sub aft TRAUB progemt one of the best strategies to reduce the number of families in pommy. 7. lwveragbag Resouaroa The HRA has leveraged aha resouaiues to mane eNfadvely multiply benefits to low and modeeste-i000me patsom ad to mart the nand$ WkgdM in au Cornolidated tela.. Tho fallowing is a list of these resources: In the 2000 gram year, the HRA veee:ved $70.000 Livable Communities Act gent from Met Council to be used for housing ababilivvian The genion finds were used in eaten with up to $?0.000 is CDBG fords for amo4leme deferred lana for home innpovaamta for five law- and mudemle4mme bomeownws a the Tiburon &vdopmmm. Few: low4mme bomeowners have been assisted with ebeso finds. The first home viae oompkted during the 1999 g enc yar. These home3 wu:re compkted eluting the 2000 grmt. year sad the fifda home is expected to be oompkted 1a the fail of 2002 The HRA provided infaemelom6 referrals, ad coadiosdon saviors for 12 first time homabynrs who purchased kuru m Pbmourh with NWA lower lamest rams first moetgago mad second martgsge fiomci% The HRA was awarded $275,000 from WWA qtr Readmum Fend std Mehopolitm C mcil .Livabk Cammuoides faads for gap assistance foe 25 low-aodeate income bousebolds to puuchm homes in the first ph= of the I , g , e I new dewdopmmm called The Reserve. Afro completion, The Restive will eoneam over 600 singk-family y homes ad Watimately 400 opmoneeots. The HRA will beproviding db ddMty gap 16 J assistance, in the farm of deferred loons, for bousdwkb carving less don the CDBO mmdm%m to become bomeowners at The Reserve. During the 2001 grant yean four law- moderate income hom eholds purchased domes m Me Reserve using these grant funds, Us remainiag closiogs are arpected dating the 2002 Bron.year. Me commitment of HRA fawliag for Stone Creek Village apartment complex duangh CDBG and local HRA funds has k%wgpd numerous fioandal resources WchKft Hennepin Cormq HOME AM% MHFA, Metropolitan Council, and MHOP unit funding. Stare Creek Village is a multi -family renal brdldiog aorip eised ma * of two and d%ee bedroom units, at lent 26% of the units will be affordable to law4acome households. L Grantee Self46valta don The City receives a small CDBO allocation and realizes that the dousing and community development needs of me City err• powiv,& Me City bas been persinest in using CDBG and local funds to the maximum capo ft. The tbllowiag is a.self-evahuatian of the City s progress made towards fire Consolidated Phar goals. Ream)manwhom. The City bes. used its Section 8 temnt-bnsed voucher program to maintain Wbrd*k bossing for bw4ocame hotseb" in the existing market, The city has worked hard to retain and recruit hmdlord participation in. this program, lbe CWs snoass is shown though the overwbdmbg number of families wbo use the pataMy provision of their %rancher to fixate dousing in Ply MI& lira City has also made s awfxrmt dh is ID uwmpaate affordableunits a now rental eomonmities proposed in the ON even dmvgb ctaemely bw vacancy races and bigb modest tem bave existed The. City condom to pursue local ad state resources to mete tbks an A r and beneficial shernadve for properly managers and ownem Owaw 11hmd1ohk lbe City candouun to is - ile its rehabilitation ad fust time homebuaer loan programs, lbese Programs have received a tremendous amount of interest from local bomeowaers and potential buyers, lbs City also bad the opportunity to preserve the afbrdability of a two-bedroom townhouse Ibis reporting period by noercising its nabs of first refinal. The HRA resold the %sit at no profit ad placed restrictive covenants or. the wit restrieft the Now resale price of the rmkL andess Baadlaldr The City continues to work through dye Hemepkn Comfy Com m:um of Care to address bomelessaesa lessors. The City also funds programs through the Northwest YMCA and Family Hope Services do poem services and counsdmg to homdaa and nworway youth and youth at risk for homel. flhasbtg.6r4w dNeap: Me CdY has conowbated Its resources on assisting dousing fa devdapusm tall disabled adults. The City bas provided finding to Hammer Ra Meares over a number of years to perform aooeasibklkty MMWk atioas In group dames =Ali% dye to WOM of these domes to made full we of all living spaM 17 PaukS FVkvs: The City las Vied to eunuch the amount of CDBO funds allocated for public servicers as Or as possible while add vsft all wed public service needs. Tae City has continued to monitor its subrecipients to ensue the best possible use of funds. Recognising tbat the CDBO finding is d" limited. the City has nude additional resources available to public service providers. Table D identifies the other resources made available during this reporting Pesci. Tattle a O&w cur Ileman.rs p wvtamd nnyino 2am p m V~P EL C TUMN PARTICIPATION Thu public .hearing and connect period for this reprint is included in public hearing held by Hennepin County Consortium. Isis report is being submitted to Hamepio County prior to the comment period: tlwefareno comments ban been received to date. The following reports are available to &a public and bave been pm -An aly submitted to HUD at this time: 200044 H=w* County Consortiums Consolidated Plan 2001 City of Pbuouth Action Plan Regal Analysis of Impadments to Fair Housing, May 2001 Financial Srmmr ty far Plymouth CDBO finding, 2001 Pfcome {ear Rehabilitation Activities for Plymomh CDBO Eluding, 2oo1 Program Year 1g M Nj PRISM Human services for lour mcome hmiliesbersons 10,000 communities in Collaboration Callaborationdedicatedtobuiklingbeaft comminities and healthpr Youth through asset daydounmi 5,421 Nanhwest Hennepin Human Services Council Provides information and research io hu man services 1 J00 Home Elea Battered womewe shelter located to City 33AN Tans Aline Crisis intervention zw Seniorcommunity Service Outtesch Semon citizen HOME program 6.000 Senior Ccmmumily Se visa OuVacb Senior citizen ouVesch program 1 CONECI' Collaborative Cb4ite community services at lowenincome ental communities 9,000 barlbitb Ou rewb cit Cammmity Partners Human services far low income families"rsons 15,900 Nath Hoonepin Madiatim Rmysm, Inc. Mediation services for vw" of losties 11000 Northwest YMCA Detached worker At -risk yath program 3,000 Tatar: i sill i EL C TUMN PARTICIPATION Thu public .hearing and connect period for this reprint is included in public hearing held by Hennepin County Consortium. Isis report is being submitted to Hamepio County prior to the comment period: tlwefareno comments ban been received to date. The following reports are available to &a public and bave been pm -An aly submitted to HUD at this time: 200044 H=w* County Consortiums Consolidated Plan 2001 City of Pbuouth Action Plan Regal Analysis of Impadments to Fair Housing, May 2001 Financial Srmmr ty far Plymouth CDBO finding, 2001 Pfcome {ear Rehabilitation Activities for Plymomh CDBO Eluding, 2oo1 Program Year 1g M Nj W. CDOG PROGRAM The main tool used by the City of Pbvmv th for carrying out On objectives identified in the AS Qonsolidemed Plan. is CDBG fuadL The Plymouth Housing and Redevdopnea Atabonly HRA) is responsible for administering the Federal Govanmant's Community Block Gnat Program for the City of Plymouth. In 2001 the City of Plymouth was awarded a total of 322.000. 1. Amt •t Approved MOM= to Priorities and Objudres of Approved Plias A detailed amegammt of program year octiviaes to Consolidated Plan p mtm and objectives is found in Pmt I. Section 2 of this report. 2. Aaabida of DMrihutioa of CDBG Fumb Among Consolidated Plan Needs Table. E idarofies the activities undertaken during the program year and the priority ranking as ideadfoed in the Consolidated Plan. Totals IL Aoorored CDBG Activities and Rmddu by Prim Ib laud Most of the approved activities atur 0 the highest priority group. CDBG AwAL g is limited, thaefae only a few activities an be undertaken in noy one-ym The HRA has shoo formd do a limit on the number of activities assists in a mese eft and cost effective use of CDBG finding for delivery of services to residauta. Bensons flee Feasible Cbaaga in Pngrm O%Kdm No coosidaamlen has bem given to changing argr of the ament program objectives. 0. Awassmost of CaasoMeted Flan Implamusludon The Ctty of Parnsoudr bas pursued all resources shot it indicated it would pmsoe. Fuller details on the use of federal. state, and toed resources can be fouod in the available resources sections of this report. a The Chy of Plymouth has povided all requested certifications of consistency far HUD programs in a fair and impartial manna: The City of Plymouth did not hinder inplemmtation of the CamolWk ted Phu by action or willful inaction. 19 Actift Consolidaw Plea Housing Rehabilitation Affordable Housing Assistance Housing for Special Needs — Hammer Residences b"Offi u Affadabla F Services GMDCA Himb F Services CASH F Services—TRALS Walk Youth Services Family Have Services Wall Youth Services YMCA Woll Most of the approved activities atur 0 the highest priority group. CDBG AwAL g is limited, thaefae only a few activities an be undertaken in noy one-ym The HRA has shoo formd do a limit on the number of activities assists in a mese eft and cost effective use of CDBG finding for delivery of services to residauta. Bensons flee Feasible Cbaaga in Pngrm O%Kdm No coosidaamlen has bem given to changing argr of the ament program objectives. 0. Awassmost of CaasoMeted Flan Implamusludon The Ctty of Parnsoudr bas pursued all resources shot it indicated it would pmsoe. Fuller details on the use of federal. state, and toed resources can be fouod in the available resources sections of this report. a The Chy of Plymouth has povided all requested certifications of consistency far HUD programs in a fair and impartial manna: The City of Plymouth did not hinder inplemmtation of the CamolWk ted Phu by action or willful inaction. 19 5. Medleig Ndbaal ObjeetWe Coat The City of Plymouth has used all of its CDBG Rowds exchnively foe one or more of the ostia el aWeceives. The City is abo, in compliance with overall benefit coo. The pacmtege of funds. which appl to the overall be"t regtoremeo% is locaud in the Financial Summuy. 6, Displacement and Rdocation of Real Propasgy During the 2001 great year, no acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition activities of occupied veal property vise WAerteben.. 7. Ecummic Devdopwmt Acthrltia. No job producing economic devdopmau activities was rmdataben during this reporting period, RBHABII ITATRNY AC17VI77ES Summary of ComolWated plan Projects Comm serft Dwdopmerat Block Cram program Cv of pb msuth. 2001 Year 7/1/2001-WQgO02 NOW. All work eagendimtes were for single u it housing activities only. I. Staffing; Number ofStaff Yon 0.5 2. Current Program. Year Egmdkwm- Activigrddmq costs from CDBG funds R a SUCcosts; Among expended is 1 above 1130661.79 b.. Other direct costs (not inducted in 3) 0 3. Cumat Program You ftPendiunw. For all Iljects (a}bfc below) 5171,249.85 L CDBG fimda ageogled 171.249. Q Ot fuerds kx) ISIMPOSIAled 0 0 4. Number of Units Committed for Rehabilitation 11 S: ObliS doom Amotmt oM*MW but not arpaded for twits committed to 4 above (a+b+c bdm) 70`932,75 a CDBG funds oblipW 570 93VS aft bed) OtherMvIe 0 C. fiends 0 Number of Units Completed 1 7. Cumulative Total (expended + obligesed) 242,182.60 8'PROW Income Received 571,713.68 20 9. Fftwu l Sam wm (CO4PR26) The Fioandd Summery report fian IDIS fore 2001 program year follows. IV. MIS REPORTS The following mpores from HUD's kegrated Dishursemmt and Informerian System (IDIS) are attached: 1. Summmy of A000mplishmmts C04PR23 2. Shy of Co nolidated Plan C04PR06 3. Activity Summery — CDBG Program C04PR03 S • C04PR26 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT DATE: 08.13.02 0 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT TIME: 10:13 20 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL LOWIMOO CREDIT INTEGRATED DISBURSEMENT AND INFORMATION SYSTEM PAGE: 1 451,787.74 CDBG FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2001 100.006 07-01-2001 TO 08.30.2002 PLYMOUTH, MN PART I: SU MMAHY OF CDBG RESOURCES 1 UNEXPENDED COSG FUNDS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR 384,915.14 2 ENTITLEMENT GRANT 322,000.00 3 SURPLUS URBAN RENEWAL 0 4 SECTION 108 GUARANTEED LOAN FUNDS 0 5 CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME 88,715.88 8 RETURNS 0 7 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AVAILABLE 2.823.10 8 TOTAL AVAILABLE (SUM, LINES 01.07) 798,453.92 ART It SU MMARY OF CDBG EXPENDITURES 9 DISBURSEMENTS OTHER THAN SUCTION 108 REPAYMENTS AND PLANNINGIADMINISTRATIO! 4 10 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW#AOD BENEFIT 11 AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT (LINE 00 + LINE 10) 451,787.74 12 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNIMADMINISTRATION 37,502.20 13 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR SECTION 108 REPAYMENT3 0 14 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL EXPENDITUPES 2,810.78 15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (SUM, LINES 11.14) 4W.749.18 18 UNEXPENDED BALANCE (LINE 06 • LINE 15) 311,704.74 PART III: LO WMOD BENEFIT THIS REPORTING PERIOD 17 EXPENDED FOR LOWIMOD HOUSING IN SPECIAL AREAS 0 18 EXPENDED FOR LOWAIOD MULTI -UNIT HOUSING 0 19 DISBURSED FOR OTHER LOWfMOD ACTIVITIES 488,207.58 20 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL LOWIMOO CREDIT 33,439.84 21 TOTAL LOWIMOD CREDIT (SUM. LINES 17.20) 451,787.74 22 PERCENT LOWIMOD CREDIT (LINE 21RINE 11) 100.006 0W IMOD BE HE FIT FOR MULnYEAR CERTIFICATIONS e : U.._, °,J '/,,. .s.y'y/.n'..•'rr>Y .Y.X"! •r•,r,'.yr,., 0 1 •,, `e ss 'o.a. --- _. -_ v"'" '" o . y.. X..i.P .x15. '• ' '. •"... ,?.. sy. .t . . b,' . z•."W.+JX.,. :.b;r i`.. . •%4 'y„cc %': •;.,,a: `c..a.” ^.. - t ..: z O ' e x4 •e ^ ``•P 1 "T O' •`i.. l a' i7 9 p •.'a `s,`a•8 3'0 n'''Ci. {'a•` •,i.R ° ..i y ,if.. _.,'::r 3; 23 PROGRAM YEARS(PY) COVERED IN CERTIFICATION24CUMULATIVENETEXPENDITURESSUBJECTTOLOWAVOOPYRENEFTfCALCULATION25IUMULATIVEEXPENDITURESBENEFITINGLOYgMODPERSONS26PERCENTBENEFITTOLOWNW PY Py 0 PERSONS (LINE 2&UNE 24) 0 0.00% IDIS • C04PR26 U,S, DEPARTMEN'i LIF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTOFFICEOFCOMMUNITYPLANNINGANDINTEGRATEDDISBURSEMENTANDSY DATE. 13INFORMATIONCDSGFINANCIALSUMMARYFORPROGRAMTIME,: 70:STEM YEAR 200107-01.200 30.2001TOO8. PAGE: 22 PLYMOUTH, MN PART N: PV SUC 6ERVICEPS CAP CALCULATIONS 27 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PUBLIC SERVICES28PSUNLIQUIDATEDOBLIGATIONSATENDOF CURRENT PROGRAM YEAR20PSUNUQUIDATEOOBLI3ATIONSATENDOFPREVIOUSPROGRAMYEAR30ADJUSTMENTTOCOMPUTE 70,740,02 81734.00 TOTAL PS OSUGATIONS31TOTALPSOBLIGATIONS (LINE 27 • LINE 28 - UNE 20. LINE 30) 32 F,NTITLEMENTGRANT 23,735 42 7,438,10 33 PRIOR YEAR PROGRAM INCOME34ADJUSTMENTTOCOMPUTETOTAL 48,300.00 322 00000 SUBJECT TO PS CAP35TOTALSUBJECTTOPSCAP (SUM, LINES 32.34) 38 PERCENT FUNDS OBLIOATED FOR 77,421.46 15,000.00 PS ACTIVITIES (LINE 314JNE 35) 384,421.49 PART V, PL ANNING AND ADMINISTRATION 17„„90X, PA) CAP 37 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNINGIAL)MVIISTRATION38PAUNLIQUIDATEDOBLIGATIONSATENDOFCURRENT PROGRAM YEAR36PAUNUOUIDATEDOBLIGATIONSATENDOFPREVIOUSPROGRAMYEAR40ADJUSTMENTTOCOMPUTE 37,562.20 51,021,00 TOTAI. PA OBLIGATIONS41TOTALPAOBUGATIONS (LINE 37 • LINE 33 - LINE 30 11.1,14E 40) 42 ENTITLEMENT GRANT 22.202.00 2,010.24 43 CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME44ADJUSTMENTTOCOMPUTE 04,400,0 322,6(00 00 TOTAL SUBJECT TO PA CAP 88,715,58 0 43 TOTAL SUBJECT TO PI. CAP (SUM, LINES 42.") 43 PERCENT FUNDS OBLIGATED FOR PA AC'fPATIES (LINE 4 11UNE 43) 410.715.86 15.38% IDIS . C04PR76 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTOFFICEOFCOIAMIINITVPLANNIHGANDDEVELOPMENT VATE• (18.13-02INTEGRATEDniSSURSEPAENTANDINFORMATIONSYSTEMTARE: 10:13COWFINANCIALEUMMARYFORPROGRAMYEAR2001PAGE, 307-01.2001 TO 00.30.2002 PLYMOUTH, MN LINE 17 DETAIL: ACTIVI TI ES T'O CONSIDER Irl DETERMINING TIIE AMOUNT ; p ENT ER ON IJI:E 17NGUEFOUNO IDIS - C04PR26 UA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND UP.P-A4 DEv;:LOPMENT DATE:08.i3-02 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY PLANNING AND OEVELOI+AENT TIME: 10::3 INTEGRATED DISBURSEMENT AVO INFORMATION SYSTEM PACE: 4 COBG FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR PROGRAM YEAR 2001 07-01.2001 TO G9.30.2002 PLYMOUTH, IAN LINE 18 DE SAIL: ACTIVI TI 88 TO CONSIDER. IN IIETERMINING'IHE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 19 NOW F OU ND IDIS - C04PR26 U.B. DEPARTIAEN'f OF Nr1USING AND URBAN DELOPOFFICEOFCOMMUtJITYPLANNINGANDDEVELOPMENT ENT INTEGRATED DISyURSEMENT AND INFORMATIO:f SYSTEM DATE: 06.13.02 CORG FINANCIAL SUMMARY FOR PROGRAM v TIME: 10 13 507-01.2001 TO 00.30-2002 EAR 2001 :ACE: 3 PLYMOUT)I, MN LAE 19 0"ANJ ACTMTI Es 81CLAIOEO IN THE CMWATION OF LALM IB POM P RO3 In MMRoc NIL YEAR r ID ACT O ACTIVITY NAME COME OBA OR ANA 4MOLW taxa 0 001 70 FIROT TILE (IOLBNYER6 ASSISTANCE 13 LAM 2.110.77 1067 OM 40 FIRST TALE HOMENWERS ASSISTANCE 17 IMt 10.011173 1997 00M 40 FIRSTTMHOMENINERBASSIBIAMM 17 LUM 223.62 1097 000= 41 114E REIIAS PROMAM /M IAM 10AM7A1 1607 0002 41 NOW REHAB FROORAY I" LLM SA0121 18x7 0 002 41 HOLE REHAB PROGRAM 14A LAM 873.10 1907 DOM 41 ORMTER MPLa DAYCARE AMMTION 06L LAIC 8102 1091 0 007 u GREATER ME DAYCARE AMMTION OIL LAIC 8.745.00 1697 0 000 4 FAMILY SELMLIFFIC1130V OIM LMC 774A 20M 0 01" M FIRST TWE MOME811YFR ASSISTANCE 17 LMH 10499.!7 2001 001" 20 FMLSTT01EMWBUYERASMANCE 17 LAM 04/,04 2001 GM 66 FIRST TWE MOtMMM ASSISTANCE 13 MOI 191 2001 001" 88 FIRBTTWEMOWAUYERASILWANCE 17 LAM 4,176.07 20M OM 66 FIRST TIME MOMEARW A8818TANCE 12 LAST 19,09421 2001 0 001 88 FS18T TWE HOMEBUYER ASSIBYANCE 12 LAM 17,OODAO 2001 001" 8S FMTTIMEMOMEBUYERA8818TANCE 17 LAM 740A 2001 0001 20 FWSTTSENOMERYERASSISTANCE 12 LAW 19.710,14 2801 0001 65 FWBTTSEMOMEBLNERASSISTAMM 17 LIM 70287,00 2001 000" 66 FIRST TRE MOMESWER AMILWANCE 12 LAM 40A47A1 2001 OM 66 FIR'.T TIME HOUSSUYER ASSISTANCE 17 IMI SAM -73 2001 OM 4 REMA WATIM OF FRIVATE ONIELLOIGB 14A LAM 4.=72.90 2001 0 002 4 REIVA ITATION OF PRIVATE OVARL NOS 14A LAM 9,0/0.87 2M 0 002 60 REILA91LRATIOM OF FRIMATE DIAELLUMS 14A L04 19.970,00 2M 0 002 N REMBILRATIOII M PRIVATE OWELISRLS 14A LAM 20,7M.40 2001 0 002' 0 RETIA LITATION OF PRIVATE OVAU MOS 14A LAM 20.206.94 2001 0 007 4 REIMBILITATION OF PRIVATE OMIIELLMS 14A LUN 6.118.60 201" 0 002 60 REMABILITATIOHOF PRIVATE OWELLMS 14A LAM t,009A1 2001 0 002 M REMABILITATIOM OF PRIVATE DR LLINGS A LM" t7A74.00 2001 0 002 60 REHABILITATION OF PRIVATE OWELLWGS I" LAM tMA1 2001 DOM W REMABLITATION OF PRIVATE OWELLNW I" LM 0204.90 20M 002 60 REIIASILITATION OF PRIVATE ONIELLINGS 14A IAM 20us.65 2001 000= 66 REMBIUTATION OF PRIVATE OWELLMW 14A LAM 18.606.70 20M 0 002 66 REHABILITATION OF PRIVATE OWEL.LMOS 14A LRAM 14,26021 20M 0 007 67 AFFORDArJ9 HOIIB010 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 12 LM 787A2 2001 0 O01 M AFFOROASLE HOLISOM DE'/EIAPUEMT PROGRAM 12 L UM M2A4 2001 0 000 1" AFFORDABLE HOUBM OEVEOFLENT PROGRAM 12 LAM 6".94 2001 0 005 50 IIALGER RESIDENCES, STRATEGY 8A I" LUM 24.701.00 2001 0 006 a p AICENCIM BTRMEM OA. Im Lum2001am00CIMOCAREABMAM061WC NJ" 2 0006 00 D"CANEAMWAMM 1,10772 2001 OM 80 D"CAREAMMANN aw 21635.16 2001 OM 00 CNLOCAREANWAN X1110200LLAM2001000600CHWCAREABBIBTANCE00LTMC6350! 2001 0000 00 CHILDCANEABINFANCE' O!L LMC Oral 3501 0006 60 CHUCANAIRMWAMME OL LAC2ml000701C0601ROOVACTIONBLIBLIRMl11ENNRPW06 LMC 1AHA0 2001 OW Of CpSSIONVACTON BLNNAU" NENWN a6 LMC Ii36AWA0, N 2001 OM 02 NOMELM M LMC 16A 20M O M 07 PAMLY NOPE BERMN 0B0 LAIC AD.0020010010erI001110YEBTBRAMCNYMCAo00LMC20010011asPOWELOERE%PREBOMB LirC 71600,35 2001 0 012 00 TAA,1" Out LMC 1AWoo07002001001200T"A.8, 0ut 2001 0 012 06 TAAJL A, 01N LAIC 2122 2001 0 012 00 TAAJAJL W" LMC tAm2A 20M 0019 00 TAASLB, 0SN LMC LM62MA 2001 0 012 00 TJUU L.8 00N 11C 1160 2001 0 012 O6 TAAI.LA, m LMC2001001200TAAJ,LB, m LMC fm 2001 0 012 06 TAM L.B, fm LAC 260162 2001 0012 06 TAASAA 3511 LMC 67A7 216-0 TOTAL: OU CAP222 Homo mumsstimso 1r amzmrn a11/11oRT U.B. asrMeb" or 11t m No YAY/ SV A am= Or X00 m rlAMM A{dl 01r1110MM 1 fe5RATR11 01/5tlRJ511OT AID fO Sm M I M 1011011111111 1111111 sees OOORRT or111011011M, m A091/1,f000Ol1 acipialtioe loll ot0000/tion 9021 clowsmas out Oroiltion 1") cimme Go lbetaeteasd dies./11seaatls100 loolu Ralaaatlou tool 11aa11oaa awa oeflole I1010101 pubsialr/priguely dread C/s {up cis Un0 Aagdlalefas/0l0ROeltlae JIM C/1 sefresttarture oawuom n 07111 C/s 11olm" Amisitloe, Cbeatsottion. 0060 121c) sews C/s murroreewte 927111 no 0lraee rlewslal amistaeae to row-rsaflts I1"t 00 Olson 109hai as 1Wlet0ser 1!1101 Naso-wt"Wies Aeslstaese JIM lean as katal lne0ea 1001 camear otlou of gaming I12) , trirnt Nowwwu"Aft Asslsea0t0 list 11006 ashor Idlaull t iamial 9145111 00110 ouela11 nm"Mleatloe lucl MOOS GUM publicly Owed Meldsufal 11rlldlesa lupi a mg- 11ffla10soy 1gsovammu furl Acquisition for maho fuel Ir.6ub A0a10latrs ion (u11) 1400-11maed {bleNleed 11aaard• Tmt/Abateswt lull Cade llmr o 1301 Residential Astoria rsummatlan (l"I 11100 Op mim es0 nowr of Ibseslaaa0 rrapastr life) Oafs 011-14-02 TMI 1011111 OIIOi1 3 anaawT ACrt1RTtO o00pIIH0 ACTMMAN p5e111M T IOTA& 92018 0 0 110(01 0 Oil OOWIi 0 1110p1m e 0.00 0 0.00 o O.ee 0 0.00 0 0." 0 0.0a e 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 o.es 0 0.00 a 0.00 0 G." o 0.172 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 O.eo 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 01110 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 a 0.011 0 0.00 0 0.00 o 0.00 0 oleo a 0.110 0 0.00 0 0.eo 0 0.011 0 0.00 0 0.011 0 0." 0 a." 0 Oleo 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0:00 0 O:Oo 0 0.00 0 0.00 t t.m.2o e o.00 t t t,2er.e5 0 oleo 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 oleo 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 173,230.15 0 0.00 0 0.011 2 ut,0u.t11 2 70,010.26 0 6.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 oleo 0 0.00 a 0.06 0 0.00 0 sods 0 Door 0 oleo 5 261,232.41 0 o.ao t 2,0,30 2 1a0,1u.w s 25s,os11,33 6 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 o.oe 0 o.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 637,Oaf,011 nrau rACwn.:a/OORot011@J1 Public Mantles esf 3pPn0awtaw - aeus"i 1021 0 0.00 o also 0 0.00 100102 Cratere 902A1 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 CMOM for the {ri001ed/oWadiaappe0 10") 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Ilowless raalutles - dot t90ratln11 Coate loam 0 0.00 0 0.00 o Good) TOat6 d5mmera/rOollitles (030) 0 0.00 0 0.00 C 0.00 mismss6oe0 rac/tlties 10311 0 oleo 0 0.00 G 0.00 ftdw ped bes miml Facilities Io3r) 0 0.60 G o.0e 0 0.00 tbthig Facllitieo lo701 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 lid Note Oio00oel Facilities (Out 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 1018 - COn027 0.0. 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APMZCWri011M ACCEPT M VSAM -Mom ON A 4259 C10101-r2MT BMW talo. TAM Input mi M .II m CON M us NUMMI! to am M 2RYM0MMRMo. 2001-0001 Ar9CMM B NOOBtMM MMOM10nw 6MOMMAN, grRNrMT 1.0 msM 0.00 226,566.» 11965.20 2001-0006 6MRMIRAL 6R6MAN AarMoramoo C1SM N10o0.00 66,602.96 06,961.66 MSCtrrras oMM5MA6 AM1r WZDIR r/Vs MSMMM FOR CMM oMoiAM. 2001-0000 MOM1B Riff 0 , orMNIMOr 5.0 CMM 22,000.00 06,057.06 ",007.06 Os0O7t1rr=s SEJ AODM NOMMT A alon OM in A B1R-OMI OMOMr mm 7O mu lT MAMtCUM ACCESSION to LAS-1MOOMM, ORMCNALT AND MSOM10pQirA M M381OMD OI 1- 1. 2001-0006 Tutt& CIMS Asomm s, onvorw 6.0 am 6.000.00 9,601.62 9,601.62 MML ZMMP OROOMAR TO AMtgr V6AT MN MMM QOM 00 AM MORM3M o4 NrIMMIM BOOM NM A MAT CAN SMUT oAMW RAM ro "m CAM WevrosR M56M eN A BLO M Poll 6CAU. TM OMJe n a11MIg1 mu MAT CARS AMOCISUM a" ANONIg 7Ms oRO6MAN. 2001-000. aMsm3lrnr AMOK BLIMUM NOW = (CAMP, 0I1A7MOT 6.0 602.60 226,601.67 61,621.62 0.00 0.00 r NMI o6-16.02 7=1 09 60 rA66 1 Allow MRAMs 1N R TSAR 101,176.12 171,260.00 1,000.10 26,961.66 06,007.06 0,401.62 CBBO 10,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 mo - C016AOf O.B. OROAOIIM OF r0OB11A2 AM wBl1r Days1,0FA2of ON= or Commum FIAYfmAO Ara oeYBG0611orf IofmRMIM e:eolArsamf AM SOF@M61TmA evoto falswAT or aaseo&li ow PROM n oar RB6aAT TBAA 2001 rLfllveA, Fmr to - AIAA/f ARA1R1 A1Rl W room= m 000,1= 9971101!0 Cp01IT2Ae AlpOof I= AR2oAT t ATAl1AM w MAo DdL71FTm/s CASA NIL oA9R1 Nd Co190AI = S9MTM ID A/FROSU M M mo AO98o10 " in PSUIOM. BMvzm AAs ANUMM taA 9DOM. 2001-0006 IA118;Lm, 91901906 4.0 cB90 10,060.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 B9mAI6 f T®1rf AOYOGLT 9esm, TMW camosm FM MBmmmr M AFro®ABL9 r0011p, Are T moo mr Bwmn AVAnY to ALL FLtAMIr R98mtOM19. F9oMAA 1D a AFOR09f wtm 200 Ler-1900fai 6nsaR6. 2001-0000 FMIOT Mfg SaYmM Cm 01000.00 0,000.00 0,000.00 000 09BC9IPI=s F M VV A 6sr ZM- TRIM F90oRAM MM M -AM T M MOFIDIM =X-ROOAD COaM, OOFFOAT, Are 0t rA00AA10T M 1O AT M CIpA09 to = POO MFADI9. 2001.0010 AOYlb1B9f 9RAa9 Im. ofwfe96t 0.0 CMO 71000.00 7,OOo.00 7,600.00 0.00 MBCAfrflo/ MIG'B M" r0Asa9BT F900ar.B9Rt9B raQriB6 Are RW v MM to 710 cm or 6Lt191111r T1N01AIB tar-9o191O mla0ildr0 omzm. 2001-0011 69M 91Da 92FR . 9fAA79BT 10,0 cm 0,000.00 4,000.06 0,000.00 6.00 Opal M=s MILT 7AAffBPCRWM BONICLO TO 1MmAL A000IY!loalO AM OHOZO 8220)/ FM Ar09M11pt Y 26 LOR-rooaR1 601I0A IMm9Y19 OF 7101 CM a PVTp . 2001.0012 TR&SEM AM arBoORCrf oat mIYIOML NM T91S1 Mmom CMO 0,512.00 7.20!.00 71200.60 0.00 De9CFdMMo A OAOOBAM MITI&= fY I= 9f. I4910 FARC 1fOlA1IM AD1110lITt AM M 20,000.00 OAosi 2 AMOMf BAAr• a! R96Dee T911A 10,000.00 f,o00.00 F.000.00 0,000.00 7.2!/.60 f PIs1OOIN 001 7o Ps0IO7s ow-9uaullOw PON SO.TION • VOUCESA VOLUMES Am PUBLIC 0009100 MI0ONS IN lona Vs pwnvs COIOIWIiTlt9 NT pumrIN0 7001 INIo APPNMINIM scumZ 0116 OPPORIN mm Am/dle am. *4UNNH m IS pN-0Ogm TD APP1107gM mw 20 PLWNM vO0O1ss gold - c06PR06 O.S. UOPASIMONT or 000SIM Am IOW O VE M M NMI 00-26-07 Omcs or COMMOR 7T PLANNING Am OSPSLOOIONT sw. MIS Z0nN0Nnlm DISBUROMMENT Am ipOO1RTgON 0T97N1 PASIS 7 SNSNVT Or aorSOLgNNem PIAN P110 A I No 11NPo11T TW 7002 PLIIOIrA. 1N PLAN Ts - AmONT 01100 AMMN! AMOUNT ON0O PSOLLCT BOB PROJECT 9NTgM117s coal?= AOM 7100 slaw TW Amnam TO, MAN m ssP9aT TW 1N1ORRO. ZD= - Cup" U.M. O N HMO= Am NIMM OiltII ORZii 00-16-02 mmum or dwmu vim pmw an mm" =a Son M+IpRi, tlp W YR- elm_ ANXW'i !ON gmem 1'f f0TD0iRf Ctt1N11m ,w SMI 7f10 Ri/DaT Tint AyA s ANN= 0 ZZA" 7D fiAtl a fftlptT TEAR 1!!l-0001 roam i0li MMVZCli •• .-....--..... .................. . ................. em 0.000.00 10.000.00 10.000.00 0.00 0.00 DZOtAL pno' IAMW f fZ0M= TRftMM ifOO ffiOf A—OM TiW00f D! PD lane un f00ip ff1 lilt =I "w C1Yt0st To in RuftczlADiD. 1018 - COAOsa C.B. MINIMUM or 1100St00 Am eMOm OW110wICR7 oases a aPMMMrrnr rlaMsr110 Am oarrroPPmrr lrrsmwm OssMatums7 No wamwno / 011M smasr or aaww rro was !non rime sMPs11r rims soot w,ns M 'M prat rM - AMOW7 owls MOOR PIMIM rim r9mree7 1111 13 maIT100 AMOO.7 112911 911007 rare AMMIJAMLS TO SION 1000-0001 IN IMM - SIMMONS 101!9 GOMM 7,000.00 10,000.00 10'"0.09 0.00 Olocup r0As BMSrS 9019rd8 TOM rw49 CM1818 >JmwAwnw, s1109r-"m COOMMA,= r 09 1IN i FWAIM, 999 A8B18MSOS TO 00111 AOCMBB TO AOVIMPIIIS OOMr011 1Tr 111001CM8 TO 0910997 001091 CRISIS. 100$ -am raw TCRS 11mMMM0r198 COSO 22,000.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 ss••.ealrnme awsw alo m rat r S omm mcom rias T1r011 110mPOrs9e 81111 OSQmlp90 PRIMML LOAIM/0110M M 001 11" N7 An CLQ L1a119, 1000.0001 mogamllagm CR VRAM OMMbi Case lo0,or0.00 0.00 41.00 0.00 OiBCR MMES 0110r109 OiCw181110 MOCiML 14008/401111en T8 LOU t9DM!s MCML=W TO u '09119 OCRs OCCRrs® MINN. 1000.0001 COLD CAM A08ZMVM CRMO 41000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 or0alnms 8rr101310-90" eMMsm1M0 TO AMSIBr vMSV LOS =Mllm rM980ai To 0001M 00 A Tl® 99110011. 1000.0009 11014511311 A TO RrRUS SID1ri0MIL LOMO Tans BOCCCRB COMM 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OMMCR107ICRi MAJOCIATIV11 WPOST VM TMS 87. L0018 MIM 00001110 AVl MIT TO rIOV IMS 3SOIVi01AL SUMVr A COLWMrro 109 L4D-11108O1Q PM9sars ISCI1VTMn O 011110 CR -10-01 TIMES oreos MEN s AMOMS7 OWNS 0 IMPOST rMMs o." 0.00 o." 0.00 Wflar 0 WZMVWI To 2mW 0214.851m am 1902 -Good OEM" 62W11 mxuomfl wm cm 60.000.00 0..00 0.00 0.00 0.00 R2ICUMMI ov21u m I01ROmROR. 0R1T02W- 8 000RDIM ON 0I us am 90100M. Om m man WaRmssaw 0 q mum OOR H& a mm 9ARlICfmm. 1600-0007 u11sm 2YI0001 fSIR • eodemd 0.0. osvaRllW a ROY1W em ww 91094I00NOW Mot 00-16-02Grp= or asommm 9Y2RINS MM 0lY2La011Oi =WI 06648RfR2Roze2wuvxwWWfs6 InGmfg 06151d@OnaaW06UMWRM92a02e , 602 RlOOAT 7218 2001 SIM m - aRPH wO11eLT 0011 02020 aRWORa`72ef srrWR CfImRTfm 011aO s 7Rm eBPM 77at MMIWN 201 OW III an= TUR 0_....__•20.000.00cm 0.00 -•-......... 0.00 02mMMUMt R21 d6 m IXZWM OR009 1R0u m 9ROOIO2 WgmgBl9xLI4f Oa01 m 9i ROW MI 120f0OfD Nm 002 Low mm Wf6776. 1000 -Doom 2tlWmW wow apmsj Nfm CaM 50.400.00 0.00 0.00 Oboe 0.00 021L41OfUlf OmfW A55ImRUCR MK7N OINaw m 92m DICK a dd =TV NfW iK01q am A& RODRW WPifm 7101! W MM 52W AROIefm m,47w IMI 61u00, 726 O 722 00I7R am n a/0u1G5I/ To am ammm 27 u0N d IIa0W7R II1C011 R rNma0. 1098-0006 zrf2u6sm oufe2ACR i OOmIMM OaR10W cm 10.000.00 $0,000.00 10.000.00 Oboe 4.00 em mmams O won okleoaRlr d Gam 4m== 0mt la22R Iraals W102161R 1909-0010 a66emOM 00081229 Wmflj rf cm 00.600.00 5.824.80 5.424.00 oleo 0.00 02iC01MMO AM" IN 720 MIM- 't" 99 AMRI00Y 2ONI.0 0 In CTAT. i0I0 - Cb4g106 Y.O. 00P91q ow 0/0Oilip' 1 00Yps/m, ams .06-1i-02WM= OF CM Mi . R AM 00PpMM 7=8 0!9451ArZWORIMYraOWMoA00i76015pLYOFconalB015ORmP00rM /00 OWORi Tm 2"1 lLYNw, 57 AISrrP 00508 A00O17 AMR OAAR1P0030066011PwOLT05Y1N5T0A11T = A5016R TRII/ 0w5T I= Ay LIM TO 01051 iO 050n0T 1750 1!97-0001 APPOwrs mm amomo P ABOI61lAOL7 P50w 0000 66.000.00 15=.006. if 10=.065.11 0.00 31,121.25 OOO mcol no RIOORSN Is TO Pwnm AOBzmm 6O uw/1510gAT0 Lwam 11912 000 n 1997-0000 0015101L2TATiO op nZag0. 0N" 6&1000 cm 90.000.00 455,255.22 4!.255.61 0.00 15,999.22 w P6i00s QD/wm L00p/ &&= 6/ OP TO 015.000 (/100 010.000 6M .ACcw10ILZW C06 ) "00 LOO > 0O00wPB TO 9x50 lA111LY 50w. "m cwTi ACC5P600 O P100T-wY/i6B-Bw wi0. 2997-0002 CUM a= A5B10iA0c0 0000 10.550.00 $2.203.20 52.262.26 0.50 6.654.20 50BOi6T200s A PROD m To AwleT vm 600 mwe N==D w0 IRO An M0t0w 00 Al= BC6f & OlTO A RAI CM OOMlOY 6AI M IS" TO T05 05Y CA00 POWMM M RIO CUM 101111 100 P' - !B UT At 5055 00 O EMOL. A @UDZW Bears a Iff P11YmY i8 0050. = 00m= =map== DAY 00 AOM UMM WM w0P6Oi00 T00 P00 M. A 80w=Wr AOA 0 Vm w $ 0P AO O P00Yi0O T0506. 1"97-6006 Plyminab Peke 6 N6t6- . Jm cm 5.000.0! 1.955.52 1.05/.42 6.00 0.00 mmmm. =0et60M the 6va130b11ity 6t sm"alams 5ae5=w to far-!peer V6atb s by.Pmvidisr Progtom eabolarabips few thaw. 1007.0005 comm OAomwo Amnizentmor CPPB 010,006.60 110,471,55 210,471..55 0.00 2,630.76 PrR7MPTMag Pmmi&w Leto I. overnight, memo m m, amitoting esd cowiaatlan of the 00010 PWam. 2. P112`1141lmtotmati10A M tyro Prcrran activities nv allow* to 011 City spfdeato. 1097-MM Mglrmt e5mmaae errs 46,eM.00 M,N4.Oe ss,sa4.9e 0:00 0.06 mesa - COMM U.S. opARIMMY N rw. M Am OdPMSI os6powmMt Ows: 00-M02onusorRtil0losityrMJlSsalIAraowriaWler; ISM 00049i./Mr9PA400 PMS AOP n OUNUMor Oy9MOM PAPr BLINSO T Or CONSWO M Wig PrOOMS M nsusaT" 0601 P6lMfinnr, MOM Wig 7r - A tin., o2lrrlrr00rCyPOfMP=wI myMrres ANorgopn7TrpAr.... TAS 17.. iV....... fP gran. yAr1111 •................ ---- 1111. 1-----1_11..._-.. rr WPFMIF P& Millg would Prowl" for interior isprMomeets in s gtaup hcan for do w3oPaltely disabled Porsamo located in Plymouth to alloy g,,,em llaeAhemaccessibilityfewresidentsofthebom10, 1697-4007 Cop5r M AOTMOr s MMU XMWO MCAari CPPB 30,500.00 40,00.09 46,000.00 0100 O,y„ Wr<CrZmcwg A ouboebsn maanuity-bleed "vial sorvlss minnisstiam Psovlding oomwdtobothlar !aeons =*Mo tbreogb iss tOUPhas Notile0 and lav/me dwase Income, boomovows fMing I dossurs. 1097-0066 YMtewho Community Action ft, tvacaeM Cup 7,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0100 OOBCRIPH10rs A rest suburban comm! mity-haw d Opel" sorviao osguelenti00 inwlwd .w itb GXMdiaB job drAdoopmset and plan m " services fes lass i Mae PosaoM. Isola sou" he and aPMilicaliy fes Plymouth rosid6nto to a Misting than with job placement and twin!", 1007-0069 TrA1tl1M0 i 0000ACrP 30 AM= MrPMOMCM, 14=-Tull MXC carr 7,000.00 29,460,910 20,460.60 0.00 774.40 POMPI MI A Prorran initiatol by rho Pt. (molt Park rouolag Aatheslty, sal the P1 ymorcb M to Promote "IN-MMfleioniv LM section 0 Certificate held" w to 01515 seslsetiw aommle'91" by "Nanking ibes 1000 OPPaWSnte 4drraefassl aPPettmmitiM aad/M Jobs. i 1907-0010 C1oanmlty Oaildare cow 20,000.00 29,000.00 20.000.00 .0.00 0.00 DISM9Ti0o1 The purdwer, rababilltotsan and sale or oo single Lolly dwelling inplymmwbtoaloW/m0dsrate imeope fisat-tler bp. noes. 1907-0011. Ap9ONOlOLB glib OBV8101Mil COBE 60,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 0.00 OLBCRIMON, AMM DiVEWPOSIf OF !ORBS FOR A95ODOnM Ig p. 1058 - cospa06 G.B. I w BowfGf AND unsex owg& glldmf Oh7B, 08-26-02. WPM OF COR1m1G2TF MASONS AND OBVLIWNW Twx 00160111BORA= DZSKUBMW AND IBiORIWM 8f87Bu nor 9momOrCONSCLUSIBBam5w` IVID 908 s oBT 78an 2061 PIIlmpulO, mo W88 CI - ANpRlf COW ANCURFOB4ILCTSONfWN. 8019IN7s AMUIf UNIONCON$TIOD ALOUNT 7®01 NNOM 7BA8 AVAI1ASIai TO OAAM I ............. .................. 18 0801W TONS Affordable mewing An50ta0[a A 0"val0p MM Orogttan CDOB 102,090.00 1011056.04 201.066.66 0.00 2,118.77 Og8Ce50lIAr 7hss puns= is to . prsvldsmlaptaMlerrdrlp asalotaste for IOW- ad "Odes ate- Income tint elm bow buyers. IM -0002 Rehabilitation or 8rivate Ouelliaga 0008 110.666.00 72,678.09 02.670.60 6.00 0.00 DOMI"ZON, Oaressad lows/ysaate of up to Owego for mar less= henaowness to re hob family b--, Applications managers me first-eau"/reset-eas7nt hasis. 1918-0002 Child Case Aaaletseee COBS 22,500.00 21.256.60 11,168.69 a." 0.85 OUMp7508r A program to assist very lou haunt housahtld hands oho ars Working ac attading school 14th a day care mfti y psymtat made to the &W ears prevsdar foe each Child Whale 00 oarnre le eitbW at Work or in men ol. A sliding scale subsidy payee" in wed. the Greeter Minneapolis Oay Cars Aaaoalation will adeislatas the proggn. A subsselp4sat ngr seem will be drown up an in prsvleua years. 1996-0004 Olymoutb parka a Raesaatlao COBO 61000.00 11,000.00 01000.00 0.06 0.00 06BCAiVn=s Inerea" the availability of reesptiowl progsam to lar-iacm, amidautobyP—Mi g progwm-bolarahlps for than. 1926-00011 o@aeral propea Administration OlUl 67,000.00 28,297.47 26.709.69 0.00 0.00 OBBCAMMIN, provides fort 1. Oversight, management, monitorleg and I a ti atien of the CM propene. 2. Rollo information on COMM .progene activities owIshletoAlicityr"ldeme. S. bull rmt costs. 1096-0006 Kansas, Amidepe" C3180 10,000.00 70,000.00 70,000." 0.00 also 0018 - C"N" D.B. OgpAA7lAfgf or 1100811111 Ato OA11AN osvotdxiw VMS 60-16-02am= or Oo1e0Nlsy VIA== me OBVB10eulmr, IM 69100fYiIWA'M O9 f Apo 111MIM IM Big IN PlMos 10AyorCLlnKf® PLAN P' -1 F 6 9OA AK9ORf YUAN 2001 PL9A00911, 101 DLA/ VA - Almon OAAKO ANG6Pf Almon 0110161192o,1KC:T O0N CgBu vrKO ANOOgf 4M161 NNW Tw AVAILUM 9D MAN, Z• ROPM YNAB idsOBBCRI..... 90.01 fo.............ation of • 1l......Ift .. a hpol.eAp g-- xouphowlocatedinPlymouthtoallowdisabledresidentsofthehonto use ON Conneaut for physical therapy puspoess• 1900-0009 Cansunity Action Bubusban 11sOnr-in iCA0p1 Cao 7,1100.00 9,792.06 9,992.09 0.00 0.00 OABCAIOfiah A enbUdon coemity-haaad Scrim mrvnx aganoy pnwiding Oeuwing thraugb its 9e1e160" get Line to both lar lnrems rnston and lou/mesarateincomehommmarsrasingforeclosure. 1996-0000 wastanbe Commity Action Natrosh Ifecan) cm 9."0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 OKBCAIvfia' A vast 61611rh011 Ce Mitt'-bssed seclal Service osgnsintian JnMlvod r ith ampsadiag Job development and placmmst "rvie" far lorry !neap@ 6aroens. Rads would be coca specifically for Plymouth tosiAmts in a sang than with job pieces= and trainiag. 092-6009 ?"Wing 6 Aasaurces to Attain Individual, Lang-tens oseep" CM 6,400.00 61100.00 611160.00 0.00 0.00 k-- DEMUP-10 0 A psoBsaa initiated by the Bt. tout. Parts llowing.Aythority ad the n WOOD" RRA to pmento role -sufficiency for low tine 9 ""ion 6 RsuNin B certificate holders in their "Opecaive aomeenities by dinning theointoawnwristssaccetionnloSPMttseitissam/cc John. IDIS - C04me O.B. OBOARfMdy W "WIND ARD DROO Ml+R6pD11dy acnes CO CD vv WAOMIa AM OBvB1w0 i/lf0ANM DIMWMD r AM 1100 7= 0y9101 BO y Or COtOIOLZMM WAR MWWM PDR ROPM MAR 2001 PL/7oDiR, Id PIER TR - AND= PAWLCy DMIamPON*" R8Ti10AT COORTy® A101R/y O Wty IOD RB y... m tBDw M1995-0001 CAMMity Buildsre•Pim Time ssbuyer-Peegrae ....... ....... ...,..... .............. COBO 16,556.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lots -0002 Lakeview COMMON store! water "Notion pad CORD 00,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 it95-0007 Plymouth Parke end Rsarsstlon - Program scholarshiP6 CAO 21200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sots -0004 Plymouth vats ens Recreation - Accessibility cm 2,750.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 1995-0005 Bsoerel WoBrM Addaistratice 000 40,000.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 1tt5.0006 Child Care Assistance cm 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RM, 00-16-02 TININ on: 0ld6 11 ill Ripw TRAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1006-0007 Rdbeb111titles of Private owllleos COMM 04,716.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1060-0006 !lest 6140 Ep4alupn leen and D"SleOsest PseEr6m cm 105,011.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ZEN - C06PRo6 O.B. D"A67N@r or EOREIEO ANS OREAE mwnaPNOIr DMI 09-16-01 omen or COO UMM PLAMMIEO An OBV0LAGPIU pr TS 06160 urEaRASTE piSBYEEDI{ Ally I IOIEE1T10E er6rTEN ARTPAGES 12 eO NAAW or COMMMICIATEp !LRB PROGEC[8 PM REPORT 'TEAR 1001 P1,IMM, m Pw TR - ANOW DRAM .AlnPlre ANOOlT aGwOROIECTPOMPROJECTEETMENTECON07TEDANOPNrTNEGREPORTTEARAVAIMMToUAWREREPORTTEA! 19-0001 COEVE4TED MORE ACriVMM ED ACTIVITIES raw PGR THIS PROr = *go 19"-0001 COIN COBE ACTIYITIRE CORE 0." 1,767,999." 1096-0001 CONVERM REG ALrzmlw s• RE ACTIVTIIES /bORD POR TRIS PA011ELT . 19"-0006 COMMTRO E" " ACTIVITIES NE ACTIVITIES PORED PER THIS VIDJw •o* r 1,767,666.61 0.00 0.00 IDIS - C04PR01 R.O. DEPARTINOT OF Not" AND OMAN DOVSL NWIF onsca or CoIOAOiTT 0LOWN0 Am DEPSLOPImIe IMTmRATm DIST Am t80oRNATt" BTB'1 CD80 ACTTVLTT BUNN= RMPORT (WR) 008 PROO M Tm 2001 07-01-2001 TO 06-20+2002 PLIIOOTM, 101 PON TORR. 2994 ROLOCT. 0002 - CONVORIND CM ACTIVITISS ACM TT. 2 - COEO COIDIi— PROD ADJUSTMENT MUIi CODO. 21A Rm CITATICSi 670.206STA71001COIPUMM09 -IS -61 140CM001 DOMMIMMI PI06NCINRi ACCONP EMININs INITIAL POIO;MO OklE. PROOOORD TTPE. ALTMTT MPMMTR. 1,766,176.76 PROPOSID OMS FORMS AlOMMi 11767,990.94 ACIM TTPE. RALip OBLIQATIOES. 0.00 ACTUAL ENITR. OM MM TRAU POI TY1 1,767,990.94 DRAMS IM POI TR. 0.00 TOTAL SO MER OF ASSIOTm LOS QT Astax IND VOOLS IOD LOM LOM OITTE ELACR NIRS PACIP ALM TOTAL NGDRD I................ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACOOOWSH ONM NARRATIVE. RRTOOND ACTZvM NAORATIVRe • DAT8. 00 -16 -Os IMT00.16 PARI. 1 O1TTom our POI TEAR. 1990 990JOCT8 0001 - ALloxftble MO94e11p Aeslatmm A omlople94t p"Wa94 ACTMIT. 10 - PIROI I'M MmmulWg ABBIETAMCE ft7RI8 CODE/ 17 888 CLTATIOM. 670.101(94) nmzo 1L, 002. STATUS. COMPLEM 12-21-01 Lm LOCatims afBCRI nw, CITT-vm TNIS SROORAN 18 TO PROVIDE PIM MZAL AOOINTRIMS TO MLIPIROMIRRS W PATNBD OFPLTNm, m CLOSING CO1 1, OWSPATNOMT ASOIOTAMCS AND A Pon= UP TRE MOM== PRIMCLOAL. PINSOCI801 ACOOIPLIBOIINS 1 IMITM POR IRS MATH. 01-81-01 PROSOSm TTSR. ACIIvm E9MUNTS1 1011056.60 SROPOSm WITS, P011lm ANOONT. 101,056.94 ACIRAL TmS OL19 OOLZOATIONS. 0.00 ACTUAL. UPITM- DIANE TMm 5994 was 101,056.66 COMM IN SON TR. 2,110.77 Iola - C06PR01 O.B. DOPA MENT' OF NOWISO Am UNS M DRVOLOPMW VMS 09-10-02 OPPICS OF CONNONITY PLANNIED AND ORVRLOPNINT Tm: 09110 INfOURAVED DIaDRSONOR AND TNPOMAT2ON SYBTOI PAOES 2 COSO ACTIVITY SUNOARY NSPORT (OPRI PON OROORMI VVIR 2001 07-01.2002 TO 06-10-2002 PLINOUIH, ED TOTAL NONSIR 07 ABOIBM LOM OIs ASIAN IBB FOWL N00 Lou LOU MRMR BLACK HISP MCIP ALM TOTAL HEADED 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 B 6 ACMUOLIBRMO T HARRATIVSS feet• NT'TOGED ACTIVITP HARRATIVEs ••••• PON VMS 1906 02=1 0002 - Rebabllitatlon of Private DwIl(Igs ACTIVITY: 31 - XOMB ROAR vRBBRAM MATRIX 000X1 I" TIRO CITATIONS 070.202 NATIONALS Oafs IIS BTA70i CONPLNTED 09-06-01 fOCRTIONs DESCRIPTIONS CITY-MION DOOAED LCANB/oRMTIB OF V TO $10,000 FOR LOM 2NCONS HpROOaB TO ROAR WAM PLVNWU.IO MOVES. APPLIC31TION ACCEPTED ON A FIRST CONS/FIRST-BOWS BASIN. FINANCING# ACCONPLIE NSR181 INITIAL PUODIHO DATES 06-20-97 PROPOSED TIRES ACTIVITY 999=299 72,570.90 PROPOSED =1781 FUNDED AM01NMf1 72,070.50 ACTUAL TYPES S BNLIO ONLIoAT m, 0.00 ACTAM. ONMNS DRAMA TNRU PON Us 72,070.50 DRAIN IN PON VAR 0.00 TOTAL VINSON of N008aOON ABBIBTTRI L00 aT ASIAN IED FOALN NOD IOM LOM mffns s2AU'N WISP PACIF AMI N TOTAL HEADED 6 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 6 ACCONPLI810111" HARRATIVNs •Nott Sl O ACTIVITY NIOIATIVNs 0.000 NDN YEARS 1096 . PROJECT# 0002 - Child Cara Assistann ACTIVITY. 22 - GEa7a NPLO NITCANN ASSOCIATION NATRIE CODES 051, 010 CITATION# 070.20110) NATIONAL 06is INC IDI8 - COSPROS U.S. 02PARTMOR of NRMINO AND URBAN DEVRIOOMOWT GAINS 00-16-02 OFFICE of COMIGNITY PLANNING AND OEVOSOPPOST 7=1 8949 ACCOUPLIMMOlI WANFIVR1 0.... ROSmm ACI2Vm 1101RAT7VO, ..*•. POE VMS 1090 PRomwo 0001 - Olysomb f sm 0 ROerest100 ACTIYITYI 22 - PARX A OIECoaTiA 89001MMI N OTAIVW. compla m 00-60-01 zooem RAs CITY-vno PLINOOIN cm 10" ItfNORATm OIpORB f App 1N1CIfATIOp BY9IO1 IMP I 7600 PL111CWN BLVD. 0050' Acnvm mxmw momw (4PR) /OR romm ROAR 2001 MEMOS 07-01-2001 TO 00.20.2002 INITIAL MOVIED VMS 01-12-01 PLINDUM, ED BTAIA, ComLOIOO 00-06-01 OADm MOWS LOCTiA1 ALIO COU ATIA01 OOBQRIPIIAI czw-w p4 6,000.00 INZB BOUSCI ONE Awzm VORY L011 An Low INCORs woomOR0 NOAOO om A OLIDINSPLIN0010,01 60447 PRE OAT CRO NM=V Nptli IRW ARP EOORIm OR A rONDIND OCHEM, IWONCIOSs ACCONP NNNOVIOs lorrm POImIm ams 01-02-01 PppPAm VMS ACTIVITY ipTDpyps 11,760.00 MWORD OEM$ PAA6 I A, .1 111200.00 AC UM Tmf OLIO ORLi0ATi01R1, 0.00 MML Mm. CRAG IRRa ORE TRs 11,760./0 ONEW IN ME TR1 0.00 TOTAL 0aose OF 0008 W MIA W LOO RAT MEN no MME ROD I= WE ARO RACE 010 PAC10 Atom TOAL RUADm 0 12 10 ACCOUPLIMMOlI WANFIVR1 0.... ROSmm ACI2Vm 1101RAT7VO, ..*•. POE VMS 1090 PRomwo 0001 - Olysomb f sm 0 ROerest100 ACTIYITYI 22 - PARX A OIECoaTiA 89001MMI N OTAIVW. compla m 00-60-01 zooem RAs CITY-vno PLINOOIN cm 10" 7600 PL111CWN BLVD. PLIINR/IE,IO1 60007 MEMOS INITIAL MOVIED VMS 01-12-01 ACTIVITT OOTINNIOs 0,000.00 OADm MOWS 6,000.00 ALIO COU ATIA01 0.00 DANE 11010 PON Tt1 6,000.00 DOM 0 P00 TRs 0.00 NxMZt ems 090 ROD clurms 670.201(0) OATTOM ows INC DOaa.IFIZOr, PROfIORO VINPJ= •- SOONAMION MR L40M INCONs OANMIRO TOALOII IpsiR CRSIpO To vARTICIvm I0 cm PARRO Aso comm um PRARRIIR. ACCOOSI6RNmeas PROP09m TIDO, vX=dVD 00=1 ACAW, TYPO1 ACRAL CMOs IDIR - CO0PRo7 O.O. DOOARIIImf OP NOOAINO Am ONS oRVRL00NODf ONTR, 00-16-02 OPvuR or mO 9111 RUAIm Am AYi100NW T171Rs 06.,76 n"NORATm KnummomT Alm INIoommop 6Tela 10401 0 cm ACriVIw sw w RBMORT (BORT MP0 ON04RAN TOMA :001 07-01-1001 TO O6-30-2002 r1A510 M. 101 TOM 101111111 OF 00001111050: ABBIBIRB IaR w ABiAO no ?M101L0NOPLOBLO0 "M MUX 010 WMV AM T0I1LBMW N 0 0 411 0 6 0 0 6• 20 ACOMISZ OM RARRATIVO, 061000 01T0, ACTIVMT11 OMiRA'rMI *go** MON Two 1606 FMMN 0005 - Dwoul, YseSss ABR1Ai0eraelo0 ACD1VITr, 34 - odOAL rROMM A0li/IBIRATi011 SWAM O0Nrl~ 06-06-01 LOCATION, CM -N100 MLTNOB 'M r1RARCIYO, lNITM PMVM PATH, 01-01-M ACTSYITT 2111DOW119 20,297.67 911111111111 AN00Nr1 28,2».67 BNLIB ORLIOATIOOB, 0.00 BMMBAI Trow 0011 TR, 26,207.67 BMW P11 Mill was 0.00 Orlin t (wi, 21A RM C1TATUIlls 670.206 NwT101016 OBJ, UIO 111MIMTlgI, ovum" Ovwsww NO COOIIOi0Nnm or ALL CBRo Acnvmw m Twex" or MLOMM. AOCOPM&OMPa s rRWRN M Trr0, iROMIOBfP O IMI ACMV& Tris. ACIM 1111M TOTAL 01w111t or M r 0 AB ZDM LM wr MIAO no ran" N0o Lor LO0 "lls- @LUX NIBP MAC1r ALB09 T0M L Mall, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALL10107ialo 1101MR1IV0, 110s040 ACTIVM OARRUMS roodpoo to TMAR, 1000 rA4111R, 0006 - 0tl106t R66/B0nb6 NCT1VITr, 15 - TKM Mn ACCWBZ 1LM N 11131 0000, 10 M CITATIOO, 570.201(k) mwrzmUL OBD, UICIBIS - C01M4101 B.B. 00rAR1101 or NOW= ABB =lWl vzvOzdp 05T01 00-16-02OmerorIIaBBAMWAMMIBNP000101191017IMF00820 101111AU O 111169 8 OMPT Am INMO1o1T w ovum r11008 6 CaBO AM111TV MNMW 6DO" (oar TPN WIOORM I= 2001 fA1I61I QOMOL6M oe-00-01 Loo Ttar 2111 ALSO an Lbs mm 02AIOm1e,W 55467 O1sleCleOr 2/f?W, O10=30 CAME 01-01-00 ACrZVm mArtlmrso 20,000.00 OmmsO AmoArs 20,000.00 mM2O COLIOlTt01A/ 0.00 ORM MU OOM VMS 20,000.00 ORION to OWI tai 0.00 07-01-2001 To 06.20.2 002 OL7IlO011), o c etATtar iserAlOAfftOs o1 LUT WINUM A UAVO O oA000 OM TO MAW MAKAD RAOtOOOONTOmmmnoTnsmmmllrZoeOsszmImmorSWOON, A OLtOmlOts i Oe0P08® Tm: OeDOOOae orm. ACTWS TMI ACTM mural mm soman or oo A Anse= LOW AST AsUS to Om6N; Om0 I m Los on" MACK 6260 map ABm1 IML nAAem 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 a 00 AL L - I'm m mOOATtysi • 6IMM Acvmfr memarms OWN 1=1 1000 O6omme 0007 - Cam "ty Aatim 01m0ebm swnopm (CAOe) ACrt62TrA >f - CAO STAMP aormLetsa ob-a-0% Im Zx CMOs .06 #m Ct' ff=s 070.:201101 O asom ow, IOIO LOCA'rt01I crey.eme vrescvlr cm a" 2400 6L7ebete UND. Num t0,m1 66467 ytmecsee, t WnX, 6mAlml M7sj 07.21-07 ACr:Vt7O WIDIN 7,793.06 O Am0eri 7,793.05 01L40 os6t0Art0AOr 0.00 OOAm TAIV OWI Val 7,793.06 MHE IN OONUs 0.00 otsratbetbr' beovno bti936er or in =040 rom m, A mwm unu m an 60e tep06nmommAmeoNl=mO. "UNW/L6m m COUNS .tm ALM an Emma Oom+RAm m AOOtorAsab. ACC01m tomm o OAdOmm Ims iRaO08m alms ACMI, VMS Acme, LVITS, tete - CO4On02 U.B. Osoae9mR or Amem AND mane WA OOIe01r WXI 06-16-02CMCsMCmmmMPIMP= Am ORMA OW rtMO. 70120m2emelmmuwmmmleAmtlmoOpTtosOrman /Amis 0CMACT1V1TrSpffV=W ISM) FOR RWOR N TAA 2001 07-01.2001 To .00.20-2002 PLWA R. IDI Tom RpmOe alp MOYWM46 AamIM LOU m AOzw W Pours no Par Lar SUITS aces sm nor A14O TOTAL seW 716 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 700 0 POI VMS 1544 PRWMLTr 0000 - TrailMlnM 6 nomme" t0 Attain loolvl6R41. Ima-tOSM dwassa ACTMITS 76 - rAxnv BMW-69rnessom NNMn COUSS ON RM CITATIONS 670.70110/ 31079CIAL 0611 IMC 9IAROOr WLRIM 00-54-01 MOCATIMr 7400 P161M. IMUD. PIMMOO M,NV 65447 rIONOCINGr INITIAL FUNDING 0=1 01-01-54 ACTMIT MONSWI7MS 6.454.00 PWD AMOUNTS 6.454.00 UILIO mIrawTmMr 0.00 Oq0 TW POI TAS 6.454.00 DAMP IN PON no 0.00 TOTAL 1OWt Or /MASONS AM8I6T® Par EXT Moo LOW Lor OITN MACK am 4 79 0 76 6 0 OMBCRIPTIwr A 65401 01 mITIA'I® MO 6TT.14016 MIX MORNING AVIWIO 'IY APIIMOUI MIA TO iROM07M 6OI/-6Urrzmwlr OUR 6wnw 6 CMNIirzcm =am no ONOCATIw Am/on om. AWPLIMOml6r PROPW TYFMr 54/0854 wPI6r ACIWIMFL TF ACRM = 9781ANZARmDVOYrs VOCP OALSOTOTALMl 0 0 77 77 40000164eO MIF WYATIYMr ..... s{7AIOOD ACTIVITY WONnVSs ••••• Poe WOMAN 1547 mm - C54PR07 U.S. OdAMTImI! Or SURIM AO OWN ONVOLOWRIT RATMr 06-16-07 amen Or OIOMIiTY Pumm AND M INOPNOrs TIO, 00176 INIMMMO msMIWmR AND INFOUI na amlTar PWr 7 CONO ACTIVITY OOMMiRI AMOUNT IOFB) FOR PR" M muR 7001 07-01-7001 TO N-70-7007 PLUMM. O rawme Moot - APromom m eao OMN= lv "Wormy ramm Aerivi" t0 - nos/ "M NOIIgOrRNP am1nMB MOM COON, 32 go MINIMS 670.20110f OBVICOSO O7, MslamsCONVSOMM0949-01 LOCATIONS DN/CAIVTi4, ern-Mics aON m wm 02COMR nos/ 71NN M01®DINIIN mm mwvma IA0100 s0 PNK IDN PLUMOO;M MY NU47 C140100 O"d " me "Mm ao N11S& AN COOM a ING osaR nun sus PiNAN MA ACCOtULZMMMMs afrnAL nwm osn, ts•19-n PRo2ssoo VMS AMVW STs, 192,066.12 PRODUCED man. FUNDED ANDUffs 162,x6.12 ACNN11, Two OEM C2Li0ATI0NN, 0.00 ACIM IA 0, DRINY 7NRo MON was 10=,006.11 ORAINI to DUN VA, 11,171.24 TOML NOINIRA or mNNpmus Aglom ZOOM NIT ABIAM INN FAWNS INTO SOON Low NEMS NAM M16V /ACIP A18NK TOM NRaORD 36 2 0 21 0 1 0 0 2! 1! ACCOMIGNPUM 10102 iVN, ease. MOMPNND AC71Vrrr NAaawrmm 00000 VON VMS 1997 OMM& 0092 - MIA/ISOIIA27010 ON PNIVA7N ON "INGN ACTiviTr, Il - Noma fima Pmowm MOMM COOS, 1IA NON CtMnW, 670.202 NATZOM 067, SONMBV4=s 00-07-02 101x7100, 0ABCN211i1aN, cm -0100 momn m LamiOa0Mr6 ION SUN IMCon mommumme 10 aa2N Noma mam. PLUMOO;M MY NU47 1. 11 a, ACCONMOOMM S siTIASO POKDiND DA7i, 11-19-97 vROPONRa I=, ACnvrrr R11 .NA 466,2/6.22 Pa000a.. Ooi7N, VOODOO AMPO r, 169,250.22 ACeWH, "no DNI.IO COSSOATMOPP, 0.00 AC1mASO 0ori6, ORSON MU " TR, 466,255.22 DRAW IN PON TA, 15,701.22 D01N - C"PM D.N. UN AMIIIOPr or 900610 AND ORNM 0011ssOPNNpr VMS 05.16-02 OPPteR OF CDIPFAFM DA941PM AND NO -AN m TION, 0/,26 100=70D DIMo6stmlr Alm MWOMMON d - I I Mme 0 CONS ACIMTV 80150M ROO M/ 10981 M P900RAM I= toes 07.01.2001 10 06-20.2002 91NM001N, No TOTAL INNIVEa a 110opa06s! Molal® LOW SAT MIM IOD FM%bx ROD lar lar ano MACH sm! Vel! Yea TOTAL sr+roa 0000 90 :s 2 07 0 1 s s y so AOCOWW.loaar WARaATM ••••• RATMMM ALTIVM OARsoms 00666 MR TRARs 1097 PRyRC s 0001 - cone CARS MIN ArCo ALTIYiTTs 02 - ps9ATRR ON IATCAps 11980Czwm atRss LTINso o9/, ISO CRIATIMs 970,201191 W1Ts01Ws p90s (TICRIATOas0009TIS09-20-01 LOL'A!RAs CRoCSTPTTas CPIT-H= Alasars s USSIU Os VIVO RATapR BMW= PURISTS ARa st"Ma AT womR Us zo 9amm. A aDm m aIINY eleassr sammor y som, FZWA =s ACOMINSISINUMME IassIAL FIWIrIiIN OATss 11-10-07 PROTMCI TTPis AC?MTT RSTTOI1fISs 92,263.20 lT1Ti01fIN 1INITSs PIVEND AWOCMrs 02,263.20 Ag7m TIPss QMM OOLZINTMWss 0.00 ACfM UWMSs RRYIN TORO 9RW TRS 02,263.20 VMV a 1011 of 0,9".20 TOTAL OCaIS or 1T01IN2ISIeo ANZOVID FOV sR MIM IND FINIALS 900 LOS FOS all RIIACO SM VCIF AFOIS TOM MM IO sf 2 63 11 s 2 1 10 20W ACIVIFLI9INIOr xmty mf 00060 s1TtaIS Aff"m aRAAT/Vss 60600 0IN1 TOAAs 1!N OVwwrt 000 - PIPMEM rams A RsCzenim ACTSO1TTs 02 - VRO i owmaTIA OMMAWi/s Swan pDISs ON Rha CYCIAWOs 570.201101 Oallom pyo IMlose - COIFR63 U.N. 09Vs11m1! 01 rpOs11IN AMON= OSVE&CHU // AM 63 -w -M OFFMO a COMMrn PLM0=0 An 0993& 01RINr T9INs 0!09! Cleo ACTT M 611lISM Rf" (NPIU 000 MUM Tills 7001 07.03.2001 10 09-20.2002 STATrs.s comam 06-12-03 14CATIONO OtSCR10T3OOi 3Tr-tms Phones VMS ARO ROCIS MOR POOMM ANISrAM SOP Lar SooMs RNSIDWS. n00KMD ACCOOLIOOIRtlSr z.IT3AL Swtr tt5 G7ii 11 -1l -n OROROLm Tr05i ACTr4m IVII 0 4,065.47 OROeOS® MISS AROUI/, 4'"I.4a ACIM Tr05r ORLIO OYLIOWT v 0.00 ACTH IO MS SRAIO TOO Mal M 1,055.42 SWISS 0 i00 VSi 0.00 TOTAL OOOOR O/ 0050.0 ANZOice tat RAT Mewl no 541511/ SMO tat tat r slats am OACir AI 4o= SRASRo 02 01 0 73 5 4 0 0 02 43 ACCONMOIN1 wRIWMF dodo RAlsOfp AC43WM 00ATMs ••.dodo SOI 1=1 1007 0RolOff OR0005 - =UMM OMM A0035LMWM wn=t 44 - 00RRAL SROSRAl1 AStlrteIRMON 9"49ps C01101s 05-15-01 100CMEs cm -rut It W r :, nu2w L romm 1 SWISS 11-1047 ALTMIV f0!>lSITOm 110,471.05 S Al s 130, 471.05 l IRM COLSONTSU IS 0.00 ORSW TIOIO PON was 130,471.55 t1eAIOI It SOI Val 2,010.70 mwmn COOti sm R55 C1TATWWs 570,200 L_zf-;. r MOM=. 1 man OROOOM MISS ACt1O16 TOSS AM" LUM S TOTAL Wt o0 A ozom tat Or AUM in SOU" no Lal mt WIS SLAM an OACIr ALOIN TOTAL 0Ao® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 tole C040Ro3• dodo. dodo•.•-•- ................ U.S..epRRMW OFOOCI A AimUNAS MVWA 016 OMCs or COIOO151TY 01 40 001404 ma rrR010Mrm Otmmmomm 1r ARO ISrONgrna ores 0055 AL"rly r SON"" RRS' I 46=1 SMR iROSf.r IM 2001 07-01-2001 TO 00.20-2002 rumom, 3O AtY;a10Lu0RW mMM0tI dododoodo Nk?Zo= Owl DMI of -10.02 T311Rt 00125 PAM 30 r ACTIMI/ NAMAAT "s 00000 9= TORS 1997 PRMWI 0000 - NOS0Y1 fYS0511n0 MMr101R4 OMIIA LIC ACTZVZTIt Of . ONOOrMOfls Accommum zmmo sI®IB R M IX cm, UA. M COTATIOMt 570,707 MRT100AL out L. ofmms CONPL& MY 69-75-01 LOCAT1As 6oO(T1oDs O Irrml rL7MovIN,1s YOIoOWn or AN 5s18rm 010000 "DMS IYR O MOICAPM ACOSOOI um". ONrWGIms ACOONVU M01[OI INVIM PLIMM OMs 11-19-67 i'O/ROOM IMF ACIMMTV f01D00RMs 941"0.94 F POM 111, 0 90NOS0 ANMWs 901"0.94 ACIM VMS YpldO 00LIQATIONBt 0.00 ACM Ulm$ YRA1 TRAY OOM TSs 941944.!0 ACT1VCr/ A7rsoms OSA10I 94 fOM TMs 0.00 0M Odom oto, Tom NOOSR or 9MAOQMA A091 iLIM AIOWs 6011 MIT AOIAM no Palo" Mop LOM LOM wwo ams RT0/ nor Aum TOTAL mm u 1 10 >• ......... 0 ........ 0 0 .. 0 ...... i• ........... 0 0 5 ACOpo618olOr NUM IMI •&..n comm Ap ACr1V1TI MAR9ATIVSs *fee. PON VMS 1!!7 M MCrs 0007 - BOO M AC"M 6MRAON .MSS (CAB") ACr1YYl$ 10 - CAB" MATRIS COM Of ABO CITAT=s 570.70110) MMr101R4 OMIIA LICOTATIIBsCONSMP09-75-01 LOCAT1As Y94CSf9nmt CITr-NIOS TI>u1B/IsWWW If, Nommu RR CYO MM, ASNAN Ocaws mmm gmwmmON AOVOSORI, m WofODs rR00RA1o. ACCONpL(gs. INITIAL 019401"0 VMS 11 -1l -l7 9N01OSf0 Im ACT1VCr/ A7rsoms 00,000.00 0M Odom oto, iLIM AIOWs 0,000.00 AC11A{I, IMF IYLJ . C 19M N.N. NNIRR M Y OF 8OW1Mq ABO OlBBM OSVS(o01®r Ems 94-10-07 OFF= or commm vu -Am moonomw T=s 09171 1Y1p0AlfD or Is m m m r ANO nwomoffm 6rNrotl rf 11 CAVO ACr1VM 81SMM MM MR) PM rROONAM TM 7001 07-01-0001 TO 06-70-7007 rL71om, 11M MUD CMIOATIO<Ot 0.00 WML as=$ 9S 7AR0 fOM TSA 00,000,00 DOM is V= VRA 0.00 TOUL HBOG Or NOI MMLW A6angs LON on ASL1B ISD Poo" MOO L0N LOM IS117s MACK star /ACIP, ALS01 201M ASIVIO 2% 200 45 105 70 11 1 5 2% 746 ACOOOI,I MON 011IA7Ms ..... IlUx m Acrlvnv .IOSBA7 w, 09.00 1011 TMRg 1557 OR JWI$ 0002 - IRA== A MWMca 7b A7Ais =Me=, Lam -?001 sumnAC'f2Vi vs 40 - P,NRLY SHA-sOP,P,ICIYCY WMIs Cone OIs No CITATZONr 570.2011s1STA?OSs Cpm 00-15.01 sA?IaOL dWr L11C LOCA71051 ORSCOI MMI Ci?Y-Yloo COU00ORWIAI WITO Of, LOOM VW 1001110 ARISORIH 7b rWIJ i Os71VI00AL SorOW 6 COONSW,I10 FOR LOM zoom BUTZOP 5 ASSIBIAM TOWCONSow-SRme107 rnmacINO, ADCINISTTOINOWG. INZTM PONDI112 ONYS, 11-10-07 0p030601'7MS AcrzvzTY noTno ?s, :5,550.50 9e000601 WITS1 POWND AIOWTs 25.050.50 ACiWL'If13s SH,10 OH, AVFZ=s 0.00 AC MA, WITOS OGIO 7MIV M Us 25,400.00 CUM m M YA, 774.40 70TAL B01OM W MOSINKON ASOMW LOM GT ABL1s w Poo" MOD LOM LOM ang SL4CA 0000 VISP GCIP, ALSG 70TAL am 145 62 46 P,0 46 0 0 1 14s 117 AOCOMIS RONT GOOITIVer 0000 01701D® ACTIV12T IMMATIVII 00.00 1015 . C04P,R07 V.P. 06GRI — 0/ s00SNO ARS O Osys101aw 7Ri 00-u-07am= M C0150/12Y PWRINO An OSOdOR INT 7016. OSrSo IR/fGN1® DIAspBO MV An 1N10o017ION AYBIOI Rus. 12CMACTIVITYSLIM= FAMP IoP,RI /OR P,SOORAM YGs 2001 07-01-2001 70 06-10-2002 P,LYMPlIs, a ION TGR. 097 PROM=$ 0010 - Cau mitt' Builders ACYL MF H - Malcom ACCMINM ROOOIRD MATRIR COOS. 054 as CiTAR10N1 070.204BINMONCON01RM00-06-01 Avria 1 out NRI LOCATIcxs 1999 OENCRIRI®r am 1, BLOCK 1 among 901100 im V Ammom OMS aims maw ACCM=a MOND is CIIRRENIId UND R COWBIROC27M POR A PLYIIO01N,N5 STATOS, 94M INCOME NVPRLI MITE A Mmd,WAIR BOIISO9ANIM MmRRR. VZWANCIMOS 0.00 ACOMMI0El5I UUTIAL POOPING 00101 11-19-97 PROVICIBID TTPBi ACTIVITY BfMNM. 25,000.00 PRO9OBm HUMS PONCHO AN0007i 25,000.00 ACIM VMS WLIO CSLIOIT s 0.60 AMISS 011115s DRANO THOU PON T<i 25,000.00 CRAMS IN POI m: 0.00 TOTAL SWISS or MOIISRBOPOB MIRM LOM UT ASIAN no POWS NO LOM LOB HIM SIMS glop PACIP ALSO 7DYAL NEADm 1 0 o s o 0 0 0 1 0 ACCUMPLIMMUM IWWATMv Osseo 90M 1RARr 1999 PRMMS 0001 - MM "M - MONCLO P 100111 A@11VMYi 51 - NP YNG - MONE&ASS Tom STATOS, canna m 09-19-01 LOCATION$ 0.00 CONNONITY-MPDS r IOMCINDi MTM PLIMM HAIRS 06-17-99 ACTIVITY ENYDOTMi 10,000.00 PISWHO JVIKWI 10,900.00 ORM CILIORT105Si 0.00 ORAIO TIDO POI 1a, 10,000.00 SHAMR Zo PON Val 0.00 NATRS COPS, Om RHO CITATZMs 570.201151 NATPOM 000. LNC 020MVEMA SELVES BON008o 10V1g MMN cuals IN1ERVarnaM, mum 'HRN COm6G,IN5, Am WHIM=. ACCO PUBMIUMMOv PROODED TYPES PIn- +no" Uglim, ACTUAL TYPOS ACIM 0170P logo - CHMM3 U.B. OSPA111 OF m1 100 AND GROWN OBVCIOPNOI OMP 66-10-02 omen N ammm P1A01II00 AND OBVELOPNOY TIIOS 00120 INTIMMMOHO viesumoolm Am INPOOOWION 575101 /AGNS 12 COSO WrtvzTT BWOORY on" Wog) FOR PROOOAM YEAR 2001 07-01-2001 TO 00-20-2002 PLINDRIN, NO TOTAL EWOBt OF PERSONS ABSISIm LOM UT ASIAN IND VOWi MOD ME LOU =175 MLRCR HIM PRCIP ALSAN TOM NaORD 60 0 0o 42 13 2 2 1 60 35 J ACCO156IBMUW O11INf9V3s reed,* MT55aID ACTIVITY NARRBTIVir •free FEN VMS 1555 i100ECTs 0005 - INTERIATI9 OUlR3AC9 6 0ammsiv Y FART m ALT9VZTVs 57 - ION INSCRIPTIONS YAM= ODDES 059 150 CtINTIONS 570.701(e) 3AT9OIL OWs L9CBV 92371001 CdNISTm 00-06-01 ipnmxc Nos L9GIT90•l INITIAL PLUM Al DAT3j 07-01-05 DIBCRIYRa. CITY -11199 FROMMO UNTT01 11191oTIm1T /IaCOI m A m 714111111101 OUR LONER INCOMES R,T901/19 33BiD . FINA3C9108 ACOMOIJBNm s INITIAL 50NIPM 9RT0s 01-01-55 DOMINO TT53E ACTIVITY sNTilaY11 10.000.00 OROiOB® UNIMS SOID® ANOINT$ 10,000.00 ACTUAL TY03i Lquo OBLIQ9T30NAS 0.00 ACTUAL MISS DIAIO 11111 509 Tat 161008.00 UTA9M IN 009 TRx 0.00 TOTAL 1RNOO1 O5 P6=0111 AUZ9 LON EAT ASIAN ITN FOIAIs 1100 L09 LII 1OPT3 MACK 9I0/ OACIS AT TOTAL 93ADm 15 d0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACiIDINL1B61! 9AIRNTIVEt rrvr Mr 0 ACTIVITY 00MVIV3s rrrrr 009 V1121 1550 0100EC s 0010 - ASFOIfMBL3 1101101112 OBVBODIINT ACfIVITTE 57 - AFf000AM 9005110 099II0ODNINY NATAIE .C=s 19 m CIIwnms 570.101101 NATIONAL WE TII 80T051 CONLIT® 00-15-01 IDIS - COH1107 U.O. 05FANP05IT M 90UBIN0 AND 913AN 05VE600MM 0013t 00-10-07 OMC3 M Camem V rzA A191 OIV/ mmm 7=1 O5r10 ININOOATIU OIB311RBOIEtfT AND IN/DO11lION BYNTOI OAOEi 11 am ACTIVITY BOEOIIY BNOOB! IOFB) TOB 51005AN TEAR 7001 07-01-7001 TO 06-70-7007 OLU MM, MN LOCATIONS INSCRIPTIONS CM -9903 ABO98T TO T13 ORVALORONY OF AFFORDABLE 9005190 IN TRE CITY. ipnmxc Nos AOOONL1810 .- INITIAL PLUM Al DAT3j 07-01-05 51o5osee TT51, ACTIVITY EBlDIAT3e 5,474.00 FROMMO UNTT01 FUNDED AND=$ 516:6.00 ACTUAL TMs YNWO OELIOATTO l 0.00 ACTUAL OaITBs Dam TIOU PON gas 6,024.80 UNARM 0 POI RS 0.00 TOTAL RUMORS or m11Bm0ISO ASOI97m LOW OPT ADZ" 11® POLUS ROD LOW LOW WAITS SLACK HIOP MOP ALOWN 7OTA6 RNAM 0..............1 .......... o 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ACCOI0LIO01®R MRRRATTVEs •o.** 3AT®Dm ACTIVITY NARRATIVES ••••• POI WWI Oft FROMM 0001 - PARTLY HOPE BWRVICBa ACTIVITY. a0 - PARTLY RUNS S3RVINB (PE6) TURIN C0038 06D fan CTTATIvs 670.:01(31 NATIONAL We LIC NII7USS COMWSTm 09-19-01 LOCATIOMs ONSCISMOr8 COe1mITY LIDO MIR TR3O10UB3 PgUnnAM Pam= "AR-=gs ACTIYITTLB Am POR PLYNCUTI'm AT-RTBR T3oLOYa Am "MIR PAMILIRO. PIOIlIWS ACDa1061O0RD 8 INITIAL e06DIH0 3102118 01-16-00 PROPOOND TYPES ACIVITV 3aTMTss 10,000.06 PROPO00101 OII1Tas PwDm ARM", W.000.00 ACMAL 7m, IAR,ID OaLIOAT MN 0.00 ACTUAL MISS DRAMS 7NIU POI TRI 10,000.00 CRAMS IN FOR no 0.00 TOTAL RUMORS or eWAe61m ABBINTm NOW NAT ASIAN Im Fog" NOW; LOW LOM town WAM nor Mery ALa101 TOM wAD® 11 2 s 11 0 0 0 0 11 6 Tnsa - eorPfol R.B. oevAasl r oP RareINB Am wast wvsLaPMseT Dea'EI oe-u-os OPPICE OF COMMUR1TV PLAOIW AND DEVILOPMM Two OPs7e mfmaATm DImwBBWia/T An INPORNMON STONER ROBS 16 CM ACTIVITY SUMMARY IMPORT (CPR) POR O300RAN YEAR 7001 07-01-2001 TO 06-10-7007 PLAIN10 R, NO ACCO@LIBTaOMT MARRATIVEs •...Sr QfODm ACTWITV OIIRATMs ..o.p DON VMS 2001 c i yt', 0 PROJRLTr 0001 - rIRST ?IMS ROMpOYY ASSIMMOCR PROMRAN, STRATOOV 3.0 ACTIVITY, 63 - PIAS! TIIO IMMOOYRR AWZPZ MCR .MATRIX am$ 13 ROD CITATIORr 570.201(M) MRTTOIAL OwlBTATUSSCOIPLATODOS-ID-02 LM LOCI Mr DROCRIPYIOh CMNUVI11-wM 1ROVIDY ARSIVINOM To t40/NOD IM M PICOT TIDO ROMpDPRR6 TMMODDMPLVNMM,M6 66047 LOANS PDR OP To M or SOMRPAYM 01T. MWIM C min CDSTR, Am R®OCYIOR ADDITIONAL 610,000 or MONSUAGO. IWL'IROr acCOIpT,r 3MITIA6 PMMINO 0=1 of-19-01 1RO108m TY1Rr 10 -- MMM GATXACPIVPIP61CLRTir151,174.13 PPD1OSm am, 6 POSOND AMOPNTr 151,174.12 ACTUAL TYPRr 30 -- MOOUnn MMM VOLIG ORLZUTIasr 5.645.00 ACTUAL 1AITSr 5 SIMON 7NM) POI YRr 151,174.13 MANN IM POI TRI 151,174.13 COOP ACTIVITY SUMMARY ROM! 10121 POR PROGRAM TRAR 2001 TOTAL MM OF MODSOMss AMOZOM LOM SIT ABIAR iRD PMAfi MOD LOM I= Mi. PLICA OISN PRCIP maw TOTAL MOOOD 6 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 ACOpOLIMMONT WORTIVMr WRLIO TOR 2001 PaWMAN TRAM, 5 MONSOMERS MOSS PMOVIUR0 FINANCIAL ARSISIARCR TRIGUOi DRP06R6D IMANS POR ODYN PAM NP, CLOSIIIS COHTR AND/ an NORIIGBOR PRINCTPLS RMMcTzw. RRT®m ACTIVITY ORRMTTIVRr 41,40411010 POI Two 2001 PRO,1RLTr 0002 MIMLPIATIOM OF PRIVA75 DOMINUS, SURATROY 2.0 ACTIVMs O6 ' RRRARILTIATIOR OF PRIYATR WILLOOOS MATRIX 0=0 Ida RM CITATIOIr 670.202 NATIONAL ORJ. LOSYATDRrUNDRMAY LOCATIOMr TOBCRIPIIOIr COSMMITY-MIO{ ODoNIMa N MIRILTTATIOM DRPMO® LOIRE OP TO 615,000 POR LOM ZWMM SOMRAORMO. PLYIMUTR,.m 65447 MALL MRPAIR GUM UP '10 62,500 POR. LOMLICOIS SMIIORB. ADDITIONAL 610,000IDIS - C00903 O.R. D1190" s" or MOMSTMO ARD MR7AR DrAMAPPwr MISS 00-16-02 oPPICB OP COOIORITY PLRRNIRO ARM OW49LCPNMTI TIMR. 09x22 INTRORATED OISMMSMmH An 11/016wrm eve= POOR. is COOP ACTIVITY SUMMARY ROM! 10121 POR PROGRAM TRAR 2001 07-01.2001 TO 06-30-2002 PLTNOUTR. COI LOOKS FOR ACCOOMMILITY. PIOJL'Mr QIRr INITIAL PUNDIRO ORTRr 09-19-01 PROPOS® TYPRr 04 •- RODSMIOIMS fGAUSIA6) ACTIVITY MOTINNI 1 173.152.34 YNOMORD am. 4 FUNDED ANDUNYr 172.152.34 ACTUAL TWO; w -- RWSANDIDO IMMORAL) ORLIO 00140101101001 101.00 ACTUAL ON1TR. is DRAMS TEND PMN TR. 171,249.85 DRAMA IN POI YRr 171,249.85 TOTAL 6wm01 OF Woue0e03OS A8835T® Law mr ASIAN 310D rms" NOD Lam um WWM6 skum WISP MAMr AL801 Tom MOOD is 10 5 16 0 0 0 0 16 11 DOIIMO 186 1001 PROGRAM TM. 11 6O SOMMOR8 95CEIV0/ POmBO 710o110s TIO cm Or PLINDUM'8 MOD NO05IMS EMBILITAT3ON PROOMM. R IL3T11130W NO CO RN loop ON 1 or In 11 GONGS, TWO MAMMIMO 10 w0as on" Nava am IW 115005555. AM AMTIG pL 5 mamw 6015050598 UM PROVID® Nin MONS mhll Ja6CN AID CSORO 85aV1N8. 001 TRUs 2001 PROOOLTI 0003 - Ar9GRO S 6o0OIN0 DBVllMmM ROORAM, MAIM 1.0 ACTIVITVI 57 - Ar901ospi 0006160 OXVUO PROGRAM 611832 COOPi 12 000 CI7AT=i 570.201(0) EMOM two LO 887081 OMDONpv UWAnO61 OnemrTIOWI 1030 M5o3CIW5 taw 0 N LAWD AC8t181T10O 906 cowmcnan or 132 MDIm-samor 7 Alm 3 BoOmoM AN1aT1mIT PLTMOIII6,10 65441 ON38. 30 Or TAO 00118 WILL MVB ROW[B A/90ROY(i Abp T9Yo5T® TO LRW-INC08 60088008. rINAWZ=I AC00060900® IOITIAL n==llm$ 09.19.01 TYMSMPL351 Vm: 10 -- ACTIV3TT 58TINMOI 236, 506.77 PROPOSED 0NM81 30 FUNDED AMOUNTS 236,506.77 ACIM TMP OLIO OBLI0aT30W51 236,601.00 AC70AL OOITBI MHO 100 MON 81 &.985.30 PRANG ss PON TRI 1.905.30 O.B. Ds0AM85lT 0r OOYBI60 AMD PRBAW D5v0APWM omen or COPOWITT PLANNING Am 06vO6OOMONt 3fIO0RMTM DIBIUMMUNT, Alta IWrORIpT306 8TM01 COMB AMWITT BLMM ROPO9T (POB) 908 PROMAN TOM 2001 07-61-2001 TO 08.30-3002 PLta10O16. 01 TOTAL 60001 or OLMB ARMUD LOW 6aT ASIAN s1m IMNALO MOD LOW LOW 1038 BLMM NIBP PACIr AL801 TOTAL NOMD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOOTAUCnM OMTO NAVM PORMON® TOM COMPL6T30N OF TRIS PBOJMf.T. TWO PROAM IS 63P0.'Itm TO M CMPL M Da93WG 1101 2062 MORN VM. WTaaSo Amvm aA15 MV3. ..... M VMS 2001 5M,JIM. 0004 - 0umm /a00RAN powzNzr wA= sTAl08. LVOKI T locATsaN. r111N0@111,NI 55667 YIW11LMI I/ITIAI. 005nA15 WTf. 05-15-01 AOliVMv YrIWTs. 85,"7.15 Ra Alawlr. 55407.55 oaks@ aa,Iaflrg=j 81,661.00 OBAIRr TM 5011 Ta. 76,"1.66 5aA5N 1@ /0N no 76.581.55 umn mor 7111 so CITMWS 870.705 NATIOM owl 504 zvn v, PEWMU 508 oval sum, Iwa0018rr, wasI7oalm. Am COOaNiarr M at TNBCOa5800sAsMM& A5 P=Zv =M- AT= AcC To 0888 AMVZ"8s. Aoam"Z8a81N18. Wa5om fm rlm pow I/Ms. ALTM VMS ACIM I ITir TOM MM OF AMMWD uw w AsIAN m ravels ow sow 2ON an. MACK of any mew wm mwm a.........e00006ea ACCW6ISIsmR WSWTMs. *to* SiTmm ACrIvnw OaWTMB. 0*00* M TWa. 7002 OOMWI. 0008 -81111048 RfS B, sTAAT7or 8.0 1028 - C"Mas @.s..asvAanms or 808828@ AM Ua 05vatAnow OFF= OF WMMTr i2Aala ASI/ lommia oI6 1r Aa zwom TIa so= ca!@ AMMMr smm" ammo (Ora) 5004 /owm Tm I It 07-01-7001 TO 06-70-7007 Ommoss, a Amv"v. 51 - N515ua =. MmwCN8, smug= 8.0 NAma Coos, 14A M CKTN"ON. 670.707STATOs. CONrISHO 00.15-07 N l 00-15+02 TTNB. 01.78 n1os. is MMOM 080. M 1sCATI011. OXMIOfmi 7511 5IACK CM 1A 5A7IMM MInCATIM 008 AIBIWTV I== AT A 6 /OSO80ia0r OCC/rltsPL4MMIN.1a 55667 a 9dw-m m: OBYBUMM Asp p mmm- NS m"T OZOAKW go"=. VINSR=1 AODf116fS v 311211E /004104 11578. "-75-01 IR9rmom TM, 10 -- NOOOIb ON21@ALTWMTasTI101T8. 56,057.04 Rlop 0/ alter 1 510a70 AIaONr. ",057.04 ACIW6 Trri. 10 -- nowzn MZT6185SI@o56IWTIOas. 7,755.04 ACIM a."SY. 1 oRAt01 TOO FIX Ing a,as7.a 4MASM IS all Too 06,457.04 TDUL Mw1NO 4r viR84Ms Aalow LOW OT ASIAN to Vag" RFD LOM IM SOM ELM Off "OF ALSO TOTAL MUM o-------.--................... . . ......o ......o ._...:.......... WWOLtSOOT OOA?NMs As 4r 12/7/2002, = 4MOSV MOI¢ Os Aggsapga To 850 = Hpli MW ACCMN=g FMN In ommeam um DIBA/Ioo Now MOMM O 7101 MORM. T MOMIMMONS WAS, MO01i TO MMM TM going In A40 As imp soma- OM RNF no=. sRT01om Aenw TT MAOA&M ..... 1011 row, 2001 FAOOSLT, as - CUM CASH AaIRT , OTOLTMNr 0.0 ALTWITTI 60 - CNILO GMM AMSIO AMCM MLATOR, COM5IIISM a-15-02 r01AIM COMAS 064 OO C12MM Wo 570.201(/) UNFRO L SAO$ LSC LOCATION, DUBCUV tOM, comilmm-am MST GMM S= Mr FOR LOM ISLO S PIUIMZSV IORRIMq a Oa3M8 TI VMM AOIISIBTOSMPLrNOVIM,W 55407 AT Q,Io1TSR MOMMFO16W LNr GY Am. ROYCIOS ACOWLIMM E M, INITIAL FMmIND Mlles, 09-25.01 FROaASIM STEM, a 9400mmms cosMMA41ACT1r1TT9973MMo0,401.62 FMOFCSNO 101178, 6 FUNDED ANOMMT, 9,401.62 AL7MA4 743151 as -- mo4NaFlms 10ID001daw10OMLIOATIM, glass." AMM 011281 7 SIMON TOO Pal TR, 9,401 62 DRAIN IN FOM Val 91401.09 IMiB - CaFM42 V.S. 4NF usm Or MOOIO An GRAIN UNWO MINT alio 49.10-02 OFItCM Or CFuoMM FLIWip AO ONTILOOOrT 70010 OWN IM1MawTMM ozon OOR AND INFOpNItOM 6Tsr011 Fes, 19 CNN ACrr4M MMMT MOM" 10591 POR FROORAN rRNA 2001 07,03-2001 TM 06-20-2002 TOTAL 1ro1®MA or M001O1 = ASstg= LAIN of ANTI/ IMM MOM MOD LOM LOM sun MIA= our FACIr MAIN TOTAL OAOm 7 s 1 5 2 0 0 0 7 4 ACCOMIMM M! ORRA7WS, 61011M0 Tills 2001 FROaW Tiles, 7 FARILSss SMIMM CNJW GRA awzmSCN r0A 11 CuLORRa. 409/ NDOWAM sMCoNs FAMILIRO MNONIT® alDIIS SOLS s0AS1MIO TO OLI FAT FOR FRIVATN 47tLo CARR. s ACo0M IGIM IN MAAewsme 828NN ACTMTr MAIMUMY31i IOIB - 040802 BR=I0ti 7q 2601 08000AN 7864!, 102 0LIMM BBBI08111I HMAOBIRM 111000011R10INOTBR Ba1omm, rOMOCmom ruvwnN, AN on1r8 8010 0108! 000R08L180 offmc88. ur6 rN TORS 2001 rmcjwrS 0000 - 101131141001 B. ACYIVITl Bs . 3110814110 BTATOBi CNIVIAM® 00-16.01 LOGTINI CN0alI"-Mm3 rLT1318n,10 66007 FRIMINCINGi IOITM PUMPING a31MI 11-02.01 ACTIVITY 11RY310)T O 10,000.00 PU IN 08110th 10,000.00 NLIp NLIOWS Me, 0.00 O.B. ORPAR1MtMI or 11009M An 03106431 OBMAMMIR OA731S 08-10.02 Omer Or CONNINI !t 0164001310 An DO M6NM10i 731x6 00610 IM1NlAIN OI800BOIOR AMB IMPOROMN mm IMOMI t0 CON ACIM" BUNRIT MOiOlT (NR) m 031001AM TONS 2001 07-01.2001 TO 00-30-7002 r(,TIIOD31r, NO 0.0 Man IMMI 008 !N CITARNi 670.201(31) 31RIINR9 Owl 1/C RBBCMIrIiN, T80IMI 110VOCACT 11"LI318. TOAMr QMRAMIBIN, AMO OIB31R 7min801'64im B08TICRH 1031 LN 311oQ1a RBMnMe Pamoso BT 3110181,:.8. ACCOMIe801 a, rMNNso 7m, 00 • - 31031888n" I000GN OMOrQBBO NIT31, 200 helm TMO 06 -- doeBr31 m (OOBRALI AMMAL 01179i 217 RXIMMOO AC IVM MAMMATIvB, ••••• 101 VMS 2001 rROJIMs 0807 - CRIMINIM ACTIN soNl31NM 318l318rs8 (CABl1. MIMM NY 6.0 ACfsVITY, 61 - mom m ACT= BUNOlMNM R'lgggpup 101IRIs CQOBS 06 RBO C17ATIN, 070.20110 MMQM Ball LM guavas I BRIwY IACwnNg VzmwpTm31S COIRIO im-Mme 31ase0TlB 11wa IN, sOR31C1"m PRBVWM, NMO o731MM IMIa Q108A 00831 41310 PONOMIN,MO M47 BOWS= VROVmBo 31Y C.A.B.N. rA0)BCf00S ACCOM&MOVIVIBi INITIAL r031DI112 am$ 06-26-01. vem Ad 7m, 04 -• 80Upa10o8 (BSBQArr ACTIVITY 8111310(781 20,000.00 rNs00m 1111A 108 01lB0O , Fm 1 20.000.00 AC31U6 TMS W -- MONO11008 IONYAL) I06I9 NLIBA7;N8, 0.80 ACMM oMMs 102 PRAM uIMP 0011 US 20, 000.00 011A11M IM 0011 TRO 20,000.00 TOTAL IIU108M or 31010010640 ANIBTOO Lab III ABLY mO • MIUM MOO 90M LN WITS sum 31101 VICIV ALBA wm mm 100 61 so 110 26 s 6 1 182 62 ACo0M IGIM IN MAAewsme 828NN ACTMTr MAIMUMY31i IOIB - 040802 BR=I0ti 7q 2601 08000AN 7864!, 102 0LIMM BBBI08111I HMAOBIRM 111000011R10INOTBR Ba1omm, rOMOCmom ruvwnN, AN on1r8 8010 0108! 000R08L180 offmc88. ur6 rN TORS 2001 rmcjwrS 0000 - 101131141001 B. ACYIVITl Bs . 3110814110 BTATOBi CNIVIAM® 00-16.01 LOGTINI CN0alI"-Mm3 rLT1318n,10 66007 FRIMINCINGi IOITM PUMPING a31MI 11-02.01 ACTIVITY 11RY310)T O 10,000.00 PU IN 08110th 10,000.00 NLIp NLIOWS Me, 0.00 O.B. ORPAR1MtMI or 11009M An 03106431 OBMAMMIR OA731S 08-10.02 Omer Or CONNINI !t 0164001310 An DO M6NM10i 731x6 00610 IM1NlAIN OI800BOIOR AMB IMPOROMN mm IMOMI t0 CON ACIM" BUNRIT MOiOlT (NR) m 031001AM TONS 2001 07-01.2001 TO 00-30-7002 r(,TIIOD31r, NO 0.0 Man IMMI 008 !N CITARNi 670.201(31) 31RIINR9 Owl 1/C RBBCMIrIiN, T80IMI 110VOCACT 11"LI318. TOAMr QMRAMIBIN, AMO OIB31R 7min801'64im B08TICRH 1031 LN 311oQ1a RBMnMe Pamoso BT 3110181,:.8. ACCOMIe801 a, rMNNso 7m, 00 • - 31031888n" I000GN OMOrQBBO NIT31, 200 helm TMO 06 -- doeBr31 m (OOBRALI AMMAL 01179i 217 021M1 7N10 man T2i 10.000.00 MUM it 041 US 10,000.00 TOA6 mammin N BOOBMme /6618140 1M1 24/ law ZED M121iNODLOB605MfiT: 51105 526/ /aCL/ A2BO TOAD 1M10ip 53.....••................. 217. 1C=IO6Z=M MARRUMS OVUM '144 2001 0x000611 Un, 227 OLTI on H mmmu 5 M521 f wz= TMaI TR MAW 50l I AND 001118 Imm 0f0mms. MIUMMm ACT1vnv 21YAT2 , uoler 008 UARi 2001 OROOfiIg 0000 - OAMW am OMIY.CRO ACTIY/2Oi 62 - Ow" Mata Bmzm San= OOOai OfD anOomme NiT1Twas 070.201151 160820141E OBJ 2A1COfaM m 00-15-07 OPRO 8800/ - 0N COCIOMM, aDO002l; AND 01852 06 MO MR AT-62MM MM TaaOm MMM 1` 19110T20005 IIM 0i 90=0 OROYiOm By MM0T26T 6002 Opmen. IJtiT2AL /pals VMI 1CCONYW6MOB0i8I 90000011) T0O6l 02 -- womAO81Y2T840110iMs8.600.00 OpOt"M 45175{ 20FOMED GYL2p1Ti01Ms 8.000.00 ACTIM6 VMS00 .. Tom1156200.00 ORION 2p15 MON Oi ACTH 1XIMs s 81600.00 52AMI 21 0M1 US 51000.00 2Dia - CO00502 0-9. 06812'1®! 0. BOp1:2D An OWN OFAMO 1O8 OT4# 08-16-02art= 0/ dDIM6orn 0111 m AM MWWANDOW Two #toss2911MOVAIDOZOOMWMmlBAND ±Y/BRIIBROB 676= Dms 21cmACnvmSONOWBst66TNMI15206054MMIman2001 07.02-2002 TD 00-10-2002 bT13m, 1M TOAD BpMR N 8aB00O "gum mr 64! A6A5 END OMwism6M1IM0IP05WAMaffil /1L2/ Mm Tom 61806D 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 7 ACCMM6i6Mtd8 IMMtfTMI 09MM Tl5 2001 OROMM 4616. f AT -6166 VMS ORpI MOMM 02M1Ti m m 25 UX T11O BOYf6 OmORM1. M UNNO) AC77Y2TV MIRRATMIs 1000,6E C 3b -d? M MR'soot rQfn)OOr 0010 - IA!la1pT wAl<<71 IM, BIWA =I 0.0ACMVMfS66 - NaafWarf arAraB two RMUSr CONVEM la 08-16-02 wfIM CMA 000 466 CITATZOUS 570.20311) WrIa L out IAC L001TIOAS wsa)IrMOor 1+*-8105 TOR -ROM ODOM& s0 Bravura An aia)a OaOMM fm ram- um am as90wvrL7rarlr,ar 00407 Pnm wo Bf Ta's 00me WnrA or PROM=. FIdFACMm xarLZBOOMr ZVI?= ffi 02 os20S 11-02-01 Br6fwm VMS w -, vRr21a may) AL"nvm 06rnOrrsr 7,600.00 oat M" IaMar 60 r Aa M 7,000.00 ACf02L"Ms 01 -- rrowa IOsa lgala4014=910=8 0.00 AC71AL orMBr 20 DSArr memo taM Tr 7.600.00 rws) Is M VMS 7,900.00 MwMZ mwr OSA 660 CZZWn=s 570.201901 IV= MOM or rBBOIY Amem SANYr M, as ASIAN zo roww Bao Lar lar mm NAM sm mar A -4O corm. solo® 26 0 26 24 4 0 I..................................................................... 0 0 26 14 ACOalrrLI. SUNA m. Ddall)0 Ta 2001 rawrrw TMs, COLUM11400 OMWJZ 6 AM 0 e ra00aA016 we a9araae Aro nff=Y Yml MM vraviwp 70 20 Af-alas Ts20. x721Am AC*IVMf MAYArms en*** mr TABS 2001 IDIS - C010092 Y.B- DEPUMMf Or w0SDr0 Aro ORBI O"Mafmrf RVISS 00-16-02 OFFIM or CONra 111 Plan= = OrMala0rf VMS 00536npmmmwmDtwwsarvrABOzwomwrjms2BMrMONS22 CDeo A M"y MMU NOW (ays) POR raOm9lll TAR 2001 07-01-2001 20 06-20-2002 W0 Wf5 0011 - RUM aaa QosasO, OTA7ror 10.0 ACflvnTl ss - Osmr aaas s=rarea OfAZDSS Canals° 06-15.02 MwMZ mwr OSA 660 CZZWn=s 570.201901 MOWSO L Gus IAC SANYr DB6L7)Irfmar COMAXIMv-from BlAwlrlr,wl 66447 CAur TAN Gewmr saavmrs 7o mmaw An Omm Amin- wo IN mos la)) A)OOIs rIYAa Lair a0rmg8 plonsm of Palo's SIM Q09rSB OBOwAN. ACCa0LUMEMS ZaMZAL rm6)Zaa OATS 11-02.01 ff awn Too, 02 -- aar WACfIVMYrar=I 4.000.00 Ba11291Hm MIMS 29 fONp60 AMOIAfS 4,000.00 A@%= Two 07 -+ aara,7 DaL10 aSL1QATImo 0.00 ACRD 014D1 12 Da TAM Oar Tr 4.000.00 w Zr Oa VAS 4.000.00 Toru spm/an OF oeaMOWe Awso m wM ur A/zAN zm rU01HRODLOMLOM004. Mos Ozer pulp AUM Imm MM I............................. u • 7 10 2 0 O 1 u 9 ACGORrLZW U MARMATIVWI gown In 2001 PROMMAN TEAM, 102 azOm MM FROMM To is LOM Am1RDFRpRs-zsOON9 Dl+lMOO. SERIOUS. ERTOOMD ACr1V2TT VAMRATIVMS •41404,11 FON TEAR• 2001 rMUM1.T• 0012 TRIMI p AND RmpOCis FOR 1NDIVIO O6 WIND Tapp RUMORSACTIVMo " - T.R.A.1.L.M. Ne2RTs COO91 an ORO CtZNn s 570.201191 MWZOM ORNE SRR: DISTROe COMF1ATm 09-15-02 L UM$ OE/CONFIGNICW M,W 5r111130Wz9•RO is907 VUOV20i Cg1O6MIND, .0 N AMO/ AND 01OR AeszsTAme Tn IECz10W / VOSC1o18 RfAO!1M0p MOLDO/ ws. o•INNOVz9 so TWSV T99T MAT fimm s .me-surrwzw. M 1091M MOM OATX$ NOMIlI 09-29-01 rROr0sm TT1R$ Ol •- reQ/L9 (OOneALIACT1VMs9 - I'ss1 7,299./0 rROimm Offms 20rOOmAROIMTs7,290.88 ACTORL TTI• as -- 9/0918 (O®OAL) OLIO CRUMMO98s 2,119.00 AC79AL ORMs 20ORNOTOOVON7R• 7.229.60 eRAIO w VON VRI 7,2!9.60 Z me - CO@ROA W.S. DeV/8A1O/r Ol NBWdtRD Am OSYs OM MIAMI I! MATR, 00.18-02OIlCEorcommum1TTF1mzwNoOPWAPMWTHOSOOEMMWORATN9UNNIMMMITAND1M/ORNMr1ON 8T83O1 Ruse 22COBSACr1MsawsmnowIM) MR mom TEAM 2001 07-01-20/1 TO 00-20.2002 rLTNODIM, m TOM MUNSON OF r9ROO Aselerm LOM on Ulm no rOpY No MON LOW MOM MWM WN MOP A16O =MI. RAOlD 26 9 is 22 is 1 0 0 2/ >s ACCOMPUMMIMl NAM WMs MR190 718 2003 FMUW VM, V/ UMV1DOs0 ROCS` lVm dss DOOWMTROANDaesZOUNCs. si7mD8D ACl1VM MAURATMe .veto loi/ - oeo7 U.S. owma" Yr N momer s = L Wl mmmw00100 00-M-07 orRWS or CAMIUMM v = 0M owoow7ols 9=6 dogs$ oz/oDR00MR Am a1oMM ON fil ! flill, 24 CM ACfl M OOM ST ti7oas WRI 7001 MOOMld1 srY tool 07-01-2001 10 00-00-2007 91601311, Mt Tmm ALTIvm webs. 5 i 2,/02,/01./0 tom /{I o Awsm 2,/06,62/.20 lo7A6 A110111R 7/Im /OI TOML SWIG M //N u , 525,1/0.7/ s8. VON blow. CITY OF PLTMQUT'it : 340Q P),,7(MUl'J .BOULEVARD; ?L*QVM. MR 55447 ; DATE: August 20, 2002 for Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting of August 28, 2002 TO: f Housing and Redevelopment Authority FROM: um 130nes, Housing Manager through A uuFbuM Executive Director SUBJECT: nU HRA Preliminary Budget Each year in July Ch y Staff begins the process of developing the following years budget. Over the past six wedm HRA Staff has been evaluating to .20M budget to determine if we are on o tract wit revenues and expaditu es and prepanog tine pretimi azy 2003 brdget, which the City Council will begin reviewing on August 26, 2002. Additional Council study sessung; are stdxduded for September 3i° and S°. By September 15. the Council must adopt a preliminary tax levy for 2002. once the Preliminary levy is set, which is tentatively scheduled for September 9t, it can be reduced but cannot be increase. Find budgets will be adopted in December, With the find tax levy due to be certified to the Camay by December 24, 20M Me HRA budgets are inchmded in the budgets submitted to the City Council. HRA activities are covered by three separate program budgets: the Nu mumty Developusm Block Grant CDBG). Section 8, and to HRA General Fund. The CDs budget is supported primarily by federal funds. except for some overhead (such as allocatim fee dale processing and facilities management). which are funded through to HRA property tax levy. The Section 8 programa supported entirely with federal dollars and the HRA General Aad a supported almost entirely by property taxes. The HRA pmpmV tax levy in 20M is $521.796. Additional revenues in the 2002 General Aad budget include the 30.000 amoral payment from Fox Forest apartments (in lieu of affordable units). $23.000 it interest earrings. and $130.000 transfer from retained earnings (Ayr Stone Creat Village). For 20M we are proposing a properly tax levy of $535,247 and are anticipating additional revemees from Fox Forest ($30,000), interest income ($2S.000) and a transAx Atom retained earnings Abr J M ($40.000). The Comcil traditionally adapts the HRA's budget as part of the overall City budget. no HRA has authmiy over the HRA General Fund add Section 8 program budgets; hD+crever the City Council is the Grantee for the CDBG program so they have tore authority over that program budget. The Council also has authority overdo amount of the HRA property tax levy, so uk mat* they control thea main revenue am= for mangy HRA programa. 2803 BUDGET' MOM Attached are the 20M preliminary HRA budgets submitted to the Council. and below is a summary by program budget of significant changes. The maid focus m peparing the 2003 budgets was to keep the increase in due property tax levy as low as posahble. 12/0 — Cmsemri0r &MdMgo Bkk* Gnaw &UM MM The main changes in this budget reflect expected income and w@ dimm Oram federal Polls, including repayments and cavy-overs Oram previous years allocations. The propetgr tax support for this budget is iomeasing a modest $176. The only increase in this budget is an additional SXS00 for employee training. to send the two dew Housing Specialists through a National Development Council (NDC) Draining program. 1251— Sealant 8 Anv M The Section 8 budget proposes to increase the 24-hour per week Horsing ElignWq Specialist position to 40 hours per week. We expect continued groats in the number of vouchers administered by ft program, and that federal revenos will be sufficient; to offset the iacteased expenditures wBhou t an impact an local resources. Stasi recently made applicatio.. to HUD for 25 Mainsdeam Vouchers and 25 reallocated Baseline Honing Choice Vouchers. The proposed budget is presuming that we will be awarded at least 25 new vouchers. By expanding the Housing F]igibility Specialist position to fu0 time, we also hope to evenruaBy train housing Staff to preform Housing Quaft inspections, and reduce the involvement of the Housing Inspector. Demands for read licensing mspecdons and mu ranee complaints have increased. and we need to free up the Hoeing inspector to perform these responsibilities. The annual cost to increase the Housing Fligibift Specialist to faU time is 17.122. 1252 — Mt4 Cmmd There are no significant changes in this proposed budget. The increase to the tax levy is 13,451 or about 2.5%. which includes the smut Were= to the CDBG budget coming from the property tax levy. We are budgeting $40.000 from the Plymouth Towne Square Reserve aocouas at this time to oompeosete for any shortfall we may have as a result of the no structure changes due Board adopted earlier this year. Please tate that at this time Staff is not anticipating the need to me the. $40,000. however it is diffbdt to know On exact' moved ftm tenam rem at the point. I reconssead that the Plyssenth Homing and RWwd*mmt Authority Board of Cousudsidoners dbeoasthe 2003 IM.A budgets and regonmend that the City Cousid adopt the 2003 HRA prdkdmry budget. ATTACUNDEM 1. 2003 HRA Pahmimy Budgets 2. City bbnaWs Budge Message KIM -ran MA hdblkM Bs4p 1,t3 -0R sue 3 L. Revenue Budget View (MAK) (ALLCITY, All City Department Revenues) 7H1fM 18:04:27 Pap 1 Y.ti. , t' Ksmo CYlrry, e.yu WV AN CItY, 400a A - PnDpMyteof ': N ''• _ Qgnm daYflloCk trolly. 11,001) 257,268) 18,543) 301,001) 18,827) 322.000) 18,803) 441,000) a2?4 fialabOf" ,lg0i1 41,782) 53,088) 25,00) 25,000) l27`t . IsMa Mrord F.ta!!e._. 47,000) 30.000) 25,000) 25,000) 7'04 Ipj .:. 2,823) r InlerdatOMlnMe pn 1j ,' 2.103) 2,182) 2,000) 21000) lhg6 ed0aNY1r0l pn 850) 807) 369,774) 406.222) 39Q827) 508,803) 7H1fM 18:04:27 Pap 1 Stage 2 By Program (MAK) (1240, CDHG (1240)) Mir A02 15:01:12 0 Pape I 200,2 Cob am Inc iftc.cw Ow. Bel240CO (12.0 Rl.*uw 63,909 69.728 60.09 46,789 80A33 80.433 em Mier" peri= 243 784 767 859 841 878 876 2.826 3.114 3,277 2.323 3.344 3.344 0023 sodal O"'Uft"Olik) --l 3,352 3.366 3,659 2.7" 3.746 3.748 n 660 1.080 348 848 ew Ow 182 182 ISO IN Iw Iw Occup HOW 4.282 7.014 7.248 5.753 exe 9,888 lw- p"W"Wook10: rW&' 6101 -OMM 476 413 525 525 526 525 6103 PloftMft-. 20 20 20 20 7M 33 I,200 1.200 1,200 1.200 7009 A11pit 4770 2.850 3.000 3.000 3.000 XWO FOW AWOM Fe" 020 Regard Aiiol 4W 4W 4W 4W TIM p"Up - rid, Nnft 8; P'U* 420 105 M 114 1,000 300 1,000 300 I'M 300 1,080 - 300 1801 ;.blilsape`.' 46 4 25 25 25 25 IM Re C* piowM 1.377 1.432 1.489 1.489 1.549 1.549 r701 Training 1 17 10 wo sw sw 3.700 OW w 418 W Ow sw 1.500 1.500 Mir A02 15:01:12 0 Pape I Stage 2 By Program (MAK) (1240, CDBG (1240)) S'. EZL 7M V2002 16:01:12 Paas 2 p0• Z c 1: 3. I11C $Y.. 7Inc i0 11ySfl r:;r, : ,. VV i :' a•. , • L'' ' e yYUdOd y, fi4t.Obpt OR wW "vY l T .+s 'Z' L`a:.r..== lr•.\_wa r..+..-..rte S.Gice_. . _: 18 `; • INi oegail4ou T 24 7M:: ' ; ( iEe9l r rtle • ; :; • 275,410 306,873 292,219 262,328 401,761 401,761 8301' Plloloai 835 877 921 021 948 948 pl+ccadflirt A"IOt gofi' . 6,384 11,427 11,122 11,122 11,583 11,583 Feces Marage lellt 2,337 2,495 2,570 2,570 2,743 2,743 TOTEXP'ToW: plr6 ':r__y 358,951 403,139 390,827 374,310 508,193 3,700 509,893 EZL 7M V2002 16:01:12 Paas 2 Revenue Budget View (MAK) (ALLCITY, All City Dgmrbmnt Revenues) posif- unA nit, o-- -- jwa f wliwJ" fft AUOTr AaClWDVw =V{{ 4001 POWN11 TO 1 19,439) (13,160) 4208 OdW filo p*,Im !e 4.299) 4265 SOOM a HUD - Obod 100,332) (1.204,376) (1,231,423) (1,601,689) 1286 S dOO ROAMN-Port 957,210) (1,056,649) (972.000) (1,095,698) (1,008,000) OR sioma 8 A*W ANN • Port' 67,464) (125,445) (87,800) (72,354) (72,000) 1274 5800'S..R0 *&MW d j 19,852 W6 smic l8HUOVWXlija _j 655.487) (938,877) 4503 FMM OffW Pr dab SftW 8. j 1,798) 4602 InbW on Imreetrrlenis. ' 9,700) (15,174) (2,000) 4" Umomwf3ebYLoesart.lAv I OTftE1/: Tafel Revenue ; 3,685) (2,157) 1,796,372) (2,163,542) (2,248,178) (2,399,476) (2,581,888) 14 Ei TmIr 02 18:44:22 Pap t Stage 2 By Program (MAK; (1251, HRA Sedion 8 (1251)) MUM 16:47:11 0 pop Q02 2002 Con SW Ino tin, Ire xWn BN 6u0pet Ee6ttlAts Tdgept eq`° Tdow Tonagi , J 1261 NRA9egfoA6(1261) ° j,.'_: fes___.._ 8001 Regales SMwW j6Wapq • j 57.938 80,771 86,938 73,169 63,443 14,778 88,219 6003 oeeum Pey °• - 165 192 500 150 500 600 8021- AAedteere . 769 886 1,218 1,048 1,214 216 1.429 8022 • PERA ! 3,000 3,140 4,762 4,046 4,811M 5,431 8023 so" seq y (A" { 3,243 3,701 5,328 4.479 5,178 915 4083 8021, , Debmw CCanpe wumi j 852 328 800 600 8031 GWOW 1.tie Insuam 211 216 312 262 262 60 302 8032 GOP Hap W Nw, 6,813 7,792 12.472 10.539 14,520 3,210 17,730 8034 wwkeh Compi mmon Ine. 6036 unemployment 8101 Ok" Buppw 585 549 510 610 610 610 7006 OIW Le88 BWWCee 600 600 600 500 7008 Audi! 4,288 4,n9 4,500 4,600 4,600 4,500 7010 AkeBca kn 4i 7013 OMO Pr Mule i0 ft AM 108 80 250 260 300 300 7018 OUOV1lurpedlons ( 8,820 10.700 7,000 7,000 7400 7,000 7020 Reoaq Rewl"i " j 800 800 600 800 7101 pow I 2.126 308 4,000 4,000 4,360 4.380 7201 P* ",& Publb" ) 410 790 750 750 760 7801 Wnp 17 60 60 60 60 7605 Ramps Cey Equ"M I" 1,870 1,737 1,737 1.807 1,807 7701 EmOgeo Tu6ibV ? 418 161 1,600 1,500 2,600 2,500 77113 Cc dd-en0ee S t3"*lRrr ; 11 712 1.000 1,000 1,600 1,800 MUM 16:47:11 0 pop Stage 2 By Program (MAK) (1251, HRA Section 8 (1251)) YOTEXP Tom9wend"". _ i 1,806.660 7NM2002 16:47:11 1,M A84 2.M.176 2,438.E ZMM 19,986 2,678.072 Pap 2 2008 2= E CW*V hlit Snr, Ino Con 8 Jf6u0etaTotDWReqTotDeptTo{ Dept ft 7708 ftW WM 6 barjberefdpJ 369 279 260 260 260 260 7729 7739 SOCWSenloe; I 1 14,226 10,769 SAW 16,460 17,160 17,180 WIM 8 Rental AWWWW 60.886 7140 SOON 8 PoMn Rent130,166 7741 ttedion 8 Parted Rent 2,272 7742 8Ndbn 8 P, NIOAA4Mn 165 7743 Beldon 8 Pgrtanvauchere 839.370 1,047,464 972A00 1,OM,M6 1,008P9 1.008,000 1740 860 8 - U611y Al w== 879 4,408 3,600 1,802 3.000 3,000 7767 8adon 8 Rentd4NIOuled 102,005 14DA07 166,618 163,080 330,000 330AW 7769 8ecWn 8 Rental Vc-ll m a 460,166 879.086 804,300 IMAM 1.046,400 1040AM P301 PI OtDOMbq Abp MOM 9ss 1,002 1,082 1,062 1,084 1.084 9302 DMProe mftA6o=W' 16,959 11,427 11,122 11,122 1103 11,683 9301 Fac86M MONOWMM.' ` 1 2,685 2,769 2,842 2,842 3.034 8,034 9999 Tn mdw m Retabred Ea nk" 43,001 YOTEXP Tom9wend"". _ i 1,806.660 7NM2002 16:47:11 1,M A84 2.M.176 2,438.E ZMM 19,986 2,678.072 Pap 2 J Reveroje Budget View {MAK) OLLCITY, All City Department Revenues) MOM 0:20:19 Paas 1 A P ifnMlT•T .'•r rM i' 4081052) 424.781) 521,798) 535,247) 201 HACA'/IIO '. • ' :.: k "•. 25,741) 28.741) CIb1:1gN11' 28.40 13,828) 16D0 f tl!e COAG(bfdbN' . 30.000) 35,581) 30,800) 30.000) tm AJ Isetolll., i ' 29.285) 30.281) 25,800) 25,000) An 90 9,318) 8.404) per ,f1tlMMittf nee 139.900) 40.999) N. OTRLV TOgI fleralWs: A .. _ ^ 538.982) 538.807) 708.798) 630,247) MOM 0:20:19 Paas 1 Stage 2 By Program (MAK) (1252, HRA General (Tax Levy) (1252)) 04 7(62. MRA.O>OMM (Taft Lao 0 BOOL s. IfeBid#r8aterlss:d, 76.286 73,946 11e= 102,610 126,904 8002 ' Tempfffeflr $slarlffe Iti ' . 12,162 207 1400 14,000 14,000 126,904 14,000 BOfl3 •'" drerlinlsPali ` 7 1-• MotllCef9 _ :` 1,292 1,102 1,728 1.472 2,038 4,038 3,948 3,308 8,648 6,631 71749 7,740 8023 Pdo Segpw(FICA) : = 6.524 61054 7,408 8,'94 601 BA684 BOZrI , w, pef pQ Cp pslpiMlOn , , so 746 107 1,047 1,320 4,320 8031 W.Wo . b Ueu o".191 316 872 663 718 718 8031: ' , 3roup FIO l ; 8,779 3,747 14,978 13,479 22,740 22,740 Dli oifg•Ttrlft ptedwiffNf. 313 11 0034 .:; Wakens C fnpNMal( If14. Bd36 ` 1h1lMpl't Po ill 10876 427 8101 Off" Mo 0ffa, .. .. _ 300 167 470 470 470 470 0103..: Phm"Ma ft : "- •. ; 26 20 20 20 7004 L . W Fees ' , . 4,848 8,703 3,000 3A00 3,000 3.000 7008•. ouni 40Sefvleee 1,418 7000 -;' ludil - 600 626 660 66o 660 ON 7018. , Ot1 6t Proliil$iwYIC 1,700 12.000 12A00 11,700 11,700 7101. 41 4 600 600 546 546 7201 PYk" R Pubes" ' 100 100 100 100 7801 MNW, . " - :: - ` . 44 a8 160 150 160 160. 8804 Rental 60 1,377 1.432 MW low 1,649 1.649 7112/200= 08:10'.46 ftoo 1 IJ c Stage 2 By Program (MAK) (1252, HRA General (Tax Levy) (1252)) N S°e,"'. •!... • .. .N, b. Air 4-..r vM.. pW b r• : o.:' _ 9j dpll' . T4t>SeAt R:I. ITO00 Td D* of o Ertip qn Tom' 847 F 2,590 Y XWO 300 3. 800 3.300 y708 C.onte(arrogE.A s"ft rs ' , 1.240 86 3.500 3.000 3.600 3.500 7m aub0alp m a 875 737 760 750 750 760 X719 , Loee Qrf:sele Of E 2.2 7744' Grant! @iA * .. 28.476 10,564 130.000 305.000 7749 UnW HMft Rod. 249,533 246,547 289.000 300.000 800.000 800.000 J755 ' i M.4 Loaiie :... 1903 990 90.000 90,000 90.000 90,000 lroo3 OIoeA FurniWrs a E* ip 973 8301 PIWWW pb Ako don 478 601 629 m6 632 542 88OZ ' Dow PmcmL ij Aftcft 6.959 22,852 22.244 22,244 23.129 23.129 8304 , Facidlied MAS 6.784 7,221 7.439 7,438 7.940 7,940 9108 Tm ww io PrOj.Adiim FWld 5.446 10,444 TOTGXP.. Total E*wokn .. ti 445.341 421,596 709.796 998.049 830,292 630,292 MOM 09:19x46 , pop 2 CITY OF PLYMOUTH August 20002 Attadmd is the proposed 2003 .Budget tar the City of Plymouth, Out Val for the 2003 budget is b maintain cunmt servicelevels as much as possible within tM tight confines Of state limits an our property tax levy ad to prepare for a Rely lose of state aid. No near Pte+ SwjicM Permome1 or nugior equipmaat purchases ate proposed for 2003 in =Wfiordsupportedbypmpanytaxes. The proposed semdins kcra se in the General Fund is ON lbwest in at least a decade. Gonad Fund spending is proposed to increase by 258% over the budgeted amount for 2000.. This comperes with a. 6.596 inmemm, in General Farad spemVAg. last year "4 an avaade. incre 1 I' of 696 over the last S years. The overall Qty ptooperty tax levy is proposed to increase by 4.ML This will put the City's kwy at the state levy limit amoutu. The projected Wresse for on. average home valued at 5284,000 is 7.0% or an inereame of SS1.16. Tue projected dmwm for a bushtess property valued at $1,000;000 is 2.0VA or 5.65.17. The disparity between residential and business property is umt due to action of the City in the budget prat eas. It will occur because residential ptopeny appreciated by l i paced. a much taster rate d m eommaeialfindustrid property whM mqurie used no appreciation for the yea;. The CiW8 fiscd disl0witics contn'butions for 2003 will be affected by chmtges made in 2001 by the. Lg0datum Limited market valuations will also begin phasing out in 2003 but most Plymouth residences will not be affected until 2004. The Gl'ty's avadl tax rate is p vpomed to be 25.23, wbich is a reduction fiom the 2001 tax rate of 25.77. The total rate is composed of a tax capacity rate of 24.19, plus market value tae rates of .00369 for the Open Space Bond mm and .00666 for the ActivityCONdFiddHousedebt. service. Because &e tax tate will be reduced in 2003, a s wenaliarity vote of the Council will not be required to adopt the rue levy. Garend1ssrm Chu Rotes In 2000. the tax bill signiReandy changed property classification rata. In 2003, the rates will be the same as 2002. For residential properties, the class rata will be 1.0% for the first tier (all value under 3300.000) and 1.25% for the second tier (all valve over SS00.000 Commerciallindust&I propmV will have a 1.396 clava rate for the first tier (all value up to 3150,000) and 2:096 for the second tier (all value over SI5%000). lierwmar&w {'wire Ahbnugh. resdantial properties increased in ialoe by I IV% limited market value provides that taxes can be levied on only 10% This is an increase ham 2002 when the limited value was 83% Howeva, since the average residential increase of 11% still exceeds the 10% increase the law allows, the phase out of the limited market salves will nes affect most Pbmouth homes in 2003. The 2001 tax bill included a six year phase-out of limited market value begimi ig in 2003. In 2008, full estimated market value will be taxable fbr residential properties. This will result in additional sbdbng of property taxes from eommerciallindustrial to residential properties beginning in 2004 for most Pl nmuth homes. LeyrLit The I.egialature imposed p agw-ty tax. ley limits for 2002 ad 2003. The lavy limit calculation is based on three factors — the implicit price deflator (.7%). increase in households (1.4%). and 5096 of the increase in comrmercieVindustrial construction marled value (A%9 The net im mase allowed for Plymouth for 2003 is 2.594 However. since we did not use the entire levy allowed in 2002, the overall levy can legally increase by 4.0996. The Chy is 5333,107 undo the levy limit for the cmrrent year. The implicit price deflator is an inflation adjustment identical for all cities that is based on commonly used statistics that attempt to measure government coat inflation. While the implicit price deflator was determined to be 0.796, the City has experienced increases in several areas that for exceed this inflation adjustment. As examples, postage rates bsve itrsed by 996, salt for winter road conditions has increased fiom $28 to $40 per ton 409'), and health iosnusnce premiums for the City increase 23% for 2003. Also, die growth factor lags behind actual tpowdt of the City by several years. The growth fetor calculation of 1.4% for the increase in households is based on 2000 census data and building permit data from January through November of 2000. The City had a building moratorium on during two-thirds of the measured period to allow us to complete our Comprehensive Plan update. The growth calculation for the 2003 budget makes no provision for the services required for the 803 near housing units constructed in 2001 0: the 974 now bousing units permitted in the run seven months of 2002. Peftedd Loss ojSI MAid Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid (MCA) was eliminated by &a Legislature for 2002. Plymouth lost $1,877.808 from this change. The LoodaUm appiopiiated an additional $140 million for Local Govan IMCDA Aid for cities; however, Plymouth`s allocation inward only by 119 to 374,570. For 2003, Pbrawuth's Local Government Aid virtually remains unchanged. Some cities will more than double their allocation due to the new rental housing replacement aid. For ample, Minadoolm will receive $85,9?.S and Eden Prairie will receive $112,738 in new aid. Although Plymouth has a grater total city taxable value and grater total apartment and Centel property value than Minnetonka or Eden Prairie, PlymmWs local tax rate is lows and thus affects the aid amount. If Plymouth's average city local rate were hgpm, for example 0.31023 (same as Minnetonka), the aid amount would be 398,909 or 0.3761.1 sense as Eden Prairie), the aid amount would be 1127,515. Plymouth will receive So in renal housing replacement aid The State budget forecast remain bleak. Yamo-date state revenues are below forecast. and these are 11 mooths remaining in the current biennium with only a small budgets reserve. A budget gap of 51.6 to 52.7 billion is anticipated far fiscal yeas 2004-05. Tbe 20M LegislaUme will consider additional cuts to cities. Plymouth could lose its Local Goverment Aid allocation of 174,579, as well as an estimated 1828,477 (2002 aunt) in Market Valu Homestead Credit. A portion of the 13 million received from the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax for she City's strtail program is also at risk The Market Vale Homestead Credit was implemented by the Legislature in 2002 to help of hat sauce of the impact of the shift in tax burden Som 'al to residential propatia. The credit is allocated to each taxing jurisdiction based on its percentage of the. total tax bill. The amount is limited to a maximum of 5304 per home, which is ruched by a borne valued at 576,000. For homesteads valued higher than 376,0006 the credit is phased out at the rate of S9 for each S10,000 of the bone's value in access of SM&W The credit a eomplesely phased out for homes valued higher flan 414.000. As residential homesteads continue to increase in value, the amount. of the credit deaasea. It is possible that the Legislature could withhold some or all of the Market Value Homestead Credit and Local Govarnment Aid in 2003 based on the State budget problems. This is our proposed strategy for dealing with possible cuts made by the Option 1: Working CapitalMontingauy Fund (3230,000) Capital kwovenient Levy ($309,0W) 2002 Surplus (3280600% estimate as of 7/02) Delap expeoditares ane lririns (5100,000) Option 2: Bond strut Reconstruction ($1,283,400) There ars indications that t he L gWatura will also consider as much as a 10% cut an I — allocadons through the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax in order to balance the State budget. V sus aro made, we plan to return to the Council with recominmdations to amend the transit budget during 2003. Redncdon In Int'e MEarr bW The sigaificant downturn in inteest rotes has negatively impacted all City fiuWs. The interest earnings of all fundsare anticipated to ba down by nearly $l million in 2003 over actual earnings in 2001. The impact on the General Fund is only modaft but the impact is significant on the capital prgects fiords, enterprise funds, HRA funds, and internal service tiuWs. This will tum mound if interest Hues rise in the f rtum Utterer Prqgrants fim Gerd Fund to Wader Resoanoes Fund The 2003 budget proposes moving the functions of drainage maintenance and street sweeping from the General Fund to the Water Resources Fund. The total amount of this change is 5472,066. This will help alleviate some of the pressures on the Genual Fund, as well as protect tbae a ervices from p ossible reductions i n t he face o f future b udget restraints. A consistent effort is needed to adueve positive environmental results. Pons indicate that this change can be accommodated within the Water Resources Fund witlaut .impact on planned pmojects. The Water Resources Fund is still planned to fiord the entire water quality p Iona including the adopted plans for Medicine Late and Parkas Lake. The addition of a Water Resources Technician will aha enhance our ability to complete these projects. The new position will allow more time to be spent on drainage and erosion control issum h will also free up time for senior staff to pursue the planned water quality projects. Staff will also have the ability to respond better and faster to drainage and flooding problems. Sdary Vacam Factor The 2003 budget continues a budget correction factor of S 100,000 to a almowledge an ongoing statistical job vacancy rate. Approximately 14 employees leave City employment each year. The salary vacancy factor recognizes the savings that occurs wbeo there is a lapse in time from the former to new employee, as well as the fact that a new employee typically begins employment at a lower rate of pay. Workigg Cq Condatgency Farad Sonne Genual Fund surplus is benefn-ial and expected, since the City budgets contingency fiords that are normally not needed. Moderate surpluses help the City maintain i is p olicy o f a aving t he equivalent of 4096 of our General Fund levy in crib reserves. This is necessary to provide "woddng capital" for the City since the City does not receive my property tax revenue until July each year. Due to the likehlood of cuts d from the State m 2003, the budget proposes an increase in the Working CapitalMontiggency Farad from $l 50,000 to USO OW for 2003. Eet#er Spatdi g Dr:+ras The 20M budge aaommodeas two projects do the Council approved hast year which will have multi-year budget impact. First, all of the self-contained breefiiug %Vaast= equipment used by the lirefI&On is scheduled for replacement in 2005. The total estimated cost fbr this replacement is 5186,u00. We began accumulation of thmds in the 2002 budget and propose continued annual allocations of 546.500 in order to avoid a larger tax increase in one year. The City continues to at aside 572,500 each year for an anticipated rxpease of 5290.000 when the City converts to new police software. Ibis is a complete replacement and upgrade of all of our existing police software systems. This. purchase is being made with LOG1S, a consortium of cider, and 5290.000 is Plymouth's share of the total cost. The coat is lea then the City developing the software in-bomr, and it will provide the added benefit of allowing our department to directly shah information with other arm departments. Itis not as option to remain with the current software, as support will be disco. tau Capwtv'PhedDisPst NIO The follownig chart illustrates the change in total tax capacity and fiscal disparity contributions. The City's contribution to the 6sce1 disparities pool will itrcrease an additional tax capacity vale of 5563.492 for 2003. This is 0.8% of the City's total tax capacity value. In odurwords, the tax on the average homeowner would h- 0.8% les had the Qty not lost this aWo -A amount. .. Total Tax Cap ply for Payable 2002 and 2003 2002 2003 Assail hmd Real laSepettFTax Dpc yr 576304,167 =81.424434 PUBWAIhWrly-IbxOW" Tall TM Cmacby 77.084411 82.230.290 FisWDigmig( m (10AM 961) (11.518.963) Tax leesemmrt 14BLI041 INLO331 isiAMM iISZ.UZM The table shows that Plymouth has had a beaft growth in the tax base during the last year. Our General Fund revenue restrictions are not related to a slowdown in the local economy, but rather the state levy limit formula that doe not rllow = to fully use our Vowing tax base. However, our growth in tax base has been uneven in the last yew, with residential property increasing rapidly while business properties have remained stagnant in value. The differences in valuation and tax capacity Vrow th have an impact on the actual taxes paid by Plymouth home and businesses. For taxa in 2003, the average selling price of a home in Plymouth is 5284.000 (10% limited market value increase). The table illustrates the change in tax capacity end taxes paid by this average value home. Estimated Tai Burden on Averap.Rome 2002 verses 2003 2002 2003 3150.000®1.5096- Average bum vents— 3258,200 AVMV borne vette — 5284,000 12M Harvest & IIa Lan Fiscal Disp. U YAM/ y@I%a IZI S284A0001%am 12.413 TOW Tax Cqw* 2,582 TOW TOM QPcily 2,840 ally ex here 24M% ChyUx lta4: 24.19% Sal S"64 Sdftw. 7.00MkV"Uq b114U., Valles lAW. RASM SM -Me MM(OPS0" 3284.000 ® .00369% (Open Space 800" 9.94 8006) 10.48 @ A0722%(AamlyCrater 0D0 ®.00666% (Activity Ca.w Irak ILK Bomb) anawTaxlow111CiIY71xVAM Tbe average $1,000.000 business did not iactease in value in 2o02. Mw following table slaws the, longe in 2003 taxes. payable: Estimated Ta: Borden. on $1,000,000 Business 2002 versus 2003 an Broom Von—S1,000,000 3150.000®1.5096- 2,250 5950.000 ® 2.00% 12M GM=7bxCgaei1yMelee 1.9,230 Lan Fiscal Disp. 6LL7 Net 7m Mdw 12.413 Cilyluliaee ZLW% Sabsati 3,060.71 Nk Vetee.Levy: S1,000,00D 30.00385%,(Open Space 8os+ds) 38.30 31.GK0W W722% (A t Center Bonds) = am Ratmas veru —31000;000 3150,000®1.596= 2AN Seso000 ® 2.096- I= Gm MMCIPWOVaw 19,230 Las Fiwd Diw 6M NetTax Cepaeilyvdw 12.413 Cily Tax Rats 24.1996 subtaw 3,002.74 Mkt. Veale Levy: SI.000000®A0369%(ppmSpoee.9006) 36.90 SLOW= a •0066696 (Act Censer Banda) JM TGWOWMx RASM 2M B O ew aft*e TwLMhate City revenues from all sources in the General Fund will be $20.386.968, a 2.58% inwem from 2002.Ofthis amount, $15.079,305 (74%) comes from property taxes. we propose a 2003 tax rate estimated at 24.19, plus a Market value rate of .00369 for the Open Space Bonds, a market value rate of AWN for the Activity Center/Field House bonds, for a total estimated rate equal to 2523 compared to 25..77 for 2002. IQ Pb wu&'s overall tax levy will inmesse by 4.09% in 2003. The (Sty's overall tax rate will decrease by -.54 to an estinmated 25.23. the. following table cempala the tax levy byfundtar2002and2003: GMgM (.PURPOSE LEVmS Gmud Fuad lo@uuucme Mill 8 Overhy Reaeadou Fund cqm b*MVCONN Levy lard Gmetd Purpose 8PECUL LEVIES 1993 Open SPM goods AeL.OmresTwM Hwse Hemds HRA To1d.speeid Levies YOULAILMUS 2291005 0.39 4296436 ca 0.72 saw to 1.19LB" Lb1 17,848,941 27.16 238.476 w 0.37 430.230 0.67 114 1,220.826 1,$} 18.610,530 26.67 LESS: Filed D+spu+9"ab (882,358) -1.34 (980.282) -1.40 Filed D spwil r,HRA Qum (31.5 dM illisii.Z2'9 23.T! MOM M 1421 fiu ckpllib lfadet iNlh e vs ta a a7 Jinmsbsu ilwirer isthe ee.ga Ya(aeAar4f.01J6lIF8t(4)SPEkmW&W Va mam4f.06d66*46L JO Jf/1tA4 MW 2003 budget iechula total General Fund expenditures of $20,386,968. This represmts an increase of 2.58% ova the 2002 adopted budget. The following chart lists expenditures in all major operating funds: 7 2007 m03 UIL"T 3003 MESA 1007 Proposed MW IRM Pnpmd rALA !! 14,386,101 21.79 15,079,305 21.51 1,240.000 1.88 1,283,400 1.82 200.000 0.30 200,000 0.29 325.976 0.80 47,999 0.78 100.000 ilk 000. Lis 16.652.077 FL4ILM 2291005 0.39 4296436 ca 0.72 saw to 1.19LB" Lb1 17,848,941 27.16 238.476 w 0.37 430.230 0.67 114 1,220.826 1,$} 18.610,530 26.67 LESS: Filed D+spu+9"ab (882,358) -1.34 (980.282) -1.40 Filed D spwil r,HRA Qum (31.5 dM illisii.Z2'9 23.T! MOMM 1421 fiu ckpllib lfadet iNlh e vs ta a a7 Jinmsbsu ilwirer isthe ee.ga Ya(aeAar4f.01J6lIF8t(4)SPEkmW&W Va mam4f.06d66*46L JO Jf/1tA4 MW 2003 budget iechula total General Fund expenditures of $20,386,968. This represmts an increase of 2.58% ova the 2002 adopted budget. The following chart lists expenditures in all major operating funds: 7 I .*O" Expenditures am nm Cenekal:Fomd S19,874,125 S2W86,968 Reaudoon Fund 1,205,476 1.287099 Tramit Food 4.245.519 4.391,600 HRA Fonds 3,343„99 3.724.024 V)Mm Food 3.701;43 3.741.241 Sawet Food 5.5P,373 5,572.997 Solid Wasoe Fled. 149,064 896,91'6 toe t7eoter Fond 874.200 875,000 Waft Reamoas Food 2,099.162 2.393,847 Field HoM Food 321,000 270,000 Cadnl Eeloipmeot Food 1.945,066 2,020.S92 Rist MbwVW M PMd 619.312 621.198 Daiga Fogioeeriog Food 335.538 352,994 Employee Bement Food 2.097.400 2.2S5.50D lolbrma i TOCI ooloV Savion Fund 1.441,596 1,544101 ftilities MoxwWeot Food 820,905 831,317 RetemmaBM New Soff The City's permanent full-time work force of 246 would increase by two full-time positions - a maintenance position in the sewer and water division and a water resources technician position. Als% it is proposed thea an existing Housing E legibility S pecialisl position be increased from 24 to 40 hours per week. None of these positions impacts the Property tack IevY- NIMatmance Worker- Securer and Water Division, 0401/03; 5346767 An additional maintenance position in the sewer and water division is needed oo .-Iorrd to increasing demands as the City's water and sanitary sewer systems grow. This position will help maintain important projects such as jetting, sewer televising, and manhole sealing on a.regular schedule. The City is lagging behind in these important maintenance activities. Water Resoarees Techaleian, 0401/03 544,095 A now position of Water Resources Tedmician is proposed to provide additional emphasis on drainage and erosion control issues Staff will have the ability to respond better and faster to drainage and flooding problems. It will also five up time for senior staff to pursue the planted water quality prgats. J Hoaslog El q Sperm oliolAm, 5111 M The member of Section 8 vouches bas mote than doubled in dee last few yeses. In 2002. a 244aur per week clot was aid. to meat the higher volume of business. The Section 8 Proem is prgjoded to baveautfrcient administrative funds to cover mine increase to a full-time F-sitien. O&W F"a While *9 General Fuad is by fir the City's largest operating fund, the Qty bas a number of older important operstiag. M,nas. Tbese include: Am are dmme Mond General tear sappot of the Recreation Fund will increase by 4.2% The Pgvnowb Fine Ates Council will mate docisioes on expenditures for arts groues. The 2001 Iregialanne abolished the tronsit ptopety tax as of December 31, 2001, and replaced it with a dedication of the Motor Veticle Excise Tax (MVE7). We were informed at that time that the Qty's allocation would remain unchanged; however, ole C ity c leanly w ill receive 1 eas under tbo new funding scenario. A continued service budget is recommended for 2003, with $193.000 from transit resems to cover the reduced funding in the shot -term. If the Wslatmne approve a mijor transportation package in 2003. some or all of obese foods could be restored. However, state agencies have been msmmcted to prepare budget reduction option% wbicb would mclude a IWA cut on transit allocations in 2003. in order to help balance the State budget. Ifthis is don% the loss to the Plymou& transit system could be an additional $300;000. The Qty has snfliciew transit reserves to wait for the outcome of the 2003 Legiaham V furllmer funding amts occur, we would rerun to the Council with a recommendation to reduce and/or elaiwoe routes and services midyear. This fund a on inte ad finaar iog fund. similar to the Central Equipment Fund. Mgjor expeditnees planned for the Facilities Management Fund include reroofing oho Central water treatment plot (S95,0001 installing a CAT #S he in the Public Satity building to improve the currently, inadequate computer network performance (530.000). and msWlmg now carpet in ole lower level of the Public Soft bolding (SI9.300 The HRA levy is proposed to increase Moss S538.423 to $532.120. Moe existing Section 8 volome provides enough administrative money for expanding an existing Housing Eligibility Specialist position from 24 to 40 hens per week to support the increased porting in of Section 8 clients to the Cit)k The CDBG program has been revised to reflect repayments and anryovers Moss previous years' allocations. Woaar Finn& The budget includes new funding of SIS,000 to begin repainting foe bydnmts over a multi-year period. Giber services are maintained at current levels. Smw flood This budget i eludes Bob for a 5.7% unease adomted by the Md Oommil for aatmam coals. It also includes trading for a new saws and waft moiotansaa wathr. Sad$/ War Arwd. A continued savioe budget a recommend Sr 2003, with $66,106 coming fico solid waste resava. Funding for this program coin be reduced in 2004. Daring the upoombig yar,mv&Amdm will begiven to the solid waste foes akag with ac lI review o f the recycling aystem. Sian the fund has a sufficient reserve, no msioaneeds to be taloa a this time. The budge includes the coo motion of the >3lrtploym Wellness I igrmru, but it has bum reduced fiem $26,500 to SIS,000. The budget eoomms to charge user finds $%000 bot Wficipated Worbw Compoisabon losses; Our Wedome Compeahaaion claims bane mum d &Wag the past tome y=M and the fund will not be able to sustain an adequate had balmom withmu these charge backs. A bas in $moose eamiaga of S110,000 has also had a sight negative impact on this fund. The biftet proposes using 1176`283 from re nal earnings for 2003. 1f into" rates do act improve next yam we will unread to increase charge backs to other finds for the 2004 budget. Expenditums of 5858,000 are moommended for replansaat equipemr according to the master sdobk for apboemmL No items of equipment bave been advanced in the mbeduk. Tbis umt manges &a annual setae mconsuootian Paz= iW boase, and continues to gonane a surpba each yew. The surplus is tesosteered to the stead recanaunc>ion fund to offiet the ooa of flume pe>jacts. he Cmmer J%yA This fund is again prgjected to be self-euppo ft with tea and ``coal edtarga, sad will provide its share of the outdoor vadda ce exits. An m mM for aesmad amiags whim will be saved for future building renovation and equipment mpbcwmm is also projected. The budget mhos p nvhase of on elocteic trmhuft. switch (57.000 Ibis switch would be used to tonna a gaaaI sad supply power to the rafiigemlim system in ander to maintain ice during power ouuages. Mae is bat flue to a power curage, the ice moat be rebWh. and srveaal dqs of use and revenue e m be lost: This budget maintains existing somites. The City's web site will proceed to tomple im% but s*dfiaat E-Govamicat activities aro not in 60 budge. A bloused m9scoment of two switches (5100,000) will bdp b psovt network performance dnouugbout the City. EW /7arme Fuad T he o pasting casts o f t be field house are autichood to be Aft cove and by naual revenue. An omoum for retained armW whim will be reserved for future rephcemem is also projected.. 10 p+iuu The 20M budget ea ddisbad a aero ptimsty Binding somrce for wane resornr ea - de SurBtx Water Utility SOL This he is anticipated to a - - shout 51.530.000 in M. The addition of a Wistar Resources Technician is proposed in ardor to provide snore 11 d I n to dmiurrge ad erosion couttol issues6 and to Bra up time Por enation steffte rxsee the planned roamer quatitr prgjeets. The City Council requested that the staff provide in the budget process an option for the City Wkmg over pond maintenmee citywide. Tice auaehad inBammadom shows the 2003 budget hoped. as well as the normalised am of the City doing this we& It would require dna addium of five W -limo employees, one of whom would be a ugmv=. along with the naressaty t hr claming and exavating the Gay's approxintamely 300 water quahiW- imesm ponds. About 180 of tbase ponds are ertneatbr comed as pant of a subdivision agreement. Tb pry aaartme the IVIS ponds would be cleaned per year. with a 15-20 year cycle nmemy, to maria rimctionality. A contract option Bir Pond darning is nae expensive (SM.000 par pond). The. first ym cost of this program is S50.78%- :& an estimated ongoing annual cost of 391.057. When not wadmag on pond daniag or ratian. the workes. would assist with snowplowing in the winter and street sweeping in the &D. The large cost. and impact an the: General Fund mala this new program. impractical to reoommm . Tha2Mbud/etmaintaimcwteot senice levels as mucb as possiblewithin thre tight confines of state limits on ow ptopergr tax levy. The budget tales the responsible appronh of plmriog Bbr a Mmly lass of am aid in 2003. Altboagb Plymouth's actual gtoWth remains strong, &a proposed spending mneme is the lowest in at lent a decile. Om coutimted arvice dollars will nad to sI el ph a bit further next year in aider to save a t 0wim popes This is a dapaetme foss previous years' budgets wbere Cha Council could expand existing aavica to meet gm& in the community and add new servleea requested by resident. Wbile it is a bit of a divappointreent. we abould not lose sight of the he that the City remains m ford extdiesm fimancid shape. Plymouth is among an elite group of cities with a Aaa bond rating - the highest rating aim possible. The City bas a diverse tax base and a very, low debt per capita (less than IoW* of tie aamiond avenger} Plymouth mcentar received on examptagr audit report. It noted that City govemment lac grown at a modest rate equal to the p A in property value and papulation. Pbmmm n uses conservative accenting practices them urges today's uses i Bir today's services, and the Fm n d Treads are positive. Pubaps most importantly, ; Pbuoulb remanu a quality community that suracts resident and buairesses. The v g,,, 1 2003 budget will continue to provide quality services. r. j 4 4^• ' ` w/t Cly : a• . .,• ' " 4e •C [ DATE: August 144 2002 TO: ad Redevelopmmt Auft ty I FROM: Denise Support Savica Meow through Aene?W Esuvidve Director SUBJECT: Rcgow to Change HRA Meeting Date m October The October HRA meeting is scbe&ded 1br October 17, 2002 and doe to the timing of the PHA Amway Pk% l wn toques i dud the meeting dote be 1 9 lvoOcWmIO.200L According to HUD rgpbd00% the legal ood6atian iv to be pu bdmd 4S days pdw to b Adws the public hearing. We gpic k hold the PHA Annual Plan public firming at the September HRA meeting• Due to missing the b*d nodf c tion deadline, staff is requesting that we chop the October HRA meeting to Oc6obet 106 20M to albw us to hold *A public hearing and a da t the PHA Amoral Phm to HUD by the October 1S, 2002 dmdWm Thuefore, I teooamaeo I dmt On HRA Commission abeacdan to tacbedtde dre October meeting am October 17, 20M to Octcbec 10, 2002. Cr YOFP/.YMOi= 34MPLYMO[ M BOULEVARD. PLYMOUnt. MN 554a DATE: August 37, MM 70: ERtA Board of boners IRtOM: -auffri35rm% Hwang Meager. through Anne iladburL Executive Diractor SUBJECT: 20M ERtA tax Levy On Monday Augtet 26'a. the City Council held the fust of Om budget study sessions, Council member EEsrstad. brought up the idea of increasing the ERtA'stax lavy to die maximum allowed by law and using the additiond tax revenues to corer the debt service on a bond issue to beused far affardable bousiog activities, Specifically. Council m - I Elarsmd would like to use die funds to address the mun met" need of the j1RA's current aregrams (see meso to couivA included in your packet). la the proposed ERIA Oeheral Eumd budget. Staff has requested a.l IItA tea Levy of 555,030 out of as available 5932.833. which leaves unused levy authority of 580,783. Increasing the Out levy would give the HRA Board a couple of options. The first option is to add cash flow to do existing programs and the second is to use die additional tax collected to cover debt service an a bond issue or other, financing mechanism. Staff has reviewed tie possibility of issuing bonds with the City's Finance deparmseru and our financial advisor. Spnngstet Than are basically two typos of bonds that could be issued to address housing activities. Esmial Eynhction bonds are the awes comnan type of issue. These bonds would nes require voter approval: however. they could not be used to augment our eaisft programs, Rather. they and to be used -for a specific prefect i.e. Plymouth Towne Squam that is owned and operated by the HRA. The second type of hood issae would be a General Obligation bond Ilm type of bond is much more flexible. but it would require the ERtA and rho City to bold a referendum. 1% tables below illu umte examples of the effect an taxpeyats in Plynauth if dw HRA. Miers to increase their levy to eidw dintcdy support existing programs or use the addiaond teverate to cover debt service on a bond issue and a.histmieal overview of the HRA levy. wnnaat alb massae per mx every wu d m eattaeeald, m bg I to lee cert lr y, lam lmdmiml Mede. at HRA T= L W Year Amo mt 19'93 1366.700 1994 S377AW 1995 1383.200 1996 1383.789 1997 1390.997 1998 1409.959 1999 446,214 2000 1464344 2001 1483.178 20001 1538.423 0'1 2003 BUDGET SUMMARY Gamd Ftmd budgd inaeasa419,874,.1251D520;386,968= 2.58% 2002 General Fund inaessew 65096 Levy limit inumsed by: Implicit price deflator- ,7618% Haamtd growth adj.-I.36%% CII growth 04.® S096- •3 Toil limit incr.= Tax levy ' Wease-Inahrdes $333,000 of unused 20M limit- 4.09!6 Levying to the limit Average home imceased. In value. by. 11% Average C/1 properly increased in value by. o96 Taxon average house valued at 5284,000. 20033716.39 2002-$66323 1 ar3S1.56 7.69!6 Taxon average business 2003-3,106.24 200243,171224 Decressr W.17 2.039E Potential State aid ata: Local Government. Aid= 74,579 Mansel Value Homestead Craft- ra t - SUM" TOWTotal potential Stole Aid loss- X936 Shame for Igft a ive-cru: 00M 1: 8 WupitaV 000 Use capital Improvement levy- 5309,o00 Use 2002 estimated wAphava $282,000 Dft mqxndilures end hiring= $100,000 l3ood street reoonsauctiou 51,283,400 unto 3400PLYMOIIli1 BOULEVARD. PLYmoun , 53447 , DATE: August 21. 2002 TO: Dwight Jol mom. City Manager Nru*HRA Ed AOOOP 4W FROM: Housing Program Mang. through An1WHintbum Community Devdopmmt Director SUBIEC i : Information an HRA Program Waiting Lists Council member Hansmd requested staff to compile a fist of the FOWs current program waift lists and what omaunt of finding would be nequira& Below is a table and co:raspomdimg f000mtss for the various prorams currently being operated by the HRA. P"sMM 0 On wafting Pbtmtfal F=ft Fattladd filmds IAA one time First Time Hemdaver 13 5300.000 Rehab 21 MOOD 4 sectionssactionsproaraw 219 So 31,547.M Pq mauth Townie 89 12 million SM.000 Square` 321 -bedroom) 27 2 11 x ofdas laowd faa ft available Or dm a0vipr dna MRA ens done very table m kft of eider tee limbed Wing aval*b ear dm atdit do HRA ens dose very Bale anebedag aif nils vauft list ear da Sxaiun Sperm hub= cloned ninon Fabuoy a fool and sadf does bar aatieipue apenieg b up IN new epp§Codom Ar 1-% yams. ieedtaWam vaft Us WftjM mea*mapao<d ftr me fm dm ger die wilding epmea in 19K 'fife