HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 10-11-2007MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 PRESENT: Commissioners: Krahulec, Knight, Anderson, Smith, Vanderwall Staff: Blank, Miller, Evans GUESTS: S.R.F. consultant: Joni Wiese ABSENT: Chairperson Fiemann, Vice -Chairperson Singer, Planning Commissioner: Weir, City Council Liaison: Bildsoe PACKET INCLUSIONS: Agenda, 9/20/07 Minutes, Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7 and Appendices A, B and C. In the absence of Chairperson Fiemann and Vice- Chairperson Singer, Commissioner Krahulec chaired the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Council Chambers by Commissioner Krahulec. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Krahulec asked if there were any corrections to the minutes. Commissioner Anderson noted that he would like one of the paragraphs on page 13 stricken from the record. Also he made mention of a grammatical error on page 5, changing stripped to striped, as well as changing the website Completestreet from .com to .org. Commissioner Vanderwall pointed out the word "check" was missing from a line on page 2 and also the City of Eagan needs to have an a" added. With these amendments Commissioner Krahulec asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Anderson so moved and Commissioner Vanderwall seconded. All AYES and the motion carried. 3. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS a. Athletic Association No information was presented b. Staff- Diane Evans Volunteer Recognition o The Parks and Recreation Department will be honoring its Volunteers on Tuesday October 16, 2007 from 6:30 p. m. -8:30p. m. 0 33 businesses have contributed to door prizes with 20 of those contributing a financial donation o Volunteers will enjoy a recognition program, dinner and door prizes R.F.P. for Catering Services o Suzanne's Cuisine catering contract ends in November o The City is looking at bringing in one to three caters at the P.C.C. The deadline for receiving R.F.P.'s was October 10, 2007 Twelve R. F. P.'s were received Blank and Evans will review the RFP's with 6-8 called to interview o After the interview process, 3-5 will be brought back for food tastings o Negotiations will be determined after the tasting o The goal is to have a 1-3 caterer(s) on board by December 1, 2007 Halloween at the Creek MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 o This event will be held on October 31 from 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at P.C.C. o This event is done in conjunction with community churches o Expecting a large turn out Commissioner Krahulec asked how many R.F.P responses were expected. Evans replied that they were thrilled with the amount that was submitted as only 8 had attended the open house. She also mentioned that a handful of the caterers are from Plymouth. Commissioner Smith asked if an update could be given on Plymouth on Parade. Evans stated it went well considering the elements. Due to the cold and rain crowds weren't as high as normal, but all activities went as planned. The helicopter ride was cancelled due to insurance and liability coverage issues. Blank interjected that the parade is a rain or shine event. It would only be cancelled if lightening was a factor. Evans went on to state that only two units didn't show for the parade. Blank reported the fieldhouse dome will be going up on October 23, 2007 and should be ready for business the first week in November. 4. REPORT ON PAST COUNCIL ACTION a. Approved 2008 Ice Center Rental Rates Approved by City Council b. Memorial at Parkers Lake Playfield Approved by City Council c. 2.8 million bond sale for the greenway. Approved by City Council with closing scheduled for sometime in November 2007 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Comprehensive Plan presented by Evans and S. R. F. consultant Joni Wiese (Please refer to hand- outs for complete details) Blank stated all elements of the comprehensive plan have been reviewed over the last four meetings. Tonight's meeting is to do a quick summarization of each component and get any final comments or questions from the Commissioners. The draft plan will be going to the Planning Commission on November 7, 2007. Evans handed out updated maps outlining the park and trail system plan, existing sidewalk and trails, planned sidewalks and trails and the final map identifying current and potential routes that addressed bike routes. Evans reminded the Commissioners that all this material is in draft form as changes and additions are happening on a daily basis. She indicated that the Comprehensive Plan draft that was received by the Commissioners last Friday has already had amendments. Evans review will consist of Chapter 7 -Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Plan, along with Appendices A and B. S.R.F. consultant Weise will walk through the S.R.F. components which are summarized in Appendices 7C. Evans noted that most of the on -road bike components are in the transportation section of the plan. Commissioner Anderson questioned if the on -road proposed bicycle routes will come off the Park and Trails map. Evans replied that they will not. Transportation will only provide more details when it comes to on -road bicycle routes and intersection issues. Blank Page 2 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 reiterated park maps will include current and proposed bicycle routes for both off and on roadways. The transportation plan will have the major corridors east, west, north and south across the City however; their plan will not include all trails across the community. Evans handed out a memo that outlines the golf statistics, as requested from the last PRAC meeting. Evans noted that Commissioner Singer has sent additions and corrections to the comprehensive plan that have been incorporated but are not in the edition received by the Commissioners. Evans shared that Chapter 7 of the Comprehensive plan only refers to Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation. The appendices included in this chapter are secondary information that will used for reference and working purposes. Evans will address the chapter section by section allowing Commissioner comments and questions after each segment. CHAPTER 7 PARKS, TRAILS, OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN Purpose of Chapter Commissioner Krahulec asked if there was an indeed a desire for non -motorized transportation as outlined on page 7-1. Evans replied yes. Goals and Policies Evans asked for questions or comments. There were none Parks Commissioner Krahulec referred to table 7.2 on page 7-4 that denotes a 2030 population forecast. He is requesting that a footnote be added as to what Plymouths current population is. Evans stated that information is available in the most recent /updated version of Chapter 7. Commissioner Smith asked if there was any open or park space north of the Maple Creek Park. Blank replied yes but there are trying to determine how to identify what that space will be. As of now, it will be included in the Comprehensive Plan as part of Maple Creek Park. Trails Commissioner Krahulec expressed that he felt Plymouth has a collection of trails and not a network as noted on page 7-11. Blank interjected the final verbiage comes from a collection of other authors, the Planning Department, which is the leading agency as well as the City's Communication Coordinator. Northwest Greenway No comments or questions regarding this section. Open Space The Commissioners had no comments or questions. Recreation Page 3 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 Commissioner Krahulec asked to have the word "influx" removed from bullet point 3 under Strategies for Future Actions on page 7-19. There were no further comments. APPENDICES 7A In regards to the golf issue, Evans stated the approved verbiage from the August 16, 2007 Commissioner's meeting has been incorporated in Appendices 7A on page 7-19. She asked the Commissioners if they had any comments or changes. There were none. Parks Evans asked for any comments. Commissioner Krahulec questioned the accuracy of the statement on page 7-13 regarding Lacrosse, Rugby and Kickball being the large reason for games on City fields. He felt traditional sports such as Soccer, Football and Baseball were also major contributors. It was agreed the sentence will be change and/or adjusted. Commissioner Vanderwall asked, in reference to field design on page 7-15, if any thought has been given to rotating where the large and small fields are in order to save the turf? Blank responded by saying they try to do as much as they can, however, this is dictated by the needs for each athletic season. With no further questions, Evans moved onto Trails. Trails Commissioner Anderson referred to map 7-8 as well as table 7-10 on page 7-46. He questioned whether the current work being done at the intersection of CSAH 47 and Northwest Boulevard will continue into the future. If not, should it be removed as a recommended improvement. Blank stated that staff will discuss with Planning and Engineering and adjust the appendices accordingly. Northwest Greenway There were no comments or questions. Natural Open Space Several Commissioners voiced concern regarding map 7-11 that shows Plymouths Significant Natural Resources. By the map's layout it appears Plymouth woodlands are sparse. Evans shared that the Planning department is currently working on updating that information and new maps will be forthcoming. Recreation Page 4 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 Evans reminded the Commissioners that the West Medicine Lake Sailing Club had come to a PRAC meeting to request they be included in the Comprehensive Plan. Evans pointed out the Sailing Club has been identified on page 7-67 as a quasi -public organization. APPENDICES 7B Evans stated Appendices 7B outlines the Park Facility Inventory. Updates and grammatical corrections have been made to this document in recent days therefore, the Commissioners document is not the most recent. Evans asked for comments. Commissioner Krahulec pointed out Fanzendin Park is incorrectly spelled in the Neighborhood Park section of the document. There were no further comments. Staff reiterated the on -road bicycle routes will be addressed when Transportation makes their presentation to PRAC at the November meeting. Evans turned the presentation over to S.R.F's consultant Joni Weise. Weise will wrap up the presentation by reviewing all the components S.R.F was asked to analyze and recommend as part of the Parks, Trails, Open Space and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. APPENDICES 7C Evans stated the S.R.F. materials distributed since June have been complied and edited to fit into the City's Comprehensive Plan format. Weise prefaced by stating that she will briefly touch on each of the topics presented to the Commissioners over that last 5 months. Commissioners will be given an opportunity after each briefing to make comments, suggestions or ask questions. Northwest Plymouth Future Neighborhood and Mini -Parks Locations (refer to the Comprehensive Plan Appendices 7C for complete details) Weise touched on the highlights that were presented at the June 14, 2007 PRAC meeting. Park Definitions Land Use Northwest Greenway Corridor Master Plan 7 -Park Service Area Site o Special Considerations o Park Alternatives o Recommendations Weise asked for questions or comments. As Hampton Hills was sold to a developer three years ago for residential development, Commissioner Krahulec inquired if any progress had occurred. Blank stated that we may see development plans next year. Northwest Greenway — (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the July 12, 2007 PRAC meeting.) Page 5 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 S.R.F. was asked to update components of the 2002 Greenway plan. Weise reviewed the following Greenway Plan revisions. Concepts for the County Road 47 Pedestrian Underpass/Elm Creek Trail Extension Peony Lane Extension Possible relocation of Equestrian Club Boardwalk Crossings Trail Connections to Schmidt Lake Road Pedestrian Bridge over Vicksburg Lane Additional Greenway Width immediately east of Vicksburg Lane Greenway Realignment west of Juneau Lane Greenway Connection to Regional Trail Network Possible Trailhead Locations -Proposed Equestrian Center, Community Playfield, South of Camelot Park Weise asked the Commissioners for questions or comments. There were none. Off Leash Dog Parks - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the July 12, 2007 PRAC meeting.) Weise reviewed the Off Leash Dog Park section of the appendices. She reiterated that this concept is for an additional location should the need arise where Egan Dog Park is not meeting the demand. She asked for questions or comments. Blank asked that the map that outlines potential locations have the Wagner location removed. He also asked that the graphic of French Park be moved slightly to reflect appropriate positioning within the City of Plymouth. Plymouth Creek Park Hillside Concepts - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the July 12, 2007 PRAC meeting.) The next portion of the appendices, Plymouth Creek Hillside, was quickly reviewed. Weise covered the following: Existing Conditions Park Concepts- Community Gardens, Bird Sanctuary, and Lawn Games Blank suggested adding a sculptured park as a fourth concept. He asked the Commissioner for their input. Commissioner Smith was in favor of the idea. Commissioner Smith asked why the only additional parking needed would be with the Garden concept. Blank replied when they took that property for dedication it was to provide public access knowing something would eventually be developed on the north end of the park. When neighbors reviewed the Comprehensive plan and saw a parking lot was planned there, they requested having a community garden. The compromise was to provide a community garden concept which would include a parking lot. Nature Canyon Park - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the July 12, 2007 PRAC meeting.) Page 6 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 Nature Canyon Park was reviewed, noting the following components: Existing Conditions Parks Concepts- Active, Passive and Mixed Commissioner Anderson asked if there were any parks in the City that have major power lines. Blank responded by saying the power lines were up before the property had been acquired for parks. The contract stipulates that Great River Energy is obligated to relocate their power poles one time at their expense, based on whatever City plan is given to them. The power lines however will remain. It was asked if the lines be buried underground. Blank responded this is not possible due to their high voltage. Beaches - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the August 16, 2007 PRAC meeting.) Weise walked through the following presentation calling out the following for: Parkers Lake o Existing Conditions o Proposed Improvements West Medicine Lake o Existing Conditions o Proposed Improvements East Medicine Lake o Existing Conditions o Proposed Improvements Weise referenced the included graphics to point out proposed improvements for each of the beaches. In regards to access to Parker's Lake, Commission Anderson questioned the location of the proposed fence to detour pedestrians from jaywalking across CSAH 6. He wondered why the fence was not being proposed on the playfield side. Weise explained with a roadway coming out of the playfield area, unless you cut that roadway off, having the fence on that side would not detour people from jaywalking. The fence proposed on the lake side would serve as a deterrent as pedestrian would not be able to access the lake area unless they entered at the crosswalks. Commissioner Anderson asked about ADA compliance in getting to the proposed terrace seatwalls located by the beach area. Weise stated there is a current walkway on the west side of the building, in which handicap users enter the beach area. This would remain the main form of access. Joint Initiatives - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the August 16, 2007 PRAC meeting.) Weise reviewed the opportunities and successes that have occurred with the City's collaboration with schools and other agencies, such as Three Rivers Park District, Wayzata High and Bassett Creek Water Management to mention a few. Page 7 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 Commissioner Smith stated at the last meeting it was noted that Three Rivers Park District has extensive knowledge of running a golf course and asked if a partnership with them may be looked at as an opportunity to preserve golf in Plymouth. Weise stated this will be noted. Blank requested a change be made to page 52 of Appendices 7C. Since Plymouth has more than one private school, the verbiage needs to change and Providence Academy needs to be removed. Weise continued by reviewing other joint initiative opportunities for the City. There were no further comments. Sidewalk and Trails - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the September 20, 2007 PRAC meeting.) Weise prefaced her review by stating the focus of this section is on the recreational bicyclist. Graphics were used as visuals. The review included: Sidewalk and Trail Analysis- Sidewalks, Trail Plan Development by Other Agencies and On - Street Bike Lanes for Commuters and Off -Street Trails for Recreational Bicycle Riders. Physical Conditions for non -motorized movement. Sidewalk and Trail System Draft Plan — On -Street for Bicycle Commuters and Off -Street for the Recreation Rider. Physical Conditions of Roadways Commissioner Krahulec pointed out that Schmidt Lake Road runs east and west, not north and south page 66) requesting that change be made. With no further corrections or comments the Weise moved onto Railroad Crossing. Railroad Crossing - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic was held at the September 20, 2007 PRAC meeting.) Three locations have been brought forward as proposed crossings- Holly Lane, Woodland Trails Park, Three Ponds Park. Site Evaluation Criteria At -Grade Crossing Concepts Weise addressed an issue that was brought up at the last PRAC meeting regarding bicycle burlies. She stated S.R.F's investigation shows with minor modifications, it would be possible for a burly to maneuver through the crossing maze. Commission Krahulec suggested making a verbiage change on page 59 of their version) from slow down to dismount their bicycles, since that is the purpose of the maze. Commissioner Anderson asked if there was a more technical approach such as gate arms opposed to the maze. Weise replied yes, however they were going with a less expensive approach. The gate arms and other technical options are very expensive. She stated however, that may be an option the railroad would ask for. For all practical purposes it is highly recommended that the City Page 8of10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 promote the maze concept which encourages people to look up and down the railroad corridor before crossing. Weise concluded her review with the following. Proposed Implementation Steps Public Art - (A full presentation and discussion on this topic occurred at the September 20, 2007 PRAC meeting.) The final element of Public Art was reviewed. Components touched upon included: Benefits of Public Art Public Art Opportunities- Streetscapes, Parks and Building/Building Sites As there were no additional questions or comments, Weise closed out her review by thanking the Commissioners. Blank reviewed the Comprehensive Plans next steps. The Comprehensive Draft Plan document is queued up to go to the Planning Commissioner for review on November 7. Five major components of the Comprehensive Plan will be reviewed at that meeting, including Parks and Recreation. The Draft will then move onto the City Council November 13, 2007 meeting. Once they have reviewed with their input, the draft will cycle back to the Planning Commission for a public hearing on December 5, 2007. If the public hearing accepts the draft, it will then go back to the City Council on December 11, 2007 for approval. The draft then needs to channel through surrounding communities. Final approval of the Comprehensive Plan will not occur until sometime in June or July of 2008. The traffic department was not prepared to address the transportation on -road bicycle issue at this meeting. They will be presenting for PRAC at their November meeting. Blank asked if the PRAC meeting could be moved up to November 1, 2007 in order to review their presentation prior to the Planning Commissioners meeting being held on November 7, 2007. Commissioner Smith stated he is unavailable on November 1, 2007 and would prefer to keep the meeting on its scheduled date. Blank will talk to the planning staff to see if they think it's significant that PRAC be presented with transportations plans regarding on -road bicycling prior to the November 7 Planning Commissioner meeting. If planning deems it necessary, Blank will call the PRAC meeting for November 1. If not, the meeting will remain as scheduled. Staff will begin work on the Annual Report. It was asked if there are any other fee increases that will need to be presented to the Commissioners. Evans stated she doesn't anticipate any other than those that were brought to PRAC over the last two meetings 6. NEW BUSINESS No new business was presented 7. COMMISSIONER PRESENTATION None was presented 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 9 of 10 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING October 11, 2007 Commissioner Krahulec asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Krahulec moved and Commissioner Knight second. ALL AYES, the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Thursday November 8, 2007. Respectfully Submitted, Mary Miller PRAC recorder Page 10 of 10