HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 11-05-1981i Regular meeting of the Plymouth Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Novenber 5 1981 r Page 35 Presents Chairman Rice, Cmudssioners Chesebrough, Edwards, Threinen, Mullan, Dvorak and Berg Staff ?'resent: Eric Blank, Rick. Busch, Mazy Patterson and. Nancy Helgeson others Presents Paul Pjare and John.Worrall, Brauer and Associates; and residents interested in the Ccuprehensive System Park Plan 1., CALL TO ORDER, Chairman Rice. called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. in the Plymouth City Center' Council (hammers 2. APP-BOVAL OF MMMES Connissioner Chesebrougr,: mor. ed and Cannissic ner Threi.nen seconded a motion, to approve the minutes of October 8, 1981. C:ortnissioner Chesebrough pointed out that although the minutes reflected that he had been pre -registered to attend the NIWA,Cbnferenee, he was unable to go. The motion carried with all ayes. 3. VISI70R PRESENTATIONS a. Athletic Association Representatives. This group had no one present at this meeting. b. Rick Busch and Maw Patterson. Maty gave a report on the fall enrollments or the years 1980 and IL981which showed that adult participation was up mile youth enrollment was down. She stated that the winter brochure was almost amplete and ready for the printer to pack up. rJur target date for home distribution is December 1. Rick shared copies of a memo with the commissioners that he had prepared showing comparisons in enrollments on a quarterly basis for the years 1979-1981. 9. MPORT ON PAST COUNCIL ACTION Director Blank had nothing to report on at this. time. 5. PUBLIC HEAMG-COMPREE04SIVE PARK. SYSTEM PLAN Director Blank read the official hearing notice as it appeared in the New -Hope Plymouth Post on October 28, 1981. He discussed the purpose of the plan as it meshes with the overall City Comprehensive Plan, and he indicated that letters inviting various groups and landowners to the hearing had been mailed in -mid October. He then introduced John Worrall of Brauer and Associates who explained how the Ccuprehensive Park System Plan had. been designed, and. he also described vwo maps which were on display that identified all the Proposed park sites and trails as well as those parks which were already in existence. PIaC Public Hearing TestimzW from NDvenber 5, 1981 Page 35a amirnm James Rice spaded the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. in the Plymouth City Canter ommcil aumbesss . ' ommnta were meld 0 by the following people; 1. stism ngcw, Attonw, from. !P i tt West &. Diessner..: lb. was TPFWV, g Aniold Palmer Bega=n 9- the Poimerleau Lake site. Her quest ams included: 1) my waa this site selected over alternative sites?' 2) Not was the time lure: for acquisition? 3) slut is the method of acquisition? 4) *%at are, the funding Methods for aoquisition? 2. iiae W o;7MSRZ 5415 Pineview Lane. He was c0XV=Wd with Wr-6 west of Bass Lake. His property is for sale, and he worders if he can stili go ahead and :sell now that it; has been identified as a possible park. If he can't sell, who will pay the taxes during the time that it's held up? HeO'es boned the pcesibility of the City developing some- thing along Bass Lake, ir;stead. 3. DCN MMNQ, 2425 Merrimac Lane. iWr- = was ooneerm w1rW-the Proposed trail along Hlwy 101 and. Co Rd, 6. Be doesn't. feel that we needthis trail since there is cot -gently a trail located near this intersection. He wanders if any trails. are needed throughout the entire City? - He asked what happens to laniowners; whose property is selected for a park and they wish to sell this property, and how will the land be acquired? 4. JERRY BEE1RM, 5750 Juneau Lame. Mr. Behrens owns a 0 -acre paroel adjoining Mr. Palmer's property on Pomerleau Iake. Seven acres of this property is designated for park land. He wonders if this will prevent him term developing this land. He was also ooncerned. about our map showing a regional trail crossing his property, property he claims he hasn't sold to Hennepin Comity yet. Staff will double check with Hennepin County to determine if they still intend' to mute through Mr. Behrens' property. He also asked' how the land would be acquired, and if the purchase prioe would be determined now or at the time of actual acquisition? 5. JIM GUMAL, 4465 Vicksb Lane. As a. representative of Troy nand Co., Mr. Guddal stated that the City Council had given, them approval to develop 12, five -acre plots on their property in May 1980, Mr. Guddal indicated that this property has covenants restricting the type of development on it at this time, but that the land is for sale if the City is really interested in purchasing it. Hebelievies. that it is not the most suitable area for a neighborhood park because it has several. low areas. As a former PMC member, Mr. Guddal. suggested that in the future, when PRAC designs plans such as this one, that they first meet with any landowners who will be affected before putting anything in print 6. BRUCE BMTJISTER, 5330 yicksb Lane. Mr. BanisterTe-els that it is unfair to property owners to hold up latid deve opment because of proposed paries. His opinion is that the Medicine Lake Regional Park will be large enough to support the leisure time needs. of most of Plymouth and that any development of Pamrleau Lake will only attract Maple Grove residents. 7 MARY ALICE WITCHGER, 16531 26th Ave N. Ms Witchger lives in the Maple Dell area and she indicated that she is pleased vl.th the Omprehensive Park plan, specifically thatportion of the, plan that PRACPublic Hearing Tlestinony Nowber 5, 1981 Page 35b pzemvtw the woods on the northwest corner of the Minneapolis Dairy Farm property located between. Dunikirk, and Vicksburg Lanes. 8. SIS' Bros. Mr. Gbldbexg indi6atedthat an NUUNad been in 1975 for the property adjacent to new County Road 61 north of Highway 55, and there was no indication of, park need given by the Council at that. time. Lundgren. Bros. also subutitted ,. a letter objecting to the acquiring of this laud, which will be included in the minutes, 9. STV& WELDt 5605 Juneau Lane. Mr. Weld is' conoern" wx the. Pam -rleau Lake ` site and how the City proposes to gain access to this area? He asked what fea ores/advantages this site had over others and what criteria was used in determining this; site's suitability as a park? At what paint would a road be .installed leading to this area? 10. xI09M DEZ>E. 4525 Vicksb Lane. Nr. Dezie s the owner of theHo lyd ue Golf Course and the developer of a piece: of property located between Vicksburg and Hollydale. He indicated that he had appeared before the Planning Comrission a year ago with plans showing a park on this property and was told. to change his plans and delete the parry. Now that, he's confronted by a park again, he's wandering why? 11. RNKID RF.IMR, 4425 Larch Lane. Mr. Aeiaier owns the property just west of Larch Lane and east Of. West Medi.ctyu Lake Blvd., which surrounds a pond.. Mr. Reimer's primary concern is if—,he City will pay a fair market price for this land, and how will theacquisition take place? 12. O.N. HUD KOFSMD, 1400 West Medicine Lake Dr. He is intcrested in the West Medicine Lake Park and indicated that he would prefer to develop the south 10 -acre tract rather than give it up as park land. He indicated that he thinks it As undesirable land for park purposes. 13. FLDFa4m LARsoN, 2930 Medicine Rid22 Road. Mrs. Larscn lives next to East Medicine Lake beach. Her concern was with the regional trail on the east side. of the lake. She is wondering at what time the City will deedover property to Hennepin County for the develgment of the trail system? She also had some concern regarding the construction of East Beach. 14. HUAW ILNSDiAL, 5655 Juneau Lane. He is wncp.n1ed wiER the Pawbeau Lake site and the City holding up land owne s' plans to develop. He also didn't understand the reasoning behind putting three different types of parks, i.e.., playfield, neighborhood park, commaity park, side by side as it appears to be on the maps.. He cmeented that nature lovers might be annoyed by the noise of softball games while they're out trying to enjoy a canoe ride. Chairman Rce closed the public hearing at 9:50 p.m. 0244MICINER OWEEFCM MNW AND OMMSSIGNER MMM SECIOWED A, MOTIONTO VME ACTICN• 7HE OOMFEW26IVE1 1EMy : 3t'METING ALLCWIM TIME FOR SZVT AND BRAUER 70 R1ESEAFCH SCMEOF I COMMENTS AND CONCEFM • •E } 71 1 THE: E•UM. THE, MYrICN CARRIED W= ALL AYES Page 36 6 UWMISHM BLL5MMS a. Playfield te. Director Blank gave a very brief report on the progress of ( playfields, indicating that Ridgemo t was finally omplete. The irrigation system is in now at Zachary Park and plans 'am to wave the parking lot sometime next week, b. Neighiaorhood Parks Ltpdaite 7he only major item left to be installed at Tifter Shams Pais the floating boardwalk. Wbrk at all three park sites,is progressing' well, however, the animal swim at each park are being replaced. Director Blank is zeaeivng very positive ooerermtsa from residents as he tours these sites during; the week. c. Eastbeach te. 'Themajority of the curb and gutter is in, and the posts along tit Medicine Lake Blvd. are being replaced. d. Elm C wk Golf Course Update: Director Blark had nothing neva to rtan this item T'_financial records have bew turned over to the City firm—ce director for his review. T. ISI BusmmS a. New Plats;. Hone. b. Site Plans for Pl%m Creek, Parkers Dace and West Medicine Take Parks. In ameitea October ,?3t 1981, Director BlWR iecoarends the retenfixon of Brauer and .Associates to develop site plans; for the three parks mentioned, above, He has been vert' pleased with the outstanding job they did on the Ooetprehensive. Park System Plan and thein ins_ mate knowledge of this plan, as well as their ability to r, in on schedule and within the budget. COMKQSSICNER. AND C c#4a aSjaaR TiiV1NBN SE001M.ED A, M=N TO ADOPT DIMCM SLAW'S t ATICN AS SET FOMH IN HIS MEMS+ DATED WMBFR 23, 1581. THE MDTLCJNCARKEA WFTH FIVE AMh Cts+ assia&R DVORAK ABSTAINED, AAD COWMIONER MUGLA V07M MAY. c. Dem1ber Meeting Date. Due to conflicts en, the 3rd and 10th,, it was R-M that, Dwober l s meeting would be held on the 8th. dy winter Skating Rinks-Locaations Co mtissioner Mullan indicated that there is a n i a skating rim near medicine Lake,, particularly on the west aside. Director Blank said that one would be maintained in the old parkins, lot at Wwt Medicine Lake perk. Because of. problems with residents, the. City will not asintain a rink on Bass Lake this year. a m issioner Dycrak asked staff to bads into the possibility of maintaning a-me type of rink in; northeast Plymouth. 5.. COMMISSION PI I ATItxI ow roan Rios am x,rmd that a task force is being fosaned that will stud, the issue of forrndng a common, athletic association in Plymouth. CWTnissioner r Dvorak will chair this task force, which will, exu rim the advantagesand disea,1vantagss of having one common athletic association. 5 STAT 00M'1WCATICN the Park and Facmtion Department is swcmoring a, Holiday Hues Decorating aontest. Details about the oontest will I* in the winter issue of P' ynxxth on Parade and a letter inviting- residents to participate will be: se, to all homeowner asaociatians. 10. ADIOURMNf A, motion to adjourn.wae mode at 11:05 p.m. by Jahn Mullan, and seconded, by