HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 01-12-1984Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission January 12, 1984 Page 1 Present Chair Threi'nen, Commissioners Chesebrough, Edwards, and LaTour staff Blank, Harmon, Patterson and Pederson, Planning Commissioner Magnus Absent: Commissioners Mullan, Dvorak and. Berg 1. Call to Order Chair Threinen called the January meeting of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission to order at 7:36 p.m. in the Plymouth City Center Council Chambers. She then introduced Judy LaTour, the newly appointed park commissioner to the rest of the members present and to the staff.. 2. Approval of Minutes A motion was; made by Commissioner Edwards to approve the minutes of questions by Chair Threinen on the carried with all ayes. 3. Visitor Presentations Chesebrough, and seconded by Commissioner the December meeting following some length of that meeting. The motion a. Athletic Association Representatives. alone were present at this meeting. b. Mary Patterson and Gay Harmon. Mary discussed some of the new classes being offered for the winter session. Our most popular Bits and Pieces class "Color Analysis" generated so much interest that, inoorder to accommodate everyone on the waiting list, we scheduled five classes throughout January and February. Another new class, called "Child's Play," teaches moms and dads how to play with their children from newborns through 3 years of age. The newly formed running club has 28 members and is doing well.. Director Blank introduced Gay Harmon, the new half-time recreation specialist, who joined the staff on January 10. Gay discussed some of the programs he will be offering and then briefly entertained the commissioners with a few dance steps. 4. Report on Past Council Action a. Commission Appointment Judy LaTour. Director Blank noted that the Council appointed Judy LaTour to fill the vacancy on the commission and that they had also reappointed Barbara Edwards for another three year term. Director Blank stated that the City was very grateful for Commissioner Edwards' continued support, and he made a special note that she has been on the Commission for 15 years. 5. Unfinished Business a. Park User Fees - Report from Dave Berg. Commissioner Berg was enable to attend the meeting, but he had prepared a memo on his own personal recommendations regarding user fees which was handed out to each commissioner. He recommends against implementing user fees for the following reasons: 1) neighboring communities do not charge fees, 2) the purpose of building parks and playfields is for their use by public and maintenance should be responsibility of City, PRAC Minutes. of January 12., 1984 Page 2 3) youth, athletic groups provide volunteers to help with programs; thus eliminating the need for the City to hire additional park and recreation staff, 4) City is already charging adults to use parks, and this offsets park maintenance costs, 5) area schools do not charge City for use of indoor facilities, 6) only the sport of soccer requires additional field maintenance and it does not seem appropriate to single out this one activity, 7) imposing usage fees might create negative public relations for the City.. After reviewing Commissioner Berg's memo, it was decided to table action until the February meeting, since input was desired from Commissioners Dvorak and Mullan who were not in attendance. Chair Threinen asked that. Commissioner Berg's memo be sent to Mayor Davf,port and to Commissioners Mullan and Dvorak prior to the next meeting. b. LAWCON Grant Update. Because our LAWCON grant application was ranked in 6th place, we will get 24% of the amount vie requested, approximately $39,000. Instead ofacquiring two parcels of property, we will only buy one at this time for inclusion in West Medicine Lake: City Park. Staff is now in the process of re -writing the application which is due January 27, 1984. c.. Community Center Update Steve Chesebrough. Commissioner Chesebrough reviewed the tour held on December 3, and discussed the upcoming tour planned for the City Council and FRAC, scheduled for January 25. He also reviewed the charge to the committee which has been prepared and will go to the City Council for their approval. Following that approval, it will be given to the Community Center Citizens Committee. The next meeting of the Committee is January 19, and based on feedback received by staff, a good representation is expected. The proposed agenda includes; a rselcome from the Mayor, a review of the draft. charge, a review of the Comprehensive Park System Plan and downtown Plymouth, a review, of the cormnunity centers tour, a review of the outline of proposed process for community involvement, a review of possible facilities to be included ir, tAho center, some wort assignments for the committee, and scheduling the next meeting date. d. 18th Avenue Property Update. A recomendation to acquire the property at 11814 18th Avenue North, for inclusion in West Medicine Lake City Park, will go before the City Council for their approval on Monday, January 16. Staff has decided to wait on the purchase of the property at 11808 18th Avenue until the owner, Mrs. Lentz, has found alternative housing. 6. New Business a.. Annual Report - draft. Draft copies of a partially completed annum report were sent to each commissioner and reviewed during the meeting. Goals and objectives for 1984 were discussed and some changes were made. Those changes will be incorporated into the final copy which will be available for the February meeting. PRAC Minutes of January 12, 1984 Page 3 b. Pla E uipmeu t -- Zachary Playfield. Director Blank stated that the 1984 CIP allocated $25,000 for the installation of play equipment at the Zachary Playfield'. A site has been chosen, and Director Blank is recommending that work begin on this project as soon as possible in order for the structure to be ready for sumer use. The design will be done by our park staff with the limited assistance of a landscape architect.. Bids will go out for the actual construction and installation. A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER CHESEBROUGH AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER EDWARDS RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE EXPENDITURE OF 25,000 FROM THE PARK DEDICATION FUND, PLAYFIELD AND TRAILS ACCOUNT, FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PLAY EQUIPMENT AT THE ZACHARY PLAYFIELD. The motion carried with all ayes. 7. Commission Presentation Commissioner Chesebrough said that members of the Footprints Running Club approached him about the possibility of having a lighted running track made available for their use during the spring, fall and winter. fie indicated to them that they could attend the PRAC meting and make a formal request if they wished to do so. Director Blank stated that Plymouth Creek Park would be the ideal place for them to run since it already contains the vita course, and the park is lighted. 8. Staff Communication Director Blank announced that a letter had been sent to Dr. Shirli Vioni from Jim Willis regarding the expansion of the Oakwood parking lot. The City has set aside funding in the 1984 CIP for this expansion, and the purpose of the letter was to find out if the district will be able to help with the cost. Dr. Vioni was asked to respond to the letter within two weeks indicating the district's position. Director Blank recently sent a letter to Gary Gibbons of the Wayzata Hockey Association asking for the Association's opinion on the need for a second hockey rink at Oakwood. Any response from the hockey association will be referred to the Commission, once it is received. The next meeting is scheduled for February 9 and may include an informal public hearing on the Westminster Homeowners request. Final copies of the annual report will be distributed, and the 1984 Park Rental Policies and Fee Schedule will be reviewed, 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.