HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 09-01-1983Minutes of the Regular. Meeting of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission September 1, 1983, 7:30 p.m. Page 16 Present; Commissioners Chesebrough, Edwards, Threivlen, Mullan, Dvorak and Berg, Planning Commissioner Magnus; staff Blank, Busch, Patterson and Pederson Lundgren Bros. representative Mike Pflaum, and resident. Barry Winston, 16,005 26th Avenue North CALL TO ORDER; Acting Chair Threinen called the meeting to order at 7r36 p.m. in the Plymouth City Center Council, Chambers. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Commissioner Chesebrough and seconded by Commissioner Berg to approve the minutes of the July meeting as presented with no corrections or additions. The.motion carried with all ayes. 3. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS a. Athletic Association Representatives. No one was, present. b. Mary Patterson and Rick Busch.. Mary indicated that most summer prograr;s were now over. Summer concert: series went well, with average attendance at 150 per concert. Last concert oi' the season had only 80 attend, but that was due largely to the fact that it had to be rescheduled froa the previous week because of rain. More teenagers were at this concert than any other. Puppet wagon evaluations included some suggestions for different locations. Our first year of a stationary PITS located at Oakwood School was successful. This was a combined effort with District: 284 summer school program. Our fall brochure will be delivered to Plymouth residents the week of September 5. Summer program attendance reports will be available for the October meeting. Rick indicated that fall adult softball was half over. Fall youth soccer is underway, with approximately 550 children participating this year. He announced that over the coming Labor Day weekend, the first Midwest Class B USSSA Men's Industrial Softball Tournament would be held in Plymouth at Zachary= Playfield. Over 40 teams are expected to compete including some Plymouth teams c. Others. Resident Barry Winston was present to discuss a trail matter. Since it was related to the Lundgren Bros. development, it was decided' to discuss it at that time. 4.. REPORT ON PAST COUNCIL ACTION a. Fencing of Zachar Pla field. Council approved this item at their last. meeting. Rain has caused some delays in getting the fencing completed, but two fields will be done in time for the Labor Day Tournament. The third field will be finished prior to the High School District Baseball Tournament. 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS b. Parkers Lake PlannedDevelo ment. Director Bi'ank briefly reviewed his staf report and recommendation to PRAC. He indicated that the Council has amended the Comprehensive Park System Plan to delete the parkin the northwest quadrant of this development, therefore, Director Blank is recommending approval of Lundgren's proposed plan Mike Pflaum of Lundgren 0 FRAC Minutes of September 1,, 2Q8 Page: 17 Bros, presented PRAC with two large drawings indicating where various parks would.be located within the first phase of development of this 425 -acre site. The first phase, known as Stage A, will include 160 acres It is within this site that the wooded area., located in t4 northwest quadrant, was originally deemed appropriate for City park, and as such, was reconitended to the City Council by PRAC. When the Council amended the Comprehensive. Park System Plan to delete this park, Lundgren Bros. prepared the plans for developing this area into single family residences. Mr. Pflaum indicated that Lundgren hopes to begin construction of this area in the fall. The trail network that will be implemented as this site is developed was explainedto PRAC, and they were shown a map of where the trails will be. Lundgren is hoping that the trail running through the natural area can be crushed limestone., All other trails will be asphalt, Staff responded that asphalt is easier to maintain, and reminded PRAC- that the Comprehensive Trail System Plan calls for ail asphalt trails in this development, Resident Barry Winston, 16005 26th Avenue North, appeared before FRAC to request that the trail running through the natural area be crushed limestone to discourage too many bicyclists from using the trail. He's, concerned about vandalism to homeowners and lack of privacy. FRAC responded that it was more likely r that the public would stay on the main trail running down Vicksburg, and that only those people living within the development would use the trail in the natural e#ea. PRAC agreed with staff that all the trails within this development should be asphalt so as to remain consistent with the Comprehensive Trail System Plan. Commissioner Mullan pointed out that two-inch thick asphalt is not thick enough to prevent weeds and grass rrom eventually growing through trail Commissioner Chesebrough, concerned over the possible loss of trees in the northwest quadrant of this site, asked Mr. Pflaum how they, propose to develop this site and save as many trees as possi0e. Mr. Pflaum, stated that their proposed plan calls for 23,000 square foot hots with h each one being wooded., The lots will have reduced side yard and front yard setbacks to allow for more mobility in placing the houses: Only those trees with trunks less than four inches in diameter will; be 6stroyed, and only if necessary in order to place the house and driveway. Based on the plan proposed by Lundgren, the total park dedication for Stage A development will be 14.9 acres, but credit will be given for only 3.9 acres whict'r is all that is above the 100-yeor flood plain. Any park dedication requirements not met in Stage A deveiotykent will be carried over to Stage B A MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER BERG AND SiCONDED BY COMMISSIONER DVORAK TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE RPUD PRELIMINARY PLAN/PLAT, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND REZONING FOR PARKEkS LAKE DEVELOPMENT -STAGE A AS PRESENTED BY THE PETITIONER WITH A TOTAL PARK DEDICATION FOR STAGE A OF 14.9 ACRES, AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIO,NER'CHESEBROUGH AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DVORAK THAT ALL THE TRAILS GOING THROUGH THIS PLAT BE ASPHALT SO AS TO REMAIN CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE TRAIL SYSTEM PLAN, The motion and the amendment carried with all ayes. in FRAC Minutes of September 1, 1983 Page 18 6. a. LAWCON/LCMR Brants - 1983 b 1984. Procedures for the acquisition of two parcels have been completed or inclusion in West Medicine Lake City Park. The third parcel is still: in the, process of being negotiated. Owner disagreed with City's appraisal of property, so he is hiring his own appraiser. C. e. The application for a 1984 grant has ilso been submitted for two pieces of property on Forestview Lane. The owner of one of these parcels is. interested in selling now and is asking $69,500. The appraised value is 57-,500. Director Blank has recommended that the City enter into a purchase option contingent upon our grant application being approved sometime: next August, Play Equint Plymouth Creek, LaCom te, East Beach. The youth corps from t e Twin Cities Tree Trust has basically finished the construction of the, Plymouth Creek play equipment. Director Blank said that he's observed many children using it every time he drives by the park. The LaCompte toys have been delivered and are up, but are not totally operational yet.. Some additional ground work stili needs to be done at this site. The East Beach equipment will be started in a couple of weeks after all softball activities have been completed at other parks, freeing up some of the maintenance staff. Director Blank praised the Twin Cities Tree Trust for their remarkable work and commented on how much they have saved the City in labor costs. in discussing the East Beach, Commissioner Chesebrough had a, concern about the southwest. end of the beach parking lot being occupied by cars full of surly looking" teenagers whenever he jogs through the area. Director Blank responded that he hasn't received any other complaints over the last year or two, but that in past years, the police have gone in there under cover and confiscated drugs, etc. The beach parking lot is closed at 9:00 p.m. and any cars left un3 tended at closing time are towed away. C`I:P. Director Blank briefly reviewed his memo to the Planning Commission whch contained further clarification of the Parks CIP. They were concerned mostly withthe rising costs of park maintenance. Director Blank indicated that staff is attempting to control any increases whenever possible. 1984 Budget. Council will be having their first budget study session on September: One of the items Parks is requesting is a half-time recreation specialist to be hired in Jai+uary to relieve Mary and Rick of sone of their duties. The City Manager has given Director Blank his verbal approval and is going to recommend that the Council approve it as well. Recreation is also asking for a van, since the small City cars don't always have enough room inside for some of the equipment that Mary and Rick are required to haul around.. NEW BUSINESS a. Meeting Dates. It has been approved for PRAC to begin meeting on the second Thursday of the month. Meeting dates for the rest of this year are October 13, Novetiber 10 and December 8. PRAC Minutes of September 1 1983 Pager 14 7. COMMISSION PRESENTATION Commissioner Threinen suggested that. PRAC hold a special "work session" prior to the end of the year in order to discuss user fees, i.e., how much to charge, when to implement fees, etc. Director Blank indicated that data on our operational costs will be available by the end of the year. Several of these costs are known now. A meeting date for this special work session will be decided at the October 13 meeting. 4ommissioner Edwards was concerned about an incident that happened earlier in the summer in the park behind,her home. Gun blasts or very loud fireworks. were heard: by a number of residents. A police officer was called and Commissioner Edwards was surprised at his attitude. The officer did not know his way into. or out of the park and did not seem to be interested in investigating where the noises came from. It was suggested that perhaps the police department should have some sort of in-service program or training on the location, entrances and exits of all the City parks. Director Plank will speak to Chief Carlquist. Commissioner Threinen spoke to Mayor Davenport and learned that he plans to appoint a Chair and Vice -Chair for PRAC in the very near future. He is also looking for a new member to fill the open position on the Commission. 8. STAFF COMMUNICATLON Director Blank indicated that staff is beginning to do some preliminary planning for the City's Community Center. Sometime in September or October a tour will. be scheduled of other community centers around the metropolitan area. Letters will be sent to NOA's inviting interested citizens to participate in the tour. Commissioner Threinen asked that someone from PRAC volunteer to be on the community center committee and become actively involved in these plans. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Minutes of the Regular ?Meeting of the Park. and Recreation ,Advisory commission E October 13 1983 page 20 Presents Comissiaanerr Chesebroughk Edwards, Threioen, Mullan, Dvorak and Serqk staff Blank, Patterson and Pedersviii, Pilgrim Mane PTA representative Len Theide 1, CALL TO ORDER I Chair Threinen called to order the regular meeting of the Plymouth 4'FarC. and Recreation Ad,vfisory Conmi'ssi'on on Octcbet, 130 1983, at 7,35 p.m., 24 APPROW IF MINUTES Chair T6 `noo corrected the minutes of September, 1, page 16, item 3. b, from 118Z Aebd"to "8O attending." following this correction, a motion was aide by Commissioners Ehetebrough to approve the minutes as corrected., The motion carried. 3. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS a.. Athletic Asiociation Representatives.;, None Were present at this meeting b, dart Patterson and Rick 'Busch. Mary handed out comparisons between the astwosunnier s program enrollment and a second chart showing year -to- date totals for her programs, She also discussed a metmo she sent to Eric. regarding this year's beach concessions and suggestions she has for next. year's season. Rick also had hand-outs for the commissioners in his absence; he was videotaping soccer gashes and unable to attend the meeting. 4. REPORT ON PAST COUNCIL ACTION a, 1984 Budget. The budget was, approved at the October 3 Council meeting, with t' ,e exception of our showootle', Director Bland; stated that the: Council wants our Shade Tree program to promote the care and maintenance of healthy trees, e,g. reforestation of our urban forest. Steve Cook, the. City's forester will be doing a number of informational/educational "short subjects11 fori the City's c.,.able tv channel on tree maintenance, gardening, etc, DirectorBlank discussed briefly other aspects of the budget and answered questions regarding various categories. While on the subject of the budget, Commissioner Chesebrough 'mentioned that Bob Sorenson of the NHPAA had approached him about attending our next PRAC meeting in order to discuss the fees outlined fn the Mayor"s. Task. Force Report. b, Parkers Labe Planned Develo nt, Council approved Phase I of this project afthetr as meeting. Phase covers that area between Vicksburg and Dunkirk Lanes. c. Final Payment - Zachar Fence Project. The fencing of tha three ballfields at Zachary Flayffeld ii noir comp e e and the bill has been paid,. 5. UNRNISHED BUSINESS at LA I MR Grants: 1983_84. Director Blank stated that our 1984 LAWCON gran sou be comp eteiy'processed within a month,. He also explained our status regarding our 1984 application. He is confident that, although ie are not ranked number one in all considered categories, we have a very good chance to be funded'.