HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 11-08-1979MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING; OF PLYMOUTH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY` COMMISSION November 8, 1979 let.a regular meeting of the Plymouth Park and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order by Chairman Rice at 7:33 p. m, on November 8, 1979 in the Conference Room of the City of Plymouth. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT;: Brass, Chesebrough, Mullan, Threinnn, Rice, Johnson., E&ards COMiISSIONERS ABSENT; Terry , Gudda.l , Christian, Hanson OTHERS PRESENT: Jane Thorston, Recreation Specialist for the City of Plymouth, Alan. Ziska, Doug Kesatie Goal's Statemen, - PRAC Charge oma; ssioner CfiesebiTRgF presented and discussed his draft. of a; Statement of Coals in which eleven Goals were drawn up with a corresponding objective and the procedures for implementation. Com, issioners indicated a concern for the number of committees but felt it appropriute to develop and work on Goals in 1980. The Commissioners felt that the Charge and Goals are relevant a!d important and in subsequent years only annual revisions will need to be made. Chairman Rice requested that Commissioners Chesebrough and. Edwards work with the Director to refine and discuss the Goals. Topic Discussion Format Director Born presented and revi'e'wed the staff report.outlining .PRAT; agenda Topic and Discussion format. The PRAC believed that a format will assist agenda topics discussion and decision making,. The PRAC believes that reviewing the ag,nda. packet the weekend preceeding the meeting will allow for sufficient review and will assure that. the Commission will be ready to discuss the topics. Chairman Rice requested that items requiring PRAC action be placed:fi'rst on the agenda followed by Information items. Recreation Program Ideas and Su estions Dector orn presented and reviewed the staff report presenting a summary of' recreation programs to be offered during the Winter Session (1979-80). Jane Thorston Recreation Specialist;, discussed in detail the programs to be offered.: New programs. include Self Defense, Jazz and Modern Dance. Racquetball will no longer be offered at the Court House in Golden Valley but instead will be offered at the new Plymouth RacquetUall Club. An overnight winter retreat for families will be offe,ed in February at Lyman Lodge. In the Spring a jogging clinic may be offered whicn would utilize the Luce Line Trail. Staff solicited ideas from 0e Commissioners of facilities that may be available for the Department to usr; in offering additional daytime/evening Programs. Chairman Rice requested that staff review for the PRAC each quarter the. Programs whish will be vt'fered for the upcoming program.along with an update of the Recreation Program from the previous quarter with the intent being to track diverse neods _alono oith diverse locations: Recreation Pronyam Polic Community Education Director Boms'presented an .reviewe t e staff report discussing recreation program policy relative to after school hours programs and Community Education Services Departments. Director Born stated that because of budget restrictions and limitations being placed upon General Fund Budgets, the respective school districts have to curtail programs for after hours extra curricu ar acti'viti`es. Also, municipalit,es are, looked upon as the agency most appropriate to provide continuation of these services. Director Born stated: Lhat the Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department is not equipped, staffed or financed; to be able to offer a continuation of services being deleted from the extra curricular activities offered by the respective school districts. Director Born recommended that:. The Plymouth Park and Recreation Department work closely with the respective school districts in program planning, development and implementation so as. to avoid unnecessary duplication. When feasible, school districts and the Plymouth Park and Recreation Department cooperatively and jointly sponsor recreation programs. o, When the school districts curtail extra curricular activities their respective Community Education Services Departments continue to offer the activities through the use. of Coirmunity Education levies and user fees Motion by Commissioner Threinen, second by Commissioner Johnson to approve the first recommendation. Motion by Commissioner Mullan, second; by Commissioner Johnson to approve: staff's second recommendation. Motion carried. Motion by Commissioner Threinen, second by Chariman Rice to amend the recommendation stating "The Department and a_PRAC representative Mork closely with the respective school districts in program planning, development and implementation so as to avoid unnecessary duplication., PRAC requested.that staff's third recommendation be made as an agenda item to be discussed at the December meeting and that Cave Davenport be asked to attend this meeting to help with discussion relating to Community Education levies. Standardization of Park Fixtures and Facilities Director Born presented and reviewed a staff report recouty nding the adoption of standardized specifications for selected fixtures and facilities which will provide for uniformity and: economy of maintenance and repairs.. Motion by Commissioner Chesebrough, second by Commissioner Brass to endorse the proposed standards. Motion carried. Neighborhood Park Identification and Parks Plannin Director Born 'presentee and reviewed ,e staff report discussing the Neighborhood Park Identification and Parks Planning. Motion by Commissioner Chesebrough, second by Commissioner Threinen to endorse the Neighborhood Park Identification and Parks report with an amendment to staff recommendation #4 that plans be administered with "reasonable uniformity Motion carried. Projection of Neighborhood.Park Sizes Directoro rn presentee and ree v e3Mthe. staff report discussing the projections and recommendations for Neighborhood Park Sizes. Amendment by Chairman Rice, second by Commissioner Briss to amend staff`s recommend- ation by recommending that"at. this time the PRAC believes that the following on carrieo. Motion by Commissioner Brass,, second by Commissioner Mullan to endorse staff's recommendations as revised by PRAC. Motion carried. harsh -We lands Dedication erector Born prese6teT and reviewed the staff report which recommends: 1. The, policy be continued of not giving credit for dedication of marsh - wetlands for public park purposes. 2. Future marsh -wetland Open Space Natural Areas be confined to Community Parks 3. When Community Parks which have Marsh -Wetlands are developed, trails and paths shoul.d be developed so as to allow for expanded user enjoyment of the natural resources. Amendment. by Chairman Rice, second by Commissioner Chesebrough to defer endorse- ment of staff's second recomnenda;tion until further information can be presented relating to ownership options should marsh -wetlands not be used by the. City for park or ponding purposes. Amendment carried.. Motion by Chairman Rice, second by Commissioner Threinen to endorse staff's, recommendations relating to park dedication and trail development. Motion carried,. Downtown Plymouth Walkways Director Born introduced and discussed the staff report recommending the adoption of a Downtown Plymouth Walkway Plan so as to facilitate; the planning process. Director Born responded questions related to goals and terminology. Motion made by Commissioner Threinen to endorse staff's recommendation with the term "walking" changed to "sidewalk". Seconded by Commissioner Brass.. Motion carried. Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m..