HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Packet 12-10-1987Regular Meeting of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission December 10, 1987,. 7:30 p.m. Council. Chambers AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Visitor Presentations (Not, ,%3nda Items) a. Athletic Associations b. Staff c. Others 4. Report on Past Council Action a. St. Mary's Neighborhood Park/Plymouth. Creek, Soccer Field b. Lions Park Play Equipment 5. Unfinished Business, a. Parkers Lake Update: b. Neighborhood Parr Projects Update c. Park Usage and Cost.Study Report (scent out last month) d. Plymouth Creek Site Planning e. Park Name (Amhurst Park) f. Wayzata Soccer Club 6. New Business a. New Plats. b. 1987 Annual Report C. d.. 7. Commission Presentation S. Staff Communication, 9. Adjournment Next Meeting - January 14, 1988 Minutes of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission. Meeting November 12, 1987 Page 38 Present: Chair Edwards, Commissioners Reed, Anderson, and LaTbur staff Blank and Pederson Absent; Commissioners Beech and Rosen I. CALL TO CRVER Chair Edwards called the November meeting to order at 700 p.m. in the Council Conference Room. 2. APPR{7vAL OF Minim A motion was made by Commissioner Reed and seconded by Commissioner Anderson to approve the minutes of the October meeting as presented. The mction.carried with all ayes. 3. VISITOR PRE MUATICNs a. Athletic Amociationg. Representatives of the Plymouth -Wayzata Soccer Club were present. Their presentation is covered under Item 6.c. b. 2., Mary Patterson stated that beach attendance figures from this past summer were 11,378 aL Parkers Lake, 10,694 at East Medicine Lake and 6,347 at West Medicine Lake. Attendance has been steadilyincreasingesinee1985ralthoughattendanceatMedicine. Lake was down in 1987. She attributes this to an early algae bloom which .resulted in several reports of swimmrs itch at these beaches. Mary stated that she, Rick Busch and Mary Tilley spent a planning day in October discueaesing new program policies and; procedures and preparing a planning calender. She announced that three programs are coming ;gypthiswintersponsoredbytheMetropolitanRegionalArtsComoil; a presentation. of "Family" by the Illusion Theatre, a "Hometown blidayConcert" by the St.. Pahl Chamber Orchestra, and a Wbrld Tree Puppet Theatre performance. These programer will be held at Wayzata Senior High School. We're also sponsoring a joint program with the Plymouth. Historical Society; "An Old Fashioned Christmas" will be held at Plymouth Creek Park on Sunday, December 13, from 2-5 p.m. Horse drawn sleigh rides will be given as part of the afternoon's activities. c. Q =. Hen Braman, 4050 Glacier Lane, was present to suggest a name for Amhurst park. He would like to recommend that the park be named Hugo G. Bromen Park" after his father, who originally owned the land the park sits on. 4. REFI' ON PAST C OLINCIL ACTION a. Reiect Bids on Pa rkers LAke Pav l ; gn_ Council rejected the bids on Parkers Lake Pavilion as recommended by staff and PRAC. b. Trail and Sidoolk Standacis. Council accepted the standards for trails and sidewalks as reamoended by staff and PRAC. PRA^ Minutes November 12, 1987 Page 39 5. UVWSHW BUSINESS. a. Lime Perk Plsv Director Blank stated that the Lions: Park play equipment, ae remanded by staff, will include all the pierces that residents wanted, as well as the pre-school piece having a flat deck rather than,a rarsurface. The pieces selectedinclude; one BigToy PS-12AB one 9i9Toy PR -37 one Miracle Cyclone Slide.132-3 one backhoe digger am springed animal. A MOTION WAS MAIC BY CCbMSSICNER IATCUR AND SECCNDM BY CCWJSSICNM RM) Ta ACCEPT DIRE C7M BLAWk S RECCMMNMTICN OF TIS LICNS PARK PLAY EQUIRIM. The motion carried with all ayes. b. Parkers Lake Pavilion. (The building architect, Del Erickson failed to appear at this meeting.) Director Blank reviewed the staff report he: sent to PRAC and discussed the following issues 1) What are the needs of the camunity at this time with regard to park and frecreation facilities? 2) What its the the, quality of the pavilion that the cam unity expects, deserves and the Commission feels is necessary? 3) What is the Coitmission willing to pay for this quality and quantity and what effect will this project have on other projects that are currently included in the five year CIP?' Director Blank feels it is the City`s need at this time to-. first, acquire undeveloped park lana as necessary second, develop neighborhood park sites on an on --going basis to keep up with current development trends, and third, at this time, he believes it is important to develop indoor recreation space for recreational programa. He believes that attendance at Parkers Lake Perk could reach anywhere frau 40,000 to 50,000 by 1989. Based ,on those figures, tie feels that the pavilion should be of the beat quality possible. Chair Edwards indicated her concern about the top floor as proposed now not having much usable spaoe. Director Blank stated that the top floor allows for direct aocees from the trail and road, contains the lifeguard room, mechanical/electrical room, and storage space. All of these areas are important to the building's function. Director Blank then listed item that Could be eliminated from the pavilion in order to reduce costa. The Commission reviewed theee items and made changes as follower; it FRAC Minuted Nev enber. 12F 1987 Page 40 1) P 3 r 500 from Viral cac itione 2) $19?000 from,ste work 3) $ 61000 from concrete 4) $14,500 from masonry 5) $ 4,000 from carpentry 6) $ 4,000 from moisture protection/insulation 7) $13 r OOO from doors and wa ndm' 8) $ 3,500 from finishes 9) $ 91000 from specialties la) $14,200 from electrical 11) $ 1,800 from mechanical i Director Blank indicated that building a picnic strolter will not add or subtract from 'the total -coat of the pavilion, but one.must be built in order to meet the terms of the grant we received. A :MM N WAS MME BY COWUSSICNE R LAMJ.R AND SECIMM BY COHMSSICNM RSSDDMRTHAT COLI CIL ACCEPT 11M CHMM PROPOSED TO REDUCE THE COST CE THE pARKERS TAKE PAVILION WITH THE EXCEPTIM OF ITEM 9A AND 15D AS STATED IN UM FRICZCW S N 7tM TO DIREC;'ICR BLANK. PRAC Fr.FMM 'RDS THAT THE MMU CRIGINAL qJA LITY OF THE PAVILICN SHMW BE MA NTAIRM. The motion carried with all ayes. It was the general conaNuto of those members present that a special meeting should be held within the next two weeks to go over these proposed changes with those members that were not present at this meeting. c. Ne 9bjZ&l gW Parte _,,t%date. Director Blank stated that the neighborhood park projects are, completed, and tkAt the hill at the 34th Avenue: entrance to Heritage park has been lovk-red as requested by the residents. d. H2Trai Projects QXbte, Director Blank stated that the trails are corpleted att. Highway 101 from 19th to 26th Avenue Fiernbrook Lane from 46th Avenue to County Road 6 Zachary Lane from 48th Avenue south to Zachary Elementary School. County Road 9 from Zachary Lane to County Road. 61. e. m,_'m a of 1989 Construction Projects. Director Blank indicated that it is necessary to formally reoommend to Council that_ we proceed with hiring a c'+onsultant to design the St. Mary's neighborhood park in order to begin the process in time to have it constructed during the summer of 1988. We also need to begin workon the Plymouth Creek s000er field, A MOTICN WAS MADE' BY COMMISSIMM AST AND By CCP'MISSICN R. REED TD APRM DIRE.MR BLANK'S REM MR"TICN Ta HIRE A COMXMANT TO BFMN DESIGNING THE Sr. MAWS NEIGfBCRHOM PARK, AND TO HAVE STAFF 024nETE A FEASIBILITY' SRW OF THE PLYMXMi CREEK SOCCER FIELD. The motion carried with all ayes. PRAC Minutes No ev l er 12, 1987 Page 41 6. NQS BUTS a. Review Park Lb= and cost Study Ib Mt. Director Blank informed the Canmi:ssion that he had prepared a par usagekandcoststudyreportfor the. City Manager as part of the City ,Manager's 1988 Goals and Objectives. This report was then forwarded to the City Council and after their review, it was requested that it be forwarded to PRAC for their review. Director Blank indicated that the City Council wants PRAC to exaaminepossible cost saving .measures and revue enhancing measures in early 1988. Any number of possible alternatives, such as additional user. fees for youth athletic associations, could be considered. Director Blank stated that Can i1 has w.ggeeted that PRAC hold sane public .information meetings in early 1988 to introduce. this idea to the residents.; This item will continue to be on future agendas b Now Plata. There were no new plats. c. aggMt frau P1=qtb=W yz to B=ar Club, Janet Bogan, secretary of the Plymouth -Wayzata SoccerClub was present atthe meeting to request that Plymouth Part -c and Recreation take over running the house league sower group, since they wish to delovrote all, their time to the travel M teams. Ste stated that there are approximately 1,100 soccer players, and 270 of these children are on traveling teams., She suggests that we, coo bine, thesummer sooner program with our fall, soccer program and run it from, early August through mid-October, Director Blank stated: that August tends to be a big vacation month for families with children, and it's the same time that we generally start field renovations. Rick Busch indicated that the ,v^,ger age groups could possibly play on the hockey rink areas. John Ferris, treasurer of the club, was present and discuseed the financial aspect of the program. He stated that they charge $20 per player and they provide t -shirts and trophies, as well as paying someom to do the scheduling.. He feels that we could charge the same and provide the same things they have been providing. Director Blank stated that another option to consider other than Park and Recreation offering the program would' be to suggest that the in-house parents start their own soccer association. He indicated that he, Rick Busch, Greg Finn and,Mary Patterson would meet with the Soccer Association to further review this item and make some recommendations to PRAC' at their December meeting. 7. OCMMSSICN PRESENTATION loge. 8. STAFF COMM MICATIM Where were; no cam. micati ns by staff 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting.adjourned at 10:45, p.m. A.. CITY O PLYMWR November 17, 1987 Jae, McNutt 80 arbor sane: Ply wauth, MN 554.41 Deas Jason. Thank you for your kind letter with regard to bicycle paths throughout Plymouth. Currently, the City has almost 30 miles of bicycle trails scattered throughout the community. In the years ahead, we will be adding an additional 15-20 miles of bicycle trails before our total system is complete. You are absolutely correct in noting that bicycle trails do make it safer for young people to move about our community. Thank you for writing too express your concerns with this matter. I will pass your letter on to the City Council End the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission. Sincerely, Eric J. Blank, Director Parke and Recreation nP cc. City Manager Park and Recreation Advisory Commission' 4s 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447, TELEPHONE (612) 559.2800. f A t CITY OF PLYMWR November 17, 1987 Amy Meyer 1.421.0 35th Avenue N Plymouth, MN 55441 Dear Amy Thank you for your kind letter with regard to the lights at Plymouth Creek Park. The safety of all our park visitors is foremost in our minds at all times, and proper lighting is a part of that safety program. I particularly note your concern with regard to a light near the playground at Plymouth Creek Park. My staff and'I will be looking at this situation in the months ahead in an effort to determine whether or not the addition of a light at this area would be appropriate. Thank you for your time and interest in Plymouth parks. Sincerely, ol 154"e, Eric J. Blank, Director Parks and Recreation np cc: City Manager Park and Recreation Advisory Commission 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447, TELEPHONE (612) 559.2800 i 1 ` 1 i. .+ ). v j E w r..r...nrva' r.w.n.t.+rt,+t nn '..• +na,aic • ++r...e....:.w..r'w +ww ..,n... efs,.. .yy,.. Rv.r.s..:s..: a,..w.. v... :+.: .,. w. ,. .wrcra x+ ... .n.w++n.+ f A{ r._._...u..... , ..._ ---...._. w y. ,_ ...., J iy= J trr ia, l ' \' e . a r / /t f ., as d F /' ' . .i .,. R f ff )( , x I J J , , p. t `i 1 CIT' PLYMiWR November 17, 1.987 Tim Mattoon 14515 10th Avenue N Plymouth, MN 55441 Dear Tim: Thank you for your letter, with regard to the baseball and softball fields throughout the City of Plymouth. I have forwarded a copy of your letter to the City Council and the Park and, Recreation Advisory Commission for their information. Someday in. the near future, there will be additional soft-- ball/baseball and soccer/football fields developed on a piece of property on the: north side. of Parkers Lake along County Riad 6 and Niagara Lane. Until that site is developed, you might try visiting Lions Park, which is located at the intersection of 14th Avenue and Juneau Lane on the east side of Parkers Lake. Thank you for your interest in Plymouth parks. Sincerely, Eric J. Blank, Director Parks and Recreation np cc: City Manager Park and Recreation Advisory Commission 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447, TELEPHONE ;612) 559 2$04 1' CITY OF PLYMOL94 November 17, 1987 Lisa Thode 16451 26th Avenue N Plymouth, MN 55447 Dear Lisa: Thank you for your kind letter with regard to a zoo for the City of Plymouth. I am passing your, letter along to the City Council and the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for their information. Our current comprehensive Fark system plan has not included the addition of a zoo for the City of Plymouth. Animals in a zoo require a tremendous amount of care and love in order to be properly taken care of. The expense involved in running a zoo is probably beyond the ability of one small city like Plymouth. The Minnesota Zoo which, can attract a large number of people is much better situated to properly care for the animals. You might ask your mother and father to explore the possibility of visiting the Brooklyn Park Historical Farm. I believe they do have a limited number of animals available at this site that you would be able to visit with. This would be a much shorter ride than going to the Minnesota Zoo or the Como Park Zoo. Thank you for your interest in the City of Plymouth. park system. Sincerely, jA Eric J. Blank, Director Parks and Recreation I nP cc: City Manager Park and Recreation Advisory Commission i280Q3400PLYMOUTHBOULEVARD, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447, TELEPHONE (612) 559 4 r.rry-•-'wPw.. a n+.+r #, rws s...a.. u +v, +r s».. , W .4 wrc a sv+ - ro .•.- W.. • •. .: a - «n +s. +++a w, ..e +, ..... rn s m_.raa w w.rcv n m . sy-..e.+•+•+w r.+.x-w+... f » r ...n. - w «+w ar, w.w....+ ...w ... r.., -.r w. r... .....x.n n arv.L..r / _ c ffff iS /t /JJ/ f t r a r rmY..+r,u«.r rr.r •f —o+r..r +r •._ •1 +r..+s+:e rrw .rro s.. ar_... ..r a< a» .v .-n % t.r rw +r rc..s.. .,.v«rr+r, e. ... m..., .uur..n r. ._;. . r - _ ........»,,...!,r+ ., .....:.....moi-,,... , .,rs..... „_,,.a... rTkAj. 1 f a •/ / f f l ) a f a r r J P 3L F 5 ( b Y a OT PLYMWR November 17, 1987 Student 500 Orchid Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 Dear Student: I apologize for not putting your name on this letter, but you did not sign your letter to me, so I did not know who to address it to. The City of Plymouth has been discussing the possibility of a public pool for a number of years. I appreciate you commenting on why you believe a pool is necessary for Plymouth. I have passed your letter on to the City Council and the. Park and Recreation Advisory Commission for their: information. I .nope that someday you will be able to enjoy swimming in a, Plymouth swimming pool Thank you for your interest in Plymouth parks. Sincerely, Eric Blank, Director Parks and Recreation np cc: Cay Manager Park and Recreation Advisory Commission 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447, TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 v, r r BE S!. a " R c E t CITY ( PiYi lOUR November 17, 1987 Tim Kastner 3025 Weston mane Plymouth, MN 55447 Dear Tim: Thank you for your kind letter regarding bicycle racks. You have called to our attention a very important matter with regard to safety and security for, bikes when people are visiting Plymouth parks. We will do our very best to have bike racks available in those locations where they will best serve you and the other residents of Plymouth. As an added suggestion, you might ask your mother and father to just mention to store employees that bike racks would be nice in locations that you might visit with your bicycle . Thank you for your time and interest in the. Plymouth parks. Sincerely, I,!) /" . Eric J. Blank, Director Parks and Recreation np cc: City Manager Park and Recreation Advisory Commission 3400 PLYMOUTH BOULEVARD, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447, TELEPHONE (612).559-2800 0 November 17, 1987 Angie. Hues 3305 Harbor Lane Apt. 7-•102 Plymouth, MN 55441 Dear Angie: z 7ITY PLYMW Thank you for your kind letter with regard to a public swimming pool, in Plymouth. I have passed your letter along to both the City Council and the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission. The subject of a public: swimming pool within theCity of Plymouth has been an important issue to the City for a number of years. It is my fondest desire that in the near future, you and the other children of Plymouth will be able: to enjoy such an. experience Thank you for your kind letter and your interest in the City of Plymouth park program. Sincerely, Eric J. Blank, Director Parks and Recreation nP cc: City Manager Pork and Recreation. Advisory Commission 3400 PLYMOL)TH BOULEVARD; eL.YMOUTH; MINNESOTA 55447;, TELEPHONE (612) 559.2800 19t 0_'..-ate ..:,. . /' ,. t y ... - - .. ,.. R • . _.., Minutes. of the; Special BBAC Meeting November 23, 1987, 6:00 p.m. Park and Recreation Conference Roan present: Commissioners IATour, Reed, Anderson, Beach, Rosea, Architect Del Erickson; staff Blank Absent; Chair Edwards The commission discussed with Dei Erickson possible cuts in the Parkers:Lake pavilion structure and the cost for each: of these: item At the concitzion of their discussion, the Cam iss on noted that they wand like to proceed with,this project leaving' in the initial bids, footings for a fireplace, the air dryers and the quarry tile floor in the concession area,. The total cuts would amount to $92,500. other items that would be bid as alternates would be: burnished block walls, paver stones for the outside of the building,- a large and small picnic shelter and a fireplace. The Commission asked Mr. Erickson to put together a new proposed budget that could be taken back to the City Council at an informal meeting to discuss this project. The meeting concluded at 7:35 p.m. S L CITY CSF PLYMOUTH 400 PLYMOUTH ELM, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 MEMO DAN: December 8? 1987 TQ: PW Eric J. Blw4t, Director of parks and Recreation S'LR7E = December 10 Meeting; 1. The, City Council approved proceeding with the Vit. ;fry's ;leigt-borhoou park planning and the Plymouth Greek soccer field feasibility study. The Council also approved the selectiorn of the play equipment for Lions Park. 2. Please read the park usage and cost study report, so that we can discuss this during, the meeting. We will not have any items that require action on the agenda, so we should have a little time to discuss philosophically what the Commission wishesto do with regard,to cast saving measures or instituting user fees on facilities. 3. ',Phe City Lager and Y have met with; Mayor Schneider to review the siting of the ccmun ty center and the Plymouth Creek park: planning We still have a contract with Brauer and: Associates to ccaplete the master site planning for Plymouth Creek park. The ;Mayor has requested that we come; to the City Council with a regi mTendation with regard to the specific siting of the cwmxmnaty center. Please review your previous material with regard to this subject. I have put this on the agenda for Thursday night as.a discussion item. 1 Irpe that we will, take action at our January 14 meeting. 4.1 Staff has begun work on the 1987 annual report. Please review your 1986 annual report in order to suggest any improvenents you would like to manke to this document. We intend ;o bring the; draft annual report to your January meeting and the final report for approval to the February 11 Co mission muting. FOB/rip 5. MEMO ftZata Saner Club Procaoeal-_lMg&t Outl rye Leet summer Wayzata Soccer Club had 73 house league teams ages 6-15) I. Areas of Concern A. Staff Time Comitmcnt 1) Would need at least one person 30-40 hours per week for 10-12' wWcs to coordinate program. 2) Additional secretarial staff time. a. registration b. phone information c._ schedules, s`andngs d. rainout infomation e. coaches manuals 3) Field attendants -- we would have to hire additional attendants to. put up nets at WSH, WOUH, & 284 administration buai ding. B. Equipment 1) Storage - if we continue to supply five balls/team, we'd need space for another 400 balls. a. an alternative is to supply no balls -require each child to bring a ball. Wayzata Soccer Club did this last year. 2) Goals - we would need to purchase at least two new sets of the amll, portables goals. Approximate dost - $ /set. (We may be able to build our own cheaper.) 3) Neta --we would need to purchase nets for the school district fields. C. Facilities 1) Painting - if we use the fields at WSH, WWJH, and the 284 administration building that.were used in the past,. we would have to paint lines. The Soccer Club paid 284 to line them the last two years. a. If we nove the younger age groups into the `=.key rinks, it would create some additional lining. 2) Additional Fields - we would need to set up some additional full sized fields either at elementary schools or neighborhood parks to accommodate the rapid growth of this program. 3) The "traveling tease„ would Leat have exclusive use of the Oakwood, fields as they have in the: past. All field usage would be evenly distributed regardless of ability levels. D. Scheduling 1) Days - in the past, all games have been in the evenings, Monday -- Thursday. We would have to start scheduling some weekend games as we do in our fall program. 2) Times - this program has been traditionally an evening program. I would propose we try to offer some daytime leagues with paid coaches similar to our t -ball program. I would do this either in addition', or instead of some of the evening age groups. E. Coaches 1) The Wayzata Soccer Club has had to drop some teams in recent yemrs because no one would coach. F. Referees l) more of the high school and college age refs would be available .in the summer than we've had in the fall. G. Dates 1) 1 think that in order to accommodate as many players that want to play as possible, we would need to run a June -July program similar to what's been run in the past. 2) I'd also propose we try to move up our fall program :Coxn the beginning of September to the middle of August to avoid 'awe of the poor October weather. 3) I think an eight week program is sufficient. a. Two to three practices for two weeks, then two games per week, plus one practice per week for five to six weeks, np t CITY ` November 6, 198.7. PLYMOUTH Merilee Riley, President. Heritage Homeowners Association 13010 37th Avenue N Plymouth,. M'3 55441 Dear Mrs. Ri ley :; I want to thank you for the time and interest you have shown in the development of the County Road 61 'park. I believe you were a great help and influence to the consultant, Park Commission and me during the design and. development phases of. this park.. I wanted to assure you that the most irportant thing in my mind has always. been the development of a seafe, clean, and fun park that will bring much enjoynmt to the neighborhoods around the park for many years to cane. I hope with the additional work we have done on the 34th Avenue trail that we are all closer to reaching that goal. I look forward to working with you and the test of the citizens in your area to assure that the ongoing maintenance and operation of this park meets with your desires. If L can be of help to you in any way, please give me a call. Again, thank you for all your assistance. Have a nice winter; I hope to see you in the park text summer. Sinoerely, E4, ? 6'&'e' Eric J. 'Blank, Director Parks and Recreation np cc City Manager 1 t f L 3400 PlYMOUTH SOULEVAn. PLYMOUTH. MINNESOTA 55=47', TELEPHONE (6121 559.26613 Vr V tI 1 4 PLYtvItOUTH BLVD , PtYWOjTH, t, R N. "r TELEPHON MEMO DATE: November- 6o .1967 T0. James- G. Willis, city Manager R -, F RUM; Eric J. Blank, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT`. C. u= ROAD 61 PARK - tIXIIl MAIL on Saturday, october 31.. Barber Construction rFmcved the old asphalt and dug Road 61 Can Monday, up the; earth on the 34th Avenue entrance to County park. November 2 tip- r*w trail section was paved On Tuesday, November 3, I contacted Merilee Riley, President of the Heritage the trailHomeownersAs: ociation and asked her to review the new grading of alang with acme of her neighbors.; onThursday, November 5, Mrs. Riley called me to convey the message that she had the trail and felt it wasarilanunberofthepeopleintheareareviel,,v,A inprovement. She expressed her thanks to the: Mayor and Council foranice listening to their concerns and acting promptly to irprove the conditions. Wewill now prooeed as gAckly as possible: to sod the banks along the trail, to that the final completion of this project can be closed out. 1 will keep you informed of any further developments: as they arise on our neighborhoc] park construction projects, AP t L i L CITY CSF PLYMOUTH 3400 PLYMOUTH BLVD., PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55467 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 DATE; Noveanber 6, 1987 MEMO TO: James G• Willis, City imager FROM, Eric J. Blank, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: 00UNrY ROAD 61 PARK — NORTH 'TRAIL On Saturday, October 31, Barber Construction removed the oleo asphalt and dug up the earth on th , 34th Avenue entrance to County !toad 61 park. on Monday, November 2, the new trail section was paved. On Tuesday, November 3, T contacted Merilee Riley, President of the Heritage Homeowners Association and asked her to review the new grading of the trail. along with acme of her neighbors. On Thursday, November 5, Mrs.. Riley called me to convey the message that she and a number of the people in the area had reviewed the trail and felt it was a nice improvement. She expressed her thanks to the Mayor and Council for listening to their concerns and acting promptly to improve the cLWitions. we will now proceed as quickly as possible to sod the banks,along the trail, so that the final ccopletion of this project can be closed out. I will keep you informed of any further developments as they arise on our neighborhood park construction projects. r CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3400 PLYMOUTH BLVD, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55447 TELEPHONE (61.2) 559-2800 MEMO Deowtw 8, 1987 TO: PRAM 1R lY Eric 1. Blank, Director of Parks; and Recreation SE83=2 PARK NAM -- AMHURST PARK We sent lettere to the people; that attended the public meetings with regerl to A nhuirst neighborhood park.and _solicited their input about naming the park. Attached for your review are the results of the informal. survey. I have also listed sonic other neves that staff has came up with as possiblealternatives for this park. The choice is yours to make a remmrev3stion to theCity Council on whatever name you feel is most appropriate. EJ8/np Attachment My first choice for a park name is rc • "l t' My waid choicefor a park name is My third choice for a park: name is Please return this form by December 4 to Park arid Recreation Dept:., 3400 Plymouth Blvd., Plymouth, MJ, 55447. 3400 Plymouth Boulevard, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 111w Miiif"w .R--` •..•. ..ten ... ...: r+.. . ' i"' d" ".? aII.+, My fust choice for a park name is • '_.c ?-c. t<:. >'< My second choice for a park name is My third choice for a park name is- Pleaee return this form by December 4 to: Park and Recreation Dept., 3400 Plymouth Blvd. , Plymouth, MV, 55447. 3400 Plymouth Boulevard, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 My first choice for a park name is ,c _ ti-,: .,:,e je , My second choice for a park 'name is My third choice for a park nerve is Please return this form by December. 4 to: Park and Recreation Dept., 3400: Plymouth Blvd., Plymouth,. MN, 55447. ' 41 e. t. C „ .Erre. 3400 Plymouth Bouletard, Plymouth, Minneso a 55447 e-Z.4r.". rei z c-6 fly f irst choice for a park name is, r T 1 e Omc: My second choice for a park name is , My third choice for a park name is Please return this form by December 4 to: Park and Recreation Dept., 3400 Plymouth. Blvd.e Plymouth, MV, 55447, 340D Plymouth Boulevard, Plymouth, Minnesota 554.47 My first choice for a park name is t? r (\ My 3KOnd choice for a park now is `" VON v tom. My third choice for a park name is , v I s Please, return this form by December 4 to; Park are) Recreation Dept., 3400 Plymouth Blvd., Plymouth, MN, 5544.7. 3400 Plymouth Boulevard, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 My first choice for a perk name is MY second; choice for a park name is g Pt, 'chird Choice for a,rk name isP lkt r i Please return this form by December, 4 to: Park and Recreation DWt., 3400` .LPlymouthBlvd.,, Plymouth, M, 55447. 31,00 Plymouth Boulevard, P1)mouth, Minnesota 55447 0-- SNn.uc 2, cl VNn'T AY 3 t V `. X,; ?.7L CJ. c?/LO1f1.Q/1Z. k .. i '.+ r+M...+..v+rt:wua.w.... v..ry ww .w..w ..aa . r..ea,.e. a' -. •< - i i a