HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 12-27-1989CITY OF PLYMCTH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 27'1989 The RegularMeeting of the Plymouth Planning Commission was call ed to order at 1-30 P a m MEMBERS PRESENT* Cha' rnan R charP1 a Commissioners John Wire; dal ivd at;4C p.m1*Dennis, Z l la ` (ar=rived at 8:0 p -m,) , Joy Tierney, and Larry Marofsky. MEMBERS ASSENT*. ommisslonen is ael Stulber . STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Chuck Dillervd, Assistant Engineer john Sweeney, and Sr., Clerk/Typist Demise Lanthi er, MOTION by Cori m ssi oner Tierney, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TOAPPROVE i m, to approve the Minutes for the December , 1.9$9, Manning Comms ssion Meeting. Vote4, All Ayes. MOTION carried; VOTE -.MOTION. CARRIED Chairman Plu,fka introduced the request of Lowry Hill LO CRY HILL CONSTRUCTION Constructs crr dor an RPtiD Pre - Con iminary Plan amendment,, 89105) Conditional Use Permit amendment, and Esnal Plan/Plat located at the southwest corner of 57th Avenue North and Zachary Lane. Comrr%lssioner Marofsky stated that he has doge work for Lowry Nlll Constr coon in the past and askedarty member of the Planning Commission,, staff, or Lowry Hill Construction would. object to him acting on this Item.. Chairman luT,,a replied that, trio Planning Commission has alsways operated under the assumption that each t ommssssoner would be the best ,ludo of such a situation;, and if he/she d] 7} o^es' not the tj o' y step down 'ter conflict rreith:'er f, need yy Jfee y1y j++ does the d aidning Commission. Commissioner 14arofsky stated that he would (reel comfortable serving on the Commission for this stem.` Coordinator Dillerud gave an overview of the December 19 9, ad Lt l iepo t # c c s asked aff if the final Plat of Oudot . void be deviated fon)* Planning Commission Minutes December 271, 1989 Pace 285 Coordinator Dillerad responded that it is not the controlling factor for setback# Commissioner Wire asked staff if Unit 23 is 25 feet from t t h -of w y 1 't'ne. Coordinator- Wloud responded that the 25 feet shown is measured front the lot, ine- not the building, Commi s.s l over Tierney, asked s' aff ` what was the I all I al benefi t of City for th 1 s... Mr.. Barr stated that they have given 23 acres of land to the City. Coordinator Dillerud responded that the 23, acres was most likely ono of'the primary attributes.-,but also the landscape plan; innovative bui 1 dli ng de i gn t and woodl ands were al so attributes. axT'm Plufka Stated } believed the Planning Commission choice is to make accommodations of some sort or to end up with only three lots instead of four. Commi ss i o er Wire stated that they should take i nto consideration that this is the endof the project. He further stated that the Intersection is more at a right angle, which is different from the standard intersection; therefore he feels they can get by with ;Less sight liner Commissioner Marofsky stated that when a street curves as this there are different setbacks all the way down the street. He stated that: he does not feel this proposal will affect the aesthetics of the pr'o jeet MOTION,by Commi ssl oner Wire to recommend approval for Lowry I MOTION TO 'APPROVE 1 Ni 11 Construction of an RPUD Preliminary Plan amebdment,, onditi oral ,Use Permit amendment, and Final Plan/Plat, subject to a change in the body of the resolution to read that the se°tbck shall be no closer than: t, from the curb ling. Motion failed for lack of a. second. ' MOTION FAILED SECOND MOTION by Commissioner Pierce, seconded by 11 Mmfl sioner MOTION TO APPROVE, Zy11a: to recommend approval of the requost by Lowry Hi 11 onstructi on for an PIED rel imi nary Plan. a rrendment Conditional Use Permit amendment, and Final Plan/Platt subject to a change in the :body, of the resolution to read that the setback shall be.no closer, -than ?5 `et from the Commissioner y-l1a asked if it would be possible.to maintain the square footage by 'picking it up in, other units,. ChPlufka responded that Lowry Pill Construction ullds according to the purchasers` specifications and that the majority of the prospective `buyers• want single level construction. Commissioner Zylla, stated that his reason for secending tai's trioti on, was because he thought the square footage cool d be picked up; elsewhere* Poll Call Vote. 2 Ayes, Commissioners. dire} Zylla, VOTE - MOTION FAILED Tierney, and Maros s y flay. MOTION fa' l ed, MOTION by Commissioner Ni re, seconded by Comms ss%i aver zyl l a t MOTION TO APPROVE to recommend approval of the request by Lowry Hill Construction for an PUO PrelIr nary Plan amendment, Conditional Use Permit amendment, and FlInal Plan/Plat, subject to the con.di.tions sed forth by staff. Commissioner Wire stated that his reason for this motsort is because the proposal me.;s C€ndItT?nal 3Ise Per it standards and criteria. 8011 call tote, b Ayes,, MOTION -carried. VOTE .. MOTIO OAPPI D Chairmanan P1 ufka * ntroduced the request b the C 1 of CITY OF PLYMOU'r 891I3 Plymouth. for the,division unplatted land by waiver of Subdivision Ordinance located at the southeast corner of Pineview Lane and County Road,47. Oba1rmP1ofca waived oveof the December , 1989, staff report. Chairman Pl of ka opened the Public Heaving. There was no one present to speak on the lissue.. Chairman ;Plofka closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Mai-ofsky asked staff if the City if paying full Value for the property purchased from PrI dents al . Coordinator Dillerua responded he did not know. Comitti'ssi over arofsky stated that be feels: i f the City a s jays n q full value, the City should get full use of tete property. oord i nater U l 1 entad sated that he has di sure phi's with thety Attoney and he was told that this is a function of the City Iright-of-way acquisition and not an issue for discs ion with respect to this subdivision waiver. lie further stated that this arrangement was entered into and