HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 12-13-19891p CITY OF PLYMOUTH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 13t 1989 The Re alar Meeting of the Cl ty of Plymouth Planning Commission was called 6 order at 7;30 p, MEMBERS PR S i T. Cha°i rman, Richard Pl rtf-ka, Commi ss l oner$ parr Marofsky,, Michael 'Stulberg John Wire, Dennis ylla, ,10 Tierney and Hal Pierce (arrived at 7rcm MEMBER'SRS ABS NTr None UFF PRESENT Community Development Coordinator Charles Di l l erud,; Community Development Director Blair TremereCity Enosneer Dan'Faulkner and Planning Secretary, Jackile Watson.. OTIC by Commissioner Stulber , seconded b y Comxiss over MOTION TO APPROVE arofsky to approve the November 29, 1989. minutes;. Vote. 4 Ayes, Cha*rman Plufka abstained VOTE .x LOTION CARRIES Chairman Pluf ka introduced the request of Sammoui/Heritage West SA `MI OUI/HER-TAGS WEST for a Condi ti anal Use Permit to amend the RPt1D Plan of Hers tags 89100) West as to front and; side setbacks for property located at 1311 38th Avenue North. Coordinator Diillerud reviewed the November 2191 1989, Staff Report., Chairman Plufa introduced Ms. Sandy Patterson representing the petitioner+ Ms. Patterson stated that she was in agreement with, the November 29, 1989 Staff Report and the conditionslisted., Chai riga Pl ufka opened the Public Hears ng . Chaff rman Pl of ka introduced Mr., Dennis HOu% of 13115 38th Avenue North who is the buyer of the property,.: M0. Houk sated, that he was- also requesting the easement vacation be approved . Chairman Plufa said that the easement vacation decisiop would be rade by the City Council- as the governing body on easements, Chairman Pluf ka closed the Public Hearing, I ann ng CommiWon Minutes December 131-1989 Page;272 MOTMOTIOPN to Arend by Commissioner Pierce to, add a condition MOTION TO AMEND, stating that the tower height be no more than 6 feet :above the tree t-0. MOTION- died for lack of a second. MOTION DIED Commissioner Stulberg stated that lie would vote against the petition because 75 percent of the fall zone of the tower would be outside the property, sines. e said he would look at revised Plans. Roll iCall Vote on Motion as once. amended. 4 Ayes, VOTE MOTION CARRIED Commissioners Pierce,Stulberg, and Chairman 'Plufk,a, Nay. MOTION carried on a vote of 4-3. Plufka provided a brief introduction to the purpose of COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AM the hearings and explained the procedure that would be used to MENT - LAND USE GUIDE present the topic and hear the publisw PLA /MAP Director, Tre ere reviewed the two geographic areas that received Lend Use Guide Plan. 'draft adjusttuents by the Cite Council that resulted it proposed land use guiding that ff r d From the guiding ' that either already exi sty or way previously recommended by the Planning., COMMission. He noted the two areas concerned were previously numbered g and 39v e reported that theproposed current Land Use Guide Plan proposal` for Area 9 moved the. "CR" guiding from the corner of Pernbrook ane and ;Schmidt fake Road to the corner of 1-494 and Schmidt Labe Road., Director Tremere reported that the changes involving Area 3 was to 'teclassify a small triangle now guided Planned Industrial to tAR" based on the nonavailability of public otil%ties Chairman Pl ufka opened the Public Hearing eoncerni ng all proposed amendments to'the Land Use Guide Plan map,, Chairman Pluf a introduced Richard gloom., 14600 Woodruff Road, Wayzata, representing the owners of property at the northeast C orner of Peony Lane and St -ate iitay 55* Mr. ]U.00ffl, reviewed with, the history Swim respect to the property. He rioted that the property has, fior many years, been guided CS, (Commoroial Service) and it is now. proposed to be r*eclassifredto CL (Office Limited. kir.. Bloom stated that he represented a fiat that was proposing the development of this site as a planned commercial ce1rter. He stated that either CR or C pi*;ding would be necessary to accommodate the plans they were prepartnq for this site,. He farther noised that he was working witli Hennepin County with respect to the future upgrading, of Peony Lane as County Highway 101. Fi nal ly" he noted that access to this site was particularly good from Highway 55 due to the ability to rake right turns. to enter the site. es...., _... _.__ ..,__. _.... _.__,.... _.____..._........, : r...a..e_.e L . , v .. i Plaiioiiiq ommi s ' o ? IS December 13,. 1989 Page 278 gelding of the site Mr. Bloom referred to without considering the entire corridor would result n a remnant parcel east of this site but west of the wetland area. Chairman Plufka I su g 'st R L ` 4 G[ property owner allowed L carry the burden of proving the future wisdom of guiding this site in a gannet outer than CL now proposed Cormissioner, y1la inglu differences between the eisti na Thoroughfare Guide Plan and thepropo sed, new Thoroughfare :u r de PI an with respect to trip genera.t loo rates Mr.a Robinson explained that trip generation. rates were based on the International Transportation Engineers standardiz"ed manual, and that standard: had changed somewhat since I980 but not s€ifican, lyi; orirrrIssloner lla indicated his concern with the impacts upon the residential streets and neighbornoods of the community from traffic riot related to nterjnal circulation of the City of Plymouth. Ne also noted that it was important for the City to be sensitive toward the reservation of right--of-way for tra Is and sidewalk -4 together with future streets.. omm ssionev, Tierney stated that she was not in concurrence with -the ,proposed Land Use Guide Plan classification of that portion of Area 39 that would be located inside the Metropolitan urban erv'Tce Area line but proposed to be guided LAR. Director Tremere exiAal-r aid that the reclasslflicatlo.n of that sural l triangle to LAP was consistent with reclassification, elsewhere in the community based. on the availability of A0.4un c a I sewers, MOTION by Commissioner Tierney, seconded by Commissioner Pierce MOTION1 TO AMEND to amend the proposed band Use Guide Plan map;to not reclassify that portion of Area 39 located inside the Metropolitan Urban ervice Area. line, Motion is to leave that area classified IP Planned Industrial). Vote `on etion to amend. b Ayes. Chairman Pl ufka Nay. MOTION VOTE - MOTION CARRIED to amend carried. MOTION. by 'Corrruri ssJoner Aire to amend the proposed Thoroughfare MOTION TO AMEND Gu Pian. map to include a template that states that the location of :proposed roads will be subject to adjustment at the time of land develop -merit. Motion fad led for lack, of a second. MOTIOR TO AMEND FAILED -: NO SECOND Vote on main motion as once amended. 7 Ayes MOTION carried. VOTE MAIN MOTICN, CARRIED Manning Commission, ssio Minutes. December 13 1989 Page 279 Commissioner Marofsky stated that his vete on the main motion was subject to I lei, abstaining with respect to, the guiding of those portions of the Land UsJ Guide Plan that were recommended AA h ' a 491, aforCriendei4estofnue, stateP Commissioner Stulberg indicated that his vote with respect to the potion to recommend adoptson of the Viand Use Guide Plans was subject, to his abstaining with respect. to Area 17 of the areas proposed for amendment; MCTI by CoMpi sioner Wire, Seconded by Chairman Pluf a Lo ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION recommend inclusion. of a template on thoroughfare Pian maps ndicating that proposed roads is svo e t o ad ust ment t the time of development., Vote. C Ayes. Commissioner Ti erney, Nay « MOTION carr* ed . VOTE MOTION ARRIED MOTION, by Commissioner Marofsky, Seconded by Commissioner i ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION Pierce to d. rect staff to 'ni 1ac for further ons deration as time permits, a review of the land Use Gude Plan classn sGatscin n the area of the northwest corner of State Highway Su and Vicksburg Lane.; MOTION by, Commissioner, Pierce, seconded by Commissioner Wire,, MOTION TO AMEND to aaiEmd the previous motion. to direct staff ;to also bring back for further review at later time consideration of the land use guiding at the northeast cornea of :State Highway SS and County Road 101. Roll Cal l ; Vote on motion.. to amend. 7 Ayes., MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION, ` TO AME* CARRIED Roll Call Vote on Maio, otion 'once amended, 7 Ayes. WIC MOTE CAIN MOTION arried. CARRIED MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner Stulberg, ADMINISTRATIVE MOTION to recommend to the City. Council that Staff begin devel o Tient of a; Zoning Ordinance as an. implementation to the Land Use Guide Plan as a high priority,. Roll Call Vote 7 Ayes. MOTION carried.. VOTE MOTION CARRIED Commissioner Tierney indicated that she would desire to see the GOADS DDd CTIV S, following zodific tions to the Goals, Objectives, and Criteria; CRITERIA., AND LAND USE GUIDEPLAN TEST I . On Page . ,. del ete referende to i oia ecti es' be inning at the at4i rd paragraph. 2. On, Page 3t reference is, made to a sixth Mission item of the City, of Plymouth* The, mission of "fiscal res(urces," should become a sixth goal of the Goals, Objectives, and Criteria, with ol ectives and criteria in response,