HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 11-08-1989Plan tng Commis, in es November 81 1989 Page 251 o the seven conditions 1 Staff Report* yy ri3 a'}r a i L1 Jiws A 3gMr L s;Y rt'f .M rt'sA . [i(r+e +h ; I F N C jwIT +,.l lone! ' I lar # tNy- am nd is1Ce .Ul tr Ik(. (idU to Cond on . after . * "whe' attendance reaches X00 persons or corepermeeting." MOTION failed `dor lick of a second MOTION FAILED MOTION by Commissioner ' re, seconded b # .i ss over Tierney MOTIOR TQC o'amendndIt I No. sLatin the. iere shall be t o, g* yy g'¢ trl ItfL4:., gnage ort shelf, Coord na or of l er ast " Reverend Cooper what size sign the church would be requesting, Reverend, Cooper stated that they are Using one now which is 3 x S# the corner o%IcksbUrg and 41st ;Avenue North. He said they would like: ce si5ns a several other corners in the area. also Commissioner Maro s y st-,Aed t1hat, temporary off site signs would not be allowed, Roll. Call Vote* I Ayes, Commissioners Pi er c , Tierney MOTION TO AMEND, FAILED arofskyStulberg and Chairman, Rlufkat Nay. MOTION to amend. faded,, LOTION by C airman Rlufka, seconded by Commis loner St0berg to MOTION- TO AMEND amend Condition No S to allow for a temporary sign on sites of no. larger khan 20 square .deet between the hours af 8.00 a.m.. and 14+100 .m. on Sundays.. Roll Call dote. Ayes Commissioners fi re, Pierce, Tierney VOTE - MOTION FAILED and Marofs y, Nay. MOTION failed. MOTION by Commissioner, Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner Wire MOTION TO AMEND to amend Condition No. 5 to allow one temporary sign on site, no larger, than 20 square feet, one hour before the service and one hour after the sereace. Roll. Call Vote, 6 Ayes. MOTIOR carried VOTE -- MOTION CARRIED Roll Call Vote on far n Moti on as once ami, did , b Ayes MOTION VOTE -- MOTION CARRIED carried, Chairman Rlufka Introduced the request of independent School INDEPENDENT SCHOOL District 284 for a Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit for a DISTRICT (89094) new gess box located at Wayzata Senior High, at 305 Uickburg Dane North. MOTION by Commissioner Tierney, seconded by Commissioner, Pierce OTIO TC AMN[ to amend the motion delet.i ng Condition No.. 7, which dent's the heyght var* once' I AysC'ssaydMOTION, 0inn C?CARRIED carried. MOTION, by Co=-ilssiorjer Marofskv,, seconded by Commi ssi oner MOTION TO AREND Tierney to add appi roval of the varr anco; to a! 1 ow construction f the 9. foot high, press box b1-1 on. dWonstr a ted: , y `t a.: hardship. RolI Call Vote, 6 .Ayes. MOTION carried CT1: - MOTION CARRIED MOTION by Commissionerpierce, seconded by Chairman P luf k. a to MOTIONTO AMEND amend; the recosmuiendatiora stating that the Variance ' does not imply any other variances except the 19 foot high vari ance Roll Call vote, C Ayes, MOTHOR carried, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED o l Cad Vo on Mal" n Motion as three Mmes amended t' C yes. VOT MOT, t CARRIED MOTION carried., Chairman plofka i trodnced the Zoning Ordinances Textual ZONING ORDINANCE T XTdA Amendnients Regarding. Es.seritial and Public Services iln theA-1 AMENDMENTS., is Community-aed i les a ds rrits; side yard setback .n the R-2 District,- and, requirements for site Plan and general development plan approval, C a i ro,an, Plufka opened tbc, Public Hearinq* antling °gym Mor november 8, 1989 Rage 254 Coordinator Dillerud read the: description of each of tete proposed amendments. There was no one present to speak on any, of the amndme is Chairman Plufka closed the Public Rearing.* MOT I0 by Chairman Pluf a, seconded by Con, li:ssione" Stc lbercd t 0 ioTlt3 PROVE recofpme d approval o Afftendment , o clarify regul ;ement for general, development plan and site plan approval, Amendment 2, to modify allowable uses to provide i•or essential; use and ac ertcy' uses%-istrict andAmendment #} elarifv the side yard setback provisions of the R,,2 Zoom District with respect to siv le family and two, gamily d elfin' units,, Roll Call Vote 6. Ayes, MOTION carried{ MOTIONCN by Commi ssionff r Stulberg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION Pierce to move discussion .of mendment to t, e fand othe agenda. VOTE, 6 Ayes, MOTION carried,, VOTE MOTION CARRIED Cha i rroan Plu a placed the petition of Robert K. ,Wallace for a ROBERT X. WALLACE, LCT Lot Division, of Platted Property and Variances from the Zoni ng DIVISION AND VARIANCES Ordirtancelocated at 17920 20th Avenue North and the MOTION to 89091) OctobeitemwasdeferredfroMtherapproveo' finthe, table* This ' 2,4 98. ples ty Chairman :PI ufka stated that Mr, Wal lace, had submitted a new set of plans that were included with tete second agenda deliveryµ Chairman PI ufka introduced Mr. Robert K Wal l ace. Mr. Wallace presented Commissioners another new plan for the div% Ion and vari nces I Mr. Wallace stated that the request for one. variance has changed, tate ether tw,r rewtain the safe. in1:'AA k Wallace .s. Gt R 4 the. change I t lar' onevariance A4 rques Yr i related t4 rear yard,. No variance was proposed 'n the plan the Con}f fi s i cin reviewed. with their agendas but a variance from, 25 feet to 1.2 feet was now proposed. MOTION, by Commissioner Marofsky, .seconded by Commissioner Wire MOTION TO APPROVE to amend the main motion to approve to recommend approval of ao additional variance to rear yard setback from. 25 feet, to 12 feet subject to a new survey to be submitted by tete petitioner* Roll Call 'Vote on the Amendment. 6 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED R 0,11 Call Vote on n Motionon rem October 2 VOTE - MOTION CARRIED recommend, approval of lot division and variances from the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to lot size in the Shoreland Management Area Iand Tront, west side and rear setbacksfor Robert K., Wallace for property located at 17920 20th Avenue North. h Ayes. MOTION carried. Chairman P-lufka introduced Zoning Ordinance Amendments ZONING ORDINANCE caaro*ng Pro, est, or "area" signage in the Commercial ?ones. AMENDMENTS SIGNAGE Coordinator D llerud reviewed she Nouembar , 1989 memo and ether background information on the subject. Ch- 1 rman Pl u, ka ntr0 tce . t odd M.ohagen from Prime. Development Corporation Mr. Mohagen stated he agreed with the recommendation but stated that Items No» 4 should reflect commercial rather than residential areas, and the size should be charged to 64 square feet from the 32 square feet proposed by staff* Mr. Mohagen presented the Commission with a proposal for a Stem No. 5, that a development on a major thoroughfare be allowed up to 120 square feet of signage as, in the Industrial Distrj.ct. He sa " be could live wl tb, gb square, feet, Director Tremere stated that the petitioner 1s proposing Signage which is beyond Area Identification signage as allowed? n the res'*dental istrIS,Icts, further;, the request s for signage that would be in addition to 'the, sijinage now allowed for indivi.dual sitiz. and bulldings. The Commission should carefully evaluate the total sign effect, He also noted that no raster sign plan is contemplated. by this amendment, as would be required for a shopping center or MPUD. Chairman P, [A ka stated that he felt prof ect signage should reduce the amoont of business signage allowed. MOTION by Chayrmar PI a, seconded Dy Commissioner Wire to MOTION TO APPROVE recommend approval of the 'ordinance amendment to permit ` area. dentif c tion signs in the 8-1, 8-2 and B-3 Districts as proposed iii the Staff Report of November 3, 1989. M iTIO by Chair m.ar ; Pl u a, sec ede+ b Co r. stoner Stulberg to MOTION T AMEND amend the wording of the amendmen=t In paragraph from 3 square feet to 64'square feet, Roll Call Vote, 4 Ayes, Commissioners Pierce and Marofsky, VOTE MOTION CARRIES Nay. MOTION carried. Roll Cali Vote on Main Mona as once amended 4 Ayes, Commissioners Pierce and Marofsky, Nay. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED n i g ommsslon Minutes 1989 page 2516 Commissloners Pierce and Plarofsky both stated that they fel t SJgn e should be tied into an overall master sign plan. chairman Plaf a stated that approvingthis a endrent proviaes for i p ed ate rel ef, but does aot dear Wi the overa11 area Addy t onalieriimCn$ rega'di ng master s1 gn plans could follow later. df\ kJ %W draft Zoning LIiµLAmendment aAY ORDINANCE regarding Window Signage, as discussed M the staff memorandum AT t}it dated November 2, 158916SIGNAGE Director Tremere stated than the Commission must initially decide whether Window Signs 'should be regulated -at all. That is., the basic response sought by the Council. MOTION by Commissioner Stulbergx seconded by Commissioner '1,re MOTION TO APPROVE to recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance Amendment 0efrning. and roh bit ng Window Signage, per drat recommendation 28. Commissioner Marofsky. stated that he felt grocery stores: and quos stores. would be adversely ;impacted by the proposed Prohibition of W ndoA Signs, bairman lufka stated he felt window signs are an obsolete marketing tool whose time has passed. Go ; missi.o gar M-ro- sky as- ed it the prohibition amendment included neon signs hang%ng rns%de wndows, girector Tremere responded that such neon signs were included. Roll Call Vote. Ayes , Commissioner Maro s1h , aye MOTIOi VOTE MOTION CAR I SCI carried. Chairman P1ufIta introduced the Zoning Ordinance Draft Amendment ZONING ORDINANCE regarding Community -used Residential Fac -1,11i ties.. 8e recounted. AMENDMENT, the history of the subject and the numerous Mork sessions that have been held. The Commissioners discussed the amendment and agreed verbally to the following changes. Section 4, page 1 of draft amendment, change the word inea# r" ire paragraphs 6 and 8 to ;horizontal," Section 4, page 8 of draft amendment, change 1 ne 11. 60 years t31sd" to 1155years o1 d" Section 4, pane 8' of draft amendment, add "unit" to detached dwelling -11 u.