HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 10-25-1989CITY PLYMOUTH PLAVRING COMISSIOX MINUTES OOT0851R 254 1989 The Re tjl al Meeting of the City of Plymouth Planning Commi ssl on wase to order at 7 _30 p,m# MEMBERS PR ESC Tl Chai r pan. Ri,h rd Plu `ka, CommissionersBohn Wire, Hal ' Erce, Dennis Zylla, Joy Ti erney, and Larry Marofsky., 5 S Ta 'Commissioner Mike Stulberg STAFFPRS = Coordinator Chaeles illervd,, City ngioeer flan Faulkner, Public Works Director Fred Moore, Community Development Director Blair Tremere, and Sr. Clerk/Typist Denise Lanthier Chairman Plu ka announced that Mare Evenson, had verbally withdrawa his request .for .a 0ond%tional ` ase` Permit for a home, occupation of snail engine repairs and that Mr. Evenson will be, sending a Britten withdrawal let-er stating X15 1ntensicns.. 1 T10 by Comm-Isslioner 7,yll.a,, seconded by Commilss'ion- er MQT ION TO APPROVE aro sky to approve the Minutes for the October 1,1, 1989, Planning Commission Meeting.. Poll a` l VoteAyes Commissioner Wire, abstained MOTION VOTE' - MOTION CARRIED carried. 0c mmi ssioner Pierce arri ved at 7--37 Chairman Pl4fka introduced the proposed 1990-1994 Capital 1990,1994 CAPITA Improvements Program. IMPROVEMENTS PR00RAN 0i rec+or Moore gave an overview of the October 11, 1989, enema concerning the proposed 1.9901994 Capital Improvements Program.. Comm ssloner Marof sky asked Director Moore if the City water pressure was sufficient, given the current rel system and propo.ed water system growth. I Director Moore responded affiriitatively. r'olil i SI e Mar afsky asked Director Moore i1 it is necessary r to extend 'ernbrook mane - Ol,ac' er .ane o harbor Place I! Addition. He noted that this area contains natural wetlands,. m a Planning Commission October 26, 1989. Page 235 Corrmri ssi oner Marofsky asked Di rector Moore f there could b amendments o the Metropolitan Council l ..'directives on development timing,* Director Moore responded that a process was available for such amendment but th the availability of 1990 census data was now key. Chairman tufa 'ntrod ced Mr. David Breuer of Rockford Road Animal 8osp tal , Mr. Breuer staffedhe was under the impression -that Vinewood Lane would extend' t"o the south and a traffic signal would be instal lyedat intersection o , ood`[ bane and j{ b y,ey? j * County y; 1AR G.-1-)dy{, 4./ a yy{.{{/ 4.r4i. } +# V Moore, iYfty Y # i y has no, 3y T'i.7 : to extend, plans Jji 'yi`( k.«{) oireaor Moore responded that extension of Vinewood mane would depand on development., Mr.- ureuer noted that Roc',cford Road Plaza will bring increased traffic at teat intersection and stated the need for a traffic signal. Dilrector Moore explained that traffic signals cannot be installed unless traffic volume meets national warrant cry teri a! le further sated tbat the warrant criteria. wi l l have to he net for 8 hours a day, ;.and not just l minutes of rush hour in the .morns -nos and evenrnQs Chairman Plufka closed the Publ'c Hearing. Comr ss aver Ma asked Director Moore if the Capital Improvements Program only Indica es the timing of the improvements and does not Indre.a -e the amount of City .money to be spent on Capp al impr;ovements W rector Moore responded ffi rmatr vel.y. MOTION, by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Com issi.oner Zy1la, to MOTION TO APPROVE recommend approval of the Streets Section of the 1990-199 Capital Improvements Program, consistent with the report of October 11, 1989, Vete. 6, ,Ayes. N TION carried, VOTE .M MOTION CARRIED M01T10 N by Chairman P1ufka, seconded by Commissioner Verney, to MOTION TO APPROVE recammend approval of the entire 1990"1994 Capital Improvements Progeamt consistent with the report of October 11, 1989 Vote. 6 Ayes. MOTTOR carried. is Charman Plufka introduced the request of Ryan Construction RYAN CONSTRdCTIO ompany, for a reviv- id MPUD Preliminary Plan/Plat and COMPANY (89014 a Planning Commission minutes t October 25, 1189 Page 241 Chairman Plufka asked stats f what percentage of the site was green, building, or parking. Coordinator *l rad, r e S p o P. ded that about 0 percent v=as park irgibuilding, roads and about 30percent is green. Commissioner Tierney asked ` fir. McHale what the height 1s for Anchor 1. Mr., McHale responded that it was about 11-27 -deet high. He, further added that they might split the building and add a greenhouse.. Chau Plu ka opened the Publ c Hearing. There was no one fP speak ori tl ssv I Chal, rmaIT Plu ka closed the Public h aring MOTION by Commissioner 141 re, seconded by Commissioner Tierney, MOTIONT APPROVE to recommend approval of the revised PUD Preliminary Plan/Plat and Conditional Use Permit for a retail commercial development Rockford Road . Rlaza" for Ryan Cols r ct1 Company for property located at the northeast quadrant of Rockford Road and 1 494, consistent with the conditions noted in the staf=f report of Auqu st . 14,, ,1989:. Gummission tWire stated that he 1Re . the layout of this plan, which puts more uses on the west of Vinewood.ane..e stated the revised plan lows ruck better. Chairman Pl u ka stated that he feels the dev6l open should not utilize all of the space for parking, but should preserve some green., Vote. 5 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED k Commissioner Marof sky returned to the table at 8:50 m, Chairman Plufka introduced the request of OPUS Corporation for OPUS 0L, ")PORA T ICN a revised IPU Preliminary Plan Plat, Conditional Use Permit, 90 Rezoning and onjpr ehen eve Plan amendment for property located at the northwest cornea of State highway 1.69 and County Road l Bass Lake Road. Coordinator Dillervd gave an overview of the October 10, 1989, staff report* Chairman Plufka 'Introduced Bob Worthington, representing the pet1, loner. ft 10 minute recess was called at 104.2 P.M., The eet,i g reconvened at X0:32P m 1 Planning t t -n October 2,j 1989 Page 244 yynenyynce o f privatethealCrni:Y oconstructonn maintenance 1 trails through est of a special assessment district. dote o add end x t l on " Ayes . omumiI la—s i one — Wire, yl a VOTE 1' IN FAILED Tierney, and Chairman PlufkaNa,)Q OT IOfaI l ed I OT1On by Cfialrman Pluf a,, seconded by Commrsasioner Wire to OT TO AMEND ; amend Condition #4 to delete the second t -alf of the ,Condition atl r pop after the word ''Plat". i Vote to amend Condition A. 6 Ayes. 'MOTION carried, VOTE MOTION CARRIED MOTION by Commissioner Marofs yj seccnded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierce, to addCondition #21 sta ino 0,u t I of A shall be pr va le if the Cony Park Dt $ rict does iso pvrcb.ase any part,.. fir, Northington sated that, if the `hand 7s not, dedicated, it, wI be added oadjoining, ' Is, Votet,o add Condition 21,. Ayts, Coti'11ri ssioners Zylla, VOTE - CSC AC Ti er ey, and. Chairman Pl of a Nay, MO ICN failed. dote on main motion. 6 Ayes. MOTION t =rr red. VOTE MOTION CARR, IED MOTION, by Commissioner Marofs y, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO, AMEND 10 minute recess was called at 104.2 P.M., The eet,i g reconvened at X0:32P m l ing, Commission IMinutes' October 25, 1989 age:245 Chairman Plul: Ca introduc the request of LSA. Laukka L.A. LAUKKA DEVELOPMENT Development Company :",r e PUD FInal, Plan: amendment for property COMPANY (89089) located at the so ulI : #, quadrant of Vicksburg Lane and 13th A.enue, North P rtker s ik North, i ndd L 10111, Chairman Plufka waived tiie overview of the October 16, 1989,A staff report. Chairman Plvfka Miles Llndber , representing the petitioner. Mr. Lindberg stated he was in agreement with the October 18, 1989, staff report. Mr. Lindberg stated that the fencing is being addressed because the present height i's not adequate for screening, and it is not achieving the original goals for the PUD. Chairman Rl Aka opted`thePublic Hearing. There was no one to speak on the 'issue. Chairman Pl ufka closed the Public Heari ng. MOTION by, Commissioner Marof ky, s.ecopded by Comm ss ones MOTION TO ' APPROVE Tierney, to recommendend ;approval of the PUD final PI tn amendment for L.A.Laukka Development Company for property located at the southwest quadrant of Vicksbwtrg Lane and _18th. Avenue North Parkers bake North 3rd Addition)., consistent with. the conditions noted in the staff report o, October 1, 1985. Ayes., Commis - Vote. Inner Pierce abstained. MOTION carried,, MOTE - MOTION CARRIED Chairman Pl of a introduceo the request of Robert Wallace for a RCB RT WALLACE(89091) lot division of platted property, end variances from the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to lot size in the Shoreland Management Area. and setback, for property located at 17920 .20th Avenue North. ChairmanPl ufka waived the overview of the October 16, 1989, staff rei.+.I{, Chai rman Rl ufka introduced 'Robert Wallace, the pet i ti one'r. Mr. Wallace stated: that his proposal for a garage is necessary bt,tause of the cold winter months in Minnesota and because of the vandalizing of his car due to no g,rage, He seated that the property was subdivided by the previous owner which pre rents other, owners from building ori the west side.He stated there options to build thegarage other places, butare to the east it would h3 incompatible with the current structure of the house, and it would ,destrry most of the landscaping,, He also stayed if he built a tetached garage in the rear of his property, it would block the view of the lake for the property owner to the west.: planning omm s ion- Mir rtes' i i October 25. 1 1989 Page 246 1 3 Chairman Plufka asked fir. Wallace if there is a 14foot gradual Mope to,Synder Lake I Mr t' Wallace responded Iha she slope drops about 5 feet one 1 point. Mr. Wallace then presented. the Commissioners with a reduced site graphic. I Char man Plufka asked Mr. Wallace i f there is a reason for the L tai proposed across the front. Mr. Wallace responded that he wants a side entry, door and that he does not want a< plain 'Front. ommi slo er Tierney stated that she feels there is a hardship, but. I. concerned about the front yard setback to 24th Avenue tHort t. emmi- loner M.axofsky Mated he ends the proposed front yard setback cuts down the driveway length two much, which he feels is a safety, fat tor. Commissioner M`arofsky suggested buying rrrore l arrd from the pre "-rt y owner to the west and s.etting,, the garage back further. v by Comr ss over Marofsky to recommend dens al of the M4 T 1QN' TC' DENY setback v riance for Robert Wallace for property located at 179 20th Avenue North.. Motion faded for lack of a second.\(\'+{{/ yyr\r yyl` bt tt ND MOTION by Cha* r mart Pl ufka, seconded by Comm' ss, ioner Wi re, to I MOTION TO APPROVE I recommend approval ofthe lot division of platted property and variances from the oning. Ord lRa.nce pertaining to lot size in 1.he Shorel and 'Management, Area. for Robert Ila] t ace for property ocatod at 179,20 20th Avenue North} addi nq a condition that the side yard setback to be at 6 feet minimum, .and -Front yard setback to be at 25 feet ri in muM. Chairman Plufka stated that approving th"rs proposal would not set. ,bad precedent, Coral ssl oner Marofsky stated he does not feel, that there is a hardship. He agrees with increasing the front yard setback* Commissioner Tierney stated she would rather see a deferral. than a complete denial. SU STITUT MOTTO 1 by Commissioner Aire to recommend approval of SUBSTITUTE MOTION the lost division of platted property and variances from the APPROVE, Zoning Ordinance pertaining to lot size ire the, horel and" Management, Area for ,R(,bert, Wallace for property located at 17920 20th Avenue North, +.Ieting the 25 foot front ;yard setback arty limiting the gar e depth.. E October 25,, 1989 rage 247 Substitute Motion failed for l ac es of erond.. MOTION FAILED NWJ. SECOND .c s +'* .S',y- 1y'} ont, T IVIY by Co AAY tY k 'wg"O DEFER Ma-ofs y, to defer the lotdivisron cif platted proper y and variances from the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to lot size, in the Shoreland Management Area and se ba-ks for Robert Wallace fr property located a 17920 20th Avenue North. Roll Cal Vote on deferral 6, Ayes;, MOTION carried, VOTE MOTION OAPPI ,DA Commissioner Tierney recommended Mr. Wallace negotiate for more 1 and ( feet to h.e easy.) acrd r^ev7 se hi p,l ans .o show more than a 25 loot front yard Setback,, omissioner Wire asked to see a more detailed graphic of the garage. Chairman Pl + fka stated he, would go along -wwi h the . pl ans as submitted Commissioner Zyl 1 a stated he would like to see a revi sed plan that shows the garage back further. MOTION by Comms ssi ones Wire, seconded by Ot),aiinfl ssi over Cl ufka, MOTION TO RECONSIDER o reconsider the deferral motion made prevV-os ly. DEFERRAL Vote. Antes , Cornu s overs pI erce # Zylla, TI erney and MOTE - MOTION: FAILED Marofs y Nay. MOTION failed. Chairman Plufka introduced the proptrsed Ordinance to amend the- ZONING ORDINANCE orl 1ng Ordinance providing for a reduction in offstreet parking AMENDMENT OE STREET requi regents for banks and financial institutions f roar the PARKING enc stinq IO spaces per 1.,000 square feet to a proposed 6.spaces per 11000 square fee's Chairman Pl ufka op'wned the Publici e.ari ng # There was no one o speak on the ssre Chas man Pl of a closed the Pu l c hears ng MOTION by Cornu*ss oner W re, seco?nk by CommissiorrerR 1`rerney, MOTION TO APPROVE o recommend approval of the 1 r .kposed amendment I to the off street parkar provislion. 7 , of the Zoning, Or dinan.ce regardingin^g i1t1 k la7L F4 ih1 3banksand111= by LLkffk Vote. ra Ayes. MOTION carried, VOTE -MOTION OARRIEO LOTION by Commissioner Wiry that staff be directed to draft an MOTION TO AMEND amendment to the ioning Ordinance that could "grandfather" the offs reef parking standard of 10 spaces per` 11,000 square feet of floor area. for i 1 shc ppinc centers that dxi stud a the Limp, of amendment to tine Zoning Ordinance that reduced the stropping center offstrct parking standard from 10i spices per 1,000 to spaces per I,000 in the 8-3-Zones. Planning ommil sion Minutes October I989 Page , ;. Motion fai - ed or lack of a second. MO ION FAILED tO SECOND director Tremere reviewed. a staff memorane dated October 23 REVIEW OF DRAFT ONI% 1 89, and two memoranda dated October 25 * gard ng community- ORDINANCE TEXTUPL based residential facilities and possible wRendments to the AMENDMENT oning Ordinance. Discussion was focused on. the extent to which the City should define all possible facil hies and then attempt to classify each in different districts. xtened discussion ensued regarding the recommended amendment to the tables of allowable uses in Sections 7'ahA 8 of the Zoning Ordinance.. Chairman Plufka reviewed each of the memoranda and: determ)'ned that it was the consensus of the C orrm'ssion to have staff prepare for a] amendments .based on the uierrros, with corre tions as noted. It is also understood that staff, will finalize some of the definition with regard to community-based facility, pursuing rmore general rather than detailed definitions of all uses. Commissioner arofsky stated that particular attention should he given to the defi-nitions I and he noted the editorial changes that had been provided to staff based on an earlier memorandum. Oirectop Tremere indicated that he would continue meetingwith the City attorney to 'make sure the proposed definitions ` were consistent with state law. It vas the consensus of the Commission that a study session should be held prior to the next meeting at ;.b p.m. o November p8 . Director Tremere reviewed the October 20, 1989, staff REVIEW STATUS C memorandum, and he outlined the provisions of the interim COMPREHENSIVE PLP Ordinance as adopted Qy the. City Council on October 16. UPDATE fie explained that the , consultants had been retained and were undertaking the updating works their findings would be presented to the Planning Commission and to the Cityty Council in, early December. He also indicated ` that the Commission should', plan on one or more study sessions where retails of the Land Use Guide Plan Element and the relationshi to the Officials Controls Element could be discussed. The meeting adjourned -,at 1.2K45 ,ro