HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 10-11-1989CITYOF PLYMOUTH: KPANNING COMMISSION t4INUTES OCTOBER 11, 1989 The Regular Meeting of the City, of Plymouth Planning Commission was called to order at 7#30 p.m. MIEMBERS PRESENT,- Chairman Richard Pl Ofkat, Commissioners Larry arofsky., i ch ael Stul berg, Dennis Zyl l a Hal Pier e, and Joy t aerney MEMBERS ABSENT,: Oorrmri ss i over John V1 re. STAFF PRESENT: Coordinator Charles D l lerud, City Engineer Dan, Faulkner, acrd Planning Secretary ,hackle Watson .1 MOTION by Commissioner S ulb rg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE arofs y to approve the minutes a'king a correction on Page 228 in the first paragraph. The lapt I Ine of the paragra ph should be deleted after the word "Ordinance,", 40 dote. 5 Ayes, Commissioner Tierney abstained,, MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED i Chairman Plufka introduced the request of Prime Development PRIME DEVELOPMENT CORP. Corpora-- for an Aimerrd ent o the Plymout Tonin ;Ord nance, 91 0) Text ,ect On ,lO, ubda v eon A perta nz rag to s r gnage n the g Office Limited Business) District. oordinator DIl eruct revs eyed the October 4, 1989 Staff Report chairman Plufka opened the Public Nearing : Chairman Plufka introduced Mr, Todd' ohagen repre enta ng Prime Development Corporation. Mr,, Ha agen sta"'ed that the signage being requested will make t easier for visitors to the development to locate the uIldangs> Ter rias: no one present to speak at the Public Nearing, Cmrairrrran Plufka closed the Public Nearing. MOTION! by Corrrissioner, Stulberg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Marofsky to recommeFad approval of the petition to Amend the oninO Ordinance Stgn Section for the Business (a-14 B-2, 8-3) on ng Districts ; di recti ng staff" to prep re the- specs .4 r c dimrmen conal specifications for Further review by the Planning Com mI , Ion. Planning Commission Minutes October 11., 1,98 Page 232 MOTION by Co nissioner Marofsky, seconded. by Cown ss over MOT1 # TC AMEND, plerro to amend the Mot-lon stating that this amendment be, only for multi-structure/multi-tenant developments of a minimum size: such as acrest Roll Call Vote* 3 Ayes Commi ss ioners, Zyllaj Stulberg, and VOTE - MOTION FARED F`R Chairman Plufka, Nay. M01`1C ' failed for~ 1 ack of a majority* LACK 0F A MAJORITY LOTION by tOmiia ssioner Zylla, seconded by Commissioner Marofsky IWT10 T AMEND to amens the main Motion to delete the an t,ge 'specific r d imen renal specifications"* Roll Call Vote. 6 dyes, MOTION carried. VOTE -MOTION CARRIED Roll, Call Vote on Main Motion as once emended 6 Ayes. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED MOTION carried. Chairman pl ufka introduced the request of Charles Leininger for CHARLES LETNINGQ a Conditional Use <Permit for ars amusement center in Video Wi'z VIDEO WIZ (890$3) located at 4200 Lancaster Lane north, Coordinator t. llerud reviewed she September 71 1989 Staff Report. Char ratan PI ufka Introduced Mr. Charles Leininger. Mr* Leininger stated that he agreed with, the staff report and the conditons 1ited. e said that the manager of the mall had. signed the Conditional Use Permit application. He explained the store layout as to video rental_ area and the arcade area, Mr. 'Leininger told the ' Commission that the hours he would l i ko o be open would be from, 10:00 a.m. to 10.00 p m} on Monday through Thursday, from 10-' a m# to Midnight on Fridays acid Saturdays* and from 10.00 am. to 8,00 pm'., on Sundays,• He reviewed the rules, regulations and policies that were attached to the staff report. Chairman Plufka asked Mr. Leininger what type of supervision would be employed for the business. Mr, Leininger stated that supervisor would be at least. 18 years of age and that he would employ more supervision during peak hours. Commiss,oner Pierce asked. Mr. Leininger how, many arcade games would be on th i prem'i ses i Mr. Leininger replied that there would be between 2 5 and 30 games'. Commissioner Plerce asked what age . thi e supervisors would be. t: qr, nen M I PlanS on Minutes Octobel 1h 1.989 Page 21,36 or,ernes other teirants of tyre Four Seasons Mall, and the iMiate residential neighborhood. If the atkcade business would favi l ; daiae may have already been done to other basinesses In the 11 Oommissioier tulber stated that the proposcd use does not meet :the. Conditional Use Standards of 'the ZonIng Ordinance. Commissioner Marofs y ; stated that ` the businesses of videa rental and amusement arcade are not complimentary. cont 3 ss over Piert .Mated 'that the proposal for the amusement center did net present, a proper location or sufficient supers1.3ory controls, A 5 minute recess was called at 40 .m10 Thi meeting reconvened at 9.: 12 p..m of ii k%n qty Oe .Io ISie .Bi rector `tai r Tremere and Publ e Works Director Fred Moore were present for this portion of the mee i n . D 1;r e-tv ruor Pres. site the l '" k Capital iii r f sil r t 9 9 CAP TA . P }- Pryo ram for the City of Plymouth. He Mated that a Publllc MENTS PROGRAINI Hearing on the CI P wl 11 be hel d by the PI anni n9 Oor mi ssion October 1989. Director Tremere "discussed the Offstreet ar nr Study for OFFSTREET PARKING -BANKS hanks` and Pi nand ayl Institutions which was dE ne. for the City of lymou ti tuy, Barton.-Aschman e stated that a Public Hearing Would be held bit the Planning Commission on these Zoning Ordinance,amendments, ents, on October 25, 1989. Director Tremere discussed the draft amendments ;to the Zoning COhlUNITX.BASBB PIDE Ordi nance regarding Communityty a ed Residential Care TIAL CABB AC LITIES Kacil tie He stated that a Public nearing would be he-ld by Planning Commission on these Zoff' nfg Ordinance amendments g t 3}} t ih e ry, Meeting adjourned, at 10:A5 pTii.