HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 09-13-1989CITY OF PLYMOUTH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 The Regular Meeting of the City of Plymouth Planning Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. 14EMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Richard Plufka, Commissioners Joy Tierney,. Larry 114jarofsky, Michael Stulberg Dennis Zyl a, Hal Pierce and john Wire. MEMBERS ABSENT: done STAFF PRESENT: Coordinator Charles Dillerud, City Engineer Dan Faulkner and Planning Secretary Jackie Watson. MOTION by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Stulberg to approve the minutes from the August 23, 1989 meeting with the following corrections: I. On Page 211 the (notion to approve the August 9, 1989 minutes was made by Commissioner Marofsky instead of Comm.i- sioner Stulb rg. 2. On page 222 the motion regarding Area 39 was for "denial" instead of "approval:". VOTE. 6 Ayes. Chairman Plufka abstained. MOTION carried, VOTE -- MOTION CARRIED Chairman Plufka introduced the request of Independed School INDEPENDENT SCHOOL District 284 for an ' Amended Site. Plan and Conditional Use DISTRICT 284 (88035) Permit to eliminate screening of roof top mechanical units on Plymouth Creek School located southwest of County Road 9 and Vicksburg Larne. Coordinator Dillerud reviewed the recommendation of staff in the August 25, 1989 Staff Report. Chairman Plufka introduced Mr. Stam Tikkanern, representing the petitioner. Mr, T7kkanen stated that he took issue with the staff recommendation that the rooftop units be screened to buffer the noise from the units. .le said that the screening would not change the aesthetics of the building. He also reported. that testing the school district had cions did not exceed the MPGA levels. Coordinator Dillerud stated that the visual effect is not an issue for staff but that the Ordinance is specific and states that perceptible noise is the issue. Scott Rudy, ,a consultari ,, -he school district, stated that none of the compre,.3sors wound be r1inning when the building is unocckipied, He d so said that oniy the one fan in the gymnasium will run intermittently at night SteveDe Oster, EOS Corporation, explained host many of the - heareas" areas surrounding ve school were buffered from the noise by the architecture of the building hal, Man luka,stated that he lived n the neighborhood andhad not heard any noise from the rooftop unit, omrlssJoner Irofy asked; if the original plans included the screening of fire rooftop units. Mr., De oster stated that they did. Chair -ran Plufka opened the Public Hearing. There was no one present to speak on the Issue. Chairman Plufka closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner dire stated that since there was not full information on the noise levels under varying conditions, the Pl;ann ng comtl.nssion most he consistent with the Zoning. Ordinance reguli rement.. MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner Stulberg MOTION TO APPROVE to recommend denial of the request of Independent School rstr ct 284 for an Amended Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit to eliminate screening of roof top equipment on PImouth Creek School Commissioner Stu l berg stated he fel t the Commission must be, Consistent with the standards applied to other devel prent .. Commissioner M rofsky stated that the proponent needed to prove that it meets the criteria with test data if they, want to xclude the sceenng of the rooftop units. Commissioner Pierce asked if the school district 'would need to apply' for an amendment to exclude the screens if they could` prove that the met the Ordinance requirements for noise., oordlnator Dillerud said that they would have to core back. to the Coul"11ss Ton i th anamendment to ,he Site Plan. Commissioner Z, lla stated that noise levels need to be enforced. but staff' could rely on enforcement by waiting to see if problem e ists doll Call Vote. 6 Ayes', Chairman Pl of a , Nay. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED Chairman. P l of a introduced the request of Hazelden Foundation HAZELDEN FOUNDATION for a,, Amended Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan located at 11.505 36th Avenue North, 89 70 Coordinator Oillerud reviewed the August 25, 1989 Staff deport , Chairman Pluf a introduced Mike Schiks, Program girector, represeot* g the p titioner Vote.7 rr A VOTE MOTION CARRIM Chairman Plvfka introduced the reque tofenn plin Coonty for'a HENNEEPIN COUNTY" (89074) I completed there world no longer A need U Ingfortherot stat i"on. Commissioner "Stulberg asked if a traf fie, study badbeen done. Engineer a"rrr a traffic study was not donoity> because the impact of 20,trucks per day wo It e min "mal Chairman Plufka opened the Public -Hearing. ha,r. P lufk Fii 3 oi,44+4:i. 3 f' .C?oyr i a i"l i.3a 3 of '"`Y S 23rd Avr nue North Mr.'Palmer stated that he owns two buildings adjoin, fng 1's sIt* He said he had no opposition to th's petition at Ire presenttime', and would be observing the operation for six. months before he would be, able to make a final Judgment. Chairman I uf ka o I osed bo` Public hearing; OTreIOCommissionernnmisserulber , r Wasecondedborrsr n MOTION TO APPROVE to ro o rmi nd approval (if this petition of H nno in County for a. rrrr I for ## n; r rrr iicroi4rg sus ioi , subject, to the conditions listed in the August 21, 1989 Staff Report. I OTIO4 by COMM sslonor Marofsky, seconded by Coa)mission r Pianos to add` a condition that states that the site gust b kept free of all debris and deposits. Roll Call Vote. 7 Ayes. MOTION oarr'od QCTE MOTION CA PI O Commissioner Stulberg stated that he voted for approval of this i an only, because "h felt a negative vote etas not fbo gay to stop thli5 situation commissioner Marofsky stated that be would rro -e against: the reran motion for this, potition I because be objects to, the, excessive waste of taxpayer money beim Used' for this proecil He said that taxpayers should call the County Commissioners and state their objection. Commissioner Wlire, said be agreed with the a gesticin by Commis s I oner Marofs ky that they contact, the Cour'ity. C: if they feel taxpayer 'dollars are be1nfg wasted or. this subject, Commissioner Pierce stated be wou Id support the petition mainly as a one '*en e for the trucks In the. Plymouth area. Poll Call Vote. 6 Ayes, Commissioner Marofs y, Nay# MOTION VOTE MOTION CARRIED. carried,. Chas rman P Uflka introduced the request of Lily E., Po :c eman for LILY GEM (890 7"; a Lot Division located north of C I Place, and east of Zachary Lane . cn Vice ChaIrman Stulberg introduced Zoning Ordinance Amendment ZONING ORDINANCE AMEND - ox 4. NO. 4 Conislon members diad no ges°tions for staff on thislissuex Vice Chairman Stulberg opened the public hearing There was no one present to speak on the issues,, Chairman Stulberg closed the public hearing. OTO by Comm s ner Miro, seconded by Commissioner Zyl la, i{ TION' TO APPROVE o recommend approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 1, as recommended by staff Roll Call Vote. 0 Ayes:. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED MOTION by,Commissioner arofsky, eLonded by Com is ion r 0T IOO APPROVE Zyl 1 a o stable Zen i nq Ordinance Amendment o 2 f or redrafting by staff ,tate that windownae nod exceed 30 Percent of tie window; and total signage, including ,window,signage, shall not ex0ed 8 percent of the wall area. Director Tremere cautiloned the Commissioners that they wool d be setting up the potential !-)f inequality, even within a shopping center. Roll Call Vote* b Ayes. MOHON carried. VOTE MOIT OtlCARR ILO mmissryner it e, seconded CommissionerMOTIONbyCommissioner MS;ION.OPROVE Tierney, o recommend approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment o, 3, as recommended by staff subject to the rewording in new i emnumber to road. 1' garage" not "nc e r b i l di n " p i e Roll Cal 11 Vote. Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTI(N CARRIED flOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE arofs y, to recommend approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 4, as recommended by staff. Roll Call Vote, b Ayes, MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION, CARRIED Vice Chas rr an Stul berg introduced the request of L.A. Laukka LAUKKA.%PARY R LA ,,. Development Company for a P00 final plan amendment ADDITION (8906 7) Vice Chas -man tulberg waived the overview of the August 14, 1989, staff report.,. Vice Chairman Stulberg introduced Peter Jarvis, representing the petitioner. Mr. ary 1. s stated he was in agreement w1 t,.h the August 14, I89, s4,aff report and had no comments MCATION by Covoisslonertulherg,seconded by Commissioner Wire MOTION TO APPROVE to recommend approval of the petition of K & it Construction for a Lotdivision subject to the conditions listed in the August. 089 Stat Report= Vote, Ayes,,,,Commissioner Marofsky. abstained, MOTION VOTE - MOTION CARRIED carried Cha introduced t request o Trammell Crow for a T AMMELL W -R," Y- ite Plan, tot Division and Lot Consolidation °dor Building F" INDUSTRIAL PARK BUILD11fi located east of Xenivnj -Lane and aortli of 6th Avenue. F (89073) coordinator Dillerud reviewed the August 1, 1989 Staff Report* Chairman Plu ' a introduced lair. Bohn Griffith and Ms., Linda Fisher representing the petitioner, Ms. fisher stated that the petitioners agreed with the August 1., 1989 Staff Report. Dar rman pl ufa introduced Mr. Arlan Ashbaugh of 795 Sycamore Lane, Mr. Ashbaugh, stated that he owned a home to 1,he east of t s property and his concern. was that a buffer, be created o si,ieid hx.; property from his site. lie also .asked what he building would he used for. r i airman pluf a asked the peti, Io -ter the ,b I ht of the proposed bu A Id }TRS Mr. Griffith responded that the buildinLg would he 28-29 reef, and would he used for Light manufacturing. Chairman pl u a nt rod paced Mr. Chris Ea l ers of 6.15 Sycamore. Lame Cir. Lilers started that he felt more aesthetics needed to be applied to the east side of the building to make it .pleasing from; Sycamore Fane, and,be 'was concerned about the lighting on the east side of the building,. Mr* Griffith stated that there would be no I i g1l,"7ng on the east side of the hu^ilditig. Mr. Erlers a;k,d if any of the existing trees could he removed froju the 300 tool. easement Coordinator Villerud stated that only development was prohihted, If trees become damaged or diseased they. could he removed., omoiissiover Marofs y stated that he would have difficulty voting on the petition because of the pending vacation of easements i M Chairman, Pluf a stated that vacation of easements was not an ap.propriate review item for the Planning Commission' and is handled by the City CoupdL otmitissioner, Zylla stated his concern for the east elevation of the project, and :Wld he would like, to see more Colorado spruce trees used on this side of the, building. Commissioner Wire stayed he concurred with Commissioner Zylla for more buffering and the use of coniferous gees on the east side of the building for buffering MOTION by Commissioner WAm, seconded by Commission Stulberg to MOTION TO A11PROVE recowumend approval of the Ito Plan, Lot Division acrd Lot on Sol lda ion for Tra ipel l Cr=ow "Building " subject, to -the C on li ions listed inr the August ; 1, 1989 'Staff Report, OTION b airman P ufka, seconded by om issioner tulber MOTIONTO AMEND o add a. condition to the recommendation that the developer 4 111 substitute coniferous, trees for deciduous gees along the east :side of the structure and a reasonable attempt be made, along with the natural terrarn, to buffer the pro er nes that lie o hr 3Aea Roll Call Vote. 7,Ayes, MOMON carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Vote on Main Motion. 7 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE° - MOTION CARRIED, hairran Pluf a again introduced item 6 A, No one was prmesent, to represent the petitioner on,, herrn 6A# MOTION by Commissioner . t lherg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Tierney to carry forward the pet 1 1on of L,ly ,, Roggeman t the September 27, 1989 Planning CoMmISSIo" Me Arte ote. 7 Ayes MOTION carried. YOU M MO`L CARRIED Coordinator D711er ud told the Commissioners that ;the Pares and I%ory Igsepar went has requested a me ting , it the PlanningRecreation yo r¢ea htll m ssione sr Chairman Pluf a, with Comm 5s i on approval, stated thea the Planning Commissioniwould <meet i h Lb ar lis d Department after the next Planning Coiwnissicn meet rr on i errrher , 19895 at 9:00 p.m. ane Pl an"ing Comml ss 1 meeting on September .r" , 19 9 gar 11 yy 3` # "{^ + ( 2y j+' g yo- H 0P s'i 3r. }` g 2 4A,+'J8 le,t A Rleg A:k at a. X MO +Fm :. o, :: Y4 '. rffa ar is :A--1 k, R $' k Sefo d r .yq d Er *9$ begin be discussed at the stud secs non will ire A SU f Pr Wn tri 1a and resolutions; the Metropolitan Cow 11, Staged Gr o*ih Are=. the hiring of a consultaot t `pork ort tile ; and other Items of concern, or., Imre pe meet #"nom+ q : ,u ne : t 10* k@ ,:, om. Mr. 8ehlrer stated that he felt the 10 foot easement could have' a negative impact ori the structures to be bui It on the lots. City Engineer Fainkner stated that if the easement would be z needed it was normally required from the parlay that first seeks o develop property in an area. MOTIOU by, Commissioner Marofsky, seconded to Commissioner MOTION, TO A14END Stulberg to amend the Motionof Susan Tippets for a Lot Division and Variance that the easewent be, 16 1/12 feet on the southerly edge of the propert'v,on 23rd Avenue North instead of 10 feet. Roll Call Vote on the Mot =r on to Amend. 4 Ayes, Commissioners VOTE- MOTION CARIE Wire,; Pierce and Ohalrman PIufka, stay. MOTION carried on a vote of 4-8 r I Vote- on Main 'Motionion as once amended, 7Ayes MOTlOti carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Chairman Plufka introduced the request of Paul and Gladys, PAUL GLADYS KARINIEMI Kari rrir emi , for a Lot Division ; and Variance located at 508 89071) Pi rrev i ew .Nano North. Chairman Plufka waived the overview of the Augusts 25, 1389 Staff Report,, hairman Pl of a i ntroduced the petitioner Mr, Paul Karl, n i ead ,. ir on Yr ar asked the petitioner why e r efittom P 1i1:: proposed division id not extend the division line straight bacl; Mr., Karin4eml stated ghat the east end of the property was open and would make a nice buildin-9 site. MOTION by Cotta is loner Stulbergi seconded by Coni is s i on er W I re MOTION O APPROVE o recommend` approval of the petition of Paul and Gladys ariniemi for a Lo Oivisio arra Variance subject to conditions l is ted in, the August 2, 1:989 Staff Report, Vote 7 Ayes.: MOTION carri ed r VOTE- MOTION CARRIED Chairman Plufka introduced the request of Dons rut ion K & D CONSTRUCTION for a Eo Division Variance located a % Zinnia Caney 89072 Ohalrmao Plufka waived the overview of the August 21, 19a9_ Staff Report Chairman Plufka, introduced Mr. Daval d Kosmecki of 505 North fghway 169, Suite 108, representing the petitioner. Mr. Xosmecki stated that^ be was in full agreement yoith the August 1, 1988 Staff Report and that a new survey, had been subm t1ted that el im nates the variance,