HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 08-09-1989CITY Q PC.CdT Si. AUGUST 9, 1989 The Regular nyPlanning Commission Meeting was called to order at 7* - 30 plm* MEMBERS ? Commissionerssioners ,Joy Tierneyx Larry Marofsky, Michael S ulbergx Hal pierce and john Wire. MEMB S ABSENTC'haarma Richard Plufka and Commissioner Dennis Zyl-la., STAFFPRESENT: Coordinator Charles Dillerud, City Engineer Dari Faulkner and 01anning Secretary Jackie Watson,* MOTION TO APPROVE MOTIONby C0}moissioner re, seconded by Coy miss oner Turney to ajtprove the July .26, 1989,minutes. Vote. Ayes, MOTION carried. VCT kICTIC)AP Vice Chairman Stul ber9 ntr6duced the request of Ryan R A 4 CONSTRUCTION Construction. Company for Rezoning, MPUD Preliminary Plan/Plat. C0*1fiNY (89014). and Conditlbnal,Use Permit for Rockford Road Plaza located northeast of County Road 9 and. 1-11,94e Commissioner rarofsky indicated that he would.sdown from the table an.d not participate in the discussion Action c nce `riing this 'tem. Coordinator -D l l eruct reviewed, the Staff Report of :est 2, 1989. dice Chairman Stlberg introduced Mr. Pat Ryan of Ryan Construction Company representing the peti Joner.t Mr. Ryan stated that the developer is -,villins to sign an Agreement stating that the developer wi11 construct the 88 extra stalls required in the deferral of parking when requested y the City r. Ryan stated that all exterior sides of the development will consist of brick except for the north side facing the ponding' area, which wi 111 be cement block. 0: Mr. Ryan said the developer k would like the 'right err" frorrr county Road 9 but will eliminate the request because of the IIf County ,and City opposition to it. Mr. Ryan stated that-, the setbacks would' be proposed at the Final Plat stage of development. Kr* Ryan, stated that 'upgrading of the intersection as stated in the Engineer's Memo, was an item where the developer would pay its fair share, of the upgrading, but did not feel they should bear the total cost. He said he felt the vehicular traffic projection. to the year 2010 was beyond the scope of the prbiect Mr., Ryan, stated that Northwest Boulevard (County Road 61) construction will commence with the development, but was not intended tobe completed when the center is opened., Commissl:),ner Wire asked what type of buffer would be created co the West Medicine Lake Road side of the project. Coordinator Dillerud stated that the grade differeA. All a' 0 n, th1is side I s too great for landscaping to be any real help. u eari ng , Vice Chairman 'Stulberg opened, the. P bl 1c H%.. i 11--re was no one present to, speak on is-sue. Vice Chairman Stulberg,closed.tbe Public Hearing. MOTION by Corttnissi,oner Wire, seconded by Coitmissioner Tierney MO`Z* IQ N, T APPROVE to recommend approval ofthe petition subject to the condi' -,is_ II t-d the gust 2t 1989 Staff t1$ 111" 21- in, AU KepOr MOTION by Comipissiover 'SMelberg, seconded by Commilssiover ,Vii re MOTION TO AMEND to amend the motion. 'by adding a condition stating that the 88. deferred Parking seal 1 s, shal T be constructed when requested by the city. Roll, Call Vote on:' the Motion to Amend, 4 Ayesi MOTION VOTE - MOTION CARRIED carried, Roll Cal I Vote on Main Motion. 4 Ayes MOTION carried,, VOTE MOTION.CARRIED Coma sooner Marofsky returned to the lCable. Vice Chairman Stulbergintroduce,&t the request -of ars7)ltad 14ARSTAD COI l ann ent -111 na-- mp an I e,s for a ed Uni Develof)MW Preiii ill y 8,044) 9 Plat/Preliminary Pla-a/Conditional . Use Permit/lte Plan and Ver nc r Lake Camelot Villas located wes f, of 1-494, north atA, south of County Road 47, Cd rotor'' reviewed the August 2, 1989 Sto ff Peport. ook 1i It 1 11 1 CTIQI by ommi ss i ower Mari fs3 y stating only I secondary MOTION TOAM D Monument be allowed on Northwest Boulevard. MOTION died for lack ofa second. MOTION DIED FOR LACK A SECOND MOTION by Commissioner Marot'sky, seconded by Commissioners MOTION TO AMEND Tierney to replace Condition 2r I of the Staff ep( lii t with the following "Site- pylon signs de rti fied in the petition will be within ord trance setbacl regulations with ` a 5 foot variance allowed by City staff because of topographic or landscape roblems. Roll CaI1 Vote. 4 Nays,, Commissioner Marofsky Aye, MOTION VOTE - MOTION FAILED failed. LOTION by Cowntissioner Stulberg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierce to delete condition 2 from tyre August 4t 1989 Staff Report,. Poll Call Vote. 3 .Ayes, Commissioners Maro 'sky :and Wire Nay. VOTE MOTION CARRIED MOTION carried on a 3-2 vote. MOTION by Commissionertulberg, ' seconded by Commissioner Wire MOTION TO AMEND to rove the approval of the sculpture front the petition and have the petitioner resubmit a plan for the sculpture at j latera date so it can be reviewed again. Plarrrring ol"11'sSion Mf nu es August , 1989 5 issioner Wire asked if more details on the sculpture would be available on August 23rd BMs. O'Donnell stated that 1f the sculpture plans were expanded, they would brig the pleas back for review* Commissioner Stulberg stated that fie was 'concerned about the color, rrrateri al s, and subject of tr sculpture and wool q like o review their Commissioner Marofsky stated that this could be considered a denial of freedom of speech ' if tie ommi ssion: tried to regulate the sculpture, Pall Gall Vote. Ayes, Go rr ss over Marofsky Nay.. MOTION VOTE .. MOTION CARRIED carried. COMMIssioner pierce stated that he was in favor of the sculpture but wanted more details before approving it., poll "Gall. Vote on.: Main Motion as amended ..5 Ayes A:. MOTION:. VOTE MOTION CARRIED, car ri Vice Charman Stulberg introduced, the request of A,A,.G. A.A.G. BUILDERS (89056) Builders for a Conditional Use Permit for a garage addition: l.ocat(;.d at 3375 Rosewood ..ane. The reading of the August 3, lgg Staff Report was waived, Vice Chairman Stulberg antrodiced Mr, Jahn Giebenhaln, the property owner. Vice Ghal rman Stulberg, called a 5 minute, recess to allow the property owner to read the Staff Report of August 31 1989 1 as the report had not been picked, up by the petitioner or his contractor. f The meeting reconvened at g: G fm Mr. Giebenhain stated that he was not aware of ,other options available for the garage addition that would not require an amendment to the RPDB* He stated fie Would l ike some time to look 't other options, Vice c. airman S-tul berg opened the Public Hearing. , Vice Chacarr S ;lberg proposed the Public Hearin be continued until a further date so that the property owner could consult with his builder, and look at other options for the garage addition,`. MOTION by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner V11r MOTION,TO CONTINg to conti-nue the Public Hearing ;on this petitioner s request to the meeting of August 23t 1989. doll Gall dote. 5 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED, Planning Commission Minutes August 1989 age W Vicehi rml berg introduced Mr. Bill Ia` "our ` of 3625 County Road 101 Mr,. LaTonr slated that he lived in shearea near the school boundary and the ponding area., He too is concerned about the ponding area being a hazard for the children, In the area. He said that the failure of the pond to drain was a big, concern. He also stated that he thought it would be nice of the developer' would icontact the property owntrs in the area Mrd meet.with them,, Vice Chairman S61berg introduced Ms. Judy LP.Tour of .525 County Road. 101. Ms. LaTour also expressed her concern over eche drainage problem of the ponding area She 'stated that Oe also felt that the prlce range of the hones proposed for the area was trio wi de the would like to see a narrower pri ce range A Vice Thairman Stulberg Introduced ter. Harold Wi nterhal ter of 18260 Medina Road. r. lnterhal er stated that his concern wa wi th = raff l that wl1 I be generated on Medina Road f this proposed development and'whether the road will be upgraded. ice Chairman Stulberq introduced Mr. Len Busch of 4045 highway Mr, Busch' stated he owns the l and to the north of Medina' Road and i s also -the owner' of the greenhouse. He sated 'that he does not want to he assessed for improvements of the road pgr ding sine i will not benefit his property. Vice Chairman StOberg told Mr. Busch that the Planning Commission does not deal with a ses men,, . Vice Chairman t,u berg closed the Public Hearing. City Vngineer Faulkne-r stated that the developer would not be alloyed to increase the runoff in the area and that drainage onstructed by the developer would improve the drainage i ua ion for the entire watershed. Coir€n ssioner flaro s- y asked if the southeAst corner of the development was a deiignaiefti v ponding area. Mr., Frank staffed that it was not and that the developer will construct a controlled outlet for the pond along with the development,, Vice `Chairman Stulberq asked if the City has plans to upgrade Medina Road. NWWV City Engineer Faulkner responded that thea are plansfor Medina Road as a r a or collector and the road will be upgraded along with the development in 1990Jr w7f. ulberg asked o have the southeast area of the tray I . fii' nA.' d, c u ? e d a: Mrt Pranksated that the area . i s wetland. vegetation and open water and that he would look closer at the area He said that the ral `through the area would be a passive,tragil, Mr'. Frank stated that the new property owners using the Amber Woods recreation area should not ;be a concern due to. the di stance they would havetravel. responded to the concern of the neighboring property owners being contacted by sing that this is whale the Public Hearing isthedeveloperbypy for. iir Pritchard stated that this is just,a Sketch Plan, and he invited .he property owners to vis rl a area in Aden Prairie than. " the devel oper has completed which is similar o the proposed project' Mr. Pritchard stated that the developer will propose a berm along Medina Road to help block the I i ght from the greenhouse Commissioner Marof sv. !,, stated -4hir4 he would :like t!``tit Ye ry-', ar. e[ar Lane rW%'than Zircon !.ante as the m"nor collectortoonp7+j'{ of Mr. Prank stated that Zi rcon Lane was selected as the minor collector to hoes get traffic out of the area and dispersed within the loop system Proposed. M01"100 by Comms-ssioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner Marofsky MOTION TGAPPROVE o recommet , approval of the Sketch Plan subject, to the conditions listed in the July 31, 1989 Staff Report. Commissioner 'Marofsky stat that , he would like to see a decrease in the number: of lots proposed and an increase in the amount of open space. Commissioner Stulberg stated that he thought the plan was a better fit than a PUD but would , ,: s.,ne more, open ;apace. Poll Cal I Vote. 4 Byes - Commission r Pierce Nay. MOTION VOTE MOTION ',ARRI D carr -ed Vice sasxr ar l.ulberg introduced the request of Pd PUS CORP */T € NANT CORP. orporati on/Tenn.«nt Corporation for an Amended Concept Purr 8906 1) located at the northwest corner of Hsi hway 169 and County Road 10. OT N by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner Tirney MOTION T APPROVE c recommend approval of the request subject o the conditions listed n the, July 31,1989 Staff Report. MOTION by Comm, issidner' arofs y seconded by Commissioner Wire MOTION TO AMEND o add a condition; requiring that all asphalt be 200 feet from the w eland oodpl in areas of the development,, omrisior Wire s,would pare of the distance requirement of any, asphalt from the. fist i And area. o i°sioner ri sky stated that he wanted this amenity as a re u , , eirient of the de rel o r ent but did not intend to include the rail r in his motion o 1 11 Vote on the Motion to Amends 3 Nays,, Commissioner VOTE MOTIOFAILED arofsky Aye. MOTION failed. Roll Cali Vote On Main Motion. 4 Ayes. MOTION carried. Vice VOTE a- MOTION CARRIED Ch irman Stulberg did not participate in this discussion or Vote. Discussion followed on the changes in the State Report that were previotjsl,y requested by the Comdssion,, The Commissioners unanimously agreed that they would like to discuss this issue in' when1 entire l'anningxommission was }sent Meeti n adjourned at -a5 .m