HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 06-28-1989CITY Of PLYMO T1 COMMISSION MINUTES, JUNE 28,E 1989 The Regular Meeting of thetyof #annng omm ssion MeeI way called to order at 7 30 p.m, MEMBERS PRESENT* Chairman Richard Plufkaf tomalissionem Joy Tierney, tarry Marofsky, Michael Stulberg, Dennis Zyllaj Hal 'Pierce, and John Wire. MEMBERS ABSENT tone.. STAFF PRESENT: cord'Inator Charles O llerud, City Eng i neer DanFaulkner,Public D11 r ctorredMoore, and Senior gClerk/Type st Denis #y : La i err. N by , oirir isn loo r Tic n;y, second -ed by ; o -Mi s igner MOTION, T APPROVE Marofsk, to approve the, Minutes for the dune 14, 1989, Planning Commission Meeting with the following changes. - hanges: OnOn, .page 8, paragraph 8 the MOTION to recommend approval of the Sketch Plan-for Leluer Property" wasmad y y The / xi+Etkt/##) i[.4it 3:.f±tw:9+by Cil,i t&§... On page 8 paragraph 4, the MOTION to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat for Bremer Addition was made by Commissioner Zyllla and seconded by Commissioner Marvf y On page 2 paragraph 10, the last sentence is to read, "Mr. Sather Mated uld 90 alongthatthedeveloperwowith the Brockton .arse access ; f the a.sed access fiom County Road P, 24 was denied." Tne word "proposed' is to be inserted before the word "access." o Ayeshsta'ned CARRIEDrMTItote carried, Chairman Riufka introduced the request of Robert Larsen ROBERT LARSEN PAPTNERS Partners for a prelim nary plat and general development plan 89817 for Plymouth plaza S Shopping Center to he located at the southeast corner of West Medicine Lake Drive and State L I Highway SS, Planning Commission Minutes June 28 1989 Page 180 by Commissioner Zylla, seconded by Chairman Plufka to MOTION TO APPROVE recommend that the City council order a transportation study of the quadrant south of West Medicf e Lae Drive and State Hi ohway .55, with Particular analysis to the location of any south' extension edit ne 1*Ae Drive access to State Highway 55 west of the proposed center at goldenrod Lane tbrough the industrial area; the need for, and location of, frontage roads south of State High"ay 55, the fut,A location of County Road 3a and the planned extension of 6th Avenue forth and.. County Road 73, _ with the objective to confirn1 or change the Thoroughfare Guide Pian Roll CallVote, 6 Ayes. Commissioner Wire Nay, MOTION VOTE - MOTION CARRIED carried Cbalrman P of ka introduced the request of Russel souiey for RUSSEL OULEY (89026) a ,onditional use permit,and site Pian for Haul Building Center 1 o).ated at 1871-0 State Highway 55 to construct an accessory storage structure, Cliairman Plufka. wawed the overview of the dune 19, 1989, staff report., Cha*reran Plufka introduced Russel Boulley, the petl:tioner. Mr. Gouley, stated he was in agreement with the ,dune 19, 1989, staff rep<art Chairman Plufka opened the Public Hearing* There was no one to speak on thea issue. Chairman Plufka closed the Public Hearing, MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Comtil ssiover MOT IO TO APPROVE Tierney, to recommend approval of the conditional use permit and site plan fors° Hamel Buff l d%ng Center to construct at, accessory' storage structure consistent with conditions noted in the staff report of dune t9, 1989. Rol i Call Vote. Ayes:, MOTION carried. VOT1UTCH C.r'.4 Chas reran Plufka introduced the request of Stuart Erickson STUART CR%CXSCN (89042) for a conditional :use permit to allovi a Class 11 Restaurant 5obway Sandwich) in the 1.1 District located at 14505 21st Avenue North. Chairman Plufkaa wa r ved the overview of the ,dune 19, 1989, staff report. Chairman Plufka introduced Stuart Erickson, the petitioner. Planning Commission Minutes erne 28, 1-989 Page 183, MOT 10N by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by omni goner OTO OV Stu! berg, to recommend approval of the conditional use ermlt to allow aGlass II Restaurant in the 1-1 District subject to the 1.0 conditions set forth by staff in the report dated dune 19, 1989; LOTION' by Commissioner Marofskyll seconded by 0ommissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierce to amnd condition to provide that hours of operation be l im * ted to 10, a «JtI to 7 WO R,,m. , Monday. through Friday, 10:30 am. to 3,00 P.m,, Saturday* Poll Call 'Vote, 6 Ages, ommissroner, Wire 14 ay MOTION VOTE MOTION CARRIED carried. Chairman Pluf a stated he feels the Class It Restaurant would bo located in an inappropriate territory. for the reasons that it would be detr tent ,l to the public welfare- it would impede traffic, and it would affect property values wrth1n the neighborhood. MOTION by 'Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND tulberg, to 1rmit seatin0 to 24. doll Call of Ayes{ MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION' CAR I D Roll Call Vote on Maln Motion. 3 Ayes, Commissioners qlre, VOTE MAIN MOTIONFAILED yl l a, Tierney, and. Chairman Pl ufka Nay,., MOTION failed. MOTION by Chairman Plufka,' seconded by Commissioner Zyll , MOTION TO DENY to rdcommond dere al of the conditional use permit' to allow a Class 11 Restaurant in the 1-1 0istrict stating that it falls to meet the ', conditional use permit criteria, specifically, 2, 3, and 4.. Ral 1 Ca 1 I Vote. 4 Ayes., Commissioners Pierce, Marof , VOTE MOTION CARRI E and Stulberg'Nay,, MOTION tarried, Charman Pluf a called a recess at 1:0:00 p,m. Cra rman Pluf a reconvened the meeting at 10 09 pmR Chairman Pltuf a introduced the request of Oarlock Equipment GARLOCK, EQUIPMENT,189041 for amended conditional use permit and site plan for an enlarged oc is l de storage located at 2001 141 a ara Large". Cabman Plufka waived the overview of the June 1 , 1989, staff report, 3fYi Commissioner Marofsky questioned Coordinator 011lervd if the 10 foot fence is normal size for the Industrial District. Planning Commission Minutes June 28, 1989 Page 18 t.00edinator Dillerud me:)ponded that he could not find a prohibition to the 10 foot fence, but did find that the height of the fence could be set by a conditional use permit Commissioner Marofsky questioned Coordinator Dillerud- if the conditional use permit should have a criteria pertaining to the s;. Coordinator Dillerud responded that if Commissioner Marofsky so wished, it could be stated in the resolution. Chai r"gan Vl ufka introduced- Dick Garlock, the petitioner. Mr. Gaclof- stated he was in agreement with the June 19, 1989, staff report. Cha i rplan Plufka opened'` the 'Public Hearing. There was no one pres ent to speak on thu issue Chairman- Plufka closedthe Public Hearing MOTION by, Commissioner Stul bergseconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Wire to recommend approval of the amended conditional use permit and site plan for an :enlarged outdoor storage for - Garlock Equipment consistent with the conditions in the staff report of June 19, 1989. Roll Call Vote. 7 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION' DOIRIED Chairman Plufka, introduced the request of the City of CITY OF PLYMOUTH (89045) Plymouth for a conditional use permit for exceeding height standards for a water tower located east of County road 101 approximately 1 f 4 mile north of Medina Road' Y Chairman Plufka waived the ove 4 i w for the ,dune 19, 1989, staff report Chairman Plufka introduced Keith Bachmann of Donestroo osene, Anderl i k, & Associates, Inc., representing- the City of Plymouth. Commissioner Wire questioned Mr. Bachmann what type of water tower is being proposed. Mr. Bachmann responded "ice cream co -one.. ` Coordinator Dillerud explained that the t4 rm F,:pideIke means "i.oro pillar", and -f'he tanrte "icp cx* am cxolle , trol n} flutedolulin'n" and tbat "I"h "fluted c tnll style 100, 000 inure th rl the tel o 1A l l at # a .. <..:e d: -,s.. .n .. .n..: 4 ..e M.i<im .w.rx .,s:. ...xxA::.::., ..., rv. . ..:. ...a .. .... ..>U % 4.. t' x - !-.h.:J. aiYflMti"_ 4 -V!• .4 Plannilno,omirrlssion Minutes Julie 28 1989 Rage 18 immediately to the east of t4e water tower. He also stated that water damage is highly unlikely. Chairman Rlufka closed the PublAc Hearing., MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Comnmissioner MOTIO4 TO APPROVE Rierc., to recomiltend approval of the conditional use. permi t for exceeding height standards for a water tower subject to the two criteria listed by staff in the report of Jane I9, X 9, excprat eban ing the criteria of the design to be "the Lost cost effective.." MOTION by Chairman Plufka, seconded by C.mmissioner~ Stulberg MOTION TO AME14D to strike criteria n the motion to substitute ' in the draft resolution. Ro11Call 'Vote, Ay Commissioners 4're and yl la Nay* VOTE - MOTION CARRIED QT ION carried. MOTION by Coixmissioner. Zylla, seconded by Com issioner MOTION TO AMEND Marofs y, to amend the motiob to add- that the City do whatever is necessary to put itself: in confo roan e with its own policy on landscaping, Roll Call Vote, 7 Ayes. MOTION carried., VOTIP MOT, ON, CARRIED Roll Call Vote on Main Motion# 7 Ayes. MOTIO carried, VOTE a, MAIN MOTION CARRIED. Coordanalor leruct reg Tided the Commission that the next Planning Commi.ss11 on Meets nq will be can duly 11, 1.989. Comms ssioner T, arjtey stated she would be absent froth that meet in X Chairman Rlufka requested a short discussion regarding the memorandum Cotlimiss ones 1ylla submitted to the City, Commissioner Zylla commented on three main issues of his memorandut, 1 make staff reports tio understandable to the applicants* 22N wants more of an explanation fc!r the Lundgren proposal from, staff and ) wants to ra se an awareness of transportation,, i hai moan pl ufka commented he agreed to the more simplified staff reports and also wants to see the rest utions reworded regarding the City Engineer's Memorandum. He asked staff to set as'de time to look at the philosophy supporting transportation for the City, planning Chairman Plufka, adjourned the meeting at 10:50 p m.