HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 06-14-1989CITY OF PLYMOUTH PLANNING COMMISSION KI'V4T :S JUNE 14, 1:98 The Regular Meeting of the City, of Plymouth Planning Commission Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT; Chairman Richard Plufka, Commissioners Joy Tierney, marry Mar ofsky, Michael Stu iberg, Dennis Zylla and Hal Pierce. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner John Wire STAFF PRESENT. Coordinator Chuck Dillerud, Assist4tit Engineer John Sweeney, and Planning Secretary Jackie WaLson. MOTION by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Tierney to approve, the May 24, 1989 Planning Commission Minutes. VOTE, C Ayes MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION 'CARRIED Chairman P1ufka introduced the request of Super America for SUPER AMERICA (89007) Rezoning, Final Plat, Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit for a Convenience Center located south_ of County Road 1.0 and east of Natban Lane, Coordinator Dillerud gave; an overview of the June 6, 1989 Staff Report, Chairman Pl ufka introduced "Bud Kaup representing Super America. Mr.. Kaup asked, .if the condition proposed related to outside sales and storage would preclude the usual service station practice of limited o:itdoor display of bulky items such as ice control salt and anti fireeze, Chairman Pl u f k a noted that these activities are common at similar facilities throughout the City and he had not heard of zoning citations for such,prac4 Ices. r, ami s . i ,)ner Zyl l-a questioned the materials to be used for the o asn Aja;•.Iosure Coordinator Dillerud noted that. the Zoning Ordinance soeci f i es both: type of materials and minimum dimensions for trash enclosures - this Site Plan complies. Chairman Pl ufka opened the Public Nearing. There was no one present x;o speak on the issue, Chairman Pluf a closed the Public Hearing. MOTI ommissioner Zylla, seconded, by Commissioner PierceONbyC1 APPROVEMOTIONTO to recommend approval of the 1kesolutions on Rezoning, Finall PI'atl.,, Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit subject to al I Condition,$ listed in the June 6t 198 9 Staff Report. MOTION by, Co doissloner Pier seconded by Commiss* ce i ioner Zylla MOTION TO AMEND to add a,'condlition to the Resolution stating that trash enclosures most be consistent with Zoning Ordinance specifications; pe."I 1 Roti Cal I doter5 Ayes. Commissioner Marof sky abstained, VOTE MOTION CARRIED, MOT10N carried,,, Rol. I 'a] 11 Vote on Main Motion. 5 Ayes Commissioner MarofskY VOTE - MOT I ON CARTED abstained. MOTION carried. Chas rina n Pl-ufka introduced the request of Lundgren Brolll-hers LUNDISR EN BROS. Construction, Inc.., for a Sketch Plan for the Leuer, Property CONSTRUCTION 09921) located, ,north of County Road 24 between Brockton, Lane and Xantbus Lane. Dillerud gave an overview ot 4une 118t 989staffaff, S Report. Chairman Plufka introduced Mr. Terry Forboy*d' of .undqreii Brothers, representing the petitioner,, Mr. Forbord stated that the entrance to the development is the 14 Zf I I J-PU U f U 1;: V, wt1Jkeyissue. He described t e plan for the de ellopment 11 fth includes 'open space for recreation,, wetlandarea and the p dinon g. Rich Sather,, the Engibeeri ng, Consul itanto fir the developer.,, stated, I the developer's desire, to have an access onto County Road Z4 from the development* Ne discussed the advantages and disadvantages of access on. Brockton Lane and Xanthus Lane.,. Re discussed the plans of the City of Medina. Mr. Sather stated that the City of Medina wanted-inptions forW access onto, Brockton. Lane, because, they did not have a plan fortn, Brockton Lane at the present time. Brockton Lane e1vides the City of Medina and the City of Plymouth. Mr. S,er stater that the developer would go- along with the Brockton Lane access if the proposed access from, County Road 24 Was denied. Chairman, Pluf1ka opened the Public Hearin, Chairman P11, uf ka introduced Mr. Mary Black of 18610 34th Aventle Korth Mr. 81 ack stated that he thought the design of the deyelopoent was but he was concerned about the increasein, trafficgood. . and the safety factor if 34t1 street was es, tend(of ti,.,= (ounty Road 101, or west to the City limits, He szated fie clffl w..t W(tat 34th Street, extended. Planning Comirission Minutes Juno14, 1589 Pa F.r. g, 163 Chairman Plufka introduced Mr.,Puss waters of I8600 14th Avenue North. Mr, Waters reported that he 1 i ved in Amlbe' r Woods He sai d he- did/oft wan o seg 34th Street as major access point to the de i' el V mens Plufka introduced Mary Weinzierl,of I8820 County 'Roadhamar. c l;s WeInzierl said she was concerned about the safety of the ex, It proposed onto County Road 24 Ric Sather, in responding the sI atements fro)p, the public 4. stated that 34th Street is shown as a '1nor collector ort the Plymouth City Thoroughfare Plan,, He reported that County ,.Coad 24 has a very flat grade in the area the developer is reque.sting,as an, access, and would be safe. Chairman Plufka closed the Public Hear' n9 Vp4+d 1 V lzs were smallLe7.TF#li1l i. VIi1,/: L 3 3 a . stated :.Sia the r compared w1th -°1A standards. MOTION by Commissioner ,Marofsky, seconded by Chairman-Plufka to MOTION TO APPROVE recommend approval of the Sketch Plan for "The Leuer Property" subject to the, conditions listed 7n the Staff Report of dune 8, I989omitting Condition #4, and addingto Condit on #5 the word--` "including density". MOTION to Amend by Cor mi ssi ones Stul berg to add Condition #4 MOTION TO AMEND back :i tato to condi. ti oris listed. Motion faded for lack of a second. MOTION. FAILED DUE TO LACK OF A SECOND MOTION by Chairman Plufka, -seconded by Coiimis iener Marofsky to MOTION TO AMEND add a new condition stating that 32nd Avenue be extended to the. City of Medina border. olI Call Vote, 5 Ayes, Comm ihssiorter 'Stnlberg Nay. MOTION VOTE - MOTION CARRIED carried. E MOTION by Commissioner Zylla to add a condition stating that MOTION TO AMEND the 1of size be within - perce rat of the RI -A requirements Motion f-ailed:;for lack of ,a sezond, MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND Coll Call dote on Main Motion once ame ided. S Ayes, VOTE MAIN MOTION Commissioner Marofsky, Nay, MOTION carried. CARRIED Chairman ;Plufka introduced the request of Trammel Crow Company TRAMMEL CROW COMPANY for a Preliminary Plat, Final Plat., Zoning 'Variance and Amended 8902 3), Pla inlna -commission M1 n tes ' dune 14, 1989 Page 165 John Griffith stated that there were no exact plans for the type o building to be ,put on the site, Chairman Plufka introduced MrA Randy Harju of 131,06th Avenue North. Mr. 14ariv stated that prospective home buyers for his property were concerned about what was being I done with the plat.. He asked where the Access t 3 the plat would and height restrictions or a new bui ding. Coordinator Dillerud stated: that.a building on this site could be no taller than 45 feets He reported that the access will be from Gth Avenue, and this has been.. predetermined= Chas man Pl of a i ntrodoced Mr. ; Roger Anderson of 710 Sycamore Lane. Mr. Anderson stated that the existing building on the north site isugly', and does not want to see another building yfe{ ee 3y Cha rman Plufka closed she Publle Nearing Char rman Pl ufka asked Mr • Griffith what type of building would be constructed, and what is the reason for the 10 foot variance. Mr.fith stated that no plans had been made for the type of building to be placed on the site, and therefore the variance 15 not tied; to a specific plan. Commissioner Zylla inquired as to how much more tiew bui l ding waspossible on the south site with the movement of the property line: Mr.,, Griffith said he did not know, MOTION by Comiss%oner Marof ky, seconde-d by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Tierney to, re omrendapproval. of the Flnal Plat and Preliminary Plat : adding a condition stating that property owners present at the meeting. ;be, notified when a Site Plan is requested for the southerly portion of the plat. lol) Call Vote, Ayes. MOTION carried. MOTION CARRIED MOTION by Commissioner t arof ky, ' seconded by Commissioner MOTION, TO, APPROVE Tierney to recommend approval the Resolutions for an, Amended bite Planand Setting Condition Prior to Fi 11 ng of the Final Dlat as listed in the dune 6, 1989 Staff Report. MOTION by Commissioner Zylla, seconded by Chairman Plufka to MOTION TO AMEND delete Candid on 410 from the Amended Site Plan approving the request for a, variance. Roll Call Voote. J Ayes,, MOTT-ON, carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED i Roll COI Vote' on. Main Mot ion., Ayes. 1x -O carred. 1A11°MOTICH CARRIED A C minute recess was called at 9-40 p'.M. The meeting reconvened at 9-.50 P.M. with ommiss oner Stulberg eturning to the table.; returning, C hairvan. Rl ufk I produced the regue cif ,l r tad C of 1Nar1 eS for 11AR TAB COMPANIES a Land Use Guide Plan Amendment for Lake Camelot- estates, 89030)- 89a ) locatedlocatedwest of 1-494,,ncrth and south of County Road 47* Coordinator Billerud gave an overview of the ,dune 91 1989,Staff Report. Chairman of a introduced Mr., Ken Briggs who represented the petitioner, Pyr{ Briggs reported that he tools exception to the assessment charges proposed in the Engineer's Memo because the devOoper wants to 'develop at a lower density. He stated he felt the lower density would be'a better transition for the townhomes. ommissioner Zylla questioned whether the developer really wanted to 90 to LA -1, rather than LA -2. Mr. Briggs responded, that LA -2 was really wh-atL the developers wanted. Chairman Pl u f lea introduced Mr. Doug Aahtel i , of 6068 Annapolis Lane.- Mrw Achtelik stated that he was happy with the petitioners request 'bo down guide the development to LA- Chalrman Pluf a introduced Mr, Crutchfield of 607/ 0 Annapolis Lane Mr• Crutchfl eld stated that when he bought him hope he was told than the remdnng area would be single family homes, He dust out' that the current guiding 1 s L.A-8 .. He supported thefound don ui. i n9 Chairman Plufa introduced Ms. Linda Knapp of 6035 Yucca Lane.. Ms. Knapp stated that she supported the down guiding of the property, chairman Rluf a introduced Mr. Tom Skiba of 13905 -60th Avenue North. I Mr. S iba stated that he supported the down guiding and would like to see it go ,to single family homes. Char' anon 'Plufka closed the public Nearing. Mr. -Gordon was Concerned about whether the house on the new lot would be a double, or sIngle family home.. Chatrrriarl, Pl afka stated that the lot wou j d only be large n0Ugh for a single family home'. Chairman Pl ufka, el used the Public Hearing. M T by Commissioner yl .a d by Cords loner Marofsky MOTION TO APPS to recommend approval ` the Preliminary Plat for the Bremer Addition subject to the conditions listed in the June 6, 1989. Staff Report and netI ng the items, regarding assessments in the Engineer's Memo., Roll Call Vote. 6 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE- MOTION CARRIED LOTION by Commilsslnner Marof ky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO ,APPROVE talberg to recommend approval of Be ping t0 R and the Resolutl et ng Condi ti ons to be Met Pri or to Pu biioation of Ordinance Rezoning Land for the Bremer Addie bn subject to the conditions listed in the dune 6,;158` Staff Report. Rall Call Vote. 6 'Ayes MOTION carried. VOTE _ MOTION, CARRIED r an P gfka introduced t 1herequestRudolphMarteb.a¢RdD; MARTT/OCMT O' ' PHChal Domino s Pizza for a Conditional Use Permit for a Class I1: PIZZA (8902) Restaurant to be located in the Vicksburg Plaza retail facility., Coordinator Dillert d gave an overview of the dune 6, 1989 Stiff Repor4 Chairman Plufka introduced Rudy Marti, the petitioner. Mr. Marti requested that Jeanie Marti's ; name be added to the Resolution, as the franchise , r s in firer name . He stated that there would be a maximum of 20 delivery vehleles during the heaviest business period. Commissioner Zylla asked bow many people would be in the store at one time. Mr. Marti responded, 5.to 10. Charrman Plufka opened the Public Hearing. Chairman Pl of ka introduced ri. fl leen Anderson oT K55 est en Lane. erbacksMs. Ander on stated.halthe s:hopp1 ng center,, {s in her b i} y ad and felt 1 J Mof Vyof Pizza Y}M. depreciate her property. She also 'reported that she did not ke p l zza lH Chairman Rlufka introduced Gerry Cochran of 1051 Weston Lane Chairman lufka closed the Public Nearing, Commissioner Tierney asked Is a .traffic study. had been done Coordinator D 11erud stated that a traffic study is not required for ,a Conditional Use Permit, and one was not done. Commissioner Piece asked if a traffic,study was done for the swopping center. Coordinator. G 1 lerud stated that a traffic study ' was not. required for the Site Plan for the stiopping center, and one was not done. MOTION, by Commissioner Stulberg, seconded by Co tmissionerk IMCTICN TO DENY Tierney te, recommend denial of the request for a Conditional` Use Permit for a Class lI restaurant at Vicksburg Plaza stating that It does not, meet, all the x0itional Use Permit criteria and the business would create a traffic problem- in the area. MOTION by Chairman Plufka stating that the request specifically MOTION TC AMEND does not Beet CriCera #2,,, 31 41 and S for a Conditional Use Pemi't Roll Call " Mote on Mots ors to Amend. 4 Ayes, Commi ss i overs yl,1 a VOTE MOT IUR CARRIED and Stulberg Nay6 MOTION carried. Roll Call Vote on Main Motion. Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED Charman Plufka called a short ,recess at IU,JC P.M. Cbai man t l (j.fka recon rened be ? eet ng at I S P.M. Vnx Coordinator, Dillerud responded that only decks under similar circumstances _ wourld be applicable,, Ci'IG1 'by' Comm ssiorer Stu ber sauna y Commis on r Zylla OT-TOR RO,'flcv to recoWtoend approval of, the Amended RPUD Conditional Use Permit and Plan for adeck encroaching ' nnto side setbacks a 4,820 Valleye { 'qe .aneubje t CCn4itions lisped in the Staff Report 011Juno b 198 . Roll Call Vote. .6 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE MOT 10 N CARRIED Chairman Pl ufka introduced the request of School District #281. SCHOOL DISTRICT #281 for a Site Plan and, Conditional Use ;Permit for Plymouth Middle 89035} School located at 10011 36th Avenue North. y irman Plufk,a waived tbo overview of the dine 8, 1,989 Staff Deport.. Cha rrm an Pl of a opened the,Pub it Hearing. `here xias no one j1reseI1 1.«..Lf speak S 1 the petition., Chairman PIufa closed the Public Hearing. MOTION by Comm ssl ones Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE T1 erney to, recommend approval of the S *fie Plan and Conditional Use Permit subject to the conditions. listed in the Staff Report June 1989. of r Roll Call Vote, 6 Ayes,. MOTION carried. VDT - OTIC CARRIED ommi sia eIrs Marofsky and Tierney both voiced their L