HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 06-07-1989CITY OF PLYMOUTH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE t 1489 T he Special Study Session of the Plymouth P1 anning Commission, was called to order by; Chairman Plufka at 6:45 MEt?` PRESENT. Chairman Richard Plufka., Commissioners John Wire, Nal Pierce, Michael Stulberg and Joy Tierney, MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Larry Marofsky and Dennis Zylla. STAFF PRUENT. Community Development Director Blair Tremere, Community Development Coordinator Chuck Dillerud and Associate Planer Al Cottingham. Chairman -01%,A-fka announced that the first order of business Raoul d be the continued consideration of the question of whether Land Use Guide Plea Area 35 at the northwest corner t of 1-494 and Countxy Road 9 was to be included within -the areas that would be the subject of a later Public Hearing reclassification. Tfie Planting Commission at their meeting of May 31., 1989 had determined that the materials submitted by petitioner regarding Area 35 had not been received, by each Cojnm 15sioner Those Commissioners that had not received' that information concerning Area. 35, desired to have an additional week to review the materials before deciding whether they would desire to include Area 35 within the future Public Hearing concerning reclassification. MOTION by Commissioner Stulberg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Tierney for the Planning Commi s i on to direct Staff to include Area 35 in the group of parcels that will be considered at a later Public Hearing, for reclassification With respect to the Land Use Guide Plan, Commission Stulberg observed that the Commission would have a Public Hearing on this "matter if it were presented in a primate petition by the developer, and that the Commission is familiar with the developer and the d'eveloper's past history of excellent products. Chairman Plufka indicated that the previous proposal for this parcel by the Vantage Company was looked at favorably by the Planning Commission. He notk2d that resolution of traffic problems on County Road 9 continue to be a key concern with regard to this parcel. VOTE, 5 Ayes. MOTION carried, VOTE _ MOTION CARRIED_ Planning Commission Minutes Jane 7 1989 Pago 158 Director Tremere reviewed with the Planning Commission the otential schedule for transmitting of the Land r Use u i de Pian .dap; Land Use Guide Plan Text; end Coals, Ob Jectives and Cr er,a to the C ,ty Counc' MCTIO by Chai rman Plrifka, seconded by Commissioner Stulberg MOTION TO APPROVE, to direct staff to prepare the materials for transmittal to the City Council together with. .a transmittal memorandum from the Planning Cormrssorr_ lbe. transmittal to the City Council should include ,t 'east the following:1) amendments to the Land Use u de Pian. Map responsive to actions taken May 311, 1989 and any additional action that may be taken at th's ateet nu the Coals, Qb ec Ives, and Criteria, ) the Land Use Guide Plan Text; 4 notification to the City Council that additional properties will continue to be cons1tiered for reclassification teased on requests by propert, owners submitted at the Public Hearing of May 10, 1989; s5to inform' the City Council that extra study will be undertaken in the future on al I ands outsidethe Metropolitan Urban Service Area the Zoning Ordinance > Text* ext; andthe other elements of the Compre rens ve Plan. VOTE. h Aye.. W)'i ION carried. VOTE MOTIOWCARRIED Chairmanman PIufka toren asked the Commission if any CotrMI!sSiorrer had additional actions they desired with respect o the Land lose Guide Plan Map that the Commission was directing staff to now transmit to the City Council . MOTION by Camara ssioner Wiree to expand Area 9 from 5 acres to MOTION TO APPROVE 10 acres with the Gond tion that it he reduced again to D acres in the suture if the market will not support retail establishments sufficient in size to justify the entire 1 acre site. MOTION dies for lack of a second. MOTION DIED 'FOR LACK OF A SECOND Chairman Plu.fka stated that it was his opinion that with respect to Area g, it would be rip to a developer to show the Commission a need ;to increase the size of the site from acres to I O aures , Director Tremere them reviewed with the Planning CommI s s i on the amendments to the goals, ObJectives -nd Criteria that had been blade ill response to editorial observation that the various Commissioners had made on May, 31, 1089. Chairman Plufka stated that there were now two versions of a SEMlssron Statement" existing for the City of Plymouth. The first version was the one with which the Planning Commission was deal i rig contained W11 th the Goal's, Objectives and Criteria» The second version of the Mission Statement Its published in a recent City publication by , the City Planning Commisslon Minutes , Jane 71 1989 Page 1,59, own i, cat Tons Coordinator.There were differences in the two ver"ion *te suggested that the .Planning Commission may wish to consider adoption of the version developed by, the Communicetions, Coordinator for now, and update It for 1990 fron. the perspective of the Planning Commission. He also indicated that its advisable to have a professional writer involved in the actual formulation of the Mission Statement,, T Com issTorer Tierney, seconded Chairman pl af a MOTTO; `APPROVE to retain the i sl on' tateie7= that s contained 'n the present version of the Gook, Objectives and Criteria sobject,to the followlflq actions $, 1) clarification by staff of the first sentence, 2).date the population i i l 'e contained;' in the MissionStatement- 3) decided whither the term "efficient staff philosophy" should be capitalized or W 4), change the word "obdectives" contained in the 3rd paragraph to` Dols f paragraph ) chane the wording o to read "affordable quality housing",, b) add the word "and" between the words education and leisure, in paragraph Vi modify# p -agraph V to end the first sentence after the word 1 " n nave the anal sentence read "These willagencsand Ut1l14. a aHable municipal buildings and rec,-at era' face 1 it i es ) add the goal "fiscal resources" consistent with the Mission Statement contained in the Plymouth Community flandboulk. i jTL,: Ayes.O I(N carried, VOTE. MOTION VOTE"°MOTIONCARRIEDRRhD :. Fi .IF ATT r - rH GOALS OBJECTIIIES ANTONS ARIA MOTION by Commissioner Tierney, seconded by Chairman Plufka ICN TO APPROVE o make the" following modifications to the text: of the Coals, Cb ect ves and Criteria: 1 add the word 'cult sral" after the word. "educational" and insert the proper commas within the Goal. E. Ubjective I wherever that statement appears wth n the document; 2 prepare and insert cite a for Coal A, Objective 4; ) change Coal $.« Objective I to read "Determine and strive for a balance of commerce and industry that i s appropr7 ate with retard to population."; 4) wi th regard to Goal C. Objective Crtera 2 Ghl the word "swamps' to the word "wetlands". VOTE. Ayes r ',MOTION-carried{ CT OT OI CARRIED LAND USE GUIDE PLAN-][W. Core-,dinator D l lend noted that Commissioner Hyl l a had telephoned to suggest a, change in the descrpton of Idens'tyll w'th respect to LA-2 to make that description more Chairman "P ufa ad4ou r ed the meeting at 10.30 P *M P ar ni g ommission'Minutes June 7, 1989 page 160 sections to read consistent with the LA -2, section, and in A- LA -3, and LA -4 sections to add the . word ely" for, the density numbersappearing t i ce in thei descr pti-ort, and to add the word "range' of der the word x density, %n the LA -1, LA-2,'LA-3, and LA -4 ddescriptioosi 0 ' . Ayes. "MOTION carried. VOA QTION CARRIED o, ) g over ` er ey 1 rid 1 t uniform, r thir, the Commercial Districts throughout the Director Tremere sug' ested to the Commission that the prescriptiveness" was questionably<for a Guide, Plan at this stake of the City,1s, development and could create some. diffr.t ty in dev n rg,the pole of offic'a controls such s zoning, which is prescri ve He recommended that the commer i a`1 class cats ort descri pt i ons be cleared of language that tended to be—use spec If IC. I MOTION by Chaintian, Piufka, secorid;Qd #by, ommissioner. tulber MOTION TO APPROVE R to direct staff` to edit the {..; ,.mriptions c-,tai.ned ' ithin the Land .Use Guide Plan Text with, respect W the commercial dstr'ct to eliminate unnecessary prescr, veness resent from the listing of specific uses, f OTE i At2P DVOTEAntes . MOTION carried, C} 10 by Chair man Phu ka,. seClondeo b Commissio-e- t ober APPP("x to establ,i sh duet 26, 1989 as the date of the Public Hearing for those areas that have been designated by motion .by the Planning Commiss1on to be the subject ` of a hearing reclassification, as a part of the current Land Use Guide Plan update program, VOTE, AyeF4. MOTION carried. VOA' - MOTION CARRIED As a point of clarification, it was the consensus of the Planning Commissioners that with respect to Areas 31 and 391 all lands east of the existing Metropolitan Urban service Area line proposed, tQ be Dui ded LA -1, and all' areas west of the Metropolitan Elrban. ,service Area lith, are proposed to be guided LAP. Chairman "P ufa ad4ou r ed the meeting at 10.30 P *M