HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 05-17-1989CITYOF PLYMOUTH, PLANNING CO '1 1 Mf r MAY 17t 1989 The Regular Meeting of the Pluto nu r Piannin Commission was Called to order at 7,30 F 14 sky Vi Chairman Michael MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Michael Stulberg, overs Dennis Zyl la Larry Marofsky Hal P1erce and Joy Tierneyk MW B R AB ET: thairmarn Richard Plufka, and Commissioner Born Wire.' TAF PR SENT Communlilty Development Coordinator Charles Di l 1 eruct, Public Works Director `red Moore, Assistant i;ng neer john -we and Plannilag Secretary Jackie Watson. MINUTES MOTION by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commi ss' over MOTION TO APPROVE Pierce to approve the Apr i 1 26, 1989 mi notes oi« :k Ayes. .6t J'il17kA''ssii!!6*.:.i T* ney ir4N Zi Y[• - RJ. VOTE,- 4ki.1[ CARRIED Vice, ChaIrman St r berg introduced the petition of Ryan RYAN CONSTRUCTION CDMPA lY Construction Company for a Staged Growth, Arnendment and 89014) ; and Use Guide Paan Amendment, , and Planned,Unit Devon opment Concept Pian, for Rockford Road Plaza located at the northeast quadrant of 1-494 and County Road 9.. Commissioner Marofsky excused himself from the discussion of this item and stepped down. Coordinator Dilleruct presented a summary .f the May 11, 198.9 Staff Report. 4 Commissioner Zyl a asked if the applicant's traffic study kcommentshad .been analyzed. Coordinator Dlllerud stated the applicant's traffic sturdy comments were be' . looked at by the City's traffIc consultantsStrgar-Roscoe-Fauschi. Conrrrr ssr r"r` y11a stated thaI he was concerned about the traffic stack r n to. the 4, i to from t he west on County Road 9. Commissioner Zylla asked why the developer was requesting a Planned dnIt Development for the site i- lann rig Commission Minutes may, 7, 1989 Page 124 I t Coordinator Oillerud responded that some City staff had encouraged the POOH plan, that the City had more control over. r j e ° sthedevelopmentasaPUDEandothersiiilarproj I C LS[i,Yeloped t i gCc 18, ani'i F `-, i'ifit t 5 vv"e, e, dome as Ds Commissioner Zylla asked if the developer had been assessed for trunk sanitary sewer extensions. Di rector Moore said that the developer had not been assessed would be and is responsible for the utilities; within the development. He stated the utilities ri,nly 90 currently to West Medicine Lake Road, Vice Chairman Stulberg introduced Mr. B1 11 McHale representing the petitioner., Mr. McHale stated that the developer world like to have the Public, flearing extended to May 24, Ig$O so that they would have more time to respond to the Staff Report, Mr. McRale responded to the question of why the developer decided to develop the site as a POD. He stated that thes was done because of some City staff encouragementol, He said that the deue oper #aS as1.I rig der Oh guiding , because CN guiding offered a variety of uses.. Mr. McHale stated that the guiding on the additional 10 aerescould possibly be from LA -3 to CS but that there was confusion because of the Land Use u de Plan changes being proposed-. Commissioner Pierce asked if there teas a flap for the area, Coordinator O lleruct responded that there was no topographic map.. ; Obal rman tulberg introduced 'Mr. day Sather of 1774Vice/ I agnol l a La i r. Sather,,stated that hethought the development by cyan Construction Company would increase tl e value of the land in the area, he said he hoped an aesthetic barrier for the area of Swan Lake and the regional Park would be installed, Coo-rdi nator Di l ler Mrd stated that there may be some features of the site that could. be preserved and serve a aesthetic trans ; or? Vice Chairman Stulberg closed the Public Reaming. MOS ION by Commissioner Pierce, seconded by Gomniissioner MOTION TO CONTINUE Ttt Tierney to continue the Public hearing until May 24t 1989* PUBLIC HEAPING UNTIL MAX 4, 1989 bol l.Cal I Vote. Ayes r MOTION carried, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Planning Commission 1inut.es May 171 1989 Page 127 Commissioner y I I a recommended that copy 0, ecio 905-07 -,905.09 of the City Code be seat to the City Council along with the Staff Report on the above i tem{ Vice Chairman Stulher0 introduced the request of Independent INDEPEUENT SCHOOL DISTRICT School, District 284 for a Site Plan and Conditional Use 284 $S T 141-LLS SCHOOL Permit for an addition to the Sunset Hills lenient r! ADDITION (89020) cho Vice; Chairman tulberg waived the reading of the May 11, 1989 Staff Report. Vice Chairman Stulberg introduced Mr. Stan Ti an who represented the petitioner. Mr. `i anen stated that hi concerns were the sane on this, petition as they were for the previous, petition regarding the fire large and financial guarantee. Mr.jkkanen also asked if it was necessary to provide a copy of the Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title as stated in Item #II of the Engineer's Memo Assistant Engineer John Sweeney said that the Owner's Duplicate Certificate .of Titre would not he required. 1 Vice Chairman Stulberg opened the Public hearing. vice Chairman Stulherg closed the Public Hearing., MOTION, by Commissioner Pierce, seconded. by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Marofsky to recommend, approval of the petition subject to the conditions listed in the Staff Report of May IIt 1.989: Roll Call Vote, 5 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Vice Ci inrra Stu berg introduced the request of united UNITED PROPER-TIES Properties Development Company for a Conditional" Use Permit DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (890212) for Carhone's Italian Restaurant at Parkers ;Lake Towne Centre located ?it he southeast corner of Vicksburg bane acrd nil° Avenue Ncxth, Vice Chairman Stulherg waived the reading of the May IZ, 1989 Staff Re ort z i Vire Cha i iiiian Stulherg introduced Mr Wan Caney representing the petitioner. Mr., Cary stated ' that he was i n, agreement with the Staff Report h-ut that the petitioner also Fantod t have some outdoor dining available which involved placing 3-4 umbrella sables on the patio area. F` Vice W ! r}Xa{i SVlbl. M+Z.iMF L f1.5i r ConditionalN{yiontt al Us1/e PermitCh could he issued in the naive of Carbone's Italian Restaurant.. I Vice Chairman, Stul:bergintroduced Mr. Craig; Sauer who Minutes ay 171,. 1989 P49e 130 Mr. Sauer stated that be thought th4s area of the s4to was granAfa tiered in.. Co mms 0ner are s y stated a the t mi ion could add a conditioa to the esefi tion if they, desire to require curbing be aled. MOS' by ommissiovier y l , seconded by Commi sio er MOTION, Ta APPROVE are y to, recommend a rova o he e. Monon ec . to he conditions: listed in the Staff Re ort dated May 111, MOTION by Commissioner yl a seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierce o Amend the Site Pian .and add a condition requiring that B612 or curbstone be installed on the easterlygide of site. Rol I, Call Vote- 5 Ayes MOTION carried. VOTE -ATION CARRIED RolI Call Vote on MAIN MOTION as once amended.' Ayes, VOTE MAIN MOTION AS ON MOTION earned. AMENDED CARRIED The uteeting, adjourned a 9 _. 30, P .M4 k r`