HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 04-26-1989Roll Call Vote., 6 Ayes. MOT1,0101 carried,, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED 4r,, Frank stated that the design of the parking stalls greets or exceeds that of IQ feet required in the Ordinance. Choi an l e a opened the :Pub 1 arr where` ' present to. speak on thr• 'ssue. Chairman Plufka closed the Public Rearing. MQTI.i y Commissioner Maro s y", seconded by Commissioner OTIO Tib QE Y W i re to re cotmmend denial of the petition 'because of the nadequate ac litres for guest parking. Comm-, ss I oner, W1 re asked ghat the requirement was for guest arkit1 Y. Commissioner Marofsky stated that he felt there was not enough guest parking. Vere are only 1 1/ stalls per unit and. 41/2 stall As for guests, There is no handicapped outsde parking . e also staffed that 6 f et from the gara e to the curb is inadequate,, He said that there possibly could be 100 units w7t'h children living _in they, and there was not adequate play area. Commissioner Wire , asked- if there would be a recreation area dor children butMr. Frank responded that there were open spaces no paths. Some amens _.ql he added a a 1ater t i4 e Chairman 'Plufka asked if the development could be designed i th rraore parking spaces ,. Mr. Frank stated that this, was possible but that this would. include increasing the hard surface of the development. Re stated that in most cases tire. parking stall length 15,18 1/2 feet which exceeds the, Ordinance requirements. Roll Call Vate. I Aye, Commissioners Wiry Pierce, Zyl ray VOTE -- MOTION FAILED Stul berg and Chairman P r ufka Ray. MOTION failed, MOTION: by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commission StOberg MOTION TO APPROVE to recorrrcrrend approval of the petition subject to the conditionsfisted 1rr the S`tF eport o Apr 17, 199 MOTION by Commissioner Wire seconded by CommI s sl%, er i,-h'IQN TO AMEND Stulberg to add Condition X10 to the Approving Site Platt and Conditional Use Permit Resolution statirrrg that all vis'totr parking be constructed t0 meet Ordinance standards. @@ doll Call Vote. 6 Ayes, MOTION carried. 1 VOTE MOTION CARRIED MOTION by Commisslor er Wire, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND tulberg to add Condition #11' to require a path from the i s or far~icing ion t r lar l on Terrace ..ane to the visitor parking lot on Trenton Lane.. Roll Call Vote., 6 Ayes. MOT1,0101 carried,, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED HOTIOR by Commissioner Zylla, secondeded by Cow,:iis,sioner MOTION TO AMEND Maro s y,that tlNe developer design a suitable tot lot on the t Ayes, Commissioner Stulb rg Nay. MOTION, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED carried. Roll Call Vote to approve the Main Motion as amended. 5 VOTE 'MAIN, MOTION A Ages,. Cout rrssi Fner Mir'ofsky Nay. MOTION carried. AMENDED - MOTION CARRIED Cha i, r Iran P I u f t introduced the request of John Gul l io son JOHN, GULLICKSON. SEVEN for Rezoning and a Rrellminary flat for Seven Ponds North PO DS NERVI {8x132) located at the southwest corner of Dunkirk Lane and Count' Coordinator DIllerud presented the April 17, 1989 Staff Report. Chai rman Rlufka introduced Mr. Cary Gabriel, a surveyor, representing the petitioner. Mr,. Gabriel stated that he was in agreement with the Staff Report. Chairman Plufka opened the public Hearing" Chairman pluf a introduced Mr. Karl Reuter of 3320 fountai 11 Lane. Mrs Reuter asked if the land for the development had been purchased, and what the price range of the homes would be lln the development if a0proved. Mr.. Gabriel stated that the property had not been purchased end could not respond as Co the price range of the homes. Mr°, Reuter also asked if the zoning, 11f changed to R-lA, could be changed again.. Chairlrr nplu ka stated that a change in ownership of the land could result A n a change- i it the guiding rif requested by the new owner. f Corr mI ssioner Zylla stated, that the common driveway between Lots I and a may be an,unreasonable -11riii t at Ion. Commissioner Marofs y Mated that a portion of this land is under- study revi,ew for regui d i ng by the Planning Commission. Mill', by Commissioner Ma ofs y,, seconded by Commissioner Stulberg to Table the until the regulding has been NOTION TO TABLE i ipetition eompe'ed Planning C .::lission Minutes April 6, 1989 Page 9 Roll Call Vote. 2 Ayes, Commissioners Wire, Pierce, zylla VOTE w MOTION FAILED and Chairman Pluaka Nay. MOTION failed 40TIOR by Commissionev /ylla, seconded by Commissioner Wire MOTION T4 APPROVE to recommend- approval of the petition subject to the conditions listed i n the Staff ;Report of April 17, 1989. MOTION by Commissioner Zylla, seconded by Commnissioner 'Hire MOTION TO AMEND to amend the Main MLotlon stating that there will not be a shard driveway between Lots 7 and 8. RallCall Vote. - Ayes:, Commissioners Pierce, Marofsky and VOTE -'MOTION FAILED Stulberg Pay, MOTION Failed* Roll Call Vote on Main Motion. 4 Ayes, Commissioner: VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Marofsky and Stulberg Nay. MOTION carried. Chairman P1 ufka introduced the request of Lundgren Brothers LUNDGREN BROTHER Co kstruction Company for a Preliminary Plat and Variances CONSTRUCTION: (89005) for ` property located at the north end of Mooney Lake and west of the end of 25th Avenue North. Coordinator Dillerud presented. the April 17, 1989, Staff Report, Chairman Plufka introduced Mr. Peter Pflaum representing the i petitioner. Mr. Pflaum stated that the extended cu] -de -sacsac en Brockton Lane was designed so that the Reiser's would have the area needed to give two lots to their children., Mr. Pflaum also stated that the dredging being requested will' be minimal and preserve the wetland area. Mr. Pflaum stated that the petitioner wanted to build a residence on Lot 20 as it is the best lot on the property, fie said that the developer sh)uld be reimbursed for the property if it was: required for park land. Mr. Pflaum introduced Mr. Mike Pflaum, also representing the petitioner. Mike Pflaum; related the petitioner's desire to maintain the wildlife habitat of -the area; the dredging plans; and the Plan to take the area more attractive. Commissioner Marofsky asked who would be responsible for the maintenance of the drainage pend on Lot 2 Peter Pflaum responded that the Homeowner's Association would be responsible. 77" Dr. Ni-coloff also stated that fie did not think Lots, 4 and e Y =i te. .. 4i:+e i`4 Planning Comitission Minutes April 26, 1989 Page 9£3 Commissioner Marofsky stated that the home located in Medina shared the Reiser driveway. Mr. Santer stated thee. Lundgren''s was working with the ; property owner and would build a new driveway. Commissioner Pierce masked if the City reviewed the Homeowner's Assoclat'on covenants Cooa diiator DIl lerud stated that this is done at the Final Plat, stage. The document will then be reviewed by the City Attorney. MOTION by romnaissionerZyl'l'a, seconded by Chairm m Plufka to MOTION TO APPROVE recoma+end f=r approval the requested Preliminary Plat and VariarIces Subject to the following crnditions- a Dedic itiun of Outlots A 81 C E and Lot 20; 2) Forbid at1V dred g°, g,- 32) Make Lot 20 passive recreation aria; and 4} Add condi rli.ons to the covenants to preclude tho i,ke access on Out l or,X E. MOTIOI by Commissioner Marktfsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AW --ND Pierce to delete all amendments/modifications to the staff recommended resolution contained in the Main Motion Roll Gall mote. 4 Ayes, Commissioners Zylla and Stulberg VOTE _ MOTION CARRIED Nay. MOTION carried. MOTILIN by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierre to remove Conditioli 8. a. and add a condition to read The structure front setback at Lot 6, Lot 7, and Lot 8, Block 4 shall be sufficient to. make lot width at the front setback line 31.0 feet. Roll' Call' Vote. 6 Ayes. MOTION carried} VOTE .. MOTION CARRIED MOTION by Ciommiss over Wire, seconded. by Commissioner Pierce ' MOTION TO AMEND to .have ,ars independent soil boring test done for the lake bottom seal. Public. Works Directoror Moore stated that this would be done as paa t of the EAI`, Commissioner Wire withdrew; his motion. MOTION TO AMEND WITHDRAWR MOTION by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierce to add a Condition stating that there be no excavation in the lagoon area. Roll` Call; Vote. 3 Ayes, Commissioners Pierce, Stulberg and VOTE - MOTION FAILED Chairman Plufka Nay. MOTION failed-. MOTION by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierce to add a Condition stating that in the Homeowner's Planding Commission Minutes, April 19819 Page 99, Association document to be subrrrltted along with the Penal Plat that there will be no private docks allowed; and there shall be no individual private party work In the wet]and areas. "ihe protective covenants of the plat shalt 1 eve the City the right of enforcement and maintenance, RollVote. 5 Ayes Commissioner Wire Nay, MOTION VOTE - MOTION 'CARR I EDCall MOTION by Commissioner 14ire to add a Condition stating that MOTION TO AMEND, if access to the lake. from Outlot E becomes a problem, the City will, take steps to, assess the Homeowner's Association 0 e for lack of a second* OTION OI .O FOR LACK Or A SECOND LOTION by Commissioner Zy1la, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Marofsky to add a Condit on stating that riot 20 will be preserved as passive` area, as re(.m7enoed by the Director of parks and Recreationk 0l1 Call Vote' a Ayes,,,MOTION carr ed VOTE - MOTION. CARRIED MOTION by Commissioner Iarof sky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION O AMEND W1re'that Let 20 north of the south line of Lot 19 be added to Let I' Toly+l Call Vote. Ayes, Commissioner t#lberg Nay i MOTION VOTE MOTION CARRIES{ carr TTEEA ed h MOTION ',y Cwat'ssioner Wim, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND tolberg that Out -lot E be stricken from the, plat and that there will be no lake access from, Lots 4 and 5. Roll Call Vote.. 3 Ayes''Commi ssioners Plerce, Zylla and VOTE - LOTION FAILED Marofsky Nay. MOTION, tai 1 ed . MOTION by Commissioner ) seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Marofsky that Lundgren Brothers must provide an auxiliary generator for the existing sewer left station. Roll Call Vote. I Aye, Commissioners Pierce, Zy1la, VOTE MOTION FAILED Marofsky, Stul belt -g and Chap rman Pl ufka Nay. MOTION fa i 1 ed . Commissioner Wire stated that he was concerned about the health hazard problem that could be created, Roll Call Vote on MAIN MOTION. b Ayes. MOTION carry ed, VOTE MAIN LOTION MOTION CARRz O a i Chairman 'Plufka introduced thepetition by lack Swedlund for a Preliminary Platt and ReZoning located at the northwest JACK SWEDLUND/NORTHFORK, 901.6) I quadrant of County Road 9 and Vicksburg Lane. Meett I vnq adjourned at 1:10 a.m..