HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 04-12-1989K 01T Off` , ` Ul" j/q PLANNING., 10 APRIL I2, 939 Tete Regular Meeting of the Plymouth PI 1, g Comm i5io . called o order a J p, m, EMBERS PI FS T 'l rn art chard Plufka, Conmiss'oners John Wire, Denni s Hyl Joy T erney r i c and Hal Pierce (arvi vod jpa[ e}],{ flS1itulber j YI 4 Y y-. 41.i r 1 4[7iiBSllTi l±ottltt tsbner tarry,Ma! STAFF PRESENT. community Development Coordinator Chuck Dilierod, Assistant Engineer Jobn Sweeney and Planning Secretary, Jackie Watson. MOTION by Commissioner ZY11ar seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Tierney, to approve the Minutes. for March 29t,1989, as 1 ted. . VOTE* S Ayes,. MOTION carried. VOTE. - MOTION CARRIED Chaff rman Pl ufka introduced the request of Prudential PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE trtsurance Company/Northwest Business Campu- for an Amended CO- NCRTR EST ` BUSINESS Mixed Pl anned Unite Development Preliminary CAMPUS (88135) Fit Plan'Conditional Use Permit and xxd Planned Unit De final Side Plan/ ina 41lat located at the southwest quadrant of Annapolis Circle and Campus brive., Chaff amen Plufka waived the reading of the April 3, 1989 Stafr Report., Chairman Pl a ka introduced lir, Mike Sas r representing the et Won: r. Mr,, GOT stated that. this project :1s a joint venture with Ron Clary Construction and Prudential Insurance Company. Mr. air,. introduced lir. Pon Clark, Ron, Clary Construction, and 'Ira Port Pentz from Prudential Insurance Company. Planning Commission minutes April 12, 1989 Page 83 Cots missioner Stulberg stated that the pylon sign -should fare Highway 55 in order to draw additional traffic to the center. cerate 1. R -. Coordinator _ Dillerud: stated that a pylon visible from Highway 55 would not be needed if this site was truly to serve dgaLt the Northwest Businss Campus.. MOTION by Commissioner Stulberg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION, TO APPROVE Zylla to recommend approval of the resolution for an Amended Mixed Planned 'Unit Development Prel iminary Plat/Plan/Conditional Use Permit and Mixed Planned Unit evelopnent Final Site Plan/Final '`Plat subject to the 10 conditions listed and to include a Condition # 11 to allow additional uses as permitted in the B-2 district or allowed by conditional use permit in the B-2 district - with a Conditional Use Permit. Chairman PI of ka stated that B-2 usage is appropriate for neighborhood shopping centers and is not appropriate here. He said that the increased usage is more appropriately B-3. Mr. Ron Clark stated that be is not interested in having sales in the , that he had -talked togrocerycenter ,4t users that are acceptable in the 8-2 areas that are interested. He splaid that some latitude is needed because users wi l 1 change as time goes on. MOTION to amend the Main Motion by Chairman Plufka, seconded MOTION TO AMEND MAIN by Commissioner Tierney to change Condition #11 to include MOTION eases as permitted or allowed by Conditional Use PF it in the --3 area. Roll ° CallVote 4 Ages. Commissioners' Wire and Stulberg, VOTE -- MOTION CARRIED Nay., MOTION carried, Roll Call Vote on Main Motion as Once Amended. 5 Ayes. VOTE ON MAIN MOTION i - MOTION carried. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Plufka introduced 'tile Request of C. G. Rein Company C. G. REIN COMPANY for a Ladd Use Guide Plan Amendment. 89004) Coordinator Dillerrud presented a urtmary of the Staff Report of April 4, 19898 Chairman Pl ufka introduced Sherman Goldberg, representing the petitioner. Mr. Goldberg discussed the traffic study results and stated that lie did not feel the traffic would increase as much as the traffic study stated, He asked who would pay for the traffic signals that would. be .needed. 'tie Stated that ad valorem taxes' would not be used. ii i Planning Commission Minutes Apri 1 12, '1989 Page 84L Cha*rma l f a stated that the Draft Approval Rt's l -ti n stated', that the traffic s l' nal s would be the responsibility of the developer. Chairman Plufka opened the puiil ic Ne r ng Cha reran Pluf-k 4 introduced Mrs Paul odr'gue 'of 4724 Er'cks,on Drive., Mr. Rodrigue stated that his concerns were trash bins in the back" buildings such as this proposed development., tete t increased traffTIC in, the neighborhood and his des 1re to see that. ,such developments were landscaped so that they were hidden from the neighborhood. Chairman Plufka closed the Public, Hearing. Commissioner We asked 11f the 500 foot notice included the homes across Nathan Lane from, the church., Coordinator Dill -end stated that it did not. Commissioner pierce said that relocation of the frontage road would involvept.crchasing hand currently owned by Northwestern Bell. Cha rman plu ka said that his a n concern was the necessity of moving the frontage -road-, MOT ION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TQ DEFER Tierney to recommend deferral of the petition unt' l t.le first meeting after the Publ1c Tearing on the Land Use Guide P an Rol 1 Call Vote,, d Ayes, Commissioner Stulberg, and Chairman VOTE MOTION TO D HR P10 ka, Nay. MOTION carried. CARRIED Coordinator Di1lerud stated that the petition would be recalled after the Pub 11c fleari ng on,,the Comprehensive plan Ame d ients . ha ritiar Flu F a ntrodu;e the request, C3;f Carlson Real CARLSON RAE, ESTATE Estate Company for a. Conditlional Use Permit to .flow duplex COMPANY ($901.3 structure,s T11 the R 2 Zone in the Carl son Center %'st 1 Commissioner Stulberg excused himself from the discussion of his , teIII and stepped down Chal riman : j ufka waived the reading of the A r7 lu 1989 Staff Reports M f Planning Tommi s i oar Minutes April 121 1989 Page 86 Roll Cal Vvx e to Poe d Main Motion. 5 Ayes: MOTION to VOTE TO AMEND MO IM Arend Carried. CARRI ED Rc 11, Cal I Vote on Main, Mot i oo Once Amended. 5 Ayes., 'VICIT I ON VOTE MA114 MOTION Carried, MOTION CARRIED c nair ran b u Ra Int oduc d lii request F + I 11 BRE 8 7 j Enterprises, Inc, for a Conditional Use Permit for a Class INC. (89018) if restaurant in the Waterford Park Plaza Shopping Center aChaIPufk..a. waivedthe reading of the April 4 1989 ' yrmar Repo# tf Chairman PIuf a 1ntroduc d the petitioner, Daniel O'Rresky. c~. C' re -sky stated khat be felt the requirement in the Staff Report for 16 off street pArkilng spaces was high and from previous- experience felt than 1.Z parking 'spaces are sufficient at:peak hours ChalrMan Plufl a 9pened the Public Nearing. Chairman Plufka closed the Public Nearing. Therewas no one o speak on the issue, MOTION by Coi issidner Wire, seconded by Commissioner} Pierce MOTION TO APPROVE to recommend appr va of the petition for a CoMt-lonal Use Permit for a Class, Il restaurant in the Waterford Park Plaza Shopping Center subject to the seven listed condi ti[ons in the Staff Report dated April 4, 1989. Commissioner Stulberg `asked Mr. O'8resky what the hours of ol ratioa would be. Mr. O'Bres y replied that hours of operation would be 11.00 a.m. to Z.00 a.m. 7 days a week. Roll. Call. Vote b Ayes. t!OTIOSI carried, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Chaf r an P1tjfka introduced the y.-queFt of OPUS OPUS CORPORATION/TIINNANT Corporation/Tennant Corporation for MPOD Final Site CORPORATIOR (88146) Plan F*nal Plat for a 25 acre pot-vtor, of the Tennant corporate Cerner to include a bull ding for Schneider ll.S.,A. Clrai smart PI ufka a clued the r~ din of the. Apr' l , 1989 Staff Report. Chairman P l u ka introduced M.r, e*b Worthington of OPUS Corporation repr"eerrtig the petitioners, Pl ann : ng, Commission Minutes April 12, 198 Page 8 Mr. Tully gave the- X-Omm ss fon a brief oVery tew >of the company business. He also expressed how proud Schneider U.S.A. Inc. vvas of the design of the building and how happy the company was to be located in, Plymouth MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE: Tierney to recommend approval of the MPUD Final Site Plan/Final Plat for a 25 acre portion of the Tennant Corporate Center to include a building for Schneider U.S.A. subject to the 12 conditions as listed in the Staff Report of April 4, 1989. Mr. Worthington stated his concern with Condition #3' as to Building Permits not ,being issued until a Contract for sewer and water has been awarded. He stated that the developer is responsible for the sewer and water installation and therefore this is not applicable. Mr. Worthington also stated his concern with Condit -,"on w lie suggested that the City, when naming the streets in the development, should look at thetwo parallel streets that come together to form a loop and adjust the naming of the street. VOTE. 6_Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED Chairman Plufka introduced the request of 'Edward Nordling EDWARD NORDLING (89010) for a Lot Division/Variance, Coordinator Dillerud presented the March 10., 1989- Staff Report. a L Chairman Pl ufka introduced the petitioner >r . Edward Nordl i rig, I Mr. Nordling _displayed for the Pomm.i scion a drawing of the area, and proposed home which would occupy the property if the lot division was approved. Ile explained how the neighborhood had developed in the .past 20 years and his plan f to divide his lot. Chairman Plufka opened the Public Nearing Chairman Pluf a introduced Mr. Cary Eitel of 12725 11th Avenue North Mr. Eitel stated that he was a professional and worked with the Cities of .Rogers and Corcoran. fie demo strated how a lot division as Mr. Nordling was requesting could be accompli ied,