HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 03-30-1989CITY MtI PLAN -RING COMMISSION. MINUTES MARCH 29, 1989 The Regular eet i nc f the Plymouth Planning Commission was called. to order at 7* -0 MEM PRESENT- Chairman Richard luf ka, Courinissioners Michael Stulbr, Bohr re, tarry Maro sky'. Bennis Zylla and Joy Tierney. MEMBERS ABSENT, Commissioner Hal Pierce STAFF PR SENT Community Development Director, Blair Tremeret `Community Deve3 api ent C.00rd r ator Chuck Dillerud, A soclatt: Planner Al Cottingham and Planning Secretary Jackie Wa,t on MOTION by Commissioner Stulberg, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE larofsky, to approve the Minutes `dor March- 151 1989, as submitted., Chairman Plufka introduced tberequest for aFinal RPUD Site BOULDER RIDGE - FINk Plan/final Plat for Boulder Ridge. RPU : SITE PLAN/EI ` PLAT (88112) Coordinator Bi'llerud cave a short overview of the petition to the He noted that the Corps of Engineers has approved wetland encroachments per the site plan. Commissooner Marofs y questioned the location of the onument signs. Coordinator Di l l erud ` referred the Commissioners to the revised Site Play where the monuments are looted in the proper place He noted that the 'sign renderings were not acurate in showing sigh location in the median., Commissioner Maro sky asked if there would e two monument sin Planning Commission Minutes March 1989 7 rim t o rsudwould onetrihettLor [ Wit. uat each entrance. Th's condition Is also T sted evopment Contract. MOTION bOrrrlssion;er Wi reg seconded y Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE tul ber0 to recommend approval of the RPUD N, nal Pl' rr P,I t subject to the 15 coed*t*ons listed. VOTE. b Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED Director Tremere stated, that the March 28,, 1989, Memo,oil the Review of Proposed Amendmentsacrd Thei r Comparison with Regards to the AL.ocational Criteria contained staff Oolu'Rents after each area. Director Tremere stated that the; Goal s Objectives and, rater*a will be ready for the Apr hearing along with the _ .and Use ,Guide Plan. He said,he would try to have a copy for etre Commi Ss I on to revs ew at the next meeting,.. Assocl ate. Planner ` Al Ootti nghamr revi e erz of the Land Ude Guide .Plan that had been suggested by the Planning ... Ooiimti s s i on . MOTIQII by Commissioner W1 re, Seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE _ ARFA T ern eto, rerrrove the remnant of LA from Area and make the en.11re area LA2. MOTION by Comrrrissioner Marofs y, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE - ARBA tulberg to change the Development Location Criteria to O read,.- '$ g ested for all areas with appropriate transitions from major collectors or arterial s , r VOTE. 6 Ayes MOTION carded, VOTE. - MOTION CARRIED MOTION by Comilisis loner Marofs <y seconded by Comm ss ower MOTIOtI 10 ARPROJ E LAW S i,ul berg to recommend. chance of tide Laird Use 'Guide Plan text USE, GUIDE PLAN l E T l ocati onal cri tern a for LAI to read < xtower densities desired" on the In..erior and higher densities will be allowed on the periphery of walking neighborhoods," The word "required" should .be changed to. 11des 1 red.." VOTE, b Ayes,, MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION OAPRIER MOTION by Commissioner 141 re seconded by Comiusi sooner MOTION TO APPROVE .. AREA Tierney to go with the Staff recommendation on Area. #35 tc 35 change the LAR classification to Public 5eid Public for an anticipated Community play field. Commi ssi or:e- Marofsky stated that he opposed thi s idea at the present ti);) because the Commission had not yet ciscussed tine LAR arc, and that it was trot appropriate to look at this area at this time. esPlanningCom-misision Minutes Marcor 1989 Pag } Dl rector Treatere discussed the request of the,Director of Perks and Recreation that Area be guided Public Serra Public land that is privately owned. He rioted that the actual area 1s smaIIer than shown on the graphic, MOTION by Chairman Plu ka, seconded by Commissioner Maro sky MOTION TO TABLE - ARFA Irat the gurd rig o Area 35, be tabled pending future h30 discussion of LAR gulding. Roll Call Vot,,, 4 Ayes Commissioners Wire acrd "'tulberg, VOTE MOTION CARRIED Nay. MOTION carried., MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Chairman PIufka to MOTION TO APPROVE - AREA increase the size of Area 9 from. five acres to 10 acres to 5 al l ow more roomy for, a buffer. Coordinator 011ler d stated that input received from members f the CouncH also suggested, i ncreas ng the fiveDeveloper acre size stating that more area was needed so that there was room for competing businesses within a neighborhood sho€pi'{lg k4 k Rol l C611 Vote., 4 Ages, Commissioners Marofsky and VOTE _ MOTION CARRIED Sturberg,- day. MOTI014 carried. MOTION by Chairman, Plak,secondedbCommissioner yl l a MOTION TO APPROVE AREA considerrofng he area between area artAreato ANO AREA #10 as LA-12, except the, site of Fernbrooke Marcor.' Roll Cal Vote. 5 Ayes, Commissioner Stulberg, Nay. VOTE MOTION CARRIED A S Mi nute recess eras Called. MOTION by Commiss over Wire, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE - AREA Tierney toincrease the sf e of Area. #12 _om 5 acres to 10 1 acres, Roll CaII Vote. 3 Ayes, Commissioner Marofsky, S tulberg and VOTE - MOTIONFAILED Char rr ran PI u ,ka, Nay. MOTION failed. MOTION by Cormrri ssi error Tierney, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE - AREA re to amend, Area 13 to rental n guided, LA t, 13 Commissioner f4arofsky stzted that almost al I Iand meets 1 A2 criteria. LA3 has more criteria that must be met. He suggested that LA3 criteriaeria be changed, Roll Call Vote. 3 Ayes., Commissioners Marofsky, Stulberg VOTE MOTION rAILD and Chairman P l u ka, MOTION f, ai I ed p Director Tremrere staffed that good 'land use guiding does not. e oTloar property 11nes but uses the naturaltopography* Planning o i sionn Minutes. March 29# 1989 Page 77 MOTION by- Coormissioner Maros x ,; MO I O T APPROVE - AREA 2yl 1 a that Area #1 amain LA2. as now gul ded , and that the#I4 small piece of land on,,the w st to the MUSA line also b Included in the L,A2t Roll Call Vote. 5 Ayes, Commissioner Wire, flay. M01 ION, VOTE MOTION CARRI D carred. Commissioners Stu berg and W1 re both stated for fere record hat ;they vtv ed f the change to IP in Area #I5 but did not do rad El off for otber IP guiding that may beitasat Ios , given other changes x MOTION. by Chairman Plufka to leave Area #I8 as commercial MOTION TO APPROVE - AREA alt a 5 acre parcel for Cly. MOTION FAILED for Lack of a Second. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE LAIC Xaro`sky to change the defini ti-On, of LAR(Living Area Rural USE GUIDE PLAN TEXT o include "Areas not serviced, and, inside the MU A, areas DEFINITION not otherwise des 19 n ated } {{ VOTE 6 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOT-MOTION CARRIED MOT I l by, Commissioner "Mar ofs y, seconded by Comm ssion"er MOIL APPROVE Saulberg to include all the land above the Soo Line tracks AREAS #20 and #31 n the LAR classification In Areas #20 and 31. Roll Call Vote. 6 Ayes. MOTION. carried. VOTE MOTION CARRIED MOTION by Commissioner Wire to change the Land Use Guide MO*T'ION TO APPROVE - ARM classification in Area #2I to JP* 21 VIDTI N died -dor Lack of a Second. MOTION DIED FO LACK C A SECOND Cbairman Pluf a suggested that Areas #22, 26, and 28 be cons.lioered together. j MOTION by Coaniss loner Maro sky, seconded by Chairman Plu ka MOTTO TO APPROVE to make- all of Area. #22 LA2iTrcIndrng the area, south which AREAS #22 26 ARC 2 includes the western portion of area #M. Change the eastern part of .Area #26 .and Area #28 to CL, including the small portion of Area 28 west of 0e west line of Area #26 anc south, of the south line of Section 17. Roll Call `ode. Ayes, Corm fission ' Stulberg, flay. MOTION VOTE MOTION CARRIED cal r edx Planning rxmpission Minutes Marc 29 1989 Page 78 MOTION by Commiss over Tierney, s-econded by Co m's, s ioner MOTION Wi re to change Areir #27t .0 27 MOTION to Amend Main Motion by Commissioner Marofsky, MOT 1 100 TO APPROVE seconded by Chairman Plufka to increase the size of the C front 5 acres to IO acres,, Roll Call Vote. 4 Ayes, Coriidis.sioner dire and Tlern y, VOTE MOTION, TO APPROVE ay 0 f APPROV carried MOTION CARRIED Roll Call Vote on MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED. 3 Ayes, VOTE - DMOTIONFAILED omml s:Ooners Marofs. y, Stul berg and Chairman, Pluf a, Nay. MOTION, failed. MOTIQR by Cha rrian Plufka, seconded by Commissioner Stulberg MOTION TO APPROVE- AREA to reduce Area 30 fr m la acres Parcel to IO acres, 30 Rol 1 Calf Vot' : I Aye, Commissioners Ware, Zy1la, Tierney, VOTE MOTION FAILED tulberg aR Mi,rafsky , MOTION- failed, MOTION- by Commissioner Wire, Seconded by Conn ssioner MOTION- AREA #32 Tierney to increase the C parcel size of AREA 32 to IO acres Y Roll Gill Vote, 3 Ayes., Commissioners Marofs y, Stulberg VOTE - MOTION- FAILED and Chairman Pluf a, 'Nay., MOTIOR failed for Lack of a Majority. MOTION by Commi,ssioner Wire, seconded by Commi ss' oner MO t I0N- TO APPROVE -ARIA Stul berg to have Area #33 remain as Public Semi Pub l A r Y 33 Roll Call Vote,. 4, Ayes, Commisstober Marofsky and Chairman VOTE MOTION CARRIED Pluf ka, Nay,, MOTION carried. Chairman Plufka stated that tie did not feel "Public Semi Public" guiding was fair when app-lied to land that Privately owned. MOTICiI by Commis,s oner' #fate, seconded by Cam ss aver Zylla MOTI 10 APPROV BAR to Leave Area # 34 as Public Semi Public. X34 Rel ? all Vote . 2 Ayes , Commi ss overs Ti e rtley Plarof sky , VOl MOTION FAILED, Stuiberg acrd, C a' man P`Luf ,a, Nay. MOTION failed. Commissioner Zyl l a sated that there was too much L,A2 area; and he would like to,see more LAI between Areas 23 and 33 ad3 between Areas 4 and S e would also 1e to see some LAI g€id1ng east of I-4-94 MOTION- by Cons i.,sioner Stulber° second Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE AREA Wiry to reguide area in Area #4 to LAI. i E Planning couuui seen mvaes 14 arch 29,1989 Pae 79 f. i. Qir C'xm;lsei;ersa`?y, a T M. Stu1 er and C alr an Plufta, Ray. MOTION failed.. MOTION by Cemmi ss i caner Zyl l a, s copded by, Commissioner Wire OT IO VAPPROVE to change the gulding in Area #5 to LA1 O I Call vote. Ayes, Com- ssil.oners Tierney, Marofsky, VOTE MOTION, FAILED ul-berg and a man Pl ul~ka, tray. MOTION, failed. MOTION - Comm'ssaoner Z,ylla, seconded by Camods sinner Wire MOTIOU TO APPROVE to, change the guiding in Areas, # 21, 2and. 27 to LAI AREAS 214 23 AND 27 Roll Cal Je e. 4 Ayes, omad sI eners' t ane s y and QT MOTION CARRIED tulberg, Nay. MOTION carried. aIrman P1af k a apPe cited Commissioner Zyl'ja as, a liaison p the Pars and Recreation Advisory Commi ee. Discussion fel1owed on the Procedures for the Public Rearing tentatively scheduled for April 26, 1989 on § 1n the Land Use nide Plan and Coals, Objectives .., er a. Meet kd: .= o d, nom,., „ •. w .,- _ • -