HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 03-15-1989Cour rl ss l on Study Session March 15, 19$9 Page Commissioner Tierney,indIcated that ;her thoughts with regard to guiding of this general vicinity were pretty close tothe what was represented by the plan Commissioner M rots y presented. Commissioner Pierce commented that 'it was important -dor the City, of Plymouth to retain close to the sate amount of Planned Industrial ", *d* in any new Land Use Guide Plan as oisted in the previous Land Use Guide Plan, He noted however, that he d1id not feel that the location of the Planned Industrial was i n any way fixed, and therefore what o{i ml ss i oner Ra-of'sky had suggested may have merit with respect to the Punned Industrial... MOTION by Comm ssiones` Maro.fsky, seconded by Commissioner MOTION Wire that. the Commission direct Staff to analyze the, impact of reguiding the area vest and north of County Road 24, east of the MUSA lines, and south of Medina Road [.A-1 frog the existing LA -.'.except for a commercial guiding node at the northeast corner' of County Road 24 and County Roan( MOTION by Commissioner Marofsky, seconded by Cowissioner LOTION ire to adopt the balance of the plan for the area bounded by County Road 24 and Highway 55 as presented by Commissioner Marorsky, 41 by orr r ss over` H re, seconded by Coma ss' i over Zy i a AMEND to amend the foregoing Motion to extend the direction to include the possible reguidIng of ,the southeast corner of County Road 24 and Highway 55 from the existing CL to a commercial of small scale, . Roll Call dote on the MOTION to amend. Chairman Plufka, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Commissioners Wire, Pierce; and Zyl l a ayes and. Commissioners Stul berg,; Marofsky and Tlerney nays, MOTION, carried MOTION to amend by Chairman Pl of a, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND. ire` to extend the - guid3 g south immediately west ;off County Road 101 to a point where the north line of tea',i Planned indostrial immediately across. ICI is exter leu westerly. Rcrl l Cali Vote,.,All ayes. MOTIONcarried, i t IO TO AMEW CARRIED Roll Call Vote on motion as amended. All ayes fi MOTION VOTE MAIN MOTION, carrVed CARRIED Associate Planner Cottingham, then provided the Commission an ovcry few of the Physical Constraints and current land use classification of property bounded by State Highway 55, the Metropol til Urban Service area line and Vicksburg Lane. Planning Commission Study, session Manch 15' 1989 Page 66 n that consider the most appropriate guiding, of existing large public sel i - uses, such as oiiyda e; Golf Course, without reference to what the existing use i TION byCommissioner Maros secondedComm' loner MOTION tui ercg :to direct Staff to analyze th2z impact of the Guide l an changes for the area north of Hi gway south the K`.-tro o itall Urban Service Area line and west of Vicksburg Cant a:11 reflected on the plan proposed by Commissioner Marofs y,, as discussed by the Commission. MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner Fierce MOTION TO AMEND to amend the foregoing motion ` to inlll-rodLice Planned Industrial guiding in the area bounded by Peony Lane, the Soo Line tracks and ighway 5 5.' Roil Call Vote. All ayes. MOTION carred. MOTION by Commissioner Wire, seconded by Commissioner MINION TO AMEND MAIN Tierney to amend the gain motion to provide for dividing the MOT 1014 area, rom the CL node at the southeast corner, of County Planning Coirmissido Study Session 77 MarchS, I98 gage 617 the mo 4 11t o i ir g the m nitude Of fY ture infrastructure impacts, e noted that infrastructure elements such as sewer, water and streets I can vary s gni fIcantly if development occurs at two units per acre rather than ten units per acre*. MOTION by Commissioner Marofs ky r !: econo 4 by. Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND MAIN Tierney to amend the main i} o1 to 4'esic 4 a I acre MOTION commercial node at the northeast corner f Peony Lar_ and old County Road . aII Vote.. Charman Plivfka, Commissioners Piercer TE MOTION CARRIED yl l a, Stu l her , Marofs y and Tierney ayes, Colmrt : oner Wire nay. MOTION carried. MOTION by Cominiss over ' erre, seconded y Commissioner MCTID TO AMEND MAIN Verney to amend the main rpotr on to change the LA -4 guiding MOTIFIGH suggested by the main motion in the northwest quadrant 'o Vicksburg Lane and County Road to LA -2 guiding. i Vote. C air`(tan iuf ax o(ltiiTss`Qne 5 1, Roil k VOTE MOTIONCAR 110 Pierce, Zylla and Tierney ayes,- Comm, ssJ oners Stu 1 berg and Marofsky nay,s,k MOTION( carried. MOTION to amend by Commissioner Tierney, seconded by MOTION TO AIM MAIN Commissioner Wire to substitute LA -1' guiding in the area MOTION 1thIn the maln:motiobl north of the Soo Line track west O Dunkirk Lane. (Main motion shows this area unguided),, Ron Call Vote. Commissioners Tierney and Ware ayes, VOTE MOTION FAILED Chairman- PT ufka, Commissioners Pierce, ZyI a, Stul berg and Maro'sy nays.. MOTION failed. MOTION to amend by Chairman P 1 of a, secondea be ' mmi ss Toner MOTION TO AMEND MAINZ Maro s y to amend the main motion to des gr*,te the area MOT 1,0N north of the Soo Line and west of Dunkirk Lano' covered by the main motion as LAR. atoll Call Vote, Chairman PIuf ka, Commissioners Pierre, VOIC - MOTION CARRIED yll , Stulberg, ` Marofs y and. Tierney ayes, Commissioner Wire-` Oy. w MOTION carried.: Roll Call Vote on magi !motion. All ayes. MOTION carried., SOT ON MAINS MOTION MOTION CARRIED Commissioner Tferney and Chairman Plufka indicated that they would he unable to attend the March , 1989Iannxrrcd-