HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 03-08-1989CITE` OF`PL 'MQ TII PLANNING C0*1ISSIOR MINUTES MARCH 8, 1989 The Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Planning Commission w4° called to order at 730 p.CT[. MEMBEU,PRE-SONT11 Chas rman . Richard Rl u° ka, Commi ss i overs John Wire (arrived at 7,.351 p.m.), hal Pierce, Dennis Zyllla (arrived at 7;43 13,'Michael Stul%ercg, Larry Marofsky, and. Joy Tierney (arrr.ved at 7* -33 p.m.). MEMBERS ABSENT. None. STAFF PRESENT. Community Development Coordinator Chuck ilrerud, Associate Planner Al Cottingham, and Secretary Jayne Warner* MOTION Commissioner Stulberg, seconded by Chrairman MOTIONTO APPROVE PI uf ka, to table approval of the Minutes from the February r4-, 1989 Plannrr g Commission Meeting until later, in the rape inq, Vote. All ayes. MOTIOR carried.. VOTE MOTION CARRIED Chairman Plufka introduced the request of Sandra A. Bebaolt SANDRA A. BESAU T fora ondi onal Use Permit to operate a beauty salon In 89003) her home located at 10921 36th Avenge North, soYd'[rra -r Oil lerud provided a brief .overview o° the Stas` Report. dated March 2, 1989. Sandra Bpbault stated that she was familiar with, the Staff Report. and the conditions required and she had no questions. ommissioner S- ulberg asked Petitioner how tinny customers she would have in an average day. k Sandra Bebault stated that she couTd have a maximum, of two custowers at one, tate but she could not . give, a specific number, because rit would depend upon whetter it was a cut or a peat, etc Roll Call Vote. Ch rnan Plinks, Cotsm ss oners =dire,. VOT -t P " AMEND Pierce, tulberg, Marofsky and Tierney ayes, CommissJoner CARRIED x Y11a abstains'. MOTION carried, Ms1 Bebau`it requestedthat the hours of operation be frosts 00 a-ttt. to 0 p*m., Xonday through aturday. MOTION,b Co mmi s o or Pierce, S conned by Commissioner MOTION TO AMEND Tierney, to amend the Moors of operation to 9:00 am. to R:00 mo_ Monday through Saturday, ortstt ssl,onor Ma,rofs y indicated that by astsanding tete hours to 9 -*00 p.; -r, there tray still be customers present after X0:00 P.m* Char rman P1 of a stated he was not in favor of tete motion.. oordi niat:or Oil 1 erud I ndi caned' tete difficulty of enforcing, ours of operation. o11 Call Vote. Cnai rman Rl of a, Co, ISInners' ire, OT MOTION FAILED Pierce, tlarofs ky and Stu berg says, Commissioner Tierney aye, Cemndssion .r Zylla abstaine4d, MOTION failed. Roil Call Vote n original MOTION as amended. Chairman VOTE MOTION CARRIED Pluf a, Co r `ssion.ors Wire,, Pierce,, tulberg, Marofsky and Planning Comm ss Ion minutes Marcor 't 1989 Page 57 stated that h s matter would be 'brought before the Cl ty Coiar e4l on March C, 1989. MOTION 4y Corr ss loner "Cart fs y, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Tierney o approve the Minutes. of the February , 1989 MINUTES Planning Colir1,r1, s'sloll meeting., Roll Cal. I Vote. Cha-irman. Pi nfka, Commissioners Wire,, MOTE - ACTION CARRIED Pierce, Stalberg, C arofsky Tierney ayes, Commissioner Zylla abstained. MOTION carried. Cbairivan Plufka introduced discos,$Iion of the Comprehensive COMPREfIENSIVE PLAN Plan with respect; to the corridor west of I-494 from Highway UPDATE 55 north o the City l ntits. Assoia'e Planner Cofnghai provided an oueruiew CYf the corridor in ques ion with respect o guiding and Physical Constraints. Chairman P`Crl a indicated hL - guiding =beyond the CCUSA line is appropriate, but questioned the appropr i ateness of LA_3 and ;IP guiding, along the freeway, CoiDmissioner Marofsky stated his, concernwith the IPguiding' and questioned access to I-494 via 'rernbrook Cane or Schmid Cake Coad, and whether or not the road system 'i s designed X r IP guiWi rig . Commissioner Pierce indicated, agreement with LA -4 guiding, because a residential area would be nice as it would back up on. the golf course. Commissioner W x re made a statement with regard to tax increment financing, MOT ION by Commis -r- on -:r Marofsky., seconded by Commis,;16ner MOTION TO APPROVE Pierce to have Staff provide an analysis of regi ding the LA -3 a quarter mile west of the 1-494 corridor from the Soo Line, ; Ral `C road and north to the existing RPUD to LA- , and the property west to LA*4,, including the IP l and h ommI ssi over Zyl I a questioned whether or not the developer I of the 11P0, (Lake Camelotestates) land that is still undeveloped mows about the regu ding. Associate Planner Cottingham sated that the developer may not e aware of tCe regiidng bcrndcaed Cat would k e in favor of the charges as proposed. Roll Call Vote,, All ayes. MO IO car4r eda VOTE- MOTION CARRIED Commi s s i on Minutes March 8 1989 Page 58 Associate, SiPlaner 11 3ff !74 'sF #?l 5 zew o uid ng and Physical Constraints of the land located from the $oo, Cine Pali, I road r unnIng; south to 47th Avenue forth, south along 1-494. Chairman PI ufl ka questioned what the Park Department's intention I with the 2 acres of Goff property, 1f any, Associate Planner Cottiligham, stated he did ,not know but it may be for land preservation, Commis -stoner Marofsky inquired if the Physical Constraints included major slopes. Associate PlannerCottingham described the slopes in the land in questlonl MOTION Comma ss loner Pierce, seconded by Chai rman Pl ufka MOTION O APPROVE o drec analysis o the portion f land south off' the Soo, Line just west of I-49that is .naw IP as guided LA - 2* MOTION by Commissioner ire to amend to A-1 * iO I Q AMEND AWL NOMOTIONdiedforlackofasecond. MOTION MEQ - SECOND, Commissioner Tierney stated she''saw a need for a reiohbornood business at that %terchange. Assoclate Planner Cottingham indicated that at tome point In the future there will he an interchange at that location. C0111.1'a ss,i over Marofsky recommended that th i' s area be g0 ded LA -4 instead of LA --1 or LA -2» DIscossion ensued as to guiding of the area In question. MOTION by Cotntrilssioner Marofsky, seconded by Cowissioner MOTION TO AMEND Pierce to amend, by taking 5 acres out of the corner near Scheidt 'Cake Road and Fernhrook mane and analyze as Neighborhood Commerol a1. Ro"ll, Call Votes Chairman Plu ka, Commissioners Pierce, VOTIE -MOTION CARRIE Marofsky and Tierney, ayes, Commissioners Wire, yl Ta and tnlbe- nays. MOTION carried, Comm, ssioner Stulberg'indicated he opposed the amendment due to the proxijulty,of,LA-2 guiding. Comms ss I oner stated fills, opposition based on locationWire proposed and the size of the proposed C area.. P an.ilinc comml'sSvtoft Millute Rage 149 Roll Cala Vote on Main motion as ' once amended. Chairman VOTE - MAO MOTION I tuftal oiniiiss o erg Wi r,e, "1 ercot Gy l a and Tikerney ayes, GARRI oii 1311 Mai olsky. and Stulberg vays. MOTION carried. 3 J V10TION by Commissioner, Marofsky1 seconded by ComiidisiSioner MOTION TO APPROVE a to have Staff Provide an analysis of regui d ng the nd north of Goff property to LA -3 and south of Goff lal o erty to LA -2 from LA -3. I ss oder Pierce Indicated be would prefer to leave the pi operty al I LA -3# a Roll (,*' l Vote. Chas rtnan MOO, Coteā‚¬nass1 oners Wl* re,. Zyll a, VOTE - MOTIO CARRIED Tierney and Marofsky ayes, Commissioners St'ulberg and Pierce nays. M IO ,. a #' le,d, .. Associate Planner Cottingha r provided an overview of the gui dI ng and Phys.i ca Constraints of the 'corri dor al Ong Ib494 between. County Road. 9 and highway 5.5 a MCiTI by Commissioner P erne, seconded by C mmlissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Marofsky to have Staff provide; an analysis of reguiding the area north of 35th Avenue from LA -3 to LA - 2,- south of 35th Avenue from, LA -3 to LA -4, avid oast of Annapolis Lane to IP. Com s ' oner Stul berg stated dot* record he 1 d not th ink, that the Pl arming Commission needed to make major changes 7n guiding in the Otte Roll Cal I Vote. Commissioners Piarce, Zylla and Tierney VOTE - M10TIOR FAILED ayes, Chairman. Plufkaf Commissioners Wire, Stulberg and Marofs.ky:nays, MOTION. tailed, omju s pion r 1,i re indicated for the record that be v, ;rid nay because he believed there is too much " - t Associate Pl antter Cottingham provided ao overvieaoi of the land between Highways 169 and, 55, gest toward Medicine sake Road. It was the consensus of the Planning CoiDmission, that no changes be analyzed for this area With regard to the I and between. the 'MUSA line and HTI j ° r Sh, West ofVicksburg Lane, Chairman Plufka stated that. there was no LA -1, guiding in this area and, indicated that he would like to see: lilac reguidng in this area. Commissioner Marof sky agreed with Chairit,.an P`iufka. he also stated that some of the probl enl i s wit -h the Thoroughfare ui de Plan. Commissioner Marofs1ti nd i`ated he would like Staff, or a consultant, to cattle t wit l recommendations in this regard. The meeting adjourned, at 9 .m.