HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 01-25-1989CITY; CP PLYMOUTH PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. JANUARYARY 5 1989 The Regular Meeting ofthe Plymouth- Planning Commission was I l ed to order at 7:W p,m. by Chairman I.auba David Pauba,, CommissionersommisionerMRSPRESENTChapraMEM Mich ietul Dennis kRichard Pluf a, Carry Marofsky, and Joy: Tierney, MEMBERS ABSENT* Commissioner John. Wi re,, STAFF PRES Community Development Director Ul al Tremere, Ass oc,Iat Planner Al Cottingham, Planning Secretary Jackse Watson. MOTION TO, APPROVE MOTION by Commissioner Marofs y, seconded by commissioner Pluf a, to approve the Minutes for Januavy I , 1989 w1ttr the following change. On Page 8, the last paray ipn, the last sentence should read- "Commissioner Zylla stated the need to protect the integrity of a residential, neighborhood," Vote., 5 Ayes. MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED C,haireran Paoba introduced the request by Christ Memorial CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH, Church for a Conditional Use Permit' for a Day Care Cente-% CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 87117) Chairman Pauba waved the reading of the January 301. 1989 Staff Report. Chaim% -A -i r.luba introduced Mr, nest Pedersen front Christ Mer1C r : i Church - Tender Learr 7 ng Center. Mr. Pederson stated than,, the change in the operating hours for the clay care anter from 9.00 a.m, to 5:0y m. to 7-00 am. to gO p ,rrr were more agreeable to the families in, the area. Hes heard no compl,aints on the grange. Chaff rman Paubp opened the Publ. c Rearing. Trrere was no one present to speak oi% th.is issue.. Chairrrran Pauba closed the Public,* Hearing MOTION, by Comti,,aisssioner Pluf a, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO APPROVE Stcrlberg to approve the Conditional Use Permlte Roll Call Vote: 6 Aires. MOTION carried. VOTE - MOTION CARRIED Planning Commission Minutes January 26, 1989 Pale Is, Chairman Rauba introduced the request of L a,Akk -'NilI i ams LAUKKA-WILLiAMS, PARKM Parkers Lake for G 1 P1 [), Conditional Use Perm-: t Pre l i 1 nary LAKE MPOB CONDITIONAL Plan `final Plans Amendment and Variances 'poi Signage at USE P RMIT/PR LIMINARf Parkers take Planned Unit De'te epi ent. PtAN/FINAL PLAN AMEht MENT I AND VARIANCE Associate Planner Al Cottingham gave the reading of the FOR SIGNAGE AT PARKE Staff Report of January .101 1989. LAKE (88140) Commissioner Plufka asked ghat the changes in the total square footage would be. Associate Planner Gotta ngham stated that the current total square footage was. 80 square feet and, the requested total would be 44.4 square feet. Chairman Pauba opened the Publ iPear ing,' He intG oduced Mr. Earl 1'etersOn o C°arron East oll eo ners Association. Mr* Peterson expressed hs concern and the concern o neighbors in . the area that trash: from. VI Parkers Lake Development and a site to the north blows around the neighborhood and 7s not cleaned; up. Chairman Pauba directed s°b aff to look at the s'tuat i on and gee that it I's taken care of. He also invitee Mr. Petersen ootify staff if the situation is not improved, Chairman Pauba closed the Public Hearing* MOTION by Commissioner Stulber , seconded by Commissioner RTIOH rO TABLE Plufka; to table the discussion until the petitioner, who was exrected, arrive. i Vote to Tab)e 6 Ayest MOTION carried. VOTE -,MOTION APPIED Chairman Pauba opened the discussion of the Comprehensive COMPREHENSIVE PLAR Pian Update - Goals, Objectives and Criteria REVIEW rector Tremere reported Dat staff had no ecommended action for t1iis eveniiicg. They are still awaiting input from the Parks and 'Recreation Advisory COommittee and she Housing and Redevlopment Authorityt commissioner Tierney stated that they have input from the Board of Zoning Adjustments and Appeals that Would be discussed. Commissioner Stulbera suggested the Comm ssi n wait to discuss any oranges until input is received from all. Dairman Pauba called upon Director Tremere to discuss the Land Use Guide Plan items -that were handed out this evening. anni ng Co cmi ss i on i note anuary Page 20 61 rector Iremere said that the proper procedure w-as to scoss the q al s , Objectives and Procedures first and that had, green Accomplished. The Land swide flan x+ r r rr reopened cu s on, ;m e t LACK -WIL IAM PARKERS au l a 6 i a s Parkers Lake* He Introduced Mr. Gerald LAKE (8$140 - CONTINUED) Mazzara from Laukka- i l l Ta rs . Chairman pauba informed Mr. Mazzara, ' the, one petitioner who spoke arller n the problem of trash blowing around the area* qtr. R'azzara said he would take care of the problem+ Mr,-az-ara said h6 had no comments on the Staff Report". He, showed the Commission a :.model of the Type 0 monuments :he was equestinI and said that all three subdivision areas would be lighted with soft lighting that would have no affect on the homeowner,. Commissioner Stulberg asked Mr. Mazzara when he would, apply for the sign permits. fir. Mazzarasaid he would apply for the sign" permits soon after the City CounciI approved the request. Comilissioner Stulberg also restated the concern' about trash in the area and asked that Mr., Mazzara reaffi, it his concern so that a condition would not have to be put in the resolution, fir. Mazzara assured the Comm ss on that he would take care of thee problem.. MOT ION by Comrisslonen Stulberg, s'conded by Commissioner MOTION 7th APPROVE luf a to approve the request subject to the six variances Moll Cal I' Vote* 6 Ayes, MOTION carried; VOTE MOTION CARRIED Chairman Pauba reopened the discussion of the Land Use Guide Plan. Comm issf'oner Marofsky stated he felt there was a problem in the LA-R area wi t s the al wabl e density which should be a I minimuiri of 0; acres per dwelling un-t. Tb6 `b6City can allow less than 0 now as the Zoning Ordinance reads, acres. i Director Tremere stated that the Zoning Ordinance needed clarificat 1on. The City policy and Subdivision Code do not permit platting of propertyin the rural area. Currently, a variance i s needed. He said that if a property owner can divide lance resulting In par :ls that are at least 20 acres and 500 feet wide the owner can file with Hennepin County and the ldsion can be grade without City approval. The Zoning ordinance requires, 5 acres and 300 feet width and public street` frottage before a permit can be slued for a single farm ly dwel l ing, CotimissIon, plufka did not see a prob 1emT wi th, this. He said any changes miust come after the land use on - sewered side of MA line was. determined ",n the western area. is AWA