HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 01-11-1989kwpw.CIMMEI Commissioner fir asked. howthe `f;°-' would impact i I Meeting was recessed, atw 0, Meeting was reconvened at 9437 pm. Plannino Commission Minutes January ll 1989 Pae;: Ask WF commissioner :,,0'rofsky,stated for the record that a special notke, was sent to all churches,.ommisslo er Mar* 'stated that o i yes were sent o property, owners. MOTION by Commissioner Plufka, 'seconded by Coiimisslonear MOTION TO APPROVE Wire to accept the report of the suhcoS oil ttee. yntek 7 Ayes MOTION carried, OTE M0TICi& CARRIED MOTION,by CoiSim i ssi(Iner Zyl l a, seconded by, Gommi ssroner MOTION Maro 's y to recommend` approval of the draft ordinance an, endmertts to the C, ty Council,., DICTION by Coolinisslolter Plu ka, seconded + by Commissioner MOTION Wire to amend the Main riotion as follows: Delete ectiort 10, Subuivision C, 15 h, (2), as it rel ates to tSmaxira, tit seating capl . Roll Call Vote* C Ayes, Commissioner Zylla Nay OTIC ` VOTE - MOTION TO AMEN to amend carried. CARRIED Commissioner Plufka pointed out that they should consider total lot coverage (isiervlous surface) Inal districts, for all ;ries: Y. 5 s s a saw 'omittls lonerCommissionerfiner arol" ; ted h i. Piuf point, but ;inquired as to how that would Rrov ovio effective control on size. Comm ss.lone - Wire stated that the Planning Commission needs to co munlcate their concern to the C14 Cound l ,, Commissioner Marof sky suggested discussing Possible alternatives 'hefwre serding this proposal to the City Council with neoati-,-, r'ecoirmendation; Commissloner Stulberg stated the need to consider discussing philosophically where tht Planning Commission i going before ati hh i would avoid seiin lecemeal package to tete City Council. Discussion ensued as to changes in the draft ordinance. Commissioner Plulka stated that P1ann1no, Cotirmisslon should (.-ntrol the size of the structures related to the size of property and to require that thQj cannot cover every inch of the >proRert`ith paring and huilC ngs, Commissioner ylla made a statement as to an expans1on of numberher o seats In sR- , ; R-4 'di strict : However Mere may be a problem in doing that in R -1A,' R-18, R-2. Coitrittissloner Zyll,4A sated the need. to protect the integrity of a residential nelghhorhood. Commissioner I Planning Commission Minutes January 11,,, 1989 y 1 i a also, statedl that. the Pianning Commission has not heard from people who live rearpresent` or fcature Commissioer PIOka expressed, concern wi h e i s n churches which are close to the 450 seat max mute and the concerts in tht& future for those churches' growth. C001111issioner Stulberg stated that number of seats, sho W trot be 1 fini ted but it ' should be tied to amount of i and used. Cott mis: ionetstated' O: not every church,is in the ideal' setting,. and that the. City needs to protect residential. properties ; as wel i Commissioner Marofs y suggested putting lot size restrictions la tete R -1Aj R-2, and R-3 zones, plus restrictions s to impervious surfaces. e;nssuneSt uher ned out that he ~s netn f;vor of encouragingt1spot, zoning,, to overcotoe restri cti ons , > . e.; , re-zoni-iq, present church sites. by Cotntr issior e ~ Marofs y, seconded by MOTION TO AMEND, Com.1111ssioner Wire to amend the main motion deletinglinelarly" from the definition contained, in Section 4, Subdivision B:of the draft<ordinance-.. Vote. 7 Ayes. MOTION to amend, carded.;; OTC MOTION TO AMEND CARRItEq Discussion .ensued as to what form of recommendation to send to the City Council. i , Coit m' ssi onerk tul berg stated the some issues should be adAressed bofore sending to City Council,, Coi%.ilssiover Stulberg also stated, that he would like to look, over, the report further before pending it to City Coundlg 140TION by Comitiss ione,r Tierney, seconded by Commissioner MOTION TO TABLE Wi re to table the motion :as twice amended in order to further discuss tete sub -coat, itIt', report on Januar,- 18, 1989, at 7.30 p . to l n the City Cot4nc i l Chambers. Vote4 7 Ayes. MOTION carried, VOTE - MOTION CARRIED m rl eh ns it. Pr an i rector Trelne e introduced Coord iii for )I I I crud' S melpoDirector dated JaInuary, S. 1989 reg,ar,, t 1 ng the bane Use Guide Plan. Coord nator Wlerud stated the lssue he is ddre sing is physical constraints, ; and one of the areas of physical constraints is storm water. hoiding. I" Planning CoiMission Minutes January 11., 1989 Page 11 Comi,,lissioner Wire, Inquired about how the1 1 . n and transportation in these areas would be adrlyeised- if Staff does not plan beyond the MUSA lir):111. girector Tremere stated that in the next 5-10 years, the area now undeveloped in the western port lovof the City w ill ot-st likely be taken up for development and that the City may have to consider the land beyond the MUSA line -'.ti the Land Use Guide Plan. Discussion ensued as to land use quiding beyond the MUSA line, Director Tremere stated that there are developers that will be coming before the Planning Commission within thei next 60 days asking for single family residential guiding in the western portion of the City where higher density andother thin residential use Is now guided. Coiniiissioner Tierney stated that Staff should look into what other cities bordering the City have for land use in order to conform with them. Director Tremere asked, he Planning Commission to continue reviewingthe Land Use Guide Plan text and to indicate the following.- (1) Does the community structure concept still make sense? (2) Do the guide plan districts make sense? and (3) Look at the CS and C.4 district - does the City need both of these districts? Conimissioner Zylla inquired if the City is looking a parks and open space in the western portion of the City. Director Tremere stated that both Eric Blank and Fred Moore are looking into it and, that their input will be coming in the near future. Commissioner tulberq asked if the Plartning Commissi t is ready to appoint a new liaison to the Board of Zoning. Chairman Pauba stated that he would like to wait until next month. Commissioner -1 'tulindicateded that the City Louncil isL takinp ap licatlons for the Planning Comoilssion on January 20, 1989:. Commissioner Stulberg stated that he 113 willi kg to be the liaison to the Board of Zoning for apoOer month. 1: 1* Commissioner Marofsky Inquired as to the dates for the April Planning Cllor,,Iission meetings. I