HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 12-14-1967P,1 bVH,, 1.9SOTA December 1 , 1967 t0gu Or ,meeting of the Rlanning; Commission was c'allea to order by Viae-Cha.i,raan Renner at 8i0o p.m. In the abaonce of the Secretary,. the: Chair appointed Gom. Xirehhof as acting Seorotary.. ire sent, ae- ka rme e ars Oomzissionors Ha `nor* Xiadseth, Hedtka, Holcomba, Willenbring and Xirohhoti".and Cavanaugh.. Absent t Chairman Bgan, Coamissioners Chapman Baufaelc ._ The Chair read a setter of resignation from Commissioner Neyne Baufield.. MWTION by Com. Hafner, second by Com. Willeabring, to approve the m nutes, of the meeting of Rov-amber- 16, 1467, lotion ,passed by all fssioneral present voting aye,. oto` Viae-Ohmn.. Renner opened A Public Hearing to consider changing the Mi7LT,IVLE A ID.. xoa,ing classification of Block Efr Plymouth Orchards and Block 6 BL.. E, FLY- CRCH. Beacon Heights let Addition from Industrial to Multiply belling., BL.. 6, BEACON HTS. Location - vicinity of 15th Aye, N. end Hwy. 5_ Propos)ad use - 1ST. .ADD. 5 : partmeut buildings, of Ali apartment units each. Petitioner Robert4k., Seholer, agent for Thomas. DeCole, propoaenta; Thowas DeCola and .Hobert K, Scholer OPP onentst None. The Hearing was declared closad at 8t28 P.M. 11400 ION by Com. )Urohhoff, second ''by Cel. Willenbring, to recommend approval of the rezoning of Block .5, Plymouth Orchards and Block 6, BeaconHeights Ist, Addition.. from Industrial to J&kjltiple Dwelling.. Motion passed by all. C=nissioners presaot voting aye, fico -Chinn. Renner opened, a Public Dearing to consider changing, the zooing classification of Lots :A, B, C", D, E, X & .L, Registered land TIDE ZO SWIGTIPLvO ux'Y4y #743 from Residential to M iltiple Dwelling. Location A LANE vicinity of Sycamore Lane. and 15th Ave. , X, -Propo use • 4 epart_ 1 !M AVE. N. trent buildings r ith a combined total of 54 units. Petitioner fiABI FOR ' STUDY Robert A'. Scholar, agent for Thomas D40018 Xro,ptaaenta t Thomas, DeCole and Robert %. Scholar. Opponentsz. lbw. Zeller, 12-905, 15th Ave.. N., and Mrs. Li1jetluist, 12835 14th Ave. N., oppoaed; the rezoning basically because they thought it would, create more traffic in their neighborhood, wrot,tld decrease the: vE,1u,P of their Land,; and because they don't want apartments, _ newP do0ii to them.. 4, Saj;i-,3s Reltemea, 12910 14th Ave. N., opposed the rezoning r the `eol.lowing reasots ; 1) Concern over• the low water table in the area which she thought had been lowered. by the building of the.. sewer., ) Opposed, increase in traffic end didn't want the sohools to be, over -loaded wt% mono children. i Wanted the seclusion, they nom have :rather than apartments in the neighborhood. In addition, she, stated that if the zoning is granted, they, would Plantios, Cozwdsaioza Minutes - December 1h, 1967 - Aga 2 like to have their lot zooea Multtip?e to take sure their l ria value would as maintaalaa:ed e Hearing was declared cl.o ed at 6:45 p,m.. M TIOX by Cava Hefner. oecond by Oom, -Kirchhoff, to table action by tete Xa oixig Co-% i ion ott this request petading study and report by the. 11#ottiog Oo ci"ittee. Xotion passed by all Commissioners present yioe-Gbmi. Rennor opened a Public Hearing to coasi.der the Prelimin- ary azar. and -Proposed Plat for Lancaster Cour. Addition, which in- LANCASTER cGW?r o gd,es; Lot 3, flock 1, Ply-motath Plaza nth a"zdditioa, except the ZAst ADDITION APWID., 125,, feet thereof,. Location - 16th Ave.. Ni, and Lancaster Lane. Developer - Harold .Posnick,, aBcjitw-all ona ruc Ginn Gia. opoaenta, R€ar:old Vosniok. poaeat s None It was, determined, that evert Viough this matter 'was listed can the agettda for a Hearing, it had not been published.. Discus-sionx were continued raowever in case a Pull c Nearing wesnot actually re- galred, it being the opinion, of the Commission that a, Bearing ahould not be requi,rled, for a matter s'ich as this. MOTION by Dom. -Xindso.th. second by Coin. Rolcombe, 4o recommend ap- proval of the moditioation to Lot ,number 1, 6 and I of Lancaster Court Addition.. Motion passed b; all. Commissioners pr°asent voting aye. Dom, Cavanaugh arrived at 9.-00 p.m. lticht,rci Kaufrman of Vzllaage Btzilders appeared for tentative consid- Rla: halQIFi4iAN enation: of rezoning to Wiltiple Dvxel ling parcel #4,000 in, -.he NJ of KULT. xROPOSA.L Section 2, located at Hemlock Lane+ and Dor did. lO. He w -as informed that under the proposed ordinance, it woald be illegal to zone any, piece of land for multiple dwellings until such time as utilities are available. Tom ?orester and: Nir. Heise of Forester' n Meat Market appeared re zr FORESTIRRIS- expanding their slaughtering plant to occupy the. quarters of their WkT aMA' current retail store, as well as to occupy raer conatruction. In MOPOS 7 addition, they would like to build a new retail outlet.. It 'was WANETON augge that they :could best protect their- interests an this mat- ter by appearing at tie Pablic Hearirag;,-a of the proposed zo.aing map when it is held. ward X. Woody, Bteo Co.*, land StanleySope yk .appeared regarding R'Ez VOG C'_0. a zoaitg ohenge as petitioned from Residential to Multiple for MC3Z"k'TPt,, RBI T" ab Q acres iia, croic:inity cad`' Fist Medicine Lakeilvd. and pil- R. OF MEDICINE grin Lane. They displayed a model of &e proposed apartment units. LIV They were i4tormod that the Fleaning Corrmiasion and tcZ Council had met to disotass the rust aides of Medicine .Lake at whicll=• neet«i.ng the Droanoil asked the Planning Co=nissi oo. to .awake a complete study or the area to help formulate thoughts about the future develQpateat of it. Manning Ca ais4-ien Idi=tas December 14, 1967 - %,a 2'lIOT by Clem, Balcombei secO i C c H edtkeYthat Q-he -TFntioiy AE - E. X IUARY ts: -.. meatiag he held -un the .last Tuesday of the month (Tan. 3o)' rather T1 i i4 r?S ' than the regular tiwe, and at that meeting, the Planning or i aion disizOs amending the bar-la*s parmaneatly to make the lena 0 ianiOA McOtbi;lgs on the last Tuesday of the zmonth and the SO- 1 00=i.ttee. meetings on the Aext tO the last 'Axesday of month. nth. Motion passed by a,11, Commissioners, present votingaye; i a en motion. trade and oarxied, the 00atibg was ad jQurned at 10.,30 p.m. Charles L. X rehl4,,off Ac ting ,SFecwetary M. L. L76 , Secretary