HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 10-12-1967i vlR.121 3s,,01"; O ARD 1CF APTSILS -MrJST! r IMMS' rvaular =ttina cif the Planning Cor a,osi,on an4 Hoard of A talswpIae a.t:dJuants 'wasa c:all"a to order by 0hairman at r 4 Pm- tiSfi er,,. i,ndneth, UrOhoff, Renner and 5ohte ergly, Xlannin$ onsultsant, La tw C isaic ar e4lifield, Hedtke and, Will.enbk ng. kk. Dolbraa. Will.iams.'# 2628 Unx.vcrsity A76. S,Z.;, llpl,s,., and her W11121 G1: MTWT# Aretlitett, appeared to rtquo!t a- variance from the minimum are& re_ UZI D. W1111 elui me tta fQr 0 two story reaiden06 for' th9 first ktt' &t constxuct- 2750 '; r- GRM I-S'- lora, of a. yoa.rlarotaad summelk and vweckend osidenoe at 27.50 ergreen U ta,i AV,ra•. William$ expl.aiued that it is: her intent to make thisr st pe a Brit residence in the future and more than double the square ota.-e at that tine:.. In disousai.on, then Commisa€n c onelu(Fed t. ilit thin $30, 0001 ti0 first stage aw, plawaed grill enhance the, neigh iorh.-oc AV4 the variancee . houl.tl be: ajlowe,. VOPM by C f roval at the variance as xerucste8 and granting of a Building ' gr5- mit. Motion passed by a ae"r n yao vote.. Cann, hapmaaz voted xray L ITNMI COMMISSION Chmn. F,an opened n Ilzhl.ic Hearing to consider a change of zoning GARRISON INDCO'.1 cla.saifacation, from Residetttia,l to Industrial., for Lots., 5 & b, 0=411". PEW= Plymouth Gardeos in the 'vicinity of 8th Ave. and Co. did. 18. TATS PtlopoM1oe(l usu: - office and varehcu es.. Petitioner All" Vt. Ca,rxi--sin. a . Garrison atated that he has raGt the requirements of the prey- t zoning ryrdiaanee ,for oonstruction of a 100 ft. by Ito ft. bu ldiita on the 2 lots for an e;lectronios., firm, and that he has A building can Industrially zonod adjacemb Lot 4. t P an;xrataa$ Terold Ber9falk, representing tT & R ,+`rielopriment0,ner +ofl,ot 10, 11 & 12 to :the rear, stated that he is., not apprising the rezoning as such, but rather the piccemetal zoning a,pproaah, and that the: entire arca should be. g;iv n a type of Industrial zoning that would bring the highest and host use. The nearing vu, declared cl ,seal at &t3,5 P-M'- In aizousa.iou it waa b.rou ht out that nth- Guide Flan ndi*,a;tes In- dustrial uae of the arra, but that it should be upgraded to the; -1 or, 1-2 ea$egory and t1hat adoption of the Zoning, Map is., imminent, suggesting that delay in taking aotion on the request rould be in order. OTI by Com- Chapman, aecon& by Com. Hafner,, to table the: Glarriaran rezoning roqueatf. Vajon passed by a six yea voto. C`om's Renner 4 Cavanaugh voted nay'.k i i i Pl~onning Comm5.saion Ulnute,s _. October 12, 196? 1-\,:,ae h=. Egan npe.aed a rFablia Iffearing to consider a ohanj +; of zortir4 H_•-i $Ew. mmnss c1assi,ficat);on, troWa Residcaatial tc, B,, Serv;!, e '1% mass lei: trio., l, 'i Ca I9rAPND for about 1 V4 acres at the $P- (ItzOdXeAt of 1, 494 and 110-. T)",I 91 7 IAMARU STAT.10, Oat eeatetrly of the res Oil aervicw' statlov site. l'xapo"d us - lir I 4 CO. 9imerloanOilCo. se,`Vices stat zns. Petitioner - Y,,*:time P. Begin., tee`+ .. l+ta i,44.. ri Qrterht.ri .,,-aricau Oil Go. rc-ipream-itati.7..e, spoke in favor, of the reszating., Zr. Norterhurs stated that be - Sinning aanatruct',o of the Standard Station ig soh,.Aul,ed f or the sprtt$, of 1968. 1Vrthe;- stated that they are roque2tlugg .rezoning oaf th6 total cacre:sad for posn,kible;` development of a 7ed, Harvey rest'auruxat • Uppotes ata a 'tosld. Tile Hearing Was declxared cl oaed at 8,60 p.m* In. discussion it way brought, out that the: Guide Plan in ict tcs COMmtroi.al use for the proporty.. I " TO by Com. Rz aer, second by C "y: Cava auga, to r>-icommiend ap- proval o} the '0-3 Service. Busindsa District zoning as requested by .J'erome Begin 9;td the inclusion as such az, the focthcmi.sg Zoaizte gip. It of ion passed by a seven2 yea vote:. Cote. Hsfner v'otCd stay. Boyer Palmer, appeared to ,request that the d.•ul-de-sam in "Ta mer''s CAISz'% COME Cove ditioe- at the M corner of Pass Take be named something S'1`RM "NA other that .57th stratxt.. APZIM QVED 1x"OrION by Com. Oavansugh, second by C'om. Renner, to recommend that the streat be named Oskview Cove Xotion passed by all Commissioners preaeut vatic; aye, gave Krognesss appeared reg&&ding the, status of the * :zendia- RE. FA!.7- ,,s_ IN_ Krrogness txdditioe preliminary plat located at Sth Ave. west of IMOD TM TWELDt. liwy., 101. John Rergiy, Planning Consultant, reviewed ith tho, Com- RIA11 & GMVTVIAL misaionars ai proposed plan of street layout for the general area AREA PLAN as prepared along Aiith thea Akministrator and Ro8er Fa endih. It teas su tZested to the d.evelo cr that hes cotault vi th nSi.stc r "on i roa 1A Cyd * ,. N, . ..„. /Y . as t w o ,,, 5. her4it e„1 de-anc 'thru t -o the t proporty line, dedicating one-half x street to the south, and posaibl,e inclusion of s utility estaaetpe3tt to •tho south, and re-aubmit a rwi.sed plat. she proposed Zoning Map was re:viered with the, Planning Consultant. 710114INC W -P Uom. 4indseth b-rought out that 1-14ragrp* ,Ia. Cin Page 12 of the Prop- APPROVED peod tee. Zng Crdinanco, and Point 4 On Page 13 should be ca"ified. NICTION by Com. archhoff, second by Com. Hafr,-)r, to recommend to the Council that the Zoning Map as re:viertd by the Commission on Qavober 12, 196'7 be adopted, including corrections made. A v” AN eo the Motion by Com. Cavanaugh, second by Com.. Renntr, to include, the parcel, east of Vicksburg Lane and north of may. 55 kt r Co mcs'ciul cszist,g, and s parcel south of Hvy. 55 and east o Nia, ara Lane for Industrial Zoning.. 'lobe Amdndment eras defeaved by tt sig. yea vote. Corm la. Cavanaugh and Manner voted yeW. the 1,11aia dation was pasat4 by all Commissioners present votica yep. 1\ emnoubced that a ,poiAt tseting o thu Council and planning CUWMI --doa re-pOrding the: Zoning %p Vil.l be held on Thmraday, Oct. 19. Oom. Botoer reported for the, Zoning Committee that, regarding the E:4 SEFZI OMUST. evey l.i&t lnduatriai coning request for about 9.6 acvea at the x ZONIM RF,,IUW.n cOr ea" o V,O'- .. b and 1. 494, ,r. Ivey had s tatG(I that the Hwy.. RT MD FOR X4WMRw 13ep't. appeared. to have. no, particular, use for this, Land.. . dis- CiiAE AT ;40 & 6 2Szi ot\ xnsuesd reaardin they necessity for sale types of i4terc,han&e W021C i \)y Cain Xiuclseta, second by Com.. Ca-vanaugh, that represeat-. CUVoa- t\f the County and Mate, Hwy. Dep`'ts., IaP, and the Plenr,ng, aWltal\t slaouI4 get togdther on, the possiblo need or an interchange at l» 494, and Co. fid.' 6.. Motion passed by all. Commissioners present Voting ayewa;h Comm,, lUrahh-)ff reported that the Flat Co;:lrvitted 8eneral,Iy favored tM4-Rst2IU' the preliminary layout of the Anderson tentative multiple E'MI% VIOL I devolopmett Of the Fe4walk :investment Co. acreage in, 'tYe RLI, of S --c., 201"IM, R32MO 26, the V.*, LntXineer" s. re,pt.,rt being. favorable* It was broudht out n discussion \hat a better plat as ak Gc:gh-nunity Unit Project shoild bei aevelopod, t\.r t major draina Se problsnag probably exist, and that possible: ciraulOiou should be; providod to the: south.. Ab action qhs taken pending toes EnLzine:er's report„ tipan notion me:dee and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 12t3,d aim., James Secrotary