HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 09-14-1967Uy 10Qr p y WANUTES i ZoPtem cr 14, 1967 A Te941,Xt me ting of the Planning Comiasion was eal,led to order Vi oa..Ch iraP,n Romer at 7.45, Renner, Ccarsa3:sai.onar,Beuf'ield Cavanaugh,, Hefner. I Holcombe, Xi.a:chhof',, Wi l.enta.riug and Chapman, and the Administrator and Xohra Btrgly.. Pl.aaAjng Consultent. A3a; tnt is ChI rwa n 49,44,, C)lPr a ones Heri tk6, and Xindiieth., QVION br Cow. Wl tletbripgr 46,cond by Corn. C,vansurea, to approve the minute Of the regular meeting Of Augtalt JlOo 1,967. Motion 'pRssea by all Commissd,oner$ pres_onxt voting 0Ve Vice-Ci mn, Reaw.r opened a bl.lc ''aavr°ing to cous der aL change of RE:SY" nwusre, ouin . classi,fiaation, trum Posidential, to Licht . nd)astrial, of zona'Nrx P)MUFS7 about q,.4 acres at the northw.ost cornea of Oo* add. 6 and 1» 494, 003 PD. 6 1.49 hunt vest of the MP eaarmaht. 'oposed use - ffiat- vsrehoua; and li,01t m'aarl aoturing...i. yetiy ioadr - obart Kr sSm'av»ey".. 11roponsants x 14r. Bogey staged that of a 4oft. iy 9C ft. bulldin is sohedu14, for spr rag of 1.0'68,, and that future expansion ix plana,,d. 7"he question of acoess v as daaoassed and it va % brought out y1h.tkt, a diazond i,:otcrchonae 1t'k`y be fkr uo. rid. 6 494-- la Opptr4eata l Ivcto . Mr.. Cave; ;iaa .0vi,st6 to check ri,th the livy. Vdplt. and tk e Village Yt in er r eira riling hzg4 ray dzvelop cent rand to rtt'urn ri:th a plot 'Pian s'- oning. 1zlaksal measAraments, etc:. frtiae, rat- for ma a referred to the oeti.ng Coaaitte a for study, and rraizort t,t'tpr Vqrwal of tiles Hyo ep° t« as to l.otwtion of roads and the The Rearing wras declared closed at 8r35 p.m. iGc- h an.. F o=tr opened to 14ablie Hearing to coat dorthe preliminary pl k a ana PSroposed, plat of O a3raterbury 'erra"# leaeted at the north- CAtv"i'EMMY' TEIIRAC`i vest. hoz er -of Co.. Sid., 15 and NXagara antj., MMM PUT FrOPQaents1 APPROVED. 13.. a.. 4mtsori revi,evted the: plat with 'he Commisaioners. Opponents r; Nor e • The Hearing vas declared closed at 8.45 p.b. report from-Was, read rdoomintndi.ng that sones effort be made to ezoordinete the overall land in thi7. area, Com, Hafaer s>: witted a "Ka t Committee report recc. eszidbig, approval of the prclimitary plat, but also iteluding the following recommend_ tion r6lating to Cat Lot A., (shown on t t Canterbury 4at> and the k jacent Varkerb lakeside ocrea lying to the trent; a. Eliminate the cul_ t--sau in Cittlot k by e_ctending the roadway from. Co., Fd. 185- to the VW cion ner of the Cutlet A. and theta No%,th to 3,rd Mrenu* along 'then Budnick property (30 ft. width) and karkers Lakesiidt Acre-,,x (30 ft. -width) o as to provide a \aor nectioa betzeen Go, : . 15 and 3rd Avenue and access to th,a oath Salf of BuaniO10s property l Ui 00=0sidoL Mxl uutes - e- tas tier 14, 196page :a 4 ea itt ; through acre tr in th4-Varkero lakos,ida Acres to provida a ootnoctibn betweenn Co. Pa. 15 and Ird Ave. IN. Sa ras ing this radomoendatloA, the Go=ittt& fully r ali*r that~ no actiean be tn. On until a plat re+gtt* + -to,. Cutlot A a -Ad ;Parke1 9. Ukeside acreaiscmade., However, we did want to go on :reoor4 as favzorIng tha uat of thraug'ta atreetato plavtt- or cul -dee-aaoiA UOMIY by Cot. Chaptuan, .seooAd, by Com. Cavanaugh,, to recommend approval of the ;preliminary plat o finte bury err4c a for 41 lot a- abutting NiagAM Lanni and 310t A,,,. Mot: oia pas ed by all Ceamuissioaexr,s p went; vot.ilag 'eye'. iaarla ; Petbix.ropresoAting Alvin achmidt appeared re Lhe- ree ue zt SOMME Lis tC for n C:oaaditional,, Use Permit for a u d oar lot at: 11120 Hwy. LM APMOMWITH Cosi. iiatn r submitted a, plat Committed report favoring granting or C0_1q*DT IOIZ the Poen tit proYjdin,; that a.. Not, more than 25 cars; and/or pick-up trucks, (axregulated Village Ordinan e) are- displayt4 at one time 4 b.. 'sae front raw of cars are displayed a, minimum of 5C t4et back of thw northerly right of vay line of, Hwy. 55, (26 feat back of this northerly edge of the. exiating .service road) and do not extend folvard of the front line of the ex .sting build- ings uildIngsinthoarea. o The business hcaars are as defined in Mr. Alvin r. Schmidt a letter of September 7, It)67.: d. k curb is provided along the southerly edge of the property northerly edge of the service rotd) to prtsvrrtt customer raring os* the gmtss buffar area in front of the display area. a. ;OTZ4 NO fence vould be ,requi.red in front of the diaplty tragi, this ro:ku remmat of the I'rtspoaed Ordinances avotxld be, vaivea. MWIM by C'oT., Uafnor, second` by Cor. Chvanaugh,, to xeco=,,-zS approva3 o the request tce a Conditional Us,* :'omit under, the ears#ill--ikAns els outlined, in the Plat Comma,ttee.s report of Se.ptembeer 7a 1961, Notion, pasasd by all. Commiasioaer€e presoat voting aye. Gnarl. S..Andersono: 47rzner sof about 4Z acres Vest of Redicint Lake, and REE ANDW6 Vj Thcrli,v lF'.latebo, esnginoar, app*zred for tertatiYe` cousi<derat;ion of 'i'Ei?TAT. TCPL rezoning the NN ,operty tb Maltipl w Dwelling. ' A preliminary layout 710NI 'R TIMIT of 400 units was ,reviewed. The matter ias refeMrreetl to the 1114t Com- mitta*a for ativay UN"'Id report* as well as to, the 111841,ni `:e nsu,ltant, disc asi4on was;hesl.d ;rtg-Irding the, property At they nortavest corner EM-GON or the In.terseoti on of ti' o. Rd" 9 and ItS, A Publie Hearing w hold Ct tCI.AL ZQ;Its on Ausuxt 10. 19 rat th 4 request Xleycr-Gonyaa Realty for re- dIEt JZST TABLED zoning about 19 acres to Gt`.me.roiaj. Floyd Bosshart app".rocs' res the se.atesrl l .U,S. eh trate seta. Vice -Ohm. Reimer displayed a Henn. Co., 11*y* Deli' t. Map dated 9/dd '.7 shooing Co. Rd,,, 9 beiAg marred to the north and outfit ra, across tht, ix,.t1.B. property, The Planning 00n.. sult4 at Aksplayet ..a layout of Oa.; ,,Rd. ` 9 and land use showin-g variance fk= the p<Pe sect i%y.. Daps t.. lays.+ .; CfiUl'T by Omt,- l irag:. second by. Dora. Seafield, to tables the Meyer 1,41tsnyea. request f.v;. ^e oning until a later date,, as.- per their ift r* tteat at tineoats ,' wa%-Attee meatingo Motion passed by all com- mi<iersr.esnttir arc., 1s4a ow. isaieo' 44.uteea: Sopt tuber 14 1967 .. raga 3K George.: +i« orgr*A Tri-4uk trt d.and,Company, $jj,, H'Ya.'id Daxil Gj,`L.i f. ONINY OR idv st anniz& and:Bete trt h, appanred tri :rec aaz t pgrwal of lndustriol, Zoning rQr the propaoed *Xymo4th-35 Industrial Park'",. i s * ' tbliti 110ariheld Xuad 15, 1967 Mr. Dobigren stated that the riPM property ,will be hold without platting, until sun., time aa: the il,lagt is ready for tttill,ti6s to g* into the area., Sta,tod, further ihu,tev yor OAtoagory, of induwtriaj zoning Is. wanted by the P -- lazathat ropod toni CW., i 4anioew' tion +atnris4ioa and• ounoi,l vUe n tha *' # aa is p4$st"i e9,A .tee appliad .a,t .that tijt4q, MWIM by, Cow. " illonbring, 0ee04d, by t 41 Chapman, to rooemmenti, 4? proval of rtezoAin to., la&a atria j as roggasted; for the pr exposed Plymoutb-55 Industrihi, s,re . Iotioa passed by all, Otminissitaers pr'bseat, 'votiAg aye, it tag; the Ooosonsuaz of th6 Oftmissionert present that theproperty ahott,lt'i: ba pIanof fj*d 3.:.•7 Lnaustria Rc%pr ra"ndi n aippaa.red rat, the preliminary plat of the `Fazandin RE. FAMM,'z1a t Xmqgaess Addition* I aCX'J w' d at 8th Avenue rss i.t of livy. jol XROGNESS PRI1,T11.. k1 biin t14ari.ng hed,d 2-16-67. Plat Com -m ,.ttaee resort 3"1647.. Re- 4AT ZIA vorking mtg&ested Th's adtsaimstrator zaiaed tae qu,34tion, tit in,ternkt roads for thts .vho.,4 areal, T4e geateraal, area And tho proposed pl,\kt wsra. *-.0tarred to nginaar .B)onestroo and the Planning Consultant `i'o\r study end report. CJ ia1R;lri .Clu +T\'.'AL" V+s+.at 7' rehhof"f xapxrted on the progress Und prooadure of the gpeaotal. RE; ZAOMW I&P & COMMItteses for prapaVktioa of this Zoning 14Dpu X tentativa zoning ma kk;iL i I w0ayreviewed aecpi at metestit g f`orthe otn 3ssi ona y s prenen t, . J vith YyA furthex conai.dera tion LNnd praparatiQa o t1ha -b7bnjn ifa 1 a j iwt r Septeuber 21 at Za,C p m at the, Vi.l.lagt irtll Cpori matior, sd and aarri-41 the Meeting was adjourned a3t, 11130 p.m, SrariFtary i k