HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 08-10-1967EOE OV APPtAI;E A?3`USVIT +ia` IM"I' 5 uguat to, 196 A reguiar Zteti.ng of the '_ganning Go=isai^j and Board of Appeal,tF' was called to order by Chairman qn at 7x'45 p,m, resent Caairnaaxz Asn, 00=i4sioners GPIvaasuga, Chap n, Hadtke# roleombe, hafner, gindaeth, Xirchhoff, Renner and 6illenbring. Abse att Commiasioner Baufield. I4QTIOV by Com* Willeznbring, seaoaad by Com. Hedtke,, to approve thb ;minutes of the regular meeting of duly 13, 1967- Motion pawed by all Commissioners present Toting aye. BOOM OF LPP=$ & AWUST 4TS K.> G. rel lkler and R. Millimian, appeared to request_ v-sriances for pro- '4'ARLAWES APl ID poae d, wltipledwellings at the northeast corner of, Maker Lane and H. G WINUM Hwy. 55'. Gottsidcrablo diacussion ensuood, regarding the elevator re_ .APARI?i,im Q0IWLMC` quirepent in the ''Propgaed Zoning Ordinance*,, MOTION by Cotta. Aerncr, aenond by Cora. Penner, to recommend that the elevator .requirement is the *Ilroposei Zoning'Ordinannce,0 b,-!-w changed to RE: ELMITOR read "ate elevator will be required for o building over three, (3) ngVIREDM'" stories; In height and no eleavAtor be: required for a building of threes 1) stories or 1e9s5,,w e motion passed by a nine yes. vote. Com. larchhoft abstai aed . Cau. Raufi.eld wasi absent. MMIXON, by Q-ow.. Renner, seconds by Com, Hafnor, to recommend approval of the ftur "variances : rom Ordinance 61.1 as requested and being as follx< a.. 'armit ed Uses.:; Ord., 61:-2 - 11 unit Multiple 4welling and under, one-half 1, bedroom., Proposed 0-r-1. - NuItiples d9vo lings -withsurer and. water. Actual. - 3 each, 24 unit apa. tment buildings with sewer & wateE . 2. HeightRegulations; Ord. 61-1 r 2' 1/2 story or kC feat maximum. Proposed Ord. - 4 story, or 45 feet maximum., Aet'xa.l 3 :`=tory, 27 ,feet. 3. Matancar beti een buildings-,t Ord. 61-1 - 60 feet. Proposed Ord,. - 35 feet Actual - 110'feet. 4. laundry Facilities-* Ord, 62-1 45 sq ft. per unit. Propos-ed Ord. No -'equirement.: Actual .., 19 1J2 srL- ft, per unit. blot on passed by all Co aisai.oners present voting aye.. ARDS SCHIBBEAirs. rrls. Dc eba :znm einar, attorney, and Mika 7 aaadeo er; surveyor,, appeared to request a subliv sion waiver on Lot 11, Black S Bax' IS1ev 2,. Btacon Heights 24d Addition at the southeast coiner of Fiery-.. 55 and VAlitER APIV'D'.; Kirkwood Lane.. The Build.jng Inapector reco mended approval.. The hardship nature of the case was brought out, and alsothat the shape of the parcel demands description by meats and bounds. MOTION lay tom.; Kindseth, second by Com; Cavanaugh_, to mcommend waiver, of the requirements of the aubdivisioa ,Ordinance as requested by Pia.. Schiebe., Motion passed by a. nine yer vote. Cora. Chapman abstained. planning August 10, 196 -Frage 2 FL MWr COi.S.jzSS_TOij° LICw lig Chmn ' gan opened n Fublic aetaring to considers change of zoning RE; REEZOTNIZ Plus $if4 nn Yag i.+`G' i £i33a d?n ii axteia .. Atigus;t 10. 1 a Age IS Act*$ for other, c . rrd'#rtial uaeda.. Petitioner - henry Meyer..M.-EA..GQMA props 23e atarac; 11{lPOSED COMSM. D*nn,i$, 040Y04 appeared for t1r. Meyer. lie Stated there are no ZONliQREF.h' P*c1tio plans. for the acreage other thaza the gas stetion s L&w enct To Ccej?s.=I; Serersen4 Mobil Oil represeatzative, al so appeared.. Opponents Lloyd: Bosshart,, dir*ctor of missions, and I'esv. 'Xenne'th Gitfre of the lgrim united, Brethren, Church,; exhibited plans for development of the church aiteabuttiag tha property i,a question to the rest.. They bioug t 011t th+* follciwiitg points in oppos tioa to the. proposted eZgai,ugis la Til* Guide Pan indirates =11tipla zoning between, the ohurcb .site and cowereisal Zoning. 2) Vultiplt Zoning Would pro- vi,dc a buffer., 3) Thee propuaed co=etrcial zoning vithout; speeeiti.cs would ,all,oP- azay end OP devel:npment. 4) if commercial zoning, is all*s d it s4oald be placrd in the *$-1 Li'ited usi noss District of tk a *'Proposeaci Zoning Ordinance". They stated that. the _church c.onstruc.ti,on will start in, about ta. yezar. Gary 'Y`cuag ivldet o. -Plymouth representati,". , stated it -,,auld be titfair to great anothert~ d,dam a daial ate unt `1 the one. already ,planned fair the i. e diate area gets off Cite ground. The lit ariaag wa-a deelarea close=d at 10.25: p#m#. MOTION by Chmn} Agan, second by Com, Ratter, to refer the proposed rozoaaing to the Zoning Committee for study and report., The motion u=as pus&edf, by all. Commissioners present voting aye:. The poss1bi,lity of acting on rezoning only for the s.ervi:ee station was. suggested by Mr.. Gony". ITIOW, R"EaT ;STS` & C(NIMINICATIOM Alvin W., Schmidt appeared to request a. Conditional Use Permit for k M. Ui?NI 'S' GO.101T, act; and used car lot at,. 11120 fyry. 55, He showed a drawing of en 18' USB PEMtlL MiTEST by 421 A frame building on a lot with a frontage of 1251 and a depth of 300.1. He *at ndviaed, of aetback, etc, requirements and that he shdaul,d prcas*aa.t a pian shta drag exec,. dimensions of layout, etc. which would be filed with a Conditional Use Permit if granted IQ T by Corn., laudseth,, aaeond by Cora. Hedtke, that the Com- on consider the request tit a later 'time, and that Mr. Scamidt be advised he OmId' return to the Cruno l with a detailed plan.. The motion was defeated by an eai ht yea vote. Gom' r, hiaad3seth and liedtke voted aye. Thone&Y. Rouse: appeared foss tentative d onsideration of rezoning Loth: REt TM HOU39 1, and , Tam. louse Addition from Ras deatial to Multiple I Se113 ag REZCV= REQUIEST It was pointed out that the a v -,-age -would allow only 15 units on the 3 -"ats. Buds Jensen 4215 Revere Lane, presented a, peti,tiom gned; by, 15 families; against the possible rezoning. Marvin H. -person. and Calvin Hedlund appeared for fufthor consideration o ,approval. of ;the 00bncord Addition*' p:er&lirninary plat., Mr. A"ersca C,i}XORD' .ADDITION propoav4 rovorting beck to the '&adow Lawn Esta..tes 3rd :Addition plan MM W. ZLAT with tlae itclusion of a; smal i, additional piece of proporty, bringing, WPROVIM the 't , a lots up to 64. Ohm. ligan painted out that the only change t,rw tho, plat formerly approved is a aujl .de -sac: rather vtiaaa s stubbed street... A10TI IN by Ctu. . andnoth,, second by Com. Hadtke, to 1 --command approval, of tho: w'Cdstacore' Addition*, prelimiadary plat as submitted, which pl.at iej s.imilsr to. thy^ Mudow Lawn Uteates 3rd Addition plat pre',ri.ously ap•- provad by thf- 0anwission;.. Motion passe6 by all Commissionarw preserav rd. i ay e z ,n Commi sion,nutes - Au,-U 10, 1967 - paso 4 ob card George lirestz apl,eared regarding, tn,e pra po: ed csa-t In us- M ril-&a,7.' =UST. sial zap" ` i 3a , vonue and Vicksburg tsnes,- Chmn.. Egan adv lard the P R . &LAT' Cot=i.ssim th h,e;; Pari 0o.mfission could not buy tho entire property but that hPurchase and use of a portion of the rra arty ft park. It was brought sut than the psi ae of the -k roperty may be prohibltive for park uae.. .Ciscuas4-orj ensued of the posqsibl e tempcX"ary intent of tho industrial zoning to allow for miming of gravel, location, in a residential ez7es, and need for use of •thj property Pro ported to be not suitable for residential, MOTION bye Coe. Radtke, sea,-nd by Coo. Rennor, to recommend approvral of the Xroatz Industrial irk preliminary* Mat subject to the follow n rocs endation of the Plat Comrnittetz 1) A r6noe,is neses:ed to provide ai buffer between the employcee Parking area and the, ressidenceato the north.. ) A oul.-dei-sae isc zetdad at, the north and of, Y-resaa,tt Parc Drive until. 13th Arenut, is cut through.. The potion was dafeated by as tit -rotee, Cam;s. Penner, Radtke,, Willenbri.ng and Ghvaanaaugh,voted y"eP,. 0=0a. Chapman F4ndsAth,; Xi.rohhoft and San voted, nay., Gcnis. Hefner and Raic=be abstainerd,. Comd Beaufield7 waa absetit.- INTION by Coca.. Xirchhoff,, second by Coin* Chapman, to recommend to the Council that this, land berezoned to Residential. The Motion Vas d:& eaten ay an ei t xal, votes.. Coma a, Chapman. and Kirchhoff" voted aye,, The, detvttl- opexsu mere adviaed that they could appear before the Council, proceed with rog4aati,ng a 13aail,di.ng Permit for t building, or wait for a further Study by the Commission including sanitary sewer and a.turm sew,-ar in the at-ca.. ilk: Raedahl appeared regardipg Mil ipa.- i.ng for about 5.6 acres R=ARL M.ULTTu.l on, the east. sides of South Shoro Drive and requestod variances from Zaa &- VARIArMI-ES Ordineace, 61-1 De:vealopmont plaansu submitted as requested July 13. Apia M W<:l'I`IMI by Com. Rentaar, second by Com.. Cravunaugh, to racc mend re- zoni ag to ,hUlt ple, Dwelling the Hegdaahl property aa% daacribed in the w:oti,ce of Roaring, and, to rea u:aeand .oproval cfthe four -var ances from Ordinance 61-1 as requested and being as follows l.. P`rmitted Taeaa, ors. 61-1 - 11 unit multiple; drtili,ng and under; on.a=half 1 bedrooms E'cu c^s d clyd.., ; x.lti,ple dwelii.ngs rith stw--r and gator. Actual - 2 each d units, 5 each 12 unatm, Frith sewer and watesr. 4 T)oxat Yard Hagulaatx ons s Qwd r 61-1 - }fid feet. 1'ropos it Ord. - 50 ft. on thoroughfare, '45 ft- on rogalar street. Aotdal - 43 ft. on Co. Rdk ` 0, Instance 1?ottvees4 Bu ldingst ora. 1-1 - 60 ftp rrCJ Oa*d'k,--d., — 3, ft., Acwal. 2 buildings at 50 ft. 4. AAundxy Facillta:ass troposed d..- No requirement. ent. Actual - 6#4 rq. ft, per units T'is motion wan: roared by all. Commissioners present voting ayes, arties intarostod in rezoning for the propozed Gene noa^ismat =ltiple Trzz LOUISMET dwellings Vora ardvi.ae:d that no action haa, been taken for the reason.-,iliTIPLI! REZONIM, that as pleat plan h an not been submitted.,. 1 3f Flal4niu$ G ari*a V!,i.n4t* ---A-ugwi.t 10, 196 - Pago i i 1dr . rl .G 3i iZ° r..?Ai/iiJ tnC } .. zk Vt of il!' St LGC i. 1h,"i rt .t.-ecommendln p o"l LAWUH ,C71i,ktT.FiTSoftheStrandsButerprise*. Urch iiotghts tagooA* preli.oinary plat LAGOON -MMU1. a:abject tQ rtvjate .and approval by the 7llago ngzaeer. PLAT, AMCM _ MOTION by Oom. Hatter.,, aecotd by Gom. Xirchboff, to rGaom%end ap proral of the vevi,%od 101ar h Heig4ts Logono, prai iminary plat tts submit-tea. Motion ;p od by all mis onera: pre$ent voting, nye. eai .k] C ni secs oi` Gom" s, Xgau G&vanaugh and xjrchjioff' eras sp oi zz :ed. to wtoAx 'Ith the Administrator in pxreparatioj of a. toning maps,. The: x ext ZeOtitg Or the plat aild. Zoai,ng Cow tteea will be,L oh September Upon i oto on made sod carri,ed., the meeting vat adjourond at 140 a:..m. IA. L. Tamee" 8ec'xetery