HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 07-13-1967e Tuly las ,1967- raII'ar •ti,asg Of" the P2,atani.xsg. Orxnissican waw called to order by z yRo-an r at `;x14,p.m reasczstq ChairOftz, ngeu, Car issiioners t avannugh, Chapman, Hedtkea, Xinftethw Xirehhoff, Rennar and 'Villenbri.ng.. Cart, Holcombe arrived *t, 'z0v, Com.. Rauf te? \ arrived at 9 X50 qhs t Coss, Haftor. MMON by Como irchboff, sera<,pnd by Com.. aavanau&, to approve the minutes of the re,gul" mattitS of yaneai4toti ora passed by all Comrni:iai eannre Present votitag Aye. U LIG H &z3 icer-Ch i Hsnner, op aed a -Publia,-Reari s& to consia r a change cat'' REw ' R. YETMvN zoning classifi.catioa„ from Open Davelopme;x,t to CaTmrcial, for 00M. zonim R.g « property n, t ho vicinity of 9835 Co, Ra 1'x o cared. usesesrqjoc_ 98 35 CO. l0, station and rastourant.. Rititioner - ae,ritt L. Vaterscn« Pi opoaantsl Hewitt Iieterson requested rezoning before prot:R-ding irM design: of the aorvice station and restaurant. He, sg1xi .iced. as. layout of the propcaaed 01verlm of interchange at Co. Vds Vand 10 and stated that he will dev*lc p atter the interchange Its put iltll. OppCoonta'l; caner y Mr. Peteraor vasa:. adviaed that the vuide; Plan i,ndicate& Xndu&triaa2. or Cwoercial uae for the general are$i, but that the Conollssion, does not axant to Tezonee until construotioi of the intcrchan e« Tae Hearing was declarod closed at X542 p,in. Vlce vhmn« Pe p-ner open .od a llsblic scaring to considoi a ehe'oge of TMV 'JITT= WAiDg t`,rom i'tesideatial to MuItiple Dytelling,E for, RM- ONIM R=' E$`1''. Lest. 2, Block 3, KIa4swural a Addition at 2735 tiler Lane., ~~°ropoaed use D8NIED vpartmant in .home for daughter and son-"-Taw.. ye ltionar - \peloree 0' Totta.tl„ F-Topononts s Mra,.. Totten reviewed the apartment p ecr, wh2.ah woultx not chant a the Outs do of the ttcsuas on this 1 nacre loi,,« She ax lained that std;t had b,e*A advised by the, baax to file fcai*, rozoning to enable her to rea-mortgage her pr€rpMrt:.. About 8 res taents ob,14cted to Vht prg)posed .tltiplri zojaina.. but not to r4moael rtg ror e, wxeiat vee apurpoont in the home.. Mrx. Tcatten w4a advised thLt 4iiot zoning in a reaidentiel neighbor act=d vaald not be 4 I)VkjP6r ie44 usa but that the issuaaa(.;e of as ,ti ildit F'Perot Should QIIOV her to proceed with obtaining a Ioa n. Th,,) H+ariA; vai, declared closed at 8:3C pm.. IMMIOU by Chinn, Egsn, second by Com. Chvo*rflo to Taccmn end denial oi`° razon?rag the groper°t;y at 2735 Xiimer `Lane fr Hesident ;al to Mzuita iple vllis .< lotion pdsaad by sll 'Commissioners present, v`dting ayes,. VIOo&-Ch=-- Pdftnor opened ,a. Publia-fleoring to censider a change o: zun4 ng c,(a ssi,fJoAti on, from ltasideatial to Uult3 ple Iyarellirsg, for about 22 Acres lylug, partially to the north, but mainly to the II, i 40tai ug GomdaRi.on lit vtes - C`uiy 13, 1967 -- Rigg r of 12th, ,Avanua; and east of east Medicine Laken Propooed use. - l.Gi sbav =Tlptv laxUry apartmoAt buildings.. -Petitioner - done 4. Louiaaaacst.- R=NTIVIG RMU ST 0,pononta t, TABLEDla G,Ma Lo"I smat stated that no pleat plan vtas presented as it i& being dev'elopied. He rasi adviaad of the Commission policy re ii multiple development of 411z.ng, variances 4o ordinAac a C1.1 to bring u propoaacd developze4t, up to the standards or the 0Z'roposad Zoning t?rdi as „ co'"', and that a plot plan, is required, Vices»Chma . Ronner deported that the Zoa ing Committee reacmnended approval of, tho rezoning. O ppot1L n,ta°, t Hones. The iiaaaring. raas declared, closod at; 8$45 a.m. by Conn. Kiindsoth, sacond by Cane. C-avanaugh, to resoind tha aation of they Zoning Committee: approving the rs7,onin&, The ,ration rias defeatoda, Com. Xi,ndeath voted Fayo Com*,-w Hedtkes and Ranntar voted nay, Ccxaa`a;. 1 Cmvanaugh, Chapman, : Holc='bes, Kirchhoff, inn atad ' illenbring abstained MION by Com.. Kirchhoff', second by Com. Kindaatta, to table furth,a.r action on the Lcruismat MUltipl;e zoning request}. The Motion passed by i you vo1.e: , a,:exn. i llvnbring voted nay. vola HWicombe abstained Yi.no,-Ghmn-*. Renner opened a 1 blic Hearing to consider the preliminary URCH MGM aand proposed Eclat of "Larch Ha'ghts Lagcon.P°, being a 30 acr a LAGOON P,RM 11.. plan tract of about 25 ;dots lying south,of 5th -voauo and test of Larch PLATIWERRED TO Late* 5aveloper - Strandea Entorpri.scs, lt%cy MR7,1 CO1%1. '1'M a Proponentas Bob Nelson eppeared on behalf of Mr. Strearde.. Ha indicated plana to dredge's thea sloug1 and provide access to Baas lave. Casa* h. rchhoff re,portea that the Plat Committee head a ecoomended no actin., as ;rt, map had not Loan autmitte:d showing hoer, the proposad plat is, tiled in with -,-kxistiz plptting. Mr. Nelson stated haat has tr'ould Weakv at t-he August 3kd meeating of the raat Committee. Th* Hearing was mclared oloaad at 9 p.m,, Tnrq,Worriaj Park Co mi.aasioza:, Chairman, appeared in regard to the RBsr KMATZ PAR KxeaatzL property at 14th, Avanu& on the tqost side of Vi.okraburg Lane, and AT 1LjTH AVp,. & the .rawxesat Tor an xi d),katrial Building Permit*, He ata tad that once- V1GF5BURG LANE half of the Parcel ira one of the situs choson far as public park site in the application, fait red Arasl matching funds. 'lots: Cwmisa3.on, brought out that if half of the property is takers for a perk, land use for the other half must still be dac lded.R Bob and George Kroaatz were in aittandanco, aul stated thoyt cnamaider then land 3v not suitable for Ros- iFleaiti,aal as the gravel has,, bean taken off fTolloving they water table, aid that if the chola piece is not taken for peza'k, the remitai.ng ones halt mould-possib` V suitable f)r 2T1altiple. G -sn. Kirchhoff gave a Plat Committoo report. as follows reap# the applicaa: ion for an InaWatritl Building Vermit a` 1) A fence mould be aeedad for aa. b afor to the .,forth.. 2) A tompor- tory call-de-sac mould be needed. 3) Tha property should be purchaazed for park use and not be developed indtaatria11Y- 4) Tony Norris should be contoototZ as to the possibi xeity of acquiring the property for as park.. MOTION by. Ghana,. `rgma, second by Com. Kirchhofr, to ask the Park Commission to ,give a definity reccmmandaxtioa lath regard to the proposmd uae of the i 1'1 ting C asi u Minutes - Ally lar 1967 - Page property for, a porkj, atdz for the Plen; ng Commission to include e re--' Otil-t for rocornmend4atioas from the, manning Consultant and l llage Snginoer as to poss.iblo land usta of the property.. Th.e mot' ora eras Wised. by a E yeA vote. Oom)s. Hedtka and Xindse'tlh voted nay.. Com. Bauf'ield had Com. not yet arrl,,eo„ and Hefner was . absent. Bill H*gdahl, ap.pe rO4 rej. 14,11 tif5la zoning for about, 5..6 across on the RB: H WDAHL LT. e,as"t side of South Shore ve just northatAs.t of the Gullickson RG; niiiiw OPartmelnt development. XUblie Hearing held Xune 15,,. Cots, Hinaseth sugsestt4 that apartment developers should 'utt resqu,ess.ted to aomply with the reequire0ents- of the r,Prtopoae[d Zoning t ditzanco*' and-bbrpit a lint OA. x ;Aces :from Q3.dinau{..`s UN by Com.., Xit4zeth, second by Com. Hodtkce, that when Y&* Hegdahl prtaOlxts deve;lopca+ant plaza dQ fwting with the requirements of the O'itNPostad ZOAink; Ordnance' he ha& tentative approval for Multiple z i ,.. 140ti0n, passed by all Comi,ssioae r4 prasent pressott voting aye:. S aures Tracy, real estate agent for I'"ri-State; Lane, Co. z appeared aye: PEr PR{ FC' ;RQ S_ Xodustrial -zoning for the proposed *Ply oath -55 Indu,%trial Park*, on ZONINIG FM, PLY., 230' acres lying north of Co. Rd. 9 west of Dolly Zana, east of Huy, IN[JtTS,"R>L PARK 55 kind,, 8011th of the Soo Line Tracks. 1Publia Haar ng held rune, 15. Com. Wil,ienbzri ng gave a Zoning Committed .report as follows 1) $houlcl be classified l-1 if approved. 2) Guide Plan ira.dicatcs R -O aro a.. ) Port of the property along the track; ias zoned I'n- dpntr-ka1.` 4} zQsizag Committee felt that the reouest should be turned over to the plazani ng Conaultant and pillage Engineer for reap=andatiots l.r.. Tracy requestad that the Commission a:t favorably un0er the axi-st- ing ordinance. The Chair referred the matter to the Plat and 'Zoning Committees foic further study. Robert Roiiol.ai,r and lames Riley appeared rex° Oiltiple Zonina for BOISCLA,1M-RILET about 8 ;ares lying east of Medicinene Lake and bounded b ;, h and 26thi..V'II`IM, 7OMM, 3. Avenue; and Lancaster and Nathan Lanes.. 11 oposed. uses wa e 24 unit O:°' ?IGINE T.AICIR apartment buildings, construction to start in the spring of ,1968. APEROVED Public iiesri.ng hold lune 1.5. Com, Zirchhoff reportetlor the Plat Com- mittee haat the vari.auce.w- required. would be basically the same az those r*quirod in the Hoi4 lair -Riley ,apartment complexproposod f0t the Four Seasons area. fit further ` reportod that; t1at Planning Consultant had recommended 4.ther that elevators be reegtitred or titat eAtrances he loaater4 at the j story leresl . fir, llilesy atzted that 6ntrrances would ba placed at the j story les'vreal DWIOU by Com. Willenbr ng, second by Com, Cavanaugh, to recommend ap'preyal of rezoning from Residential to Multiple; Dwelling the p opeerty as desoribeed in they Notice of Hearing, lying on the east side of Med- oi-od Uke, as. petitioned by Robert Bcisolai,r and sdrard. Greedy-. Uotioa ;passed. by 411 Comam a'sionors present voting aye. I Harold. Viw, cler and an associate appaarej re Multiple :toning; .for Lot WI&LER xt71,T,I no 1, Block 1, eas ant Hills, Be -plat, b% n,g 'tho northeast corner of WNI APFROVW utker brae and Hvy. 55 Proposed ua,- - threa 24 unit :aptttmant buildlnj s, stated to be completed, by the spring of 14 68. Public Hae$rw inq held Tune 15, Com. `Willeenbring reported for the Zoning Committee 1) 3Anw, landv .not good. for Realdential:.. 2) 1,ucated on livya 55. Idaltiple ;aoning could be a goad buffer for Industrial and Cpm- Zerci.al, zoning to the south and east., 4) ,;kuide Plen indicates Indu&triai use,. IaAblug 00=issiOA lliPOtes - *TulY` 13, 1967 - Past 4 leixtor was rtiad from Win: and Wilson Robinson,.33 5,Ruaker suggesting measures: that sho4ld, bt taken to prevent devaluation of residential. properly. Reviurw of the plot plan, indicated that most of the suggestloos had been mot. Tai`iCTION by Com, C tv anaugh, socond. by Com., 411eaxbriztg, to recommend approvaal of rozoti.ng frem Residential and Opmercial to llulti:plet D*ellin Leat 14 Hlook at,, Zteasoat Hills Be -plat as petitioned by , HaroU i:nkle.r. aatiou ;:x.ssest by all Commissiontrrs present voting, aye. 4'saajrio H. Araersonv, Calvin fie:dlund, engineer, and, many residents of lat CONCORD Alw,DJT*, 644oit lawn Estates 11, and, 2nd kdditions appeared .ret the preliminary Vaj L i<t,. PLAT) lazy and ;ps,oposed ,plat of "" Concord Addition*' located north of 36tH venue+ anri vest of llavere .ane. Putlic Roaring had Xuns 15. Com;, Mrthhof'f" gave; a Plat Committee report as f'oliorsr 1) Tht number of 16ta along 40th Avenue should be reduced from 1to 13. 2) kUrk acreag,* should be reduced from 13.16 to 12..;36 acres,, eliminating aaub.qtandard lots in the rleat:= Walk -way& ahoul.d be provided fear they 2 cul-de-soca not in than origin4l plat.*) Tice developer sho,,ld pave the road st the s therl.y borders 5) Com. Haf'nar votrj for acce;ptance3 of the pkat Q.s pre.sented , Com. Kirchhoff voted for tccoptances subject for the girkaart a tapprovaN; CGM* i~ edtke re jescte,& the plat;, %rom.. Chapman abstained, b} The 6caunittes requested that Ch -ma. Hainer contact time V.. igineer for his roe ommendetions ret cul-de-sacs. Cam. Xi.rehhoff further reported that they Plat Committee x!Lve; tacit apps -oval, to the *greets &trip" Ooncepty Engineer Boaettrools ,report of Tuly, 12, 1967 vas read includiing the folloting points l) The plat containsq cul-de-sacs Which is unusally high for the acreage involved. 2) Overall drainage plan or storm sewer, dessi,ga not raceiv'ed.. Yater na nd. become dead ends, 3) Flog dire(ions and street grade grad'ear .not zadax usta far proper resv e r tom. Anderson pointed out Haat sawar is installed in the Meadow Lawn Estates ,3l^d Addition portion of "Concord Addltion, end the cul -da- -acs cannot be changed, Mrr, kedman stated that tentstivte drainage plans are sbow.0 on the preliminary plat and that the Tillage Engineer Will insist upon proper design of the water mains.. Edward Sbhwartzbsuar, attorney, spoke for the most Lake x.esid,enta, and asked the Commission to deny the request for variances from the prement platting oxdioanoa . He stressed that the purpose of a variance i& to prevaAt unecessaary hardship, not to ,rant special, privilege, He maitataiAed that residents of +ieadcw Lawn Esta -tea- lst and 2nd Additions would be advnrsel.y ,fix"fected by Ol,lowancer of leas tt ata 13,.500 sq., ft., minimum luta. ,presented a petition again& -t thesl at: vari r'ce . .s3gnexa Mr, Andaxsoa pointed out that Lata Sake reeatrictird covenants required that $250000 homes be build on: tt; e lake, but that a $19,500 value, 12,000 ,s,q., ft. minimum was allowed away from the lakes. He stated that f w equal or better minimum sizes axad value home- would be constructed along 40th Avenue. There )Ia.$ Oonsiderables discussion ,as to. how the *breen strip"" concept is ;etinr'xng out in the Pamtom area. MOTIOU by Com. Kia4set;h,second by Com. Kirchhoff, to requeat that Zngiaceer Bonestroo eubmit recommendationaii as to his objections to cul -dei -sac.. planning eAd what chonrt's he would ,Hake in,, the *Concord Addition'' preliminary ,plat.. Motica passed by all. Commission*rs preraent' voting aye. a P104n n& Cession MlAutes , Suly 13, 1967 - Page; Robert H(4sclair and IaZes Riley appeared re r pzoli.minary pla.asi and VARI=ZS 11) requestad, vari;anoc s for a proposed apartment complex on acres in B0J:St IH-Rl"LEY then rsesterly portion of the Four Seasona 'Ge;szt sr, lying north of 37J FOUR ;MOM Avel2u*,- Ctm„ Ki.nds.eth brought out that the original development coA- o.apt of the ara& eras f'oi town houses to abutt the e"'t edge of the APIMA,E" NT GOP=. gre.n strap, lowering the density bestween apartment devolopmerkt and Rsv idential zoning to the weat.. lie objected to a too high speed aace,ptaAoo of the Proposed derelo,pment without complete understanding' of what is;,, going into the tot l development of the; Metro-Plymouth area. WTTiL` by Cid., man, second by C ., Chapman,, to recommend approval of Variances. frCm 'Ordinance—, 61-1 as requested and, being as followw 1... :Permitted U ea:a Ord. 61-1 - 11 unit Wltipt,ea av-elli.ng and under, ons+-half 1 bedroom. Proposed Orap. - Mult e dxerllings vith sever and. water. Y24Actualpp].icatio unit apartment builc:3rag j-L sewer rrxrtcr. 4 laundry, Faellitiessc Ord*. 61-1 - 45 Sq- ft. Per unit., 1'ropmed Ord. - Xo requirement. Actual Application - 15 aq* ft.. per unit. 3- Inti ttra'tor- & `Jazbagt i' Ord. 61i-i - macine+ratora roquir,de garbage_ encloa edr Proposed Ord*, - lnoinaratora required, garbage eaclosod. Actual. kpplia-ation - arbage pack-up, no i.nc.iaer$tora Motion ,passa4 by an 8 yea vote.. Com's. 4ndaeth &Ad liolcombe voted; nay';.. Oum . Hafner weer absent,. ML. Riley submitted. a letter dated Xu1y' 7. 1967 proported to be from adjacent residpr2ts and approving the construction of the proposad two 4-unit apartment complexes with the .folloving stipulationwr 1) Ai11 submitted plans- are conformed to by the builder.. -d Builder to gtia anticipated completion date., 0) CompleLtion of Sight Devel- opment Plans as. called for in the: "1967 Vvoposed 'Zoning Ordis'tnnce, Sec. 10, Sub.. 8-3 (0` Of Plymouth Nrillago-, %) Se nli.ce road on wes`v aide ofapartment complex to terminate, within the, Plat and, not extend north into the raining 16.18 €acres of Floes 19. PEI`I.TIM J ,T.fASTS' & C0I 6Vj4JO:.1.LODS, 2chiebt Harvel%and ass.00iste . appeased for tentative consideration of re=: M T=ATSVE zoning about 50 acres of the Schiebe farm on the south side of AWY RE`ZO IM R=EST 55 to light Industrial and Comr4araa al, They were provided with a CHI E FAQ list of speoificati ons for .?e-zoning, request procedure, Jerry Harrington appeared ate behalf sof Ed 'Woody and, associates for REs TS;,.IYS,A . MULT.: tentative3 consideration of rezoning to blaitiple I*elling about 22 REZONIITI REVEST acres bting Lots 3 and lir Aeaditor's Subdiv. 333, and: bounded by ET- HAGmnr.,TON' Medicisae lake Blvd,.. and Pilgrim and ?tagner Lanes,. lie stated that dtvol.wpmtnt plans would proceed, there being no immediate objections to the proposed lar use. Upon mots on, made and .carried, the. meeting wa& adjourned at 1.20'I.m. Secretary