HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 06-15-1967Xune ' 15, 1967 AL regular meeting of the l?lanning Cs fission wasi called to order by dice-C,hnn. Renner' at 7 t)O p.m.. l'raserit; Cat¢ issiane s Baufield, Cavanaugh, Chapman, l afher'•, R6dtkw, ffolocmba, Xind.aeth, Kirchhoff, Renner and Nillenbring,,, absent t Chnir>;aan man. 1,1 TION by Ccs. Chapman, second by ^.om. liedtke, to approve the minutes of the resula:- meetings of April 13 and: Uhl 11 and the special meeting Of XUO 1... Potion passed by 4111 Commissioners present voting aye. PUBLIC, H?1i V ce-Chmn. Re:tner opened 0 Public 'Hearing to consider a. change of RE ,rLSCF 172E Ems.. Zoning classification from -Posid64t al to Cotilmtoial about 2 racreu CCM. ZONING N OF. lying forth of Hwy, 55 in the vicinity of 11304 Hvy.. 55.. Petitioner -; HWY., 5. Sahiebe ' roa: , Inc. Pr poneats Art and Ed $,chiebe pointed out that the ,reel is aulfrounded by commercial; property and stated they .have a proapec:tive buyer who proposes establishing a used car lot. tlpponents t None. The Rearing vas declared aloied, at :1.0 p.tc. (See action. age 4) Vice-Chinn, Renner opened a Public K6t~ing to consider a change of RE's HIDDA MULT. zoning classification from Residential to Xig4 Density Mtaltip.le ZONING E, OF Dwelling about 5.6 acres located on the. coat side of South Store Drive S. SORE ERNE juat A. of "V-Aa proposed Gullickson apartments.. Petitioner -- Hegdahl, Inc`. Proponettav Fill e gc Ahl, owner of the property, reviewed the proposed project. oppo tents : No.nc.y The He4rit8 cess: declared closad at 8:20 p.xn. Vice-Ch .. Renner opened a -70tblic Hearing to consider a change of zoning classification, from Open Developmaot to Idduatxrial 230 acresz lying nertb, of 00'. Rd, 9, west of Roily Lane, Bost of R:ey, 55 and south of tht Soo Line Tracks.. Petition-r - Tri-State Land Company, a subsi,d- i1+ry of the Soo Line Railroad. Proposed use _ "Plymouth-55 IAusvtrial i lark. I cponents.: Caorge T. Bargren, indvatrial :and Real Estate Oommissloner for the RE: it sZCN"G. FGA Zri-Mate Land. Company, reviewed the proposal and tentative plot PLYIaOUM-:55 plan wi,, : they Oommission and audience. He atated that Induwtrial. IMUSTRIAL PAR4 t ccaai.ng ia„requested to tacili,tate prooeeding vith plans tot dove!_ opntent of a controlled industrial parke He stated actual develop- ment vottld occur with wrailability, of sewer and "water - in 2 to 5 j e'ara. Op onauts t Il'ill az Deziel RollydAle:, Golf,, Inc.,, appeared: not in opposition j but' to queiation :LP the proposed, project would possibly force serer before, the ar6a i,s ready for it, and to look over the tentative layout G. G.. Hendrickson stated he has reservations regarding they proposal., and was. wwtrzed w,1th rezoning before presant.p. Uon of e fi el; plan. The Hearing rias dealAred olosed at 8;55 p.m. a l IannitO 0090issioll PaH,rutes Xune 1.5, '196 - Page iter hMD, Rtlnner agmen a VublJO Hearing to aonsider a change of RE; BOISCIAIR- Zonizag classifioati,on from. R6344enti.al to aultiple DivoIling about 8 RILT'X IWLT.. ZONIW acriss bounded by 25th and 26th Avenues: and xancaster, anis Nathan Lanes.; Z. QF MM. L, oposed q4* - 4:u1.tiple dwellitg complox composed of six 24 unit aparttoont. b.aildi rz ga in the mecli am luxury •class with garages and an indnor-obtdcaor x4 sc eatltanai area, 1'etitionera - Robert 8oienlair and agar a Grady. Pxo,ponentax Mr*- 130isol;ai,r and :fares RileY, X• R. Riley Construction Co,, re- viewed the plot plan Ki.th the Gomiss; on and audience. r. Riley stated that the devcic pmeat meets exery requirement of the *Prep- osed ZolAng, {ordinance:*,, die stated that construatiork will start. in the sprite, of 1968 with aompletiork of the 96 unit complex scheduled. for the fnll of 1368k: opponeiats 1; Roy hl,ausrzAn. and, other residents spoke not in opposition but want- ing aasuranca that the specifications as, presented mill be full,filled. he Hearing was declared claaead at 3.20 p.m. Vice-ChmrL. Ronaer opened a Public Hearing to consider .: chango of RE; WrrKUR zoning Classification: fma Reside_zntial. and Commavo ai to N ultipl.e MMTIPLII ZONING tvelling property located at: the WE corner of quaker Lane and F y, 55 AT (ZP'ARER LANIS i'a peasant Hills Additiou. Proposed use - thr-5, 24 unit apartment & My- 55 buildings„ :Petitioner - Harold 0. Winkler. Seo' one, a pearl to speak for or againat the _ proposed rezoning. letter was received from Ifilson C., Robinaon, 335 r4gaker Lane, auggtst- iiw, maaawLrara that should be taken, ;o prevent devaluation of reoido its- isl property« The Hearing was declared closed at 9:25 p.m Vices -Chum. Renner oper,ec a Public Hearing to consider the preliminary RE. COXXORD, ADDIL. plan and Proposed plat of. they '"C:flncor'd Addit3,oO located north of 36th PREU . PLAT Av6nue snd vest of Revere. Lanes and abutting Meador iaarn Estates 2nd Addition: at the northtrlY border of tho plat.. Developer - Marsrin H Anderson*. px oponeuts a Mr, Andersoa, Howard Dah1grexa, Midwest Planning,, and Calvin Hedlund,, engiineer# reviewed the preliminary plat with the Commission and aud- ience.- Mr Dah3;4 ren pointed, ou+. that the :sar)n syeteta is proposed asr is being used in the dtvelopment of the Era r Serasonsw Arta to, the gest* ie. thee a.amea lot dinsity is maintained aa: in platting of 18,500 s:q ft. lots.. He explained that the average lot size pro Pased, is 11600aft. ft. vii th a minimum lot size of 11#,000 sq. ft., but that the difference in sr6a is put into a system of park.vrays and valkwaysw fir.. Anderson, stated the value of the homea would. rangy fx= $24,,000-00 to $29,000-00-, ppcanen t Some l9. families residing in Uaadoo 7 awA l st;ltaa lst aad 2nd Additions, voiced strong opposition to any e'developmout* ,pith lots under the 16*500 spm, ft# M,.-Uimum, T4ey stated they had purchased property from Bvyee Tohnson -4ith, the absolute assurance that the one-hal`f acre lot ,size would, 'be zmaaintaiu44 in Meadow Lawn Estates3rd Addition, hinh, area is now, included in the, proposed Concord Addit oD. YVrther 1poitta brought out werev 1) They had purchoseA land in Plymouth to get away from a "development*' area and wished era sea: the .rural, char- meter raointtaiaad,, S 02amtom. Estatea" should, not be allowed to happon again, 3) Who maintains the gram &trips- and what co,-,rpletion time. Pled oo= ssloa Uinute.6 J"une 1967 Page 3 does they deyeloper have, A. resident of " extom stated that huw, hud 'not been told he would be assessed for maintenance. Property vwnots4 along 40th x%venue would ha" 2 or 3 lots abutting their back y4r46 if the smaller lots as proposed were alloyed. .On. the aug- gestion of Cam. RentAer, Mr Anderson, stated that a comptomiae, could b#-, ode 'with platting, lots along this sftxee}t i the one-half~ 4ro .size az 4 buffer, The Hea.`r ug rtes declexed clo"a at lCt45 p.m At tha close of. the the audience west advisedthat It Baa unlikely action on 'tire Hearings-,would be taken during the, evening,*a tweeting due to the length of the agenda and, lateness, of the hour. ` l XI ONS. I31;f2 .a`""I'S & 1C fI+Ct1VICATIO ThoOaS, W lioUse appe6re4 for tentative consideration of rezoning, to M. HOUSE Tr . Ccmmeirciaal Lots 1, 2 aad 3 of Tom House Addition et Revere Lane and CCS:'. ZOINIM MUEs Co. Rtl. 9 for lcoAtiot of an elffr-sale Liquor store. It eras the in,.. iOrmal aoneensus, of the, Commissioa that such e request would be denied cine to the residential character of the area,. firi..House, stated thst hes shay return, with 'a request for multiple zoning. lamas .Riley and, Robert Boisclai.r appeared for tentative consider RE. RILBT,-BGZ,SCLA ati:on of plans and necessary variances for constru.oti.on of 96 rental OR"OPO WLTIrI units on 5 acres in the `eestcrly portion of the 011'bur Seasons Center" coWLM, 1N *FOUR lyiag north of 37j Avenue, The layout, which is the same ass the mul..t S %S C TIM0` aple complex proposed for the Medicine lake location was reviewed. MC1'IOU by Crum.. Hedtk+e, second by r"om. C,Ovnnaugh, to approva the variances from Ord nance 61-1 as listed, contingent upon. the developer making formal application and, paying the necessary fees. AbfFON= to. the MOTION by Oom. K'indaeth, second. by Com. Chapman, to refer the prelima3.7 plazas end requested, variances to the Planning; Con sulYtaat and proper committee for .study and report. The amezadmoAt, eras passed by a six yea vete vith Coimi3aioners Kirchhoffl, Ba4f'ield, Kindseth, Cavanaugh.,: Chapman find Hole ombe votin% aye. Gom- tttiasionera Hafnesr, Renner, Hedtke and Villetbring voted nay. Thew main, notion ryas: passed, by an eight yea.. vote. Comm ssiondrw Rafter, Baufield,; Ki.n4`soth. Ca,ra.naugh,; Hedtke, Willenbring, Chapman and Holcombe voted aye.. Owe. Kirchhoff abstained. 0,=,. Banner 'voted nay,* The natter waai referred to the Plat Committees for study at a. June 29 me tti,:sg end report. An owner of residential property abutting thea green strip lying between residential zoning and the proposed apartment, complex site pointed out thalt, deveelopme at of the Multiple zoned area ad jace:tat to the gretta strip had been reptaseated as, b.;)ing reserrred for torn houses. It eras: brought of:vt it, the Commias on that the April. 13. 3,965 minutes regardai;ng. the or sisal. press htdt oa of the Metro US' Corporation.+s proposed. resV entiul- r ultiples-ccxnm 'aial comp .e x on Co. RcI.,, 1,8 betas.,, 36th .vents and Go., Rd.: 9 iaeluded thy; Townhouse cotegory for this area. Georges Gibbins:, .representing Karl. Humphrey, ThomasHumphrey and fdtncy RESt HUMP 2EY Humphrey Covey, and J'. F4 Gillespie, representing Stephen, Oates, GATBS INDUS1'R L appeared to request, consideration, of Heavy Ind.uatrial zoning for the, ZC, REgUES11 S.j of the M1 of Seo- 34, wi ich property lies adjacent to a0d, westerly of laZ owned property,, when, the, zoning soap is made! up. It -was s ;aced, thaat there are no deesvelopmeat plans.. A ;map shoving the propose6 zoning including a park betweea propoaed Inuatp al zoning and resident:1al area, was turned over to the Zoning ommi tae. As ibg C'Mia.13io Xun 15, 1967 Pastk 4 ZIA', Ccxa It'tea Ch.= IiOfner atated that study had, not yet 'been -wsde M MATZ nWS`S'.i or the, I aastz apial,,00iorL for a'8uild,is Permit f'or an industrial MW- MNaT building one, block ssx4thl of ,lith Avenztrt at Vicksburg. Lane, A Fiat C tm lttae meeting was Set. ,for Tana 29 fOr ao aideration of the _MAtfter with the Planning "'404sultaa't I Zlat Cc i,ttea Chmta» Hatner reorted; that the OQmmattee reoo,=anded RB; CODIGORD kDDIT.1 appvcval of the Concord Additipm preliminary plat subject to tha do- ZRBLIY4. PLA. velopar, working .out otarm sevtf r problems 0i,th Engineer Boaastroo and aubjeat to bringer up a*x4ubstandturd lot in the plat tvp te. the re- ti liVeme ats of the "h-op000id Zoning Ordta%ue a" sand that ho app,iy f r aW be granted, the neceosaty variaoces. yy, .k,y,. /'t y . reported Yt l M.6.1=2 VPt'.}Jt 4r.. fA i{I.<.t=. y. 1.33 i Sp ams wended rezoning the Schiebe Bros;:., ane.., property at 11.304 Rwr- 55 COA=xlkd, ZONIM to owmarcial, but limitiug 1t to the B.'3 controlled Busineag District N.. OFr' .55 catagor.y of t,h* '*Proposed Zoning Or4inanae*i.. VIOTIO0 by, 0cm. J' 1_1-ajAb.;*i,ng, second by Com. Kirchhoff, to, tables thft, requeat until tae ' opos.ed Za.;ing-'Ordi.nance" iai adopted and the fl-,? category can be, pint into; effect A.e. DuiMV to `the MOTION by, Oom.. Cavanaugh, second by Dow, 116 tka, to heck whether Cc€=arcial zoning :under the &l-1 Ordinance pm?ides for outaide >storagai.. The amendttxvnt was passer] by all D'ommia5ioaei*s, present vvtxrag ay"e. The mitt motko *oWi passed, by a 7' yea rote. {'a yra,gs6icncrs Kindsa h. Cav utaush, and Renner voted nays Zoning C uittee. Chmu. Willenbring retorted that the Committee ree- IR t VIVS"rPAW ottswanded approval 'rezoning for the OWestbank 1,nd.umtri,al Area*`, Ii l"iS""a'PJAL AREA vehiiih ram oning, ras approved by the Cco miasion tin May 11 subject to Committeib i upon motion tmad• and carried, the meeting, was, adjourned at 12t5O aom. i M. L., x t tlae I Secrttary 40