HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 05-11-1967k 3" 196 rt,ular meeting ot" they Planning Coxa lssiog and Board or Apealaa & dj nt as called to crdcr, by Chair n tau at 7--50' p.m, Preseats. Chairman Egan. CcmmisnioA*r( Baufield, Cavanaugh,, ha,prNAn liaglaer R..e.dtk , Hole nbe, Pennetr And Willonbring., and the 8uilaing ine.ctt r. s tat Commi onersi :6".indseth txnd Xirch:hoft ADJ Bob atxd George A at: appeared regarding P 13uildin Permit Ap. RE; IMEAZZ S£DG. plication for & 90 by g0 f , concrete bloc)c building_ 3 bl pl,: south MY4T POIT of lith Av;enat and abutting the rsest °aide of Vicksburg Lane., INDUSTRIAL BLDG,, oposed Por us* as aplambJng shop wAth rental taco for a almi.lar baoine s.. Zoned industr-4al,, plat of the PEreatz induatria:l r1c""tea_ 2 evietared.. ins rrAt tole pass) raferred by the Building lwq pexctor ilhO PQin,tjed Mt the fallowing; problems: 1) Plot Plan s4oww the. build- ing backed on Vicksburg, p'rontage street iso nen-ee#aetent. 2) X)a-: i; 2g is,, shown on the, Resident'ially Zoned 13 ft. buffer at,rip.., Sabaiviaion Waiver roquired if built aocordi'ng to surrey., Chmn. E;Saii brought Out that the aM a is surrounded by- Residenti&l Prop-, arty dnd there is, some question, as to whether th:e former gravel; pit s<,hpuld remain zoned x;ndue,_-J al.. t l0 by Com. H'ecltke, second by Coay. Htaftar, to refer the Maty ter to they klat Oommmi ttee for atua)t a-Dd report„ with consideration to ala,o be given, 'by the Zoning Qoomi.ttea... Motion passed by all Ccm.- miss i.oners. present voting aya,. i Ohmn. 1 an opened a Public Recri.ng to consider a chane o:` zoning 'URUNMALB'DEM.,, classification from Ressi.d.ential. to 'Multiple DovIl,ing about 6j. acres~ IM'. TTPL as described in, the Nation of Hearing and locatod at 10880'x. Shore: ZONI.Nrp A PRGVI.,,* Drive., Propoaed use .,. 120 apartment uni t.s.b Peti.ti, ohex tfrband:ale Development Inc. Proponents lohn Gul.lickann, i velopor,. and. William Bloomquist, ormer'sl resp: raizantntivo, rovi.e l d the project vith the Commission and inter- east'd p6z8oua, ka tree sudithAe . Vase adrised. that the *Pr' opoied Zoning Ordi.nduc,a*1 roquiroa A public or ccmmun ty water system and. ane-half a garage pe.- dxralliag unit. opponents.ty Mrs. Robert vhapman, i ,- Jo Frank Bool^rOcn, 1088.5 S`., Shores: Drive, ani s Dein Paterson, 1-1506 loth Aver 11., appeared not in oppo4itioaa but to gaea°.. ra ,future traffill patturus, likely tff tot an property "r alu atad future da7eelopmen`t, of the gen- eval are&w The Rearing was; declared clos,m : nt 8:10 P,M-, Atter a favorable report by tho 1;)4jng Cormdtt6a, Chairapa, the ol,l,cwiaag motion Baas, r cis.. T,;O I by Gam.. Cavanaugh, sescorL ;;y Coir. Banner, to reeommetd ap- ar ral. of the Multiples polling r,' oning clueat of Urbandale Do" plaming MiWatO ... Vey 11* 1967 - Shge 2 velopment,, T=. for the property asasi ark ed In thalpril 274 196 Ndti.ca 0 4tN 4,Z18, at 10880 $. Shc-o .Driven. Motion passed by 4,11 GomdasioA*rs praseattt voting aye. Cheam.. Agan ,opened a Tlablia HVRriug to amsider a change of zo itg HEW:t2T` IND. ZONI c.la,aaxticatioa f rom Open, Development to Industrial the . Nt of tieAT, Cak"RY LW of 5ecx- 1 at 5426 ?AcharY' Dane.. PxNoposed U$e - Tn4u&trial do- TABLED v'alo 611te. Petibioger - li6witt L. Peterson. p`roposents Mr,41 petit T'son, requested zoning, to I iduatrial t &rose prodading with vht dev'eloptient* a~t:ating that them are at; present to formal plans-, for this. parcel or the parcel to bei considered In the Told louring; Ieari.. Cppouoots Geol,8t Me:lgter, 5414 Zachary lana, appeared not opecIfi tally" in opposition twit parti.ctalarly to question -the,intent of development. h". Agau pointed out that it ha been the general procedure of tete eking COMissiota riot to Va14t rezoning until plans for der6lop- zent have been presented and, raviewo3d. The) 300,rina was; declare4 cloned at 9 p.m.. The x+ zoninWt waa, tabled, on the petitipners:- xt q.wst until hes return . pith a plot-. plan,, Chinn,. 4aA 'opened a rrublie:; Haar ng to considor n change of zoning MW TI' IM, Olassi ficatioa from Open Development to Inde :trial property as de- AT BASS L .1 RM scribed in the Notice of Hearing and J,oaat,_,a wt. Go. R. 18 and Baja CO., FOO, 18 , Lake Road. -ProP asced ue'e W _Induidrial development. Pett t cnsr - TAUT M wAitt L. P6t*i°son,.- There .warn no oppoiiants. The xeearxng, ries de- clar*d: 019 004 .at 905 p.m The rezoning *aa+ tableA on the peti,tictntars request until he return: V10nl C e isaion .q, 67 Pages. 01=04 and 1k. JN"t4h that thea plat Oould be re"'wort ed to shotwr thr) eztoasion or quvatshrA Una, to to 1aaley Lake, "frith, A. tsmprsrArY 0414a-soo Otw tb`e Weat.ern'boua tkry or tha plat, mei .sever a.ud vtxtrr4 taser cnt to gttee"asla,.nd Lane to Nhe south,(, moi., .Ackstrbeirg,: Ac,e.rborg',. & Assrt,?Aatts , 'Ray Narr.is,, irtdiastria,(,.. dlhl,Y.lO3.V-+1.M I"ilii reitlt r axtd e rgz syn tb;a c*+ Ae' the property* a4d, Egi . My yMk"p y II+MSTPpjeyrticl ,Z.SAo M'afald.,.:' onoulting eogiAoe.r, appaOred o roquetis rezoning from ies- kiS.CA, AMOV-M, i,de tial to Xtdustria *o4 9 acres betrreef, Fernbrook Lane &3ad L 494 aztd south of Rvy., 5. Public. Rearing held April :14, 1gv66.. F$op4-e a use #. OWesstbsnk Ind4e(t9eial AreaO, it conto naac>e wkth the caoral .x.ndtmttia , District or the "Propeistcl Zoning Ovd3.nrnate;".. rho 4evelopeexrs Am Ongineseer brwgh,t out that the industrial bui'dings ell be t.ar ltaso, rather than aale, and that tho straets will be buil in aacordaacs Filth the plat as a0witted but that it iso not intonded 10- tilt a 4ubci1vi.aio1x pit-rt of the awezh* MON byCom., Ratner, stoon4 by Coo., ReAner, to take the. rezoning Jrotuest ofd the table* 16ti on poeeat O by all. C.wmiss]ttb.at rsp;$11O esyes. MOTIONby Com* R'esnzler, wond by Cw:. Cavanaugh_, to reoommend rezot- 1 to lndt a-txial for the progo ;d *Woot',snk Industrial Aree*as de,scs i od in the March 31, 3966 Notico o Hearing, subject to a favorable report of the `coning, C(=!ttee,. Uotiwx, passed. 1€ an eight y*a vote. Dorn. IVill,enbring voted ray. Sam " rf eld, 7841:Tvayzata Bl d , and Oharlea tdlg,arao, 1430 Otkla 10, PPM . Driven Belmar ilu ldeers, Inc,*, app6arod to aubmit tentative plans= IWARDV AFS- Qr ai t 40 unit `4partn ent l wild nSs proposod for the noun- Seasons. NWS' krta lying crest of .%Ariaaster Lane and north o 36taA Avenue 'N. wmmm 8F 36Tx, Comp Hafkxer, Chmt. of ttir P3at 0o.n itve,a* submintte. report inetic- ating gouer+al approval ,of the project if approved by the Village Ebgineert, int was. brought out by Chlrir Egan that the; townhouse..:: aa, originally proposed for the area mould decrease the density between apartments to the wast end Residential to the west, and that the Planning %nault*nt reo=,111endesd achie3;vemcat of a better de sigb,ed deevdlopmerct for the area., The possibility, of undear apmud ;parking was Sao disauso.od UNION by CqN. RaAtj*,r, second by Corn.. Chapman, gist the plonning Gotrnzi.sa3 n or a Corip3ittee thereof meet, vrith the Zlann ng Gq-ksultant, allon 7, 'vfith, tiro developers, , 'bef'ore any action J m taken. The motion wss passe=d by an 8 y6a vote. Gpw. Hesdtke voted nay,. Harry. lle iel, United ,and, 1=4,, appeared to que&tio the 'attatu of tho *Zropose d Zoning Ordina.noal" and zoning map, Farti."Iarlyr in regare ttzoning, in the vicinity of icy. 35 and 1. 494. FA*aa-d F',, Grady and llo ert I., Boisclair appeared foie tentative jI RE; PROPOSM, considesrat,ioa of reszo ing from h si.dential to Multiples DWelliug GROy.-B0jWtA1R f=ar 1.4 rm4ium, luxury units, ab.ou, 8acrea bounded by lanoostter and AI';+M, a.'than. Lano., oa the east and *aht and t*dicinea. Lakes Road aid 25th tea,,g'r on the n.ortka and south., ttponsome favorable owments being mado* the detrelopera were advisAd to rat for rezoning, and also to r vie t she ;plans : with the -Planning ConsaAt6nt, Tamau Knight- h'k"oe,l Totten appeared for tetxtative oonsidc;atiora of re zon.ing TM- PROM farom,$,Aide nti'Al to Two-FaMi.ly Residential for a "aonwi a le"" TO'IMA 2-FAMLY apartment in as hou" at, X355 Nil esr Lane. WAs advised to rile! RG E 1NG for ;razoningo aun' ts C'o s0 11, 1967 _. Page BmOe. tf,. Carlson, appeared rogardin dens ,41 r'-aqu:%r ,tX2ta and, Kf PLAXOM . i. in mm :lot aizec ,P1&nnGd Industrial District,, 14 the: ".imposed: DISTFIG-1 l R Rr-, niag Orainahoell- us applied to NMP restrictions urdar thai.r dec- 1S & AMP 1arati.an of prottot,ive core Ats He atta:ttd that the, 3e4 ma"mum- gat rrrwaraZt Iiuitation could b .miler development as expansioa' 4/4 ref tha, ref thea pla.nts in Ml'° mould be aquaazed ,out.. biw point we& further alabar,ated by letter of M4 -2 as well as the opiu,ion e:presaed that a. i adta lest side im a more reaaoll&ble miiuZU14. YX-, carl,aon brought 04' that , reatrictionswould easily fit the *`Par) 1 .At1E3 the Geamo-rel na, xia #a ries 'lout w-aa edri"d that; MIP was conte Sider,fad to be in the Plan ned Industrial, Distrimt Turner the,: new ordia'AAO'a.' Mr. Qt(rlson also atated that it would appear that this 35 ,> ft,a ; amus n allowed ;for each firm ia, unm'ali,%.tia- Mun. lgau elvptesstd the need for farther consideration of realuiremeatar; in these, se, Illreaa4. ha. mat Gcmittea. Ghsirmau submitted a report on prelimi)AAry plans M MELIXt PUT' for a.. Setuinary 4Ad Bibles Instituto to be built on Tract *-, Reg., land FCR- SE , Y & survey ,leo. 6 l ooated on the east side of Medicine Lake, par`ticu:lorly BIBLE IDISTtITEM in ragerd to ingress and egress. Stated formal action on, t4,a over- all plan 'would not b& taken, until, submittal of a f'i,nol pl8t. Xnutson, I C ba;.-Xnutson Aeaooiates, enc+., was:; in attendance. i OVE09 by Ccm. Hafner, "coad by Ocm . Baufield, to recommend that G:nio,j Torrace be terminated at the north line of the An property providing aunt ce lent larad im dedicated by AYM, to the Village of Ply- mouth to permit ext+endlog 0,aaker Lane~ northward through the, property a,% a regulat iost s treest thum providing a north. south atreet betw ea'a East 1&,dici,no lake Blvd. and Co. Rd. 18 or itis so ice.. roa4. Motion pasaad by all Gommi"i nners present voting eyes..- I The flat Oommittee Chaii-mon stated that no bctio j res taken on the Ce2sy Addition prelimtudxy plat dues to nova-appe tanee of the developer.. Tht Zoaing Oommttee Chairman stated that a report was not yet ready on they propoaed OPlymouth-55 Industria lO&R', a4,d that no sdnitional information laaditg.toipoasiblo a recommeandatit)a had been shbiditte(d by the de"lopera of then propostd Wi,chterman composting plant.. Upon r3otiotz mada ai carried, the meeting waa adjourned at 12115 47•m,. i M* LO Baines Secretary.