HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission Minutes 03-16-1967O(WAIS3110V AM DaM CY .*PFALS, & ,ADJWan=S AMR*, PL M-49 Aroh 16 s 1.967 regular meetitag of the ianni Com.)ission waei to orcar by Vice- Chairmao Blob ier at 745 p w. There wdrt., its agenE'd Items for the Board of Appeals & Ad,juatmen sa preatut,1 Viov- ha irr A Renner, Io .E,ssi onovo vane Sh arber,.*UAA"th ira *hzzfi". and Villenbring.. The Olerk- Admiaiv-trstor -w-as also present. Absent r. Chairman .main, Comni.asio'kiors Baufiel.d, R5dtke and. Holcombe. I'.. Cr. Blooruquipt, representing tit property rrnner, and 1oha Gull-: M URSANUALS ick. sa ,. 'Urbandale Derel,opmesnt. ;jh4#t appeared for tentative coA-k DEMOP4=1 IPV. Side -ration of rezonit tc l,,L p r wls, 9010 and. 902?, NJ Sec. AT: 'PROl' ug about 7` acnes.., Located at :gwth Blore I)i*iva. jua%:t36ocom,pri, 'ug, FOR XULTIPIX north of tie pizzas re9tOataftt at Exy. 55. Tentatively proposed MORA putting ttp '2j -story buildings at a density of Oott 20 units; to an ` acre.., It w4s,r the informal, uonaensus of the Comisaloners that the proposed, land use im good., it was., brought out thaat sanitary sewer is arailablo. The deVelope.r stated he will proceed with formal app`; kation fOr, rezoning and, a ,public hearing. Tran Gullickson +bra Sven Warnes&t I && G Construtti.on Co., appeared: RE: d' G COI3SI'.. for tentative consideration of construction of 2 double bungalows GO..ITIENMbAT' , or 2 four-pli-,"s, on .4 lots in Grertntrea, IForest Addition at Co. Rd. PRG kr, MR, A-2 24, 'rhe Four Lots. being Lots 2, 3, 4 4 5, Block 2., it was brought IIEZONINI but that sanitary ae woX- is. not available,, ted, that a= public hearing on vezoning to R• 21 would be; required.. It was, exprtased by the Cow- missiog that the density of 2 doublt bungalows on 4 lots may Dot be .tom high: with -out. Oe evelilabilivy of surer. The developers, were advised to -proceed with formal appliaation for rezoning arta -a public. hearing if they cl,esire. The, Administrator advised the Cot=is ion that Neil, Wiahtel uan had M ''TIGHTER Ah asked for postponement of considerati:oa of a proposed composting COMPOSTI PIA plant at, the north end of Rolly iaae.. Commissioners Fenner and Wil,lenbring agreed to, check out the area.., Gary Welk of the land and Right of Way Oepartmont of Northern. RE; NSP RE MT States .roarer Co. appeared, to request a Spec" I ' Use I'e mit for 2 FOR SOCIAL UslE liotad 44jacent to, the IW property between 1, 494 And. Berkshire. PER1YTO Lades just, north of the short .Linda Railroad and previou9,ly granted n pta:i, I use Permit far construction of fife: Parkas Lake: Subatatio t It vas brwgh.t out that vacation of pari. of .Berkshire Lane will p"olably be requeated, vitt possible re -,ovation of B:erkshire Lane Soo rest to the, south And parallel with, the ttaaka.. i ac'} W by Gram. Xiadscth,, second; by Obit., Willenbring, to refer the r,tquest to the Zoning Committee for study and revivo and accumulation ser f o iron eased b ea foray yen vete. Ccaumi ioners nh1 e a a a R. C, n u r eav n ci .nnor voted. aye. missioners enrailxg Ca i n Mat utes.. Kara 3,6 R 1967,qge i rchhoff tad Gh"aa, voted; I ayt, C aisAoad ofne sbEt Jnedt ItN try Gtxn. Xill4hhof". "coija, by Com. Hafner,, fcrre-cohsiderati.on; Of to Pr,6vi~bUs' Motion.. Uotiola pa.ssad, by 4: five ye's "to. Com- zissioners Hafner, Kirahhofti Chapman, W'i;ll.eabr ngt alae' Ca ",oaugh voted sysi., ComiseaionOs;. &ndseth and Benner voted :nay. MOTI by Com. Hefner, second b, Cozy. Ki.rchhor;t, to approve the rd- ques* by NSR for a Special, rise Permit contingent upon a farorai e outoome of ghee Zoning: Committee eon ideration of the request. oa pesatd, by et; six yea vote.. Co=iasi,one if s Hafner, E;irohhoft; Cha +za. Willtubring, CavaLnaugh and Renner voted Oye.- 0? -am signer MIAseth Vice> haix'an&zi Ramer (:Ailed a. Zoning Committee meeting for consider- at,im of the requost on !larch 23, at tine Village- Tull. tt 7t3O p m. Mr. Welk indicated that he vili be at the meotitgoo John Yng o, representing thu developers of Vlymmth Plata$ Mr. RE; YWTIPLE Ses:ruardi, and. U%rk Basten. co-partner with: liEtrold. posnick i1a ttke DE ELDeMMU xN DuilWesll Construction Co., appeared. retgaard bg, the c6nastruttion; of L)MIOUM. PLATA 7 apartment, buil,fitigs, each.. containing 25 units,,, ` an 94 acres he-, 71t3 ta lAricaster Lens vvn6 Co. M. 16.. Each building to have 11 one - bedroom units, 660 sq,. ft., of floor iopacer,, ), 1 t;o-bedroom unity, k 840 oq.F ft. e, And 1 three.beic racm unit ( 1080 sq" ft..3.: Some, of t46 spot fication diff'eresnots f.rcKa th• prese at, and proposed ord- it nceh were discussed, To* developers were advi,seA to make formal applicatio.tz for variances. from tL'v present ordinance, h iUN by C'om*. Kirchhoff., ,sercond by Com. Cavanaugh, that the Built- uiltwellwellGonstruotlonCo*. ? saay.e ,plane and specifications > for, the mnitiple housing. proposed between Lancaster lane and Go. Rd. 18 in k',lymou,th Pla zt., wIth th+e Plnntaiog Co=is;* on for a preliminary study on var- iances i'lPm the existii2g and proposed ordinances, and that the matter bo !Weaned to the Zoning Committee for study and reports. Motion paavaed by .411 Commissioners present voting ayes.. The leve .' opera were advised haat the matter will bee considered at. the Wreli 23 Zoning Committee meeting avtd stated that they will bar in Attenda:zaca e HowaVd, Dehl,.gron, Midwest rlanning and Research, and Rudy iP-oschwi tx RE: LOO TION a purchaser -.,t 8,5 acres at the SO corner, of Go. Rd., 9 and 1- 494 in FMIOROOK LANE; the S of Sec.. 1.5 appeared regarding We proposed industrial and BOSCMITW 1"011-11T. multiple developmtnt of the property- ttated that the locetiion of DEMOEMENT Fl*rabroo4 Lane La the kley to the development of the property tnd g4:estioued if Fornbreok will be re-routed as shown an ih* 'Thrarough-, fare Nltan" Mr,. T7ah..l"grea will contact the Village Engineer regArd- ing the road locations A> luncheon meeting with atrailable Commisa- loners, fir. %hlgren, and Xames Kineht, elanne r, 44as tentatively set up yforTuesd;e , 'March 28th in the Midwest I lann rg officea. It ia: Itatcadetid to, bring the matter to Council attention on April 3rd. Vice-Chei=an Rennes ead a letter dated F6,4ruary 28 from the REe SOINT h El Winnotonks. Planning Cowissicsn regarding a, requested ,point meeting WITH 'MIDUMOM ' on the proposed inter,,change at Co. Rd. 15 and 1.. 494.:: The Chair ppoi.nt;ed a S pecilal. Co ni,tteae of Chef, rain gan: and Carnni'ssionerrsx Haufieald end Chapz au to meet with the Minnetonka Co: miss f.oti. J1 Tabu na G_oy'; Isaiah X.\ tso Moth 1-6v 1967 Page ,1 Cow. Rafter, chl'%irmark Of the plat 00=i-ttee, reported on a meeting Pa: FM, A I ki & xaaardiog the ntondi,A & Xro,%;1*3a preliminary/ted between.. hath 0C;=S rand nth Avenues N. and West or 101, as veli as dianuesiora eith pLAT ngi,rttwo Donestroo.a The following re oomnenda tions, were cordo v 1.. 'rhes xoadvey into the proptrty~ should be developed to make possible a physical. oonnection lith qua%asland Lane to the acittt;aR 2:. The ,physiool connectiontion not be aide tit this tilve . 3+ The grades eAd coMtrU tion of the road through the plat be ftg=: ineered to permit a physical connection, at some later date with- out diggiug up any part of the roadway in the pleat. 44 A cul'-do sac be ,provided at th:4 south end or the roodi through tha plat, and withixa the Fazeadin pleat. 5, Money be placed in escrow .pith this Village' of Yly2outh to.Par r,it alimiaation of the cul-dewsawc and m+akiza,5 than phyatcal con. neotion w1th g.Udena;lond I:ene, if this should bet desirable,- at easirableat1a60assory. 6. A voc° en, barrier, be erected at thea north, end of Queensland Lane at 6th AVOI. to proYe-at care from driving through. Faza dia! a property At this time anis ""til such t. xt ss a phyaicV,l con- nogtior, is mado. ith the ,road In Iraxet'di.n g s property,. 7. 3,0 ft-, of the szuth wife of Fazeudimes property be dedicated to the. Village for 6th Ave. N. if ever needed. . i. 0 ft.. of the north edge, Meat of the entrazxee to the plat t be dedicated for 8th Ave., N.. txtenoion.. OTICV by Com* xafnar', second by Com.. Kirchhoff, that the developers provido a toad thru the plat tt_at will have a temporary dead end at the south. and of the property, and in eddi.tion provide for ded- J".t 4c ,i of 30 feet of land along the south edge of the sOdiv3aion and 30 feet along the west edge Trow a point where 8th Ave.. ends to t11e I' "tcornor of the property*. AMMMW to the Motion by wow.. Kindseth second by moan. Kirehho,Pf, that qutiensland Lane be laid out in such froh ion from north to south that it carves back abutting on to -6th Ave. with a 1,10 to 150 foot offset from, Q,ueansland, Lane,, The ameiulment to the motion pas„ed by all, Co=isaioners prea;ent voti4g A"fa The main, motion p-s'ised by all Commi asioners pr.esett voting aye Upo4. moti.oa made and carried, the twating ruts. ad jqur.ned. at ll t4O Pm.. M. L. Jamesx secretary i 1