HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 06-07-1979AINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF PLYMOUTHRKND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION June 7, 1979 The regular meeting of the Plymouth Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order by Chairman Jar',es Rice at 7:40 p.m in the Council Chambers of the City of Plymouth. FEM-KERS PRESENT: Alan Brass, Barbara Edv:ards, Steve Chesebrough, James Guddal 1o;nne 'ohnson, .'ames Rice, Dorothy leery, Betty Threinen,, Phyllis Parson and John Christian, MEMSEPS ABSENT. Joho Mullan AGENDA RE'ISIONS Pd d, presentation by Mr. Sherm Goldberg and Mr. Mike Pflaum and insert before ite A (1930-84 Parks Capital I^provetrent Program -input), hitN1UTES Commissioner Threinen moved and Comm issioner Terry seconded the t,o,tion to approve the flay 3; 1979 minutes with one correction and that bein24 correction of the elate from May 1 to , ay 3,; 1.979. Director Sorn responded to a question relating to the 1950 Trails Grant application. oi-o,:i;ssioner Edwards moved and Coat Jissioner Terry ,secondedthe Potion to approve the May 29, 1,979 Minutes with correction of "1^ice-Cha rperson" to "Vice -Chairperson". Ffla:ur.lell Concept Presentation Shiarm Goldberg and 114,ike Pflaum. Sherm Goldberg identified site locations of proposed Pflaumwell and Ban -Con developments. The Ban -Con site is located immediately north of and contiguous to the proposed Pflaumvell site. Mr.. Col4barg noted that this geographic area under discussion for residential development is also under consideration by the X.enncpin County Public 'torEs Depart oent for a sanitary landfill. I•Ir. roldrerg indicated that the PI'aining Ccl:",,nission aprrevPd the Pfia,`,..40II c;.:'"«c.tt ccrrt.irs;errt upon the criteria that: 1. In an RPUD, Part-, and Oen Space must be ir co ,cr atr=d,; Mr. Goldberg indicated that Ban -Con is proposing ponding acid dark lard in ti;at development totaling; approxi r"ately 25 acres with pc"rd,rrq cO.,pr ising 13+ acres and park land ccmprising 1.2+ acres. Approxi ately 51z of Furl -.1 nd ;icres acing in the, Pf1ac==;cell RPD. Mr. Go1d4l; rg idcntifit d f,.=,' .,r:s of r z -ch site, as rcl,..t -d to low areas hich aroas and w,,joded areas., s•,r rn111', 'C irC iCcted ithat three'?L access points a;re pro,osed for tl e, 1, t4 _- r'. site ("' n-onj. C::arr s•iL lk,:I1 Ed,;ards questioned a, trail corridor locet,ion ,xii-r",iriy t,urth; in the arca of 6, lots 6-19 of the tan -Con, Inc. C'orncut. Tl,c ti -ail syw ,w a plan rpt, :cs a col lec tor` eorri6r in this airva. ,r. r 01.' :,1"g iW' , t. +r,• t could "-e rrsed for corridor t'0l;t`s :.r d bleat ' 11e ry .31 1t tics L in .e .. t later and i}rat this is at ccnce[.tua.1 stage cnly and #ictails for trails ,*,jj',4.rk facility will cv,%e at a later d..te. ss Page 2 PRAC 'Minutes: June 7, 1979 Mr. Goldberg responded to Director Born''s question of what the developers desired as a result of this meeting by stating that, "they would like to have a motion indicating that they have net, and that the Co,umpissi'on would like to see a park in that area and as far as the two plats put together -this is w'itere a park could ogre and that the Coalrnission would like this staff to study further whether this park could be dc-xveloped in this area." A park contig;;; us to `ctrr si-s would be on the lot line and that park location seems to fall into place. Mr. Goldberg responded to Chairman Rice's, question regarding the status of the Ban -Con Concept propesal by stating that. Gan, -Con would be going before the Planning Coru-aission: at the next Planning Corntission neeting. Coilib,issioner Edwards restated her concerns that the Collector Corridor should extend completely through the proposed development. Director Born advised the parks and Recreation Advisory Co -mission and the developers tr:at they are dime -..sing croncepts, and don't, have to discuss d specific dttsign but Iist he cognizant of the need to have the corridor. Mr. Goldberg restated that they (developers) were looking at ane conceptual idea for the location of the park and that details will have to be worked out. Chairrdoan Rice asived how firm was Ban -Con in developing as the Parks, and Rr-creation Advisory Co 1'.assion had first heard of this proposal today (677/79). Mr. Goldberg indicated that they (Ban -Con) are intez-ested in having. model hr,•,es in the ground Fall, 1979' Mr. Goldberg indicated that the proposed Hennepin Cointy landfill continues to crop up in the picture and that with Pfl au:-Ael l and Ban -Con gcing ahead with development this year; this would darp,en landfill plans for this area. Conmissioner, Guddal restated need for a collector corridor extending throughthedevelopment. Cork„%ssioner ihreirten, inquired about the 5+ acre unbuildable site bet,,een areas I and 3 of proposed Pflaur;-r,ell in Caki-roodkills area. ter. Goldberg -Indicated tr"at the City might be able to negotiate for its acquisition. Mir. Goldherg reStated that the proposed Pfl ;..',.ell site p,,;po z>s a ` ache park Cor"tl uous to the 123-2 acre Ban -Con park. Director Born asked if an aoalysis had been done en s ,<%.us of ,.et 1;:r^,' ;" ''js are the w -et lands fil lable). What is the t ,pe as cl.:ssified 'y nt of t a.tiral Resources? Mr. Goldberg indicated that he did i".:art to w if t',:.;y R Ind 'I n evaluated by the of Natural Resources or he a.r; s of Elloi:"It ("I's. According to ire ivl;.t r", Irr' ^^at n ( <t11 -Carl) `r%;c 5: °; =1t laltd 's e for park purposes, Director LEorn cautioned the (':.::.fission that in Nor -t1 51t Plyr;,Qu ;t 1n lei$, a riV4 o i:r bet .an filliing acrd duit,U 4 i"t r lei""lnitdS 1, r ; Ali; tt permits :•rhich resulted in a coi.-plete shutdo,•«n requir-i ,g un ntire arca V. -i de related actions study. Mr. Goldberg stated that Pflf.. .,ell 1--.s a:lr, y , ryethro,rgh tilos princess with the Corps of ngint~e1-s. DirLclor B:-rn csr.ed 4;hat 1•ojld har;.en if Ea!`)-Clll LvAd rcpt cit. -,r nce? lir reldbwrg indicated that these ouostir,ns ,°.'Iltj '•C' c:tS'•tl',d 4"`:foe t14 "e N el irr-fiiary Plat is approved, Page, 3 PP.AC Minutes June 7,, 1979 Mike Pflaum indicated that Ban -Con would, be acting ianediately and would be following shortly behind the Pflauriwell development, Commissioner Gdddal "How will development affect the size and holding levelofTMrtleLake?" ter. Goldberg indicated this area would be interlinked with storm water drainage requirements of the City and levels would be controlled by the City. Chairman Rice: "W'hat actions do developers desire the Perks and Recreation Advisory Cot-rrrission to take?" Mr. Goldberg responded park is desirable in area an.d that the concept stage this particular area as outlined in the Ban -Con: plan and ti -ie Pflau:-,ell pl':.n seems to be an area t.:hich could be developed into an active and passive parkland and that developers work further with staff and Co-m.-i,issioners in developing the prelin`rinary plat and that the RPUD require::.ent sh4oLing open space is satisfied by this type of arranoer-er.t preposed at this concept stage Chairr,an Rice r a de the oLservation that developers i%ant concept approval even with several r,ajor questions unanswered. Mr. Goldberg indicated that Pflaur-w:el l and San -Con are confident that the proposed park site can be suitable and usable. Mike Fflau stated -hat vkere *eke ?an -Con site interfaces wi th Prla..-,-,ell site it would be a good place to consider a neighborhood park. Director Born indicated that, the '-Wo develop,:.ents would i ip:xt upon 320 acres with 611 s i ng l e family residences and 80 tc,,nhouses and would Generate approximately 2,000 persons. Director &orn responded that both develQpr.ents are in the same neighborhood with an estimated saturation of 3,000 people. Park size acres range from 1.5 to 2.5 acres per thousand with 2.0 acres per thousand as optinum for a Neighborhood Park. A neighborhood park in this area could range from 4.5 acres to 7.5 acres with 6.0 acres being optirurn for neigh4or.,od park r.tr-,: oses. The follov; ,ng corr.rents were made by indivY ld.ual Cc, ,;siss icners Guddal; Saturation of this neightt,orhood will require a neiclr:.Jr,:Iod trk or Site Gi 4 '.11n' s: i. 4rre. ' so not t0 &vate fry•!'. z' •w `Iwil " plan. Ap; rove conc%pt if c'ev+~ lopers 'provide land for a nei _.r.t Ed;;ards: Get tr•eils and parks in. Hanson; M-Airltc:nance access.. Concern for co-I-Otirent for Fu4ure acquisition. Cikesebrough;; 1 s F,'n-Cr;n . , i o, .hly on Lh',ord? Shy , m: : os I -icy k. re 'jC'i i q crl i s red <. `*ad. Director Eeorn cc.-.!•rted ,y,,-ut the 4:15 p.m. 5/29/79 j: ,.,.;.i? r:all fcom, Inr., Qthat 'Lhe City has cori'e'- ondiailce fl'i'm Er n -Coil 't ttr ii`tC3 ,Nel• Ci " i t' :!f iQ the & 1c :.nt. k., r'4 . d I` .,ld lr:'{e to carr l :t:r111'4ll;?il: A j`or'k is desirable for this rl€:l l'``. 'x' 4 "r"` r .` ' . S+ act -es c,.:,rd by 'Nr. %aehler for cCrr,.lSitl il 4o c').f ri j l -k fo Gacriess clad Quo st1G'RS rationale fol' 25/1 rJ^` ,-'.k l:;- :lrt 9Vi''i llrYe. Rage DRAG Mti notes June: 7, 1979 Johnson; Interplay by developer and City if developer knows what City wants. Terry: Concept, as layed out is attractive and that developer portray accurate concept/use of site at front end`. Brass: A Tark is necessary based -r,,,-n.r^Ful'ations. Interesting concept with two developers Site looks OK assu;ing trrails and, access is accepta51e and land is acceptable. Christian:: !,aximize dedication and fee: title omiership. Fdti aids 6e careful not to get parks landlocked. Soule part of a park sl, DDild be open to a road so that a person can see into park. Rice: Cezni ss ioners appear to be saying that if r,e have this 600 - 700 with arproxi,ately 2,000 people and recognizing ;...ere the prc,scsed sib's Fflaum"•;ell and Ban -Con) sit, it would seem proper to have a neighbor;".od park in this area. Therefore, that part of the concept that says approxi- mately p roximately12? acres in tai's kind of configuration in the concept stage seems reasonably fair to the Commission and that there are a number of unans,,ered questions or "hooks" or "ti -.,hat if's" which need to be taken into consideration and concerns with coordinated plan betv.- en developers and er:bodies a park located bets een the two developments and the trails as ker Trai 1 System Plan is a ria or anar.-,w..red question and needs to be resolved as a part of this concept and access to site needs to be more than just 3 -feet wide and number of usable and quality of acres is unknown as Cotimi.ission has not had the opportunity for Staff assessment, Sherm Goldberg related Mr. flans Hagen's park development letter of May 30, 1579. Mr. Goldberg indicated a time line whereby work would commence by the Fall, 1579.. Staff identified risks if development concept should fall apart: 1. Identifying adequate usable/suitable land., 2. Approve concept t,ith conditions for prelit-oinary approval 3. Develop rient of parks at front end without citizen i r put is a rr.-, jor de;:arture "From the planning process. Co.:"tissioners Threincen & Brass: St)rpor't front t`nd cC'wcpt. Staff - are you accepting ponding for parks dedication:. Poiidtng will not be considered for parks dedication. Staff respe'n1ed to definition and uses of 4Q p--, al neighborhood park. Choi r mean Rice:, Concern 1,"1 Il vo-t—1 iig on a conci:r t 1-,3ren tl-,e Warks and Advisory Co".mission haven't had an c-,.i;ortunity to ; : rat -,-i :,h °an=Ccn i,, ":p le and, and opportunity to view this for only 2 hours and r-dhile it looks good, there still are a lot of questions. that Cor,,:tiss.ioi,c,t s ,ar to -.,ant io use this iss:ie to r-odify entire park syf tern plan. Ci ri,ctor Forn S%. ---ted t'lat the Parks and P,.o,"F .' .. " ',i . , r c' ,i s i ctn wr `crl d conrc-rn itself k,lth' adequate usable/suit::tile 1;-nd i.•i-cd adopted Stull Fy%It n plans &nd guidelfir"es, Page 5 FRAC_Minotes June 7, 1979 MOTION by Commissioner Threinen, secondedby Commissioner Chesebrough that the. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission show support for the concept of the approximately 12-1., acre park between Pflaur,Aell and. aan-Con, Inc. developments: Such land be in support of; That the park have adequate usable acres. 2. That it be in accordance with the adopted Plymouth Trail System Plan.. 3. That it haveadeuuate frontage on a road toincludeesy access and high public visibility. 4. Thatthe tvm. developers provide the land and preliminary developaient in a Icoordinated way. MOTION to amend the rsai,r motion by Commissioner Chesebrough, seconded by Commissioner Terry that the motion read:: That the parks and Recreation Adviso:y Commission show support,` for the co,.,icept o.f the approximately ?214 acme park between rflaimwell and Ban -Con, I'nc. dei+eloiah,ents. Such approval be contingent upon the following conditions: 1. That the park have adequate usable acres. 2. That it be "n accordance with the adopted rhetrailSystemPlan., 3. That it have adequate frontage on a road to include easy access and high public visibility. 4. That the two developers provide; the land and preliminary developrnient in a coordinated way. MOTION to ar.end carried, Main Motion carried. Chairran Rice directed that the minutes reflect areas of interest: 1. 25;./50." de<_lo;--ent guideline. 2. Citi2en input for ;'eig :_,orhood Parks Ci4'elrr" 3. .rront end dcvelrr.nt of park sites. Ch.? irr•n rlCe r'c sr,l Cid Staff +ttidl? r.ce on i't;.%best to d;4t'Q%Ch: a r, --v , iof t', J L au4Ve, topics. A: 1980-85 Parks C.I.P. It ut Develop FerrlL•r'ook L n4 playfield be,, ir; 1:p play f geld Plevelcp Ply, otfth Jon-lor High School ial,'yfield cquire laird in Zachary t ane area A squire. land in area of new Prudential wilding Develop LaCo.,ate Crt:rn K&aAiler ; i -eons-- ty near Ean-Con park site St_ff e:'rlained prior'ity idr_nti-ficati'on for trails, kc.., anitY pal—h's,,r€ ,l .y play itlds and tailks as related 10 tic i"1vr [It ci, ti ". Jt titC'' Ci ;y. Page 6 PRAC Minutes June 7, 1979 R B.. Recreation Program Input - Conimissicners requested Staff to explore the following program areas. 1 ladies power volleyball 2 Oldtime and modern dance 3. Neighborhood playgrounds C. Public Information plan - review, ano discuss on dune 20, 19 79 wi 4 re i s i vns to Staff report and present to Council'* 0, Suhut', an Community Services program proposals - Sta;'f reviewed the rekort dealing with tSuburban Conomn Red andt" Senior Citizen's program and. eligibility for funding based upon oc-neral criteria. E. t'per~at.onal budgets - Staff distrl`,utod and discussed the 3.• 979 ,• t.,.-.,. vj,1 ets -For Parts and Recreation, G arks ".,it1t R tw e, p+>ctµ'a.ion and, tai scase Control New Business Staff reminded the Parks and: Recreation Advisory Cormission of the dune 20, 1979 Special P';;eting and topics to he discusseL Chaim.an Rice reviewed upcoming meeting schedaled for ,lune 14z 1919 at 7:0 a.m. in the C enter With representatives from the athletic Associations, tete also reviewed meeting held in May with the st*--e representatives who expressed -heir interest in conducting a, survey of their me ,_.:r°strip, Staff announced a greeting for Jane 12, 1979 at S.,00 p.m. at the Medicine late City Hall to discuss trails and developLtent around the lake. Being no further business, taeetinq adjourned, at 10.35 p.m. I r` w