HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 02-01-19791 w s ,. MINUTES OF THE; REGULAR MEETING OF PLYMOUTH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION February 1, 1979 The regular meeting of the Plymouth Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission was. called to order by Chairman James Rice at 7:35 pm in the Council Chambers of the City of Plymouth.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alan Brass, Barbara Edwards, James Guddal; Dorothy Terry,, Betty Threinen, Robert Troemel and Chairman James Rice. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: John Spaeth, Councilmember; Shiloh and Gleanloch residents and.Jo- Born, Parks and Recreation Director. MINUTES Commissioner Thre.inen moved and Cortmissioner Brass seconded a motion to approve. the. January 4, 1979 minutes as distributed. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS Victor`o-rn reviewed Cummission appointment made by Mayor Hunt for Chairman°s position as well as items to be distributed to new Commissioners for orientation. Chairman Rice announced that Commissioner Threinen, has been designated as Vice Chairman to. assume duties in the absence of the Chairman. CITIZEN INPUT ThCommission received formal citizen input from residents of the Shiloh and Gleanloch neighborhood for the design/development of the respective neighborhood parks. The Commission will forward the input to Council for direction. GOAL. AND OBJECTIVES Director Born an , airman Rice reviewed goal/projects for 1979 to involve and activate Commissioners. Goal/projects include: 1) The development of a public education plan/package to include audiovisual aids. Commissioners Threinen, Brass and Terry will work as a group with Director Born to identify the public, the message, methods, techniques and scheduling. 2) Commissioner education plan whereby at least 3 to 4 times per year a speaker will attend the Commission meeting and spend 15 minutes discussing a topic of current and/or special' interest. Commissioners Gudda.1 and Troemel will develop with Director Born a listing of topics and guests. 3) Director Born. will discuss with the Manager and Planning Director the feasibility of meeting with the Council and Planning Commission on a formal twice, a year basis Director Born will prepare an annual calendar to assist in meeting scheduling as well as agenda topic assignment. 4) Commissioners with Director. Born will develop liason strategies with the following groups - Hennepin County Park. Reserve District (Brass, Edwards, Terry); Athletic and Homeowners Associations (Terry); Adjacent communities and Metropolitan Parks and. Open. Space Commission (Brass, Edwards). 5) Commission requesteJ that it review development plans when appropriate. A Mi mutes. Page 2 February 1 1979 TELEPHONE SURVEY Director Born reviewed the revised telephone survey questionnaire for the Commission and sought additional input. Commissioner Terry moved and. Commissioner Brass seconded a motion to revise the. telephone survey as follows: The dollar limits on question 16 be revised to more accurately survey a more realistic bond referendum. Previously deleted questions 12 and 14 be reinstated. Council direct staff to schedule the administration of the questionnaire; as soon as possible. Motion carried. MARCH AGENDA Director- -Born reviewed potential agenda topics for the March meeting. APPRECIATION COMMENDATIONS' Director Born will c ec with the City Manager as to when the Council will present commendations of appreciation for service to Dick Williams, Marvin Getten and Robert Troemel. Chairman Rice will schedule an open house afterwards. ADJOURNMENT Being no ther business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 pm.