HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes 12-06-1979t MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF PLYMOUTH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION December 6, 1979 The regular meeting of the Park. and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order by Chairman Rice at 7:35 pKm., in the Council: Chambers of the City Centel- at enterat3400PlymouthBouleva.rd on December 6, 1975, PRESENT., Chairmao Rice, Commissioners Brass, Chesebrough, Edwards, Mullan, Merry and Threinen, Parks and Recreation Director Born, Councilmember Davenport and Mr. Len Thiede ABSENT., Commissioner Johnson COMMUNITY EDUCATION' Dire toBorn introduced.the staff report: outlining the typical organization and operational structure of Community Education Services Departments of several school. districts. He explained the enabling legislation, funding, Citizen Advisory Council and the annual Certificate of Compliance requirement. Councilmembe.r Davenport discussed his role as liaison to School District 284 and, the possibili,v that PRAC might want to recommend that a PRAC member be appointed by council, to sorve as City's representative to the District 284 Citizen Advisory Council. He felt that there would be negative value in developing; and commnicating a funding policy stating that "the City can not be expected to, pick up and offer, extra curricular after hours programs being curtailed by the respective Bozvds of Education and that i't is appropriate to look to the Community Education Services Department to continue with the program utilizing user Meer and Community Education Services". Staff's program/funding policy recommendation failed to receive a motion for endorsement,. Motion made by Chairman Rice, seconded by Commissioner Mullan to endorse the establishment of formal liaison with the Wayzata School Oistrct and to recommend to Council that, the PRAC Bice chairpersol he appointed as the City's representative to the Citizen Advisory Council of the Wayzata. School District Community Education Services Department., Motion carried, 7 ayes PLYMOUTH JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOL HOCKEY RINK Director lorn introduced testa report reviewing the hockey rink proposal and conditions which would have tobe met prior to rink development. He explained that construction of the rink is lot financially or logistically feasible in 1979. Director Born reviewed the Council"s direction that the question of expenditures for hockey facilities in 1980 be referred to the PRAC for review and recommendation. He responded to questions from the PRAC relating to Playfield;priorities, facility priorities and the adopted 1980-84 Parks capital Improvement Program.. Mr. Len Thiede representing the Plymouth Athletic Association stat -d that the Association. prefers to have the entire Plymouth Junior Highschool site developed atone time in 1980. He also stated: that certain Association members believed that, the City 4 Staff "delayed" the project by not overcoming the various obstacles. h Motion made by Commissioner Edwards, seconded. by Commissioner Threinen to develop I at least one rink from the 1980--84 Capital Improvement Program at Plymouth dutdor Highschool in 1980 or two if feasible without a referendum. Motion withdrawn Motion made by Commissioner Threinen, seconded by Commissioner Brass to identify, fa';Zi1'ikv costs and priorities for playfields and forward a recommendation to Council in.U anua y, Chairman Rice and Commissioner Brass will work with staff in identify- ing specific facility priorities from the Parks Capital Improvement. Program. Motion Carried, Seven ayes. MARSH -WETLANDS ;DEDICATION Director BYRn,7-`roduced the staff report stating that. Marsh -wetlands not accepted by the City for park or pending purposes be preserved in a natural state through the use of, conveyance of marsh -wetlands to a Home Owner Association extending property lot lines into the marsh -wetland and creating an easement over the marsh -wetland ensuring its preservation or attaching a covenant or Deed of Restoration. Commissioner Mullan introduced and distributed planning materials which identified: agencies with authority as well as level of authority over wetlands in they Metropolitan Area. Motion, made by Commissioner Brass, seconded by Commissioner Terry endorsing staff's recommendation. Motion to amend by Chairman Rice, seconded by Commissioner Brass adding that the Home Owners Association be one which holds title to common property within a; subdi,ision. Motion to; amend carried:.; Seven ayes.. Main Motion carried. Seven ayes, PUBLIC INFORMATION PROGRAM I9trector ot'n Intro-cWced and revieged the staff re,,-nrt summarizing the status of the Public Information Program, The consultants "l attempt to deliver the final product the week of December 10, 1979 so that a fi,.al review for approval can be made in December. Director Born will contact: the Council, AoitAnistration and PRAC to schedule the viewing. Director horn and Commissioner, Threinen will work on question areas to be developed for discussion purposes at group presentations. COUNTY ROAD 15 BIKEWAY GRANT Director _Born intro;uced and reviewed the staff report identifying the grants to be received for construction of the proposed County Road 15 Bikeway extending from: County Road 73 t7athary Lane, to Vicksburg Lane. Grants will be received from the Minnesota Department of Transportation as well as the Hennepin County Department of Transportation. Construction is projected to be phased in 1980 and 1981. PLAYFIELD DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE Director Born introduced the staff report summarizing the contacts made with; the:. National Guard: and Reserve. He stated that the ideal site for the Guard appears. to be the proposed Oakwood Playfield site.. The City will attempt to coordinate both units to achieve both rough and fine grading to the sites. PLYMOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION - MR, LEN THiEDE Director Born. introducedr. Len e e of the Plymouth Athletic Association: Mr, Thiede reviovied the history of the Association and its relationship to the New Hope Athletic Association.. He stated that the joint relationship is beneficial to Plymouth participants and will continue if Plymouth facilities Will improve. He stated that facilities appear to be the source of major strain between the two associations, Mr, Thiede stated that he intends to develop and circulate a petition for presenta- tion to the PRAC and Council which will contain signatures of Citizen's desiring the immediate development of Playfields to alleviate athletic facility deficiencies, Director Barn and the: PRAC stated that Council wants clear citizen interest and support for a referendum before such will be authorized by Council. JANUARY AGENDA Director horn reviewed proposed; topics for the January agenda to include PRAC Charge and goals Review of existing policies Outline of PRAC operations in 1980 Hockey Rink expenditures The FRAC requested. that the January meeting be rescheduled fom January 3 to January 10, 1980. Being, no,further business, meeting adjourned at 10ZQO pm.