HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Packet 11-06-1980Plymouth. Park and; Recreation, Advisory Commission Regular Meeting of November 6, 1980 Plymouth City Center Council Chambers 7.10 p.m. AGENDA 1, Call to Order ,....-. 2. Approval: of Minutes 3. Visitor Presentations a., Athletic Association Representatives b. Others c. Rick Busch, and Jane Thorston 4.. Report on Past Council Actions a. 1981 Park and Recreation Budget b, 1981-85 C.I.P.; c. S?idncmrntint Plkvfield - Awardof Rids 5. Unfinished Business a. Cramer -Weir - Trail Between. Niagara Lane and Fernbrook Lane b.; Bass Lake Access -'Report from PRAC Subcommittee c.' Playfield - Update d. Prudential Development e. Shiloh and Gleanloch f. LAWCON Grant g. Comprehensive Park Plan 6. New Business a. New Plats b, Carlson Center - Review Need for Neighborhood Park 7 Commission Presentations 8. Staff Communications (M.R.P.A. Fal Conference) 9. Adjournment l c a start Present: ' Br1C 131anu. ano. Nancy He geson Others Present, Dave. Weir, representing Cramer -Weir; Sylvia Schultz and Pete abocnsen, representing the, Bass Lake i irovenent Association, and: Boyer Palmer 1. CAH TO O.RrER Chairman Rice called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in the City Center Council Chani era. 2. APPROVAL OF NOWIES Oannissioner Threi:ven made a motion to approve the minutes of September 4 which was seconded by Cc mu.ssicner Mullan. A. vote was taken, and the mot cn carried with all ayes. At, this point, it was decided to take sore of the agenda items out of sequence, at the request of the: visitors 6-. NEW BUSINESS A) Cramer -Weir: Trail Between Niagara and Fen brook Lx*s Dave Weir, representing Cramer -Weir,, came bf-lfore the Oxnnission with the request that try reconsider the corridor U. -,e Plan of 1975 which calls for a collector trail just north of 25th Avenue- between,.Niagara and 1'ernbrook Lanes.. Mr. Weir feels that this trail plan is now outdated and doesn't fit in with the area because of all the c=nrcial constsuc tion. that has been taking place over the past five years. Mr. Weir is not against a, trail in this area, but he is requesting that it be relocated. He also pointed out that if the: trail goes in as planned,' his aanpany will lose approximately 30 feet of building space. The commissioners then asked Director Blank if therewould,be any problems in modifying the trail plan, and he said there were possibly other options available. Is A NMCN WAS THEN KNEE BY OOMISSIC NER BRASS `THAT PRAC TABLE ANY ACTION CN THIS HE=M UML STAFF HAS HAD TDE TO E?MME ALTERNAME { ONFIGURA TICKS TD THIS COLLE=R TRAIL. THE MMCN WAS SEMMED BY C1OMSSIONER R i. JCHN KUM TM MMM M RW EST A STAFFREPORT BE MADE AVAILABLE M PRAC AT THEIR NOIR MEETING. (MH IISSICNER DWRAK SECONDED THIS MMCN. A W M WAS TAKEN AND THE MYTICNS CARRIED WITH ALL AYES. Commissioner Brass then requested that a map of the Cramer-hTeir parcel be shared with PRAC, 5. UJFn1vI%1ED 'BUSINESS G) Bass Lake Boyer. Palmer cane before the Commission with the proposal to donate sane property on Bass Lake to the City for the. ,per of installing a boat:: access for public use. He shared amps of the area, with the, cannissioners and explained his reasons for wanting this access Bass Lake Inprovelrent Association representatives, Sylvia Schultz and Pete:' Thasen, then presented a slide show to the commissioners which provided thea with a history of Bass Lake, and the Association. also Minutes of the "Aeyul ar 'mmeting of the Parks and Pecreatic n A&risory c mimissicu- Pop 2 October 2, 1980 indicated their, interest and desire to have a public aa:ess on the lake. 2mr min omcern is that whoever lakes over =the reSPOnsiblUty of this lake's mm agammt, oontinues practi.c: ing policies that will keep this lake environmentally soumd. me commissioners then took a few minutes to ciiscur3s the lake access and ask questions of .Boyer Palmer and the, Mq=vemmt. Association representatives. Director Blank advised against this property because it is in a,residential areat and from that: st xVoint:, could cause mmerous problem. C SSICNER BRASS TION MALE A MMON `1!0 TAKE ACTION ON THUS Imo! AND To. FORM A 3-NDgWR SUBCCHKETTEE To I4= AT A IICNG-TERM POLICY SING ALTERNATIVES AS THL-1 FE,ATE 70 LAIC ACCESS AND LAKEMAMA TT BEFORE ANY O=SZCN BE, MALE FE AM SPECIFZ0= TO BASS 1M. TIS' MyTICN MS SE E:D BY UOMrIISSICNER MULUN'. A WM WAS TARN AND THE MST ON CARRIED W.Iiii FLUE ASS . BARBARA FUAUU3 NOTED NAY. Tlhe sub -cc mni.ttee was then formed with the following volunLzaering:; John Millan, Barbara Edwards,, and Alan Brass who will be chairman. 4 REPORT {N PAST OOUCM ALTICN5 Director Blank annouhoed, that the City Council had approved the five trail projects as well as the concept plans for the Ridgemount and. Zachary play fields.' S., LNMISiED BUSIN 'SS A) P1a field 32kte hollow metal doors for the shelter buildings have finally arrived. Tthe irrigation. system is: in the ground at Oakwood, but has not been hooked up yet. Sod laying might begin at Oakwood. on October 3 and at Plymuth Jr. High, on October 13. 7he shelter 'buildings will be operational. by Deer. 15. Eight of ten vita course stations are in at the 'Fleimbrock site, and, the remaining two will be installed next spring. B) 1981 But to Council has ed. most of the programs that PRAC rested including reinstating donations to athletic associations. Q Prudential Development Update The.quest on of a trairl corridor has been reviewed, and staff is now trying to detenrine a location for a neighborhood park in this area. D) Shiloh. and Gleanloch Update Mgc r BUR, Eng neer Moore, and the architect reviewed these sites early in veptmyber and gave the contractor a dist of items that needed correction. The commissioners questioned why so many trees had died, and Mrector Blank said that substandard stock had been planted. Ei Ih Gant Reve r Site Plan Erector Blank shared RFemtic drawings of the Medicine Lake Park and bath house with the commissioners, and said that the final applica- tion was due at tile state Planning Agency office on October 3. F),' rehensiie Park Plan There was no progress, to ,report on this item. pegSee e 1,1Vl x Minutes of the PeguUw Meeting of the Park and libation Advisory oom ussi c n Page 3 October 2'. .198() H) Paris User Policies A meeting with athletic associations was held on October 1, and the general feeling was that it went well. It was decided, that the City will provide facilities to all the associations. Director Blank asked the associations to give staff a list of their key people. ChairmanRine requested that; staff gather information on resident participation in the athletic association's programs and publish this, in a quarterly report to be made available to PPAiC and that staffalso convene two meetings over the next 12 months with the associations at which PRAC members be in attendance. Comdssioner Dvorak would like these quarterly reports to include program registration.dates. It was concluded that no action was necessary on this item at this time. Staff will monitor to see :if there are any area, of Plymouth where youth: prvgraars are not offered and keep PRAC so informed. 6. NEW BUSINESS A) (See page -l. ); B) NEW PIA75' There are no new plats at this time. ODrMT•SSICN PRFVTATICN' o="sioner Chesebrough nentioned that the bicycle lanes either side of 36th Avenue North are being used by automobile drivers, and he is concerned about the potential dangers here. Chairman nice asl-ed.Director Blank to pass a note an to the Police about this. The camissionexs then discussed having the lanes stenciled which might alleviate these prrvlems . Director` Blank said that he would discuss this with Engineer Moore. Oomnissicner Mullan said that he felt. the Greentree West/PIP meeting went well, but that he; felt future meetings of this sort should be limited to discussions on tine parks. It was suggested that all homeowner associations receive invitations inviting them to hold their monthly meetings at the, City Center so they can view the PIP. 8. STAFF CNICATICNS The next. PRAC meeting will be November' 6, and Ommissioner 7hreinen will chair, since Chairman Rice will be out: of town. 9.. ADJOURl1IM The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. int