HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Packet 10-02-1980Plymouth Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Regular Meeting. of October 2 1980 Plymouth City Center Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. AGENDA 1.- Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Vis.i;tor Presentations a. Athletic Association Representatives b. Others 4. Report on Past Council Actions 5. Unfin,ishE d Business a. Playfie.ld Update. b. 1981 Budget Update c. Prudential Development Update d. Shiloh and Gleanloch; update e. LAWCON Grana Revinyr Site Plans f. Comprehensive Park Plan g. Bass Lake Ii. Park User Policies 6.. New Business a. Cramer -Weir: Trail Between Niagara; Lane and Fernbrook Lane b New Plats T. Commission Presentation_ 8. Staff Communications 9. Adjournment t irt Minutes of the. Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Park and Recreation Advisory Commission, September 4, 1980 Commissioners Present: Steve Chesebrough, Barbara Edwards, Betty Threinen, John Mullan, and Frank Dvorak Commissioners Absent: Jim Rice and Alan Brass Staff Present: Eric Blank, Rick_ Busch,Jane Thorston, and Nancy Helgeson Others Present: Douglas Kesatie, as an observer, 1. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Threinen called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.. in the City Center Council Chambers. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Mullan corrected Item 5E of August's minutes by saying that he was not a member of the sub -committee to inter- view consultants. He suggested that perhaps Commissioner Dvorak was the third, member. Commissioner Chesebrougn requested that all future minutes include Nancy Helgeson's name in'the."Staff Present" category and that full names always be used in the minutes. He also pointed: out some grammatical errors in Item 5B of August's minutes and requested. that the staff be more aware of proper grammar useage in. writing future minutes. Regarding Item 8 of August's minutes, Commissioner Chesebrough asked what time the meeting t, with the Hennepin County Park Reserve District would take place. Director Blank answered 2;00 on September 15 at the District's office.' A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COMMISSIONER MULLAN TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 14. COMMISSIONER CHESEBROUGH SECONDED THE. MOTION. A VOTE WAS TAKEN, AND THE MOTION CARRIED WITH FOUR r AYES. (Commissioner Dvorak was not present during the approval of minutes.) 3. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS A) Athletic Association Representatives - No representatives were present at this meeting. B) Others - Douglas Kesatie, President of Tri -Comm Homeowners Association was present as an observer. C) Jane Thorston and Rick Busch - Jane Thorston announced that the Plymouth Report had been mailed out to area 'residents, and this was, triggering many phone calls to the Par'. and Recreation office. She is in the process of hiring her pr_,jram instructors, coaches, etc.: Commissioner Threinen questioned how this quarter's registration procedures differ from former times? Ms. Thorston responded that we are now accepting mailed -in registrations. Minutes of the Park and Recreation ,Advisory Commission Meeting September 4, 198 Page '2 Rick Busch commented on the Plymouth Report needing some improvements such; as a better layout for the Recreation programs and different placement for the Registration Procedures directions. Mr. Busch is hiring his program instructors, coaches, and warming house attendants. He commented on other communities' facility rental, fees and policies, and he handed out a .survey he had made on. these policies. The commissioners commented on differing costs within these communities and .ether provisions, such as renting to residents only, and the concept of concessions and beer selling. Additional comments were then made on improving the IP1mou th Report, and Commissioner Mullan suggested that per amps it was time to seriously consider a separate mailing for the Recreation Program.offerings;. 4. REPORT ON PAST COUNCIL ACTIONS' Director Blank said that Council Actions would be discussed in further detail in Item 5.. 5. LRNFINISHED BUSINESS A) Playfield.Update Director Blank informed the commissioners that the shelters' builder had given him a completion date of December 1, 1980. The hollow metal doors for the shelters have not been delivered yet, and this is causing some problems including delaying the roof installation. The Oakwood site might be ready for sod by September 12. Commissioner Mullan asked about areas that need seeding, and if this would be completed by September 15? Director Blank yid that the seeding areas are minimal in size and that no seeding would take place after the 15th. Mr. Blank then reviewed the Ridgemount playfield site plans with the commissioners. x He pointed out sizes and layout of the hockey rinks, soccer/ football fields, and baseball/softball. diamonds. He also iAdicated where the parking areas would be located for these sites, and additionally pointed out that lighting has been the most expensive item in the playfiel.d construction process. A MOTION WAS THEN MADE BY COMMISSIONER MULLAN' TO ACCEPT THE RIDGEMOUNT SITE PLAN AS PROPOSED. THE; MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CHESEBROUGH. A VOTE WAS TAKEN AND THENMOTION CARRIED WITH FOUR AYES. Commissioner Dvorak abstained,. since he had not been present during much of the Ridgemount discus- sion. Director Blank, then -discussed the Zachary site plan. This piayfield will. include four coi,bination baseball/c.oftball diamonds, one baseball (only) diamond, two soccer/football fields, two hockey rinks, a shelter building, and four -tennis courts. There is a low point on this site, which Mr. Blank. said would contain a man-made pond for drainage, and during the winter, this would become the free skating area. Minutes of the Park and Recreation Advisory Co.mission:Meeting September C 1980 Page 4, H) Proposed Trail. Paving Projects -- Staff has: isolated five areas for trail paving, and Director Blank shared maps of these areas with; the comm ,ssiIoners and discussed various aspects of the improvements, Our own city crews will be doing the work in order to save money. 1 COMMISSIONER CHESEBROUGH MADS,' A MOTION TO APPROVE TRAM,: PAVING PROJECTS AS PRESENTED IN, ERIC BLANK'S MEMO OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1980, TO TETE CITY COUNCIL. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MULLAX. A VOTE WAS TAKEN AND THE MOTION CARRIED WITH FIVE AYES!,, I) Comprehensive Park Plan Director Blank had no informa- tion on this item at this: time. He hopes to have time n1axt month to select,a consultant. 6 NEW BUSINESS 4 A) New Plats - There are no new major plats at this time other than the Carlson and Prudential developments, B) Park User Policies -- This item was discussed at. Length. after Director Blank spoke of Plymouth residents living in the Osseo school district being unable to participate in Plymouth's Athletic Association activities, specifically the soccer program. Several athletic associations have the common policy, that persons cannot participate in their programs unless they live .in that particular school district, This has caused some unpleasant faeling among Plymouth residents and they have complained to Director Bunk,, Councilman Davenport has requested that this matter by brought to the Council's attention. The general consensus among the commissioners was that Plymouth, facilities should be available to all Plymouth residents regardless of the school da.strict in which they live. COMMISSIONER DVORAK MADE A MOTION THAT ANY ACTION ON THE PARK USER POLICY BE HELD OVER UNTIL FRAC" S OCTOBER 2 MEETING AND THAT IN THE INTERIM, STAFF ARRANGE A MEETtNG WITH THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS TO DISCUSS` THIS: POLICY., COMMISSIONER EDWARDS SECONDED THEMOTION. Discussion continued on thisi; item and included Commissioner Chesebrough's suggestion that the policy be re -written, and put on the Council agenda, as an "Information" item.. Commissioner Mullan. suggested that the aChletic associations be Livited to the next FRAC meeting, THE MOTION`WAS THEN VOTED ON AND CARRIED WITH FIVE AYES. C) Bass Lake Access - Director Blank has met with Boyer Palmer, a Hass Lake homeowner who is interested in donating some property for an access on the, northwest corner of the lake. Mr. Blank will, have a staff report, on this proposed access at next month's_ meeting. Minutes of the Dark and. Recreation, Advisory Commission Meeting sep.tember 4 1980 Page COMMISSION.' PRESENTATION Commissioner Mullan would like to: discuss a Medicine Labe boat access with. Director Blank. Cormussioner Threinen announced that ,a Community Education, rieeting would be held on September 10 at ",30, and she extended an.invitation to all commissioners to attend.. 8.. STAFF COMKL'NICATIONS Director Blank said that a piayf.i;eld rental policy would. be drafted in the coming months. Next PRAC 1reetingg is scheduled for October 2nd, with the possibility of a joint eeting with the, hest Homeowners or. September 1. m 9. ADJOURNMENT NOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER. CHESEBROUGH, XND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER EDWARDS TO ADJOURN. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 10:00 P.M., i 1 HENNEPIN COUNTY PARK RESERVE DISTRICT M O. box 296 • MAKE FILAIN, MINNESOTA 5`63SO + TELEMKlNE, 473,4693 Sept" ; ' 1980 CM rww0sii' ,. Cfft MUM FiMAIrCE DKCM _..._.., Mr. Eric Blank - WCONU SKMRS 1 S elIC SAfiTX pMlfrCICR Direc"Cor, Parks and Recreation anwLa w w City of Plymouth ADMIf SiR ME AiSiSiOF ... CMM COfiMiMS>pl a A AMMAN 3400 Plymouth Boul eva ra: A11i0 1 M1N e$ Plymout, Mt 55441 iCiik . fINIQ wr. M GAAWAU v cx t va4 Re Redevelopment of East, Medicine Lake Park and Beach, LAWCON App) icat n at LOUIS 11MK J=rti S ANMIRSON Dear r i; c: In accordance.w th established procedures for the review of SHftFY NE applications for State (LCMR) and federal funds (LAWCON), Hennepin County Park Reserve. District staff have: reviewed the above-mentioned L*M:a* development project. This proposed project is not in conflict with the - District's (county) or regional park plans. To the contrary, e V*-tLAME "Y although a municipal park project, local in nature, it does have, NE -W regional significance in relationship to the Regional Trail Corridor. The proposed bike, trail will serve as a link of the Regional Trail xa'Q nxwi along the east side of Sedic.ine Lake, providing for extension of the trail to and through Golden Valley to Theodore Wirth Park in Minneapolis. X-**NErsTP The: park. i tsel f wi l l be; compl 4mentary to the District's plans in that MNNIZ''`OOS it will provide access to and support facilities for the Trail, Corridor. co"I'll.F.s 11 !444 The Park Reserve District strongly recommends favorable consideration of Plymcwth's requiest for assistance to accomplish this development. project. The proposed project is consistent with sound municipal park planning. The improvements are needed and desirable. r+t rwE so ttsrti Sincerely, 3 sv p N:E a Clifton; E. French. Superintendent and Secretary to the Board' CE F: ghd cct Mr. Charles Weaver, Chairman, Metropolitan Council Mr.. Gene Ranieri, Hennepin County Intergovernmental Coordinator Mr,; William Atkins, Director, Parks and Recreation Grants Section, Office of local and Urban Affairs, State Planning Agency e CITY OF PLYMOUTH T3400' PLYMOUTH BLVD., PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55a41 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 r r DATE. September 29, 1960 MEMO 110: James G ilillis, City Manager FROM:, Eric Blank, Director of Parks and Recreation SUILIECT, Bass Laker, SUMMARY: This report deals with the current status of Bass Lake access and specifically, with the proposal by Boyer Falmer to donate property to the City for this purpose. "Our recommendation is that the City not: accept Mr. Palmer's property to be used as lake access to Bass. Lake, 1 BACKGRgIJND. Bass .Lake is a small 'lake located in the northeast: Quadrant of the Citof Plymouth. It has an area of 175 acres of surface water.: Approximately 90of its depth is under 10 feet, In recent years, the lake has had problemsr , with both severe winter kill of fish caused by deep frozen ice, and an exhorbi tant.amount of weeds during the summer.. Approximately 65% of the: shore line is developed by residential single family property. The lake area is bounded by Pineview Lane on the west, County Rd. 10.on the north; Zachary Lane on the east, and 54th Ave. on the south In, recent years, the Department of Natural Resources,; Metropolitan Council State Planning Agency, and other agencies have combined. to make a concerted effort to acquire and develop public boat accesses on a majority, if not all, of the lakes, in tie Metropolitan area.. They have done this, through a number j of programs, one of which is the DNR going in and acquiring property and developing the boat launch, or by supplying grant money to local communities to. acquire and develop launch sites Because there is no public access to Bass Lake at this time, the DNR is unable to contribute to the management of Bass Lake.. This would include such items as restocking it with fish,_ managing the fish population, and helping with the eradication of the weed problems, Because the DNR is unable Whelp with this problem, the Bass Lake Improvement Associa- tion, has accepted the responsibility with, the City of Plymouth's concurrence for the management of Hass Lake.. The Bass Lake Improvement Association currently has three private launch or park areas on Bass Lake. These private park areas have been made available to the residents who live in. the area bounded by Pineview Lane: County Rd;. 10, Zachary Lane and the Soo Railroad tracks. The Association has gone on record as being in favor -,, , public access on Bass Lake. Their main concerns are that public access be developed in the proper location and managed in such a way so that it does; not become a negative factor on the environment of Bass Lake. a Memo to dames G. Willis Page 2 RE Bass Lake September 29,; 1980 The; City Council has already gone on record stating that any access to Bass, Lake should corse. from a major collector street as opposed to a residential street.. In addition, such a site would have to have sufficient parking to allow for the orderly storage: of Gars; and trailers. The Council has also asked for proper landscaping. The DN,R has proposed that a portion of Ti1?ber Shores Pork be developed into a parking lot, and that they would then: dredge a small channel through the marsh area, cut a channel through the shore line and open a channel out into Bass Lake. City staff has reviewed this proposal', and we find that the marsh land, which is a majority of Timber Shores Park, is approximately five feet below the elevation of Bass Lake. By opening a channel betweirl the two water bodies, the following would result: 1) jeopardize Zachary Lane to flooding, 2) use up most of 'the storm water storage capacity that is required of this pDnd area, and 3) lower Bass Lake to some extent.. For these reasons, we do not believe it is possible to provide boat access from the Timber Shores Park area into Bass Lake On June 9th of this year, the City received a letter from Boyer Palmer offering to donate property (see enclosed map) to the, City of Plymouth, which would include 50 feet of shore line on sass Lake to be used as a boat launch. Mr. Palmer world agree to make this gift with five conditions; 1) that the gift qualifies as a tax deductible transfer under the Internal Revenue Code, 2) that the City of Plymouth reimburse him for all out of pocket expenses and other expenses reasonably incurred as a result of this transfer, 3) that no more than 50 feet of the southerly part of Lot 6 as measured along the shore line be included in the conveyance to the City of Plymouth, 4) that if requested by him, the. City of Plymouth would provide an appraisal of the properties to be transferred, and 5) that if the City of Plymouth decides to sell that portion of Lot 6 transferred unto them,that.he would have the first right to purchase the property at the same price as offered to-the City, Mrs. Palmer has also offered to make this property available to the DNR. I should' point out that the DNR does not need City approval in order to accept a gift 1 i ke this or to purchase and develop the boat launch on Bass Lake. From a practical point of view, they would find, it most difficult to proceed: with any type of development if the City were to voice strong opposition to it. The plan, as developed, by Mr. Palmer and the DNR, is that on the westerly three. lots i abutting Pineview Lane,. there would be constructed a parking ;ot to hold approx- imately nine cars with trailers The procedure would be then that the potential user would come up Pineview Lane: and turn down Oakview Lane. At the end of the cul'-de-sac, he would back down the 50 foot right of way, launch his boat, and drive back out Oakview Lane, and park his automobile io, the parking lot off Pineview Lane. The rest of this property would be developed as a mini-park: facility (There are pending assessments against thisproperty wurrently totalling $27,.453.81..) It is our understanding that Mr. Palmer has also offered to turn this property over to the Bass Lake Improvement Association contingent., again,, on the fact that it must be a tax deductible contribution RECOMMENDATIONS: First, I would recommend that the Palmer property not be eevelop -as a public boat launch;, because it is incompatible with the resi- dential nature of the existing development. This type of development would tend to bring noise, litter, and traffic volumes that would be inconsistent with a residentialstreet. Also, I think this would lead to Oakview Lane and; 1 1 Memo to dames. G. Willispage 3 RE: ,Bass Lake September 29, 1,980 a portion of Pineview Lane needing to be posted i)s "No Parking," because sotce people who would come and find a full parking lot would still wish to launch their boats and park in the; street. For City use as a mini -park, I think this site is limited, first, in size, second, by the location that is, being adjacent to a major collector street; and third, I think $25;000 in assessments is an extreme amount of money to pay for a very small acreage: Although I would discourage the DNR from developing this site for the reasons: that I've listed, T would encourage the Bass Lake Improvement Association; to try and come to an agreement. with Mr. Ivalmer on this property... 1 think they would be the Logical group to hold and maintain a small park that would serve as local access to the lake. I would propose one possible trade- that might be Looked at, If the City were to, accept the Boyer Palmer property in. orders that he could have the tax advantage, and if the Bass Lake Association were to own a piece of property with access to County Rd., 10 the City and the Association could then trade property. The property with access to County Rd. 10 would be developed as a public access by the DNR or the City, and the property on Pineview Lane would; be managed by the Association as one sof their private accesses to 'the lake. The best option is; for the DNR to acquire property with access from County Rd. 10 or-Pineview Lane:. With or without public access to Bass Lake, please remember that it is the City's responsibility to manage the lake surface useage. Any proposed' rules may not discriminate against Bass Lake residents or any others wishing to use Bass Lake: Eric J. Blift' EJBjnh r y t G a 4A je.: lot Vwah; r,+ cax ` s a k+k k r .> ... ... .R. .vr r...'\w :.......+n•.r...:. iirr'W i ' k ... ' a.M'. a,'fa+, i ; 1. kX ' k .. ;y • •! '„f +.- r,.+ t SES wl- 'i2 dfk p 4"1 a J l p'- rig t µ . + p' Fr rA e 4 OUTLOT Pkm l 1a 4 M`y pS " •br a€ , 0-6 -" x tivo y + a 4X + r X ++ O = C Y t v rrl a a r, ft k Z:} x•r' 1yAr.:,y k`,q,. .` M. L `•,.,f`.. E..^/ e\'` t J,.L, a., +--,.• y O 4 +.<x; w '\.' k, 3,;`4.!1.,• !x ) ' + K R k .• 7 . • . , k-vyX,,\a+`s'x v,..c a . fib.'"'' .: v -.... k DATE. September 26, 1980 owe `owl V TOz Park and Recreation Advisory Commission Members; FROM; Eric Blank SUBJECT Cramer-Weirs Trail Easement Between Nagara,lane and Fernbrook Lane Cramer -Weir is requesting that the City relocate a proposed collector trail, which crosses their property Located just west of Fernbrook Lane and north of 25th Avenue. The City Council, at their September 22nd meeting, gave approval to:Cramer-Weir`s, development proposal for a new bailding.. They included a condition that Cramer -Weir must allow for a trail easement, but they don. 'It have to construct: the trail at this time, if we include updating the trail plan along with the park plan, then I think we would review thisParticular trail at that time,, i would suggest that. the Commission take no action on,Cramer-Weir's request 1 at this time, R nh 2905 Unthus lAne` Plymouth, Mn. 5544 September 23, 1980 mci+c Blank City of Plymouth. 3400 Plymouth Blvd*, Plymouths MinnssoU5.5447 Door Mr. Blanks The homeowners, and the Board of Directors of the Greentree West Homeowners Association would like to express, our thanks for your informative and interesting meeting. The meeting on September 18th provided: all of us with a better understand ng of the park -sys w ce in. Plysouth as well as the answers: to many of our q,% ,fictions. in other areas. Our thanks too, to the. members of th PFAC and, to Blair Tremorsand Fred Moore. The consensus of opinion Iwas that the meetingwas very worthwhile even though attended by a small minoity of residents from the Greentree west area. Those in attendance appreciated the information, learned from the slide presentation and were impressed with tihs beautiful facilities of Plymouth City Hall. To all cencerneds our ,since st thanks. xe nk Keep up the excellent work. Sincerely, Y Greentr s west Homeowners Joan Baceo. Seorstary CCs Blair Tremor Fred Moore x. e kr r Mir MtIC M ONI[ pIR+C1pIF " FiNA110E MIIEC1 oR ,r,,,., sA M DOM., September 2.4,_ 1980 Ow caftow Ow Mr. Eric blank Director- of Parks and Recreation City of Plymouth 3400 Plymouth Boulevard; Plymouth, Minnesota 55447 d Co Easement between Niagara. RE: Proposeecto Trail , ll r er Lane and Fernbrook Lane Dear Mr. ,Blank: In accordance with our discussion at the September 22 City Council Meeting, we are writing to set forth our reqquest for -the review and revision to the proposed pedestrian collector trail easement specified above. We understand that the Trail System Guiei Flan was adopted and last reviewed in,1475. However, since that time the complexion of the area at both Niagara. and -in particular, at Fernbrook Lane, has changed dramatically. Fernbrook Lane has since become a four, lane, majorarterial for distribution of significant amounts of traffic in the Highwey 494/'Highway 55 area. Accordingly, the City has made a; concerted effort to limit, the number of curb cuts or access points, to.and from. Fernbrook Lane for, vehicular traffic. In reviewing the developmentpatterns occurring in this area, it would seem that any proposed pedestrian trails may be snore appropriately situated adjacent to existing, streets. rather than between. two privately owned in- dustrial parcels,; This would offer the obvious advan- tage of conforming pedestrian access to Fernbrook and Niagara Lanes with the City's posture of restricting vehicular access to Fernbrook and Niagara as well. After reviewing the proposed land. uses for the unde- veloped areas, we feel that consideration should be given to alignment of tha proposed pedestrian corridor alon. the border of Niagara,Lane south from 27th Avenue: g to the County Road 6 -intersection. In other, words, Cram -Weir Company, 5500 Lincoln {rive, Edina, Minnesota 55436 612/935-8482 Mr, EricRlank September, 24, _ 1980 Page, 21 this portion of the- trail would become part:of the Cross Comunity Trail as shown on the current Corridor Use Plan: Prom this point:, the pedestriancorridorcould then move eastward until it, intersects with the Cross Comunity Trail, running parallel, to and west. of Highway the4.94. This y of course, also offers added advantages of'proximity to the existing as, well as proposed resi- dential concentrations; in this area which would be the: principalsource of pedestrian traffic. We appreciate the careful. consideration which you and the Park and Recreation Commission have given to the overall planning of the. City -of Plymouth and look forward to discussing this tatter with the. Commission at its forth- coming meeting on:October 2, 19802 In'the meantime, should you have any quesnia s, please contact us at, any time. Sincerely, David A. Weir DRW-sff r f ti 1'ar Cooftfl Posting af, Septw er IS .,1+90 Mr« Benson _,Ato the rana8sr's recommendations and stated he 114140d Mr. ibrthi ngton of Rauenhorst Corporation was agreeable to the proposed construction of Glacier Lane in 1982=83. Mr.: Benson h objected, to Itew 6.1"' of the development contract calling for bonding, for $90.33Z f+or site provrwftts si nce thi s i s a rept at of a prey viously plattedsite for which their $160.000 letter of 'credit his been reduced to $90,000 for site improvements. Engineer Moore ex- pla fled, 0wr . it no duplication in the boWing requirement for the plat and tht cum"Vt bond is for improv wants hst were not covered in the original site plan bond. !!onager, Millis stated, is would be the City"S ' i ntent. to ehiwi nate any items i n the development, contract r. egUiri ng: bonding that are `- ad bonded for ay, the site, plan bond.,- MOTION was Wada: by Council Hoyt, seconded by Councileember RESOLUTION NO. 80-64E Schneider, to adopt AESOLUTWI O. 80-645, A RESOLUTION APPROVING, PROVING, FIARL, FINAL PLAT AND'DEVELOPNENT CONTRACT FOR 'CIRCLE STAR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT CENTER 4TH ADDITION" ' FQt K. B DEVELOPMENT COMPANY II AND RAUEN- CIRCLE STAR BUSINESS" HORST CORPORATION aow4i, g Item 2.1(b) of the development contract` CENTER 4TH ADDITION by cha,ingi:ng, the construction date for Glacier Lane frog 1983 to K.8'r DEVELOPMENT CO. 19$2. RAUENHORST CORP. 80028) item 6-A Motion, carried on a Roll Call vote, three ages.. MOTION ws wade by Coum.ilr Hoyt. seconded by Acting Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 80-646 0ev*nport to adopt RESOLUTION NO., eO-646, A RESOLUTION SETTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILING OF FINAL PLAT' FOR, "CIRCLE STAR BUSI- FOR FINAL PLAT NESS CENTER 4TH. ADDITION" FOR K. B. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY" I I AND CIRCLE STAR BUSINE RAUENHORST CORPORATI (80028). CENTER 4T.H ADDITION 80028) Item 6-A lotion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. ncilmrnber Ho directed staff to t together with theC;ou yt ge + devel`oper to work out . the details of the bonding requireeent MOTION was ude by Counci1ntuber Schneider, seconded by Council- member Hoyt.: to direct staff to Wive the subdivision require- meetwith respect 'to the 25, percent down papoent for construc- tion:of 61ac.ier, Lane: by the City. lotion carried, three fes. Manager Mi111s introduced request for approval of amended site SITE PLAN AMENpMENT plan and vari&"CQL for Crmer4 tir Cowpony/ScoviSle "SSr f'orr CRAMER-WEIR COMRANY- a second office/rrah*us, building on a 4.78 acre site dt 252,5 SCOVILLE PRESS .PHASE Fertdrook Lane. Up Monomer stated` there could be a problem A-843) Item 64-1' intAe future rri th two,sopa rate bui l d i nes on this site if the ftawre. subdivided for some reason and asked Council to re- quire assurance. that tht lot would rot be divided in the future. y David Neir,t petitiomer,t stated: their bank will not consider ap- proving ''loan if there i a- restrictive covenant placed on the seed; re8ardi vtw e lot division. Mr. Wr asked that the con- z aitfon.requirito this eove ant be doleted it" the resolution since their bra is financially sowed and and has na 'intention of aividi" the property in he future. ika Regular Council Meating September 1;5, 1.480 f Page 310 Mr.. Meir also asked that the Engineer's memorandum be clarified with respect to the r*quirownt,for fire lanes since the Fire Inspector has agreed to waive the requirement for a fire lane surrounding the. building. W. Weer questioned the ui for dedication of a trail r on Pe"ty t e t d fulfilled, thy! park, dedicatSWAB .cstqu s f - C—,,.i t tiB o -th"12 r 1s_.x2PLied--tb+ -f-1 - ,, Uirews for an easement over the. land f 3• trail ur woses and s quirea . cition. Acting Mayor Davenport inquired what effect dividing the parte would have. Planner Tramere replied the lots Mouldnot be sub- standard, but it. would create a site that. would not abut_ a public; street and it would be the burden of the property owner to provide access to the separate parcels. Mr. Tramere spoke against creating, twoparcels a.nd,expressed concern that the second, building on the second site, would not met the, code as for as ground coverage and setbacks. Mr.. Meir stated it is not their intent to divide the property into two parcels and only in the.rase of a foreclosure would two separate parcels be created. Mr. Weir stated the bank has not asked for a lot division but only that the restrictive covenant be removed from the conditions of approval. W'r Meir then dis- played the -traffic plan to the Council. and the Attorney indicating the easements for ingress and egress to the plat. Attorney Lefler agreed the easements were adequate to provide access to the parcel.. I 'I I I S e11-T&--tlw update of the uity-'s wwrenens;lye r1enst i NOTION was made by Councilmteimber Hoyt, seconded by Acting Mayor RESOLUTIOK-NO. 80-64 Davenport, to adopt RESOLUTION;NO. 80-647, A RESOLUTION APPROVING: AMENOcD SITE PLAN AND VARIAWCE FOR CRAMER-WEIR CWANY, 'INC./ PLAN AND YARIANGE FOR SCOVI:.LE. PRESS PHASE II AT 2525 FERlBRt K LANE with the deletion CRN R-ME,IR/SCOVILLE' of 'Condition 29_ renuwtbering of Conditions 3 through: $ and addi- PRESS PHASE II tion of aL new Condition 8 requiring approval of variance from (A•843) Item; 6-B•1 the. City's Fire Code to be subject to approval; of the Fire inspector and nstailatian of other protective mteasures required i by the Fire Inspector. lotion carried on a Roll Call vote, threes ayes. , 310- Regular Council Meeting biptember 15, 1980 Pale 311 Manager Wi I tis introduced requests for approval of site plans and. variances for two office/warehouse buildings for Carlson Properties in the Minneapolis IndustrialPark 3rd Addition. Dale Kennedy, representing petitioner, stated they were in agloWnt with the recommendations of the Planning Commission and staff. MOTION was, made by Councilmember Hoyt, seconded by Council - member Schneider. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 80-648, A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PLAN AV VARIANCE FOR CARLSON PROPERTIES., INC. FOR AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK' l OF THE MINNEAPOLIS INDUSTRIAL PARK 3RD ADDITION amending Condition 9 by adding after the words '120 foot on center" the words "on each side of the berm." Motion carried on a Roll Call Grote, three ayes. SITE PLAN'b VARIA. OFFICE/WAREHOUSE E CARLSON COMPANIES 80031) (80032) Item 6-8-2 & 3 RESOLUTION NO. 80-648 APPROVING SITE PLAN AND 'VAR IANCE FOR. CARLSON PROPERTIESIM LOT 1, BLOCK 1 MPLS. INDUSTRIAL PARD 80031) Item 6-8-2 MOTION was made by Councilmember Hoyt, seconded by Council RESOLUTION NO. 80-649 mrnber Schneider, tor adopt. RESO'.UTION NO., 80-649, A. RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PLAN APPROVING SITE PLAN AND. VARIANCE FOR CARLSON PROPERTIES, INC. AND VARIANCE FOR FOR AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING LOCATED ON.LOT 2, BLOCK 1 OF CARLSON PROPERTIESI THE MINNEAPCLIS INDUSTRIAL PARK 3RD ADDITION (80032). LOT 2, BLOCK l MPLS. INDUSTRIAL PARK Motion carried; on a Roll Cali vote, three ayes. (80032) Item 6-B Manager Willie introduced request for approval of site plan SITE PLAN FOR for office/warehouse building for Stephen Neslund located at. OFFLCE/WAREHOUSE BLDG Cheshire Lane and 25th Avenue N. (80047). STEPHEN NESLUND (8004 Item 6-B-4 Michael Bond, representing petitioner, objected to Condition 9 of the resolution ctil ling two a two-way drive between loading facilities and driveway stating that it would work, best as a 15 foot one-way aisle as. planned. Engineer !bore rept led he, felt.a two-way drive all around the building, as necessary for circulation. If they wished to convert to a one -May drive in this location, he, suggested they change the parking, stalls on the west side of the building; to angular parking. MOTION was wade by Councilmember Schneider, seconded by Council- weber Hoyt, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 80-650, A RESOLUTION APPROVIN SITE, PLAN FOR STEPHEN NESLUND FOR AN OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING LOCATED AT CHESHIRE LANE AND 25TH AVENUE NORTH deleting Condition 9 and revising the site plan to allow a one-way drive with diagonal parking spaces on the west side of the building. Motion carried on a'Roll Cali vote,, three ayes. Council reviewed the fire trait b to pav, y_ C 1411 at a' Co t ner +expresss concern that the neigh- boyhood parks scheduled for completion in 1980 have first AYE priority. Nanager Millis stated the funds for the trails would not come out of the Nri'9hborhood Parks Accounts but from the Co munity Trails Account. 311; RESOLUTION. NO`. 80-650 APPROVING ME F[AN_ OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BLDG. STEPHEN NESLUND (8004' Item 6-B-4 TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS Item 6-C