HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark and Recreation Advisory Commission Packet 03-01-1979PLYMUUTN PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday, March 1, 1979 AGENDA Those Expected: Alan Brass Barbara. Edwards James Guddal James. Rice Dorothy Terry Betty Threinen 1. Call to order - 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 2. Minutes. February 1, 1979 3. Commissioner Education and Awareness 4. Trail Signs 5. Draft of Planning Calendar 6. Telephone Survey 7. 1979 Annual Report 8. Neighborhood Input 9. Other Business. 10. Adjournrent 1 w s ,. MINUTES OF THE; REGULAR MEETING OF PLYMOUTH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION February 1, 1979 The regular meeting of the Plymouth Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission was. called to order by Chairman James Rice at 7:35 pm in the Council Chambers of the City of Plymouth.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alan Brass, Barbara Edwards, James Guddal; Dorothy Terry,, Betty Threinen, Robert Troemel and Chairman James Rice. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: John Spaeth, Councilmember; Shiloh and Gleanloch residents and.Jo- Born, Parks and Recreation Director. MINUTES Commissioner Thre.inen moved and Cortmissioner Brass seconded a motion to approve. the. January 4, 1979 minutes as distributed. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS Victor`o-rn reviewed Cummission appointment made by Mayor Hunt for Chairman°s position as well as items to be distributed to new Commissioners for orientation. Chairman Rice announced that Commissioner Threinen, has been designated as Vice Chairman to. assume duties in the absence of the Chairman. CITIZEN INPUT ThCommission received formal citizen input from residents of the Shiloh and Gleanloch neighborhood for the design/development of the respective neighborhood parks. The Commission will forward the input to Council for direction. GOAL. AND OBJECTIVES Director Born an , airman Rice reviewed goal/projects for 1979 to involve and activate Commissioners. Goal/projects include: 1) The development of a public education plan/package to include audiovisual aids. Commissioners Threinen, Brass and Terry will work as a group with Director Born to identify the public, the message, methods, techniques and scheduling. 2) Commissioner education plan whereby at least 3 to 4 times per year a speaker will attend the Commission meeting and spend 15 minutes discussing a topic of current and/or special' interest. Commissioners Gudda.1 and Troemel will develop with Director Born a listing of topics and guests. 3) Director Born. will discuss with the Manager and Planning Director the feasibility of meeting with the Council and Planning Commission on a formal twice, a year basis Director Born will prepare an annual calendar to assist in meeting scheduling as well as agenda topic assignment. 4) Commissioners with Director. Born will develop liason strategies with the following groups - Hennepin County Park. Reserve District (Brass, Edwards, Terry); Athletic and Homeowners Associations (Terry); Adjacent communities and Metropolitan Parks and. Open. Space Commission (Brass, Edwards). 5) Commission requesteJ that it review development plans when appropriate. A Mi mutes. Page 2 February 1 1979 TELEPHONE SURVEY Director Born reviewed the revised telephone survey questionnaire for the Commission and sought additional input. Commissioner Terry moved and. Commissioner Brass seconded a motion to revise the. telephone survey as follows: The dollar limits on question 16 be revised to more accurately survey a more realistic bond referendum. Previously deleted questions 12 and 14 be reinstated. Council direct staff to schedule the administration of the questionnaire; as soon as possible. Motion carried. MARCH AGENDA Director- -Born reviewed potential agenda topics for the March meeting. APPRECIATION COMMENDATIONS' Director Born will c ec with the City Manager as to when the Council will present commendations of appreciation for service to Dick Williams, Marvin Getten and Robert Troemel. Chairman Rice will schedule an open house afterwards. ADJOURNMENT Being no ther business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 pm. CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 DATE: February 21, 1979 MEMO TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Cortmission. FROM. Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Commissioner Education and Awareness. On March 1, 1979, Mr. John Christian, Administrative Assistant for the Hennepin County Park Reserve District will make a short presentation or the topic of "The Hennepin County Park Reserve District. Directions for the Future"'. This: is the first of a series of topics to he presented to the Commission for education and awareness purposes. rt J. 86m Director of Parks and Recreation JJB:jn CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 559,2800 DATE: February 21 1979 MEM TO: Parks:: and Recreation Advisory Commission FROM: Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT: Trail Signs 4 The City of Plymouth has an adopted trail system plan, which contemplates the placement of Class III bike routes on shared road surfaces without separation from traffic and where vehicle rates are below 1,000 per day and the maximum speed is 25 mph. The attached trail plan identifies existing trails as well as trails proposed for immediate construction.. Class III trails are identifed separately. An examination of the plan reveals that more residents would be served by linking the Class III trails with the existing Class I or II trails. In order to provide the formal linkage, the Class III routes need to be appropriately signed.. Staff recommends that where Class III. trails ;ink with existing trails or head to parks and schools,the Class iII trails be appropriately signed. In order to accomplish this, signs and posts need to be pur- chased. Staff recommends using the $2,000 from the CIP for this project. Shoui.d the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission agree, it would be; appropriate for the Parks. and Recreation Advisory Commission to recommend that Council direct staff to implement this project. NiVi. Born Director of Parks and Recreation JJB; j.n M, DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3C25HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 February 21. 1979 MEMO Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation Draft of Planning Calendar 1 In an attempt to facilitate agenda development, sequencing of topics as well as improving a9enda content and scheduling for Commission members, staff has prepared the attached calendar identifying interactions and involvements for 1979. During some of the months interactions and involvements are heavy and may require an additional meeting. This can be discussed on March 1, 1979 as well as additional input from the Commissioners. Staff will review tentative agenda topics for the ensuing months with the Commission. on orn Director of Parks and Recreation JJB: fin y PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COWISSION INTERACTIONS/INVOLVEMENTS JAN FEB MAR APR MY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Commissioner l decation x X x X x City Council x X x. Planning Commission X x x Athletic Associations x x. Homeowner's Associations x x Hennepin County Park Reserve District X Metro Council Other Suburban P & R Commissions Recreation Budget Input X X Parks CI'P X x x x Bond Referendum Work x x X X Parks Plan Components X X CITY OF PLYMOUTH 6 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (611) 559-7800 DATE: February 21, 1979 MEMO TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Comni.ssion F19OM: Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT Telephone Survey As of February 15, a total of 260 telephone surveys were taken and on February 20 an additional 70 were taken by the Plymouth Jaycees for a total of 330 completed by February 20, 1979. Professor Morris' students will complete the balance of 70 to act:eve the ideal sample of 400 Plymouth residents. Professor Morris will tabulate the results and will prepare a written report for Council and will present a verbal analysis of the: results. Staff has written letters of appreciation to all parties involved in the survey who volunteered their time and/or facilities for the project. on Born. Di . ctor of Parks and Recreation JJB:jn CITY CSF PLYMOUTH 7 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH,, MINNESOTA 55441. TELEPHONE (61.2) 559-2800 DATE; February 21, 1979 MEMO TO; Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission FROM: Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT; '1979 Annual Report In 1977, an Annual Report was prepared highlighting the Department's operations and project/goal setting for 1978. The 1978 Report reviews the projects completed and identifies. operational goals for 1979 as identified by the Department's staff. xl, 2d, c otn Director of Parks and Recreation EJB,Jn CITY OF PLYMOUTH 8 3025 HARUOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612), 559-2800 DATE-, February 2.1, 1979 MEMO TO. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. FROM; Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT Neighborhood Input The citizen input obtained for Shiloh and Gleanloch neighborhood parks has been forwarded to the City Manager for Council's consideration and direction, J44. Born Director of Parks and Recreation JJB:jn CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3400 Plymouth Boulevard. 3=4 A WR-L"k, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 DATE; February 21, 1979 MEMO TO; James G. Willis, City Manager F R 0 M.11 Jon J, Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT; Neighborhood Nrks Input The Parks and Recreation Advisory Comaiss.ion and staff have met on two occassions with the residents of the Tri -Comm Homeowners Association and the Gleanloch area residents The Tri -Comm (Shiloh) residents desired the following }park improvements; An abundance of landscaping and trees An informal bal,lfield with backstop Wooden; play apparatus similar to other developed neighborhood parks A small. hard surface courts area An open. play area A general skating area A sliding hill Sitting benches The residents do not want: Firepits, grills or fireplaces No lights Formal picnic area with tables Development which will adversely affect drainage Lineal development along the trail The Gleanloch area residents desired the following park improvements: To leave site as natural as possible in development Add plantings for screening and reforestation Link site; with existing/proposed trails: Landscape - improve visual image at south end of site on Sycamore Lane Small hardsurface courts area Wooden play apparatus similar to other developed neighborhood parks A general skating area Landscaping, screening and buffering of the industrial land west of the site Concern was expressed for areas of open water, mosquitos and the wildlife in the area. w Page; a Memo - JGW February 2-1, 1979 In addition to the Gleanloch and Shiloh sites, the 1979-83 Parks CIP contemplates. the installation of a wooden play apparatus in walking neighborhood #49 to serve: the neighborhood 046. The. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission contem- plated that the structure, would.be located on laid presently occupied by the Wayzata School District Administration building. Staff seeks Council direction as to: Pursuing the design of the neighborhood sites for the Gleanloch and Shiloh Tri -Conor) neighborhoods. pursuing the installation of a wooden play apparatus on the Wayzata School District administration site. odd . Born Director of Parks and Recreation JJB tin w AM Y W c)TYI$CA", (w umsOr- PUMOLrrR jj 1 i - iii 1111119, al lii1 Z1-'*_`li!}_ t.il if 3. .,1 l.. i1 d 1 . 11 1 :t!li1,11, ;1 1 l its!ts. IIIIt,lltlit1IM1t1tI 111111111!lt1111!lt1 1t111111111 lttlt111111,1111111! till Ifill 111111111 Nm® q tk 1 ; " t cs qe.+.r.. - o s .- raa'.as 4...1:.t< •..w PLYMOUTH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Thursday March 1, 1979 AGENDA Those Expected: Alan Brass Barbara Edwards ' James Guddal James Rice M Dorothy Terry Betty Threinen;e 4" Call to order - 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 12: Minutes - February 1, 1979 3. Commissioner Education and Awareness. A*';Trail Signs 5. Draft of Planning Calendar 6. Telephone Survey 7. 1979 Annual Report 8. Neighborhood. Input 9. Other Business. 10. Adjournment 4 t ?,(r', r C L tllR. 'PS 1 C}ti k-t4 4 C-C+r.. „ i et.&'7 4.rµe MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF PLYMOUTH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION. February l , 1979 The regular meeting of the Plymouth Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission was called to order, by Chairman James Rice. at 7.35 pm in the Council Chambers of the City of Plymouth.. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alan Brass, Barbara Edwards* dames Guddal, Dorothy Terry, Betty Threinen, Robert Troemel and Chairman James Rice. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: John Spaeth, Councilmember, Shiloh and G1eanloch residents and Jon Born, Parks; and Recreation Director. MINUTES moi sioner Threinen moved and Commissioner Brass seconded. a motion to approve the January 4, 1979 minutes as distributed'. Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS DirectorForn reviewed Commission appointment made by Mayor Hunt for Chairman's position as well as items to be distributed to new Commissioners for orientation. Chairman Rice announced that Commissioner Threinen has been designated as Vice Chairman to assume duties in the absence of the Chairman. CITIZEN INPUT 7Fie fmnission received formal citizen input from residents of the, Shiloh and Gleanloch neighborhood.for the: design/development of the respective neighborhood parks. The Commission will forward the input to Council for direction. GOAL AND OBJECTIVES irector Born anU,Chairman Rice reviewed goal/projects for 1979.to involve and activate Commissioners. Goallprojects include: l) The development of a public education plan/package to include audiovisual aids. Cowimissioners Threinen, Brass aid Terry will work as a group with Director Born: to identify the public:, the message, methods, techniques and scheduling. 2) Commissioner education plan whereby at least 3 to 4 times per year a speaker, will attend the Conmission meeting and spend 15 minutes discussing a topic of current and/or special interest.. Commissioners Guddal and Troemel will develop with Dir-ctor Born a listing of topics and guests, 3) Director Born will discuss with the Manager and Planning Director the feasibility of meeting with the Council and Planning Commission on a formal twice a year basis, Director Born will prepare an annual calendar to assist in meeting scheduling as well as agenda topic assignment. 4) Commissioners with Director Bore will develop liason strategies with the following groups - Hennepin County Park Reserve District (Brass, Edwards, Terry); Athletic and Homeowners Associations (Terry); Adjacent communities and Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission (Brass, Edwards). 5) comni'ssion requested that it review development plans when appropriate,. M butes Page Z February 1, 1979 TELEPHONE SURREY irector orn reviewed the revised telephone survey questionnaire for the Commission rind sought additional input, Commissioner Terry moved and Commissioner Brass seconded a motion to revise the telephone; survey as follows; The dollar limits on question 15 be revised to more accurately survey a: more realistic bond referendum. Previously deleted questions 12 and 14 be reinstated. Council direct staff to schedule the administration of the, questionnaire, as soon as possible. Motion carried. MARCH AGENDA Director Born reviewed potential. agenda topics for the March meeting. APPRECIATION _CCOMMENDATIONS Director tMl c ec with the City Manager as to when the Council will present. commendations of appreciation for service to Dick Williams, Marvin Getters and Robert: Troemel. Chairman Rice will schedule an open house afterwards. ADJOURNMUNT ennq no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10;45 pm. DAT E; TO< FROMZ SUBJECT,, CITY GF PLYMOUTH 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEP,40NE (612) 559.2800 February 21, 1979 MEMO Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Education and Awareness On March 1, 1979, Mr, John Christian, Administrative Assistant for the Hennepin County Park Reserve District will make a short: presentation on the topic of "The Hennepin County Park Reserve Distrct,Directions for the Future"a This is the first of a, series of topics to be presented to the Commission for education and awareness purposes. Xrn. Director of Parks and Reclleation JJB in a..w.,ia.C.i+ • Cwt. 1! t C..+:...+e.\i}a... i.'+, 'a ..aa. . • p - f V p y j!k ,.? CatA;it1.,k"R: s , k® i.. . it M j' eP p P a tea CITY OF PLY MOUTH 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 i F i. MEMO DATE; February 21, 1979 , TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission w ' 4' FROM: Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation ` SUBJECT:Trail Signs The City of Plymouth has an adopted trail system plan., which contemplates the placement of Class. III bike routes on shared road surfaces without separation from traffic and where vehicle rates are below 1,000 per day and the maximum speed is_;5 mph. The attached trail plan identifies existing trails as well as trails proposed for immediate, construction. Class III trails are identifed separately. An examination of the plan reveals that more residents would be served by linking the Class III trails with the existing Class I or II trails In order to provide the formal linkage, the Class III routes need to be appropriately signed, Staff recommends that where Class III trails link.with existing trails or lead to parks and schoolsthe Class IJIL trails be appropriately signed. In order to accomplish this, signs and posts need to be pur- chased. Staff recommends using the $2,000 from the CIP for this project. Should the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission agree, it would be appropriate;for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission toL recommend that Council direct staff to implement this project.. WJ. BOrn Director of Parks and Recreation. X JB.jn DATE: T0; FROW SU BJ ECT; CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3025 HARBOR. LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 February 21, 1979 MEMO Parks and Recreation. Advisory Commission Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation Draft of Planning Calendar In an attempt to facilitate agenda development, sequencing of topics as well as improving agenda content and scheduling for Commission members, staff has prepared the attached calendar identifying interactions and involvements for 1975, During some of the months interactions and involvements are heavy and may require an additional meeting. This can be discussed on. March 1, 1979 as well as additional input from the Commis; havers. Staff will review tentative -agenda topics for the ensuing months with the: Commission. on -Born-' Director of Parks and Recreation JJB': jn PARKS AND RECREATION CoNmis0oner Education City Council Planning Commission Athletic Associations Nomowner's Associations. iennepin County Park Reserve District Metro Council Other Suburbiin P A R CoNvoissions Recreation. Budget Input Parks CIP Bond Referendum Work Parks Plan Components ADVISORYCOWISSION 1 JAN FEB MAR a X X ,... X X X NTl RACI APR X. X01 X IONS/ Ib MAY VOLVEME JUN X X X X AUG SEP X X OCT X X X NOV X DEC X X CITY CSF PLYMOUTH 6 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (6.12) 559-2800, DINE: FebruavT 21, 1979 MEMO TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission FROM., Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation. SUBJECT: Telephone Survey As of February i5, a total of 260 telephone surveys were taken and on February 2J an additional 70 were taken by the Plymouth Jaycees for a total of 330 completed by February 20, 1979. Professor Morris' students will complete the balance of 70 to achieve the ideal sample of 400 Plymouth residents. Professor Morris will tabulate the results and will prepare a written report for Council and will present a verbalanalysis of the results. Staff has written letters of appreciation to all parties involved in the survey who volunteered their time and/or facilities for the project.. ons. Orn. r x, Di ctor of Parks and Recreation k9 w 4 JJ6:jn,,.c , m a CITY OF PLYMOUTH 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2800 DATE: February 21, 1979 MEMO TO, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission FROM; Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT. 1979 Annual Report In 1977, an Annual. Report was prepared highlighting the Department's operations and project/goal setting for 1978. The. 1973 Report reviews the projects completed and identifies operational goals for 1979 as identified by the Department's staff, LQ.,,.r.. zcw- J. Bort Director of Parks and Recreation JJB:Jn A< CITY CSF PLYMOUTH 8 3025 HARBOR LANE, PLYMOUTH,, MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE(612) 559-2800 GATE; February 21, 1979 - MEMO T0: Parks and. Recreation Advisory Commission FROM; Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT. Neighborhood Input The citizen input obtained for Shiloh and Gleanloch neighborhood parks has been forwarded to the City Manager for Council's consideration and direction. oBorn Director of Parks and Recreation JJB; jn. r CITY CSF PLYMOUTH 3400 Plymouth Boulevard 3GU4 ARBI -LANE, PLYMOUTH, Mfi4NESOTA, 53441 TELEPHONE (612) 559-2,300 DATE: MEMO; February 21, 174 TO: James G. Willis, City Manager FROM: Jon J. Born, Director of Parks and Recreation SUBJECT.* Neighborhood Parks Input The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission and staff have met on two occassions with the residents of the Tri -Comm Homeowners Association and the Gleanloch area residents The Tri -Comm (Shiloh) residents desired the following park improvements:: An abundance of landscaping and trees An informal ballfield with backstop Wooden play apparatus similar to other developed neighborhood parks A small hard surface courts area An open play area A general skating area A sliding hill Sitting tenches The: residents do not want: Fi repi ts, grills or fireplaces No l igh-. s . Formal picnic ar a -,oith tables, Development which will adversely affect drainage. Lineal development along the trail The Gleanloch area residents desired the following park improvements: To leave: site as natural as possible in development Add plantings for screening and reforestation Link site with existing/proposed trails Landscape - improve visual image at south end of site on Sycacsore, Lane Small hard surface. courts area Wooden play apparatus similar to other developed Neighborhood parks A general skating area. Landscaping, screening and buffering of the industrial land west of the si to Concern was expressed for areas of open water, mosquitos and the wi.dlife in the: area. M Page 2 Memo JGW February 21, 1979 In addition to the; Glearloch and Shiloh sites, the 1973-83 Parks CIP contemplates the installation of a wooden play apparatus in walking neighborhood X49 to erve tte neighborhood 046. The Parks. and Recreation Advisory Commission contem- plated 'that the structure would be located on land presently occupied by the Wayzata School District Administration building. Staff seeks C unci 1 direction as to; Pursuing the design oY the neighborhood sites for the Gleanloch and Shiloh Tri -Comm) neighborhoods. Pursuing the installation of a wooden play apparatus on the Wayzata School District administration site. Jw o orn Director of Parks and Recreation JJB:jn 17 CPT 3c" Of WILES P&"CO*R S f# Hifi :1101ff11ill' 11;,1l11111111!hwdI its 1,lill lf 111i}1 l1 z1EE l iil3s E1111 11111111l111!1.111111i11111111111!111111111111111111111111EEE 114111111!111!9!l1EdlEllEtE31l3! yf Per.. u'e-. . Z'r.sY A r,.w Z tL Cap . ZTf i Z'NZs. A«YAI - 0 'b 1.3 m J, m