HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 11-25-1991MINUTES 1992 PROPOSED BUDGETS PUBLIC HEARING November 25, 1991 The public hearing on the 1992 proposed budgets was called to order by Mayor Bergman at 7:00 p.m. on November 25, 1991, in the Plymouth City Center Council Chambers, 3400 Plymouth Blvd. PRESENT: Mayor Bergman, Councilmembers Helliwell, Ricker, and Vas+liou ABSENT: Councilmember Zitur STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Willis, Assistant Manager Boyles, Finance Director Hahn, Finance staff members, and City Clerk Rauenhorst Mayor Bergman announced that the purpose of the meeting is to provide the public an opportunity to hear a presentation on the proposed 1992 City Budgets. Citizens will have an opportunity to address the %;ouncil concerning their views on the proposed budgets. The Council plans to adopt the 1992 budged and property tax levy on Dezember 10. Manager Willis prosented the proposed 1992 City budgets. He stated that the budgets would be financed with property tax levies in the amount of $10,598,145. This is an increase of 2.64 percent over the 1991 tau levy. He preaented information on the tax capacity rates and the distribution of the property tax dollar. Although the City's overall tax capacity value is down from last year, the growth of tax value because of new growth, as well as reductions in several tax classification ratee, will result in a tax decrease for most residential taxpayers in their 1991 city property taxes. Exceptions to this are likely for homestead properties in the lower value ranges and commercial/industrial properties. He recommended that the fund for shade tree disease control be moved to the neneral Fund for 1992 because the activity no longer justifies classification as a separate fund. This will not Budget Hearing November 25, 1991 Page 452 change the fiscal or the administrative accountabilities of the program. The proposed budget includes a 5 percent increase in sewer rates beginning in January. This increase is largely attributable to the increased cost of sewage treatment by the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. Even with the proposed rate increase, the 1992 budget will require a 216,300 contribution from retained earnings. He stated the Housing and Redevelopment Activities (HRR) have been divided into three components for budget purposes: 1) Community Development Block Grant Programs (CDBG); 2) Section 8; and 3) Senior Housing. A property tax levy of $23,400 :s required to assist in funding the CDBG activity in 1992. The budget also proposes to levy $334,010 to support the prorosed Senior Citizen Housing Program. If the Senior Housing Program is ultimately approved, property tax levies will continue to be required in future years to assist in keeping rerts affordable for seniors residing in the proposed building. One additional employee is proposed for 1992 in tl e Park Maintenance Division. Mayor Bergman opened the public hearing cn the 1992 City Budgets at 7:17 p.m. Wes Clemens, 5615 Evergreen Lana, represented the Plymouth Civic League. He thanked the City Council for their 1991 financial support of the Civic League, and requested that the Council appropriate a like amount for 1992. He noted that 1992 will be the 20th Anniversary of Music in Plymouth. Ken Peterson, 14820 13th Place North, appeared on behalf of the East Parkers Lake Improvement Association. He expressed ccncerna a' -%out Eurasian Water Milfoil in Parkers Lake and requested that the Council fund the amount proposed in thy pa:•k and recreation portion of the budget for the treatment of milfoil. Roas Tolbert, 1435 Kingsview Lane, also represented the East Parkers Lake Improvement Budget Hearing November 25, 1991 Page 453 Association. He is in support o: the funding currently proposed for the treatment of milfoil. Marsha Videen, 1151 Kingsview Lane, requested that the Coilncil fund the amount proposed in the budget for treatment of Eurasian Nater Milfoil. She stated the East Parkers Lake Improvement Association wants to contribute financially toward treatment and wishes to develop a system for monitoring for milfoil return after treatment. LeRoy Reinke, 14411 County Road 6, stated the legal fees expended by the City to date - 283,193, is a large amount of money in proportion to the total budget. He stated the staff members should do a better job of monitoring their phone voice mail systems. Callers don't know when a staff member is gone or will return their phone call. Mr. Reinke stated the City needs to prioritize aaawplowing routes and do a better job us using equipment and resources. He suggested that a committee of business people be asked to evaluate the City's operation so citizens get the beat value of each tax dollar. No one else appeared for the hearing. Mayor Bergman closed the hearing at 7:29 p.m., to be continued to December 10, 1991. C ty Clerk