HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 09-12-1977 SpecialPage 188 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL NEE INi, Sept fflkr 12. 1977 A special meeting of the Plymouth City Council was at 1:30 Q.me in the Council Chambers of the Public third Avenue North on September 12, 1977, called to order by Mayor Hilde Works Building, '14900 Tuenty- PRESENT: Mtyor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils. SeiQold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Planner Dillerud, Administrative Assistant Boyles, Park Director Born and Attorney Lefler, ABSENT; Mone. MINUTES MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Huht, to approve the minutes of the September 6 special Council meeting with the following correction on page 186: Councilman Spaeth voted aye on adoption of Resolution No. 71-484. Motion carried, four ages. Councilman Seibold abstained. Manager Wil'is reviewed Norstan. Inc.'s request for municipal industrial development revenue bard financing. Coupcilman Seibold inquired as tc what portion of the proposed facilities will be used to house Minnesota Industrial Tools (MIT). James S dwell, presiCent of Summit Gear, replied they planned to lease 30,000 sq. ft. of space to MIT for office space and parts storago. MINUTES - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 6,, 1977 Item 4 NORSTAN, INC. REQUEST MUNICIPAL REVENUE POND FINANCING Itto 5 Councilman Seibold questioned why there was no financial or or- ganizational information available on MIT. Kinager Willis replied the firm was completely owneA by Sidney Cohen. president of Norstan, Inc., and his son and will be only a tennant in the building. Councilman Neils stated it was the Council's policy to consider o0y real estate and buildings, in terms of equity, as collat•Aral for a bond issue. He felt since 40 percent of this issue would be used for the purchase of equipment, this would not be proper col- lateral for the bonds. Councilman Hunt asked how many people would be employed in the expanded facilities. Mr. Sidwell replied Nirstan Communications employed 40 people. MIT employed 50 people and Summit Gear employed 93 people at present and expected to increase that number to 140 in thi, coming year. 188- Special C'rimcil Meeting Sevavo er- 12. 1977 P.sge lag Pau, Beszucki, president of Norstan Comm1nications,, stated the company -was of the beginning of its growth and eventually hoped Lal utilize the entire space for its own operation. He said it was Important for the cc.npany to be located close to its, clietsts In MIP. McQuay*Perfex and Buhler -Ming. MOTION was made by Co4ncilman Hunt, seconded by councilman. Spaeth. to adopt RESOLU71ON N0, 77-488. A RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT FOR NORSTAN, !NC, UNDEP THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING ThE PR,9POS.AL TO THE COWISSIONER OF SECURITIES FOR APPROVAL, ANI! AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AND PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, Ma: ion carried on a Roll Call vote. three ayes, Coons- 14.. v:, Neile and Seibold voted nay. Mayor Hilde requested the Manager to schadule a dissussio4 of ttse Council's policy on municipal revonue bonds for a meeting in October, MOTION made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Counuilman Noils, to adopt RESOLU"TION N0, 77-489, &4 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR CIMARRON PONDS 2ND ADDITION IN THE AMOUNT OF a%Ff)750,00, Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five aye,. Planner D{iierud reviewed Lundgren Bros.' request fir approval of Preliminary Plat and Rezoning for Cricket Hills and Planning Commission's recommendation, Councilman Hunt inquired why Lot 39, Block 1, accessed onto Pineview. Rick Sathre, representing petitioner, point out the three lots that accessed onto Pineview in the plat, which slid not include Lot 38, Block 1. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-490, A RESOLUTION APPROVINC CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR SUBJIVISION UNIT PROJECT AND Pkft.1MINARY PLAT FOR LUNDGREN BROS, CONSTRUCTION, INC. OF CRICKET HILLS (A-755). MOTIIN TO AMEND was made by Counci(nan Hunt, seconded by Colinkilman Seibold, by deleting Lot 38, Block 1, from Condition 5. Motion to aw Eid carrfeO, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained, MOTION 'O AMEND was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Cruncilnan Wis, by adding lter:. 11 requiring all diseased trees on the plat to be removed at the expense of the developer. Motion to amend carried, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained, 189- RESOLUTION W, 77-488 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL NORSTAN, INC, WN, LIPA-L INDUSTRIAL DEVk'IFIMENT REVENUE BOND FlW14CING RESOLUTION NO. 77-489 ADOPTING ASSESSM CIMARRON PONDS "eND AON, Item 6 RESOLUTION NO. Y? -490 APPROVIR""aW 0aii'm FLAT b cur FOR SUP CRICKE-r HILLS to -755) LUNDGREN BROS, Item 7-A S'":.4 01 Council Reet i ng septeowr 12. 19" Page 1.90 N07ION TO MEND was made by Counci lmn Neils, seconded by Counci man Seibold, by addinq Item 12' requtr ,ng that final plat and development contract pra+ide plans, approved by the City Engineer, for erosion control durbca subdivisfun development. Ibtion, to amend .:arried. four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. W,ION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Runt, by adding item 13 requiring petitioner to submit a petition for the iNa rovement of Pineview Lanee lotion to amend carried, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Councilman Neils expressed concern about the depth of the lots backing up to the railroad tracks. Peter Pflaum, Lund iren Bros., stated the developer was also concerned about the depth of !hese 11 ots and was cansiycring realignment of k4th Avenue to increase the depth of some of trig lots. NOTION TO AMEND was made by %sunci lman Neils, seconde4 by Cotuncilman !Hunt;, by adding Iteir 14 requiring the developer to exercise reasonable efforts to increase the lot deptns of those lots backing up to the Sao line right-of-way in the fine, prat design development. Motion to amend carried, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Notion to adopt Resolution No. 77-490, as amended, carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. 111ION w .s made by Counci lmao Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt ORDINANCE. NO. 77-19, AN ORDIKf ICE AKNDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO CLMQ IFY CERTAIN LANDS iN SECTIONS 2 AND 11, TOWNSHIP 118* RANGE 22, 4 R-1 (SINGLE l'A'4I LY RES I DEN- TIFiL) FOR CRICKET HILLS (A-755)0 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Planner D'ilerud reviewed Maurice McCaffery's request for approval of preliminary plat and rezoning for a Cot.munity Unit Project, Gleason North, and Planning Commissivn's recommendation to allow rezoning of the LA -1 portion of the site to accommodate a six -unit structure. Becaose of the constraints of this site, a multiple -family dwelling seemed to be the best choice and result in less damage to site environment. Mr. Dillerud stated a landscape plan had been received Mond4ty morning and the developer would also be requested to provide trail easements on the north side of the plat. 190- r ORDINANCE NO. 77019 t MTTMW TO R-1 - CRICK'r,T HILLS LUNDGREN BROS. Item 7-.A PRELIMINARY PLAT AND REZONING-GLEASON NORTH M. McCAFFERY (A-752) Item 7-B 3 W'peciat Council lieeting Stptedber 12, 1917 Page 19'1 heumcilman Spaeth expressed rancer" for the amount of traffic Wst wrowld be generated ort 13th Avenue from this plot and the adjacent Van Eeckhout plat. Maurice McCaffery, developer. replied the area would not generate heavy traffic since he believed the majority of the residents would be soctired an4 living there only in the summer. Planner Qillerud reviewed the alternatives to routing traffic on 13th Avenue. Councilman Neiis felt traffic generated from these two -plats would be an t-4osit+on on the existing neighborhood and would require Dunkirk tangy to be improved. He asked if there was any Financial relatlenship ht-tween the two plats and if a comn access could be worded out. Mr. Dillerud replied he believed the two plats were not related -in any way, but he felt traffic from the plats might be coordinated. There was further discusstoo of various alternatives for access to the McCaffery and V;AnF.eckhogt plata. Tom Rose, W'VS •- 13th Avenue North, representing residents ..r the .area, stated they would like this area to remain cont. k-1 and dttveloiled at a minimum density and requested Council to change the guiding on the eastern portion of the plat to eliminate any doubt of Council's intent. They maintained that large buildings were not in keeping Faith this unique area and hoped to see it developed with single-family homes. He displayed photos of the west shore of Gleason Lake along which there were 21 single- family homes aro claimed a three-story building would detrdct from the setting. He asked what the fiture plans for this area wt:uld be if this project was not adopted and restated the residents.' request that the plat be developed with the present zoning. he also questioned the relationsi ip between the McCaffery aisd VanEeckhout plats. Steve Hahn, 1682V, - i Spec is l Council Mating septet r 120 1677 Page 192 Mr. Waffery' replied he was not acquainted with Mr. Vanfeckhout and had no information about the development of his plate NOTION w.as made by Cauncilmaa Neils,, socanded by Councilman meth, to glue further consideration to the NcCaffery and V&Jrackhout plats based on: 1) access of the combined parcels t+ et`.her County, Rand 6 or, preferably, to :runkirk lane; x cam ttkra't i an of taro -story build!r93 on the southerly parcel; 31 requlremen; for general developmnt plan in terms of land coverage and access before, any furtlier consideration by Council. MOTION TO AMEND was made by adding Itkw 4 requiring developer to provide a ccncept plan for single-family development of the westerly parte", motion to amend carried, five ayes. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, requesting developer to protide a concept p1aA for single-family development of tho easterly parcel. Motion to amend failed, one aye. 'payor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils anal Spaeth voted nay. Main motion carried, as ymended, five ayes. NOTION was mage by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to refer both the McCaffery and VanE4,cOAhout pla%s back to the Rlan ming Commission for further consi0ra• ion, Motion carried, five ayes. Mr, McCaffery ,tated he had purchased the land to good faith that it coul44 be developed with multiple -family dwellings according to the land Ilse Guide Plan. He said he could not build a two-story condominium and must make a decision very shortly about the aevelopment of the plat. Councilman Hunt replied the plat could bay developed with multiple -family dwellings. ar.cording to the land Use Guide Plan, but d variance for height would be required for a three-story building. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hutn, to direct the Planninq Commission to work out a plan to tie 14th Avenue and the western half of 13th Avenue into Black Oaks Lame and accessing onto Dunkirk Lane per the conditions of the City Engineer's report req -,siring Improvement cr Dunkirk Lane. Motion carried, fiva ayes. Councilman Neils left the table. 192- PRELIMINARY PLAT GLEASON LAKE ADDN. VAN EECK11OUT BLDG. CORE Item 1-C Special Council Meeting SA)'ptenber 12, 1977 Page 193 MOTION, was n adt by Councilmao Hunt. seconded ev Councilman Spaetho to adopt RESOV TION NO. 77-491. A RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT DIVISIONAONSOLIDATION OF pLAMO Psi IRTY FOR CARLSON PROPERTIES (A410). Motion carried on a Rkill C.11 vote, tour ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 77-4929 A RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT DIVISIONICONSOLIDATIOb FOR PLATTED PRQPERTI FOR CARLSON PROPERTIES (AmM). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, f ur ages. MOTION wa: made by Councilman Runt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 77-493, A RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT CONSOLIDATION OF PLATTED PARCELS FOR ROBERT SCHNABEL (A-763)6 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Neils returned to the table, Mr. Wallace Valenta stated changing than name of the c t1 -de -sac street in Asplund's Oakwood Shores from 57th Avenue to Oakwood Circ"e should not hove any significance nor relationship to the street -naming pattern of the City since the street was only one block in length. Cou-cilman Spaeth replied Council has denied similar requests from many other developers bec.,%jae the, City must be consistent with the east -west and north -south street names for safety purposes. MOTION was made by Councilmd:i Spaeth, seconded by Counti1inan Hunt, to deny the request to change the name of 57th Avprtie North located in Asplund's Uakwood Shore to Oakwc::! 1:ircie. Motion carried, five ayes. MOT I Obi was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded ,y Cc . r, ' i l ifiaa Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 77-494, A RESOLUTION i:' 1RIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO, 5 GENERAL CONT',,kk'.TU;, N THE AMOUNT OF $35,430.00 TO W.H. CATES CONSTRUCTION COMPAN" OR THE FIRE STATION NO. 2 BUILDING PROJECT NO. 608. Motion carried on A Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION wes made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hund, to A:opt RESOLUTION NO. 77-4950 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIPIG PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 5 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR IN THE ,AMOUNT OF $3,972.60 TO J. McCLURE-KELLY COMPAMY FOR IKE FIRE STATION NO. 2 BUILDING PROJECT NO. 608. Motion carried on a Rell Call vote, five ayes, 193. RESOLUTION NO, 77491 1PPROVIR9 M707 CONSOLIDATIN FOR CARLSON PROPEIR711S A-410) Item 84 RESOLUTION 0. 77.492 OPIUM 'INVIM, CONSOLIDATION FOR CARLSON PROPERTIES A415) Item 8-0 RESOLUTION NO, 77-493 APPMTNG 107 CURRIMr. DATION FOR ROBERT SCHNABEL (A-763) Item 9 STREET NAME CHANGE PETITION-AS?A'ND'S OAKWOOD SHORE!, Item 10 RESOLUTION NO. 77-494 R E QR__P_AY_%NT_ GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 PROJECT X08 - item 11 RESOLUTION NO, 77-495 ls_QMT_T`OR _PP.(HENT MECHANICAL CONTNALrOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 PROJECY 608 - Item 11 R11 Special Council Meeting September 1120 1977 Paw 194 I TIOrR was made by Councilman Spaethe seconded by Councilman Mmt, to adopt. RESOL1571ON NO. 77-(96. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO, 5 ELECTRICAL CONVI;XTOR IN THE AMOUNT OF $79434.00 TO CONSERVATION SYSTEI_h', INC. FOR THE FIRE STAVION NO, 2'6UItDl% PROJECT HO,, 608. Notion carried ori a Roll 0411 vote, five ayes. NOTION was mane by Councilman Neils, seconded vy Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-497, A RESOLMOM REDUCING ASSESSMIENT SECURITY FOR 6 1ENTREE WEST SUBOIVISION FOR MAY:ATA DEVELOPERS (a-468). Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to accept petition for sewer and wa"tRr• improvements to area north of County Road 10 and west of R!-mlocr. from Boyer ralwmr. Ration carry d, five ayes. Council recessed from 9:35 to 9:45 p.m. Manager Willis briefly reviewed the staff's proposed 5 -Year Capital Improvement Program, Park Director Born replied to Council's questions regarding the propn%ed :478-1982 Park CIP and the propo4al for a r.zw account, ; oomunity Playfields, for the Park Dedication Fund, Cow-f.-ilman Hunt asked for a definition of a community playfield. Plnnne:l Dillerud replied a community park is intended to be a natural, ;passive area, generally involving woods or water, serving several drivina neighborhood. A ccmmunity playfield is designed for more organized sports activity and is located on school sites. RESOLUTION NO. 7:'-496 PAYMENT FOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 PROJECT 608 - Item 11 RESOLUTION NO. '7 1*CURITY FOR GRCENTREE WEST SUBQIMIOR 0 40) 'tem 12 SEWER b WATER PL, TI(. BOYER PALMER 5 -YEAR CIP REVII: Special Council Meeting September 12, 1977 page 19S WIM was made by Councilman Neilsq seconded by Councilman Hunt, to din ct the Manager to prepare a policy resolution designating the distribution of the park Dedicationund according to the previous motion. Motion carried, live ayes, Council reviewed the proposed 1978 Parks C1P. dick Villiams, chairman of the Park and! Recreation Advisory Commisston (PRAC), stated PRAC lnten,4W to compoetely Finish developing one beach site as a camnunit. parr :a 1978 and allocate the funds for development of a second community park to develop trails. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to delete the East and West Medicine Lake Parks from the 1978 CIP and schedule them for review in 1979. Motion carried, five ayes, Planner Di 1 arud explained the staff .@corrrWndatiQn of $15,417 for trails, with matching funds from various grants, would prov'We approximately $150,000 or 6 riles of trails in 1978. NOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Mayer Hilde, to allocate $15,417 to trails in 1978, as proposed by staff, if grants for mat:hing funds are approved, 1978 PARIS C 1 P Nation carried, three ayes. Councilmen Seibold and Spaeth voted nay, MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seceiided by Councilman Neils, to reconsider the previous motion_ Notion carried, five ayes. Cojincilman Spaeth stated he felt the City shou N begin a program to develop trails with #in allocation of at least $50,000 in 1978, followed by allocation of a similar upount each year following. MOTION was made by Louncilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to allocate $50,000 to develop trails in 1978. Motion carried, four ayes. Councilman Neils voted nay. NOTION wds made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to allocate $35,000 to Central Nark land acg0 sition in 1978 as proposed, Notion carried, five ayes. Mayer Hilde questioned the 'Feasibility of completing a community playfield at LaCompte Green. Park Director Born replied redesign of the park would make it more usable and solve the problems experienced ,at the park in the past. He stated the funds designated for 1978 would completely cover all proposed improvements necessary to complete a community playfieid at the park, Special touncl+l Meeting Septcmbw 12, 1977 Page lyt Therd was a discussion of the proposed schedule for completing the Northeast and Southwest Comiunity Playfields. Mr. otlliams stated PRAC intended to start development of both the RortW:ast and Southwest Community P14yfields In 1+978 and coViete the work it, 19799 dividin the proposed funds between the two sites. He stated it was imperative to begin development of the Southwest P1ay:field in 1978 s$ice negotiations kith School District #284 have reached the point where the school district expects the City to start cooperating in their development plans. Park Director Borr, explained splitting the funds would nate it more difficult to obtain tSe optimum grant funds for the project; an. the highest priority moist be given the Northeast Playfleld based ran population and Ifttropelitan Council criteria, Council discussed various alternatives for begirmlog work at both sites, while taking full advantani: of the grant funds a va` hole. MgTIOM was made by Councilman Seibs)ld, seconded by ':ouncilman blunt. o apprrAve the following projects for thq 1978 Parks CIP: 1) Trails - $15,417; 2) Central ' ark - $15.000; 3) NE rammuni ty Playficld - $90,000; 4) Creekwolid Heights: Neighbornoed park - $10,000; 5) LaCamute Community Playf:eld - $4010OU; 6) SC C(mnunity Playfield - 40AO; 7) Special Fund - $2,000; total I inn $232,417. SUBSTITt-IE MATRON was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to ippr„ac the follawing projects for the 1978 Parks f:IV: 1) Trails '50,0<'10; 2) Central Park - $35.000; 3) LaCompte Community Ployfiel^! - $40,000; 4 NF Pla field - $90,000; 5) Creekwood Heights Meighborni)od Park - $10,.^C; 6) Specidl Fund - $2,000; totalling 221,000 and directinq FRAC to begin negotiations with S.Q. #284 towards completion of plans and details or the Southwest Community Playfiel with the intent of completing construction in 1979. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Cn4ncilman Spaeth, to add $10,000 to %he 1991 Parks CIP 'or design plAsis for the Southwest Community PEayfield. Notion to amend carried, five ayes. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Itunt, to obtain funds for the design of the Southwest Community Play" field by reduction of the allocation for trails by $10,000. Moticn to amend carried, three ayes. Mayor Hide and C. Spaeth voted nay, Substitute Matson carried, as Amended, five aya s. Coupci1 reviewed the proposes) 1979 Parks CIP. 140TInN aas made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to delete the funds for East Medicine Lake Part exceot for $30,000 for park design. Notion carried, five ayes. q P 1979 PARKS CIP 0 Special Counc I I meet ing Son4tember 12. 1977 Page 197 M110M was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hurt, to allocate $544010 for tratls in 1979. Abtion carried. four ayes. Councilman Neils votes nay. MUM was made 0 Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Setbo1d, to approve proposed allocation of $35,000 for Central Para land a:cquisitlo". obtion carried. five ayes. M07ION *is made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils to opprove proposed allocation of $100,000 for Southwest Commnity Playfield. Ittion carried, five Ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded 4y Councilman Seibold, to approve the remainder of the 1979 CIP as proposed by PRAC, Mi on caused, five ayes. Manager Willis reviewed the projected cash flow for park improvemallots and varricis 0ternatives for raislog funds, including a bond is,*Pie or use of ed valorem funds. Council reviewed the proposed 1980 Parks CIP. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to approve the 1980 CIP as follows: 1) TraiIg - $50,000; 2) Central Park land acquisition - $351,000; 3) Community Playfied Central Area 200.000; 41 Neighborhood Park .- $4C,000; Spacial Fund - $20000; totalling $327,000. Motiqn carried, five ayes. Council reviewed the 1981 Parks CIP. 14 J ION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to allocate $100,000 for the development of a Northeast Community Ploy'ield. Pio" Arlo carried,_ five ayes. 1980 PARKS C I P 1981 PARKS CIP MOT:OPt was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, approve the remainder of the 1981 CIF" as ;proposed by staff increasing the al,acation to #.rails to $50,080. Notion carried. three Councilmen Hurst and Neils voted nay. Council revie,5d the proposed 1982 Parks CIP. 1982 PARKS CIP n Special Council Meeting Septa6er 12, 1977 Pave 198 K?TIiA was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to approve the 1982 Parks CIP as proposed by staff increasing the Allocation for Trails to $50,000. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, by changing Item B-1 to read "Acquire Community Park or Playfield Site." Motion to amend carried, five ayes. Main motion carried, as amended, five ayes. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to direct staff to prepare a cash flow chart for the proposed 5 -year Parks CIP for the September 19 public hearing on the 1978 budget. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to consider the newly -formed Plymouth Athletic Association's request for $500 in the final budget review. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to increase the allocation to the Hamel Athletic Association in the 1978 budget to $500. Motion carried, five ayes. Councilman Neils requested that the athletic by the City submit annual reports to Council. associations supported Manager Willis reviewed the proposed 5 -Year Public Improv"..nt Program. MOTION waz made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, 1918 PUBLIC IMPROVE to approve the proposed sanitary sewer improvements for 1978. MENT PROGRAM REVIEW Metic" carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to direct staff to start working with Hennepin County immediately for real ignmmme• ' of County toads 10 and 61 so that alignment of the pipes may be -dinated with alignment of those roads. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman"s!unt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to c.pprove the proposed watarmain finlirovements for 1978. Motion carried, five ages. 198- Srii l2,iPeetingeembeCouncil Page 199 OU(ION was made by Councilman Hunt.. seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve the proposed street improvements vor 1978 with the addi- tion of sewer, water and street improvements for 40th Avenue from Fernbrook Line east and cWlete Fernbrook Lane to a full urban section from Harbor lane to County Road 9. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to approve the proposed storm sewer improvements for 1978 moving Parker's Lake into 1979. Motion carried. five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, secon0ed by Councilman Neils. to move Deerwood Lane storm sewer improvement to 1979. Motion carried, `ive ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to move Kilmer Lane storm sewer improvement to 1979. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, 1979 PUBLIC to approve the proposed sanitary sewer improvements for 1979. IMPROVEMENTS Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Counci+anan Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve the proposed watermain improvements for 1979. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve the proposed street improvements for 1979. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to approve the proposed storm sewer improvements for 1979. Motion carried, five ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hi:I)A, 1980 PUBLIC to approve the proposed sanitary sewer, waZermain, street and IMPROVEMENTS storm sewer improverents for 1980. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Courcilman Hunt, to approve the proposed sanitary sewer, watermain, street and storm sewer improvements for 1981. Motion carried, five ayes. 199- Special Council Neeting September 12, 1977 Page 200 NOTION a:.s made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded Hunt, to approve the proposed street and storm ments and o!±'ct"In 4 proposed sanitary sewer and improvements,exceVYLng Well No. 6, for 1982. Motion carried, five ayes. The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 a.m. 400- by CwnciIman Sewer• improve- waterrrai n 1982 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS