HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08-22-1977 Speciali IAD NI IFS, SPECIAL COEINi<IL 14EE71NG August 22, R91 A special me4ting of the Plynath, City Counci I was called to order by Dtyor Hilde at 7:45 p.m, in the Council Chafters of the Putilic Works Building, 14900 Twenty -a third Avenue North on august 22, 1977. PPSSENT: Mayor Wilde, Councilmen Hunt, Seioold and Planner Di'llerud, Engineer Goldberg, Park Assistant Boyles. Police Chief Hawkinson, Attorney Glen Pur%km. ABSENT Courcilman Neils. MI NUTF M071 3.,% was ma&A by Cour ci ;man Hunt, to approve the minutes ir*eti ng as ubmi tted. Motion carried, four ayes. Spaeth, Manager Willis. Director Born, Administrative Finance Director Ricker and Spaeth, seconoed by Councilman of the August )i regular Coumci 1 MOTION was, made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-428. A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPCRT AND ORDERING STREET LIGHTING PROJECT FOR CHiPPEWA TRAILS. Mottos carried on a Rall C411 vote, four ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth,, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-429, A RESOLUTIOM RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING STREET LIGHTING ,JECT FOR PALMER CREEK ESTATES SECOND ADDITION. Notion carried un a Rail Call vote, four ayes. Manager Willis stated the Assessment Committee had reviewed the ollowing improvement projects presented to Council to oeclacs costs 0o be assessed and to order preparation of aysessrnentS. MOTfON was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 77-430, A RESOLUTION DFCLA.RING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDER'NG PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT r7R BASS LAKE AREA IMPROVEMENTS - PROJECT NO. 6070 Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four dyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, .e:conded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-431, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF 12TH AVENUE FROM HARBOR LANE TO JUNEAU LANE - PROJECT NO. 520. Motion carried nig a Roll Call rote, four ayes, MOTION was made by Cuuncilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-4321 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE BOARDMAN PROPERTY - PROJECT NO. 523. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. 165- MINUTES - SPF.CIAL COUNCIL ME ET I Nf AUGUST 15, 1977 Item 4 RES LUTIM NO. 77-428 EC.h.I Imo' REPORT 1, ORDERING IRWECT-STREET LIGHTS CHIPPEhA TRAILS Item 5-A RESOD UTION NO. 77-429 ti1VING REPORT 6 ORDERING PROJECT -STREET LIGHTS PALMER CREEK ESTATES 2ND ADDITION Item 5-B RESOLUTION NO. 77-430 EC SVG COS V. ASSESSED A ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSI.SS- MENT BASS LAKE AREA PROJECT 607- Item 6-E RESOLUTION NO. 77-431 EMAC Cwt ST767 D ASSESSED & ORDERING PkEPARATIC:4 OF ASSESS- MENT 12TH A HARBOR LANE PROJECT 520 -Item 6-A RESOLUT104 NO, 77-432 C A N CGOSIS8 ASSESSED S ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESS- MENT BOARDMAAN PROPERTY PROJECT 523- Item 6-B r SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETIN6 AUG6- ST 22* 1977 Page 166 NOTION was made by Councilman Seibold. seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adapt RESOLUTION NO. 77-4339 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO of ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 3RD AND QUEENSJNR U71LI71ES - PROJECT NO. 502 Motion carried on a Rall Call cote, four dyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. seconded by Councilman Seibold, to .dopt RESOLUTION NO. 87-4349 A RESOLUTION DECLARING CIiST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 14TH S ZANZIBAR UTILITIES - PROJECT NO, 604 lotion carried on a Roll Call vote, ker ayes. MUMN was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman SeVen-ld, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77435. A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO 6L ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPPRATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR REINHARD INOUSTRIAL PARK 114PROVEMENTS - PROJECT NO. 435 fttion carried on a Roll Call vote, four aye%. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-436, A RESOLUTION DECLARiroka COST TO RE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PkEPARATION OF ASSESSMENT FOR LAtr,,ASI'ER LANE STORM SEWER - PROJECT ;iJ. 610 Motion Carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTIJN was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coucilman Se%brid, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-437. A RESOLJTIUN DECLARING COFT TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT - PROJECT NO 612 Motion ; irried on a Roll Ca11 vote, four ayes. MO'i'ION was made Zy councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman SelboIJ, ;n adapt krSOLUTION NO. 77-438, A RESOLUTION DECLARING CO;T TO BE A SESSEO Ani ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR : STH AVENJc I04ROVF.ME4T - PROJECT NO. 621. Action ;Carried on a Ro. , Cal l vote. four ayes. TION was mode 5y Councilman Seibold, seconded by Counci 1 iron Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 17••"39, A RCSnLU't ION DEr t.R;NG C'ST TO ISE ASSESSED AND PREPARATIC OF PROFO tD ASSESSMENT FOR 1977 STREET LIGHTING. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, Four ayes. MUTAON was made by Counci l;aaa ,.pae.,, , seconded by Counci lmar, Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-440, A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO bC ASSESSED AND OztOrRING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT FOR 1977 WEED ERADICATION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. 166- RESOLUTION NO. 77-423 DEL NG CG57 TO BE ASSEESED 6 ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT 3RD d QUEENSLAND PROJECT 602 - Item 6-C RESOLUTION N0, 77434 DECLARiNG,COST TO BE ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESS MEHT 14TH b ZANZIBAR PROJECT 604 -Item 6-D RESOLUTION 110. 77435 I 1?Tht9" r(% ASSESSED 6 ORDERING PREPARATIOR OF MSESS- MENT REINKARD INOUSTRIAL PARK -PROJECT 609 I ten 6-F RESOLU14N1N NO. 77.436 DECA Int'COST } E ASSESSED d ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESS- MENT LANCASTER LANE STOIRM SEWER -Project 610 iLcp 6-G RESJLUTION NO. 77-431 DEC1Ri C SdT O BE" ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSLSS- 11IENT LAR4M LANE STREEtS PROJECT 612 - I tem 6-1i RESOLUTION N0, 77-438 DECLARICTOST0 ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESS- MENT 36TH AVENUE - PROJECT 621 Item 6-1 RESOLUTION N0, 77-43S EC WG ASSESSED & ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESS- MENT FOR STREET LIGHTING Item 6-J RESOLUTION NO. 77440 bIrGAMI r riTIT ASSESSED b ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESSiTi NT FOR 1977 WEED ERADIATION Item 6-K SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 229 1977 Page 167 NOTION was made by councilman Spaeth, seconded oy Councilman Seibold, to adopt. RESOLUTION NO. 77-441., A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING OREPAkATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR THE CELINQUENT SANITARY 'JEWER SERVICE CHARGES AND DELINQUENT DATER SERVICE CHARGES FOR 1977. Nation carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOMN. was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth* to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-442, A RESOLIIT 104 DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARAT10 OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR 1977 DISEASED TREE REMOVAL. Nation carri-j-1 on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-443, A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERT MMEri FOR BIDS FOR DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH UTILITIES - PROJECT NO. bll. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman 1440, to adopt RF50L1J11ON NO. 77-4441 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO, I IN THE Aowl-)UNT OF $22,901.94 TO NORTH CENTgAL UNDERGROUND, INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TWELVE INCH WATERMAIN IN CSAH 6 FROM OLIVE LANE TO RANIER LANE. Motion N^arried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Engineer Olson replied to requirement for the twelve Present eight inch 1 in , wa City's Comp reilens i ve Water inch line veiny installed appro. imately five Years. Engineer Goldbera r viewed Project No. 612 Latch Lane Council's questions about the inch watermain. He stated the s installed prior to the time the Plan was adopted and the twelve would actually be req6tred within the final report of costs on Street Improvement. MOTION .-was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESQi.UTION Nn. 77-445, A RESOLUTION AUTHOR- IZING PAYMENT ON RtQUE.%T FOR PAYMENT NO. 6 AND FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,748,33 TO VEIT CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT, PROJECT NO. 612. Motion carried cn a Roll Cal! Engineer Goldierg reviewed thq Project Nos. 520, 602, 604 and vote, four ayes. final report of costs on 609. MOTION wes made by Councilman Spoetl , seconded by Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-4466 A RESOLUTION PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. a AND FINAL IN 18,781.10 TO PETER LAMETTI CONLTRUCTION COMPANY, PROJECT NOS. 520, 602, 604 AND 609 Sik4I1 Y SEWER, AND STREET IMRPOVEMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman AUTHORIZIN, THE AMOUNT OF INC. FOR WATERMAIN RESOLUTION NZ. 77-441 DL 33TO BF ASSESSED Ji I-ARDERING PREPARATI"IV OF ASSESS- MENT FOR 1977 DELINQ- UEXT SEWED b WATER BILLS I te±m 6-L RESOLUo10M NO. 77-442 DECLARING COST -TO -It ASSESSED 4 ORDERING PREPARATION OF ASSESS- MENT FOR 1977 DISEASF4 TREE REMOVAL Item 6-M RES OLUv# ION Nt 17-443 APRO NG L 111 ECS ORDERING ADVLRTISEMENT FOR BIDS-DOWNTOIAN PLYMOUTH UTILITIES - PROJECT 611 Item 7 RESOLUTION NO. 77-444 APPROVING CHANGE ORDER CSAH 6 WATERMAIN PROJECT 605-001 Item 8 RESOLUTION NO. 77-445 RE TwTOYi' MYDIVA LARCH LANE StREETS PROJECT 612 Item S-A RESOLUTION NO. 77-446 M—US F RMfWE N7 PROJECT NOS.520, 6021 604 8 609 I tom 9-8 e SPECIAL CWNCIL MEETING AMT 22. 1977 r age 169 Mayor Milde reviewe•.i the timetable for the review and adoption of the 1911 City budgets. He asked Council to consider the following in their review of they budgets: 1) if we articipate bumping up against levy limitations in the future should we hudget to levy limitations now so we can accumulate a surplus? 2) how much.beyond the basic obligation of protecting our citizens should we go? 31 what effect does the park bond failure have on this budget, especially in regard to park maintenance? 4) are there activities which can be eliminated? and 5) what are our priorities for 1970? Councilman Seibold responded he had no particular pri- orities except to do the best we can overall to hold the budget to an absolute minimum. Councilman Hunt replied his first priority was the Community Development area as follows: 1) Building Inspection - because of the unu4ual demand placed on the department in 1977 and anticipated to remain the same in 19713; 2) Parks -will demand more from mainte- nance standpoint; 3) Planning and Zoning - will need additional help in meeting new requirements of the Mandatory Planning Act. Councilman Spaeth stated he has no major priorities other than keeping the budget at a minimum, but agreed with Councilman Hunt that the Building Inspection Department required additional personnel to met the current demands and park maintenance programa should be increased. Mayor Hiide listed his priorities as follows: ])Fire Departmetit - needs aMitional Firefighters because of the higher incidence of fires in 1977. Capital expend- itures would be necessary for equipment and an increase in manpower to meet the needs of a growing community. 2) larks - need better maintenance, as indicatrfd by the response to the Central Park bond election. 3) Police - Protection is a basic service and must increase as papulation increases. Co lunci iman Hunt stated his basic philosophy regarding levy limitations was not to push up to levy limitations, but budget only what is necessary for the City. The question of how much beyond "5,ic protection we give our citizens may influence thi runt of funding we receive Orom agencies who base . Heir grants on our level of effort to provide extra services. He felt the City should not change its policy to meet the unfrugal methods of other agencies in granting funds. Manager Willis briefly reviewod the Personnel recon• mendation and then reviewed the Revenue Section •n detail. REVENUES MOTI ail was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to reduce revenues from on -sale liquor licenses to Y 1978 BU0GET 11111111 GENERAL FUND I 1 n SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING AST 229 1917 Page 169 the. 1977 estinaited revenue of 316414. Notion carried, four ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman hunt, seccnded by Councilmin Spatth, to droit staff to reexamine the Surplus contribution to the Genera's Fund after funds for City ball construction are withdrawn. Motion carried, four ayes. Finance Director Ricker covented that the General Fund investments would be a.'ffeeted by the fluctuation of interest rates and the withdrawal of funds for. City Nall construction. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hush, to direct staff to take a harder look at the potential return on investments and consider adjusting this figure. frons 15900 to MAO. PiGt on carried. four ayes. Esp 'HSES ww.nw. MOTICAk was made, by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman LEGISLATIVE ACTION Spaeth, to remove funds for Fropesed Legislative Action from the budget pie to the fact that there is no existing program. Motion cavried, four ayes. MOTION was mete by Councilman runt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to a.,,,rove the City Manager's budget as proposed based on aopraval of the allocation report to be received on August 23. Notion carried, four ayes. NOTION was made by Counci limn Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve the Elections budget as proposed. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilmdin Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve 'the City Attorney's budget as proposed. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was ma.,. by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coun%:i )man Spaeth, to approve the Court Services budget as proposed. Motion carried. four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by ounci lawn Spaeth, to approve the Planning and Zoning budget as pro, posed based on approval of the allocation report. Motlun carried. four ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman H+int, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to approve the Building Inspection Budget as pro- posed based on appvoval of the allocation report. CITY MANAGER ELECTIONS CITY ATTORNEY COURTSERYICES PLANNING R ZONING BUILDIN6 INSPECTION SPECIAL COUNCIL. MEETING W"T 22, 1971 Page 170 1%nager Willis reviewed the budgets for the Park and Recreation PARR 6 RECREATION D"rtillent, Park Maintenance and Recreation Fund. Park Director Carn explained the, Park Maintenance adlninlstra- Min to Council, including the allocation of personnel to Park Maintenance znd Shade Tree Control. Mayor liilde requests` staff to consolidate the three sections of the Parks budget onto one page for Council for the August 23 meting. MOTION was made by Councilman Scibold, seconded by Councilman kunt, to approve the Weed Control budget as proposed. Motion carried, four ayes. MDTION suis made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded` by Councilman A4SESS,ING Seibold, to apFrove the Assessing budget as proposid based on approval of the allocation report. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold. seconded by Councilman FINANCE Hunt, to approve the Vinance budget as proposed based on approval ofof the allocation report. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman POLlCE, Spaeth, to approve the Police budget as proposed. Motion carried, four ayes. M0710A was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman CIVIL DEFENSE Hunt, to appruve the Civil Defense budget as proposed. Motion carried, four ayes. 11OTION was made by Louncilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman ANIMAL Spaeth, to direct staff to bring back figures on August 23 on the cost of animal atrol in the unplatted oireas of Plymouth based on complaints received from that area. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman FIRE Spaeth, to approve the Fire Department budget as proposed. Motion carried,, four ayes. The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m. e 4e Lonatta Garrity City Clerk