HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 07-25-1977 Special1 r 4 Page 143 M2NU71S SPECIA: COUNCIL TYING July 25. 1977 A special mating of the P1ymsuth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:35 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- third Avenoe North on July 2t, 1977. PRESENT: Mayor M11de, Councilmen Hun:. Neils, Seibold and apaeth. Manager Willis. Planner Dillerud, Engineer Goldberg. Administrative Assistant Boyles. Finance Director Ricker and Attorney Lefler. ABSENT: None. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconJed Spaeth, to apprave the minutes of the July 11 a7eeting as submitted. by Councs.lman special Council Councilman Spaeth requested the Clerk :o explain the ei rection ivi Icem 7-A. Sale of land in Downt.cwnt Plymouth Area, in more detail. Notion carrieu, four ayes. Coc:ncllma:s .unt. abstained PETI1'IPNS9 REQUESTS AND COW! 'JNICATIONS WITICI was made by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. SITE VLsN ADDITiUN FOR DELTAK 17TH AVENUE NORTH (A-654). Spaeth, s.. -ended by Councilman 17357, A RESOLUTION R,PPROVING CORJORATION AT X NIUM J ANE AND Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. WiTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by (.oun-.0 man Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-358, A RESOLUTION APPRO)IING SITE, FLAN FOR NEW HORIZONS DAY CARE SCHOOL AT NE CORNER OF NIAGARA LANE AND COUNTY ROAD 6 (A-590). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-359, A KrJOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE PIAN FOR NORFAB (RAJENHORST CORP.) (A-736). MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, by expat:ding Condition 6 to require undeveloped areas of site to he smooth 3raded and seeded or sodded. Motion to amend carried, five ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 77-359, as amended, carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MIFUTES - SPECIAL ZOUNCIL MEETING JULY 11t 1913 Item 4 RESOLUTION N0, 77-357 XPROVING -SITE PLAN ADDITION-DELTAK CORP. A-654) Item 5-A KSOLUTION NO. 77-358 NEW HORIZONS DAY CARE SCHOOL (A -S90) Item 5-8 RESOLUTION NO. 77-359 USE PERMIT -SITE PLAN NORFAB (RAUENHORST) A-736) Item 5-C Special Council Niteting July 259 1577 Page 144 NOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUMN N0. 77-3609 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR OPERATION IN B-3 ZONING DISTRIC". FOR HOME -KO OUTLET STORE, INC. (A-453). Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. NOTIOI- was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Council"Idn Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 77-361, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR HOME OCCUPATION FOR PAUL AND JERA BARTHOL TO OPERATE A RUBBER STAMP BUSINESS (A-742). Motion carried on a Rall Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaern. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 71-3629 A RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT CIVISION OF PLATTED PROPERTY FOR RAUENOVIRST CORPORATION A-149). Motion cilrried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-363, A RESOLUTION SEITING CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO r'ILING OF LOT DIVISION FOR RAUENHORST CORPORATION (A-749). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five es. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. seconded by Cquncilman Seibold, TO ACCEPT PETITION REQUESTINL SEWFR AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS ON EAST MEnILINE LAKE BLVD. AT APPROXIMATELY 30TH AVENUE. SUBSTITUTE MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to direct staff to investigate the physical characteristics of the area to determine if the improvement. project is feasible and the possibility of obtaining an environmental grant to assist in the pucchise of the land for park trail purposes as called out in our Comprehesive Plan and the Hennepin Cotinty Trail System Plan." Subst.tute Motion cdrrieRt, five MOTION was made by Councilman Vails, seconded by Cauncilman Hunt.to direct staff to bring to Council's attention any property for sale or application for buildioig permits in the area between East Medicine Lake Bouleval•d and Medicine Lake. Notion carried, five ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-364, A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR STREET LIGHTS FOR MISSION HILLS PARK 3RD ADDITION, SHILOH 2ND ADDITION, AND iERNOALE NORTH 2ND ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Neils abstained. UTION NO, 77 HOK-KO OUTLET STORE, INC, A-453) Items 5 -0 - RESOLUTION NO. 77-361 MOVING CONDITI USE PERMIT FOR HOME OCCUPATION -PAUL 6 JERA BARTHOL (A•'42) Item 5-D-2 RESOLUtION NO. 77-362 RAUENHORST CORPORATION A-749) Item 54 RESOLUTIOU NO. 77-363: NGC NGITTii) R FILING LOT DIVISION RAUENHORST CORPORATION A-749) Item 5-E PETITION FOR SEWER 6 WATER IMPROVEMENTS E MEDICINE LAKE AT 30TH AVENUE Item 5-F-1 ayes. BLVD. RESOLUTION NO. 77-364 RECEIVING PRE1111MINAR7 REPORT S ORDERING STREET LIGHTS MISSION HILLS PR SHILOH 2ND AODN. FERNDALE NORTH 2N AC; Item 5-G-1-2-3 0 SMial Council Meeting Jul; 25. 1977 Page 145 MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-365, A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMBINES PROJECT NO. 704, KREATZ HIGHVIEW ACRES 6TH ADDITION, AND PROJECT N0, 705, QUEENSLAND/ GREENDALE AREA FOR PURPOSES OF EIODING AND ORDER ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS. Motion carried on a Rall Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was mane by Councilman Spaeth. seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-366, A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR PROJECT NO. 6129 LARCH LANE, AND PROJECT NO. 706, 49TH AVENUE NORTH TO BURY A CARLSON, INC. Of MINNFAPOLIS., MINNESOTA IN THE AMOUNT OF 5311,034.85. Mc'. -ion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Jim Olson, Consulting Engineer, informed the Council of the Department of Transportation's requirement for an additional 1V mat for the proposed street improvement on 49th Averue. Project No. 706 at an additional cost of approximately $27,000 to handle the 2b -year projected traffic Flow. MOTION was made by Councilman hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to direct staff to provide the preliminary report for every project to Council at the time the bids are awarded. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION way maje by Mayor Hilde, secon0ed by Councilman Hunt, to adopt F'=SC,L,ITION NO. 77-.i7, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF MINNESOTA STATE kID FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF 276000 FOR THE ADDITIONAL COST OF THE 49TH AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT, PROJECT NO. 706, DUF TO TdE INCnEASED SPECIFICA- TIONS BY THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOPTATION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Council questioned the Engineer sjwer and water improvements in aid whether the developer, M.G. provide the improvements on this questioned the City's liability and inaividuals boug,nt property assumption that utilities tw%P;1d regarding who would pdy for the Bass Lake Plaza Addition Astleford, was obligated to plat. Councilman Neils if the bond were released in this plat under th^ oe proyided by the developer. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by C,ovncilnian Neils, to refer the matter back to staff for further study considering 1) the possibility that there, fr. y be multiple cwnership of this property now and the implications of this on the ;onding require- ment and 2) how we can relieve the petitioner of the bond requir•e- mert because of the fact that we have not been able to provide improvements in the area without jeopardizing our position. Motion carried, five ayes. RES;.' , ITIQN N -O. 77-365 WI: - SPECS FOR PROJECT 704 KREATZ HIGHViEW ACRES PROJECT 705 UEENSLAND/GREENDALE ORDERING ADV, FOR BIDS Iteon 5-H RESOLUTON NO. 77-3f.6 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 612 LARCH LANE PROJECT 706 -49TH AVE.: Item 5-I RESOLUTION NO. 77--367 OF STATE AID FUNDS i:OF ADDITIONAL WORK ON 49TH A4 .NUE NORTH PROJECT NO. 706 Item *-I BOND REDUCTION BASS LAKE PLAZA (A -W M.G., ASTLEFORD Item 5-J-1 Special Council July 25, 1977 Page 146 Meeting Councilman Neils questioned whethe^ the park the development contract for Gle&nloch Acres MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, Spaeth, to defer this item unt'i the the development contract requirements have been fulfilled. Motion carried, five ayes. called for in had bevrn completed, seconded by Councilman Engineer determines whether for park iriprovements NOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 17-368, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PA'!!EYT N0, IN THE ;.MOUNT OF $98,550410 TO BROWN MINNEAPOLIS TANK CO. FOR PROJECT NO. 605 - SIANDPIPE WATER TANK. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five eyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 7;•369, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER N0, 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $577.47 TO 4LIUIFICATION, INC. FOR THE SANITARY SOWER TELEVISING. PROJECT IN IHE AMOUNT OF $9,123.01. Motion carried on a Roll. Call vote, five ayes. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Engineer Goldberg reviewed the state.; of the proposed improvements for 23rd Avenue, Project No. 707, reporting that the Minnesota Highway Department tid declined to participate in the cost of this project. MOTION was made b MAY%%r Nilde, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to direct staff 1 to determine whether the Highway Department can be f.ompelled to pay ;his assessment; 2) to set up an appoint- ment for the Mayor and , Councilman to negotiate with the Highway Department if it wo.!ld be helpful; and 3) make an attempt to acuire funds from the Stawts Ogislature for this project since the City cannot afford to tear 0e entitge cost. Motion carried, five ayes. Ron Ray, Advance Machine Company, stated he was concerned about the drainage on their property since their buildings have been flooded two times in the pass: three years. They built the recent addition to their building under the assumptirsn that the storm sewees would be going in during 1977 or 1978. iMOTIGN was ,Wade by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, Lo adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-3701, A RESOLUTION ORDERING rINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT FOR 23RD AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 702. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. vWi.a BOND REDUCTION GLEANLOCH ACRES NTERPRISE PROP. ItQm 5-J-2 RESOLUTUMI N0, 77-368_ WOMI Y: T " PROJECT 40. 605 SW WATER RESERVOIR Item 5-K RESOLUTION h0. 77-369 WRROVING CH NGE O SAN ItARY SEWER TV PROJECT Item 5-L 23RD AVENUE STATUS REPORT -PROJECT 702 Item 6-A RESOLUTION NO. 777370 RING FIIAL PLANS 8 SPECS STORM SEWER PROJECT NO. 702 r Soecial Council Meeting July 259 1971 Page 147 MUTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to defer the street and water improvements for 23rd Avenue until the matte: of assessment of the project is resolved. Motion carried, five ayes. Rick Murray, 18135 - 3rd Avenue North, questioned the requirement for curb and gutter on West Medicine Lake ©rive since the current development projects in the area are not being constructed with curb and gutter. He also requested specifications for the alignment of Xenium Lane to prepare the base for that road. MOTION was made by Louncilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to refer this item back to staff to research the iquirements for this plat in relationship to the plat to the south, Chippewa Trails, to insure they are equitable. Motion carried, five ayes. Counciiman Neils stated that the Chippewa Trails plat had subs aii0#3l treil easements Nrovideu+ for right-ni-ally in lieu of ri;ea and getter. He also steted that insofar as West Medicine Lake Drive is concerned no amendment to the development contract had, to be mede because the development contract is already so amended. MOTION *lts made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, n accept the Engineer's recommendation to prepare the sub -grade on Xenium, Lane. Motion carried, five ayes. Planner Dillerud reviewed the Metropolitan Systems Statement issued to the City of Plymouth. y .he Metropolitan Council on May 26, 1977. Council discussed matters they took excep- tion to in the contents of the statement including: 1) reference to Medicine Lake; 2) reference to the 10 -year goal for low and moderate income housing; and 3) the allocation of specific amounts of sewage flow for industry and doinestic use. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 77-371, A RESOLUTION REQUESTING HEARING ON PI.YMOUTH SYSTEM' STATEMENT BY METROPOLITAN COUNCIL. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. WESTMINSTER PLAT XENIUM LANE AND W. MEDICINE LAKE DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS Item 6-8 METROPOLITAN SYSTEMS SlATI MENT REVIEW I teem 6-f. RESOLUTION NC. 77-37' REQUESTING .- ON PLYMOUTH SYSTEMS STATEMENT BY METRO COUNCIL MVION was made Ly Mayor Hilae, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to direct staff to work with Councilman Mei 1 s in terms of obtaining as much support as possible from the League of Metropolitan Mvicipalities and tother Metropolitan communnitdietts in researching ryand t ententnv7Ashcnnslstlentiwithsthe enablvngilegilaLon,tfor exapletems regional housing. 147- Spotdcl Council Meeting July 25, 1917 Page 148 Motion carried, five ayes. i There was a discussion of the proposed resolution reouesting ASSESSME..47 that responsible state officials take immediato action to INEQUITIES :D THE assure equitable assessments in the Metropolitan; area and SEVEN-COURTY AREA to remedy inequities in current limited value reWairements. Item 6-D Councilman Neils requested the City Atton,ey to ineiestigate the possibility of proceeding with litigation to force the State Tax Comissicrier to equalize taxes. MOTIONI wi.s made by Cowiciloran Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt a res,0:1,ficti requesting the Commissioner of Revenue of the St:te of Minnesota to take immediate action to secure a unifli m level of assessment among the seven counties in the Metropolitan area by raising assessment levels in Carver, Scott, Dakota, Ramsey and Washington Counties. SUBSTITUTE MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to refer the resolution back to staff iia be reworded in terms to reflect ;he City's intent to proceed wito 1itig,:tion against the State Tax Commissioner to force equalization of taxes. Substitute motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was !rade by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman 1971-76 YAAC Hunt, to ratify the Mayor's appointments to the Yo,ith Action A.'POINTMENTS Advisory Conmittee for 1977-618 as follows: Tadd Lindsay, Item S -E-1 Faith Meak.e, Greg Mills, Ted Riley, Barb Trapp and Tony Vertin. Motion carried, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstc'ned. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by 'Councilinan APPOINTMENT TO Spaett, to ratify the Mayor's appointment of Kay Tart to fill WEST HENNEPIN HU14AN the renainder of Mel Vermillion's term as director of the SERVICES PLANNING West Hennepin Human SErvices Planning Board subject to her BOARD acceptan.e of the appointment. Item 6-E-2 Nation carried, five aye°. Manager Willis reviewed proposed revisions of the f+ty's sick PERSONNEL POLICY leave policy, including an income continuation plan. Council AMENDMENT -SICKNESS discussed the elimination reriod and the proposed tax Implica- b DISABILITY LEAVES tions of the proposed plan and possible salary levels for Item 6-F di satA 1 i ty pry. Mayor hoide stated Council agreed with the general approach of the proposed revisions but requested staff to amend the policy by providing incentives for employees to return to work as soon as possible and to base the percentage of disability pay on tenure and accumulated sick leave. 148- n Speciale Council Meeting July ft, 1977 Page 169 Ken Jabri, Mb en b Pentlil la, reg izved the Supplementary Report to the 1976 F!nancial Re!.art with the Auditor's recommendations and reilied to Councll's questions. MDT IOk. was made by Gjunc i loran Roils. Seibold, to .accept 'Vec:ommendation No. system and addina tudgetary accounts cost for the city. Motion carried, five ayesk seernded by Councilman 1, amending the accounti;ig to measure grand total labor MOTION was made toy Mayor h{lde, seconded by Councilman Hunt., to direct staff to develop a policy .long the lines of the Auditor's recomendation providing a payment schedule for the Public U titin Funds related to the 5 -year budget. Motion carred, five ayes. POTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to include the Special Assesswnt Fund in the proposed payw t schedule related to the 5 -!--year budget. lotion carried. five ayes. MOTION was nwide by Councilman Hunt, secondod by Councilman Seibold, to accept Recoffnendation No. 5 regarding distribution of expenses to Special Assessment Funds. Notion carried, f{ve ayes. MOTION was made by Miyor Hilde, seconded by Counci;man Hunt, to review the General Fund surplus and proposed Stoitn Sewer Fund at the time the 1978 budget is reviewed. Motion carried, five ayes. NOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Council;)an Spaeth, to -&ccept Recommendation No. 7 establishing a report on tax forfeit lands. Notion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to direct sta•f to prepare a policy resolNition providing for repayment to the General Fund of funds e%tended in nriar year; to various ft.Ads including interest based on the yield of other City investments. Motion carried, five ayes. fhe weeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. 149. vrett- uarrity City Clerk 1976 FINANCIAL REPOR REVIEW AND RECMNDATIONS Item 6-G