HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 06-27-1977 SpecialPage 1211 MINUTES FLWAL COONC1L MEETING June 27, 1977 A spe;1 al meeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor, kilde at 7:40 P.M, in the Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty-third Avenue North on June 27, 1977. PRESENT: Kiyor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Seinold and Spaeth„ Manager Willis, Plainer Dillerud, Engineer Goldberg, Administrative Ass scant Boyles and Attorney Lefler. AB&FNT: Councilman Nils, MINUT__ S MOTION was wda by ComAcilman Hunt, seco%led by Councilman Spaetk, tn appeove the minutes of the regular Council meeting of Jure 20 as suLmitted. Motion carried, four ,%yes. P R„ A E ITA•r I ON Mayor Hilde awarded a plaque of appreciation to For. Marlin Granit, President of Marvin H. Andv.rson Construction Company, for their progressive efforts in energy conservation. Item 5 PURL I1,, HEAR 1 N:2 - COUNTY ROAD 15 BIKEWAY Engineer Goldberg reported that 'ierrepin County fnfoomed the City PUBLIC today that the County has deleted the funds roM this project frvm G.R. 15 their 1977 budget. PROJEC' Item 6 Mayor Hilde gave a brief explanation of the planning that has boien done for a City-wide trail system and how the subject project would be an important part of that system. MINUTES COUNCIL JUNE 20, tern 4 REGULAR MEETING 1977 PRESENTATION -AWARD ENERGY CONSERVATION NlARVIH H. ANDERSON GGNSTRUCTION CO. Jim 0`¢son, Consulting Engineer, gave a slide presentation showing the suggested route of the bikeway on County Road 15 from Vicksburg Lane to the bridge over 1-494. Mayor Hilde opened the public hearing at 8:20 P.M. Elisabeth Aillisms, 14510 Cnunty Road 15, stated her fence has bvien mOv J'tWree-£ mf for installation of various utilities and is not in good condition to be moved again. She asked if the City would replace the fence if it is unable to be moved again. Councilman Hunt askod why the fence had been placed back in the right -of -•way after the past moves and not within the property line. Engineer Olson stated normal restoration procedure would be to put the fence back up again ort the property line behind the bikeway. 129- HEARING BIKEWAY NO. 708 SPECIAL CUNK, iL MEETING Juni! 27. 1 S t/ Page 130 Itr,.,» iiflil law tNtated she was concerned that she would have more snow to shovel off her driveway after the bikeway is plowed in the winter. Mrinager Willis replied there would not be any more snow from plowing the hikeway than !here was from plowing the road. William Kelley. 14804 County Road 156 asked why the bikeway was planned N67the northsida of the road rather than the south side. Engineer Olson replied the existing facilities on the west And the north saes of the road made it more feasible to construct the bikeway on that side and there sewd to be fewer trees and more open areas on the north side, Rr. Kelley asked who requested this proje-t. Mayor Hilde stated the Counc1l originated the project on the basis of establishing i connecting trail system in Plymouth. 14r. Kelley asked if a survey had been conducted regarding proposed usage of the bikeway. Planner Dillerud stated a survey conducted im 1974 showed the City would have justifiable utilization of upwards of 40 niles of trails, Councilman Seibold stated the same survey showea there was an average of 3+ bikes per family in Pl+lrrauth and the foremost request received was for bike trails, Mr. Kelley asked if snownibiles would be allowed on the bikeway. Manager Willis replied no. Mr. Kelley asked if a bikeway could be provided Ly extending each side of the road as on Vicksburg Lane. Engineer Olson replied it would involve reconstruction of the roadway. Another alternative would be to add a shoulder on each side of that road for a bike path, but it would not be acceptable because of the safety factor. ;t is the Engineer's recommendation that the path be detached and away from the roadway. Mayor Hilde stated Cuunty Road 15 hai; a history of traffic problems, They have been severe enough that the City is thinking of relocating the road in the future to solve the traffic. problems, Doug Paulson, 15110 Coon;.y Roard 15. asked if the bikeway would oe co n- structeTwTthout. County participotlon in the cost and if the residents faced the possibility of assessment. He also asked who would maintain it. Mayor Hilde replied these questions would be discussed by Council and answered at the: end of the nearing. He stated the City would maintain the bikeway. Mr. Paulson stated drainage has been a problem between Ranchview and Vicksburg lane: and asked what effect the bikeway would have ofn drainage. Engineer Olson replied the drainage patterns will remain the same but the system will have to be revised throughout. Por. Paulson stated the corner of Vicksburg and County Road 15 has a terrible accident record and asked that consideration be given to moving the bikeway to the south side of the- .wad at that point. Mayor Hilde replied section records of accidents are maintained in various sectors of Plymouth and an effort is made to pateol areas with High accident rates more frequently, Manager Willis stated the Police Department is giving County Road 15 more radar suveiliance than the accident rate on the road demanded. 1 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING June '21, IM, Page 131 Bob McKee, 1453E County Road 1S, stated he felt a bikeway beginning in aytatand ending at 1494 would encourage high traffic from non-residents which might possibly be a hazard tc pedastrian:i using the bikeway. Planner Dillcrud stated this corridor is part of the City's approved trail system anO in the future will be extended to Highway tis. TonNaNagle, 15008 Zounty Road 150 felt it would provs!" a safe place for youngchildren to ride their bikes and asked if It would affect property values in the area. Councilman aunt stated 4t was his experience that lots with access to a trail system had the highest desirability in a project. Dorothy Ciskovsky, 14316 County Roac 15, asked if her driveway curting would be replaced after construction of the bikeway. The Engineer replied the cost estimate included bituminous surfacing of driveways between the edge of i.he path and County Road 15 and any regrading or adjustment necessary to the driveway would become a project cost. Ron Ray, 15014 County Road 15, stated he is concerned for the safety of his small children and could not remain in his ps%esent home 1f the bike, path is not constructed. He felt ane traffic from the Minneapolis Industrial Park had increased the hazard on County Road 15 and asked when the road might be realigned. Mayor Hilde responded that realignment was not in the County's 5 -year plan but development in Minnetinka would dictate the timing of the realignment. Mr. Rall asked why the speed limit is hiyher on the west side of I-494. Manager Willis replied the County has established speed limits as a result of traffic studies. The hearing was closed at 9:00 P.M. The Mayor asked the Council to consider three points: 1) if the bikeway should be constructed; 2) if the City should finance the project without County participation; 3) if the projrat should be delayed until County funds arm available. It was the consensus that the City could not afford to construct this project withou-t County participation and that con3truction should be planned for early in 1978 if we could get a,-ommitment for funding from the County. Councilman Seibold felt considleration should be given to providing a bikee:ay by widening the roadway as on County Road 6. which the County bore the cost for as a shoulder -improvement project. Engineer Olson said a shoulder -widening project could be done on County Road 15 but the expense would be greater since the shoulder would have to bear the weight of traffic and a path would have to be added on both sides of the road to provide for 2 -way traffic. Also, the safety factor would he decreased. Man4ger Willis stated widening the road would increase the speed of the traffic Gn Coi!nty Road 15, Mayor Hike directed the staff to survey other communities who have bike paths to investigate alternate means of providing bikeways and to approach the County as soon as possible to attempt to include this project in the 1978 County budget. SPECIAL COUNCIL June 27, 1477 Page 132 MOTION was made to direct staff to the bikeway an an alternate onsidering the MEETING by Councilman 14wit, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to come back to Council with a two -fold approach 1) based on the plan presented tonight and 2) bared plan of shoulder-widen':ng (5 ft, on each side) safety aspects of beth methods. Motion carried, four ayes. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COM INICATIONS MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-319. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE NOTE FOR FOOR ENGINEERING CORPORATION (BURGESS RROJECT). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. rOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-320, A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PLAN FOk PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMMANY (A-702). Mot'in carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 77-159 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED IN SECTIONS 2 AND 31 TOW':SHIP 118, RNAGE 22 AS B-1 (LIMITED BUSINESS) FOR PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Motion carried Gn a Roll Call vote, four ay=ts. MOTION was made Jy Councilman Hint, secun.:e>i by Councilinan Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-321, A PESO'.-UTION APFROk 1NG S o E PLAN FOR METAL. MASTERS, INC. AT SW QUADRANT OF ,000NTI 40AD 10 AND COUNTY ROAD 10 (A-741) Motion carried on a ".011 Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Hunt left the table. MOTION was made by Councilman Spat _'k , econded by Counc i 1 ran Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. -.i22, A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE PLAN AND AMENDMENT 10 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR COMMUNITY UNIT PROJECT FOR CHELSEA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (A-320). MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Seibold, sipconiel by Councilman Spaeth, by adding Item 4 requiring that the-ff. be no outside storage. Motion to amend carried, three ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 77-322, as amended, carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. RESOLUTION N0. 77-319 AUS' TMW- OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS FOOD ENGINEERING CORP. Item 7-A RESt% 1y. "-320 A G S TE" * id— FRUDERTIAL INSURANCE i%IPANY (A-702) Item 7-6-1 ORDINAN X NO. 77-15 AMENDING NING - ORDINANCE TO B-1 PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY Item 7-8-1 BESOLUTION NO. 77-321 APPROVING SITt PLAN METAL MASTERS, IV . A-711) Item 7-E 2 RESOLUTION NO. 77-322 APPROVIN6 SIE PL AMENDMENT TO CUP CHELSEA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATIO, A-320) Item 7-8-3 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING June 27, 1977 Page 133 Cou.icilman Hunt returned to she table. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilmaa Seibold, to adopt RESOLUT;ON NO. 77-3239 A RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR SUBDIVISION UNIT PROJECT FOR MEDICINE LAKE ESTATES, INC. ('A-72%) Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. There was a discussion regarding making removal of all diseased trees a requirement of the final plat '*1d rt,forestation a consi- deration in the landscape plan. There was also a discuss -;on of the proximity of a neighborhood park to this area and the possi- bility of providing a small play area or tot lot in the pla-`. Mayor Hilde felt the comprehensive park plan should be adhered to as it would be. oifficult to maintain small play areas thru)ughout the park system. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconeed by Councilman Seibold, to direct staff to come back prior to adoption of the fina'1 plat with a possible location for a neighborhood park to serve this plat, the Creekwood Heights area and the neighborhood to the north and to loot into the problem of diseased tree removal in the area. Motion carried, four ayes. ri MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 77-16, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LANDS IN SECTIONS 22 ANn 23, TOWNSHIP 1189 RANGE 22 AS R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) FOR MEDICINE LAKE ESTATES. Motion carried on a R*11 fall vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-324, A RESOLUTION APPROVING RESOLUTION NO. 77-324, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY LANDFILL FOk' JEROME P. BEGIN (A-725). Motion carried an a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt REgOLUTIO NO. 7/-325, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR NEW HORIZONS FOR DAY CARE CE41Ek TO BE LOCATED IN OLQ PARKER'S LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH (A-690). Motion carried or a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made b;' Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilmao Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-326, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR COLUMBUS HOME ASSOCIATION TO OPERATE IN B-3 ZONE AT 10904-IL1910 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE (1l-126). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, `our ayes. RESOLUTION NO, 77-323 MMECIAlINAP PLAT 6 CUP FOR SUP MEDICINE LAKE ;STATES A-723) Item 7-C ORDINANCE NO. 77-16 ATMI! NNII G OKDINANCE TO R-1 MEDICINE LAKE ESTATES Ite;n l -C KESOLIIT I CN N0. 77-324 APPROVING COJITT LL USE PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY LANDFILL J. BEGIN (A-7ZS) Item 7-U-1 RESOLUTION NO. 77-325 APPRUVINN CORBIMNAL USE PERMIT FOR NEW HORIZONS DAY CARE CENTER (A -59U) Item 7-D-2 RESOLUTION NO. 7-326 AMPROVING CONDYTIO14AL USE PERMIT FOR COLUMBUS HOME ASSOC. A-126) Item 7-D-3 133- SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING une 27 , 1977 Inge 134 Motion carried on a Rill Cali vote, four ayes. MINION RESOLUTION MOTION «es made by Louncilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman NO. 77-327 Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-327, A RESOLUTION PPPROVING yI -CUP CONDITIONAL USE PF..RMIT FOR HOME OCCUPATION FORA WORD PROCESSING CAROL PETERSON BUSINESS FOR CAROL PETERSON, (A-740). A-740) Item ;-D-4 Motion carried on a Roll Cali vote, four Ayes. IMPROVEMLNTS FCN MOTION was made by Councilman Soibold, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 77-328 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77 3289 A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPROVING BOND RE S BOND RELEASE FOR RING CONSTRUCTION FOR STEVENS-LEE BUILDING RING CONSTRUCTION A-561).(STE';ENS-LEE BLDG.) Motion A-561) Item 7-E Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NORTH OF 43RD AV . MOTION was made by Coun^.i?man Spaeth. seconded by Councilman RESIN NO. 77-329„ Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-329. A RESOLUTION APPROVIi'': tem 7-G SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT TO PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT FOE: REPORT FOR PROJECT PROJECT NO. 7139 JONQUIL LANE IMPROVEMENTS, REVISING THE N0, 713 JONQUIL LANE EFTIMATEI COST OF UTILITY YORK TO $13,066.00. Item 7-F Motion carried on a Rill Cali vote, four ayes. MINION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Courcilman RESOLUTION NO. 77-330 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 7'-330, A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ACCEPTING PETITTSN PETITION FOR IMPROVEMENT OF JUN -AU LANE AND KINGSVIEW LANE IMPROVEMLNTS FCN NO RTH OF 43RD AVENUE. JUNEAU LANE S KINGSVIEW LANE Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. NORTH OF 43RD AV . tem 7-G P, 1TION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Counc:ilrmin yunt, to adopt RESCLUTION NO. 77-3319 A RESOLUTION AWARDING RESOLUTION NO. 7? -331 BID FOR 1977 SEALCUATING PROGRAM TO ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY AWARDING BID FOR FOR A TOTAL BID OF $86,670.00. 1977 SEALCOATING PROGRAM Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Item ?-H MOTION was Rude by Counciiman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 77-3 Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-332, A RESOLUTION AWARDING AWARDING O BID FOR F'IV'E A -DOOR SEDANS 1978 MODEL TO SUBURBAN CHEVROLET FIVE 440OR SEDANS OF MINNFAPOLIS FOR THE LOW MET BID AMOUNT OF $221786.55. Item 7-I Motion carried cn a Roll Call vote, four dyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman RESOLUTION NO. 77-33 Seibold, tc: adopt ,IESOLUTI014 NO. 77-333, A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPROVINg M8 THE 19078 BASSETT CREEK FLOOD CONTROL CO(%MISSION BUDGET. BASSETT CREEK FLOOD CONTROL COMSN. BUDGE Motion carried on a Doll Call vote, four ayes. Item 7-J 134- SPECIAL COUNCIL. MEETING June 27, 1977 Page 135 MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, wonded by Counciimar; Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-3349 A R SOLUTION REQUESTING MD AUTHORIZING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITV T3 APPLY FOR REHABILITATION GRANT FIhoDS FOR IMPLEMENTA- TION OF THE HOME IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM WITH;N THE CITY OF PLY;10UTH, MINNESOTA. Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hurt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLU'ION NO. 77-3359 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING PkELIMINARY REPORT AND OROERING PROJECT, STREET LIGHTING FOR SCHMIDT LAKE ESTATES. Notion carried on a Roll Ca'11 vote, four ayes. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Major Hilde directed staff to sche.40 e a review of the 1976 1111nancial Report :vith the auditors at the July 25 special council meetii;g. Manager Willis reviewed the revised Reforestation Proposal pre!)ared by Park Director Born. MOTION w,%As made by Councolman Hunt, second4d by Councilman Seibold, to direc.staff to proceed with application for funding from tM.E state. Notion carried, four ayes. WITION was made by Councilman Hunt• seconded by Councilman Seibold, tc adopt RESOLUTION N0. 7 -3 b, A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF ON-#"' NON•INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSES FOR A PERIOD TO EXPIRE 4FtNE 301 19:8 FOR THE FOLLOWING: LEM CREEK GOLF C(1URSE, APPLE BLOSSOM INN, HMAPTON HILLS GOLF COURSE,'!OLLYDALE GOLF COURSE, IVY'S PLACE, J'S PIZZA, LATUFF'S PIZZERIAn V.F.V. POST #5903, WEST MEDICINE LAKE COMMUNITY CLUB. Motion o c1krried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth. to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77.337, A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF OFF -SALE NON -INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE FOR A PERIOD TO EXPIRE JUNE 30, 1978 FOR THE FOLLOWING: BILL'S PURITY SUPEPETTE #29 BILL'S PURIT;' SUPERETTC 04, APPLE BLOSSOM INN, ELM CREEK GOLF COURSE, EFICKSON SUPER VALU, IVY't4 PLACE, LIBBY'S SUPERETTE, MINNESOTA SUPERMAR,.1TS, TOPS THUMB 11PERETTE 1570, TOM THUMB SUPERETTE 11.09 ANI I.F.W. P11T 1591.3. Motion carried on a Ro!i Call vote, four ayes. 135- RESOLUTION NO. 77 334 uAU H RIZ- ING METP11 HRA TO APPL'' FOR REH A GRANT FUNDS FOR CITY OF PLYMOUTH Item 7-K RESOLUTION NO. 77-335 REPORT b ORDERING STREET LIGHTS FOR SCHMIDi LAKE ESTATES Item 7•L 1976 FINANCIAL REPOkl Item 8-A REFORESTATION PROGRAM CITY -OWNED PRNF RTY RF.SOLUTI1N NO. 77-336 ISPROVIR _0XITEF NON -INTOXICATING HALT LIQUOR LICENSE ItQm C -D RESOLUTION NO.77-331 Arm or, ALE NON -INTOXICATING LIQbOk LICENSE Item 8-D SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING June 77, 1977 Page 136 14DTION eas mdde by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adapt RESOLUTION N0, 774389 A RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF SET-UP LICENSES FOR A PERIOD TO EXPIRE JUNE 30, 1978 FOR THE FOLLOWING: IVY'S PLACE. APPLE BLOSSOM INN, V,F.W. CLUB 05903 AND WEST MEDICINE LAKE COMMUNITY CLUB, Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes, Councilman Hunt presented Council with a petition from residents of Vicksburg Lane between County Roads 9 and 41 requesting a reduction in the speed 1'.mit. Council directed Engineer Goldberg to conduct a traffic s:;udy and come back to Council with a reco m ndation, Council recessed from 9:50 to 10:00 P.M, Managnr Willis reviewed the Cost Summary for City Hall financier. Bill Fay, Project Architect, reviewed the change that had bee.: made in the final plans ar;1 specifications since Council's last review and the construction scheduling. He proposed if bids are awarded in late August, they will begin actual construction September 15 and complete the concrete structure by January 1. If weather allows, the brick work will be started March 1 anCv if work is not interrupted by strikes, he suggested a move -in date of August 15. Mr, Fay then reviewed the requirements the Department of Correction has demandej for the Police Department detention quarters. Council discussed possible alternatives, Ciuncilman Seibold requested that alternate bids be prepared with and without the proposed skylight, Councilman Wunt requested that alternate bids be prepared with iid without the proposed detention area in the Police Department, Mr. Fay displayed samples of the proposed brick, metal panels and windows for City Hall. Council discussion followed, Councilman Hunt cautioned thA t tht specifications not be written to narrow down the choice to one vendor for any item, RESOLUTION NO. 77436 APPDVING RT -UP LICENSES Item 8-0 PETITION FOR REOUCTIC OF SPEED LIMIT VICKSBURG LANE. cvIEW uF FINAL PLANS FOR CITY HALL Item 8-C i MOTION was made by ",ouncilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, RESOLUTION NO. 77-339 to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 77-339, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FIM 1. APPROVING FINAC S PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIOS A SPECS AND ORDERING FOR NEW CITY HALL. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIL FOR NEW CITY HALL Motion carried an a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Councilman Item G -C Spaeth voted nay, Councilman Hunt requested a separate set of specifications for himself, The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Soret a Garr y, t er 136-