HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 06-13-1977 SpecialPage 115 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL C[E71N6 J" 13, 1477 A special meeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hiide at 7:47 W.M. '!.n the Council ChaOars of the Public works Garage, 14901 Twent ---third Avenue NorTh on, Jurre '0'3. '1977. PRESENT: Omyor Hilde, Councilmen Neils, Seib -old and Spaeth, Manager Willis. Planner 011lerud, Enoineer Goldberg, Administrative Assistant Boy'ses anO Park Director Born, ABSENT: Councilman Hunt. FEWEST FOR Mayor Hilde stalled that he wished the Council to reconsider the mutter C011DITIONAL of the wind gerreretor project proposed by Mr. Cob Burandt. He said PERMIT4I111) that dut to additional time to study the issue and having personally COB BURANDT visited with Kr,. Burandt and visited the proposed site, he iiad come 14510 -13TH to the t-onclusion that the wind generator at the Burandt home should be approved. MOTION ,was grade by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to reconsider the Counc'V s action of March 21 denying the conditional use permit for a wind generator designed by Mr. Cob Burandt at the horn' of Mr. Rolf Erickson. Motion carried, two ayes, Councilman Seibold voted nay. Councilman Neils abstainer. Councilman Neils stepped dcvn from the table. Mayor Hilde indicated that he felt a conditional use permit coula be issued at the home of Mr. Cob Burandt as opposed to the original locepiun, First, he stated that this was an experimental project and Mould not, of itself, establish ` precedent. Second, that the windy generator would be on the property of Mr. Burandt who could more closely supervise the operation aid maintenance of the generator. Third, that the wind generator's structure would be well within side and back yard setbacks. Mayor HiIJe further indicated that he was impressed that Mr. Burandt had some good ideas and that. he may be able to make some contribution to the field of energy self-sufficiency through his experimentation. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, seconded by Councilman Spaeth,, to adopt (RESOLUTION NO. 77-288, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL 1)E PERMIT TO EXCEED HEIGHT LIMITATIONS IN AN R-1 ZONING DISTRICT FOR MR, COB BURANDT AT 14510 - 13TH AVENUE NORTH. Councilman Seibold wanted to know the distan,:e of the proposed tower from adjacent structures and what would happen if tho tower were to fall, 115- USE. GENERATOR AVENUE N. RLSOLUTION NO. 77-281 A WIM IT ION ALL USE PERMIT FOR WIND GENERATOR SPEC ,AL COUNCIL MEMANG June 13. 1977 Page 116 Mr. Burandt 60 feet away garage. indicated that the :%ofacent structures were at least from the wind generator except for hi, own house and Councilman Seibold asked what thn term of Mr. Burandt indicated that the experiment, the date the grant was approved. at which hit property, the experiment would be. was to go one year from time the material becomes MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, by adding Condition 3 calling for get.itioner to enter into an agree cent, drafted by the City Attorney and agreeable to the petitioner. providing that the petitioner will pay the costs .;f removing the wind generator if it has to be removed by the City. Motion fa amend carried, three ages. MOTION TO AMiND was nude by Councilma^ Selbold, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, by adding a Condition 2c that conditional use permit be reviewed after two years. Motion to amend carried, three ayes. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 77-287 as, as amended, carried on a Roll Call :cote, two ayes. Councilman Seibold voted nay. Mayor Hilde stated that he beli,ived that by the approval of this co,ditional use pe+nrit for a wind generator that the Council would not be disposed to approve similar requests unless and until the results of Mr. durandt's experiment demonstrate that the generation f electric power proves successful. Cuunc:lman Neils returned to the table. CENTRAL PARK CENTRAL 'ARK The Council and members of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission reviewed and discu4,sed the results of the Central Park bond election, thy! needs and -pans of satisfying those needs for parks in our community in the years ahead. Park and Recreation Advisory Commission members present were: Chairman Dick Williams, Barbara Edwards, Durand, Lim Guddal and Mary Getten. Mayor Hilde reviewed the background of the development of the plans for Central Park as well as discussed the reaction that he had received from voters following the election. He believed the City had several options, three of which were as follows: 1) do nothing; 2) use neighborhood parks for competitive tithletic purposes 3) improve existing facilities at other City parks ane school sites. 116- SPECIAL (URWCIt MEETING Jute 13, 1977 Page 117 Meobers of the Council and the Pari: &H Recreation Advf3ory Commission agreed that the fentnl Park concept was still val,.i and that the City should move ahead to acquire the land. It Was agreed that the City should consider going back to the voters in 1-2 years with another bond issue, althotgh the amount of the bona issue should be reduced and thepark likely developed in stages. In addition, the City should ensure that the na!ighbonccod park developmert move ahead smoothly and that park maintenance is improved. NOTION was made by Mayor 1411de, seconded by Councilmain Spaeth, that the Council - 1)P Acknowledge its responsibilit to the citizens by giving the citizens the best perk system as we can by: a) developing nei Aorhoad parks in 1977, as contracted; b) continuing the improved park maintenance program; c) trying to Improve existing City and/or school -comity playfield facilities as tete budget permits in order that these meet good recreational standards. 2) took at the Central Park planning in order that it may be packaged and taken to the voters in 1-2 years on a reduced scale; PRAC should consider and make recmwndations to the Council on the scope 0 such a program, including the staging. 3) finalize Council's cosition on the acquisition of land in Central Park. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, by adding Item ld) to provide for the improved or new community pl&yfields to be developed at a reasonable cost and to be undertaken in the tall of 1977. Moti4%n to amend carried, four ayes. MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Sr:ibuld, seconded b; Counci,man Neils, by adding Item 4 calling for neighborhoort parks to be scheduled for orgranized use as little as possible keeping in mina the purpose of such parks for neigh- borhood use. Motion to amend carried, four ayes. Main Motion, as amended, carried, four a_,es. MOTION 9,es made by Mayer Mi l de , seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to direct staff to proceed with the concept of negotiating the acquisition of 4611 land in Central Park ai previously proposed as follows: 1) apply federal state grant money to those areas 'east likely to be used for recreation 2) use grant money for down payments on contracts for deed and use City dedication funds to pay off contract payments; 3) contracts for deed to for land take-down on an annual or other periodic basis. Notion carried, four ayes, The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. e 11?- the the and purposes; park provide