HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 04-25-1977 SpecialPage 81 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING April 25, 1977 A special meeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:35 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Public Works Guil ing, 14900 Twenty- third Avenue North. on April 25, 1917. PRESENT: Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils and Seibold, Manager Willis, Planner Dillerud, Engineer Goldberg and Administrative Assistant Boyles. ABSENT: Councilman Spaeth. AWARD PRESENTATION Mayor Hilde presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Reg Kroskin in honor of his years of service on tha Planning Commissinn, MINUTES MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to approve the minutes of the April 18 regular Council meeting as submitted. Motion carried, three ayes. Councilman Hunt abstained. MOTION was made by Cnuncilman Hunt, seconded by Ccuncilman Neils, to approve the minutes of the April special Council meeting a st;hmirted. Notion carried, two ayes. Ciuncilmen Neils and Seibold abstained. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, RESOLUTION NO. 77-19 APPROVING OTTEN (A-705). Seibold,, .conded by Councilman 77-212, A RESOLUTION RESCINDING A LOT DIVISION FOR CLIFFORD L. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-213, A RE OLUTION APPROVING LOT DIVISION OF UNPLATTEI PROPERTY FOR CLIFFORD OTTEN (A-705). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Engineer Goldberg reported on his meeting with Dick O'Falion. Chairman of the Bassett Creek Flood Control Commission and discussed with Council the pros and corgi; of removing the upstream area along Plymouth Creek from the Bassett Creek Flood Control Commission mOagement enovelope. 81- MINI!TES - REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 189 1977 Item 5a MINUTES - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 20, 1977 Item 5b RESOLUTION NO. 77-212 RESCIN his U i I NO. 77-19 Item 6 RESOLUTION N0, 77-213 APP96VING LOT 017iSM OF UNPLATTED PROPERTY CLIFFORD OTTEN (A400 Item 6 BASSETT CREEK FLOOD CONTROL COkivl I SS I ON REPORT Item 7 Special Council Meeting April 25, 1977 Page b2 NOTION was made by Councilman Nel ls, seconded by Counci leen Hunt, to direct staff to rEguest the Bassett. Creek Flood Control Commission to retain the upstream area along Plymouth Creek in its management envelope. Motion carried, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION MO. 77-214, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR CIMARRON PONDS ADDITION IN THE AMOUNT OF 669875.07. Motijn carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, tu adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-2159 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0, 9 IN THE AMOUNT OF $100939.25 TO NODLAND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PROJECT NO. 507, BASS LAKE AREA IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-2166 A PESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN; THE MAYOR AND MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES COVERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OUTLET S'RUCTURE AND FISH BARRIER FOR BASS LAKE. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Engineer Goldberg revio.ted the alternate routes planned to bypass Highway 101 during construction. Manager Willis reviewed the proposed timetable for construction of City Hail. Bill Fay, project architect, discussed with the Council dates for advertising for bids for the City Hall project. The consensus was that the target date for advertising for bids should be July 1 anticipating opening bids the first week of August. Mr. Fay reviewed the site plan for City Hall and the proposed grading of the area. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to direct staff to have the street grade established for Niagara from 34th Avenue North to the end of the City property. Motion carried, four ayes. Mr. Fay reviewed the proposed layout of office space for the first and second levels of City Hall. Council discussed the plans and virious alternates, proposed building materials, solar energy proposals and various energy-saving devices. Council recessed from 10:27 P.M. to 10:35 P.M. 82. RESOLU i'I ON NO. 77-214, ADOPTING ASSESSREVT CIMARRON PONDS ADDN. Item 8 RESOLUTION NO. 77-215 REQUEST FOR PROJECT NO. 607 BASS LAKE AREA Item 9 RESOLUTION NO. 77-216 AUTRURIZ I G AGREEMENT WITH DNR FOR OUTLET STRUCTURE FOR BASS LAKE PROJECT NO. 607 HIGHWAY 101/C.R. 6 PROJECT NO. 506 CITY HALL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT REPORT Item 10 ki Special Council Meeting April 25. M"o Page 83 Council discussed the results of the Central Park bond referendum. Mayor Hilde specified the following questions that must be answered: 1) Now will we provide for additional park facilities that are needed? 2) How extensive a park system does the public want? 3) Mould a smaller Central Park 5e desirable? d) Shall land acquisition for a Central Park continue? The Mayor proposed soaking a scientific survey to provide valid and reliable answers to these questions and allow the Council to make a final decision on the future of the park system. There was f:urt%er discussion of the concept of the City's park development orfr"I"am. EMOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt. to direct staff to develop plans for a voter survey to determine in some degree of detail the message Nhfnd the bond referendUM with the objective of determining gaadelines for future planning. Motion carried. four ayes. Councilman Neils requested that staff present a proposal of specific: items to be explored and a specific plan by which those items world be explored, i .e. , telephone survey, mail questionnaire, etc. and whether or not professional help would be needed to design or carry out the survey. TAere was a discussion of the future disposition of the Park Indication Fund. Tke meeting was adjourned at 11:15 R.M. 83. CENTRAL PARK BOND REF:.. =M REVIEW I UA 11 C?'y Clerk