HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 03-07-19770 Page 45 M I N U T E S REG'LAR COUNCIL MEETING March 7, 1977 A regular meeting of the Plymouth City Council was called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:40 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- thivd Avenue North. on March 7. 1977. PRESENT: Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Planner Dillerud. Engineer Goldberg and Attorney Lefler, ABSENT: None. MINUTES MOTION wis made by Councilman Hunt, to approve the minutes Counci 1 mx%eting as submi tted. Motion carried, five ayes. Seibold, seconded by Councilman of the Febr tary 28 special PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMr1UNICATIO_NS Planner Dillerud reviewed the final plat for Chippewa Trails for Lundgren Bros. Construction, Inc. (A498). There was a discus- sion on the continuation of the water main to 28th Avenue and abatement of assessments. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Cnuncilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-120, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR "CHIPPEWA TRAILS" FOR LUNDGREN BROS, CONSTRICTION, INC. (A498). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. MOTION was mace by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adjpt RESOLUTION NO. 77-121, A RESOLUTION SETTING CONDITIONS 10 BE MET PRIOR TO FILING OF FINAL PLAT FOR CHIPPEWA TRAILS" FOR LUNDGREN BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. adding Item 3 requiring that sewer, water and street completion to 28th Avenue be included in the Gpvelopment Contract (A-498). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. MOTTOM was made by Councilman Sei"Id, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-122, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR "SCHMIDT LAKE ESTATES" FOR LUNDGREN BROS, CONSTRUCTION, INC. (A-647). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. 15- MINUTES - SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 1977 Item 4 RESOLUTION NO, 77-120 APPROVING FINAL PLWT DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT CHIPPEWA TRAILS - LUNDGREN BROS. (A-498) Item 5-A-1 RESOLUTION NO. 77-121 SETTTN6-CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT - CHIPPEWA TRAILS LUNDGREN BIROS. !s-498) Item 5-A-1 RESOLUTION NO. 71'-122 DEVELOPMLNT CONTRACT SCHMIDT LAKE ESTATES LUNDGREN BROS. (A-647) Regular Council Meeting March 7, 1977 Page 46 MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION y0. 77-1230 A RESOLUTION SETTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FILING FINAL PLAT FOR "SCHMIDT LAKE ESTATES" FOR LUNDGREN BROS, CONSTRUCTION, INC. (A-647). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. RESOLUTION NO. 77-123 SETTING CONDITIONS FOR FINAL PLAT FOR SCHMIDT LAKE ESTATES LUNDGREN BROS.(A-647) Item 5-A•2 Planner Dillerud reviewed final Plat for Ferndale North 2nd Addition and the Manager's memorandum dated March 2, 197, proposing an open space preserve for the development rather than a neighbor- hood park. There followed a lengthy discussion of these alteratives. Peter Pflaum, Lundgren Bros, Construction, Inc. reviewed for Council the propo'sig plan for a neighborhood park within the development, but stated their preference would t7e to leave the area as an open r.pace preserve. MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-124, A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR "FERNDALE NORTH 2ND ADDITION" FOR L;INOGREN BROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. (A-615). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. MOTION was made by Counci`man Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-125, A RESOLUTION SETTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF FINAL. PLAT FOR "FERNDALE NORTH 2NO ADDITION" FOR LUNDGREN OROS. CONSTRUCTION, INC. riith the addition of Item 2 calling for completion of plans and specifi- cations for Outlot A as a natural park preserve as specified in It;Rm 13.1 of the Development Contract prior to Development Ci%ntract executio t. RESOLUTION N0, 77-124 APPROVING L "P'L& DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FERNDALE NORTH 2ND ADON, LUNDGREN BROS. (A-615) Item 5-A-3 RESOLUTION NO. 77-125 SffTW C S FOR FINAL PLAT FOR FERNDALE NORTH 2ND AODN. - LUNDGREN BROS. A-615) Item 5-A-3 MTI ON TO AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by COUFICi loran hunt, by addition of Item 3 .,equiring the Develapns3nt Contract provide for maintenance of Outlot A. i.e. watering of park improve- ments, to a reasonable level until such time that the c^ntiguous areas are accepted for completion of the development re,uirew.nts under the development contract or three growing seasons, whichever s completed earlier. Motion to amend carried, four ayes. Councilman Sraeth abstained. Motion to adola' Resolution No. 77-1 5 as amended carried on a Roll Cal` %1^te, four ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. MOTION was made by Mayor Hilde, direct staff to bring back the approval before proceeding. Motion carried, five ayes, seconded by Councilman Spaeto, to above conditions to Council for final Dare] Swenson, Chairman of the Human Rights Commission, revlew,d the proposed Rules of Pro-edure for claims filed by citizens with the Human Rights Commission. aINE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION REPORT Item 6-A 1t. Regular Counci i Meeting March 7, 1977 Page 47 NDTION was wade by Mayor to approve -she proposed Commission as submitted. Hilde, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, Rules of Procedure for the Human Rights Motich carried, five ayes. Darel $tenson then requested Council to approve a proposal for an in-service Human Rights Workshop 'or City employees to be conducted in cooperation with the Cities of Wayzata, Minnetrista, Mound, Crystal and Spring Park. The purpose of the workshop is to au,ke City employees aware of 1) the content of the Minnesota Lawt 2) the background for Minnesota Lax and Civil Rights act, 3) prohibitions that arise under those sta utes, and 4) the rulings of the Department of Human Rights at state level. Mr371ft was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to generally endorse the program proposed by the Human Rights CourA scion for an in-service seminar. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-126, A RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAUS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR PRON'ECT NOS. 616, 617, ZlPL 619 AND 620 - NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried 5n a Roll Call rote, five ayes. Council discussed the cost of of keeping the parks watered. Park maintenance and various means Engineer Goldberg reviewed preliminary report for improvements on 23rd Avenue North, Project No. 702, Mr. Norris, Advance Machine Company, reviewed his company's plans or devellopiwnt 1n the area for Council. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-127, A RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT FOR 23RD AVENUE NORTH UTILITIES, PROJECT NO. 702, for April 4, 1977 at 7;30 P.M. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to direct the City Manager to have the City Engineer and Consulting Engineer begin discussions with the Highway Department promptly on their participation in the project. Motion carried, five ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-128, A RESOLUTIOR RESCINDING RESOLUTION N0.,r, APPROVING ASSESSMCNT REDUCTION FOR PROPOSED CHIPPEWA TRAILS, RESOLUTION NO. 77-126 APPROVINd SS ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS -NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS NOS, 6169 6179 61 A , 619 a 620 Item 5-C RESOLUTION X10. 77-127 RECE ING REPORT- A CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS -23RD AVE. NORTH UTILITIES Pk3JECT N0, 702 Item d-0 RESOLUTION NO. 77-128 REQS ANDING" SO WMA N0. A ' - Item 5-E Regular C.ount;l sleeting March 7. 1977 Page 4,8 Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilmen Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to ad*jpt RESOLU1 ION NO. 77-129, A RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT IEDUCTION FOR PROPOSED CHIPPEWA f RAILS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was male by Councilman hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to -adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-130. A RESOLUTION APPROVING INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT INTERSECTION OF T.H. 55 AND NIAGARA LANE. Notion ckirr'led on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. REPORTS OF 3FFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS MOTION was made Dy Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 771-1311 A RESG!.UTIOH ENDORSING PASSAGE OF A BILL ALLOWIN(j A PRELIMINARY TABULATION OF BALLOT CARDS UNDER ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM p:'3n PERMITTING THE PUBLICATION OF THESE UNOFFICIAL RESULTS. Motion carrie4 on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 77-132, A RESOLUTION ENDORSING PASSAGIE OF A BILL PERMITTING ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS FOR ABSENTEE VOTERS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Mayor Hilde adhourned the meeting at 9;30 P.M. 48- RESC!LUTION N0, 77-129 A t ING ASSESSM REDUCTION FOR PROPOSED CHIPPEWA TRAILS RESOLV,!ON NO. 77-130 APMV7.46 7RArM SMNALS AT T.H. 55 AND NIAGARA LANE RESC%L(.'.'ION NO. 77-131 ADM 1 Z R. F, IWWLOWI NG PRELIMINARY TABULATION OF BALLOT CARDS AND PUBLICATION OF UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Item 6-B RESOLUTION NO. 77-132 ENORSING K.F. 535 PERMITTING ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS FOR ABSENTEE VOTERS Item 6-8 i.oret a Garrity City Clerk i