HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 12-13-1976 SpecialPage 298 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING' December 13, 1976 A special meeting of the Plymouth City Cooncil was called to order by Acting Mayor Hunt at 4:10 P.M. in the Council Cambers of they Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty-Phird Avenue North, on December 13, 1976. PRESENT: Councilmen Hunt, Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Planner Dillarud, Engineer Goldberg, Administrative Assistant Kreager, and Park 6 Recreation Advisory Commission Chairman Dick Williams. Councilman Nells arrived at 4:30 P.M. and Mayor Hilde arrived of 5:35 P.M. Wehrman Chapman Associates was represented by Roy Anderson and Max Norton. ABSENT: None, City Manager Willis made a brief review of the information contLined in th:e most recent handout from Wehrman Chapman Associates to the City Council. Mr. Willis ton introdr!_ed Mr. Roy Anderson and Mr. Max Norton of Wehrman Chapman Associates. Mr. Anderson reviewed the recommendation that was proposed by the Park and Recreation Advise-fty Commission. Mr. Norton reviewed Lhe various planning and refinement phases that the consultants conducted as a part of the overall study for the Central Park. Mr. Norton and Mr. Anderson then responded Co questions Trom the members of the Council. Councilman Neils awrived at 4:30 P.M. Dick Williams, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Advisory Commission, briefly reviewed for the Council information derived from the various public informational meetings and study sessions that the Park and Recreation. Advisory Commission had conducted. Mr. Williams then reviewed the PRAC's recommendation for the Central Pari; concept plan which was responsive to the ideas that Plymouth residents voiced at the various public informational meetings. Members of the Council then discussed the phasing of the development of the facilities that are proposed in the revised Scheme 3 which was recommended by ne Park and Recreation Advisory Commission. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Seibold to approve in concept the southern parameter alignment of 34th Avenue North rati.ir than proposing alignment through the Central Park and that the land residual to the south of this 34th Avenue North alignment not be considered a part of the Cent0al Park nor should it be improved as a part of the overall park development. Motion carried, four ayes. Mayor Hi lde arrived at 5:35 P.M. a Special Council Meeting Dember 13. 1976 Page 299 MOTION was made by Councilman Seibold, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-70F9 A RES0LUTI)N APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE RECOMMENDED MODIFIED VERSION OF SCHEME 3 AS PRESENTED BY THF PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION AND PREPARED BY WEHRMPN HAPMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR CENTRAL PARK PLAN TO BE LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH. Motion carried on a Rtill Call vote, five ayes. Mayor Hilde: then brioVy reviewed the park planning efforts still to be acca-plisUe) by PPAC and the City Council. These efforts are primarily focused upon the phasing of the park development and the fiscal planning for the park development. Mayor Hilde indicated th;ct these two planning elements must he accomplished prior to the approval of the artliminary plans far the Central Park in%irovcment project. Mayor Hilde adjourned --h. meeting at 5:40 P.M. 299- RESOLUTION NO. 76-705 Abu FG—CONCEPT PLAN -CENTRAL PARK DESIGN -DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH (A-94) Page 300 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING December 13, 1976 A special meeting of the Piyowuth r'.ty Council wss called to order by Mayor Hilde at 7:35 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the Public Works Building, 14900 Twenty- third Avenue North, on December 13, 1976. PRESENT: Mayor Hilde, Councilmen Hunt, Neils, Seibold and Spaeth, Manager Willis, Planner Dilierud, Engineer Goldberg, Administrative Assistant Kreager arid Attorney Lefler. ABSENT: adne. PUBLIC HEARING - D014NTOWN PLyM( TH UTILITIES b :STREETS Manager Willis reviewed the project for streets for the Downtown Plymouth area. reviewed in more detail the improvements Phases 1, Ii and III of the project, proposed utilities and Consulting Fvq lneer Olson and costs proposed for Mayor Hildeopened the ptblic hearing ht 7:50 P.M. Bill Cavanaugh, 2015 N. Aquila Lane, asked that his property in Phase 11 be included in the sewer and water lateral project being considered. 11layor Hilde replied tnat his request would be noted. Beatrice Jordan, 15530 County Road 9, asked for clarification of ow far north the improvements would oe extended in Phase III. Engineer Olson replied the Improvements in Phase III will come up the creak to Vicksburg and up to new County Road 9. Tha hearing was dosed at 8:02 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING DOWNTOWN PLYMOUTH ARE. Fit UTILITIES 6 STREETS Mayor Hilde directed staff to prepare: i' an estimate of lateral cots where trunk lines might be used for lateral sewer and water; 2) the same kind of fund analysis for i$SA; ane 3) an opportunity list enumerating all of the ways of reducing the costs of this project. Engin"r Olson stated that the pond shown adjacent to Central Park is a major storm watt.. facillt, and the drainage ilmn will have to be reviewed by the Bassett Creek Watershed District. Enginekr Gc,ldberg replied that he will roview the adopted Central Park plan and come back to Council with a proposed drainage plan study at the December 20 Council meeting. PE_ T1fiIONS RE UF.STS,AND COMMUNICAT;ONS MOTION was made by Ccurrci lman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION NO, 76-706, 11 RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLAT AND CONVITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SUBDIVISION UNIT PROJECT FOR CH VPEWA TKAILS FOR LUNDGR.r,N BROS, CONSTRUCTION_. INC. ,A-498). MOT IOC; til AMEND was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, by aiding Condition 7 requiring that developnent contract include spe%,ifit pro -visions to prevent washing soils and 300- RESOLUTION NO. 76-706 ROV I 1G I , LTT CONDITIONAL USE ?ERMIT SUP FOR CHIPPEWA TRAIL LUNDGPFN BROS. (A-498; I teen S - B Special Council Meeting December 13, 1976 Page 301 sedimentation into lake during subdivision constructioA and Condition 8 requiring final design to include on-site treatment of surface drainage and ", ergy dissipation facillcties as necessary. Motion to amend carried, five ayes. Motion to adopt Rerulutioa No. 76-706 as amended carried on a Roll Call vote. fair ayes. Councilman Spaeth abstained. Planner Diilerud reviewed Rolf Erickson's request for conditional use persnit and variance for wind generator at his residence. 14520 - 12th Avenue North. Rolf Erickson and Cob Burandt replied to Council's questions a;lout the noise factor of the wind generator. Councilman Neils felt the tower was not in ccnfonnanr:e with the zoning ordinance for the area and that as the area was developed the tower and barrery house miyht be object'ional to neighbors. Councilman Hunt expressed concern about the noise factor and was afraia that iF the noise factor was such as to become a public nuisance, the condi ional use remit could not be renewed, thus causing the petitioner a financial hardship due to the investment involved. He felt 63 -re was not enough information relative to the noise that would be created for him to vote for approval of the conditional use permit. Councilman Spaeth expressed interest it the Project and suggktsted it might be experimented with in a less developed area. MOTION was made by Councilman. Neils, seconded by Co.rncilman SeiIsold, to adiy!b RESOLUTION NO. 76-707, A RESOLUTION DENYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 60 FT. WIND GENERATOR FOR ROLF ERICKSON (A-,701). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was mavi by Councilman Hunt, second'ad by Councilman Nrils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-708, A RESOLU1ION DENYING VARIANCE FROM ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ROLF ERICKSON 'A-701). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilmar, Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-709, A RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FC1 SALE OF LUMBER AND FIREWOOD FOR VICTOR SORENSON (A-694). MOTION TO AMEND was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, by requiring that fencing be provided to screen the lumber and firewood from Highway S5 vie;#. Motion to amend carried, five ayes. 11 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WIND rENERATOR FOR ROLr ERICKSON (A-701) Ite 4r 5-C-1 n RESOLUTION NO. 76-707 DENYING CUP FOR IJTND 1ENERATOR ROLF ERICKSON (A-701) Rk'SOLUTION NO. 76-708 DENYING VARIANCYTW ZONING ORDINANCE ROLF ERICKSON (A-701) RESOLUTION NO. 76-709 APPRNING CUP FOR SALE OF LUMBER & FIREWOOD FOR VICTOR SORENSON (A-6)4 Item 5-C-2 MOTION TO AMEND was made by Playor Hilde, seconeed by Councilmar Spaeth, requiring that the lumber in the area be consolidated and the premises be cleaned up, Motion to amend carried,, five ayes. 301- Special Council Meeting December 13, 1976 Page 302 Motion to adopt Resolution No. 76-709 as amended carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Councilmen Neils and Seibold voted nay. MOTION was mode by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-7109 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 3, 1977 AT 7:30 P.M. AN THE F,.JPOSED VACATION OF UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS WITHIN uLOCK 2, CIkCLE STAR BUSINESS CENTER FIRST ADDITION (A4')0 b A-695). Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconder, by Councilman Seibold, to adopt RESOLUTION 10. 76-7119 A RESOLUTION ORDERING PUBLIC HEARING ON JANUARY 3, 1977 AT 7:30 P.M. ON THE PROPOSED VACATION OF LANCASTER LANE BETWEEN LANCASTR LANE AS NOW CON- STRUCTED AND COUNTY ROAD 9 A'S NOW CONSTRUCTED: NATHAN LANE BETWEEN NATHAN LANE AS NOW CONSTRUCTED AND COUNTY ROAD 9 AS NOW CONSTRUCTED; AND COUNTY ROAD 9 BETWEI:N LANCASTER LANE AND COUNTY ROAD 18 (A-683). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, fivie ayes. MOTn was made by Councilmart Spaeth, -;econded by Councilman Hjn;, to adopt RESOLUT1,ON NO. 76-712, A RESOLUTION RECEIVING FREi.IMINARY REPORT AND ORDERING I*P OVEMEOT - STREET LIGHTING FOR SCHMIDT LAKE WEST ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, four ayes. Councilman Neils abstained. t!nTION was made by Councilman Speeth, seconded by Councilmen Neil's, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-713, A RE30LUTION AUTHORIZING ABATEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 44157-3010 GkEN ERIE ADDITION IN THE 4MOUNT 01' $717.60. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes. Councilwn Hunt and Neils voted nay. MOTION was made by Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-714, A RESOLUTION p-'IrTING ASSESSMENT FOR LOTS 29 AND 38 OF AI!GITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 333 43740-7600). Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. Councilman Hunt reque.ted that the bord reduction for Ambev Woods be rev+owed along with Item 5-N on the agenda. 302- RESOLUTION NO. 76-710 ORDERINGC RWNG VACATION OF UTILITY 6 DRAINAGE EASEMENTS BLOCK 2, CIRCLE STAR CENTER IST ADDITION A-700 A A-695) Item S -E -1b2 RESOLUTION NO, 76-711 BERING N LIT HEARING VACATION OF PORTIONS OF LANCASTER LANE, NATHAN LANE b C.R, 9 (A-683) Itam 5-E-3 RESOLUTION NO 76-712 RECERiNG'RELIRW REPORT AND ORDERING IMPROVEMENT-S7REET LIGHTING SCHMIDT LAKE WEST ADDITION Item 5-F RESOLUTION N0, 76-713 ABATEMENT OF PUNT ASSESSMENTS 44157-3010 GLEN ERIE ADDITION Item 5-G RESOLUTION NO. 76-714 ADOPTINGS S LOTS 29 b 38 AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 333(43740-7600) Item 5-H BOND REDUCTION AMBER WOODS Item 5-I-1 Special Council Meeting December 13, 1976 Page 303 MOT10a was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman SP;,eth, to defer action on the bond reduction for Greentree West Addition till the December 20 Council meeting and to instruct the Engineer to communicate to Mr. Nelson the Council's feeling that it is his responsibility to solve the problem as far as the lateral assessment is concerned. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neil:v seconded Hunt, that should this matter of assessment on lot not be resolved by the December 20 Council incremental addition should be made to the net of the bond o include one and one-hvlf times portion to be recovered. Motion carried, five ayes. cy Councilman Mr. Nelson's meeting, an reduction value the unassessed MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-715, A RES91-01ON REDUCING BOND FOR FAIRFIELD ESTATES ADDITION. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ,dyes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coancilman Neils, to adopt, RESOLUTION NO. 76-716. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING UTILITIES AND STREETS AND REDUCING BOND FOR MISSION RIDGE ADDITION. Motion carried or a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was mado by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Coutici lman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-717, A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR USED WATER TRUCK TO B.A. BEGIN 8 SONS IN THE PMOUNT OF $7l500. Motion carried on a Roll Cali vote, five ayes. Council reviewed t -p bids submitted and mechanical construction of Fire alternates. There was a discussion of delaying the project till spring. BOND REDUCTION GREENTREE WEST AO Item 5-I-2 RESOLUTION NO. 76-715 REDUCING BOND FAIRFIELD ESTATES Item 5-I-3 RESOLUTION NO. 7F-716 REDUC I IGIND MISSION RIDGE LUNDGREN BROS . Item 5-I-4 FOR ADDITION RESOLUTION NO. 7r-717 AWARDING E IR USED WATER TRUCK Item 5-J for the general, electrical AWARD OF BIDS Station No. 2 and the various FIRE STATION NO. ? of the financial implications Item 5-K MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt. secunded by Councilman Neil;, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-718, A RESOLU'rION .AWARDING BID FOR GENERAL CQNSTRUCTICN OF FIVE STATION NO. ?. TO a.M. CATES CONSTRUC'T'ION COMPANY ACCEPIING ALTERNATE NO. G-4 AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR AND CLERK 10 ENTER IKTO CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS IN HE AMOUNT OF $216,459. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, three ayes, Councilmmn Spaeth and Seibold voted nay. 303- RESOLUTION NO. 76-718 W WAD NG BIMOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FIRE STATION NO. 2 Special Council meeting December 13, 1976 Page 304 NOTION wits made by Councilman Haif., seconded by Couc ci;man Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0. 76419, A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION FOR FIRE STATION NO. 2 TO J. kCLt'4.E KELLEY L014PANY DEDUCTING ALTERNATES N-4, M-5 ANI) H-6 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND :'LERK TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEM.NTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4::,875. Motion c&rried on a Roll Call vote, five i yes. NOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTIGN NO. 76-720, A RfSOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION OF FIRE STATION NO. 2 TO CONSERVATION SYSTEMS DEDUCTING ALTERNATES E••3 AND E-4 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE AMOUNT OF 00239312. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth. requiring that certification information for each contractor be provided before contra;:ts are executed. Motion tarried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Seibuld, to adopt RESOLUTION N3. 76-7219 A RESOLUTION APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,268.00 TO ALEXANDER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PROJEC' N0, 6049 ZACHARY LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, fire ayes. MOTION was male by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Leuncilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-722, A RESOLUTION RPPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 IN THE AM'J!INT OF $120800 TO VEIT 6 COMPANY, INC. FOR PROJECT NO, 612 LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-123, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 16 IN THE AMOUNT OF $85,979.47 TO CHICAGO BRIDGE b IRAN COMPANY FOR PROJECT NG. 402-001, ELEVATED WATER TOWER. Notioi carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes, MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Bunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-724, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON PEQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 8 AND FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $37,841.98 TO ALEXr%DER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PROJECT NO. 5049 LACHARY LANE I.,TREET IMPROVEMENTS. Motion carried on a Roll call rote, five ayes. 304- RES I O, 1 D 719 AWMPOR MECHANICAL COMSTRUCTION FIRE STATION NO. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 76-720 URDING BID FOR ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION FIRE STATION N0, 2 RESOLUTION NO. 76-721 AMPROVING CHANGE ORDER ZACHARY LANG STREETS PROJECT 504 Item 5-L RESOLUTION NO. 76-722 APPROVING MANGE UM LARCH LANE STREETS PROJECT 612 Item 5-L-2 RESOLUTION NO. 76-723 REQUEST FOR FAYMENT ELEVATcD WATER TOWER PROJECT 402-001 Item 5-M-1 RESOLUTION N0, 76-724 TMST MR PAYMENT ZACHARY LANE STREETS Item 5-M-2 Special Council Meeting December 13. 1976 Page 305 NOTION was made by Councilman Bunt, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-7259 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT Pt4. 6 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1699600.14 TO NODLAND ASSOCIATES. INC. FCR PROJECT 6079 BASS LAKE UTILITIES. Motion carried on a Roll %'11 vote, five ayes. MOTION was made y Councilman Spaeth, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76426, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT Ch REQUEST FOR PAYMENT N0, 3 IN THE AMOUNT OF $649227.58 TO VEIr b COMPANY FOR PROJECT 6129 LARCH LANE STREET IMPROVEMENT. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded k!i CouneA lman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION N0, 76-7270 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $39505.18 TO SOLIDIFICATION, INC. FOR SANITARY SEWER TELEVISING. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, fi•te ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-728, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMEPT ON REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. F AAD FINAL IN THE AMOUNT OF 449963.39 TO HARORIVES, INC. FOR 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Motion carried on a Rnll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councifinin Hunt,, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, DECLARING OUTLOT A. NIMER WOODS (EXCEPT TRAIL) AS SUkPLUS AND NOT .1EEIjED FOR PARK 111IRPOSES AND CALLING PUBLIC HEAPING ON JANUARY 17, 1977. Motion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. REFORTS OF OFFICERS BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Manager Wi!iis reviewed the of tl'w, Plymouth :'ty Code. strictly the Code should be amending the Code to reduce standaru's for fire lanes in chapter There followed a discussion of hov enforced and the implications our standards for fire lanes. RESOLUTmN N0, REQUEMMM BASS LAKE AREA UTILITIES PROJECT 607 Item 5-M-3 REQRESOLUTION N0. 76-726 UEST FORLARCHLANESTREETS PROJECT 612 Item 5-M-1 RESOLUTION NO. 76-727 REQUEST FORPA SANITARY SEWER TELEVISING Item 5-M-5 RESOLUTION NO. 76-728 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT 1976 STREET IMPROVEMENT Item 5-M-6 RESOLUTION NO. 76-728A MTET . I C HEARING - OUTLOT A, AMBER IJOODS (A-3714) Item 5-N VI REPORT ON FIRE LANES Item 6-A MOTION was maoe by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilrran Neil;, to change our procedure by requiring fire lanes to be pictorially shown on site plans prEsented to Council. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Neils, seconded by Councilman Hunt, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-729, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MANAGER TO E`dTFR INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN ANIMAL PATROL SERVICE, INC. FOR ANIMAL PATROL SERVICES FOR OFE YEA* COMMENCING OANUARY 1, 1977. Motion carried o, a Roll C, -Al vote, five ayes. 305- RESOLUTION NG, 76-'29 Item 5-B 1 1 Special Council Meeting December 13, 1476 Page 306 Cauncilnan Spaeth reviewed proposed changes in the .izy's voting precinct boundaries. MOTION was jade by Councilman Neils, seconded Ly Courcflman Hunt, to direct staff to prepare a resolution to rmep ninct the City in accordance with the 12 -precinct plan proposed by Councilman Spaeth with iinor modifications where necessary for the December 20 Council meeting. Motion carried, five ayes. MOTION was made by Payor Hi lde, seconded by Councilman Neils, to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 76-1309 A RESOLLTION RELAYING TO 549075,.000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1974: AUTHORIZING CALLING SAID BONDS FOR RCOEMPTI (IN . Notion carried on a Roll Call vote, five ayes. MOTION was made by Councilman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Spaeth, to direct staff to proceed with the procedure for "he sale of old City Hall. Motion carried, five ayes. Mayor Hilde adjourned 'the meeting at 10:30 P.M. 306- VOTING PRECINCTS Item 6-C RESOLUTION NO. 76-730 XOTHORIZING CAILIW 1974 GENERAL IMPROVJ4ENT BONDS A oret a Girrity City Clerk